Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science in the academic year 2018/19
Dr Conor Buggy | |
Buggy C (2019) 'An exploration of student growth through assessment: Modular redesign to incorporate Problem Based Learning, Self-Directed Assessment and Personal Reflection' In: Inclusive Assessment and Feedback: Universal Design Case Studies from IADT and UCD.Dublin: UCD Access and Lifelong Learning. , pp.61-76 | |
Professor Anne Drummond | |
Drummond A; O'Dwyer D (2019) 'Where Universal Design, Inclusive Assessment and Adult Education principles coincide: professional skills and authentic assessment' In: Inclusive Assessment and Feedback: Universal Design Case Studies from IADT and UCD UCD Access and Lifelong Learning. | |
Professor Séamus Fanning | |
Srikumar S; Fanning S (2019) 'The Therapeutic Potential of the “Yin-Yang” Garden in Our Gut' In: Role of Microbes in Human Health and Diseases.: IntechOpen. ![]() |
Dr Lachlan Mitchell | |
Slater G; Mitchell L (2019) 'Strength and Power Athletes' In: Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Performance A practical guide for students, sports enthusiasts and professionals.Melbourne: Allen & Unwin. | |
Assoc Professor Ronald Moore | |
Moore R (2019) 'Decolonizing Knowledge: Biomedical Beliefs and Indigenous Medical Practice' In: Indigenous Medical Practice, in, Holistic Healthcare: Possibilities and Challenges Volume II. Publication, ISBN 13:978-1-77188-715-1 and ebook: 13:978-0-42948-780-4.USA: Apple Academic Press. | |
Dr Ross Neville | |
Neville R (2018) 'Sociology and physical activity' In: Physical activity: A multidisciplinary introduction.Oxon: Routledge. , pp.289-304 | |
Dr Scott Nguyen | |
Mcshan WM; Mccullor KA; Nguyen SV (2019) 'The bacteriophages of Streptococcus pyogenes' : . ![]() |
McShan WM; McCullor KA; Nguyen SV (2019) 'The Bacteriophages of Streptococcus pyogenes.' : . ![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Blake | |
Ó Mír M; O'Sullivan C; Lennon O; Blake C (2018) 'An evaluation of diagnostic agreement rates between advanced practice physiotherapists and paediatric orthopaedic consultants for children with musculoskeletal complaints'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :433-439.![]() |
Büttner F; Howell DR; Ardern CL; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Catena R; Chou L-S; Fino P; Rochefort C (2019) 'Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data.'. British journal of sports medicine ![]() |
Broderick P; Horgan F; Blake C; Ehrensberger M; Simpson D; Monaghan K (2019) 'Mirror therapy and treadmill training for patients with chronic stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial'. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 26 (3) :163-172.![]() |
Broderick P; Horgan F; Blake C; Hickey P; O’Reilly J; Ehrensberger M; Simpson D; Roberts D; Monaghan K (2019) 'Mirror therapy and treadmill training for a patient with chronic stroke: A case report'. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 35 (5) :478-488.![]() |
Burke D; Lennon O; Blake C; Nolan M; Barry S; Smith E; Maye F; Lynch J; O'Connor L; Maume L (2019) 'An internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy pain management programme for spinal cord injury pain: A randomized controlled trial'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (7) :1264-1282.![]() |
Cunningham C; Blake C; Storey A; Mc Namara J (2018) 'How much do Farmers move'. T Research 13 (4) :18-19. | |
Duignan CM; Slevin PJ; Caulfield BM; Blake C (2019) 'Exploring the Use of Mobile Athlete Self-report Measures in Elite Gaelic Games: A Qualitative Approach.'. Journal of strength and conditioning research ![]() |
Dunlevy C; MacLellan GA; O’Malley E; Blake C; Breen C; Gaynor K; Wallace N; Yoder R; Casey D; Mehegan J (2019) 'Does changing weight change pain? Retrospective data analysis from a national multidisciplinary weight management service'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (8) :1403-1415.![]() |
Ehrensberger M; Simpson D; Broderick P; Blake C; Horgan F; Hickey P; O'Reilly J; Monaghan K (2019) 'Unilateral Strength Training and Mirror Therapy in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Trial'. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 98 (8) :657-665.![]() |
Ehrensberger M; Simpson D; Broderick P; Blake C; Horgan F; Hickey P; OʼReilly J; Monaghan K (2019) 'Unilateral Strength Training and Mirror Therapy in Patients With Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Trial.'. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 98 (8) :657-665.![]() |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Breen R; O'Sullivan C; O'Mir M; Desmeules F; Cunningham C (2018) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice in Ireland: A National Survey'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :425-432.![]() |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'. ![]() |
Guisado-Fernández E; Giunti G; Mackey LM; Blake C; Caulfield BM (2019) 'Factors influencing the adoption of Smart Health technologies for people with dementia and their informal caregivers: Scoping review and design framework'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (4) ![]() |
Guisado-Fernandez E; Caulfield B; Silva PA; Mackey L; Singleton D; Leahy D; Dossot S; Power D; O'Shea D; Blake C (2019) 'Development of a Caregivers' Support Platform (Connected Health Sustaining Home Stay in Dementia): Protocol for a Longitudinal Observational Mixed Methods Study.'. JMIR research protocols 8 (8) :13280.![]() |
Lehane E; Leahy-Warren P; O'Riordan C; Savage E; Drennan J; O'Tuathaigh C; O'Connor M; Corrigan M; Burke F; Hayes M (2019) 'Evidence-based practice education for healthcare professions: An expert view'. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 24 (3) :103-108.![]() |
Lennon O; Blake C; Booth J; Pollock A; Lawrence M (2018) 'Interventions for behaviour change and self-management in stroke secondary prevention: Protocol for an overview of reviews.'. Systematic Reviews 7 (1) ![]() |
Mackey LM; Blake C; Squiers L; Casey MB; Power C; Victory R; Hearty C; Fullen BM (2019) 'An investigation of healthcare utilization and its association with levels of health literacy in individuals with chronic pain'. Musculoskeletal Care 17 (2) :174-182.![]() |
Matifat E; Mequignon M; Cunningham C; Blake C; Fennelly O; Desmeules F (2018) 'Physiotherapy in Emergency Departments for Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Literature'. Physical Therapy 99 (9) :1150-1166. | |
O Mir M; O'Sullivan C; Blake C; Lennon O (2019) 'An Exploration of Parental Satisfaction with an Advanced Practice Physical Therapy Clinic in Pediatric Orthopedics'. Pediatric Physical Therapy 31 (2) :192-199.![]() |
OʼLeary H; Smart KM; Moloney NA; Blake C; Doody CM (2018) 'Pain sensitization associated with nonresponse after physiotherapy in people with knee osteoarthritis'. Pain 159 (9) :1877-1886.![]() |
Simpson D; Ehrensberger M; Broderick P; Horgan F; Blake C; Roberts D; Monaghan K (2019) 'Cross-education plus mirror therapy as a post-stroke rehabilitation intervention: A case study'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 40 (1) :51-57.![]() |
Simpson D; Ehrensberger M; Horgan F; Blake C; Roberts D; Broderick P; Monaghan K (2019) 'Unilateral dorsiflexor strengthening with mirror therapy to improve motor function after stroke: A pilot randomized study'. Physiotherapy Research International ![]() |
Simpson D; Ehrensberger M; Nulty C; Regan J; Broderick P; Blake C; Monaghan K (2019) 'Peak torque, rate of torque development and average torque of isometric ankle and elbow contractions show excellent test-retest reliability'. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal 39 (1) :67-76.![]() |
Van Doorn D; Richardson N; Osborne A; Blake C (2019) 'The impact of a workplace cardiovascular health screening programme Farmers Have Hearts' on health behaviour change among Irish farmers'. Work 63 (1) :113-123.![]() |
Professor Colin Boreham | |
Holden S; Doherty C; Boreham C; Delahunt E (2019) 'Sex differences in sagittal plane control emerge during adolescent growth: a prospective investigation'. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 27 (2) :419-426.![]() |
Mair JL; De Vito G; Boreham CA (2019) 'Low Volume, Home-Based Weighted Step Exercise Training Can Improve Lower Limb Muscle Power and Functional Ability in Community-Dwelling Older Women.'. Journal of clinical medicine 8 (1) ![]() |
Nevill AM; Williams AM; Boreham C; Wallace ES; Davison GW; Abt G; Lane AM; Winter EM (2018) 'Can we trust “Magnitude-based inference”?'. Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (24) :2769-2770.![]() |
Dr Sarah Browne | |
Browne S; Minozzi S; Bellisario C; Sweeney MR; Susta D (2019) 'Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving dietary behaviours among people at higher risk of or with chronic non-communicable diseases: an overview of systematic reviews.'. European journal of clinical nutrition 73 (1) :9-23.![]() |
Dr Conor Buggy | |
Ashworth HC; Roux TL; Buggy CJ (2019) 'Healthcare accessibility in the rural plains (terai) of Nepal: physical factors and associated attitudes of the local population.'. International health ![]() |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2019) 'Winning at All Costs: A Review of Risk-Taking Behaviour and Sporting Injury from an Occupational Safety and Health Perspective'. Open Sports Medicine Journal 5 (15) | |
Coffey N; Lawless M; Kelly S; Buggy C (2018) 'Frequency of Self-Reported Concussion Amongst Professional and Semi-Professional Footballers in Ireland During the 2014 Season: a Cross-Sectional Study'. Sports Medicine - Open 4 (1) ![]() |
Professor Brian Caulfield | |
Argent R; Drummond S; Remus A; O'Reilly M; Caulfield B (2019) 'Evaluating the use of machine learning in the assessment of joint angle using a single inertial sensor.'. Journal of rehabilitation and assistive technologies engineering 6 ![]() |
Argent R; Slevin P; Bevilacqua A; Neligan M; Daly A; Caulfield B (2018) 'Clinician perceptions of a prototype wearable exercise biofeedback system for orthopaedic rehabilitation: A qualitative exploration'. BMJ Open 8 (10) ![]() |
Argent R; Slevin P; Bevilacqua A; Neligan M; Daly A; Caulfield B (2019) 'Wearable sensor-based exercise biofeedback for orthopaedic rehabilitation: A mixed methods user evaluation of a prototype system'. Sensors (Switzerland) 19 (2) ![]() |
Benevenuto R; Caulfield B (2019) 'Poverty and transport in the global south: An overview'. Transport Policy 79 :115-124.![]() |
Byrne H; Caulfield B; De Vito G (2018) 'Self-directed exercise programmes in sedentary middle-aged individuals in good overall health; a systematic review'. Preventive Medicine 114 :156-163.![]() |
Caulfield B; Reginatto B; Slevin P (2019) 'Not all sensors are created equal: a framework for evaluating human performance measurement technologies.'. NPJ Digital Medicine 2 :7.![]() |
Delahunt E; Bleakley CM; Bossard DS; Caulfield BM; Docherty CL; Doherty C; Fourchet F; Fong DT; Hertel J; Hiller CE (2018) 'Clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries (ROAST): 2019 consensus statement and recommendations of the International Ankle Consortium'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (20) :1304-1310.![]() |
Dey S; Caulfield B; Ghosh B (2018) 'Potential health and economic benefits of banning diesel traffic in Dublin, Ireland'. Journal of Transport & Health 10 :156-166.![]() |
Dey S; Caulfield B; Ghosh B (2019) 'Modelling uncertainty of vehicular emissions inventory: A case study of Ireland'. Journal of Cleaner Production 213 :1115-1126.![]() |
Duignan C; Slevin P; Sett N; Caulfield B (2019) 'Consumer wearable deployments in actigraphy research: Evaluation of an observational study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (6) ![]() |
Fullam K; Delahunt E; Caulfield B; Coughlan GF; McNulty W; Campbell D (2019) 'The Effect of Cryotherapy Application to the Knee Joint on Dynamic Postural Stability.'. Journal of sport rehabilitation :1-36.![]() |
Guisado-Fernández E; Giunti G; Mackey LM; Blake C; Caulfield BM (2019) 'Factors influencing the adoption of Smart Health technologies for people with dementia and their informal caregivers: Scoping review and design framework'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (4) ![]() |
Guisado-Fernandez E; Caulfield B; Silva PA; Mackey L; Singleton D; Leahy D; Dossot S; Power D; O'Shea D; Blake C (2019) 'Development of a Caregivers' Support Platform (Connected Health Sustaining Home Stay in Dementia): Protocol for a Longitudinal Observational Mixed Methods Study.'. JMIR research protocols 8 (8) :13280.![]() |
Johnston W; Duignan C; Coughlan GF; Caulfield B (2019) 'Dynamic balance performance varies by position but not by age group in elite Rugby Union players–a normative study'. Journal of Sports Sciences 37 (11) :1308-1313.![]() |
Johnston W; O’Reilly M; Argent R; Caulfield B (2019) 'Reliability, Validity and Utility of Inertial Sensor Systems for Postural Control Assessment in Sport Science and Medicine Applications: A Systematic Review'. Sports Medicine 49 (5) :783-818.![]() |
Johnston W; O’Reilly M; Duignan C; Liston M; McLoughlin R; Coughlan GF; Caulfield B (2019) 'Association of Dynamic Balance With Sports-Related Concussion: A Prospective Cohort Study'. American Journal of Sports Medicine 47 (1) :197-205.![]() |
McBain C; Caulfield B (2018) 'An analysis of the factors influencing journey time variation in the cork public bike system'. Sustainable Cities and Society 42 :641-649.![]() |
O'Connor D; Caulfield B (2018) 'Level of service and the transit neighbourhood - Observations from Dublin city and suburbs'. Research in Transportation Economics 69 :59-67.![]() |
O’Connor D; Caulfield B (2018) 'The application of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in cancer rehabilitation: current prescription, pitfalls, and future directions'. Supportive Care in Cancer 26 (11) :3661-3663.![]() |
O’Connor D; Caulfield B; Lennon O (2018) 'The efficacy and prescription of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in adult cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Supportive Care in Cancer 26 (12) :3985-4000.![]() |
Perraudin CGM; Illiano VP; Calvo F; O’Hare E; Donnelly SC; Mullan RH; Sander O; Caulfield B; Dorn JF (2018) 'Observational Study of a Wearable Sensor and Smartphone Application Supporting Unsupervised Exercises to Assess Pain and Stiffness'. Digital Biomarkers 2 (3) :106-125.![]() |
Slevin P; Kessie T; Cullen J; Butler MW; Donnelly SC; Caulfield B (2019) 'A qualitative study of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patient perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to adopting digital health technology'. Digital Health 5 ![]() |
Whelan D; Delahunt E; O'reilly M; Hernandez B; Caulfield B (2019) 'Determining Interrater and Intrarater Levels of Agreement in Students and Clinicians When Visually Evaluating Movement Proficiency During Screening Assessments'. Physical Therapy 99 (4) :478-486.![]() |
Mrs Ruth Charles | |
Charles RP (2019) 'Food Allergy in Irish Children'. Nutrition Today 54 (5) :221-228.![]() |
Dr Ling-Wei Chen | |
Chen L; Fitzgerald R; Murrin C; Mehegan J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2018) 'Associations of maternal caffeine intake with birth outcomes: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Chen LW; Fung SM; Fok D; Leong LP; Toh JY; Lim HX; Pang WW; Tan KH; Chong YS; Yap F (2019) 'The development and evaluation of a diet quality index for asian toddlers and its perinatal correlates: The GUSTO cohort study'. Nutrients 11 (3) ![]() |
Assoc Professor Mary Codd | |
Barry T; Doheny MC; Masterson S; Conroy N; Klimas J; Segurado R; Codd M; Bury G (2019) 'Community first responders for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults and children (Review)'. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS (7) ![]() |
Barry T; Doheny MC; Masterson S; Conroy N; Klimas J; Segurado R; Codd M; Bury G (2019) 'Community first responders for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults and children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (7) ![]() |
Bowe AK; Owens M; Codd MB; Lawlor BA; Glynn RW (2019) 'Physical activity and mental health in an Irish population'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (2) :625-631.![]() |
McCollum DC; Mason O; Codd MB; O’Grady MJ (2019) 'Management of type 1 diabetes in primary schools in Ireland: a cross-sectional survey'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (3) :835-841.![]() |
Assoc Professor Clare Corish | |
Bardon LA; Streicher M; Corish CA; Clarke M; Power LC; Kenny RA; O'Connor DM; Laird E; O'Connor EM; Visser M (2018) 'Predictors of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) cohort- a MaNuEL study.'. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences ![]() |
Cadogan CA; Dharamshi R; Fitzgerald S; Corish CA; Castro PD; Ryan C (2019) 'A systematic scoping review of interventions to improve appropriate prescribing of oral nutritional supplements in primary care'. Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Corish CA; Bardon LA (2019) 'Malnutrition in older adults: Screening and determinants'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 78 (3) :372-379.![]() |
de Zwarte D; Kearney J; Corish CA; Glennon C; Maher L; Johnston Molloy C (2018) 'Randomised study demonstrates sustained benefits of a pre-school intervention designed to improve nutrition and physical activity practices.'. Journal of public health (Oxford, England) ![]() |
Lövestam E; Steiber A; Vivanti A; Boström AM; Devine A; Haughey O; Kiss CM; Lang NR; Lieffers J; Lloyd L (2019) 'Use of the Nutrition Care Process and Nutrition Care Process Terminology in an International Cohort Reported by an Online Survey Tool'. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 119 (2) :225-241.![]() |
Lövestam E; Vivanti A; Steiber A; Boström AM; Devine A; Haughey O; Kiss CM; Lang NR; Lieffers J; Lloyd L (2019) 'The International Nutrition Care Process and Terminology Implementation Survey: Towards a Global Evaluation Tool to Assess Individual Practitioner Implementation in Multiple Countries and Languages'. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 119 (2) :242-260.![]() |
Leij-Halfwerk S; Verwijs MH; van Houdt S; Borkent JW; Guaitoli PR; Pelgrim T; Heymans MW; Power L; Visser M; Corish CA (2019) 'Prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition risk in European older adults in community, residential and hospital settings, according to 22 malnutrition screening tools validated for use in adults ≥65 years: A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Maturitas 126 :80-89.![]() |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Heinen M; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Corish CA (2019) 'Screening for risk of low energy availability in athletic and recreationally active females in Ireland'. European Journal of Sport Science 19 (1) :112-122.![]() |
McCafferty C; Shan LC; Mooney R; O'Rourke C; Pourshahidi K; Livingstone B; Kearney J; Corish C; Tatlow-Golden M; Murrin C (2019) 'How do adults define the treats they give to children? A thematic analysis'. Appetite 133 :115-122.![]() |
Nea FM; Pourshahidi LK; Kearney JM; Livingstone MBE; Bassul C; Corish CA (2018) 'A qualitative exploration of the shift work experience: the perceived effect on eating habits, lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial wellbeing'. Journal of public health (Oxford, England) 40 (4) :e482-e492.![]() |
Power L; de van der Schueren MAE; Leij-Halfwerk S; Bauer J; Clarke M; Visser M; Volkert D; Bardon L; Gibney E; Corish CA (2019) 'Development and application of a scoring system to rate malnutrition screening tools used in older adults in community and healthcare settings – A MaNuEL study'. Clinical Nutrition 38 (4) :1807-1819.![]() |
Shan LC; McCafferty C; Tatlow-Golden M; O'Rourke C; Mooney R; Livingstone MBE; Pourshahidi LK; Corish C; Kearney JM; Wall P (2018) 'Is it still a real treat? Adults’ treat provision to children'. Appetite 130 :228-235.![]() |
Streicher M; van Zwienen-Pot J; Bardon L; Nagel G; Teh R; Meisinger C; Colombo M; Torbahn G; Kiesswetter E; Flechtner-Mors M (2018) 'Determinants of Incident Malnutrition in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A MaNuEL Multicohort Meta-Analysis'. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 66 (12) :2335-2343.![]() |
Assoc Professor Caitriona Cunningham | |
Cunningham C; Blake C; Storey A; Mc Namara J (2018) 'How much do Farmers move'. T Research 13 (4) :18-19. | |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Breen R; O'Sullivan C; O'Mir M; Desmeules F; Cunningham C (2018) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice in Ireland: A National Survey'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :425-432.![]() |
Kelly G; Reilly A; Moloney H; Moran J; Cunningham C; Broderick J (2018) '50 years of randomised controlled trials published in the journal Physiotherapy: a review 1967 to 2017'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom) 104 (4) :359-366.![]() |
Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Cunningham C; Sheridan A; Probst M; Lennon O (2019) 'Psychological distress in patients attending physiotherapy. A survey based investigation of current practice and opinion of Irish physiotherapists'. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada | |
Assoc Professor Tara Cusack | |
Brennan L; Cusack T; Delahunt E; Kuznesof S; Donnelly S (2019) 'Academics’ conceptualisations of the research-teaching nexus in a research-intensive Irish university: A dynamic framework for growth & development'. Learning and Instruction 60 :301-309.![]() |
Mountford N; Coleman M; Kessie T; Cusack T (2019) 'Interdisciplinary doctoral research networks: enhancers and inhibitors of social capital development'. Studies in Higher Education ![]() |
Professor Giuseppe De Vito | |
Byrne H; Caulfield B; De Vito G (2018) 'Self-directed exercise programmes in sedentary middle-aged individuals in good overall health; a systematic review'. Preventive Medicine 114 :156-163.![]() |
de Lemos Muller CH; Rech A; Botton CE; Schroeder HT; Bock PM; Farinha JB; Lopez P; Schöler CM; Grigolo GB; Coelho J (2018) 'Heat-induced extracellular HSP72 release is blunted in elderly diabetic people compared with healthy middle-aged and older adults, but it is partially restored by resistance training'. Experimental Gerontology 111 :180-187.![]() |
Forte R; De Vito G (2019) 'Comparison of Neuromotor and Progressive Resistance Exercise Training to Improve Mobility and Fitness in Community Dwelling Older Women'. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise | |
Grannell A; De Vito G; Murphy JC; le Roux CW (2019) 'The influence of skeletal muscle on appetite regulation'. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 14 (4) :267-282.![]() |
Heffernan SM; Horner K; De Vito G; Conway GE (2019) 'The role of mineral and trace element supplementation in exercise and athletic performance: a systematic review'. Nutrients 11 (3) ![]() |
Kemp GJ; Birrell F; Clegg PD; Cuthbertson DJ; De Vito G; Van Dieën JH; Del Din S; Eastell R; Garnero P; Goljanek-Whysall K (2018) 'Developing a toolkit for the assessment and monitoring of musculoskeletal ageing'. Age and Ageing 47 :iv1-iv19.![]() |
Krause M; Crognale D; Cogan K; Contarelli S; Egan B; Newsholme P; De Vito G (2019) 'The effects of a combined bodyweight-based and elastic bands resistance training, with or without protein supplementation, on muscle mass, signaling and heat shock response in healthy older people'. Experimental Gerontology 115 :104-113.![]() |
Mair JL; De Vito G; Boreham CA (2019) 'Low Volume, Home-Based Weighted Step Exercise Training Can Improve Lower Limb Muscle Power and Functional Ability in Community-Dwelling Older Women.'. Journal of clinical medicine 8 (1) ![]() |
Minnock D; Krause M; Le Roux CW; De Vito G (2019) 'Effects of acute exercise on glucose control in type 1 diabetes: A systematic review'. Translational Sports Medicine 2 (2) :49-57.![]() |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Lowery MM; Segurado R; De Vito G (2019) 'Changes in knee joint angle affect torque steadiness differently in young and older individuals'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 47 :49-56.![]() |
Professor Eamonn Delahunt | |
Büttner F; Howell DR; Ardern CL; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Catena R; Chou L-S; Fino P; Rochefort C (2019) 'Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data.'. British journal of sports medicine ![]() |
Bleakley CM; Taylor JB; Dischiavi SL; Doherty C; Delahunt E (2019) 'Rehabilitation Exercises Reduce Reinjury Post Ankle Sprain, But the Content and Parameters of an Optimal Exercise Program Have Yet to Be Established: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis'. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 100 (7) :1367-1375.![]() |
Bossard DS; Remus A; Doherty C; Gribble PA; Delahunt E (2018) 'Developing consensus on clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries: Protocol for an international and multidisciplinary modified Delphi process'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (23) :1539.![]() |
Brennan L; Cusack T; Delahunt E; Kuznesof S; Donnelly S (2019) 'Academics’ conceptualisations of the research-teaching nexus in a research-intensive Irish university: A dynamic framework for growth & development'. Learning and Instruction 60 :301-309.![]() |
Delahunt E; Bleakley CM; Bossard DS; Caulfield BM; Docherty CL; Doherty C; Fourchet F; Fong DT; Hertel J; Hiller CE (2018) 'Clinical assessment of acute lateral ankle sprain injuries (ROAST): 2019 consensus statement and recommendations of the International Ankle Consortium'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (20) :1304-1310.![]() |
Delahunt E; Gribble PA (2018) 'Structured clinical assessment: A brake to stop the ankle joint rolling''. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (20) ![]() |
Delahunt E; Remus A (2019) 'Risk factors for lateral ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability'. Journal of Athletic Training 54 (6) :611-616.![]() |
Fullam K; Delahunt E; Caulfield B; Coughlan GF; McNulty W; Campbell D (2019) 'The Effect of Cryotherapy Application to the Knee Joint on Dynamic Postural Stability.'. Journal of sport rehabilitation :1-36.![]() |
Gribble PA; Delahunt E (2019) 'The international Ankle Consortium: Promoting long-term stability in ankle-sprain research'. Journal of Athletic Training 54 (6) :570-571.![]() |
Holden S; Doherty C; Boreham C; Delahunt E (2019) 'Sex differences in sagittal plane control emerge during adolescent growth: a prospective investigation'. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 27 (2) :419-426.![]() |
Kaminski TW; Needle AR; Delahunt E (2019) 'Prevention of lateral ankle sprains'. Journal of Athletic Training 54 (6) :650-661.![]() |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Heinen M; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Corish CA (2019) 'Screening for risk of low energy availability in athletic and recreationally active females in Ireland'. European Journal of Sport Science 19 (1) :112-122.![]() |
Severini G; Holland D; Drumgoole A; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M (2018) 'Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of the Askling L-Protocol for hamstring training'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 28 (12) :2536-2546.![]() |
Tassignon B; Verschueren J; Delahunt E; Smith M; Vicenzino B; Verhagen E; Meeusen R (2019) 'Criteria-Based Return to Sport Decision-Making Following Lateral Ankle Sprain Injury: a Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis'. Sports Medicine 49 (4) :601-619.![]() |
Whelan D; Delahunt E; O'reilly M; Hernandez B; Caulfield B (2019) 'Determining Interrater and Intrarater Levels of Agreement in Students and Clinicians When Visually Evaluating Movement Proficiency During Screening Assessments'. Physical Therapy 99 (4) :478-486.![]() |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Lowery MM; Segurado R; De Vito G (2019) 'Changes in knee joint angle affect torque steadiness differently in young and older individuals'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 47 :49-56.![]() |
Dr Massimiliano Ditroilo | |
Collins R; McGrath D; Horner K; Eusebi S; Ditroilo M (2019) 'Effect of External Counterpulsation on Exercise Recovery in Team Sport Athletes'. International Journal of Sports Medicine 40 (8) :511-518.![]() |
Ditroilo M; O’Sullivan R; Harnan B; Crossey A; Gillmor B; Dardis W; Grainger A (2018) 'Water-filled training tubes increase core muscle activation and somatosensory control of balance during squat'. Journal of Sports Sciences 36 (17) :2002-2008.![]() |
Evans W; Nevill A; Mclaren S; Ditroilo M (2019) 'The effect of intermittent running on biomarkers of bone turnover'. European Journal of Sport Science ![]() |
Grainger A; Neville R; Ditroilo M; Comfort P (2019) 'Changes in performance markers and wellbeing in elite senior professional rugby union players during a pre-season period: Analysis of the differences across training phases'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport ![]() |
McMorrow BJ; Ditroilo M; Egan B (2019) 'Effect of heavy resisted sled sprint training during the competitive season on sprint and change-of-direction performance in professional soccer players'. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 14 (8) :1066-1073.![]() |
Montgomery G; Abt G; Dobson C; Smith T; Evans W; Ditroilo M (2019) 'The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 44 :124-131.![]() |
Severini G; Holland D; Drumgoole A; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M (2018) 'Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of the Askling L-Protocol for hamstring training'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 28 (12) :2536-2546.![]() |
Sporri D; Ditroilo M; Pickering Rodriguez EC; Johnston RJ; Sheehan WB; Watsford ML (2018) 'The effect of water-based plyometric training on vertical stiffness and athletic performance'. PLoS ONE 13 (12) ![]() |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Lowery MM; Segurado R; De Vito G (2019) 'Changes in knee joint angle affect torque steadiness differently in young and older individuals'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 47 :49-56.![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Doody | |
Casey MB; Smart KM; Hearty C; Lowry D; Doody C (2019) 'Acceptance of chronic pain. Perspectives of individuals following an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy pain management programme: An interpretative phenomenological analysis'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 40 (1) :9-19.![]() |
Keating L; Treanor C; Sugrue J; Meldrum D; Bolger C; Doody C (2019) 'A randomised controlled trial of multimodal physiotherapy versus advice for recent onset, painful cervical radiculopathy - The PACeR trial protocol'. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 20 (1) ![]() |
OʼLeary H; Smart KM; Moloney NA; Blake C; Doody CM (2018) 'Pain sensitization associated with nonresponse after physiotherapy in people with knee osteoarthritis'. Pain 159 (9) :1877-1886.![]() |
Smyth C; Smart K; Fitzpatrick M; Caffrey A; McLoughlin C; Doody C (2019) 'Physiotherapist-led triage of patients with thoracic spine pain in a musculoskeletal assessment clinic: A service evaluation of activity and outcomes'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 40 (2) :145-153.![]() |
Professor Anne Drummond | |
Cetintepe SP; McElroy B; Drummond A (2018) 'Sun-related risks and risk reduction practices in Irish outdoor workers'. Occupational Medicine 68 (9) :635-637.![]() |
Cronin FM; Drummond A; Herron I; Murphy JF; Kelleher CC; Murrin CM (2018) 'Potential of a large historical occupational cohort to assess the health impacts of life-course events in Ireland: a pilot study'. The Lancet 392 :S26-S26.![]() |
Professor Séamus Fanning | |
Anes J; Martins M; Fanning S (2018) 'Reversing antimicrobial resistance in multidrug-resistant klebsiella pneumoniae of clinical origin using 1-(1-Naphthylmethyl)-piperazine'. Microbial Drug Resistance 24 (10) :1497-1506.![]() |
Anes J; Sivasankaran SK; Muthappa DM; Fanning S; Srikumar S (2019) 'Exposure to sub-inhibitory concentrations of the chemosensitizer 1-(1-naphthylmethyl)-piperazine creates membrane destabilization in multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (FEB) ![]() |
Bai L; Du P; Du Y; Sun H; Zhang P; Wan Y; Lin Q; Fanning S; Cui S; Wu Y (2019) 'Detection of plasmid-mediated tigecycline-resistant gene tet(X4) in Escherichia coli from pork, sichuan and shandong provinces, China, february 2019'. Eurosurveillance 24 (25) ![]() |
Eshwar AK; Wolfrum N; Stephan R; Fanning S; Lehner A (2018) 'Interaction of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and Zpx in Cronobacter turicensis LMG 23827T mediated infections in the zebrafish model'. Cellular Microbiology 20 (11) ![]() |
Espinosa L; Gray A; Duffy G; Fanning S; McMahon BJ (2018) 'A scoping review on the prevalence of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli in wild animal species'. Zoonoses and Public Health 65 (8) :911-920.![]() |
Gray J; Rani S; Duffy G; Fanning S; Burgess C (2019) 'Analysis of phenotypic traits which may impact long term survival of different Escherichia coli pathotypes'. Access Microbiology 1 (1A) ![]() |
Hu Y; Fanning S; Gan X; Liu C; Nguyen S; Wang M; Wang W; Jiang T; Xu J; Li F (2019) 'Salmonella harbouring the mcr-1 gene isolated from food in China between 2012 and 2016'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (3) :826-828.![]() |
Hu Y; Nguyen SV; Liu C; Wang W; Dong Y; Fanning S; Li F (2019) 'Complete genome and plasmid sequences of seven isolates of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica harboring the mcr-1 gene obtained from food in China'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (31) ![]() |
Hurley D; Luque-Sastre L; Parker CT; Huynh S; Eshwar AK; Nguyen SV; Andrews N; Moura A; Fox EM; Jordan K (2019) 'Whole-genome sequencing-based characterization of 100 Listeria monocytogenes isolates collected from food processing environments over a four-year period'. mSphere 4 (4) ![]() |
Jang H; Woo J; Lee Y; Negrete F; Finkelstein S; Chase HR; Addy N; Ewing L; Beaubrun JJG; Patel I (2018) 'Draft genomes of Cronobacter sakazakii strains isolated from dried spices bring unique insights into the diversity of plant-associated strains 06 Biological Sciences 0604 Genetics'. Standards in Genomic Sciences 13 (1) ![]() |
Kennedy CA; Walsh C; Karczmarczyk M; O'Brien S; Akasheh N; Quirke M; Farrell-Ward S; Buckley T; Fogherty U; Kavanagh K (2018) 'Multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli in diarrhoeagenic foals: Pulsotyping, phylotyping, serotyping, antibiotic resistance and virulence profiling'. Veterinary Microbiology 223 :144-152.![]() |
Li R; Zhang P; Yang X; Wang Z; Fanning S; Wang J; Du P; Bai L (2019) 'Identification of a novel hybrid plasmid coproducing MCR-1 and MCR-3 variant from an Escherichia coli strain'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (6) :1517-1520.![]() |
Luque-Sastre L; Fox EM; Jordan K; Fanning S (2018) 'A comparative study of the susceptibility of listeria species to sanitizer treatments when grown under planktonic and biofilm conditions'. Journal of Food Protection 81 (9) :1481-1490.![]() |
McCarthy S; Macori G; Burgess C; Fanning S; Duffy G (2019) 'Surveillance of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli in Irish sheep'. Access Microbiology 1 (1A) ![]() |
McCusker MP; Alves Ferreira D; Cooney D; Martins Alves B; Fanning S; Pagès JM; Martins M; Davin-Regli A (2019) 'Modulation of antimicrobial resistance in clinical isolates of Enterobacter aerogenes: A strategy combining antibiotics and chemosensitisers'. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 16 :187-198.![]() |
Nguyen SV; Muthappa DM; Hurley D; Donoghue O; McCabe E; Anes J; Schaffer K; Murphy BP; Buckley JF; Fanning S (2019) 'Yersinia hibernica sp. nov., isolated from pig-production environments'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (7) :2023-2027.![]() |
Peng Z; Zhang J; Fanning S; Wang L; Li M; Maheshwari N; Sun J; Li F (2019) 'Effects of metal and metalloid pollutants on the microbiota composition of feces obtained from twelve commercial pig farms across China'. Science of the Total Environment 647 :577-586.![]() |
Srikumar S; Cao Y; Yan Q; Van Hoorde K; Nguyen S; Cooney S; Gopinath GR; Tall BD; Sivasankaran SK; Lehner A (2019) 'RNA sequencing-based transcriptional overview of xerotolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii SP291'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (3) ![]() |
Yan S; Li M; Luque-Sastre L; Wang W; Hu Y; Peng Z; Dong Y; Gan X; Nguyen S; Anes J (2019) 'Susceptibility (re)-testing of a large collection of Listeria monocytogenes from foods in China from 2012 to 2015 and WGS characterization of resistant isolates'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (7) :1786-1794.![]() |
Zhang P; Wang J; Wang X; Bai X; Ma J; Dang R; Xiong Y; Fanning S; Bai L; Yang Z (2019) 'Characterization of five escherichia coli isolates co-expressing ESBL and mcr-1 resistance mechanisms from different origins in China'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (AUG) ![]() |
Professor Patricia Fitzpatrick | |
Ch’ng BX; Mooney T; O’Donoghue D; Fitzpatrick P (2019) 'Return to bowel screening after a false-positive faecal immunochemical test in BowelScreen (the National Bowel Screening Programme in Ireland)'. Journal of Medical Screening ![]() |
Fitzpatrick P; Fitzgerald C; Somerville R; Linnane B (2019) 'Parental awareness of newborn bloodspot screening in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (3) :921-923.![]() |
O’Brien KM; Mooney T; Fitzpatrick P; Sharp L (2018) 'Screening status, tumour subtype, and breast cancer survival: a national population-based analysis'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 172 (1) :133-142.![]() |
Schünemann HJ; Lerda D; Dimitrova N; Alonso-Coello P; Gräwingholt A; Quinn C; Follman M; Mansel R; Francesco S; Rossi PG (2019) 'Methods for Development of the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer Guidelines: Recommendations in the Era of Guideline Transparency.'. Annals of Internal Medicine ![]() |
Schünemann HJ; Lerda D; Dimitrova N; Alonso-Coello P; Gräwingholt A; Quinn C; Follmann M; Mansel R; Sardanelli F; Rossi PG (2019) 'Methods for development of the european commission initiative on breast cancer guidelines'. Annals of Internal Medicine 171 (4) :273-280.![]() |
Smith É; Fitzpatrick P; Lyons F; Morris S; Synnott K (2019) 'Prospective epidemiological update on traumatic spinal cord injury in Ireland.'. Spinal Cord Series and Cases 5 :9.![]() |
Sugrue G; Cradock A; McGee A; McEntee C; Eustace SK; Fitzpatrick P; Lawler LP; Murray JG (2019) 'Subtraction of time-resolved magnetic resonance angiography images improves visualization of the pulmonary veins and left atrium in adults with congenital heart disease: a novel post-processing technique'. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 35 (7) :1339-1346.![]() |
Assoc Professor Brona Fullen | |
Burke D; Fullen BM; Lennon O (2019) 'Pain profiles in a community dwelling population following spinal cord injury: a national survey'. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 42 (2) :201-211.![]() |
Burke D; Lennon O; Blake C; Nolan M; Barry S; Smith E; Maye F; Lynch J; O'Connor L; Maume L (2019) 'An internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy pain management programme for spinal cord injury pain: A randomized controlled trial'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (7) :1264-1282.![]() |
Burke D; Lennon O; Fullen BM (2018) 'Quality of life after spinal cord injury: The impact of pain'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 22 (9) :1662-1672.![]() |
Dunlevy C; MacLellan GA; O’Malley E; Blake C; Breen C; Gaynor K; Wallace N; Yoder R; Casey D; Mehegan J (2019) 'Does changing weight change pain? Retrospective data analysis from a national multidisciplinary weight management service'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (8) :1403-1415.![]() |
Fitzgibbon N; O’Connor J; Taylor M; Watt P; Duffy C; Darcy M; Gallagher P; Mitchell D; Crowley R; Cooney MT (2018) 'Ensuring we involve seldom heard voices in supporting the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018'. ![]() |
Mackey LM; Blake C; Squiers L; Casey MB; Power C; Victory R; Hearty C; Fullen BM (2019) 'An investigation of healthcare utilization and its association with levels of health literacy in individuals with chronic pain'. Musculoskeletal Care 17 (2) :174-182.![]() |
Dr Mirjam Heinen | |
Bel-Serrat S; Ojeda-Rodríguez A; Heinen MM; Buoncristiano M; Abdrakhmanova S; Duleva V; Sant’angelo VF; Fijałkowska A; Hejgaard T; Huidumac C (2019) 'Clustering of multiple energy balance-related behaviors in school children and its association with overweight and obesity—WHO european childhood obesity surveillance initiative (COSI 2015–2017)'. Nutrients 11 (3) ![]() |
Bixby H; Bentham J; Zhou B; Di Cesare M; Paciorek CJ; Bennett JE; Taddei C; Stevens GA; Rodriguez-Martinez A; Carrillo-Larco RM (2019) 'Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults'. Nature 569 (7755) :260-264.![]() |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Heinen M; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Corish CA (2019) 'Screening for risk of low energy availability in athletic and recreationally active females in Ireland'. European Journal of Sport Science 19 (1) :112-122.![]() |
Somerville R; Khalil H; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Viljoen K; Heinen M; Murrin C; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Childhood central adiposity at ages 5 and 9 shows consistent relationship with that of the maternal grandmother but not other grandparents'. Pediatric Obesity 13 (12) :778-785.![]() |
Spinelli A; Buoncristiano M; Kovacs VA; Yngve A; Spiroski I; Obreja G; Starc G; Pérez N; Rito AI; Kunešová M (2019) 'Prevalence of severe obesity among primary school children in 21 European countries'. Obesity Facts 12 (2) :244-258.![]() |
Dr Katy Horner | |
Collins R; McGrath D; Horner K; Eusebi S; Ditroilo M (2019) 'Effect of External Counterpulsation on Exercise Recovery in Team Sport Athletes'. International Journal of Sports Medicine 40 (8) :511-518.![]() |
Curran AM; Horner K; O'Sullivan V; Nongonierma AB; Le Maux S; Murphy E; Kelly P; Fitzgerald RJ; Brennan L (2019) 'Variable Glycemic Responses to Intact and Hydrolyzed Milk Proteins in Overweight and Obese Adults Reveal the Need for Precision Nutrition'. Journal of Nutrition 149 (1) :88-97.![]() |
Feeney EL; Leacy L; O’kelly M; Leacy N; Phelan A; Crowley L; Stynes E; Casanove AD; Horner K (2019) 'Sweet and umami taste perception differs with habitual exercise in males'. Nutrients 11 (1) ![]() |
Heffernan SM; Horner K; De Vito G; Conway GE (2019) 'The role of mineral and trace element supplementation in exercise and athletic performance: a systematic review'. Nutrients 11 (3) ![]() |
Horner K; Drummond E; O’Sullivan V; S.C. Sri Harsha P; Brennan L (2019) 'Effects of a casein hydrolysate versus intact casein on gastric emptying and amino acid responses'. European Journal of Nutrition 58 (3) :955-964.![]() |
Assoc Professor Deirdre Hurley Osing | |
Abbott JH; Wilson R; Pinto D; Chapple CM; Wright AA; MOA Trial team (2019) 'Incremental clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of providing supervised physiotherapy in addition to usual medical care in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: 2-year results of the MOA randomised controlled trial.'. Osteoarthritis and cartilage 27 (3) :424-434.![]() |
Boyd A; Bleakley C; Hurley DA; Gill C; Hannon-Fletcher M; Bell P; McDonough S (2019) 'Herbal medicinal products or preparations for neuropathic pain'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (4) ![]() |
Hurley DA (2019) 'Theory-based behaviour change and communication skills for physiotherapists to support client self-management'. InTouch 166 (Spring 2019) :22-27. | |
Hurley DA; Keogh A; Ardle DM; Hall AM; Richmond H; Guerin S; Magdalinski T; Matthews J (2019) 'Evaluation of an e-learning training program to support implementation of a group-based, theory-driven, self-management intervention for osteoarthritis and low-back pain: Pre-post study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3) ![]() |
Keogh A; Matthews J; Hurley DA (2018) 'An assessment of physiotherapist’s delivery of behaviour change techniques within the SOLAS feasibility trial'. British Journal of Health Psychology 23 (4) :908-932.![]() |
Murray A; Hall A; Williams GC; McDonough SM; Ntoumanis N; Taylor I; Jackson B; Copsey B; Hurley DA; Matthews J (2019) 'Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool'. Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (14) :1699-1705.![]() |
Dr Seamus Kelly | |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2019) 'Winning at All Costs: A Review of Risk-Taking Behaviour and Sporting Injury from an Occupational Safety and Health Perspective'. Open Sports Medicine Journal 5 (15) | |
Coffey N; Lawless M; Kelly S; Buggy C (2018) 'Frequency of Self-Reported Concussion Amongst Professional and Semi-Professional Footballers in Ireland During the 2014 Season: a Cross-Sectional Study'. Sports Medicine - Open 4 (1) ![]() |
Molan C; Kelly S; Arnold R; Matthews J (2019) 'Performance Management: A Systematic Review of Processes in Elite Sport and Other Performance Domains'. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 31 (1) :87-104.![]() |
Dr Alison Keogh | |
Hurley DA; Keogh A; Ardle DM; Hall AM; Richmond H; Guerin S; Magdalinski T; Matthews J (2019) 'Evaluation of an e-learning training program to support implementation of a group-based, theory-driven, self-management intervention for osteoarthritis and low-back pain: Pre-post study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3) ![]() |
Keogh A; Matthews J; Hurley DA (2018) 'An assessment of physiotherapist’s delivery of behaviour change techniques within the SOLAS feasibility trial'. British Journal of Health Psychology 23 (4) :908-932.![]() |
Dr Olive Lennon | |
Ó Mír M; O'Sullivan C; Lennon O; Blake C (2018) 'An evaluation of diagnostic agreement rates between advanced practice physiotherapists and paediatric orthopaedic consultants for children with musculoskeletal complaints'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :433-439.![]() |
Ó Mír M; Rokicki S; Lennon O; O'Toole PO; Desmeules F; O'Sullivan C (2019) 'An advanced practice physiotherapy clinic in paediatric orthopaedics: A cost minimisation analysis'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 40 (2) :155-165.![]() |
Burke D; Fullen BM; Lennon O (2019) 'Pain profiles in a community dwelling population following spinal cord injury: a national survey'. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 42 (2) :201-211.![]() |
Burke D; Lennon O; Blake C; Nolan M; Barry S; Smith E; Maye F; Lynch J; O'Connor L; Maume L (2019) 'An internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy pain management programme for spinal cord injury pain: A randomized controlled trial'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (7) :1264-1282.![]() |
Burke D; Lennon O; Fullen BM (2018) 'Quality of life after spinal cord injury: The impact of pain'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 22 (9) :1662-1672.![]() |
Dee M; Lennon O; O'Sullivan C (2018) 'A systematic review of physical rehabilitation interventions for stroke in low and lower-middle income countries. '. Disability and rehabilitation :1-29.![]() |
Lennon O; Blake C; Booth J; Pollock A; Lawrence M (2018) 'Interventions for behaviour change and self-management in stroke secondary prevention: Protocol for an overview of reviews.'. Systematic Reviews 7 (1) ![]() |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’Sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the Triceps Brachii Facilitation Technique on Scapulohumeral Muscle Activation during Reach and Point in a Healthy Population'. Physiotherapy Canada :1-10.![]() |
Lennon O; Phelan D; Wallace D; King J; Barrett T (2019) '“The more you did, the more it made sense”: Problem-based learning to improve early evidence-based practice in an undergraduate physiotherapy professional programme'. Physiotherapy Research International 24 (3) ![]() |
O Mir M; O'Sullivan C; Blake C; Lennon O (2019) 'An Exploration of Parental Satisfaction with an Advanced Practice Physical Therapy Clinic in Pediatric Orthopedics'. Pediatric Physical Therapy 31 (2) :192-199.![]() |
O’Connor D; Caulfield B; Lennon O (2018) 'The efficacy and prescription of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in adult cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Supportive Care in Cancer 26 (12) :3985-4000.![]() |
Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Cunningham C; Sheridan A; Probst M; Lennon O (2019) 'Psychological distress in patients attending physiotherapy. A survey based investigation of current practice and opinion of Irish physiotherapists'. Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada | |
Wallace D; Lennon O; King J; Doran P (2018) 'The Research-Teaching Nexus as a Curriculum Development Tool in a Graduate Taught Programme'. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | |
Dr Guerrino Macori | |
Bellio A; Chiesa F; Gallina S; Manila Bianchi D; MacOri G; Bossi D; Nia Y; Mutel I; Messio S; Hennekinne JA (2019) 'Insight into the distribution of staphylococci and their enterotoxins in cheeses under natural conditions'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10 (JAN) ![]() |
McCarthy S; Macori G; Burgess C; Fanning S; Duffy G (2019) 'Surveillance of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli in Irish sheep'. Access Microbiology 1 (1A) ![]() |
Dr James Matthews | |
Drew B; Matthews J (2019) 'The prevalence of depressive and anxiety symptoms in student-athletes and the relationship with resilience and help-seeking behavior'. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 13 (3) :421-439.![]() |
Duffy J; Rooney B; Matthews J (2019) 'Coaches’ Mental Health Literacy and Role Perceptions for Supporting Young People’s Mental Health'. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology ![]() |
Hall AM; Scurrey SR; Pike AE; Albury C; Richmond HL; Matthews J; Toomey E; Hayden JA; Etchegary H (2019) 'Physician-reported barriers to using evidence-based recommendations for low back pain in clinical practice: A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies using the Theoretical Domains Framework'. Implementation Science 14 (1) ![]() |
Hurley DA; Keogh A; Ardle DM; Hall AM; Richmond H; Guerin S; Magdalinski T; Matthews J (2019) 'Evaluation of an e-learning training program to support implementation of a group-based, theory-driven, self-management intervention for osteoarthritis and low-back pain: Pre-post study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (3) ![]() |
Keogh A; Matthews J; Hurley DA (2018) 'An assessment of physiotherapist’s delivery of behaviour change techniques within the SOLAS feasibility trial'. British Journal of Health Psychology 23 (4) :908-932.![]() |
Molan C; Kelly S; Arnold R; Matthews J (2019) 'Performance Management: A Systematic Review of Processes in Elite Sport and Other Performance Domains'. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 31 (1) :87-104.![]() |
Murray A; Hall A; Williams GC; McDonough SM; Ntoumanis N; Taylor I; Jackson B; Copsey B; Hurley DA; Matthews J (2019) 'Assessing physiotherapists’ communication skills for promoting patient autonomy for self-management: reliability and validity of the communication evaluation in rehabilitation tool'. Disability and Rehabilitation 41 (14) :1699-1705.![]() |
Dr Ulrik McCarthy Persson | |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’Sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the Triceps Brachii Facilitation Technique on Scapulohumeral Muscle Activation during Reach and Point in a Healthy Population'. Physiotherapy Canada :1-10.![]() |
Dr Denise McGrath | |
Collins R; McGrath D; Horner K; Eusebi S; Ditroilo M (2019) 'Effect of External Counterpulsation on Exercise Recovery in Team Sport Athletes'. International Journal of Sports Medicine 40 (8) :511-518.![]() |
Egan S; Pieter B; McGrath D (2019) 'Irish Equine Industry Stakeholder Perspectives of Objective Technology for Biomechanical Analyses in the Field'. Animals 9 (8) :539-539.![]() |
Morrison A; McGrath D; Wallace ES (2018) 'Analysis of the delivery plane in the golf swing using principal components'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 232 (4) :295-304.![]() |
Ronchi E; Corbetta A; Galea ER; Kinateder M; Kuligowski E; McGrath D; Pel A; Shiban Y; Thompson P; Toschi F (2019) 'New approaches to evacuation modelling for fire safety engineering applications'. Fire Safety Journal 106 :197-209.![]() |
Dr John Mehegan | |
Chen L; Fitzgerald R; Murrin C; Mehegan J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2018) 'Associations of maternal caffeine intake with birth outcomes: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Chen LW; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal, but not paternal or grandparental, caffeine intake is associated with childhood obesity and adiposity: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 109 (6) :1648-1655.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Prospective associations of maternal glycaemic insulin index and load with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. The Lancet 392 :S23-S23.![]() |
Chen LW; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal dietary glycemic and insulinemic indexes are not associated with birth outcomes or childhood adiposity at 5 years of age in an Irish cohort study'. Journal of Nutrition 149 (6) :1037-1046.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Hebert J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2019) 'Maternal Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Quality Are Associated with Offspring Asthma Risk over 10-year Follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study (OR35-05-19).'. Current Developments in Nutrition 3 (Suppl 1) ![]() |
Dunlevy C; MacLellan GA; O’Malley E; Blake C; Breen C; Gaynor K; Wallace N; Yoder R; Casey D; Mehegan J (2019) 'Does changing weight change pain? Retrospective data analysis from a national multidisciplinary weight management service'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (8) :1403-1415.![]() |
Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Alberdi G; Horan MK; Donnelly J; Larkin E; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2018) 'Maternal protein intake during pregnancy is associated with child growth up to 5 years of age, but not through insulin-like growth factor-1: Findings from the ROLO study'. British Journal of Nutrition 120 (11) :1252-1261.![]() |
McAuliffe F; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; O'Sullivan EJ; Riordan JA; Horan MK; Larkin E; Donnelly J; Mehegan J; Towmey PJ (2019) 'Five Year Follow‐Up of a Low GI Dietary Randomised Controlled Trial in Pregnancy‐No Long‐Term Maternal Effects of a Dietary Intervention'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ![]() |
Mejia-Lancheros C; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Smoking habit from the paternal line and grand-child’s overweight or obesity status in early childhood: prospective findings from the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. International Journal of Obesity 42 (11) :1853-1870.![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Adherence to the Healthy Eating Index-2015 across generations and associations with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study in Ireland'. The Lancet 392 :S66-S66.![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Adherence to the healthy eating index-2015 across generations is associated with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 in the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Nutrients 11 (4) ![]() |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; O'Sullivan EJ; Riordan JA; Horan MK; Larkin E; Donnelly J; Mehegan J; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Five-year follow up of a low glycaemic index dietary randomised controlled trial in pregnancy—no long-term maternal effects of a dietary intervention'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 126 (4) :514-524.![]() |
Patro Golab B; Santos S; Voerman E; Lawlor DA; Jaddoe VWV; Gaillard R; Patro Golab B; Santos S; Barros H; Bergström A (2018) 'Influence of maternal obesity on the association between common pregnancy complications and risk of childhood obesity: an individual participant data meta-analysis'. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health 2 (11) :812-821.![]() |
Santos S; Voerman E; Amiano P; Barros H; Beilin LJ; Bergström A; Charles MA; Chatzi L; Chevrier C; Chrousos GP (2019) 'Impact of maternal body mass index and gestational weight gain on pregnancy complications: an individual participant data meta-analysis of European, North American and Australian cohorts'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 126 (8) :984-995.![]() |
Somerville R; Khalil H; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Viljoen K; Heinen M; Murrin C; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Childhood central adiposity at ages 5 and 9 shows consistent relationship with that of the maternal grandmother but not other grandparents'. Pediatric Obesity 13 (12) :778-785.![]() |
Voerman E; Santos S; Golab BP; Amiano P; Ballester F; Barros H; Bergström A; Charles MA; Chatzi L; Chevrier C (2019) 'Maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain, and the risk of overweight and obesity across childhood: An individual participant data meta-analysis'. PLoS Medicine 16 (2) ![]() |
Dr Lachlan Mitchell | |
McKean M; Mitchell L; O'Connor H; Prvan T; Slater G (2019) 'Are exercise professionals fit to provide nutrition advice? An evaluation of general nutrition knowledge'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 22 (3) :264-268.![]() |
Assoc Professor Ronald Moore | |
Gal M; Gobat N; Francis NA; Hood K; Butler CC; Bielicki J; Fraaij PL; Sharland M; Jarvis J; van Rossum AMC (2019) 'Priority Needs for Conducting Pandemic-relevant Clinical Research With Children in Europe: A Consensus Study With Pediatric Clinician-researchers'. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 38 (5) :e82-e86.![]() |
Gobat N; Butler CC; Harris V; Gal M; Francis NA; Mollison J; Byrne J-P; Watkins A; Hood K; Moore R (2018) 'What members of the public think about taking part in medical research during an influenza pandemic: an international cross-sectional survey across eight OECD countries'. The Lancet 392 :S1-S1.![]() |
Moore R (2019) 'Language and cultural politics in Northern Ireland'. European Yearbook of Minority Issues 16 (1) :152-172.![]() |
Dr Celine Murrin | |
Bel-Serrat S; Ojeda-Rodríguez A; Heinen MM; Buoncristiano M; Abdrakhmanova S; Duleva V; Sant’angelo VF; Fijałkowska A; Hejgaard T; Huidumac C (2019) 'Clustering of multiple energy balance-related behaviors in school children and its association with overweight and obesity—WHO european childhood obesity surveillance initiative (COSI 2015–2017)'. Nutrients 11 (3) ![]() |
Chen L; Fitzgerald R; Murrin C; Mehegan J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2018) 'Associations of maternal caffeine intake with birth outcomes: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Chen LW; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal, but not paternal or grandparental, caffeine intake is associated with childhood obesity and adiposity: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 109 (6) :1648-1655.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Prospective associations of maternal glycaemic insulin index and load with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. The Lancet 392 :S23-S23.![]() |
Chen LW; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal dietary glycemic and insulinemic indexes are not associated with birth outcomes or childhood adiposity at 5 years of age in an Irish cohort study'. Journal of Nutrition 149 (6) :1037-1046.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Hebert J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2019) 'Maternal Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Quality Are Associated with Offspring Asthma Risk over 10-year Follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study (OR35-05-19).'. Current Developments in Nutrition 3 (Suppl 1) ![]() |
Cronin FM; Drummond A; Herron I; Murphy JF; Kelleher CC; Murrin CM (2018) 'Potential of a large historical occupational cohort to assess the health impacts of life-course events in Ireland: a pilot study'. The Lancet 392 :S26-S26.![]() |
McCafferty C; Shan LC; Mooney R; O'Rourke C; Pourshahidi K; Livingstone B; Kearney J; Corish C; Tatlow-Golden M; Murrin C (2019) 'How do adults define the treats they give to children? A thematic analysis'. Appetite 133 :115-122.![]() |
Mejia-Lancheros C; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Smoking habit from the paternal line and grand-child’s overweight or obesity status in early childhood: prospective findings from the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. International Journal of Obesity 42 (11) :1853-1870.![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Adherence to the Healthy Eating Index-2015 across generations and associations with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study in Ireland'. The Lancet 392 :S66-S66.![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Adherence to the healthy eating index-2015 across generations is associated with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 in the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Nutrients 11 (4) ![]() |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Power L; de van der Schueren MAE; Leij-Halfwerk S; Bauer J; Clarke M; Visser M; Volkert D; Bardon L; Gibney E; Corish CA (2019) 'Development and application of a scoring system to rate malnutrition screening tools used in older adults in community and healthcare settings – A MaNuEL study'. Clinical Nutrition 38 (4) :1807-1819.![]() |
Shan LC; McCafferty C; Tatlow-Golden M; O'Rourke C; Mooney R; Livingstone MBE; Pourshahidi LK; Corish C; Kearney JM; Wall P (2018) 'Is it still a real treat? Adults’ treat provision to children'. Appetite 130 :228-235.![]() |
Somerville R; Khalil H; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Viljoen K; Heinen M; Murrin C; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Childhood central adiposity at ages 5 and 9 shows consistent relationship with that of the maternal grandmother but not other grandparents'. Pediatric Obesity 13 (12) :778-785.![]() |
Dr Pilar Navarro | |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Adherence to the healthy eating index-2015 across generations is associated with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 in the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Nutrients 11 (4) ![]() |
Dr Ross Neville | |
Lakes KD; Neville R; Vazou S; Schuck SEB; Stavropoulos K; Krishnan K; Gonzalez I; Guzman K; Tavakoulnia A; Stehli A (2019) 'Beyond broadway: Analysis of qualitative characteristics of and individual responses to creatively able, a music and movement intervention for children with autism'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (8) ![]() |
Dr Scott Nguyen | |
Hu Y; Fanning S; Gan X; Liu C; Nguyen S; Wang M; Wang W; Jiang T; Xu J; Li F (2019) 'Salmonella harbouring the mcr-1 gene isolated from food in China between 2012 and 2016'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (3) :826-828.![]() |
Hu Y; Nguyen SV; Liu C; Wang W; Dong Y; Fanning S; Li F (2019) 'Complete genome and plasmid sequences of seven isolates of salmonella enterica subsp. enterica harboring the mcr-1 gene obtained from food in China'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (31) ![]() |
Hurley D; Luque-Sastre L; Parker CT; Huynh S; Eshwar AK; Nguyen SV; Andrews N; Moura A; Fox EM; Jordan K (2019) 'Whole-genome sequencing-based characterization of 100 Listeria monocytogenes isolates collected from food processing environments over a four-year period'. mSphere 4 (4) ![]() |
Nguyen SV; Muthappa DM; Hurley D; Donoghue O; McCabe E; Anes J; Schaffer K; Murphy BP; Buckley JF; Fanning S (2019) 'Yersinia hibernica sp. nov., isolated from pig-production environments'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 69 (7) :2023-2027.![]() |
Savic D; Nguyen S; McCullor KA; McShan W (2019) 'Biological Impact of a Large Scale Genomic Inversion that Grossly Disrupts the Relative Positions of the Origin and Terminus Loci of the Streptococcus pyogenes Chromosome'. ![]() |
Srikumar S; Cao Y; Yan Q; Van Hoorde K; Nguyen S; Cooney S; Gopinath GR; Tall BD; Sivasankaran SK; Lehner A (2019) 'RNA sequencing-based transcriptional overview of xerotolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii SP291'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (3) ![]() |
Yan S; Li M; Luque-Sastre L; Wang W; Hu Y; Peng Z; Dong Y; Gan X; Nguyen S; Anes J (2019) 'Susceptibility (re)-testing of a large collection of Listeria monocytogenes from foods in China from 2012 to 2015 and WGS characterization of resistant isolates'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (7) :1786-1794.![]() |
Dr Gráinne O'Donoghue | |
O'Donoghue G; Kennedy A; Andersen GS; Carr B; Cleary S; Durkan E; Davis H; Færch K; Fitzpatrick P; Kenny H (2019) 'Phenotypic responses to a lifestyle intervention do not account for inter-individual variability in glucose tolerance for individuals at high risk of type 2 diabetes'. Frontiers in Physiology 10 (MAR) ![]() |
Dr Cliona O'Sullivan | |
Ó Mír M; O'Sullivan C; Lennon O; Blake C (2018) 'An evaluation of diagnostic agreement rates between advanced practice physiotherapists and paediatric orthopaedic consultants for children with musculoskeletal complaints'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :433-439.![]() |
Ó Mír M; Rokicki S; Lennon O; O'Toole PO; Desmeules F; O'Sullivan C (2019) 'An advanced practice physiotherapy clinic in paediatric orthopaedics: A cost minimisation analysis'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 40 (2) :155-165.![]() |
Dee M; Lennon O; O'Sullivan C (2018) 'A systematic review of physical rehabilitation interventions for stroke in low and lower-middle income countries. '. Disability and rehabilitation :1-29.![]() |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Breen R; O'Sullivan C; O'Mir M; Desmeules F; Cunningham C (2018) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice in Ireland: A National Survey'. Musculoskeletal Care 16 (4) :425-432.![]() |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’Sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the Triceps Brachii Facilitation Technique on Scapulohumeral Muscle Activation during Reach and Point in a Healthy Population'. Physiotherapy Canada :1-10.![]() |
O Mir M; O'Sullivan C; Blake C; Lennon O (2019) 'An Exploration of Parental Satisfaction with an Advanced Practice Physical Therapy Clinic in Pediatric Orthopedics'. Pediatric Physical Therapy 31 (2) :192-199.![]() |
O'Sullivan C; O'Mir M; Guilfoyle E (2018) 'Paediatric Orthopaedic Normal Variants: What They Are and How to Manage Them.'. Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Journal 9 (2) :45-55. | |
Whittaker JL; Ellis R; Hodges PW; Osullivan C; Hides J; Fernandez-Carnero S; Arias-Buria JL; Teyhen DS; Stokes MJ (2019) 'Imaging with ultrasound in physical therapy: What is the PT's scope of practice? A competency-based educational model and training recommendations'. British Journal of Sports Medicine ![]() |
Dr Catherine Phillips | |
Chen L; Fitzgerald R; Murrin C; Mehegan J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2018) 'Associations of maternal caffeine intake with birth outcomes: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Chen LW; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal, but not paternal or grandparental, caffeine intake is associated with childhood obesity and adiposity: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 109 (6) :1648-1655.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Prospective associations of maternal glycaemic insulin index and load with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study'. The Lancet 392 :S23-S23.![]() |
Chen LW; Navarro P; Murrin CM; Mehegan J; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Maternal dietary glycemic and insulinemic indexes are not associated with birth outcomes or childhood adiposity at 5 years of age in an Irish cohort study'. Journal of Nutrition 149 (6) :1037-1046.![]() |
Chen L-W; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Hebert J; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2019) 'Maternal Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Quality Are Associated with Offspring Asthma Risk over 10-year Follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study (OR35-05-19).'. Current Developments in Nutrition 3 (Suppl 1) ![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2018) 'Adherence to the Healthy Eating Index-2015 across generations and associations with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study in Ireland'. The Lancet 392 :S66-S66.![]() |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Adherence to the healthy eating index-2015 across generations is associated with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 in the lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Nutrients 11 (4) ![]() |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2019) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition ![]() |
Phillips CM; Chen LW; Heude B; Bernard JY; Harvey NC; Duijts L; Mensink-Bout SM; Polanska K; Mancano G; Suderman M (2019) 'Dietary inflammatory index and non-communicable disease risk: A narrative review'. Nutrients 11 (8) ![]() |
Phillips CM; Harrington JM; Perry IJ (2019) 'Relationship between dietary quality, determined by DASH score, and cardiometabolic health biomarkers: A cross-sectional analysis in adults'. Clinical Nutrition 38 (4) :1620-1628.![]() |
Phillips CM; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Perry IJ (2018) 'Dietary inflammatory index and mental health: A cross-sectional analysis of the relationship with depressive symptoms, anxiety and well-being in adults'. Clinical Nutrition 37 (5) :1485-1491.![]() |
Dr Ricardo Piper Segurado | |
Barry T; Doheny MC; Masterson S; Conroy N; Klimas J; Segurado R; Codd M; Bury G (2019) 'Community first responders for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults and children (Review)'. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS (7) ![]() |
Barry T; Doheny MC; Masterson S; Conroy N; Klimas J; Segurado R; Codd M; Bury G (2019) 'Community first responders for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults and children'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (7) ![]() |
Bermingham KM; Brennan L; Segurado R; Barron RE; Gibney ER; Ryan MF; Gibney MJ; O'Sullivan AM (2019) 'Exploring Covariation between Traditional Markers of Metabolic Health and the Plasma Metabolomic Profile: A Classic Twin Design'. Journal of Proteome Research 18 (6) :2613-2623.![]() |
Crosby DA; Murphy MM; Segurado R; Byrne F; Mahony R; Robson M; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Cesarean delivery rates using Robson classification system in Ireland: What can we learn?'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 236 :121-126.![]() |
Dyer AH; Murphy C; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; Segurado R; Kennelly S; Olde Rikkert MGM; Howard R; Pasquier F; Börjesson-Hanson A (2019) 'Cognitive Outcomes of Long-term Benzodiazepine and Related Drug (BDZR) Use in People Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: Results From NILVAD'. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association ![]() |
Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Alberdi G; Horan MK; Donnelly J; Larkin E; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2018) 'Maternal protein intake during pregnancy is associated with child growth up to 5 years of age, but not through insulin-like growth factor-1: Findings from the ROLO study'. British Journal of Nutrition 120 (11) :1252-1261.![]() |
Lawlor B; Segurado R; Kennelly S; Olde Rikkert MGM; Howard R; Pasquier F; Börjesson-Hanson A; Tsolaki M; Lucca U; Molloy DW (2018) 'Nilvadipine in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease: A randomised controlled trial'. PLoS Medicine 15 (9) ![]() |
Marron L; Segurado R; Kenny RA; McNicholas T (2019) 'The association between benzodiazepine use and falls, and the impact of sleep quality on this association: Data from the TILDA study.'. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians ![]() |
O'Brien EC; Segurado R; Geraghty AA; Alberdi G; Rogozinska E; Astrup A; Barakat Carballo R; Bogaerts A; Cecatti JG; Coomarasamy A (2019) 'Impact of maternal education on response to lifestyle interventions to reduce gestational weight gain: Individual participant data meta-Analysis'. BMJ Open 9 (8) ![]() |
Somerville R; Khalil H; Segurado R; Mehegan J; Viljoen K; Heinen M; Murrin C; Kelleher CC (2018) 'Childhood central adiposity at ages 5 and 9 shows consistent relationship with that of the maternal grandmother but not other grandparents'. Pediatric Obesity 13 (12) :778-785.![]() |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Lowery MM; Segurado R; De Vito G (2019) 'Changes in knee joint angle affect torque steadiness differently in young and older individuals'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 47 :49-56.![]() |
Professor Helen Roche | |
Crifo B; Schaible B; Brown E; Halligan DN; Scholz CC; Fitzpatrick SF; Kirwan A; Roche HM; Criscuoli M; Naldini A (2019) 'Hydroxylase inhibition selectively induces cell death in monocytes'. Journal of Immunology 202 (5) :1521-1530.![]() |
Gulseth HL; Gjelstad IMF; Tiereny AC; McCarthy D; Lovegrove JA; Defoort C; Blaak EE; Lopez-Miranda J; Dembinska-Kiec A; Risérus U (2019) 'Effects of dietary fat on insulin secretion in subjects with the metabolic syndrome'. European Journal of Endocrinology 180 (5) :321-328.![]() |
Lenighan YM; McNulty BA; Roche HM (2019) 'Dietary fat composition: Replacement of saturated fatty acids with PUFA as a public health strategy, with an emphasis on α-linolenic acid'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 78 (2) :234-245.![]() |
Lyons CL; Roche HM (2018) 'Nutritional modulation of AMPK-impact upon metabolic-inflammation'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19 (10) ![]() |
Maruvada P; Lampe JW; Wishart DS; Barupal D; Chester DN; Dodd D; Djoumbou-Feunang Y; Dorrestein PC; Dragsted LO; Draper J (2019) 'Perspective: Dietary Biomarkers of Intake and Exposure—Exploration with Omics Approaches'. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) ![]() |
Murphy AM; Smith CE; Murphy LM; Follis JL; Tanaka T; Richardson K; Noordam R; Lemaitre RN; Kähönen M; Dupuis J (2019) 'Potential Interplay between Dietary Saturated Fats and Genetic Variants of the NLRP3 Inflammasome to Modulate Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Risk: Insights from a Meta-Analysis of 19 005 Individuals'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research ![]() |
Murphy CH; Roche HM (2018) 'Nutrition and physical activity countermeasures for sarcopenia: Time to get personal?'. Nutrition Bulletin 43 (4) :374-387.![]() |
O'Reilly ME; Kajani S; Ralston JC; Lenighan YM; Roche HM; McGillicuddy FC (2019) 'Nutritionally Derived Metabolic Cues Typical of the Obese Microenvironment Increase Cholesterol Efflux Capacity of Adipose Tissue Macrophages'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (2) ![]() |
Roche HM (2019) 'Dietary modulation of energy homoeostasis and metabolic-inflammation'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 78 (3) :313-318.![]() |
Sergi D; Campbell FM; Grant C; Morris AC; Bachmair EM; Koch C; McLean FH; Muller A; Hoggard N; De Roos B (2018) 'SerpinA3N is a novel hypothalamic gene upregulated by a high-fat diet and leptin in mice 06 Biological Sciences 0604 Genetics'. Genes and Nutrition 13 (1) ![]() |
Dr Ailbhe Spillane | |
McTernan N; Spillane A; Cully G; Cusack E; O’Reilly T; Arensman E (2018) 'Media reporting of suicide and adherence to media guidelines'. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 64 (6) :536-544.![]() |
Spillane A; Matvienko-Sikar K; Larkin C; Arensman E (2019) 'How do people experience a family member’s high-risk self-harm? An interpretative phenomenological analysis'. Archives of Suicide Research ![]() |
Spillane A; Matvienko-Sikar K; Larkin C; Corcoran P; Arensman E (2019) 'How suicide-bereaved family members experience the inquest process: a qualitative study using thematic analysis'. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 14 (1) ![]() |
Dr Penpatra Sripaiboonkij | |
Jaakkola J; Hernberg S; Lajunen T; Sripaiboonkij P; Malmberg P; Jaakkola M (2019) 'Smoking and lung function among adults with newly onset asthma'. BMJ Open Respiratory Research | |
Professor Patrick Wall | |
Collins JA; Wall PG; Duggan VE (2018) 'Use of registered donkeys on the areas of natural constraint scheme in Ireland'. Veterinary Record 183 (9) :298.![]() |
Shan LC; McCafferty C; Tatlow-Golden M; O'Rourke C; Mooney R; Livingstone MBE; Pourshahidi LK; Corish C; Kearney JM; Wall P (2018) 'Is it still a real treat? Adults’ treat provision to children'. Appetite 130 :228-235.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Dr Silvia Bel Serrat | |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen M; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C (2018) Comparison of individual-level and contextual-level socioeconomic status indicators in schoolchildren in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional survey In: The Lancet, ![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Blake | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahearn E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2019) Irish Hip Fracture Database; Influencing Policy and Practice In: American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Washington DC, USA | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahern E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2018) IRISH HIP FRACTURE DATABASE 2016 RESULTS: A NEW FOCUS ON FUNCTION In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahern E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2019) THE IRISH HIP FRACTURE DATABASE: INCORPORATING NEW REHABILITATION DATA-FIELDS In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy | |
Fitzgerald M; Callanan E; Blake C; Brent L; Hurson C; Ahern E; Cunningham C (2018) Irish Hip Fracture Database-A Focus on Function Michelle Fitzgerald, Edel Callanan, Catherine Blake, Louise Brent, Conor Hurson, Emer Ahern, Caitriona Cunningham In: Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Shimizu T; Doody C; Blake C; Fullen B (2018) Adverse events associated with pharmacological therapies for post-herpetic neuralgia: an overview of Cochrane reviews In: 17th World Congress of Pain. International Society for Study of Pain | |
Professor Brian Caulfield | |
Bevilacqua A; MacDonald K; Rangarej A; Widjaya V; Caulfield B; Kechadi T (2019) Human activity recognition with convolutional neural networks In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), ![]() |
Brennan L; Zubiete ED; Caulfield B (2019) Biofeedback in breast cancer rehabilitation: Applying the WHO ICF core set to identify opportunities and recommendations In: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, ![]() |
Motti Ader LG; Bossavit B; Caulfield B; Raynal M; Ting KLH; Vanderdonckt J; Vigouroux N (2019) HCI Challenges in Human Movement Analysis In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), ![]() |
Assoc Professor Caitriona Cunningham | |
Cunningham C; Mc Gowan M; Hughes E; Gallagher C; Fitzgerald M (2018) Acute Hospital Management of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures In: Irish Spine Society Annual conference | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahearn E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2019) Irish Hip Fracture Database; Influencing Policy and Practice In: American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Washington DC, USA | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahern E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2018) IRISH HIP FRACTURE DATABASE 2016 RESULTS: A NEW FOCUS ON FUNCTION In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy | |
Fitzgerald M; Blake C; Hurson C; Ahern E; Brent L; Cunningham C (2019) THE IRISH HIP FRACTURE DATABASE: INCORPORATING NEW REHABILITATION DATA-FIELDS In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy | |
Fitzgerald M; Callanan E; Blake C; Brent L; Hurson C; Ahern E; Cunningham C (2018) Irish Hip Fracture Database-A Focus on Function Michelle Fitzgerald, Edel Callanan, Catherine Blake, Louise Brent, Conor Hurson, Emer Ahern, Caitriona Cunningham In: Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Mc Gowan M; Hughes E; Gallagher C; Fitzgerald M; Cunningham C (2018) Management of stable Osteoporotic Fractures in acute Irish Hospitals In: Irish Society Of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Cunningham C; Lennon O (2018) Psychological Distress in Patients Attending Physiotherapy. A survey based investigation of current practice and opinion of Irish Physiotherapists. In: Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Professor Giuseppe De Vito | |
Forte R; De Vito G (2019) Both Neuromotor and Resistance training improve functional mobility and physical fitness in healthy older women In: International Confereence on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research, Miami, Florida (USA) | |
Dr Massimiliano Ditroilo | |
Stewart R; Flanagan E; Ditroilo M (2019) Reactive strength fatigue in soccer players: reliability and practical applications In: UKSCA conference | |
Assoc Professor Catherine Doody | |
Murphy D; Neary R; Wade C; Casey M-B; Hearty C; Lowry D; Flanagan D; Doody C (2018) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Exercise for Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Analysis investigating participant’s perceptions of Acceptance, Values and Mindfulness’ In: Irish Pain Society, Dublin, Ireland | |
Shimizu T; Doody C; Blake C; Fullen B (2018) Adverse events associated with pharmacological therapies for post-herpetic neuralgia: an overview of Cochrane reviews In: 17th World Congress of Pain. International Society for Study of Pain | |
Professor Séamus Fanning | |
Vk D; Srikumar S; Shetty S; van Nguyen S; Karunasagar I; Fanning S (2019) Silent antibiotic resistance genes: A threat to antimicrobial therapy In: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, ![]() |
Professor Patricia Fitzpatrick | |
Beatty K; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Factors associated with prostate cancer screening in men over 50 in Ireland in the TILDA study. In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting, Dublin Ireland | |
Ch'ng B; Mooney T; O'Donoghue D; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Return to screening after a false-positive FIT test in BowelScreen, the national bowel screening programme in Ireland. In: Summer Students Research Awards 2018, University College Dublin![]() |
Fahy L; Fitzpatrick P; Meade C; Coffey H; O'Donoghue D; Mooney T (2019) The benefits and drawbacks of implementing a new policy of direct faecal immunochemical (FIT) home screening test provision in BowelScreen, the National Bowel Screening Programme. In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting May 2019 | |
Fitzpatrick P; Cafferty P; Ryan D; Mooney T (2019) Fall out from a cervical screening cancer audit; CervicalCheck, the National Cervical Screening Programme in Ireland In: International Screening Network Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands![]() |
Fitzpatrick P; Ch'ng BX; Mooney T; O'Donoghue D (2019) Return to screening after a false-positive FIT test in BowelScreen, the national bowel screening programme in Ireland. In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting | |
Fitzpatrick P; Rosca M; Bennett K (2018) Antibiotic use among Irish adults with comorbidities in primary care: a retrospective cross-sectional study In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting | |
Flood C; Cunniffe E; Doherty K; Lyons A; Stynes S; Pilkington A; Barnes L; Peare T; Kelleher C; Fitzpatrick P (2019) Staff perceptions of calorie posting and traffic light systems differ by gender following introduction in a University teaching hospital staff canteen In: .Association for the Study of Obesity in Ireland Annual Conference, ![]() |
Mooney T; Byrne H; Fahy L; Ryan D; Hefffernan L; Yeates L; Fitzpatrick P; Coffey H (2019) A multi-faceted intervention to improve BowelScreen uptake among initial invitees in Ireland In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting, RCPI, Dublin | |
Murrin C; Lades L; Doyle G; O'Connor J; Delaney L; O'Malley O; Harold L; Mullins B; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus In: European Public Health Association Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia![]() |
Murrin C; O'Connor J; Doyle G; Delany L; Lades L; O'Malley G; Lawlor O; Harold L; Mullins B; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus In: European Journal of Public Health, ![]() |
O'Byrne L; Prihodova L; Smith A; Daly N; Martin A; Kennelly M; Turner M; Fitzpatrick P; Fitzpatrick C (2018) Attitudes of NCHDs and Consultants in Obstetrics & Gynaecology to pregnancy, training and career. In: unior Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society Section, Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Four Provinces Conference, RCPI, | |
O’Reilly SM; McNally S; Mooney T; Fitzpatrick P; O’Donoghue D; Mulcahy HE; Cullen G (2019) 251 – Endoscopist-Related Factors Influencing Polyp Detection Rate in a National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme In: Gastroenterology, ![]() |
O’Reilly SM; McNally S; Mooney T; Fitzpatrick P; O’Donoghue D; Mulcahy HE; Cullen G (2019) Su1668 – The Correlation of Fit Levels with Pathological Results in a National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme In: Gastroenterology, ![]() |
Quirke B; Kelleher C; Mehegan J; Fitzpatrick P (2019) 10-year mortality follow-up of the All Ireland Traveller Health Birth Cohort Study 2008 – 2009: findings and challenges In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting May 2019 | |
Smith E; Fitzpatrick P (2018) 12A Change in the Age Profile of People Sustaining Spinal Cord Injury in Ireland In: Age and Ageing, ![]() |
Somerville R; Fitzgerald C; George S; Linnane B; Piper Segurado R; Kapur K; O'Ceilleachair A; Staines A; Fitzpatrick P (2018) The Irish Comparative Outcome Study (ICOS): Comparison of direct healthcare costs in the first 2 years of life between screened and clinically diagnosed children with cystic fibrosis In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting | |
Somerville R; Fitzgerald C; George S; Linnane B; Segurado R; Kapur K; O'Ceilleachair A; Staines A; Fitzpatrick P (2019) Comparison of direct healthcare costs in the first 2 years of life between screened and clinically diagnosed children with cystic fibrosis: the ICOS study. In: European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Liverpool | |
Assoc Professor Brona Fullen | |
Shimizu T; Doody C; Blake C; Fullen B (2018) Adverse events associated with pharmacological therapies for post-herpetic neuralgia: an overview of Cochrane reviews In: 17th World Congress of Pain. International Society for Study of Pain | |
Dr Mirjam Heinen | |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen M; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C (2018) Comparison of individual-level and contextual-level socioeconomic status indicators in schoolchildren in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional survey In: The Lancet, ![]() |
Carroll O; Heinen M (2019) Current state-of-play of the school milk scheme in the Republic of İreland In: 26th European Congress on 26th European Congress on Obesity, Glasgow, UK![]() |
Kunešová M; Taxová Braunerová R; Heinen M; Rutter H; Hassapidou M; Duleva V; Pudule I; Petrauskiene A; Sjöberg A; Spiroski I (2019) Adipose tissue distribution in seven year old children evaluated by waist- difference between European countries (COSI study) In: 26th European Congress on 26th European Congress on Obesity, Glasgow, UK![]() |
Ojeda Rodríguez A; Bel Serrat S; Heinen M; Abdrakhmanova S; Brinduse L; Cucu A; Duleva A; Farrugia Sant’angelo V; Fijałkowska A; Hejgaard T (2019) WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: unhealthy eating habits and overweight-obesity risk in children from 18 countries In: 26th European Congress on 26th European Congress on Obesity, Glasgow, UK![]() |
Taxová Braunerová R; Kunešová M; Heinen M; Rutter H; Hassapidou M; ; Duleva V; Pudule I; Petrauskiene A; Sjöberg A; Spiroski I (2019) Abdominal obesity in 7-year old children in European countries evaluated by waist to height ratio – Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) In: 26th European Congress on 26th European Congress on Obesity, Glasgow, UK![]() |
Dr Seamus Kelly | |
Kelly S (2018) What The Hell Were You Thinking In: Football Association of Ireland National Conference, Carlow | |
Kelly S; Hurley T; Faure C (2019) Re-Engaging the Disengaged Customer in the Fitness Industry. In: European Academy of Management, Lisbon | |
Dr Olive Lennon | |
McManus K; McGrath D; Greene BR; Lennon O; McMahon L; Caulfield B (2019) Impact of Exercise Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease can be Quantified Using Inertial Sensor Data and Clinical Tests In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | |
Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Cunningham C; Lennon O (2018) Psychological Distress in Patients Attending Physiotherapy. A survey based investigation of current practice and opinion of Irish Physiotherapists. In: Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Dr Denise McGrath | |
Egan S; Pieter B; McKeown D; McGrath D (2018) Equine behaviour analysis in a bilateral lameness model as a precursor to automated detection In: 10th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology | |
Johnston W; McGrath D; Greene BR; Caulfield B (2019) Investigating normal day to day variations of postural control in a healthy young population (age 18-40) using Wii balance boards In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society | |
McManus K; McGrath D; Greene BR; Lennon O; McMahon L; Caulfield B (2019) Impact of Exercise Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease can be Quantified Using Inertial Sensor Data and Clinical Tests In: 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | |
Dr John Mehegan | |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen M; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C (2018) Comparison of individual-level and contextual-level socioeconomic status indicators in schoolchildren in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional survey In: The Lancet, ![]() |
Quirke B; Kelleher C; Mehegan J; Fitzpatrick P (2019) 10-year mortality follow-up of the All Ireland Traveller Health Birth Cohort Study 2008 – 2009: findings and challenges In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting May 2019 | |
Dr Lilian Genaro Motti Ader | |
Motti Ader LG; Bossavit B; Caulfield B; Raynal M; Ting KLH; Vanderdonckt J; Vigouroux N (2019) HCI Challenges in Human Movement Analysis In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), ![]() |
Dr Celine Murrin | |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen M; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C (2018) Comparison of individual-level and contextual-level socioeconomic status indicators in schoolchildren in Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional survey In: The Lancet, ![]() |
Murrin C; Lades L; Doyle G; O'Connor J; Delaney L; O'Malley O; Harold L; Mullins B; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus In: European Public Health Association Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia![]() |
Murrin C; O'Connor J; Doyle G; Delany L; Lades L; O'Malley G; Lawlor O; Harold L; Mullins B; Fitzpatrick P (2018) Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus In: European Journal of Public Health, ![]() |
Ojeda Rodríguez A; Bel Serrat S; Heinen M; Abdrakhmanova S; Brinduse L; Cucu A; Duleva A; Farrugia Sant’angelo V; Fijałkowska A; Hejgaard T (2019) WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: unhealthy eating habits and overweight-obesity risk in children from 18 countries In: 26th European Congress on 26th European Congress on Obesity, Glasgow, UK![]() |
Dr Ross Neville | |
Makopoulou K; Neville R (2018) Does a dance-based physical education (DBPE) intervention improve year 4 pupils' reading attainment? Results from a pilot study in England In: European Educational Research Conference, Bolzano, Italy | |
Makopoulou K; Neville R (2018) How is inclusive Physical Education conceptualised, interpreted and practiced in the context of a national professional development programme in England? In: European Educational Research Conference | |
Dr Scott Nguyen | |
Vk D; Srikumar S; Shetty S; van Nguyen S; Karunasagar I; Fanning S (2019) Silent antibiotic resistance genes: A threat to antimicrobial therapy In: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, ![]() |
Dr Ricardo Piper Segurado | |
Segurado R; Sellers AM; Briody J; McCalman J; Kelleher CC (2019) Epidemiological Transition: Patterns Of Temporal Association Between Foreign-Born Immigration (1891-1986) And Cardiovascular Disease In Australia (1907-2016) In: Atherosclerosis, ![]() |
Somerville R; Fitzgerald C; George S; Linnane B; Piper Segurado R; Kapur K; O'Ceilleachair A; Staines A; Fitzpatrick P (2018) The Irish Comparative Outcome Study (ICOS): Comparison of direct healthcare costs in the first 2 years of life between screened and clinically diagnosed children with cystic fibrosis In: Faculty of Public Health Medicine, RCPI Scientific Meeting | |
Dr Penpatra Sripaiboonkij | |
Sripaiboonkij P; Samakkeekarom R; Ketsakorn A (2019) Health Science Journal In: Occupational Health and Public Safety |
Assoc Professor Catherine Blake | |
Blake C (2018) Annual Report of Honorary Secretary; Annual Report of Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists 2017-2018. Dublin: Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists | |
Lehane E; Agreli H; O'Connor S; Hegarty J; Leahy-Warren P; Bennett D; Blake C; Burke F; Corrigan M; Drennan J (2018) Development of a Competency Framework for Clinical Effectiveness Education in Ireland. Report prepared for Department of Health, Clinical Effectiveness Unit, National Patient Safety Office, Ireland. Dublin: Department of Health, Ireland | |
Dr Conor Buggy | |
Noone C; Keogh B; Buggy C (2018) Far From Home: Life as an LGBT Migrant in Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: National LGBT Federation | |
Dr Celine Murrin | |
Murrin C; Furey S; McLaughlin C; Lynsey H; Amy B; McMahon-Beattie, U; Price RK; Humphreys P; McCarthy M; Collins A (2019) What’s on offer?: The types of food and drink on price promotion in retail outlets in the Republic of Ireland. Dublin: Safefood. |
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Other Publications
Assoc Professor Caitriona Cunningham | |
Cunningham C (2018) Movement and exercise are good for our bones joints and muscles. | |
Cunningham C; Cadogan S; Storey A; Mc Namara J (2018) Farmers get Healthy. | |
Cunningham C; Mc Namara J (2018) A little less Quad might be good for your Quads. | |
Fox C; Cunningham C; Richardson N (2019) Why 10,000 steps might not be enough exercise - farmers told to step up their fitness regimes. |
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Internet Publications
Dr John Mehegan | |
McAuliffe F; Voerman E; Santos S; Patro Golab B; Amiano P; Ballester F; Barros H; Bergstrom A; Charles MA; Chatzi L (2019) Maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain, and the risk of overweight and obesity across childhood: An individual participant data meta-analysisE Oostvogels. ![]() |