Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Civil Engineering in the academic year 2016/17
Assoc Professor Aoife Ahern | |
John Humphreys and Aoife Ahern (2017) 'Is Travel Based Residential Self-Selection a Significant Influence in Modal Choice and Household Location Decisions?'. Transport Policy. | |
Ahern, A. Vega, A, and Caulfield, B. (2016) 'Deprivation and access to work in Dublin city: The Impact of Transport Disadvantage'. Research in Transportation Economics, 57C :44-52. | |
Rock, S. , Ahern, A. and Caulfield, B. (2016) 'The economic boom, bust and transport inequity in suburban Dublin, Ireland'. Research in Transportation Economics, 57C :37-43. | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Mockler, Eva M., Deakin, Jenny, Archbold, Marie, Gill, Laurence, Daly, Donal, Bruen, Michael (2017) 'Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to Irish rivers and coastal waters: Estimates from a nutrient load apportionment framework'. Science of the Total Environment, 601 602 :326-339. ![]() |
Conroy, E., Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O¿Sullivan, J.J., Lawler, D.M., Stafford, S., Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) 'Further insights into the responses of macroinvertebrate species to burial by sediment'. Hydrobiologia . | |
Conroy, E., Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A., O¿Sullivan, J.J., Bruen, M., Lawler, D.M., Stafford, S., Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) 'The responses of macroinvertebrate taxa to burial by sediment'. Hydrobiologia . | |
Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan, J.J., Bruen, M., Turner, J.N., Lawler, D.M. E. Conroy, E. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) 'Measurement differences between turbidity instruments, and their implications for suspended sediment concentration and load calculations: A sensor inter-comparison study'. Journal of Environmental Management, 199 (99):108. | |
Conroy, E., Turner, J. N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O׳Sullivan, J. & Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An evaluation of visual and measurement-based methods for estimating deposited fine sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research, 31 :368-375. | |
Conroy, E, Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A, Bruen, M, O'Sullivan, J, Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An Evaluation of Visual and Measurement-Based Methods for Estimating Deposited Fine Sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research, 31 :368-375. | |
Mockler, E. M., Chun, K. P., Sapriza-Azuri, G., Bruen, M., Wheater, H. S. (2016) 'Assessing the relative importance of parameter and forcing uncertainty and their interactions in conceptual hydrological model simulations'. Advances in Water Resources, 97 :299-313. ![]() |
Conroy, E., Turner, J. N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O'Sullivan, J. J., Lawler, D. M., Lally, H. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment,(568):1092-1101. | |
Conroy E., Turner J.N., Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan J.J., Bruen M., Lawler D., Lally H., M. Kelly-Quinn M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment, 568 :1092-1101. | |
Conroy E., Turner J.N., Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan J.J., Bruen M., Lawler D., Lally H., M. Kelly-Quinn M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment, 568 :1092-1101. | |
Dr Owen Douglas | |
Douglas, O; Lennon, M; Scott, M (2017) 'Green space benefits for health and well-being: A life-course approach for urban planning, design and management'. Cities, 66 :53-62. | |
Lennon, M; Douglas, O; Scott, M (2017) 'Urban green space for health and well-being: developing an 'affordances' framework for planning and design'. Journal of Urban Design . | |
Dr Kenneth Gavin | |
Prendergast, L. Hester, D and Gavin, K (2016) 'Determining the presence of scour around bridge foundations using vehicle-induced vibrations'. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21 (10). | |
Xue, J, Gavin, K.G. Murphy, G., Doherty, P. (2016) 'Optimization Technique to Determine the p-y Curves of Laterally Loaded Stiff Piles in Dense Sand'. Geotechnical Testing Journal,39 (5). | |
Assoc Professor Amanda Gibney | |
Fallon, E, McNally, C & Gibney, A (2016) 'Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance in Asphalt Surface Layers Containing Reclaimed Asphalt'. Construction and Building Materials,(128):77-87. | |
Assoc Professor Arturo Gonzalez | |
Mohammed, O. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) 'Static and dynamic moments for any plane within a straight solid slab bridge caused by the crossing of a truck'. Engineering Structures, 150 :465-480. ![]() |
Hester, D. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) 'A discussion on the merits and limitations of using drive-by monitoring to detect localised damage in a bridge'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 90 :234-253. ![]() |
OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) 'Application of empirical mode decomposition to drive-by bridge damage detection'. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 61 :151-163. ![]() |
Gonzalez, A., Costas, L.and Gonzalez, A. (2016) 'Sources of uncertainty in the seismic design of submerged free-standing racks'. Energy Procedia . ![]() |
Mohammed, O. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) 'Dynamic impact of heavy long vehicles with equally spaced axles on short-span highway bridges'. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering . ![]() |
Gonzalez, A. (2016) 'Turning a traditional teaching setting into a feedback rich environment'. International Journal of Engineering Education . ![]() |
Dr Jennifer Keenahan | |
Keenahan, J; OBrien, EJ (2017) 'Drive-by bridge damage detection using a Traffic Speed Deflectometer and time-shifted curvature'. Smart Structures and Systems . | |
Professor Debra Fern Laefer | |
Huynh, M.-P., Laefer, D. (2017) 'Temperature-related Performance Factors for Chemical Demolition Agents'. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation . | |
Byrne, J., Laefer, D., O¿Keeffe, E. (2017) 'Maximizing Feature Detection in Aerial UAV Datasets'. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing . | |
Byrne, J., O¿Keeffe, E., Lennon, D., Laefer, D. (2017) '3D Reconstructions Using Unstabilised Video Footage from an Unmanned Aerial System'. International Journal of Imaging . | |
Laefer, D., Truong-Hong, L. (2017) 'Toward Automatic Generation of 3D Steel Structures for Building Information Modelling'. Automation in Construction . | |
Laefer, D., Erkal, A. (2016) 'Selection, Production, and Testing of Scaled Reinforced Concrete Models and their Components'. Construction and Building Materials, 126 (15):398-409. | |
Vu, V., Laefer, D. Bertolotto, M. (2016) 'Airborne laser scanning data storage and indexing: state-of-the-art review'. International Journal of Remote Sensing . | |
Isfeld, A., Moradabadi, E., Laefer, D., Shrive, N. (2016) 'Uncertainty Analysis of the Effect of Grout Injection on the Deformation of Multi-Wythe Stone Masonry Walls'. Construction and Building Materials, 126 :661-672. ![]() |
Al-Sabah, A., Laefer, D. (2016) 'Use of Negative Stiffness in Damage Analysis of Concrete'.Engineering Structures, 126 (1):187-199. | |
Assoc Professor Michael Long | |
Eide Helle, T., Long, M., Nordal, S. and Aagaard, P. (2017) 'Effectiveness of resistivity cone penetration tests to detect improved properties in salt-treated highly sensitive clay. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, U.K. Journal of Ground Improvement, Vol. xx (GEx), pp xx ¿ xx. First published online June 2017,'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement, 170 (GI3):173-184. | |
Carroll, R. and Long, M. (2017) 'Sampling disturbance effects in silt'. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE, 143 (9):04017061-1-04017061-11. | |
LHeureux, J.-S. and Long, M. (2017) 'Relationship between shear wave velocity and geotechnical parameters for Norwegian clays'. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE, :04017013-1-04017013-20. | |
Dr Abdollah Malekjafarian | |
OBrien, EJ; Martinez, D; Malekjafarian, A; Sevillano, E (2017) 'Damage detection using curvatures obtained from vehicle measurements'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring . | |
Malekjafarian, A; OBrien, EJ (2017) 'On the use of a passing vehicle for the estimation of bridge mode shapes'. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 397 :77-91. | |
Carey, C; OBrien, EJ; Malekjafarian, A; Lydon, M; Taylor, S (2017) 'Direct Field Measurement of the Dynamic Amplification in a Bridge'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85 :601-609. | |
OBrien, EJ; Malekjafarian, A; González, A (2017) 'Application of empirical mode decomposition to drive-by bridge damage detection'. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 61 :151-163. | |
Malekjafarian, A; Ashory, MR; Khatibi, MM; SaberLatibari, M (2016) 'Rigid body stiffness matrix for identification of inertia properties from output-only data'. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 59 :85-94. | |
Mr Daniel Martínez Otero | |
OBrien, Eugene; Martinez, Daniel; Malekjafarian, Abdollah; Sevillano, Enrique (2017) 'Damage detection using curvatures obtained from vehicle measurements'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 7 (3). | |
Dr Ciaran McNally | |
Fallon, E, McNally, C & Gibney, A (2016) 'Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance in Asphalt Surface Layers Containing Reclaimed Asphalt'. Construction and Building Materials,(128):77-87. | |
Dr Eva Mockler | |
Mockler, Eva M., Deakin, Jenny, Archbold, Marie, Gill, Laurence, Daly, Donal, Bruen, Michael (2017) 'Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to Irish rivers and coastal waters: Estimates from a nutrient load apportionment framework'. Science of the Total Environment, 601 602 :326-339. ![]() |
Ní Longphuirt, S., Mockler, E.M., O'Boyle, S., Wynne, C., Stengel, D.B. (2016) 'Linking changes in nutrient load source apportionment to estuarine responses: An Irish perspective'. Biology and Environment, 116B (3):295-311. ![]() |
O'Boyle, S., Quinn, R., Dunne, N., Mockler, E.M., NíLongphuirt, S. (2016) 'What have we learned from over two decades of monitoring riverine nutrient inputs to Ireland's marine environment?'. Biology and Environment, 116B (3):313-327. | |
Eva M. Mockler, Jenny Deakin, Marie Archbold, Donal Daly, Michael Bruen (2016) 'Nutrient Load Apportionment to Support the Identification of Appropriate Water Framework Directive Measures'. Biology and Environment, 116B (3). ![]() |
Mockler, E. M., Chun, K. P., Sapriza-Azuri, G., Bruen, M., Wheater, H. S. (2016) 'Assessing the relative importance of parameter and forcing uncertainty and their interactions in conceptual hydrological model simulations'. Advances in Water Resources, 97 :299-313. ![]() |
Jesko Zimmermann, Réamonn M. Fealy, Kevin Lydon, Eva M. Mockler, Phillip O'Brien, Ian Packham, Gavin Smith, Stuart Green (2016) 'The Irish Land-Parcels Identification System (LPIS)- Experiences in ongoing and recent environmental research and land cover mapping'. Biology and Environment, 116B (1):1-10. ![]() |
Mr Ehsan Moradabadi | |
Isfeld, A., Moradabadi, E., Laefer, D., Shrive, N. (2016) 'Uncertainty Analysis of the Effect of Grout Injection on the Deformation of Multi-Wythe Stone Masonry Walls'. Construction and Building Materials, 126 :661-672. ![]() |
Professor Eugene O'Brien | |
Lydon, M., Taylor, S.E., Doherty, C., Robinson, D., OBrien, E.J., Znidaric, A. (2017) 'Bridge weigh-in-motion system using fibre optic sensors'. Bridge Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers . | |
OBrien, E.J., Martinez, D., Malekjafarian, A., Sevillano, E. (2017) 'Damage detection using curvatures obtained from vehicle measurements'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 7 (3):333-341. | |
Lydon, M., Robinson, D., Taylor, S.E., Amato, G., OBrien, E.J., Uddin, N. (2017) 'Improved axle detection for bridge weigh-in-motion systems using fiber optic sensors'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 7 (3):325-332. | |
Malekjafarian, A., OBrien, E.J. (2017) 'On the use of a passing vehicle for the estimation of bridge mode shapes'. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 397 :77-91. | |
Huseynov, F., Brownjohn, J.M.W., OBrien, E.J., Hester, D. (2017) 'Analysis of Load Test on Composite I-Girder Bridge'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 7 (2):163-173. | |
Hajializadeh, D., OBrien, E.J., O¿Connor, A.J. (2017) 'Virtual Structural Health Monitoring and Remaining Life Prediction of Steel Bridges'. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44 (4):264-273. | |
ElHattab, A., Uddin, N., OBrien, E.J. (2016) 'Drive-by bridge damage monitoring using bridge displacement profile difference'. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 6 (5):839-850. | |
OBrien, E.J., Leahy, C., Enright, B., Caprani, C.C. (2016) 'Validation of Scenario Modelling for Bridge Loading'. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 11 (3):233-241. | |
OBrien, E.J., Bowe, C., Quirke, P., Cantero, D. (2016) 'Determination of longitudinal profile of railway track using vehicle-based inertial readings'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit . | |
OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A., Gonzalez, A. (2016) 'Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition to Drive-by Bridge Damage Detection'. European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 61 (2017):151-163. | |
Carey, C, OBrien, E.J., Malekjafarian, A., Lydon, M., Taylor, S.E. (2016) 'Direct Field Measurement of the Dynamic Amplification in a Bridge'. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 85 :601-609. | |
Dr Fiachra O'Loughlin | |
Yamazaki, Dai and Ikeshima, Daiki and Tawatari, Ryunosuke and Yamaguchi, Tomohiro and O'Loughlin, Fiachra and Neal, Jeffery C. and Sampson, Christopher C. and Kanae, Shinjiro and Bates, Paul D. (2017) 'A high-accuracy map of global terrain elevations'.Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (11):5844-5853. ![]() |
O'Loughlin, FE and Paiva, RCD and Durand, M and Alsdorf, DE and Bates, PD (2016) 'A multi-sensor approach towards a global vegetation corrected SRTM DEM product'. Remote Sensing of Environment, 182 :49-59. | |
Dr John O'Sullivan | |
Conroy, E., Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O¿Sullivan, J.J., Lawler, D.M., Stafford, S., Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) 'Further insights into the responses of macroinvertebrate species to burial by sediment'. Hydrobiologia . | |
Conroy, E, Turner, J.N., Rymszewicz, A, Bruen, M, O'Sullivan, J, Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An Evaluation of Visual and Measurement-Based Methods for Estimating Deposited Fine Sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research, 31 :368-375. | |
Conroy E., Turner J.N., Rymszewicz A., O'Sullivan J.J., Bruen M., Lawler D., Lally H., M. Kelly-Quinn M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment, 568 :1092-1101. | |
Dr Luke Prendergast | |
Prendergast, LJ; Hester, D; Gavin, K (2016) 'Determining the presence of scour around bridge foundations using vehicle-induced vibrations'. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21 (10). | |
Dr Anna Rymszewicz | |
Ballabio, C., Borrelli, P., Spinoni, J., Meusburger, K., Michaelides, S., Beguería, S., Klik, A., Petan, S., Janeček, M., Olsen, P., Aalto, J., Lakatos, M., Rymszewicz, A., Dumitrescu, A., Tadić, M. P., Diodato, N., Kostalova, J., Rousseva, S., Banasik, K., Alewell, C. & Panagos, P. (2017) 'Mapping monthly rainfall erosivity in Europe'. Science of the Total Environment,579 :1298-1315. | |
Rymszewicz, A., O'Sullivan, J. J., Bruen, M., Turner, J. N., Lawler, D. M., Conroy, E. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) 'Measurement differences between turbidity instruments, and their implications for suspended sediment concentration and load calculations: A sensor inter-comparison study'. Journal of Environmental Management, 199 :99-108. | |
Conroy, E., Turner, J. N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O׳Sullivan, J. & Kelly-Quinn, M (2016) 'An evaluation of visual and measurement-based methods for estimating deposited fine sediment'. International Journal of Sediment Research, 31 :368-375. | |
Conroy, E., Turner, J. N., Rymszewicz, A., Bruen, M., O'Sullivan, J. J., Lawler, D. M., Lally, H. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2016) 'Evaluating the relationship between biotic and sediment metrics using mesocosms and field studies'. Science of the Total Environment,(568):1092-1101. | |
Dr Giovanni Spagnoli | |
Spagnoli, G; Miedema, S; Herrmann, C; Rongau, J; Weixler, L; Denegre; J (2016) 'Preliminary Design of a Trench Cutter System for Deep-Sea Mining Applications Under Hyperbaric Conditions'. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 41 (4):930-943. | |
Dr Linh Truong Hong | |
Debra F. Laefer, Linh Truong-Hong (2017) 'Toward Automatic Generation of 3D Steel Structures for Building Information Modelling'. Automation in Construction, 74 :66-77. ![]() |
Dr Yaqian Zhao | |
Liu Ranbin; Mao Yi; Shen Cheng; Zhao Yaqian. (2017) 'Can biofilm affect alum sludge adsorption: An engineering scope in a novel biofilm reactor for wastewater treatment'.Chemical Engineering Journal, 328 :683-690. | |
An Kedong; Wang Wenke; Wang Zhoufeng; Zhao Yaqian; Yang Zeyuan; Chen Li; Zhang Zaiyong; Duan Lei. (2017) 'Estimation of ground heat flux from soil temperature over a bare soil'. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 129 :913-922. | |
Xu Lei; Zhao Yaqian; Fan Chuang; Fan Zhiren; Zhao Fangchao. (2017) 'First study to explore the feasibility of applying microbial fuel cells into constructed treatment wetlands for COD monitoring'. Bioresource Technology, 243 :846-854. | |
Wang Yae; Zhao Yaqian; Xu Lei; Wang Wenke; Doherty Liam; Tang Cheng; Ren Baiming; Zhao Jinhui. (2017) 'Constructed wetland integrated microbial fuel cell system: Looking back, moving forward'. Water Science and Technology, 76 (2):471-477. | |
Xu Lei; Zhao Yaqian; Wang Tongyue; Liu Ranbin; Gao Fei. (2017) 'Energy capture and nutrients removal enhancement through a stacked constructed wetland incorporated with microbial fuel cell'. Water Science and Technology, 76 (1):28-34. | |
Luo Huilong; Song Yudong; Zhou Yuexi; Yang Liwei; Zhao Yaqian. (2017) 'Effects of rapid temperature rising on nitrogen removal and microbial community variation of anoxic/aerobic process for ABS resin wastewater treatment'. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24 :5509-5520. | |
Awe Olumide Wesley; Minh Doan Pham; Lyczko Nathalie; Nzihou Ange; Zhao Yaqian. (2017) 'Laboratory-scale investigation of the removal of hydrogen sulfide from biogas and air using industrial waste-based sorbents'. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,5 (2):1809-1820. | |
Liu Ranbin; Zhao Yaqian; Zhao Jinhui; Xu Lei; Sibille Caroline. (2017) 'A Fancy Eco-compatible Wastewater Treatment System: Green Bio-sorption Reactor'. Bioresource Technology, 234 :224-232. | |
Awe Olumide Wesley; Zhao Yaqian; Nzihou Ange; Minh Doan Pham; Lyczko Nathalie. (2017) 'A Review of Biogas Utilisation, Purification and Upgrading Technologies'. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 8 (2):267-283. | |
Liu Ranbin; Zhao Yaqian; Zhao Jinhui; Xu Lei; Sibille Caroline. (2017) 'Embedding constructed wetland in sequencing batch reactor for enhancing nutrients removal: A comparative evaluation'. Journal of Environmental Management, 192 :302-308. | |
Shang Haimin; Wang Wenke; Dai Zhenxue; Duan Lei; Zhao Yaqian; Zhang Jing. (2016) 'An ecology-oriented exploitation mode of groundwater resources in the northern Tianshan Mountains, China'. Journal of Hydrology, 543 :386-394. | |
Zhao Yaqian; Ren Baiming; O¿Brien Andrew; O¿Toole Simon (2016) 'Using alum sludge for clay brick: an Irish investigation'. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 73 (5):719-730. |
Assoc Professor Arturo Gonzalez | |
Gonzalez, A. (2017) 'Developments in damage assessment by Marie Skłodowska-Curie TRUSS ITN project' Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 842 (1):012039.![]() |
Zou, G., Banisoleiman, K. and González, A. (2016) 'Methodologies for Crack Initiation in Welded Joints Applied to Inspection Planning' World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 10 (11):1406-1413.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Ms Sofia Antonopoulou | |
Antonopoulou, Sofia; McNally, Ciaran (2017) Reliability assessment of braided BFRP reinforcement for concrete structures . In: Marko Čepin, Radim Briš eds. 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoro¿, Slovenia, 2781 - 2787 | |
Antonopoulou, Sofia; McNally, Ciaran; Byrne, Greg (2016) DEVELOPMENT OF BRAIDED BASALT FRP REBAR FOR REINFORCEMENT OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES . In: J.G. Teng and J.G. Dai eds. 8th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2016), Hong Kong, China, 557 - 562 | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Shahumyan, H., Mockler E., Williams B., Bruen M (2017) Exploring the Effects of Regional Development Scenarios on Nutrient Emission: Coupling Land Use Model MOLAND with the Source Load Apportionment Model Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), July 11-14, 2017, | |
Mockler, E.M., Deakin, J., Daly, D., Bruen, M. and Archbold, M. (2017) What are the main sources of nutrient inputs to Ireland's aquatic environment? IAH (Irish Group) Conference, | |
Lally, H., Mahon, A., Murphy, S., Nash, R., Jones, N., Kelly, M., Bruen, M., O¿Sullivan, J., Koelmans, B., O¿Connor, I. (2017) Sources, Pathways and Environmental Fate of Microplastics Annual Meeting of Irish Freshwater Biologists 2017, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland, | |
Mr Van Loi Cao | |
Van Loi Cao and Miguel Nicolau and James McDermott (2016) A Hybrid Autoencoder and Density Estimation Model for Anomaly Detection . In: Julia Handl and Emma Hart and Peter R. Lewis and Manuel L\'opez-Ib\'a\~nez and Gabriela Ochoa and Ben Paechter eds. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIV, 14th International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, September 17-21, 2016, Proceedings, 717 - 726 | |
Mr Siyuan Chen | |
Siyuan Chen, Debra F. Laefer, Jonathan Byrne, Atteyeh S. Natanzi (2017) The effect of angles and distance on image-based, three-dimensional re- constructions . In: Marko Čepin and Radim Bri¿ eds. European Safety and Reliability Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, 399 - 399 ![]() |
Dr Owen Douglas | |
Douglas, O. and Murphy, E. (2016) Exploring the influence of housing characteristics and socio-demographics on subjective night-time disturbance from transportation noiseProceedings of the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN), Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Dublin, ![]() |
Assoc Professor Paul Fanning | |
Fanning, P.J., Devin, A. (2017) Comparison of State-f-the-art Methods of Estimating and Controlling Floor Vibrations EVACES 2017 - 7th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures, | |
Assoc Professor Arturo Gonzalez | |
Guang, Z., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) Uncertainty quantification and calibration of a modified fracture mechanics model for reliability-based inspection planning . In: Christian Bucher, Bruce R. Ellingwood, Dan M. Frangopol eds. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Vienna, Austria, 2592 - 2601 ![]() |
Gonzalez, A. (2017) Developments in damage assessment by Marie Skłodowska-Curie TRUSS ITN project . In: IOP Science eds. 12th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS 2017), Kitakyushu, Japan, ![]() |
Zou, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez A. (2017) Reliability-based inspection planning in view of both crack initiation and propagation . In: Marko Cepin, Radim Bris eds. 27th annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoroz, Slovenia, 389 ![]() |
Gonzalez Merino, A., Costas, L. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) Parametric analysis of modelling properties governing the seismic response of free-standing spent fuel racks . In: Marko Cepin, Radim Bris eds. 27th annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoroz, Slovenia, 394 ![]() |
Milana, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) Field characterization of local dynamic amplification factors towards fatigue calculations in ship unloaders . In: Marko Cepin, Radim Bris eds. 27th annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoroz, Slovenia, 401 ![]() |
Zou, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2017) Development of probabilistic fracture mechanics method for fatigue life prediction based on EIFS concept . In: ASME eds. 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2017), Trondheim, Norway, ![]() |
Zou, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) Methodologies for crack initiation in welded joints applied to inspection planning 18th International Conference on Reliability and Structural Safety (ICRSS 2016), Venice, Italy, ![]() |
Milana, G., Banisoleiman, K. and Gonzalez, A. (2016) Sources of structural failure in ship unloaders 26th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2016), Glasgow (UK),![]() |
Professor Debra Fern Laefer | |
Laefer, D. (2016) Emerging city-scale damage prediction options for urban tunnellingStructural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) 2016, Leuven, Belgium, 15 - 22 | |
Natanzi, A., Laefer, D, Mullane, S. (2016) Chemical Demolition of Unit Masonry: a Preparatory Study Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) 2016, Leuven, Belgium, 88 - 95 | |
Clarke, J., Maradabadi, E., Laefer, D. (2016) The effect of uncertainty on the prediction of building damage due to tunnelling-induced settle-ment XVI ECSMGE, Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development, Edinburgh, Scotland, 4135 - 4141 | |
Assoc Professor Michael Long | |
Gylland, A.S., Sandven, R., Montafia, A., Pfaffhuber, A.A., Kåsin, K., and Long, M. (2017) CPTU classification diagrams for investigation of sensitive clays . In: V. Thakur et al eds. 2nd International Workshop on Landslides in Sensitive Clays (IWLSC), 57 - 66 | |
Sandven, R., Gylland, A.S., Montafia, A., Pfaffhuber, A.A., Kåsin, K., and Long, M. (2017) Future strategy for soil investigations in quick clay areas . In: V. Thakur et al eds. 2nd International Workshop on Landslides in Sensitive Clays (IWLSC), Trondheim, Norway, 497 - 510 | |
Baranwal, V.C., Rønning, J.S., Solberg, I.L., Dalsegg, E., Tønnesen, J.F. and Long, M. (2017) (2017) Investigation of a sensitive clay landslide area using frequency domain helicopter-borne and ground geophysical surveys . In: V. Thakur et al eds. 2nd International Workshop on Landslides in Sensitive Clays (IWLSC), Trondheim, Norway, 475 - 486 | |
Long, M., Wood, T. and LHeureux, J.S. (2017) Relationship between shear wave velocity and geotechnical parameters for Norwegian and Swedish sensitive clays . In: V. Thakur et al eds. 2nd International Workshop on Landslides in Sensitive Clays (IWLSC), Trondheim, Norway, 66 - 76 | |
Pfaffhuber, A.A., Bazin, S., Kasin, K., Anschütz, H., Sandven, R., Montafia, A., Gylland, A.S. and Long, M. (2016) In situ detection of sensitive clays from a geophysical perspective . In: Lehane, B.M. et al eds. 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC5), Gold Coast, Australia, 917 - 922 | |
Bazin, S., Gribben, S., Helle, T.-E., Sauvin, G., Anschütz, H., Donohue, S. and Long, M. (2016) Geophysical characterisation of clay sites: field and lab tests . In: Lehane, B.M. et al eds. 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC5), Gold Coast, Australia, 831 - 836 | |
Boylan, N.P., Bihs, A., Long, M., Randolph, M. and Nordal, S. (2016) Characterisation of a Norwegian Quick Clay using a Piezoball Penetrometer . In: Lehane, B.M. et al eds. 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC5), Gold Coast, Australia, 1193 - 1198 | |
McGrath, T., Long, M., O¿Connor, P., Trafford, A and Ward, D. (2016) Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Offshore Geotechnical Investigations . In: Lehane, B.M. et al eds. 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation (ISC5), Gold Coast, Australia, 911 - 916 | |
Dr Abdollah Malekjafarian | |
Malekjafarian, A; OBrien, EJ (2017) ON THE ESTIMATION OF BRIDGE MODE SHAPES FROM DRIVE-BY MEASUREMENTS 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, | |
Malekjafarian, A; Martinez, D; OBrien, EJ (2017) Pavement Condition Measurement at High Velocity using a TSD European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL, | |
OBrien, EJ; Martinez, D; Malekjafarian, A; Pape, T (2017) A New Damage Indicator for Drive-by Monitoring using Instantaneous Curvature Austroads Bridge Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, | |
Malekjafarian, A; OBrien, EJ; Micu, LA (2017) Investigation of Buckling Capacity of Metal Materials Manufactured by Laser 3D Printing International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing, SMPM 2017, Kruger, South Africa, 696 - 700 ![]() |
Dr Daniel McCrum | |
Suhail, R., McCrum, D.P., Chen, J.F. and Amato, G (2016) Heat activated prestressing of shape memory alloys for active confinement of concrete sections Civil Engineering Research in Ireland Conference, NUIG, Galway, Ireland, | |
Dr Ciaran McNally | |
Balic, E, McNally, C & Hester, D (2017) Impact hammer testing of a railway track Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields, BCRRA 2017, Athens, | |
Balic, E & McNally, C (2017) Transient vibrations of railway track elements and the influence of support conditions 9th Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia & Herzegovina: International Symposium on Civil Engineering, Teslic, Bosnia & Herzegovina, | |
Antonopoulou, S, McNally, C & Byrne, G (2016) Development of braided basalt FRP rebar for reinforcement of concrete structures 8th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Hong Kong, China, | |
Dr Eva Mockler | |
Shahumyan, H., Mockler E., Williams B., Bruen M (2017) Exploring the Effects of Regional Development Scenarios on Nutrient Emission: Coupling Land Use Model MOLAND with the Source Load Apportionment Model Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), July 11-14, 2017, | |
Mockler, E.M., Deakin, J., Daly, D., Bruen, M. and Archbold, M. (2017) What are the main sources of nutrient inputs to Ireland's aquatic environment? IAH (Irish Group) Conference, | |
Professor Eugene O'Brien | |
Heitner, B., Yalamas, T., Décatoire, R., OBrien, E.J., Schoefs, F. (2017) Comparative study on Bayesian updating of bridge safety model European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Portoro¿, Slovenia, | |
Malekjafarian, A., Martinez, D., OBrien, E.J. (2017) Pavement Condition Measurement at High Velocity using a TSD European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Portoro¿, Slovenia, | |
OBrien, E.J. (2017) Site-specific Characteristic Bridge Load Assessment Austroads Bridge Conference 2017, Melbourne, Australia, | |
OBrien, E.J., Martinez, D., Malekjafarian, A., Pape, T. (2017) A New Damage Indicator for Drive-by Monitoring using Instantaneous Curvature Austroads Bridge Conference 2017, Melbourne, Australia, | |
Malekjafarian, A., OBrien, E.J., Micu, L.A. (2017) Investigation of buckling capacity of metal materials manufactured by laser 3D printing International Conference on Sustainable Materials Processing and Manufacturing (SMPM 2017), Kruger National Park, South Africa, 696 - 700 | |
OBrien, E.J., Fitzgerald, P.C., Carey, C.H., Sevillano, E. (2017) Deflection Based Monitoring as a Bridge Damage Indicator . In: J. Bakker, D.M. Frangopol & K. van Breugel eds. 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE), Delft, Netherlands, 729 - 734 | |
Elhattab, A.A., Uddin, N., OBrien, E.J. (2017) Drive-by Bridge Damage Detection Using Road Reaction Force . In: J. Bakker, D.M. Frangopol & K. van Breugel eds. 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE), Delft, Netherlands, | |
Dr John O'Sullivan | |
Lally, H., Mahon, A., Murphy, S., Nash, R., Jones, N., Kelly, M., Bruen, M., O¿Sullivan, J., Koelmans, B., O¿Connor, I. (2017) Sources, Pathways and Environmental Fate of Microplastics Annual Meeting of Irish Freshwater Biologists 2017, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Ireland, | |
Corkery, A., O¿Sullivan, J. J., Deering, L. A., Demeter, K., Ballesté, E., Meijer, W. G., Masterson, B. and O¿Hare, G. M. P. (2016) Modelling Quantified Microbial Source Specific Pollution from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems during High Flows Irish National Hydrology Conference, Athlone, Ireland, | |
Corkery, A., O¿Sullivan, J. J., Deering, L. A., Demeter, K., Ballesté, E., Meijer, W. G., Masterson, B. and O¿Hare, G. M. P. (2016) Modelling Quantified Microbial Source Specific Pollution from Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems during High Flows International Water Association, Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Catchment Management, The Helix, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, | |
Dr Arthur Parkinson | |
Parkinson, A; Redmond, D; Scott, M; Waldron, R (2017) Conservation and crisis: insights from Ireland Changing Cities III, | |
Parkinson, A; Scott, M; Redmond, D (2017) Understanding character: the case of heritage towns in Ireland All-Ireland Architectural Research Group Sixth Annual Conference, ![]() |
Dr Yaqian Zhao | |
Xu Lei; Zhao Yaqian; Wang Tongyue; Liu Ranbin (2016) Utilizing a conductive membrane cathode in a microbial fuel cell integrated constructed wetland system to enhance nutrients removal and energy extraction In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1095 - 1107 | |
Zhao Yaqian; Xu Lei; Wang Wenke; Doherty Liam; Tang Cheng; Ren Baiming; Zhao Jinhui. (2016) Microbial fuel cell integrated constructed wetland system: Looking back, moving forward In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1155 - 1168 | |
Zheng Yucong; Wang Xiaochang; Dzakpasu Mawuli; Ge Yuan; Zhao Yaqian; Xiong Jiaqing (2016) Plants growth and microbial community structure responses to annual harvesting in surface-flow constructed wetlands in northwestern China In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1170 - 1171 | |
Zheng Yucong; Wang Xiaochang; Dzakpasu Mawuli; Ge Yuan; Zhao Yaqian; Xiong Jiaqing (2016) Effects of interspecific competition on macrophytes growth and nutrient removal in constructed wetlands: a four-year field experiment in northwestern China In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1172 - 1173 | |
Ranbin Liu; Yaqian Zhao (2016) Embedding constructed wetland in sequencing batch reactor for enhancing nutrients removal In: e-Proceedings (10 pages) of 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation, Athens, Greece, | |
Doherty Liam; Zhao Yaqian; Ren Baiming (2016) Development of constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell utilizing a ceramic separator In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 208 - 226 | |
Ge Yuan; Wang Xiaochang; Dzakpasu Mawuli; Zheng Yucong; Zhao Yaqian; Xiong Jiaqing (2016) Long-term effects of different substrates on microbial communities in subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating polluted urban river water In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 245 - 246 | |
Wang Tongyue; Zhao Yaqian; Doherty Liam; Xu Lei; Wang Sheping (2016) Efficiency of wastewater treatment and electricity generation in a microbial fuel cell coupled vertical flow-horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1081 - 1082 | |
Wang Xiaochang; Zheng Yucong; Dzakpasu Mawuli; Ge Yuan; Zhao Yaqian; Xiong Jiaqing (2016) Effects of interspecific competition on the growth of macrophytes and nutrient removal in constructed wetlands: a comparative assessment of free water surface and horizontal subsurface flow systems In: Proceedings of 15th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Gdansk, Poland, 1083 - 1084 |
Assoc Professor Aoife Ahern | |
B Caulfield, P Carroll, Aoife Ahern, (2017) Examining Smarter Travel Options to Reduce Emissions. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin. | |
Professor Michael Bruen | |
Feeley, H.B., Bruen, M., Bullock, C., Christie, M., Kelly, F. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) Irish Freshwater Resources and Assessment of Ecosystem Services Provision. Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin. | |
Feeley, HB; Bruen, M; Bullock, C; Christie, M; Kelly, F; Remoundou, K; Siwicka, E; Kelly-Quinn, M. (2016) Ecosystem Services in Freshwaters: ESManage Literature Review Report 187. Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle, Co Wexford. | |
Dr Anna Rymszewicz | |
Lawler, D., Rymszewicz, A., Conroy, E., O¿Sullivan, J., Bruen, M., Turner, J. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2017) SILTFLUX Literature Review (2010-W-LS-4). EPA Research Report. Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford, Ireland. |