
Identify Funding Opportunity

Looking to stay updated on funding opportunities in your area?

  1. Click on the green Open Calls button on the left to see currently open calls. This will also link you to open funding opportunities on the Research Management System (RMS).
  2. Read our Research Bulletin which is emailed to all colleges every 2 weeks (we do issue this on a weekly basis where necessary due to increased activity activity in the national and international research landscape requiring more frequent notifications).
  3. Subscribe to Research Professional and create tailored ongoing alerts for funding opportunities in your field and/or your career stage.
  4. Save the links to our 2024-5 Proposal Support Team Calendar (updated 26 February 2025) (national & international- refer to Research Professional for further funding opportunities) and Horizon Europe 2024 Call Calendar (Pillar 2 Clusters & Widening).

What is Research Professional? A research funding database to which UCD subscribes and which is accessible by all UCD researchers on campus. It is also accessible to all researchers offsite with a registered account. The database has functions allowing for funding searchers and ongoing notifications, news and funding insights, information relating to previous awardees and calls for papers for conferences and journals. 

  • Link: Research Professional 
  • The database pulls in calls from Irish National Funding Agencies, the European Commission, UK Research Councils, US Federal Government, right down to private charities and associations.
  • Searches can be carried out by discipline, subject, research area or career stage. Searches can be saved and set up as email alerts which will send relevant funding opportunities directly to your email in box. Searchers can be built, used and amended as suits each researcher.
  • News content can be found by clicking on the "News" tab in the top tollbar. Here news is organised under a number of topic headings. The first page will detail the latest content along with navigation options allowing focus on a particular topic area.
  • Updates on a topic such as "Europe" or "Views" can be received regularly. This is set up by navigating to the relevant topic page and clicking the 'Email me updates' button. Clicking on this is a registration for daily updates collected in a single email. If these updates are no longer required the 'Turn off updates' button can be clicked. 
  • The Funding Insights function is a collection of additional news and data aimed at helping researchers decide which opportunities to apply for and to help make stronger applications. 
  • The Research Professional Awards function provides information on previous award winners under various (not all) funding calls and agencies.
  • The conferences section consists of detailed comprehensive information about calls for papers with deadlines regarding forthcoming conference and special issues of scholarly journals aimed at researchers looking for opportunities to present and publish their research. 
  • The "Our Institution" section contains shared resources created by individuals at the institution with administrator rights such as collections of shared resources. If you are a college/school research support and would like to create and maintain such a collection of resources for your research community please contact and we will provide guidance on how to do this.

Research Professional help documents:

EU Funding Opportunities - Click the links to find out more

Internal UCD Led Funding Calls - Click the link to fund out more

Local Supports

Many of UCD's Colleges, Schools, Institutes and Centres have local support staff that can help you to find research funding. They may also send out local, discipline-specific research bulletins, newsletters or funding call notices.

College / School / InstituteName & EmailTel
College of Engineering and Architecture Caroline Treacey 1766
School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy Louise Dunne  2673 
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Sophie O'Kelly 2962
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Social Sciences and Law Elva Hannan 8264
School of Archaeology Conor McDermott 8668
School of Politics and International Relations Melina Ziegel 8670 
School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice Maureen Lyons 8574
School of Law Suzanne Darcy  4113
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Health and Agricultural Sciences    
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Chanemouga Arunachalam
School of Agriculture and Food Science (Forestry) Charles Harper 7358
UCD Institute of Food and Health Geraldine Quinn 2808
School of Medicine UCDMR 6600
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems

Maria Lawlor

UCD Clinical Research Centre 4577
Systems Biology Ireland  Hugh Doyle   6339 
CSTAR (Research Methods & Statistics Support) 2076
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Science
BiOrbic, Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre
iCRAG Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
School of Computer Science Julia Palma 2985
School of Mathematics and Statistics 
UCD Earth Institute Caitriona Devery

Central Supports

Services Contact Details
For many funding agencies and calls, we have dedicated points of contact, guidance documents and resources available to help you to prepare your proposal.   Programme Team member
For general queries please contact us by email at