
Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Cluster

The main objectives of Cluster 6 are to provide opportunities to enhance and balance environmental, social and economic goals and to set human economic activities on a path towards sustainability. The underlying paradigm of Cluster 6 is therefore the need for a transformative change of the EU economy and society aimed at reducing environmental degradation, halting and reversing the decline of biodiversity and to better manage natural resources while serving the EU’s climate objectives and ensuring food and water security.


Self-Service Supports and Help Pages

Self-service supports and help pages will be made available here shortly. For further information on the Food, Bioeconomy and Natural Resources Cluster see below.


Cluster 6 Work Programme 2023-2025

The work programme is available on the EC Funding & Tenders Portal here


Impact Areas and Destinations 2023-2025

The work programme for Cluster 6 aims to contribute to six expected impact areas of the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan  through the seven destinations (key areas) of this work programme:

  1. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  2. Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption
  3. Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors
  4. Clean environment and zero pollution
  5. Land, ocean and water for climate action
  6. Resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities
  7. Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal


Intervention Areas

Environmental Observation
Biodiversity and Natural Resources
Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Areas
Seas, Oceans and Inland Waters
Food Systems
Bio Bio-based Innovation Systems in the EU Bio economy
and Circular Systems


European Partnerships for Cluster 6

Article 187 or Co-programmed


Co-programmed or Co-funded

  • Circular bio-based Europe: Sustainable, inclusive and circular bio-based solutions



  • Accelerating farming systems transition: agro-ecology living labs&research infrastructures
  • Environmental Observations for a sustainable EU agriculture
  • Rescuing biodiversity to safeguard life on Earth


  • Animal health: Fighting infectious diseases
  • A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy
  • Safe and Sustainable Food System for People, Planet & Climate
  • Water4All: Water security for the planet


For more information on partnerships see here and for specific information on the Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Environment partnerships see here and EIT-KIC partnerships here


Mission Areas

  1. Adaptation to Climate Change
  2. Cancer
  3. Restore our Ocean and Waters
  4. Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
  5. A Soil Deal for Europe

The Missions implementation plans form the base for future activities. The plans have been published (Sept 2021) and are available here. The Missions latest Work Programme 2023-2025 is available here.


European Commission Priority Areas 2019-2024

There are 6 Commission priorities for 2019-24 are listed below, the European Green Deal is of particular relevance to Cluster 6:


Other Relevant Links


Local Supports

Many of UCD's Colleges, Schools, Institutes and Centres have local support staff that can help you to find research funding. They may also send out local, discipline-specific research bulletins, newsletters or funding call notices.

College / School / InstituteName & EmailTel
College of Engineering and Architecture Caroline Treacey 1766
School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy Louise Dunne  2673 
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Sophie O'Kelly 2962
College / School / InstituteName & EmailTel
College of Social Sciences and Law Elva Hannan 8264
School of Archaeology Conor McDermott 8668
School of Politics and International Relations Dara Gannon  8670 
School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice Maureen Lyons 8574
School of Law Suzanne Darcy  4113
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Health and Agricultural Sciences    
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Post Vacant
School of Agriculture and Food Science (Forestry) Charles Harper 7358
UCD Institute of Food and Health Geraldine Quinn 2808
School of Medicine UCDMR 6600
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems

Maria Lawlor

UCD Clinical Research Centre 4577
Systems Biology Ireland  Hugh Doyle   6339 
CSTAR (Research Methods & Statistics Support) 2076
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Science
BiOrbic, Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre
iCRAG Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
School of Computer Science Léan Ní Chléirigh 2985
School of Mathematics and Statistics 
UCD Earth Institute
Caitriona Devery  

Central Supports

The units below may be able to provide you with specific advice on writing sections of your proposal

Services Contact Details

You can talk to the EU Research Office at any time, who can:

  • Answer your queries on Horizon Europe
  • Liaise with National Contact Points (NCPs)
  • Advise on tools to assist with partner search
  • Provide guidance on consortium formation
  • Assist with early stage proposal development
  • Demonstrate how to use the EU Participant Portal to create your proposal
  • Direct you to relevant policy documents
  • Provide proposal writing support to UCD coordinators
  • Provide a proposal management and proposal review service

For queries relating to Horizon Europe Cluster 6 contact the EU Research Office:

ServicesContact Details

All EU Horizon Europe application budgets must be approved by the UCD Research & Innovation pre-award accountant.  Template Horizon Europe Financial Calculators   can be downloaded to assist you in the calculation of your proposal budget.

The costing of salaries in a research proposal should adhere to the IUA salary scales for postdoctoral researchers and research assistants.


ServicesContact Details

The NovaUCD Knowledge Transfer team can:

  • Advise on industry engagement and content of support letters, commercialisation plans, fit with Venture Capital (VC) and investor interests
  • Develop programme Intellectual Property (IP) strategy and terms.

If you require further information or support contact a member of the Knowledge Transfer team

ServicesContact Details

UCD Office of Research Ethics provides an Ethics Advisory Consultation for staff and students. 

In addition, the UCD Office of Research Ethics runs seminars, presentations and workshops on research ethics and related areas.

For general queries email: or tel: 8767

ServicesContact Details

The Work at UCD website outlines the benefits of working at UCD.

In addition, the UCD Research Careers Framework (RCF) establishes a structured and supportive skills and early career development model for Post-Doctoral Fellows at UCD.


Research Careers Framework

ServicesContact Details

UCD Library Research Services is responsible for developing and delivering specialist and innovative services to researchers, including:

Library services to support research funding applications

ServicesContact Details

Research IT provides a range of services, designed to support and facilitate researchers in their use of IT as an enabler for their research activities.

Research IT
ServicesContact Details

The SIRC Office can provide assistance and guidance on developing safety management plans, risk assessment, and other safety documentation.

In addition the SIRC Office can provide training across a wide range of areas and can develop bespoke safety training for your research group if required. Click here for further details on training.


UCD Global provides advice and assistance in writing proposals to the ERASMUS+ Programme, getting mandates signed and obtaining UCD Erasmus+ data.

Email: Eve Brosseau or tel: 8580 for further information