Dr Nicole Beisiegel |
Drähne, U; Goseberg N; Vater S; Beisiegel, N; Behrens, J (2016) 'An Experimental and Numerical Study of Long Wave Run-Up on a Plane Beach'. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 4 (1):1-23.  |
Dr Joao Bettencourt |
Bettencourt, Joao H.; Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Montes, Ivonne; Sudre, Joel; Dewitte, Boris; Paulmier, Aurelien; Garcon, Veronique (2015) 'Boundaries of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone shaped by coherent mesoscale dynamics'. Nature Geoscience . |
Assoc Professor Miguel Bustamante |
Michele Buzzicotti, Brendan P Murray, Luca Biferale, Miguel D Bustamante (2016) 'Phase and precession evolution in the Burgers equation'. European Physical Journal E, 39 :34. |
Marc Perlin, Miguel D Bustamante (2016) 'A robust quantitative comparison criterion of two signals based on the Sobolev norm of their difference'. Journal of Engineering Mathematics . |
Rachel M Mulungye, Dan Lucas, Miguel D Bustamante (2016) 'Atypical late-time singular regimes accurately diagnosed in stagnation-point-type solutions of 3D Euler flows'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 788 :R3. |
Miguel D. Bustamante and Sergey V. Nazarenko (2015) 'Derivation of the Biot-Savart equation from the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation'. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 92 :053019. |
Dr Colm Francis Clancy |
Lynch, P; Clancy, C (2015) 'Improving the Laplace transform integration method'. Quarterly Journal Of The Royal Meteorological Society . |
Dr Anthony Cronin |
Cronin, A., Fitzmaurice, O., Ní Fhloinn, E., O'Sullivan, C., Walsh, R. (2016) 'Preparing Tutors for Mathematics Learning Support'. MSOR Connections, 14 (No. 3):14-21.  |
Anthony Cronin, Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain (2015) 'Maths Sparks: Developing Community and Widening Participation'. MSOR Connections, 14 (1):43-53.  |
Anthony Cronin and Cormac Breen (2015) 'Maximizing The Impact Of Digital Supports In Mathematics Learning Support In Higher Education - An Overview Of The 9th Annual IMLSN Workshop'. MSOR Connections, 14 (1):11-17.  |
Anthony Cronin (2015) 'Irish Maths Learning Support Network 9th Annual Workshop, UCD, 29 May'. Irish Mathematical Society Bulletin, 76 (Winter):18-20.  |
Professor Frederic Dias |
Fedele, F; Brennan, J; Ponce de Leon, S; Dudley, J; Dias, F (2016) 'Real world ocean rogue waves explained without the modulational instability'. Scientific Reports, 6 . |
Wei, Y; Abadie, T; Henry, A; Dias, F (2016) 'Wave interaction with an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, Part II: Slamming'. Ocean Engineering, 113 :319-334. |
Cummins, C; Dias, F (2016) 'A new model of viscous dissipation for the oscillating wave surge converter'. Journal of Engineering Mathematics . |
Gallagher, S; Gleeson, E; Tiron, R; McGrath, R; Dias, F (2016) 'Wave climate projections for Ireland for the end of the 21st century including analysis of EC-Earth winds over the North Atlantic Ocean'. International Journal of Climatology . |
Dr Mark Dukes |
Tom S. Weber, Mark Dukes, Denise C. Miles, Stefan P. Glaser, Shalin H. Naik, Ken R. Duffy (2016) 'Site-specific recombinatorics: in situ cellular barcoding with the Cre Lox system'.BMC Systems Biology . |
Mark Dukes, Chris D White (2016) 'Web matrices: structural properties and generating combinatorial identities'. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics .  |
Jean-Christophe Aval, Michele D'Adderio, Mark Dukes, Yvan Le Borgne (2016) 'Two operators on sandpile configurations, the sandpile model on the complete bipartite graph, and a Cyclic Lemma'. Advances in Applied Mathematics . |
Mark Dukes (2016) 'Generalized ballot sequences are ascent sequences'. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics .  |
Professor Nial Friel |
S. Thiemichen, N. Friel, A. Caimo and G. Kauermann (2016) 'Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects'. Social Networks, 46 :11-28.  |
Thiemichen, S; Friel, N; Caimo, A; Kauermann, G (2016) 'Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Models with Nodal Random Effects'. Social Networks, 46 :11-28.  |
N. Friel, R. Rastelli, J. Wyse and A.E. Raftery (2016) 'Interlocking directorates in Irish companies using a latent space model for bipartite networks'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 133 (24):6629-6634. |
N. Friel, C. Oates, A. Mira (2016) 'Exploiting Multi-Core Architectures for Reduced-Variance Estimation with Intractable Likelihoods'. Bayesian Analysis, 11 :215-245.  |
P. Alquier, N. Friel, R. Everitt and A. Boland (2016) 'Noisy Monte Carlo: Convergence of Markov chains with approximate transition kernels'. Statistics and Computing, 26 :29-47.  |
Professor Stephen Gardiner |
Gardiner, Stephen J.; Manolaki, Myrto (2016) 'A convergence theorem for harmonic measures with applications to Taylor series'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (3):1109-1117. |
Gardiner, Stephen J.; Render, Hermann (2016) 'Harmonic functions which vanish on a cylindrical surface'. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 433 (2):1870-1882. |
Dr Marius Ghergu |
Ghergu, M. and Taliaferro, S.D. (2016) 'Pointwise bounds and blow-up for Choquard-Pekar inequalities at an isolated singularity'. Journal of Differential Equations, 261 (1):189-217.  |
Dr Claire Gormley |
McParland, D. and Gormley, I.C. (2016) 'Model Based Clustering for Mixed Data: clustMD'.Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 10 (2):155-169. |
O'Hagan, A., Murphy, T.B., Gormley, I.C., McNicholas, P. and Karlis, D. (2016) 'Clustering Using the Multivariate Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 93 :18-30. |
Dr Belinda Hernandez |
Kevin Rue-Albrecht, Paul A. McGettigan, Belinda Hernández, Andrew C Parnell, Stephen V Gordon, David E MacHugh (2016) 'GOexpress: Visualise microarray and RNAseq data using gene ontology annotations'. BMC Bioinformatics, 17 (1):1. |
Ademowo OS, Hernandez B;Collins E;Rooney C;Fearon U;van Kuijk AW;Tak PP;Gerlag DM;FitzGerald O;Pennington SR (2015) 'Discovery and confirmation of a protein biomarker panel with potential to predict response to biological therapy in psoriatic arthritis'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75 (1):234-241. |
Belinda Hernández, Andrew C Parnell, Stephen R Pennington (2015) 'Bayesian Methods for proteomic biomarker development'. EuPA Open Proteomics . |
Dr Kevin Hutchinson |
Kevin Hutchinson (2016) 'The second homology of SL_2 of S-integers'. Journal of Number Theory, 159 :223-272. |
Kevin Hutchinson and Matthias Wendt (2015) 'On the third homology of SL_2 and weak homotopy invariance'. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 367 (10):7481-7513. |
Dr Eugene Kashdan |
C. Sadee and E. Kashdan (2016) 'A model for thermotherapy treatment for bladder cancer'.Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13 (6). |
Assoc Professor Gabrielle E Kelly |
G. E. Kelly (2016) 'Approximations to the p-values of tests for a change-point under non-standard conditions'. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86 :1430-1449.  |
Dr Rupert Levene |
Levene, RH; Piszczek, K (2016) 'Grothendieck's inequality in the noncommutative Schwartz space'. Studia Mathematica, 2342 (2):185-194. |
Crann, J; Kribs, DW; Levene, RH; Todorov, IG (2016) 'Private algebras in quantum information and infinite-dimensional complementarity'. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57 (1).  |
Dr Michael Mackey |
M. Mackey and W. G. Sullivan (2016) 'Exhaustion of an interval by iterated Rényi parking'.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications . |
Ms Myrto Manolaki |
Gardiner, S. J.; Manolaki, M. (2016) 'A convergence theorem for harmonic measures with applications to Taylor series'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society . |
Professor Gary McGuire |
Henriette Heer, Gary McGuire, Oisin Robinson (2016) 'JKL-ECM: an implementation of ECM using Hessian Curves'. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 19 . |
Dr Damien McParland |
McParland, D. and Gormley, I.C. (2016) 'Model Based Clustering for Mixed Data: clustMD'.Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 10 (2):155-169. |
Assoc Professor Pauline Mellon |
Mellon, P (2016) 'A Jordan approach to iteration theory for bounded symmetric domains (Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems VI)'. Contemporary Mathematics . |
Mellon, P (2016) 'Denjoy-Wolff theory for finite dimensional bounded symmetric domains'.Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 195 (3):845-855. |
Assoc Professor Patrick Murphy |
ND Nguyen and P Murphy (2015) 'To Weight or Not To Weight? A Statistical Analysis of How Weights Affect the Reliability of the Quarterly National Household Survey for Immigration Research in Ireland'. Economic and Social Review . |
Professor Thomas Murphy |
White, A. and Murphy, T.B. (2016) 'Exponential Family Mixed Membership Models for Soft~Clustering of Multivariate Data'. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification . |
Scrucca, L., Fop, M., Murphy, T.B. and Raftery, A.E. (2016) 'mclust 5: Clustering, Classification and Density Estimation Using Gaussian Finite Mixture Models'. R Journal, 8 (1):289-317.  |
Foley, R.W., Gorman, L.V., Sharifi, N., Lundon, D.J., Murphy, K., Moore, H., Tuzova, A., Perry, A., Murphy, T.B. and Watson, R.W.G. (2016) 'Improving Multivariable Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment Using The Prostate Health Index'. BJU International, 117 (3):409-417. |
White, A and Murphy, TB (2016) 'Mixed-membership of experts stochastic blockmodel'.Network Science, 4 (1):48-80. |
Foley, R.W., Maweni, R.M., Gorman, L., Murphy, K., Lundon, D.J., Durkan, G., Power, R., O'Brien, F., O'Malley, K.J., Galvin, D.J., Murphy, T.B. and Watson, R.W. (2016) 'The ERSPC Risk Calculators Significantly Outperform The PCPT 2.0 In The Prediction Of Prostate Cancer; A Multi-Institutional Study'. BJU International . |
O'Hagan, A., Murphy, T.B., Gormley, I.C., McNicholas, P. and Karlis, D. (2016) 'Clustering Using the Multivariate Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 93 (1):18-30. |
Gollini, I. and Murphy, T.B. (2016) 'Joint Modelling of Multiple Network Views'. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 25 (1):246-265. |
White, A., Wyse, J. and Murphy, T.B. (2016) 'Bayesian variable selection for latent class analysis using a collapsed Gibbs sampler'. Statistics and Computing, 26 (1):511-527. |
Bartolucci, F and Murphy, TB (2015) 'A mixed latent trajectory model for modeling ultrarunners in a 24 hour race'. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11 (4):193-204. |
Foley, R.W., Lundon, D.J., Murphy, K., Murphy, T.B., O'Malley, K.J. Galvin, D.J. and Waton, R.W.G. (2015) 'Predicting prostate cancer: analysing the clinical efficacy of prostate cancer risk calculators in a referral population'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 184 (3):701-706. |
Dr Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain |
Ni Shuilleabhain, Aoibhinn (2016) 'Developing mathematics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in lesson study: case study findings'. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 5 (3):212-226. |
Ni Shuilleabhain, Aoibhinn Cronin, Anthony (2015) 'Maths Sparks: Developing Community and Widening Participation'. MSOR Connections, :43-53.  |
Dr Adrian O'Hagan |
O'Hagan, A., Murphy, T.B., Gormley, I.C., McNicholas, P. and Karlis, D. (2016) 'Clustering Using the Multivariate Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution'. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 93 :18-30. |
Adrian O'Hagan and Colm Ferrari (2016) 'Model-based and non-parametric approaches to clustering for data compression in actuarial applications'. North American Actuarial Journal . |
Dr Robert Osburn |
Jeremy Lovejoy, Robert Osburn (2016) 'Mock theta double sums'. Glasgow Mathematical Journal .  |
Paul Beirne, Robert Osburn (2016) 'q-series and tails of colored Jones polynomials'.Indagationes Mathematicae-New Series . |
Ling Long, Robert Osburn, Holly Swisher (2016) 'On a conjecture of Kimoto and Wakayama'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (10):4319-4327.  |
George Andrews, Song Heng Chan, Byungchan Kim, Robert Osburn (2016) 'The first positive rank and crank moments for overpartitions'. Annals of Combinatorics, 20 (2):193-217.  |
Brundaban Sahu, Robert Osburn, Armin Straub (2016) 'Supercongruences for sporadic sequences'. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 59 (2):503-518.  |
Adam Keilthy, Robert Osburn (2016) 'Rogers-Ramanujan type identities for alternating knots'. Journal of Number Theory, 161 :255-280.  |
Robert Osburn, Wadim Zudilin (2016) 'On the (K.2) supercongruence of Van Hamme'.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 433 (1):706-711.  |
Song Heng Chan, Renrong Mao, Robert Osburn (2015) 'On recursions for coefficients of mock theta functions'. Research in Number Theory, 1 (Article 29):1-18.  |
Professor Adrian Ottewill |
Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill, and Barry Wardell (2016) 'Analytical high-order post-Newtonian expansions for spinning extreme mass ratio binaries'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 93 :124038. |
Seth Hopper, Chris Kavanagh, and Adrian C. Ottewill (2016) 'Analytic self-force calculations in the post-Newtonian regime: Eccentric orbits on a Schwarzschild background'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 93 :044010. |
Cormac Breen, Matthew Hewitt, Elizabeth Winstanley, and Adrian C. Ottewill (2015) 'Vacuum polarization on the brane'. Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology), 92 :084039. |
Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill, and Barry Wardell (2015) 'Analytical high-order post-Newtonian expansions for extreme mass ratio binaries'. Physical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology), 92 :084025. |
Assoc Professor Andrew Parnell |
Osman, Mugtaba and Parnell, Andrew C and Haley, Clifford (2016) 'Suicide shall cease to be a crime: suicide and undetermined death trends 1970--2000 before and after the decriminalization of suicide in Ireland 1993'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, :1-5. |
Rue-Albrecht, K\'evin and McGettigan, Paul A and Hern\'andez, Belinda and Nalpas, Nicolas C and Magee, David A and Parnell, Andrew C and Gordon, Stephen V and MacHugh, David E (2016) 'GOexpress: an R/Bioconductor package for the identification and visualisation of robust gene ontology signatures through supervised learning of gene expression data'. BMC bioinformatics, 17 (1):1. |
Cahill, Niamh and Kemp, Andrew C and Horton, Benjamin P and Parnell, Andrew C (2016) 'A Bayesian hierarchical model for reconstructing relative sea level: from raw data to rates of change'. Climate of the Past, 12 (2):525-542. |
Osman, Mugtaba and Parnell, Andrew C. (2015) 'Effect of the First World War on suicide rates in Ireland: an investigation of the 1864-1921 suicide trends'. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1 (2):164-165. |
Dr Hermann Render |
D. Khavinson, E. Lundberg, H. Render (2016) 'Dirichlet's Problem with Entire Data Posed on an Ellipsoidal Cylinder'. Potential Analysis . |
D. Khavinson, E. Lundberg, H. Render (2016) 'The Dirichlet problem for the slab with entire data and a difference equation for harmonic functions'. Canadian Mathematics Bulletin . |
H. Render (2016) 'A Characterization of the Khavinson-Shapiro Conjecture Via Fischer Operators'. Potential Analysis . |
S.J. Gardiner, H. Render (2016) 'A reflection result for harmonic functions which vanish on a cylindrical surface'. J. Math. Analysis Appl, 443 :81-91. |
S. Gardiner, H. Render (2015) 'Harmonic functions which vanish on a cylindrical surface'. J. Math. Analysis Appl . |
Dr Helena Smigoc |
Ellard, R.; Smigoc, H. (2016) 'Connecting sufficient conditions for the Symmetric Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problem'. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 498 (1):521-552. |
Thomas Laffey, Raphael Loewy, Helena Smigoc (2016) 'Power series with positive coefficients arising from the characteristic polynomials of positive matrices'. Mathematische Annalen, 364 (1-2):687-707. |
Dr Richard Smith |
Kania, T. and Smith, R. J. (2015) 'Chains of functions in C(K)-spaces'. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 99 :350-363. |
Assoc Professor Thomas Unger |
Geerts, F; Unger, T; Karvounarakis, G; Fundulaki, I; Christophides, V (2016) 'Algebraic Structures for Capturing the Provenance of SPARQL Queries'. Journal of the ACM, 63 (1):7:1-7:63. |
Dr Barry Wardell |
Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill, and Barry Wardell (2016) 'Analytical high-order post-Newtonian expansions for spinning extreme mass ratio binaries'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Patrick Nolan, Chris Kavanagh, Sam R Dolan, Adrian C Ottewill, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell (2015) 'Octupolar invariants for compact binaries on quasi-circular orbits'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Antoine Klein, Enrico Barausse, Alberto Sesana, Antoine Petiteau, Emanuele Berti, Stanislav Babak, Jonathan Gair, Sofiane Aoudia, Ian Hinder, Frank Ohme, Barry Wardell (2015) 'Science with the space-based interferometer eLISA. I: Supermassive black hole binaries'.Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Barry Wardell and Niels Warburton (2015) 'Applying the effective-source approach to frequency-domain self-force calculations: Lorenz-gauge gravitational perturbations'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill, Barry Wardell (2015) 'Analytical high-order post-Newtonian expansions for extreme mass ratio binaries'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Dr Lennon Ó'Náraigh |
Lennon O'Naraigh and Ricardo Barros (2016) 'Particle-laden viscous channel flows: model regularization and parameter study'. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids . |
James Fannon, Iain Bethune, Prashant Valluri, Jean-Christophe Loiseau, and Lennon O'Naraigh (2016) 'High-performance computational fluid dynamics: a custom-code approach'. European Journal of Physics, 37 :045001. |
Patrick Schmidt, Lennon O'Naraigh, Mathieu Lucquiaud, and Prashant Valluri (2016) 'Linear and nonlinear instability in vertical counter-current laminar gas-liquid flows'. Physics of Fluids, 28 :042102. |