Dr Eimear Byrne |
E. Byrne, M. Calderini (2017) 'Bounding the Optimal Rate of the ICSI and ICCSI Problems'. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (2):1403-1427. |
Eimear Byrne and Alberto Ravagnani (2017) 'Covering Radius of Matrix Codes Endowed with the Rank Metric'. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (2):927-944. |
E. Byrne, M. Calderini (2017) 'Error Correction for Index Coding With Coded Side Information'. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63 (6):3712-3728. |
Ivan Blanco-Chacon, Eimear Byrne, John Sheekey, Iwan Duursma (2017) 'On the Zeta Function of a Rank Metric Code'. Designs, Codes, and Cryptography . |
M. Bossert, E. Byrne, E. Soljanin (2016) 'Coding Theory in the Time of Big Data (Dagstuhl Seminar 16321)'. Dagstuhl Reports, 6 (8):1-20.  |
E. Byrne (2016) 'Subspaces, Matrices and Codes'. IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, 66 (3):5-13. |
Dr Michelle Carey |
Song, J., Carey, M., Zhu, H., Miao, H., Ramırez, Juan, Wu, H. (2017) 'Identifying the dynamic gene regulatory network during latent HIV-1reactivation using high-dimensional ordinary differential equations'. International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design . |
Carey, M., Gath, E., Hayes, K. (2016) 'A generalised smoother for linear ordinary differential equations'. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics . |
Carey, M., Wu, S., Gan, G., Wu, H. (2016) 'Correlation-based iterative clustering methods for time course data: the identification of temporal gene response modules to influenza infection in humans'. Infectious Disease Modelling . |
Dr Anthony Cronin |
Cronin, Anthony and Laffey, Thomas (2017) 'The diagonalizable nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem'. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra . |
Anthony Cronin, Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain, Emily Lewanowski-Breen, Christopher Kennedy (2017) 'Maths Sparks: Investigating the impact of outreach on pupils' attitudes towards mathematics'. MSOR Connections, 15 (3):4-13.  |
Cronin, A. (2017) 'Constructive methods for spectra with three nonzero elements in the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem'. Linear and Multilinear Algebra .  |
Cronin, A., Pfeiffer, K., Mac an Bhaird, C (2016) 'The key role of tutors in Mathematics Learning Support - A report of the 10th annual IMLSN workshop'. MSOR Connections, 15 (No. 1):39-46.  |
Professor Frederic Dias |
Gopinathan, D; Venugopal, M; Roy, D; Rajendran, K; Guillas, S; Dias, F (2017) 'Uncertainties in the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman source through nonlinear stochastic inversion of tsunami waves'. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences . |
Dias, F; Renzi, E; Gallagher, S; Sarkar, D; Wei, Y; Abadie, T; Cummins, C; Rafiee, A (2017) 'Analytical and computational modelling for wave energy systems: the example of oscillating wave surge converters'. Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao, 33 (4):647-662. |
O'Brien, L; Renzi, E; Dudley, JM; Clancy, C; Dias, F (2017) 'Extreme wave events in Ireland: 2012-2016'. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science . |
Ren, ZY; Zhao, X; Wang, BL; Dias, F; Liu, H (2017) 'Characteristics of wave amplitude and currents in South China Sea induced by a virtual extreme tsunami'. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29 (3):377-392. |
Pellet, L; Christodoulides, P; Bean, C; Donne, S; Dias, F (2017) 'On the interaction of waves with nearly equal frequencies but nearly opposite directions'. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 7 (3):138-144. |
Salmanidou, DM; Guillas, S; Georgiopoulou, A; Dias, F (2017) 'Statistical emulation of landslide tsunami hazard in the NE Atlantic Ocean'. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2200):20170026. |
Cummins, C; Dias, F (2017) 'A new model of viscous dissipation for the oscillating wave surge converter'. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 103 :195-216. |
Ardhuin, F; ...; Dias, F; ...; Xie, J (2017) 'Measuring currents, ice drift, and waves from space: the Sea Surface KInematics Multiscale monitoring (SKIM) concept'. Ocean Science. |
Gleeson, E; Gallagher, S; Clancy, C; Dias, F (2017) 'NAO and extreme ocean states in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean'. Advances in Science and Research, 14 :23-33.  |
Wei, Y; Abadie, T; Dias, F (2017) 'A cost-effective method for modelling wave-OWSC interaction'. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering . |
Brennan, J; Clancy, C; Harrington, J; Cox, R; Dias, F (2017) 'Analysis of the pressure at a vertical barrier due to extreme wave run-up over variable bathymetry'. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters . |
Ponce de Leon, S; Bettencourt, JH; Dias, F (2017) 'Comparison of hindcasted extreme waves with Doppler radar measurements in the North Sea'. Ocean Dynamics, 67 (1):103-115. |
Sarkar, D; Contal, E; Vayatis, N; Dias, F (2016) 'Prediction and optimization of wave energy converter arrays using a machine learning approach'. Renewable Energy, 97 :504-517. |
Dr Neil Dobbs |
Dobbs, Neil (2017) 'Dense yet Elementary'. Mathematical Intelligencer, :1-4.  |
Dr Mark Dukes |
Dukes, M; Selig, T (2016) 'Decomposing recurrent states of the abelian sandpile model'.Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 54 :97-102. |
Professor Nial Friel |
L. Bouranis, N. Friel and F. Maire. (2017) 'Efficient Bayesian inference for exponential random graph models by correcting the pseudo-posterior distribution'. Social Networks,50 :98-108. |
N. Friel, J.P. McKeone, C.J. Oates and A.N. Pettitt. (2017) 'Investigation of the widely applicable Bayesian information criterion'. Statistics and Computing, 27 (3):833-844. |
T. Ryan, J. Wyse and N. Friel. (2017) 'Bayesian model selection for the latent position cluster model for social networks'. Network Science, 5 (1):70-91. |
J. Wyse, N.Friel and P. Latouche. (2017) 'Inferring structure in bipartite networks using the latent blockmodel and exact ICL'. Network Science, 5 (1):45-69. |
R. Rastelli, N. Friel and A.E. Raftery. (2016) 'Properties of latent variable network models'.Network Science, 4 (4):407-432.  |
R. Rastelli, N. Friel and A.E. Raftery (2016) 'Properties of latent variable network models'.Network Science, 4 (4):407-432. |
Professor Stephen Gardiner |
Gardiner, Stephen J.; Render, Hermann (2016) 'A reflection result for harmonic functions which vanish on a cylindrical surface'. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,443 (1):81-91. |
Gardiner, Stephen J.; Manolaki, Myrto (2016) 'Boundary behaviour of Dirichlet series with applications to universal series'. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 48 (5):735-744. |
Dr Marius Ghergu |
Ghergu, M. and Taliaferro S.D.; (2017) 'Pointwise bounds and blow-up for systems of semilinear parabolic inequalities and nonlinear heat potential estimates'. Journal of Functional Analysis, 272 (4):1301-1339.  |
Assoc Professor Claire Gormley |
McParland, D; Phillips, CM; Brennan, L; Roche, HM and Gormley, IC. (2017) 'Clustering high-dimensional mixed data to uncover sub-phenotypes: joint analysis of phenotypic and genotypic data'. Statistics in Medicine . |
Dr James Herterich |
J.G. Herterich, Q. Xu, R.W. Field, D. Vella, I.M. Griffiths (2016) 'Optimizing the operation of a direct-flow filtration device'. Journal of Engineering Mathematics . |
Assoc Professor Russell Higgs |
Higgs, R.J. (2017) 'Commutators and projective character tables'. Communications in Algebra, 45 (12):5180-5187. |
Higgs, R.J. (2017) 'Degree equality of projective characters'. Communications in Algebra,45 (10):4275-4282. |
Dr Kevin Hutchinson |
Kevin Hutchinson (2017) 'The third homology of SL_2 of fields with discrete valuation'.Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221 (5):1076-1111. |
Assoc Professor Gabrielle E Kelly |
Gavin McHugh, Rajiv Merchant, Gabrielle E. Kelly, Karen M. Bergin, Gerald F. McCoy, Andrew P. Wozniak, John F. Quinlan (2017) 'The value of serial metal ion levels in following up patients with metal-on-metal hip arthroplasty'. Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy, 27 (1):14-20. |
Jin, R. and Kelly, G. E. (2017) 'A comparison of sampling grids, cut off distance and type of residuals in parametric variogram estimation'. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, 46 (3):1781-1795.  |
O'Rourke S., Mac Siurtain M, Kelly G. (2016) 'Characterizing dependence of Iriah sitka spruce stands using spatio-temporal sum-metric models'. Forest Science, 62 (5):490-502. |
Dr Rupert Levene |
Kribs, DW; Levene, RH; Power, SC (2017) 'Commutants of weighted shift directed graph operator algebras'. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145 :3465-3480.  |
Levene, RH; Lin; Y-F; Todorov, IG (2017) 'Positive extensions of Schur multipliers'. Journal of Operator Theory, 78 (1):45-69.  |
Timoney, RM; Levene, RH (2016) 'Corrigendum to Completely bounded norms of right module maps'. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 505 :387-389.  |
Eleftherakis, GK; Levene, RH; Todorov, IG (2016) 'Schur idempotents and hyperreflexivity'. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 215 :317-337.  |
Dr Michael Mackey |
M. Mackey and W. G. Sullivan (2017) 'Exhaustion of an interval by iterated Rényi parking'.Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 446 (1):38-61. |
Professor Gary McGuire |
Omran Ahmadi, Faruk Göloğlu, Robert Granger, Gary McGuire, Emrah Sercan Yilmaz (2016) 'Fibre products of supersingular curves and the enumeration of irreducible polynomials with prescribed coefficients'. Finite Fields and their Applications, 42 :128-164. |
Dr Damien McParland |
McParland, D.; Baron, S.; O'Rourke, S.; Dowling, D.; Ahearne, E.; Parnell, A (2017) 'Prediction of tool-wear in turning of medical grade cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy (ASTM F75) using non-parametric Bayesian models'. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing . |
Assoc Professor Maria Meehan |
Ann O'Shea, Sinead Breen and Maria Meehan (2017) 'Decision Points in Mathematics Lectures'. Innovations in Education and Teaching International .  |
Assoc Professor Pauline Mellon |
Mellon, P. (2017) 'A Wolff Theorem for finite rank bounded symmetric domains'. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 :57-68. |
Assoc Professor Patrick Murphy |
A. Dowdall, P. Murphy, D. Pollard, D. Fenton (2017) 'Update of Ireland's national average indoor radon concentration - Application of a new survey protocol'. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity . |
ND Nguyen, Ó Burke and P Murphy (2016) 'A Simulation Study of Weighting Methods to Improve Labour Force Estimates of Immigrants in Ireland'. Journal of Official Statistics . |
Professor Brendan Murphy |
Fop, M., Smart, K. and Murphy, T.B. (2017) 'Variable selection for latent class analysis with application to low back pain diagnosis'. Annals of Applied Statistics . |
Foley, R.W., Maweni, R.M., Gorman, L., Murphy, K., Lundon, D.J., Durkan, G., Power, R., O'Brien, F., O'Malley, K.J., Galvin, D.J., Murphy, T.B. and Watson, R.W. (2016) 'The ERSPC Risk Calculators Significantly Outperform The PCPT 2.0 In The Prediction Of Prostate Cancer; A Multi-Institutional Study'. BJU International, 118 (5):706-713. |
Dr Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain |
Cronin, A; Ni Shuilleabhain, A; Lewanowski-Breen, E.; Kennedy, Christopher (2017) 'Maths Sparks: Investigating the impact of outreach on pupils' attitudes towards mathematics'. MSOR Connections, 15 (3):4-13.  |
Ni Shuilleabhain, Aoibhinn; Seery, Aidan (2017) 'Enacting curriculum reform through lesson study: a case study of mathematics teacher learning'. Professional Development in Education .  |
Professor Adrian Ottewill |
Marc Casals, Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill (2016) 'High-order late-time tail in a Kerr spacetime'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 94 :124053-1-124053-30. |
Marc Casals, Chris Kavanagh, Adrian C. Ottewill (2016) 'High-order late-time tail in a Kerr spacetime'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 94 :124053. |
Assoc Professor Andrew Parnell |
Hoffman, Jeremy S and Clark, Peter U and Parnell, Andrew C and He, Feng (2017) 'Regional and global sea-surface temperatures during the last interglaciation'. Science AAAS, 355 (6322):276-279. |
WK Soh, IJ Wright, KL Bacon, TI Lenz, Margret Steinthorsdottir, AC Parnell, JC McElwain (2017) 'Palaeo leaf economics reveal a shift in ecosystem function associated with the end-Triassic mass extinction event'. Nature Plants, :17104. |
Alexander J Wright, Robin J Edwards, Orson van de Plassche, Maarten Blaauw, Andrew C Parnell, Klaas van der Borg, Arie FM de Jong, Helen M Roe, Katherine Selby, Stuart Black (2017) 'Reconstructing the accumulation history of a saltmarsh sediment core: Which age-depth model is best?'. Quaternary Geochronology, 39 :36-67. |
J Clowry, J Sheridan, R Healy, S Deady, D Keegan, K Byrne, G Cullen, H Mulcahy, H Comber, AC Parnell, G Doherty, A Lally (2017) 'Increased non‐melanoma skin cancer risk in young patients with inflammatory bowel disease on immunomodulatory therapy: a retrospective single centre cohort study'. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology . |
Andrew C Kemp, Troy D Hill, Christopher H Vane, Niamh Cahill, Philip M Orton, Stefan A Talke, Andrew C Parnell, Kelsey Sanborn, Ellen K Hartig (2017) 'Relative sea-level trends in New York City during the past 1500 years'. Holocene . |
McParland, D.; Baron, S.; O'Rourke, S.; Dowling, D.; Ahearne, E.; Parnell, A (2017) 'Prediction of tool-wear in turning of medical grade cobalt chromium molybdenum alloy (ASTM F75) using non-parametric Bayesian models'. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing . |
B Hernandez, AE Raftery, SR Pennington, AC Parnell (2017) 'Bayesian Additive Regression Trees using Bayesian model averaging'. Statistics and Computing, :1-22. |
CM Rubin, BP Horton, K Sieh, JE Pilarczyk, P Daly, N Ismail, AC Parnell (2017) 'Highly variable recurrence of tsunamis in the 7,400 years before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami'. Nature Communications, 8 . |
AC Parnell (2016) 'Discussion of: A Bayesian multinomial regression model for paleoclimate reconstruction with time uncertainty'. Environmetrics, 27 (7):431-433. |
Colm Clancy, John O'Sullivan, Conor Sweeney, Frédéric Dias, Andrew C. Parnell (2016) 'Spatial Bayesian hierarchical modelling of extreme sea states'. Ocean Modelling . |
Andrew C Parnell, John Haslett, James Sweeney, Thinh K. Doan, Judy R.M. Allen, Brian Huntley (2016) 'Joint palaeoclimate reconstruction from pollen data via forward models and climate histories'. Quaternary Science Reviews, 151 :111-126. |
Dr Hermann Render |
O. Kounchev, H. Render (2017) 'A symmetry property for polyharmonic functions vanishing on equidistant hyperplanes'. Mathematische Nachrichten, 290 :1087-1096. |
D. Khavinson, E. Lundberg, H. Render (2017) 'The Dirichlet problem for the slab with entire data and a difference equation for harmonic functions'. Canadian Mathematics Bulletin, 60 :146-153. |
Dr Helena Smigoc |
Oblak,P.; Smigoc, H. (2017) 'The maximum of the minimal multiplicity of eigenvalues of symmetric matrices whose pattern is constrained by a graph'. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 512 :48-70. |
Liffey, T; Markova, O; Smigoc, H (2016) 'The effect of assuming the identity as a generator on the length of the matrix algebra'. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 498 :378-393. |
Dr Richard Smith |
Bible, V. and Smith, R. J. (2016) 'Smooth and polyhedral approximation in Banach spaces'. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, :1262-1272. |
Dr Conor Sweeney |
Cradden, L.C., McDermott, F., Zubiate, L., Sweeney, C., O'Malley, M. (2017) 'A 34-year simulation of wind generation potential for Ireland and the impact of large-scale atmospheric pressure patterns'. Renewable Energy, 106 :165-176. |
Laura Zubiate, Frank McDermott, Conor Sweeney, Mark O'Malley (2016) 'Spatial variability in winter NAO¿wind speed relationships in western Europe linked to concomitant states of the East Atlantic and Scandinavian patterns'. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society .  |
Colm Clancy, John O¿Sullivan, Conor Sweeney, Frédéric Dias, Andrew C. Parnell (2016) 'Spatial Bayesian hierarchical modelling of extreme sea states'. Ocean Modelling, 107 :1-13.  |
Dr James Sweeney |
McGivney, CL; Sweeney, J; David, F; O'Leary, JM; Hill, EW; Katz, LM (2016) 'Intra- and inter-observer reliability estimates for identification and grading of upper respiratory tract abnormalities recorded in horses at rest and during overground endoscopy'. Equine Veterinary Journal, 49 :433-437. |
Dr Barry Wardell |
Jonathan Thornburg and Barry Wardell (2016) 'Scalar self-force for highly eccentric equatorial orbits in Kerr spacetime'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology . |
Jeremy Miller, Barry Wardell, Adam Pound (2016) 'Second-order perturbation theory: the problem of infinite mode coupling'. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 94 :104018. |
Dr Lennon Ó'Náraigh |
Lennon O'Naraigh (2017) 'Advection of nematic liquid crystals by chaotic flow'. Physics of Fluids . |