Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Civil Engineering in the academic year 2015/16
Assoc Professor Aoife Ahern | |
Aoife Ahern Julian Hine (2016) 'Mobility in Rural Ireland: A study of older people and the challenges they face' In: Colin Divall, Julian Hine, Colin Pooley (eds). Transport Policy: Learning Lessons from History. Surrey, UK: Ashgate. | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Thielen-del Pozo, J. & Bruen, M (2016) 'Overview of forecast communication and use of ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasts' In: Duan, Q. et al.(eds.) (eds). Handbook of Hydrometeorological Forecasting. Berlin: Springer Verlag. |
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Peer Reviewed Journals
Mr Paul Brooks | |
Browne M., Brooks, P., Clough, R., Fisher, A. S., Mayer-Pinto, M. and Crowe, T. P. (2016) 'Simulating regimes of chemical disturbance and testing impacts in the ecosystem using a novel programmable dosing-system'. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7 (5):609-618. | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Mockler, Eva M., O'Loughlin, Fiachra E., Bruen, Michael (2016) 'Understanding hydrological flow paths in conceptual catchment models using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis'.Computers and Geosciences . ![]() |
Conroy E., Turner J.N., Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan J.J., Bruen M., Lawler D., Lally H., M. Kelly-Quinn M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment . | |
Conroy, E, Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A, Bruen, M, O'Sullivan, J, Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An Evaluation of Visual and Measurement-Based Methods of Measuring Deposited Fine Sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research . | |
Igbal, M. & Bruen, M. (2016) 'Methodology and application of the combined SWAT HSPF model'. Environmental Processes . | |
Conroy E., Turner J.N., Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan J.J., Bruen M., Lawler D., Lally H., M. Kelly-Quinn M. (2016) 'The impact of cattle access on ecological water quality in streams: examples from agricultural catchments within Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment,547 :17-29. | |
Ms Sheila Convery | |
Van de Voorde T., van der Kwast J., Poelmans L., Canters F., Binard M., Cornet Y., Engelen G., Uljee I., Shahumyan H., Williams B., Convery S., Lavalle C. (2016) 'Projecting alternative urban growth patterns: The development and application of a remote sensing assisted calibration framework for the Greater Dublin Area'. Ecological Indicators, 60 :1056-1069. ![]() |
Dr Owen Douglas | |
Douglas, O Murphy, E (2016) 'Source-based subjective responses to sleep disturbance from transportation noise'. Environment International . | |
Dr Mawuli Dzakpasu | |
Ge, Y., Wang, X. C., Dzakpasu, M., Zheng, Y. C., Zhao, Y. Q., Xiong, J. Q. (2016) 'Characterizing phosphorus removal from polluted urban river water by steel slags in a vertical flow constructed wetland'. Water Science and Technology, 73 (11):2644-2653. ![]() |
Zhang, Q. H., Yang, W. N., Ngo, H. H., Guo, W. S., Jin, P. K., Dzakpasu, M., Yang, S. J., Wang, Q., Wang, X. C., Ao, D. (2016) 'Current status of urban wastewater treatment plants in China'. Environment International, 92-93 :11-22. ![]() |
Zheng YC Wang XC Dzakpasu M Ge Y Zhao YQ Xiong JQ. (2016) 'Performance of a pilot demonstration-scale hybrid constructed wetland system for on-site treatment of polluted urban river water in Northwestern China'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23 (1):447-454. | |
Dzakpasu, M., Scholz, M., McCarthy, V., Jordan, S. (2016) 'Modelling of phosphorus removal in integrated constructed wetlands using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system'. Journal of Water Sustainability, 6 (1):17-28. ![]() |
Zheng, Y. C., Wang, X. C., Dzakpasu, M., Zhao, Y. Q., Ngo, H. H., Guo, W., Ge, Y., Xiong, J. Q. (2016) 'Effects of interspecific competition on the growth of macrophytes and nutrient removal in constructed wetlands: A comparative assessment of free water surface and horizontal subsurface flow systems'. Bioresource Technology, 207 :134-141. ![]() |
Zheng, Y. C., Wang, X. C., Dzakpasu, M., Ge, Y., Xiong, J. Q., Zhao, Y. Q. (2016) 'Performance of a pilot demonstration-scale hybrid constructed wetland system for on-site treatment of polluted urban river water in Northwestern China'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (1):447-454. ![]() |
Zheng, Y. C., Wang, X. C., Ge, Y., Dzakpasu, M., Xiong J. Q., Zhao Y. Q. (2015) 'Effects of annual harvesting on plants growth and nutrients removal in surface-flow constructed wetlands in northwestern China'. Ecological Engineering, 83 :268-275. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Paul Fanning | |
Gibbons, N Fanning, P.J. (2016) 'Progressive Cracking of Masonry Arch Bridges'. Bridge Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers . | |
Dr Michael Fenton | |
Fenton, M. McNally, C. Byrne, J. Hemberg, E. McDermott, J. O'Neill, M. (2016) 'Discrete Planar Truss Optimization by Node Position Variation using Grammatical Evolution'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation . ![]() |
Byrne, J. Fenton, M. Hemberg, E. McDermott, J. O'Neill, M. (2015) 'Optimising complex pylon structures with grammatical evolution'. Information Sciences, 316 :582-597. ![]() |
Dr Kenneth Gavin | |
Gerry Murphy, Paul Doherty, David Cadogan, Kenneth Gavin (2016) 'Field experiments on instrumented Winged Monopiles'. Ice Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 169 (3):227-239. | |
Reale, C. Xue, J. and Gavin, K. (2016) 'System reliability of slopes using multimodal optimization'. Geotechnique, 66 (5):413-423. | |
Kova?evi?, S, Gavin, K. Stipanovi?, I. and Ba?i?, M. (2016) 'A new methodology for assessment of railway infrastructure condition'. Transportation Research, 14 :1930-1939. | |
Reale, C Gavin, K Prendergast, L. Xue, J. (2016) 'Multi-modal Reliability Analysis of Slope Stability'. Transportation Research, 14 :2468-2476. | |
Martinovic, K. Gavin, K and Reale, C. (2016) 'Assessing the Vulnerability of Irish Rail Network Earthworks'. Transportation Research, 14 :1904-1913. | |
Prendergast, L. Gavin, K. and Reale, C. (2016) 'Sensitivity Studies on Scour Detection Using Vibration-based Systems'. Transportation Research, 14 :3982-3989. | |
Prendergast, L.J. Hester, D. Gavin, K. (2016) 'Development of a Vehicle-Bridge-Soil Dynamic Interaction Model for Scour Damage Modelling'. Shock and Vibration, 2016 . ![]() |
Prendergast, LJ Hester, D Gavin, K (2016) 'Determining the presence of scour around bridge foundations using vehicle-induced vibrations'. Journal of Bridge Engineering . | |
Prendergast, L.J. Gavin, K. (2016) 'A comparison of initial stiffness formulations for small-strain soil-pile dynamic Winkler modelling'. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 81C :27-41. | |
Doherty, P. Igoe, K. Murphy, G. Gavin, K. Preston, J. O'Rourke, R. Byrne, B. McAdam, R. Burd, H. Houlsby, G. Martin, C. Zdravkovi?, L. Taborda, D. Potts, D. Jardine, Sideri, R. Schroeder, F. Muir Wood, A, Kallehave D., Skov Gretlund, J. (2015) 'Field Validation of Fibre Bragg Grating sensors for measuring strain on driven steel piles'. Geotechnique Letters, 5 :74-79. | |
Prendergast, L.J., Gavin, K., Doherty, P., (2015) '11. An investigation into the effect of scour on the natural frequency of an offshore wind turbine, Prendergast, L.J., Gavin, K., Doherty, P.'. Ocean Engineering, 101 :1-10. | |
Weichao Li, David Igoe and Kenneth Gavin (2015) 'Field tests to investigate cyclic response of monopile in sand'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 168 (5):407-421. | |
Li, W, Igoe, D. and Gavin, K, (2015) 'Field tests to investigate the cyclic loading response of monopiles in sand'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering, 168 (5):407-421. | |
Dr Arturo Gonzalez | |
Aied, H., Gonzalez, A. and Cantero, D. (2016) 'Identification of sudden stiffness changes in the acceleration response of a bridge to moving loads using ensemble empirical mode decomposition'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 66 :314-338. ![]() |
Gonzalez, A. and Aied, H. (2015) 'Estimation of stiffness changes of short duration via instantaneous frequencies of the response of a structure to a moving load'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing . | |
Gonzalez, A. and Aied, H. (2015) 'Instantaneous Frequencies and Phases of the Acceleration Response of a Bridge with a Non-Linear Support'. Journal of Sound and Vibration . | |
Professor Debra Fern Laefer | |
Natanzi, A., Laefer, D., Connoly, L. (2016) 'Cold and Moderate Ambient Temperatures Effects on Expansive Pressure Development in Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents¿'.Construction and Building Materials . | |
Goudarzi, A., Ghassemieh, M., Fanaie, N., Laefer, D., Baei, M (2016) 'Axial Load Effects on Flush, End-plate, Moment Connections'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings . | |
Huynh, M., Laefer, D., Murphy, N., Ivankovic, A. (2016) 'Computational Modelling of Crack Propagation in Concrete due to Expansion Cements'. Engineering Structures . | |
Mohyeddin, S., Kashan, g., Ghassemieh, M., Khanmohammadi, M., Laefer, D., Baei, M. (2016) 'Seismic Enhancement of Irregular Bridges Using Shape Memory Alloys'. Engineering Structures . | |
Al-Sabah, A., Laefer, D. (2016) 'Use of Negative Stiffness in Damage Analysis of Concrete'.Engineering Structures . | |
Byrne, J., O'Keeffe, E., Lennon, D., Laefer, D. (2016) '3D Reconstructions Using Unstabilised Video Footage from an Unmanned Aerial System'. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering . | |
Laefer, D., Truong-Hong, L. (2016) 'Toward Automatic Generation of 3D Steel Structures for Building Information Modelling'. Automation in Construction . | |
Vo, A.-V., Truong-Hong, L., Laefer, D., Tiede, S. d¿Oleire-Oltmanns, A., Baraldi, Shimoni, M., Moser, G.Tuia, D. (2016) 'Processing of Extremely High Resolution LiDAR and Optical Data: Outcome of the 2015 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest'. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing . | |
Laefer, D., Kennedy, J., O'Flynn, K., Stanton, K. (2015) 'Structure - Property Relationships in Microcrystalline Waxes for Museum Seismic Protection Applications'. Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, 31 (4):281-298. | |
Rezaiguia, A., Ouelaa, N., Laefer, D. (2015) 'Dynamic Amplification of a Multi-span Orthotropic Bridge Deck under Vehicular Movement'. Engineering Structures, 100 :718-730. | |
Assoc Professor Michael Long | |
Emdal, A., Gylland, A., Amundsen, H., Kåsin, K. and Long, M. (2016) 'The mini-block sampler'. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53 (8):1235-1245. | |
Solberg, I.-L., Long, M., Baranwal, V., Gylland, A. and Rønning, J.-S. (2016) 'Geophysical and geotechnical studies of geology and sediment properties at the quick-clay landslide site at Esp, Trondheim, Norway'. Engineering Geology, 208 :214-230. | |
O'Leary, F., Long, M., Menkiti, C.O. and Ryan, M. (2016) 'The long term behaviour of retaining walls in Dublin '. Ice Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 169 (2):99-109. | |
O'Connor, S., O'Connor, P. and Long, M. (2016) 'Resistivity of Irish glacial deposits'. Ice Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 169 (GE1):49-66. | |
Mr Abdollah Malekjafarian | |
OBrien, EJ Malekjafarian, A (2016) 'A mode shape-based damage detection approach using laser measurement from a vehicle crossing a simply-supported bridge'. Structural Control and Health Monitoring . | |
Dr Ciaran McNally | |
Fallon, E, McNally, C & Gibney, A (2016) 'Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance in Asphalt Surface Layers containing Reclaimed Asphalt'. Construction and Building Materials . | |
Fenton, M, McNally, C, Byrne, J, Hemberg, E, McDermott, J & O'Neill, M (2016) 'Discrete planar truss optimization by node position variation using grammatical evolution'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20 (4):577-589. | |
Attari, A, McNally, C & Richardson, MG (2016) 'A probabilistic assessment of the influence of age factor on the service life of concretes with limestone cement / GGBS binders'.Construction and Building Materials, 111 :488-494. | |
Attari, A, McNally, C & Richardson, MG (2016) 'A Combined SEM - Calorimetric Approach for Assessing Hydration and Porosity Development in GGBS Concrete'. Cement Concrete Comp,68 :46-56. | |
Tabakovic, A, McNally, C & Fallon, E (2016) 'Specification development for cold in-situ recycling of asphalt'. Construction and Building Materials, 102 (1):318-328. | |
Dr Eva Mockler | |
Gill, Laurence W., Mockler, Eva M. (2016) 'Modeling the pathways and attenuation of nutrients from domestic wastewater treatment systems at a catchment scale'.Environmental Modelling & Software, 84 :363-377. ![]() |
Mockler, Eva M., O'Loughlin, Fiachra E., Bruen, Michael (2016) 'Understanding hydrological flow paths in conceptual catchment models using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis'.Computers and Geosciences . ![]() |
Ms Atteyeh Natanzi | |
Atteyeh S. Natanzi , Debra F. Laefer , Lorcan Connolly (2016) 'Cold and moderate ambient temperatures effects on expansive pressure development in soundless chemical demolition agents'. Construction and Building Materials, 110 :117-127. | |
Professor Eugene O'Brien | |
Ojio, T., Carey, C.H., OBrien, E.J., Doherty C., Taylor, S.E. (2016) 'Contactless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion'. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21 (7). ![]() |
Caprani, C.C., OBrien, E.J., Lipari, A. (2016) 'Long-span bridge traffic loading based on multi-lane traffic micro-simulation'. Engineering Structures, 115 :207-219. | |
Quirke, P., Cantero, D., OBrien, E.J., Bowe, C. (2016) 'Drive-by detection of railway track stiffness variation using in-service vehicles'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit . | |
Hajializadeh, D., OBrien, E.J., Stewart, M.G. (2016) 'The Sensitivity of Bridge Safety to Spatial Correlation of Load and Resistance'. Structures, 5 :23-34. | |
OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A. (2016) 'A mode shape-based damage detection approach using laser measurement from a vehicle crossing a simply-supported bridge'. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 23 (10):1273-1286. | |
Hajializadeh, D., Stewart, M.G., Enright, B., OBrien, E.J. (2016) 'Spatial Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges Subject to Realistic Traffic'. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12 (9):1137-1152. | |
Cantero, D., Arvidsson, T., OBrien, E.J., Karoumi, R. (2016) 'Train-track-bridge modelling and review of parameters'. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12 (9):1051-1064. | |
OBrien, E.J., Carey, C., Keenahan, J. (2015) 'Bridge Damage detection using ambient traffic and Moving Force Identification'. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22 (12):1396-1407. | |
Leahy, C., OBrien, E.J., Enright, B., Hajializadeh, D. (2015) 'A Review of the HL-93 Bridge Traffic Load Model Using an Extensive WIM Database'. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20 (10):04014115-1-04014115-1. | |
Enright, B., OBrien, E.J., Leahy, C. (2015) 'Identifying and Modelling Permit Trucks for Bridge Loading'. Bridge Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers . | |
OBrien, E.J., O'Dwyer, D.W. (2015) 'A Review of the Wood and Armer Equations for Torsion in Bridge Slabs'. Structural Engineer, 93 (9):233-241. | |
OBrien, E.J., Keenahan, J. (2015) 'The analysis of short signal segments and its application to drive-by damage detection'. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2 (9):1-11. ![]() |
Dr John O'Sullivan | |
Conroy, E, Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A, Bruen, M, O'Sullivan, J, Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An Evaluation of Visual and Measurement-Based Methods of Measuring Deposited Fine Sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research . | |
Bedri, Z., Corkery, A., O'Sullivan, J.J., Deering, L.A., Demeter, K., Meijer, W.G., O'Hare, G., Masterson, B. (2016) 'Evaluating a microbial water quality prediction model for beach management under the revised EU Bathing Water Directive'. Environmental Management,167 :49-58. | |
E. Conroy, J.N. Turner, A. Rymszewicz, J.J. O'Sullivan, M. Bruen, D. Lawler, H. Lally, M. Kelly-Quinn (2016) 'The impact of cattle access on ecological water quality in streams: Examples from agricultural catchments within Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment,547 :17-29. | |
O'Sullivan, J.J., Mwalwiba, G.L., Purcell, P.J., Turner, J.N., Mtalo, F. (2016) 'Assessing sediment and water quality issues in expanding African wetlands: the case of the Mara River, Tanzania'. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73 (1):95-107. | |
Dr Arthur Parkinson | |
Parkinson, A., Scott, M., and Redmond, D. (2016) 'Competing discourses of built heritage: lay values in Irish conservation planning'. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 22 (3):261-273. | |
Dr Luke Prendergast | |
Prendergast, L.J. Hester, D. Gavin, K. (2016) 'Development of a Vehicle-Bridge-Soil Dynamic Interaction Model for Scour Damage Modelling'. Shock and Vibration, 2016 . ![]() |
Prendergast, LJ Hester, D Gavin, K (2016) 'Determining the presence of scour around bridge foundations using vehicle-induced vibrations'. Journal of Bridge Engineering . | |
Prendergast, L.J. Gavin, K. (2016) 'A comparison of initial stiffness formulations for small-strain soil-pile dynamic Winkler modelling'. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 81C :27-41. | |
Assoc Professor Mark G Richardson | |
Attari, A, McNally, C & Richardson, MG (2016) 'A Combined SEM - Calorimetric Approach for Assessing Hydration and Porosity Development in GGBS Concrete'. Cement Concrete Comp,68 :46-56. | |
Attari, A., McNally, C., Richardson, M.G. (2016) 'A probabilistic assessment of the influence of age factor on the service life of concretes with limestone cement/GGBS binders'.Construction and Building Materials, 111 :488-494. | |
Dr Giovanni Spagnoli | |
Rubinos, D.A Spagnoli, G Barral, M.T. (2016) 'Chemical and environmental compatibility of red mud liners for hazardous waste containment'. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology . | |
Spagnoli, G Miedema, S Herrmann, C Rongau, J Weixler, L Denegre J (2015) 'Preliminary Design of a Trench Cutter System for Deep-Sea Mining Applications Under Hyperbaric Conditions'. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering . | |
Doherty, P Spagnoli, G Bellato, D (2015) 'Mixed-in-place response of two carbonate sands'.Ice Journal of Geotechnical Engineering . ![]() |
Dr Richard Waldron | |
Waldron, R. and Redmond, D. (2016) '(For)Bearing the Costs of Reckless Lending: Examining the Response to the Irish Mortgage Arrears Crisis'. International Journal of Housing Policy, 16 (3):267-292. | |
Devitt C, O'Neill E, Waldron R. (2016) 'Drivers and barriers among householders to managing domestic wastewater treatment systems in the Republic of Ireland Implications for risk prevention behaviour'. Journal of Hydrology . ![]() |
Richard Waldron and Declan Redmond (2016) '¿We¿re just existing, not living!¿ Mortgage stress and the concealed costs of coping with crisis'. Housing Studies . ![]() |
Richard Waldron (2016) 'The ¿unrevealed casualties¿ of the Irish mortgage crisis: Analysing the broader impacts of mortgage market financialisation'. Geoforum, 69 :53-66. | |
Dr Yaqian Zhao | |
Liu Ranbin Zhao Yaqian Sibille Caroline Ren Baiming. (2016) 'Evaluation of natural organic matter release from alum sludge reuse in wastewater treatment and its role in P adsorption'. Chemical Engineering Journal, 302 :120-127. | |
Awe Olumide Wesley Liu Ranbin Zhao Yaqian. (2016) 'Analysis of energy consumption and saving in wastewater treatment plant: Case study from Ireland'. Journal of Water Sustainability, 6 (2):63-76. | |
Zhao JH Zhao YQ Zhao XL Jiang C. (2016) 'Agricultural runoff pollution control by a grassed swales coupled with wetland detention ponds system: A case study in Taihu Basin, China'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (9):9093-9104. | |
Xu L Zhao YQ Doherty L Hu YS Hao XD. (2016) 'Promoting the bio-cathode formation of a constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell by using powder activated carbon modified alum sludge in anode chamber'. Scientific Reports, 6: (26514):1-9. | |
Tony, Maha A, Tayeb AM, Zhao YQ (2016) 'An alternative arrangement for the alum sludge management: Minimising waste with low-cost solar techniques'. American Journal of Chemical Engineering, 4 (2):30-37. | |
Zhao JH, Zhao YQ, Xu ZH, Doherty L, Liu RB (2016) 'Highway runoff treatment by hybrid adsorptive media-baffled subsurface flow constructed wetland'. Ecological Engineering, 91 :231-239. | |
An Kedong, Wang Wenke, Zhao Yaqian, Huang Wenfeng, Chen Li, Zhang Zaiyong, Wang Qiangmin, Li Wanxin. (2016) 'Estimation of soil thermal diffusivity and heat flux in subsurface layers from soil temperature'. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 158 :473-488. | |
Zheng Yucong Wang Xiaochang Dzakpasu Mawuli Zhao Yaqian Ngo Huu Hao Guo Wenshan Ge Yuan Xiong Jiaqing. (2016) 'Effects of interspecific competition on the growth of macrophytes and nutrient removal in constructed wetlands: a comparative assessment of free water surface and horizontal subsurface flow systems'. Bioresource Technology, 207 :134-141. | |
Zheng YC Wang XC Dzakpasu M Ge Y Zhao YQ Xiong JQ. (2016) 'Performance of a pilot demonstration-scale hybrid constructed wetland system for on-site treatment of polluted urban river water in Northwestern China'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23 (1):447-454. | |
Wang Wenke Dai Zhenxue Zhao Yaqian Li Junting Duan Lei Wang Zhoufeng Zhu Lin (2016) 'A quantitative analysis of hydraulic interaction processes in stream-aquifer systems'. Scientific Reports, 6 :1-12. | |
Xu L Zhao YQ Doherty L Hu YS Hao XD. (2016) 'The Integrated Processes for Wastewater Treatment Based on the Principle of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs): A Review'.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 41 (1):60-91. | |
Doherty L Zhao YQ Zhao XH Hu YS Hao XD Xu L Liu RB. (2015) 'A review of a recently emerged technology: Constructed wetland - microbial fuel cells'. Water Research, 85 :38-45. |
Dr Giovanni Spagnoli | |
Spagnoli, G Doherty, P Murphy, G Attari, A (2015) 'Estimation of the compression and tension loads for a novel mixed-in-place offshore pile for oil and gas platforms in silica and calcareous sands' Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 136 :1-11.![]() |
Mr Iman Zolanvari | |
Zolanvari, S. M. Iman Laefer, Debra F. (2016) 'Slicing Method for curved facade (façade) and window extraction from point clouds' International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 119 (September 2016):334-346.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Ms Sofia Antonopoulou | |
Antonopoulou, S. McNally, C. Byrne, G. (2016) Developing braided FRP reinforcement for concrete structures . In: Jamie Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference (CERI 2016), Galway, Ireland, 189 - 193 | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Packham, I., Archbold, M.A., Mockler, E.M., Mannix, A., Daly, D., Deakin, J. & Bruen, M. (2016) CCT: A simple prioritisation tool for identifying critical source areas for managing waterborne pollutants 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 10-14, Toulouse, FRANCE, | |
Hallouin,T., Bruen, M., Kelly-Quinn, M., Christie, M., Bullock, C., Kelly, F., Feeley, H.B. (2016) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Ecosystem Services: knowledge gaps and challenges for policy and decision-making 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, July 10-14, Toulouse, FRANCE, | |
Mockler, E.M., O'Loughlin, F. E. & Bruen, M. (2015) Understanding Hydrological Flow Paths in Conceptual Catchment Models to Improve Water Quality Modelling Irish National Hydrology Conference, | |
Assoc Professor Paul Fanning | |
Devin A., Fanning, P.J. (2016) Vibration Transmission Through Nonstructural Partitions Between Building Floor Levels IMAC XXXIV Conference and Exhibition on Structural Dynamics, Orlando, Florida, USA, | |
Dr Kenneth Gavin | |
Prendergast, LJ Gavin, K Hester, D (2016) Effect of vehicle velocity on exciting the lateral dynamic response of two-span integral bridges Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) 2016, | |
Attari, Y Prendergast, LJ Gavin, K (2016) Performance Testing of a Novel Gravity Base Foundation for Offshore Wind Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) 2016, | |
Karlo Martinovi?, Kenneth Gavin, Cormac Reale (2016) Quantitative landslide susceptibility and hazard analysis for earthworks on transport networks 4th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Sibenik, Croatia, | |
Cormac Reale, Karlo Martinovi?, Kenneth Gavin (2016) Multi-modal risk assessment of slopes 4th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Sibenik, Croatia, | |
Stipanovic-Oslakovic, I. Gavin, K. Kovaeviv, S. (2016) Developing decision support tools for rail infrastructure managers 4th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Sibenik, Croatia, | |
MS Kova?evi?, K Gavin, IS Oslakovi?, M Ba?i? (2016) A new methodology for assessment of railway infrastructure condition Transport Research Arena 2016, | |
Kenneth Gavin, David Igoe, Kenny Kataoka Sørensen, Noël Huybrechts (2016) Research and Development Activities on Pile Foundations in Europe ISSMGE-ETC 3 International Symposium on Design of Piles in Europe, | |
BW Byrne, RA McAdam, HJ Burd, GT Houlsby, CM Martin, K Gavin, P Doherty, D Igoe, L Zdravkovi?, DMG Taborda, DM Potts, RJ Jardine, M Sideri, FC Schroeder, A Muir Wood, D Kallehave, J Skov Gretlund (2015) Field testing of large diameter piles under lateral loading for offshore wind applications Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, | |
Dr Arturo Gonzalez | |
Gonzalez, A., Costas, L. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) Dynamic analysis of the nonlinear response of high density fuel storage racks . In: Jamie Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI 2016), Galway, Ireland, 153 - 159 ![]() |
Gonzalez, A., Costas, L. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) Uncertainties in seismic design of free-standing HDSFS Racks 9th International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC 2016), Hangzhou, China, ![]() |
Milana, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) Fatigue Life Assessment Methods: the Case of Ship Unloaders 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC 2016), Chania, Greece, ![]() |
Professor Debra Fern Laefer | |
Truong-Hong, L., Falter, H., Lennon. D. and Laefer, D. (2016) Framework for Bridge Inspection with Laser Scanning EASCE 14, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, | |
Truong-Hong, L., and Laefer, D. (2015) Evaluation of Automatically Generated 2D Footprints from Urban LiDAR Data ISPRS GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2015, La Grande Motte, France, | |
Truong-Hong, L., and Laefer, D. (2015) Documentation of Bridges by Terrestrial Laser Scanner IABSE Geneva Conference 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 - 8 | |
Assoc Professor Michael Long | |
Sandven, R., Gylland, A., Montafia, A., Kåsin, K., Pfaffhuber, A. and Long, M. (2016) In situ detection of sensitive clays ¿ Part II: Results Proceedings 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting (NGM), Reykjavik, 133 - 143 ![]() |
Sauvin, G., Vanneste, M., L¿Heureux, J.-S., O'Connor, P., O'Rourke, S., O'Connell, Y., Lombard, T. and Long, M. (2016) Impacts of data acquisition parameters and processing techniques on S-wave velocity profiles from MASW ¿ examples from Trondheim, NorwayProceedings 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting (NGM), Reykjavik, 1297 - 1306 ![]() |
L¿Heureux, J.S. and Long, M. (2016) Correlations between shear wave velocity and geotechnical parameters in Norwegian clays Proceedings 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting (NGM), Reykjavik, 229 - 308 ![]() |
Sandven, R., Gylland, A., Montafia, A., Kåsin, K., Pfaffhuber, A. and Long, M. (2016) In situ detection of sensitive clays ¿ Part I: Selected test methods Proceedings 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting (NGM), Reykjavik, 123 - 132 ![]() |
Trafford, A. and Long, M. (2016) Some recent developments on geophysical testing of peatProceedings 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeeting (NGM), Reykjavik, 215 - 224 ![]() |
Kovacevic, N., Menkiti, C.O., Long, M. and Potts, D. (2015) Finite element analyses of a cantilever wall in Dublin Boulder Clay . In: Winter, M. et al eds. Proceedings XVIth ECSMGE, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3983 - 3988 | |
Menkiti, C.O. and Long, M. (2015) Consolidation settlements in Dublin Boulder Clay . In: Winter, M. et al eds. Proceedings XVIth ECSMGE, Edinburgh, Scotland, 313 - 318 | |
Long, M. (2015 (2015) Invited Lecture - Developments in the use of geophysics in geotechnical engineering in soft ground . In: Winter, M. et al eds. Proceedings XVIth ECSMGE, Edinburgh, Scotland, 129 - 150 | |
Dr Ciaran McNally | |
Sourav, SN, Al-Sabah, S & McNally, C (2016) Strength assessment of in-situ concrete for the evaluation of structural capacity: State of the art Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, | |
Antonopoulou, S & McNally, C (2016) A study on FRP composite materials reinforcement in concrete structures Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, | |
Balic, E & McNally, C (2016) Assessment of railway substructure by impact hammer testingThe Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Sardinia, | |
Dr Eva Mockler | |
Packham, I., Archbold, M., Mockler, E. M., Mannix, A., Daly, D., Deakin, J., Bruen, M. (2016) CCT: A simple prioritisation tool for identifying critical source areas for managing waterborne pollutants Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Meeting of the iEMSs, | |
Mockler, E.M. (2016) Development of a Nutrient Load Apportionment Modelling ToolboxProceedings of the 8th Biennial Meeting of the iEMSs, Toulouse, France, | |
Eva M. Mockler, Fiachra E. O'Loughlin, Michael Bruen (2015) Understanding Hydrological Flow Paths In Conceptual Catchment Models To Improve Water Quality Modelling National Hydrology Conference, Athlone, | |
Mr Ehsan Moradabadi | |
Moradabadi, Ehsan Laefer, Debra F. (2016) Considerations for a District-Level, Tunnel-Risk, Screening Tool . In: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration ( SME ) eds. ITA-AITES World Tunneling Congress (WTC2016), San Francisco, California, 2272 - 2279 ![]() |
J. Clarke, E. Moradabadi, D. Laefer (2015) The Effect of Uncertainty on the Prediction of Building Damage Due to Tunnelling-Induced Settlement . In: Mike G. Winter eds. XVI ECSMGE, ISSMGE, Edinburgh, UK, 4135 - 4141 ![]() |
Professor Eugene O'Brien | |
Martinez, D., OBrien, E.J., Sevillano, E. (2016) Damage Detection by Drive-by Monitoring Using the Vertical Displacements of the Bridge . In: A. Zingoni, A.A. Balkema eds. Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2016), Cape Town, South Africa, 1 - 5 | |
Leahy, C., OBrien, E.J., O'Connor, A.J. (2016) The influence of traffic growth on bridge load effect forecasting . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 207 - 212 | |
Hajializadeh, D., Carey, C., OBrien, E.J. (2016) Quantification of Multi Risk Scenarios Subjected to Extreme Weather Events . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 311 - 316 | |
Martinez, D., OBrien, E.J., Sevillano, E. (2016) Drive-by Bridge Damage Detection Using Curvatures in Uncertain Environments . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 49 - 54 | |
Micu, E.A., OBrien, E.J., Sevillano, E. (2016) Application of Image Processing to the Analysis of Congested Traffic . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 317 - 320 | |
OBrien, E.J., Bowe, C., Quirke, P., Cantero, D. (2016) Drive-by inference of railway track longitudinal profile using accelerometer readings taken by in-service vehicles . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 55 - 60 | |
Fitzgerald, P.C., OBrien, E.J., Sevillano, E. (2016) Bridge Damage Detection using Moving Force Identification . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 533 - 538 | |
Heitner, B., OBrien, E.J., Schoefs, F., Yalamas, T, Décatoire, R., Leahy, C. (2016) Bayesian updating of bridge safety model . In: J. Goggins eds. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016, Galway, Ireland, 61 - 66 | |
OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A. (2016) On the use of a passing vehicle for bridge health monitoring . In: T.N. Bittencourt, D.M. Frangopol, A.T. Beck eds. 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety & Management, IABMAS2016, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 1 - 8 | |
Connolly, L., O'Connor, A.J., OBrien, E.J. (2016) Probabilistic modelling and assessment of railway bridges . In: T.N. Bittencourt, D.M. Frangopol, A.T. Beck eds. 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety & Management, IABMAS2016, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 1 - 8 | |
Leahy, C., OBrien, E.J., O'Connor, A.J. (2016) Considering Traffic Growth in Characteristic Bridge Load Effect Calculations . In: T.N. Bittencourt, D.M. Frangopol, A.T. Beck eds. 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety & Management, IABMAS2016, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 1 - 7 | |
Sevillano, E., OBrien, E.J., Fitzgerald P.C. (2016) Moving Force Identification as a Bridge Damage Indicator Proceedings of CSHM-6: Structural Health Monitoring of New and Ageing Infrastructure, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom, | |
OBrien, E.J., Sevillano, E., Martinez, D. (2016) Monitoring the Condition of a Bridge using a Traffic Speed Deflectometer Vehicle Travelling at Highway Speed . In: E. Mustafaraj, J. Keci, M. Mdini eds. 3rd International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 3-BCCCE, Tirana, Albania, 106 - 114 | |
OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A., Micu, L.A. (2016) Cross entropy weight minimization of a compressive strut . In: C.K. Chua, W.Y. Yeong, M.J. Tan & E.J. Liu eds. 2nd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM 2016), Singapore, 1 - 6 | |
Huseynov, F., Brownjohn J. M. W., OBrien E.J. and Hester, D. (2016) Analysis of Load Test on Composite I-Girder Bridge Proceedings of the CSHM-6: Structural health monitoring of new and ageing infrastructure, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, | |
Clarke, J.A., OBrien, E.J. (2016) A multi-hazard risk assessment methodology, stress test framework and decision support tool for transport infrastructure networks Transportation Research Procedia, 14, Proceedings of 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, Poland, 1355 - 1363 | |
OBrien, E.J., Tschan, G., Wansink, D.E.H., Puky, M. (2016) Design of roads in harmony with wildlife Transportation Research Procedia, 14, Proceedings of 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, Poland, 509 - 517 | |
Leahy, C., OBrien, E.J., O'Connor, A.J. (2016) The Effect of Traffic Growth on Characteristic Bridge Load Effects Transportation Research Procedia, 14, Proceedings of 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, Poland, 3990 - 3999 | |
OBrien, E.J., Catbas, N., Taylor, S.E., Khuc, T. (2016) Camera-based Bridge Safety Monitoring 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-14), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1 - 8 | |
Connolly, L, Hajializadeh, D., Leahy, C., O'Connor, A.J., OBrien, E.J., Bowe, C. (2016) Calculation of the Dynamic Allowance for Railway Bridges from Direct Measurement . In: J. Pombo eds. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Cagliari, France, 1 - 17 | |
Heitner, B., OBrien, E.J., Schoef, F., Yalamas, T., Décatoire, R., Leahy, C. (2016) Probabilistic modelling of bridge safety based on damage indicators 9th International Conference ¿Bridges in Danube Basin 2016¿, Zilina, Slovakia, 1 - 8 | |
Leahy, C., OBrien, E.J., O'Connor, A.J. (2015) Traffic Load Effect Forecasting for BridgesIABSE Conference ¿ Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges, 1 - 8 | |
Dr John O'Sullivan | |
Purcell, P.J., O'Sullivan, J.J. (2016) Experience of initiative to attract high-calibre second-level students into Engineering programmes at University College Dublin, Ireland 6th International Symposium of Engineering Education, | |
Dr Arthur Parkinson | |
Parkinson, A Scott, M Redmond, D (2016) Contesting conservation-planning: insights from Ireland . In: Carola Hein eds. International Planning History Society Proceedings, 17th IPHS Conference, History-Urbanism-Resilience, TU Delft, 39 - 48 | |
Dr Luke Prendergast | |
Attari, Y Prendergast, LJ Gavin, K (2016) Performance Testing of a Novel Gravity Base Foundation for Offshore Wind Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) 2016, | |
Prendergast, LJ Gavin, K Hester, D (2016) Effect of vehicle velocity on exciting the lateral dynamic response of two-span integral bridges Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI) 2016, | |
Assoc Professor Patrick J Purcell | |
P. Purcell (2015) Modelling a transient event at an hydroelectric scheme British Hydraulic Research (BHR) International Conference on Pressure surges, Dublin, | |
Dr Giovanni Spagnoli | |
Spagnoli, G, Finkenzeller, S, Freudenthal, T, Hoekstra, T, Woollard, M, Storteboom, O, Weixler, L (2015) First Deployment of the Underwater Drill Rig MeBo200 in the North Sea and its Applications for the Geotechnical Exploration . In: Society of Petroleum Engineers eds. SPE Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, ![]() |
Dr Linh Truong Hong | |
Truong-Hong, L., Falter, H., Lennon. D. and Laefer, D. (2016) Framework for Bridge Inspection with Laser Scanning EASCE 14, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, | |
Truong-Hong, L., and Laefer, D. (2015) Evaluation of Automatically Generated 2D Footprints from Urban LiDAR Data ISPRS GEOSPATIAL WEEK 2015, La Grande Motte, France, | |
Truong-Hong, L., and Laefer, D. (2015) Documentation of Bridges by Terrestrial Laser Scanner IABSE Geneva Conference 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 1 - 8 | |
Dr Yaqian Zhao | |
Zhao Yaqian Ren Baiming O'Brien Andrew O'Toole Simon (2016) Transforming alum sludge into clay brick manufacturing: Irish investigation and prospects In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (WasteEng2016) (ISBN: 979-10-91526-05-0), Albi, France, 90 - 103 | |
Liu Ranbin Zhao Yaqian (2016) Integrated constructed wetland¿activated sludge (CWAS) reactor for enhancing nutrients removal In: Abstract book of 26th Irish Environmental Researchers¿ Colloquium (ENVIRON 2016), 186 - 186 | |
Ren Baiming Zhao Yaqian O'Brien Andrew O'Toole Simon (2016) Reusing Irish waterworks sludge in clay brick manufacturing In: Abstract book of 26th Irish Environmental Researchers¿ Colloquium (ENVIRON 2016), University of Limerick, Ireland, 183 - 183 | |
Doherty L, Zhao YQ. (2015) Can microbial fuel cells improve constructed wetlands? In: Abstract book of 6th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL 2015), York, UK, 188 - 189 |