Dr Derval Conroy | |
D. Conroy (2016) Ruling Women. Vol 2. Configuring the Female Prince in Seventeenth-Century French Drama. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
D. Conroy (2016) Ruling Women. Vol 1. Government, Virtue and the Female Prince in Seventeenth-Century France. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Dr Selena Daly | |
Selena Daly (2016) Italian Futurism and the First World War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Stephen Schwartz | |
Vincent Descombes; Stephen Adam Schwartz (translator) (2016) Puzzling Identities. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. |
Book Chapter
Assoc Professor Paolo Acquaviva | |
Acquaviva, P. (2016) 'Morphomic stem extension and the German n-declension' In: A.R. Luís and R. Bermúdez-Otero (eds). The Morphome Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.248-275 | |
Acquaviva, P. (2016) 'Linguistic plurality and the conceptualization of part structure' In: Massimiliano Carrara, Alexandra Arapinis, and Friederike Moltmann (eds). Unity and Plurality: Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.194-218 | |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Manuel Bragance and Peter Tame (2015) 'The Long Aftermath of the Long Second World War' In: Manuel Bragance and Peter Tame (eds). The Long Aftermath: Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016. Oxford: Berghahn. , pp.1-19 ![]() |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy, Michael (2015) 'Lumière, émerveillement : la candeur despestrienne' In: Marie Joqueviel-Bourjea & Béatrice Bonhomme (eds). René Depestre: le Soleil devant. Paris: Hermann. , pp.105-115 | |
Ms Chloe Diskin | |
Diskin, Chloe (2015) 'Standard Language Ideologies in Multicultural Ireland: The Case of Polish and Chinese Migrants in Dublin' In: Regan, Vera; Diskin, Chloe; Martyn, Jennifer (eds). Language, Identity and Migration: Voices from Transnational Speakers and Communities. Oxford: Peter Lang. | |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) 'Quelle place pour l'Histoire dans 'Aujourd'hui' de Colette Fellous et dans 'La Vie extérieure' d'Annie Ernaux?' In: Catherine Mayaux & János Szávai (eds). Romans européens depuis 1960. Paris: Honoré Champion Editeurs. , pp.287-304 | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) 'La réécriture de l'introspection moderniste comme sceau de l'europanéité du roan français du XXe siècle finissant' In: Catherine Mayaux & János Szávai (eds). Romans européens depuis 1960. Paris: Honoré Champion Editeurs. , pp.21-32 | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) ''Ressentiment and Dissensus: the Place of Critique in the Contemporary Academy'' In: Jeanne Riou & Mary Gallagher (eds). Re-Thinking Ressentiment: on the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of its Critics. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript. , pp.167-205 | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) 'The Critical Focus of Re-Thinking Ressentiment' In: Jeanne Riou & Mary Gallagher (eds). Re-Thinking Ressentiment: on the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of its Critics. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript. , pp.24-32 | |
Mary Gallagher (2015) 'Lire les 'photos de racines' avec Mireille Calle-Gruber' In: Balcázar Moréno, Mélina et al (eds). L'Amour du monde à l'abri du monde dans la littérature: Hommage à Mireille Calle-Gruber. Paris: Hermann. , pp.133-142 | |
Dr Francesco Lucioli | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) 'Il vero è, sovente, nella vita, così inverosimile: uso delle fonti nei romanzi storico-giudiziari di Jarro' In: Francesco Lucioli (eds). Giulio Piccini (Jarro) tra Risorgimento e Grande Guerra (1849-1915). Pisa: ETS. , pp.137-155 | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) 'L'anatomia del cuore e del cervello delle donne: descrizione, prescrizione e ironia nel XVIII secolo' In: Helena Sanson and Francesco Lucioli (eds). Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy: Prescribing and Describing Life. Paris: Classiques Garnier. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) 'Notes on the ekphrasis of Love asleep' In: Aline Smeesters (eds). Épigrammes et tableaux: un dialogue entre poétique et peinture (XVe-XVIIe siècle). Turnhout: Brepols. | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, Bettina (2015) 'Le rôle des langues africaines dans la création et le développement des langues businenge/marron' In: Moomou, Jean (eds). Sociétés marronnes des Amériques. Mémoires, patrimoines, identités et histoire XVIIe au XXe siècles. Matouri: Guyane, Francaise: Ibis Rouge. , pp.111-123 | |
Dr Tara Plunkett | |
Rebecca Ferreboeuf, Fiona Noble and Tara Plunkett (2016) 'Exquisite Encounters with the Avant-Gardes' In: Rebecca Ferreboeuf, Fiona Noble and Tara Plunkett (eds). Preservation, Radicalism and the Avant-Garde Canon. Milton Keynes: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.4-12 | |
Dr Gillian Pye | |
Gillian Pye (2016) 'Writing and Acceleration in the Aftermath of German Unification. Riding the Information Rapids with Angela Krauß' In: Anne Fuchs and Jonathan Long (eds). Time in German Literature and Culture 1900-2015. London: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.189-203 | |
Professor Vera Regan | |
Regan, V. (2016) 'Varieties of globalization: migrants¿ language use and identity in 21st century Ireland' In: Keneally, M.; Kelleher, M (eds). Ireland and Quebec: contrapuntal soundings. Dublin: Four Courts Press. |
Books Edited
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Manuel Braganca and Peter Tame (Ed.). (2015) The Long Aftermath: Cultural Legacies of Europe at War, 1936-2016. Oxford: Berghahn. ![]() |
Manuel Braganca and Gavin Bowd (Ed.). (2015) Penser la guerre au XXIe siècle - a special issue. Oxford: French Studies Bulletin (OUP). | |
Dr Derval Conroy | |
Derval Conroy and Jean-Paul Pittion (Ed.). (2016) Print Culture in Early Modern France. Dublin: Irish Journal of French Studies. | |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Jeanne Riou & Mary Gallagher (Ed.). (2016) Re-Thinking Ressentiment: on the Limits of Criticism and the Limits of its Critics. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript. | |
Dr Francesco Lucioli | |
Francesco Lucioli (Ed.). (2016) Giulio Piccini (Jarro) tra Risorgimento e Grande Guerra (1849-1915). Pisa: ETS. | |
Stefano Benedetti, Francesco Lucioli, Pietro Petteruti Pellegrino (Ed.). (2016) Cum fide amicitia. Studi in onore di Rosanna Alhaique Pettinelli. Rome: Bulzoni. | |
Helena Sanson and Francesco Lucioli (Ed.). (2016) Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy: Prescribing and Describing Life. Paris: Classiques Garnier. | |
Helena Sanson and Francesco Lucioli (Ed.). (2016) Dalle Regole del Fortunio a una grammatica dell'utente, 1516-2016: grammatiche, cultura e società in Italia e in Europa, special issue of The Italianist. London: Taylor & Francis. | |
Professor Jamal Ouhalla | |
S. Bendjaballah, E. Doron, J. Lowenstamm and J. Ouhalla (Ed.). (2016) Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, Volume 8, Number 1. Leiden, The Nertherlands: Brill. | |
Dr Tara Plunkett | |
Rebecca Ferreboeuf, Fiona Noble, Tara Plunkett (Ed.). (2016) Preservation, Radicalism and the Avant-Garde Canon. Milton Keynes: Palgrave Macmillan. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Síofra Pierse with James Hanrahan The Dark Side of Diderot/ Le Diderot des ombres (Peter Lang, 2016) |
Dr Gillian Pye | |
Gillian Pye and Sabine Strümper-Krobb (Ed.). (2015) Germanistik in Ireland: Constructions of Happiness/ Konstrunktionen des Glücks. Konstanz: Hartung Gorre. | |
Professor Vera Regan | |
Regan, V.; Diskin, C.; Martyn, J (Ed.). (2015) Language, Identity and Migration: voices from transnational speakers and communities. Oxford: Petere Lang. | |
Dr Sabine Strumper-Krobb | |
Gillian Pye and Sabine Strümper-Krobb (Ed.). (2015) Constructions of Happiness/ Konstruktionen des Glücks. Germanistik in Ireland Vol 10. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre. |
Peer Reviewed Journals
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Manuel Braganca and Gavin Bowd (2015) 'Penser la guerre au XXIe siècle'. French Studies Bulletin, 36 (137):68-70. ![]() |
Dr Selena Daly | |
Selena Daly (2016) 'Ennio Valentinelli: A Forgotten Futurist'. Modern Language Notes, 131 (2):139-156. | |
Selena Daly (2016) 'Arrigo Boito's legacy to Futurism: The influence of Re Orso on Filippo Tommaso Marinett's Le Roi Bombance'. Romance Studies . | |
Selena Daly (2015) 'The Construction of the Futurist Wartime Hero: Futurism and the Public, 1915-1919'. Annali D'Italianistica, 33 :205-221. | |
Dr Phil Entwistle | |
Phil Entwistle (2016) 'Faith in China: religious belief and national narratives amongst young, urban Chinese Protestants'. Nations and Nationalism, 22 (2):347-370. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Ursula Fanning | |
Ursula Fanning (2016) 'Review of 'Postal Culture: Writing and Reading Letters in Post-Unification Italy. Gabriella?Romani. Toronto: University of Toronto Press ??'. Modern Language Review, (111.3). | |
Ursula Fanning (2016) ''Rappresentare il padre: le lunghe ombre paterne e la ricostruzione del romanzo d¿amore nella narrativa di Anna Banti''. Il Giannone, :145-159. | |
Ursula Fanning (2016) 'Review of ¿Non sto quindi a Napoli sicura di casa¿: identità, spazio e testualità in Fabrizia Ramondino. Ed. by Adalgisa Giorgio. Perugia: Morlacchi'. Modern Language Review, (111.2). | |
Ursula Fanning (2015) 'Book review of Elsa Morante's Politics of Writing: Rethinking Subjectivity, History, and the Power of Art'. Italian Studies, 70 (4):564-565. | |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) ''Locating Hybridity' by Ashwiny Kistnareddy'. Modern and Contemporary France, 24 (3):342-342. | |
Mary Gallagher (2016) ''Writing on the Faultline' and 'Tropical Apocalypse' by Martin Munro'. L'Esprit Createur, 56 (1):145-146. | |
Dr Francesco Lucioli | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) 'Riscrittura come esegesi: Laura Terracina lettrice ed interprete dell'Orlando furioso'. Romanische Studien . | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) 'Sperimentate le lunghezze e durezze delle grammatiche delle lingue scolastiche: the Fabbrica del parlare and the Grammatica toscanalatina by Michele Giannetti (1651)'. Italianist . | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Gilmartin, Mary & Migge, Bettina (2016) 'Migrant mothers and the geographies of belonging'. Gender, Place, and Culture, 23 (3):147-161. | |
Professor Jamal Ouhalla | |
J. Ouhalla (2016) 'Root-extraction: Roots, Verbs and Nouns 'Need' in Arabic'. Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, 8 (1):155-200. | |
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Pierse, Siofra (2015) 'Marquise Emilie Du Chatelet as Lady Newton: prefatory nuances and problematic ambiguities in the writing of an early-modern female scientist'. Women's studies, 44 (8):1156-1177. | |
Dr Gillian Pye | |
Gillian Pye (2015) 'Constructions of Happiness / Konstruktionen des Glücks: Introduction'. Germanistik in Irland, 10 . | |
Assoc Professor Jeremy Squires | |
Jeremy Squires (2016) 'On the Chronology of 'Los Bravos', by Jesús Fernández Santos'. Romance Studies, 34 :77-88. | |
Jeremy Squires (2016) 'Obsolescence in Town and Country in Miguel Delibes's 'La hoja roja''. Neophilologus, 100 :197-212. | |
Dr Sabine Strumper-Krobb | |
Sabine Strümper-Krobb and Florian Krobb (2016) 'Introduction: Translation Austria/ Translating Austria'. Austrian Studies, 23 :1-15. | |
Sabine Strümper-Krobb (2016) ''I particularly recommend it to sportsmen'. Bambi in America: The Rewriting of Felix Salten's Bambi'. Austrian Studies, 23 :123-142. |
Conference Publications
Dr Francesco Lucioli | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Di alcune cronache della cerimonia del possesso leonino Leone X. Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura, Rome, 193 - 216 | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Citazioni ariostesche e poesia cavalleresca nelle lettere di Claudio Tolomei . In: Clizia Carminati, Paolo Procaccioli, Emilio Russo, Corrado Viola eds. Archilet. Per uno studio delle corrispondenze letterarie di età moderna, Verona, 163 - 178 | |
Ms Eva Szekely | |
Székely, É., Keane, M.T., Carson-Berndsen, J. (2015) The effect of soft, modal and loud voice levels on entrainment in noisy conditions Interspeech-2015, |
Published Reports
Dr Phil Entwistle | |
Phil Entwistle (2015) Bypassing the Party-State? The Implications of Urban Protestant Growth in China. Mercator Institute for China Studies, Berlin. ![]() |
Dr Gillian Pye | |
Gillian Pye (2016) Poetiken der Gegenwart. Deutschsprachige Romane nach 2000. Book Review. University of Wisonsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin USA. ![]() |
Other Publications
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Manuel Braganca (2016) The Curious History of Mein Kampf in France. Newspaper Articles. ![]() |
Manuel Braganca (2016) La curieuse histoire de Mein Kampf en langue française. Newspaper Articles. ![]() |
Manuel Braganca (2016) Hitler in French fiction, 1945-2015. Invited Seminars. | |
Manuel Braganca (2015) Un village français: les clefs d'un succès. Newspaper Articles. ![]() |
Dr Selena Daly | |
Selena Daly (2016) Interventiste nella grande guerra: assistenza, propaganda, lotta per i diritti a Milano e in Italia (1911-1919), by Emma Schiavon. Book Reviews. | |
Dr Phil Entwistle | |
Phil Entwistle (2016) Book Review: Lida V. Nedilsky, Converts to Civil Society: Christianity and Political Culture in Contemporary Hong Kong. Book Reviews. ![]() |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Dominique Jeannerod (translator Mary Gallagher) (2016) Translation of 'Specular Ressentiment: San-Antonio, or the Art of Faking Resentment' (in Re-Thinking Ressentiment). Bielefeld, Germany: Translation. | |
Dr Francesco Lucioli | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Roncalli, Giovanni Domenico. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Rocchi, Pompeo. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) La lirica petrarchistica. Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Letteratura: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Romei, Annibale. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Christian Rivoletti and Francesco Lucioli (2016) Ludovico Ariosto. Il contributo italiano alla storia del pensiero. Letteratura: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Ekphrasis. Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Ridolfi, Lucantonio. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Francesco Lucioli (2016) Valier, Agostino. Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy: Encyclopedia Entry. | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, Bettina (2016) African American, creole, and other vernacular Englishes in Education: A bibliographic resource. By John R. Rickford, Julie Sweetland, Angela E. Rickford & Thomas Grano. London/New York: Routledge. 2012. Book Reviews. | |
Migge, Bettina (2016) Jeannette Allsopp & Zellynne Jennings (eds.) Language Education in the Caribbean: Selected Articles by Dennis Craig. Jamaica, Barbados & Trinidad and Tobago: University of the West Indies Pres. Book Reviews. | |
Migge, Bettina (2016) Williams Jeffrey P, Schneider Edgar W, Peter Trudgill and Daniel Schreier (eds.). Further Studies in the Lesser-Known Varieties of English (Studies in English Language). Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press. 2015. xvi + 345 pp. Hb (9781107021204) US$105.00. Book Reviews. ![]() |
Migge, Bettina (2015) Buchstaller, Isabelle, Holmberg, Anders, Almoaily, Mohammad (eds.), Pidgins and creoles beyond Africa-Europe encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins 2014. Book Reviews. |