Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy in the academic year 2018/19
Professor Peter Clinch | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2018) Ireland's Competitiveness Challenge 2018. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2019) Cost of Doing Business 2019. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2019) Ireland's Competitiveness Scorecard 2019. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council |
Professor Hugh Campbell | |
Campbell H (2018) 'Construction Performance: how the camera charts progress on site' In: The Routledge Companion to Urban Imaginaries.London, New York: Routledge. , pp.125-136 | |
Dr Shane Colclough | |
Colclough S; Griffiths P; Hewitt NJ (2019) 'Winter Performance of Certified Passive Houses in a Temperate Maritime Climate: nZEB Compliant?' In: Sustainable Building for a Cleaner Environment.: Springer. , pp.103-113 | |
Colclough S; Mernagh J; Sinnott D; Hewitt NJ; Griffiths P (2019) 'The Cost of Building to the nearly-Zero Energy Building Standard: A Financial Case Study' In: Sustainable Building for a Cleaner Environment.: Springer. , pp.71-78 | |
Dr Owen Douglas | |
Douglas O; Scott M; Lennon M (2019) 'Green space and urban greening benefits for health and well-being across the life-course: a pathway for the operationalisation of the green infrastructure approach' In: Pathways to Well-Being in Design: Examples from the Arts, Humanities and the Built Environment.London: Routledge. | |
Dr Michael Lennon | |
Lennon M (2019) 'Grasping Green Infrastructure: an introduction to the theory and practice of a diverse environmental planning approach.' In: Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning and Sustainability.London, England, U.K.: Routledge. | |
Lennon M (2019) 'Rewilding as rural land management: opportunities and constraints' In: The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Lennon M; Scott M; O'Neill E (2018) 'Urban Design and Adapting to Flood Risk: The Role of Green Infrastructure.' In: Planning for Climate Change: A Reader in Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Design for Resilient Cities.New York: Routledge. | |
Professor Enda Murphy | |
Walsh P; Murphy E; Horan D; Banerjee A (2019) 'The UN High-Level Political Forum and Parliamentary Governance for Sustainable Development' In: Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 3 Preparing for the Heads of State Review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.New York: New Frontiers. | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'A Cabin and not a Cottage - The Architectural Embodiment of the Irish Nation' In: Ireland in the European Eye.Dublin, Ireland: The Royal Irish Academy. | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'Parks & Gardens - A Very Human Nature' In: Shaping Ireland; Landscapes in Irish Art.Dublin, Ireland: National Gallery of Ireland. | |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill | |
Lennon M; Scott M; O'Neill E (2018) 'Urban Design and Adapting to Flood Risk: The Role of Green Infrastructure.' In: Planning for Climate Change: A Reader in Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Design for Resilient Cities.New York: Routledge. | |
O'Neill E (2019) 'Understanding Risk in Environmental Planning' In: The Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning and Sustainability.London: Routledge. | |
Dr Arthur Parkinson | |
Parkinson A (2019) 'Village Design and Distinctiveness' In: The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.Abingdon: Routledge. ![]() |
Parkinson A; Pendlebury J (2019) 'Conserving rural heritage: the cases of England and Ireland' In: The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.Abingdon: Routledge. ![]() |
Mr Michael Pike | |
Keeley G; Pike M (2019) 'Vaulted House' In: European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture; Mies van der Rohe Award.Barcelona: Creative Europe. , pp.194-370 | |
Dr Paula Russell | |
Fazito M; Scott M; Russell P (2019) 'Mineral Extraction and Fragile Landscapes' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Scott M; Gallent N; Gkartzios M (2019) 'The routledge companion to rural planning' : . , pp.1-670 ![]() |
Professor Mark Scott | |
Douglas O; Scott M; Lennon M (2019) 'Green space and urban greening benefits for health and well-being across the life-course: a pathway for the operationalisation of the green infrastructure approach' In: Pathways to Well-Being in Design: Examples from the Arts, Humanities and the Built Environment.London: Routledge. | |
Fazito M; Scott M; Russell P (2019) 'Mineral Extraction and Fragile Landscapes' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Gallent N; Scott M (2019) 'Housing and Sustainable Rural Communities' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Lapping M; Scott M (2019) 'The Evolution of Rural Planning in the Global North' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Lennon M; Scott M; O'Neill E (2018) 'Urban Design and Adapting to Flood Risk: The Role of Green Infrastructure.' In: Planning for Climate Change: A Reader in Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Design for Resilient Cities.New York: Routledge. | |
Scott M (2019) 'Spatial Planning and the Rural Economy' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Scott M; Gallent N; Gkartzios M (2019) 'New Horizons in Rural Planning' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Scott M; Gallent N; Gkartzios M (2019) 'Planning Rural Futures' In: Routledge Companion to Rural Planning.London: Routledge. | |
Scott M; Gallent N; Gkartzios M (2019) 'The routledge companion to rural planning' : . , pp.1-670 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton | |
Shotton E (2018) 'Timber at the Edge' In: Engineering with Ole Vanggaard.Denmark: Architectural Publisher B. |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (Ed.). (2018) Irish Architectural & Decorative Studies XXI.Kinsale, Co. Cork: Gandon Editions for the Irish Georgian Society | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (Ed.). (2018) Irish Architectural & Decorative Studies XXI.Kinsale, Cork: The Irish Georgian Society & Gandon Editions |
Dr Finbarr Brereton | |
Devitt C; Brereton F; Mooney S; Conway D; O'Neill E (2019) 'Nuclear frames in the Irish media: Implications for conversations on nuclear power generation in the age of climate change'. Progress in Nuclear Energy 110 :260-273.![]() |
O'Neill E; Moore D; Kelleher L; Brereton F (2019) 'Barriers to electric vehicle uptake in Ireland: Perspectives of car-dealers and policy-makers'. Case Studies on Transport Policy 7 (1) :118-127.![]() |
Dr Craig Bullock | |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; Turner JN; Ball B; Bullock C; O'Sullivan JJ; Casserly C; King JJ; Cullagh A; Kelly-Quinn M (2018) 'The value of a desk study for building a national river obstacle inventory'. River Research and Applications 34 (8) :1085-1094.![]() |
González A; Bullock C; Gaughran A; Watkin-Bourne K (2019) 'Towards a better understanding of SEA effectiveness in Ireland'. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 37 (43558) :233-246.![]() |
Professor Peter Clinch | |
Clinch P; Pender A (2019) '‘You Don’t Miss the Water ’til the Well Runs Dry’: Factors Influencing the Failure of Domestic Water Charges in Ireland'. Economic and Social Review 50 (2) :369-389. | |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O'Neill E (2019) 'An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Transaction Costs in Transferable Development Rights Programmes'. Ecological Economics 156 :409-419.![]() |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O’Neill E (2019) 'Impact-based planning evaluation: Advancing normative criteria for policy analysis'. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46 (3) :534-550.![]() |
Dr Shane Colclough | |
Colclough S; Kinnane O; Hewitt N; Griffiths P (2018) 'Investigation of nZEB social housing built to the Passive House standard'. Energy and Buildings 179 :344-359.![]() |
McCarron B; Meng X; Colclough S (2019) 'A pilot study of radon levels in certified passive house buildings'. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 40 (3) :296-304.![]() |
Dr Owen Douglas | |
Douglas O; Russell P; Scott M (2019) 'Positive perceptions of green and open space as predictors of neighbourhood quality of life: implications for urban planning across the city region'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 (4) :626-646.![]() |
Lennon M; Douglas O; Scott M (2019) 'Responsive environments: An outline of a method for determining context sensitive planning interventions to enhance health and wellbeing'. Land Use Policy 80 :68-78.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2018) 'Centralising health in national spatial planning frameworks: insights from Ireland'. Cities & Health 2 (2) :116-122.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2019) 'Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in the Planning System'. Town and Country Planning 88 (5) :151-156. | |
Dr Salem Gharbia | |
Pilla F; Gharbia SS; Lyons R (2019) 'How do households perceive flood-risk? The impact of flooding on the cost of accommodation in Dublin, Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 650 :144-154.![]() |
Liam Heaphy | |
Heaphy L (2019) 'Data ratcheting and data-driven organisational change in transport'. Big Data & Society 6 (2) ![]() |
Dr Luke Kelleher | |
O'Neill E; Moore D; Kelleher L; Brereton F (2019) 'Barriers to electric vehicle uptake in Ireland: Perspectives of car-dealers and policy-makers'. Case Studies on Transport Policy 7 (1) :118-127.![]() |
Smyth A; Kelleher L (2018) 'Differences in Control and Regulatory Structures of Public Transport within the United Kingdom and Ireland: Implications for Quality and Effectiveness of Service Delivery'. Transportation Research Record 2672 (8) :566-577.![]() |
Dr Oliver Kinnane | |
Colclough S; Kinnane O; Hewitt N; Griffiths P (2018) 'Investigation of nZEB social housing built to the Passive House standard'. Energy and Buildings 179 :344-359.![]() |
Kinnane O; Reilly A (2019) 'Construction is a cause of global warming, but is concrete really the problem?'. The Architects' Journal | |
Reilly A; Kinnane O; Lesage FJ; McGranaghan G; Pavía S; Walker R; O'Hegarty R; Robinson AJ (2019) 'The thermal diffusivity of hemplime, and a method of direct measurement'. Construction and Building Materials 212 :707-715.![]() |
Reilly A; O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O (2018) 'Dissemination and Planned Demonstrator of New Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels'. Proceedings 2 (15) :1152-1152.![]() |
Assoc Professor Dieter Kogler | |
Calignano G; Fitjar RD; Kogler DF (2018) 'The core in the periphery? The cluster organization as the central node in the Apulian aerospace district'. Regional Studies 52 (11) :1490-1501.![]() |
Kogler DF; Heimeriks G; Leydesdorff L (2018) 'Patent portfolio analysis of cities: statistics and maps of technological inventiveness'. European Planning Studies 26 (11) :2256-2278.![]() |
Lee C; Kogler DF; Lee D (2019) 'Capturing information on technology convergence, international collaboration, and knowledge flow from patent documents: A case of information and communication technology'. Information Processing and Management 56 (4) :1576-1591.![]() |
Dr Leonhard Lades | |
Lades LK; Hofmann W (2019) 'Temptation, self-control, and inter-temporal choice'. Journal of Bioeconomics 21 (1) :47-70.![]() |
Dr Changjun Lee | |
Kim EHW; Lee C; Do YK (2019) 'The Effect of Adult Children’s Working Hours on Visits to Elderly Parents: A Natural Experiment in Korea'. Population Research and Policy Review 38 (1) :53-72.![]() |
Dr Michael Lennon | |
Lennon M (2019) 'On issues of plurality and practice in considering planning’s public interest'. Planning Theory 18 (2) :265-268.![]() |
Lennon M (2019) 'Planning’s Position in the ‘Hollowing-Out’ and ‘Filling-In’ of Local Government in Ireland'. Planning Theory and Practice 20 (4) :612-618.![]() |
Lennon M; Douglas O; Scott M (2019) 'Responsive environments: An outline of a method for determining context sensitive planning interventions to enhance health and wellbeing'. Land Use Policy 80 :68-78.![]() |
Lennon M; Moore D (2019) 'Planning, ‘politics’ and the production of space: the formulation and application of a framework for examining the micropolitics of community place-making'. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 21 (2) :117-133.![]() |
Lennon M; Scott M; Russell P (2018) 'Ireland’s New National Planning Framework: (Re)Balancing and (Re)Conceiving Planning for the Twenty-First Century?'. Planning Practice and Research 33 (5) :491-505.![]() |
Lennon M; Waldron R (2019) 'De-democratising the Irish planning system'. European Planning Studies 27 (8) :1607-1625.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2018) 'Centralising health in national spatial planning frameworks: insights from Ireland'. Cities & Health 2 (2) :116-122.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2019) 'Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in the Planning System'. Town and Country Planning 88 (5) :151-156. | |
Professor Enda Murphy | |
Murphy E; Mercille J (2019) '(Re)making labour markets and economic crises: The case of Ireland'. Economic and Labour Relations Review 30 (1) :22-38.![]() |
Zhou J; Murphy E (2019) 'Day-to-day variation in excess commuting: An exploratory study of Brisbane, Australia'. Journal of Transport Geography 74 :223-232.![]() |
Dr Richard O'Hegarty | |
Reilly A; Kinnane O; Lesage FJ; McGranaghan G; Pavía S; Walker R; O'Hegarty R; Robinson AJ (2019) 'The thermal diffusivity of hemplime, and a method of direct measurement'. Construction and Building Materials 212 :707-715.![]() |
Reilly A; O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O (2018) 'Dissemination and Planned Demonstrator of New Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels'. Proceedings 2 (15) :1152-1152.![]() |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O’Kane F (2018) 'The Irish-Jamaican Plantation of Kelly’s Pen, Jamaica'. Caribbean Quarterly 64 (43558) :452-466.![]() |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill | |
Devitt C; Brereton F; Mooney S; Conway D; O'Neill E (2019) 'Nuclear frames in the Irish media: Implications for conversations on nuclear power generation in the age of climate change'. Progress in Nuclear Energy 110 :260-273.![]() |
O'Neill E; Moore D; Kelleher L; Brereton F (2019) 'Barriers to electric vehicle uptake in Ireland: Perspectives of car-dealers and policy-makers'. Case Studies on Transport Policy 7 (1) :118-127.![]() |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O'Neill E (2019) 'An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Transaction Costs in Transferable Development Rights Programmes'. Ecological Economics 156 :409-419.![]() |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O’Neill E (2019) 'Impact-based planning evaluation: Advancing normative criteria for policy analysis'. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46 (3) :534-550.![]() |
Assoc Professor Francesco Pilla | |
Basaglia A; Aprile A; Spacone E; Pilla F (2018) 'Performance-based Seismic Risk Assessment of Urban Systems'. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12 (43684) :1131-1149.![]() |
Gallagher J; Basu B; Browne M; Kenna A; McCormack S; Pilla F; Styles D (2019) 'Adapting Stand-Alone Renewable Energy Technologies for the Circular Economy through Eco-Design and Recycling'. Journal of Industrial Ecology 23 (1) :133-140.![]() |
Herrmann A; Liu M; Pilla F; Shorten R (2018) 'A new take on protecting cyclists in smart cities'. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (12) :3992-3999.![]() |
Pilla F; Gharbia SS; Lyons R (2019) 'How do households perceive flood-risk? The impact of flooding on the cost of accommodation in Dublin, Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 650 :144-154.![]() |
Sweeney S; Ordonez-Hurtado R; Pilla F; Russo G; Timoney D; Shorten R (2019) 'A Context-Aware E-Bike System to Reduce Pollution Inhalation while Cycling'. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (2) :704-715.![]() |
Tang J; McNabola A; Misstear B; Pilla F; Alam MS (2019) 'Assessing the impact of vehicle speed limits and fleet composition on air quality near a school'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (1) ![]() |
Tang J; McNabola A; Misstear B; Pilla F; Alam S (2019) 'Assessing the impact of vehicle speed limits and fleet composition on air quality near a school'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (149) | |
Tiwari A; Kumar P; Baldauf R; Zhang KM; Pilla F; Di Sabatino S; Brattich E; Pulvirenti B (2019) 'Considerations for evaluating green infrastructure impacts in microscale and macroscale air pollution dispersion models'. Science of the Total Environment 672 :410-426.![]() |
Vaisi S; Pilla F; McCormack SJ (2018) 'Recommending a thermal energy benchmark based on CIBSE TM46 for typical college buildings and creating monthly energy models'. Energy and Buildings 176 :296-309.![]() |
Assoc Professor Declan Redmond | |
(2019) 'After the Crash: the conservation-planning assemblage in an era of austerity'. European Planning Studies ![]() |
Dr Paula Russell | |
Douglas O; Russell P; Scott M (2019) 'Positive perceptions of green and open space as predictors of neighbourhood quality of life: implications for urban planning across the city region'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 (4) :626-646.![]() |
Lennon M; Scott M; Russell P (2018) 'Ireland’s New National Planning Framework: (Re)Balancing and (Re)Conceiving Planning for the Twenty-First Century?'. Planning Practice and Research 33 (5) :491-505.![]() |
Mr Emmett Scanlon | |
Scanlon JE (2018) 'On David Leech'. Irish Arts Review 35 (3) | |
Scanlon JE (2019) 'A Pair of Us In It - Towards Parity of Esteem in Architectural Education'. Architecture Ireland (306) | |
Scanlon JE (2019) 'An Opportunity to Make Home'. Architecture Ireland (304) :5-7. | |
Professor Mark Scott | |
(2019) 'After the Crash: the conservation-planning assemblage in an era of austerity'. European Planning Studies ![]() |
Douglas O; Russell P; Scott M (2019) 'Positive perceptions of green and open space as predictors of neighbourhood quality of life: implications for urban planning across the city region'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62 (4) :626-646.![]() |
Lennon M; Douglas O; Scott M (2019) 'Responsive environments: An outline of a method for determining context sensitive planning interventions to enhance health and wellbeing'. Land Use Policy 80 :68-78.![]() |
Lennon M; Scott M; Russell P (2018) 'Ireland’s New National Planning Framework: (Re)Balancing and (Re)Conceiving Planning for the Twenty-First Century?'. Planning Practice and Research 33 (5) :491-505.![]() |
Scott M (2019) 'Reflecting on Theory and Practice'. Planning Theory and Practice 20 (1) :3-7. | |
Scott M (2019) 'Reflecting on theory and practice'. Planning Theory and Practice 20 (1) :3-7.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2018) 'Centralising health in national spatial planning frameworks: insights from Ireland'. Cities & Health 2 (2) :116-122.![]() |
Scott M; Lennon M; Douglas O (2019) 'Mainstreaming Green Infrastructure in the Planning System'. Town and Country Planning 88 (5) :151-156. | |
Dr Sina Shahab | |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O'Neill E (2019) 'An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Transaction Costs in Transferable Development Rights Programmes'. Ecological Economics 156 :409-419.![]() |
Shahab S; Clinch JP; O’Neill E (2019) 'Impact-based planning evaluation: Advancing normative criteria for policy analysis'. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46 (3) :534-550.![]() |
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton | |
Shotton EA (2018) 'Living in the clouds: conceptual reconstructions of harbour structures'. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 8 (4) :405-419.![]() |
Dr Celia Somlai | |
Somlai C; Knappe J; Gill L (2019) 'Spatial and temporal variation of CO<inf>2</inf> and CH<inf>4</inf> emissions from a septic tank soakaway'. Science of the Total Environment 679 :185-195.![]() |
Assoc Professor Brendan Williams | |
Armengot J; Williams B; Padial JF (2019) 'Spatial and temporal impacts on building depreciation'. Journal of Property Research 36 (2) :206-225.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Professor Peter Clinch | |
Clinch P; O'Neill E; Shahab S (2018) Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) Programmes In: RELand Real Estate and Land Planning Conference | |
Ms Sheila Convery | |
Convery S; Williams B (2018) Exploring the influences of neighbourhood type and attitudes on non-work travel behaviour patterns: insights from Ireland In: European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle | |
Dr Jon Paul Faulkner | |
Faulkner J; Murphy E; Cassidy M; Kennedy J; Rice H (2019) Europe’s Transition to Strategic Noise Mapping Under CNOSSOS-EU: Data Needs Assessment and Recommendations in the Context of Ireland. In: Inter Noise 2019, Madrid, Spain | |
Dr Karen Foley | |
Wang J; Foley K (2018) Developing a methodology: unravelling people’s attitudes towards blue-green infrastructure Jinxuan Wang and Karen Foley In: ECLAS Conference Ghent 2018; Landscapes of Conflict, University College Ghent, School of Arts, Landscape and Garden Architecture and landscape Development | |
Ms Orla Hegarty | |
Hegarty O (2018) 'Minister approves pram shelters at a cost of £1,000': Remembering Simms through community. In: Simms 120:, Dublin City Council, Wood Quay, Dublin | |
Hegarty O (2018) Affordable Housing- A Challenge for the Construction Industry -Dublin Economics Workshop (DEW) Conference 2018 In: Dublin Economics Workshop (DEW) 2018 | |
Hegarty O (2018) Delivering Affordable Housing, Simon Communities Conference, 1 October 2018 In: What Works: Ending the Housing and Homelessness Crisis. | |
Ms Livia Hurley | |
Hurley L (2018) Egalitarian Modernity and Settlement in Nineteenth-century Ireland In: EAUH: 14th International Conference on Urban History | |
Mr Paul Kenny | |
Alshehri F; Hoare C; Ali U; Shamsi M; Kenny P; O'Donnell J (2019) Extending IFC to support thermal comfort prediction during design In: 2019 European Conference on Computing in Construction, ![]() |
Dr Oliver Kinnane | |
Kinnane O; O'Hegarty R (2019) What is a sustainable or low impact concrete? In: International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials, Belfast | |
McGinn J; Pavia S; Kinnane O (2019) Application of hemp-lime renders to improve insulation of walls In: International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials, Belfast | |
Sexton E; West R; Kaur G; Niall D; O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O (2019) Development and testing of a sandwich panel with UHPC and PCM concrete layers In: UKIERI Congress, Punjab, India | |
Dr Leonhard Lades | |
Murrin C; O'Connor J; Doyle G; Delany L; Lades L; O'Malley G; Lawlor O; Harold L; Mullins B; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus In: European Journal of Public Health, ![]() |
Dr Richard O'Hegarty | |
Kinnane O; O'Hegarty R (2019) What is a sustainable or low impact concrete? In: International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials, Belfast | |
Sexton E; West R; Kaur G; Niall D; O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O (2019) Development and testing of a sandwich panel with UHPC and PCM concrete layers In: UKIERI Congress, Punjab, India | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) Improving the Atlantic World; Transatlantic Tourists and their Landscape Designs, Comparisons and Routes In: 'Moving Landscapes' Invited Symposium, The Huntington Library, The Huntington Library , San Marino, California | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) The Public Botanic Garden in the budding British Empire; The Ideal Subversive Suburban Space? In: Botanical Gardens and the Urban Future, Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, Washington DC | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Border Landscapes; Design Strategies from Ireland 1770-1922 In: The Dark Side of Design Invited Symposium, Harvard GSD, USA, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Colonial Landscapes: Design Strategies from Ireland and the Irish Caribbean In: Historical Gardens, Truth and Fiction, Landscape Study Day 2019, The Benetton Foundation, Treviso, Italy | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Keynote: Landscapes of Pleasure? Memory Manoeuvres in Ireland’s Parks & Gardens In: ICOMOS-IFLA The Culture-Nature Spectrum: Conversations about Irish Cultural Landscapes with an International Perspective, The National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 7 | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) The Design Scale of Nations In: EAHN Research Symposium Zaragoza 2019 | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) The Public Botanic Garden in the budding British Empire; The Ideal Subversive Suburban Space? In: 'Botanical Garden and the Urban Future', Dumbarton Oaks Symposium, Harvard, USA, Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, Washington DC | |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill | |
Clinch P; O'Neill E; Shahab S (2018) Uncovering the Hidden Costs of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) Programmes In: RELand Real Estate and Land Planning Conference | |
Assoc Professor Francesco Pilla | |
Basu B; Sarkar A; Pilla F (2019) Identification of optimal number of rain gauges and their locations based on different statistical approaches: A case study in Dublin based on hourly and daily rainfall data In: EGU 2019 | |
Budak B; Kiraz A; Valmassoi A; Basu B; Gharbia S; Bostanci A; Pilla F (2019) Air Quality of Dublin Forecasting via the Application of Artificial Neural Network-based Models In: IMSS'19 | |
Fornaser A; De Cecco M; Tomasin P; Zanetti M; Guandalini G; Gasperini B; Ianes P; Pilla F; Ghensi R (2018) Augmented virtualized observation of hidden physical quantities in occupational therapy In: Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Cyberworlds, CW 2018, ![]() |
Valmassoi A; Dudhia J; Di Sabatino S; Pilla F (2019) Effects of irrigation: A study with new parameterizations within the WRF-ARW model, the case of the Po Valley (Italy) In: EGU 2019 | |
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton | |
Shotton EA (2018) Living in the clouds: conceptual reconstructions of harbour structures In: Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, ![]() |
Professor Peter Clinch | |
Clinch JP; Pender A (2019) ‘You Don’t Miss the Water ’til the Well Runs Dry’: Factors Influencing the Failure of Domestic Water Charges in Ireland. : | |
Clinch P; Bouke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2018) WEF 2018-2019 Competitiveness Rankings, Competitiveness Bulletin 18-4. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M (2018) World Bank 2019 Rankings, Competitiveness Bulletin 18-5. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; Aryal S; O'Donnell M; Papa J (2018) NCC Productivity Statement. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2018) NCC Submission to the Future Jobs Initiative. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Clinch P; Bourke M; O'Donnell M; Aryal S (2019) IMD Competitiveness Ranking, Competitiveness Bulletin 19-1. Dublin: National Competitiveness Council | |
Ms Orla Hegarty | |
Hegarty O (2018) EXPRET WITNESS: Joint Oireachtas Housing Committee BUILDING STANDARDS, FIRE SAFETY & VENTILATION October 2018. Houses of the Oireachtas | |
Professor Enda Murphy | |
Murphy E; Walsh PP; Banerjee A; Thumser C (2019) Sustainable Development Goals through the Lens of a Child. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs |
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Internet Publications
Dr Jon Paul Faulkner | |
Mr Dermot Foley | |
Foley D; Mauro B; Lucinda M (2018) Interview with NMBW Architecture Studio for urbaNEXT. | |
Ms Orla Hegarty | |
Hegarty O (2018) The Irish Times: School defects are a symptom of negligent State practices (Op Ed, 9 November 2018). | |
Hegarty O (2018) Vacant buildings must be converted to renew our towns, The Times Ireland, 25 September 2018 | |
Hegarty O (2019) Irish Times: NCT for housing needed that prioritises safety risks (Op Ed, 22 March 2019). | |
Hegarty O (2019) Sunday Business Post: Builders certifying their own industry means no real policing of work(Comment, 23 June 2019). The Sunday Business Post | |
Hegarty O (2019) The Sunday Times: An architect's perspective: Why co-living is not a cure-all (Opinion, 7 July 2019). The Sunday Times | |
Hegarty O (2019) The Sunday Times: High rise: a statement not a solution to Dublin's housing crisis (Opinion, 9 July 2019). The Sunday Times | |
Hegarty O (2019) View Magazine: ‘We need to have a public housing programme to tackle the housing crisis’ (21 June 2019). View Digital | |
Hegarty O; Sirr L (2019) The Irish Times: The Irish Planning system has been dragged backwards (Op Ed, 15 May 2019). | |
Hegarty O; Sirr L (2019) Village Magazine: Fire, after Grenfell (9 February 2019). | |
Taylor C (2019) Irish Times Inside Business Podcast: Troubling Housing trends (19 June 2019). Irish Times | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'A Picturesque Tour of Killarney' article in 'Picturing Places' free educational resource site, The British Library. The British Library | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'An Irish Cabin on the Commons of Bray' article in 'Picturing Places' free educational resource site, The British Library. The British Library | |
Mr Emmett Scanlon | |
Scanlon JE (2018) "Between Concrete and Chaos - Observations on House on Home at the end of Home on the Grange". Architecture Ireland | |
Scanlon JE (2018) It Should Be Easier to Sympathise With Those Who Are Homeless - Homelessness is a Spectrum. The Dublin Inquirer | |
Scanlon JE (2019) Every Piece A Master - Making an Exhibition of Themselves, the Class of 2019. Architecture Ireland | |
Scanlon JE (2019) Forever More : Words for O Donnell + Tuomey. Architecture Ireland | |
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton | |
Shotton E (2019) The Segal Method: Designing for Disassembly. Infuturewood | |
Shotton E (2019) Would Dublin be Dublin without Dublin Port? RTE Brainstorm | |
Shotton E; Walsh SJ (2019) Demolition Practice in Ireland. Infuturewood |
Ms Orla Hegarty | |
Hegarty O (2018) RADIO INTERVIEW: Land Development Agency, RTE Drivetime 13 September 2018. : | |
Hegarty O (2018) RADIO INTERVIEW: Will high-rise buildings solve the housing crisis? 27 September 2018, Newstalk Radio. : | |
Hegarty O (2018) RTE SIX ONE NEWS: Interview with Orla Hegarty, architect and assistant professor at UCD. : |
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton | |
Shotton E (2019) MHIec. ![]() |