Dr Aparajita Banerjee |
Banerjee A; Schelly C; Halvorsen KE (2017) 'Understanding public perceptions of wood-based electricity production in Wisconsin, United States: the place-based dynamics of social representations'. Environmental Sociology 3 (4) :381-393.  |
Assoc Professor Samuel Brazys |
Regan A; Brazys S (2018) 'Celtic Phoenix or Leprechaun Economics? The Politics of an FDI-led Growth Model in Europe'. New Political Economy 23 (2) :223-238.  |
Vadlamannati KC; Cooray A; Brazys S (2018) 'Nothing to hide: Commitment to, compliance with, and impact of the special data dissemination standard'. Economics and Politics 30 (1) :55-77.  |
Brazys S; Kaarbo J; Panke D (2017) 'Foreign policy change and international norms: A conceptual framework'. International Politics 54 (6) :659-668.  |
Brazys S; Panke D (2017) 'Push and pull forces in the UNGA: Analyzing foreign policy change in the context of international norms'. International Politics 54 (6) :760-774.  |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2017) 'Canary in the coal mine? China, the UNGA, and the changing world order'. Review of International Studies 43 (4) :742-764.  |
Brazys S (2018) 'Aid dependence as aid persistence? Non-declining aid and growth'. Journal of International Relations and Development 21 (3) :717-738.  |
Dr James Cross |
Cross JP; Hermansson H (2017) 'Legislative amendments and informal politics in the European Union: A text reuse approach'. European Union Politics 18 (4) :581-602.  |
Dr Alexander Dukalskis |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2017) 'Canary in the coal mine? China, the UNGA, and the changing world order'. Review of International Studies 43 (4) :742-764.  |
Dukalskis A; Raymond CD (2018) 'Failure of authoritarian learning: explaining Burma/Myanmar’s electoral system'. Democratization 25 (3) :545-563.  |
Dukalskis A (2017) 'Foreign policy change and the International Criminal Court'. International Politics 54 (6) :698-713.  |
Assoc Professor Vincent Durac |
Durac V (2018) 'Counterterrorism and democracy: EU policy in the Middle East and North Africa after the uprisings'. Mediterranean Politics 23 (1) :103-121.  |
Assoc Professor Jos Elkink |
Baturo A; Elkink JA (2017) 'On the importance of personal sources of power in politics: Comparative perspectives and research agenda'. French Politics 15 (4) :505-525.  |
Bubbico A; Elkink JA; Okolikj M (2017) 'Quality of government and regional competition: A spatial analysis of subnational regions in the European Union'. European Journal of Political Research 56 (4) :887-911.  |
Calabrese R; Elkink JA; Giudici PS (2017) 'Measuring bank contagion in Europe using binary spatial regression models'. Journal of the Operational Research Society 68 (12) :1503-1511.  |
Professor Niamh Hardiman |
Dellepiane-Avellaneda S; Hardiman N; Pagoulatos G; Blavoukos S (2018) 'Pathways from the European Periphery: Lessons from the Political Economy of Development'. Studies in Comparative International Development 53 (2) :239-260.  |
Mr David Horan |
Herlitz A; Horan D (2017) 'A Model and Indicator of Aggregate Need Satisfaction for Capped Objectives and Weighting Schemes for Situations of Scarcity'. Social Indicators Research 133 (2) :413-430.  |
Dr Joseph Lacey |
Lacey J (2017) 'National autonomy and democratic standardization: Should popular votes on European integration be regulated by the European Union?'. European Law Journal 23 (6) :523-535.  |
Dr Aidan Regan |
Regan A; Brazys S (2018) 'Celtic Phoenix or Leprechaun Economics? The Politics of an FDI-led Growth Model in Europe'. New Political Economy 23 (2) :223-238.  |
Regan A (2017) 'The imbalance of capitalisms in the Eurozone: Can the north and south of Europe converge?'. Comparative European Politics 15 (6) :969-990.  |
Johnston A; Regan A (2018) 'Introduction: Is the European Union Capable of Integrating Diverse Models of Capitalism?'. New Political Economy 23 (2) :145-159.  |
Johnston A; Regan A (2017) 'Global finance, labor politics, and the political economy of housing prices'. Politics and Society 45 (3) :327-358.  |
Dr Tobias Theiler |
Theiler T (2018) 'The microfoundations of diversionary conflict'. Security Studies 27 (2) :318-343.  |
Professor Jennifer Todd |
Rumelili B; Todd J (2018) 'Paradoxes of identity change: Integrating macro, meso, and micro research on identity in conflict processes'. Politics 38 (1) :3-18.  |
Todd J (2018) 'The politics of identity change and conflict: An agenda for research'. Politics 38 (1) :84-93.  |
Todd J (2018) 'Everyday narratives, personalized memories and the remaking of national boundaries'. Innovation .  |
Dr Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati |
Vadlamannati KC; Cooray A; Brazys S (2018) 'Nothing to hide: Commitment to, compliance with, and impact of the special data dissemination standard'. Economics and Politics 30 (1) :55-77.  |
Vadlamannati KC; Janz N; Berntsen ØI (2018) 'Human Rights Shaming and FDI: Effects of the UN Human Rights Commission and Council'. World Development 104 :222-237.  |
Hernandez D; Vadlamannati KC (2017) 'Politics of religiously motivated lending: An empirical analysis of aid allocation by the Islamic Development Bank'. Journal of Comparative Economics 45 (4) :910-929.  |
Dr Dawn Walsh |
Walsh D (2018) 'Constitutional courts as arbiters of post-conflict territorial self-government: Bosnia and Macedonia'. Regional and Federal Studies .  |
Dr Eva Wegner |
Wegner E (2018) 'Local-Level Accountability in a Dominant Party System'. Government and Opposition 53 (1) :51-75.  |
De Juan A; Wegner E (2018) 'Social Inequality, State-centered Grievances, and Protest'. Journal of Conflict Resolution .  |
Pellicer M; Piraino P; Wegner E (2018) 'Perceptions of inevitability and demand for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment'. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization .  |
Wegner E; Cavatorta F (2018) 'Revisiting the Islamist–Secular divide: Parties and voters in the Arab world'. International Political Science Review .  |
Dr Alexa Zellentin |
Zellentin A (2018) 'Religion in liberal political philosophy'. CONSTELLATIONS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL AND DEMOCRATIC THEORY 25 (2) :302-304.  |