
Write your proposal

Once you have identified a suitable funding opportunity, you should take the following steps:

  • Check UCD internal deadlines for submission of budget, letters of support/forms requiring signature and submission for endorsement where relevant. Internal deadlines are specified on each funding opportunity on the RMS, in the UCD Call Calendar and in the bulletin. Where an internal deadline is not specified, it is at least 5 working days before the funding agency submission deadline.
  • Read the Funding Agency guidance documentation e.g. Guide for Applicants
  • Understand the call requirements, scope and evaluation criteria
  • Develop your idea and align it to the funding call
  • Develop a timeline for your proposal development and writing
  • Talk to previously successful applicants and look at their proposals
  • Arrange peer reviewers to provide feedback on your draft proposal
  • Talk to your Head of School, especially in relation to space and facility or equipment requirements, and School supports for Fellowships
  • Identify and engage early with any local or central administrative supports

Most funding bodies now consider 'impact' a fundamental aspect of their research programmes. In your proposal, they often expect you to complete an impact section, articulating the impact you expect the research will have on society. Our Research Impact Toolkit offers various tools and resources to help you plan for impact, including a specific guide on how to complete this section of your proposal. 

UCD Research & Innovation has developed a repository of guidance notes, to help you to write your competitive research proposal. Our aim is to provide excellent support to help UCD researchers win and manage research funding. To facilitate this, we need all research proposals to be submitted for review and approval at least five full working days in advance of the funding agency's deadline.

Self-Service Supports

Local Supports

UCD’s Colleges, Schools, Institutes and Centres have a range of local support staff and offices that can help you to develop and review your research funding proposal. Please contact your local administrative office for their contact details or see the contact details below:

College / School / InstituteName & EmailTel
College of Engineering and Architecture Caroline Treacey 1766
School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy Louise Dunne  2673 
I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Sophie O'Kelly 2962
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Social Sciences and Law Elva Hannan 8264
School of Archaeology Conor McDermott 8668
School of Politics and International Relations Melina Ziegel 8670 
School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice Maureen Lyons 8574
School of Law Suzanne Darcy  4113
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Health and Agricultural Sciences    
School of Agriculture and Food Science
Chanemouga Arunachalam
School of Agriculture and Food Science (Forestry) Charles Harper 7358
UCD Institute of Food and Health Geraldine Quinn 2808
School of Medicine UCDMR 6600
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems

Maria Lawlor

UCD Clinical Research Centre 4577
Systems Biology Ireland  Hugh Doyle   6339 
CSTAR (Research Methods & Statistics Support) 2076
College / School / Institute Name & Email Tel
College of Science
BiOrbic, Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre
iCRAG Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
School of Computer Science Julia Palma 2985
School of Mathematics and Statistics 
UCD Earth Institute Caitriona Devery

Central Supports

The units below may be able to provide you with specific advice on writing sections of your proposal.

Services Contact Details

You can speak with the Research Programmes Team, who can help you:

  • Answer your queries on your proposal and clarify your eligibility
  • Advise on the fit of funding call to your idea/needs/expertise/experience
  • Liaise with the funding agency on your behalf in response to a specific query
  • Provide feedback on your individual proposal, addressing issues such as:
    • content gaps, evaluation criteria, instructions and guidelines;
    • application organisation and formatting;
    • provision of template information via help notes.
  • Proposals must be submitted a minimum of five working days in advance of a deadline for such reviews to be provided. Other internal deadlines may apply for specific calls.
  • Arrange for an internal peer review of your proposal for specific calls
  • Organise peer mentoring on request for specific calls
  • Administer the internal selection process, where the funding agency has institutional quotas
  • Organise call-specific workshops, information and training sessions.
  • Provide UCD description and up to date funding track record details.

Contact us by email at


For European funded proposals email the

Please click here for ERC queries

Pre-Award Research Accountant:


Pre-Award Research Accountants - email

ServicesContact Details

UCD Office of Research Ethics can:

  • Support researchers through the ethics review process, from the preparation of a protocol submission, to the review of research and any subsequent requests for approval of amendments
  • Provide an Ethics Advisory Consultation for staff and students
  • Run seminars, presentations and workshops on research ethics and related areas.

UCD Research Ethics

Email for general queries: or tel: 8767

ServicesContact Details

The NovaUCD Knowledge Transfer team can:

  • Advise on industry engagement and content of support letters, commercialisation plans, fit with Venture Capital (VC) and investor interests
  • Develop programme IP strategy and terms.

If you require further information or support contact a member of the Knowledge Transfer team

ServicesContact Details

UCD Library Research Services is responsible for developing and delivering specialist and innovative services to researchers, including:

Library services to support research funding applications

ServicesContact Details

Work at UCD website outlines the benefits of working at UCD.

UCD Research Careers Framework (RCF) establishes a structured and supportive skills and early career development model for Post-Doctoral Fellows at UCD.

Work at UCD


Research Careers Framework

ServicesContact Details

The UCD Graduate Studies Office provides information on the Structured PhD Programme in UCD.

Graduate Studies Research and PhD Support

ServicesContact Details

Research IT provides a range of services, designed to support and facilitate researchers in their use of IT as an enabler for their research activities.

Research IT
ServicesContact Details

The UCD Clinical Research Centre provides support to clinical investigators in areas such as:

  • Sponsorship of clinical trials
  • Quality & regulatory affairs, including hospital ethics submissions and regulatory submissions
  • Data Management, including design and management of study database
  • Scientific services, including sample processing, analysis and storage
  • Research nurse support.

UCD CRC - Information for Investigators

ServicesContact Details

UCD Foundation can:

  • Generate financial support for research and teaching campaigns for UCD
  • Fundraise for development programmes
  • Support academic initiatives
  • Develop UCD's relationship with Trusts and Foundations.

UCD Foundation Funding Priorities

ServicesContact Details

The SIRC Office can provide assistance and guidance on developing safety management plans, risk assessment, and other safety documentation.

In addition the SIRC Office can provide training across a wide range of areas and can develop bespoke safety training for your research group if required. Click here for further details on training.


UCD Global provides advice and assistance in writing proposals to the ERASMUS+ Programme, getting mandates signed and obtaining UCD Erasmus+ data.

Email: Eve Brosseau or tel: 8580 for further information