Research News
Experts from Scotland and Ireland's space sectors gathered to explore new opportunities for growth and how the industry can support a sustainable, low-carbon future.
The ‘Growing the Space Economy Together’ event, held at the University of Strathclyde’s Technology and Innovation Centre on February 27, featured keynote speeches from MSP Angus Robertson, Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, and Jerry O’Donovan, the Consul General of Ireland in Edinburgh.
(Pictured (L-R): Prof Lorraine Hanlon, UCD VP for Research, Innovation and Impact Prof Kate Robson Brown, Associate Principal and Executive Dean of Engineering at University of Strathclyde Prof Stephen McArthur, and Prof Malcolm Macdonald)
The conference addressed findings from the Ireland-Scotland Joint Bilateral Review, designed to shape future collaboration between the two nations. Attendees also saw real-world applications of space technology, including from the National Space Subsystems and Payloads Initiative (NSSPI), hosted at UCD, which is driving advancements in space technology development in partnership with industry including Irish companies Réaltra, Ubotica, Altera, mBryonics, Equal1 and ÉireComposites.
This conference followed the success of the inaugural event in Dublin in February 2024, which brought together over 80 delegates from academia, industry, and government.
A significant milestone at the event was the signing of a partnership agreement
between the University of Strathclyde and UCD to support collaboration in space-related research and activities.
One of three conference keynote speakers, Angus Robertson said: “Collaboration is at the core of our success. Scotland and Ireland have so much to offer each other, and it is truly inspiring to see our partnership expand into new frontiers, particularly in space. By working together, we can develop solutions that drive economic prosperity, scientific discovery, and environmental sustainability - not just for our countries, but for the world.”
Irish Consul General to Scotland, Jerry O’Donovan said: “With the global space sector expected to reach $1 trillion in value by 2030, there are wonderful opportunities for Irish and Scottish companies and researchers to collaborate in the period ahead. The work done to date by the University of Strathclyde and UCD in terms of previous conferences and the MoU for additional collaboration will provide an important focal point for the space sectors in both countries.”
Central to the relationship is the UCD C-Space Centre, the country’s leading centre for interdisciplinary collaborative space-related research, innovation and education. Director of UCD C-Space, who led the project to launch Ireland’s first satellite in 2023, EIRSAT-1, and Professor of Astronomy at UCD School of Physics, Professor Lorraine Hanlon is a national leader driving Ireland’s participation in space missions and the development of national space research strategy. She said “As we advance Ireland’s space research and innovation, we take inspiration from Scotland’s successes. This conference is a chance to hear first-hand from some of the major industry and research leaders behind exciting recent space sector developments and explore opportunities for new collaborations and partnerships across the full space ecosystem.”
Professor Malcolm Macdonald, Chair of Applied Space Technology at the University of Strathclyde, has played a key role in developing Scotland’s space sector. He contributed to the launch of Scotland’s first spacecraft, UKube-1, in 2014, and has since helped position Glasgow as a global hub of space sector activity. He is also Visiting Professor at UCD C-Space centre, Vice-Chair of the UK Space Agency’s Space Technology Advisory Committee, and has helped shape UCD’s space activities. He said: “Space is vital to provide us with the knowledge we require about our Earth in support of the NetZero transition, in supporting rural, island, and coastal communities, and so many other joint priorities of our two governments. Which is why this event is so exciting, it builds on the momentum of both countries fast-growing space sectors to build collaborations that will make life better here on Earth.”
Realtra were among the Irish companies participating at the conference, Dr Ronan Wall, Chief Programme Officer of Realtra and Adjunct Professor of UCD C-Space, said: "Realtra are delighted to continue our support of this event. We have found our commercial and R&I interests are closely aligned with several of the leading space companies in Scotland. As Ireland continues to grow successful space companies and capabilities, this event allows us to connect with like-minded Scottish partners for potential collaborations."
UCD C-Space is soon to kick-off a European Space Agency (ESA)-funded study, led by UCD, in partnership with Glasgow company AAC Clyde Space. The project builds on the team's winning idea in ESA's SysNova Challenge for 'Innovative Mission Concepts Enabled by Swarms of CubeSats.'
According to the latest UK Space Industry report, Scotland’s 228 space organisations generated a combined income of £298 million (€359 million) in 2021/22—nearly double the reported income recorded in 2018/19 (adjusted for inflation).