Below is the list of research publications for the UCD Humanities Institute in the academic year 2018/19
Dr Sharae Deckard | |
Deckard S; Shapiro S (2019) World Literature, Neoliberalism, and the Culture of Discontent. Palgrave Macmillan | |
Professor Porscha Fermanis | |
Atkin L; Comyn S; Fermanis P; Garvey N (2019) Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere. Springer International Publishing ![]() |
Assoc Professor Roy Flechner | |
Flechner R (2019) The Hibernensis: Volume 1: A Study and Edition. Washington, D.C.: CUA Press ![]() |
Flechner R (2019) The Hibernensis: Volume 2: Translation, Commentary, and Indexes. Washington, D.C.: CUA Press | |
FLECHNER ROY (2019) Saint Patrick Retold. Princeton University Press ![]() |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Gallagher M (2018) Paul Morand, Caribbean Winter, Translation and Critical Introduction Mary Gallagher. Oxford: Signal Books | |
Professor Robert Gerwarth | |
Gerwarth R (2018) Die größte aller Revolutionen November 1918 und der Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit. Siedler Verlag | |
Gerwarth R (2018) Οι ηττημένοι: Γιατί δεν τέλειωσε ο Α΄ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος, 1917-1923. Athens: Alexandria | |
Gerwarth R (2019) Poražení. Prague: Paseka | |
Professor Andreas Hess | |
Grünfeld M (2019) Writing and Thinking in Contemporary Academia The Poetics of Clarity. Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge | |
Shklar JN (2019) On Political Obligation. Yale University Press | |
Professor Margaret Kelleher | |
KELLEHER M (2018) The Maamtrasna Murders Language, Life and Death in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. | |
Assoc Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) Notes to Self Essays. Dial Press Trade Paperbacks | |
Pine E (2019) Notes to Self. Hamish Hamilton | |
Assoc Professor Michael Staunton | |
Staunton M (2019) Herbert of Bosham. A Medieval Polymath. Woodbridge, Suffolk: York Medieval Press | |
Professor Graeme Warren | |
Davis S; Warren G; McDermott C; Seaver M (2019) Aspects of Leinster Archaeology and Landscape. Dublin: IQUA |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (2019) '"From Trust to Trustworthiness. Introduction"' In: From Trust to Trustworthiness.London: Taylor and Francis. | |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
manu B (2018) 'San Antonio, Hitler et ses Doubles' In: San Antonio International.Limoges: Presses Universitaires de Limoges. | |
Professor John Brannigan | |
Brannigan J (2019) '‘Atlantic Archipelagos: The Irish-American Ecologies of Late Modernism’' In: A History of Irish Modernism.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.259-275 | |
Brannigan J (2019) '‘Bohemian Behan: Late Modernism, Sexual Politics, and the “Great Awakening” of Brendan Behan’' In: Reading Brendan Behan.Cork: Cork University Press. , pp.45-62 | |
Brannigan J (2019) 'The Empty Places: Northern Archipelagos in Scottish Fiction' In: The Poetics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature.: Springer International Publishing. , pp.71-85 ![]() |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy M (2018) ''Danser le Temps': avec Jacques Réda' In: Articuler danse et poème. Enjeux contemporains.Paris: L'Harmattan. , pp.93-101 | |
Brophy M (2018) '‘La vie à nommer' : la poésie comme art de vivre chez Anne Hébert’' In: Le Centenaire d’Anne Hèbert. Approches critiques.Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. , pp.81-89 | |
Brophy M (2018) 'Poïésis et justice chez Jean-Paul Michel' In: Jean-Paul Michel. 'La surprise de ce qui est'.Paris: Classiques Garnier. , pp.83-91 | |
Brophy M (2019) ''L'intime étranger'' In: Guillevic, Ecrits intimes. Carnet, cahier, feuillets 1929-1938.Strasbourg: L'Atelier Contemporain. , pp.7-20 | |
Assoc Professor Marc Caball | |
Caball M (2019) 'Munster and India: the local and global in early modern Ireland' In: Early modern Ireland: new sources, methods and perspectives.New York: Routledge. | |
Caball M (2019) 'Transforming tradition in the British Atlantic: Patrick Browne (c.1720-90), an Irish botanist and physician in the West Indies' In: Early modern Ireland and the world of medicine: practitioners, collectors and contexts.Manchester: Manchester University Press. , pp.211-231 | |
Professor Hugh Campbell | |
Campbell H (2018) 'Construction Performance: how the camera charts progress on site' In: The Routledge Companion to Urban Imaginaries.London, New York: Routledge. , pp.125-136 | |
Assoc Professor Lucy Collins | |
Collins L (2018) ''Ledwidge Country'' In: The Ledwidge Papers.Navan, Co. Meath: Meath County Council. | |
Collins L (2019) ''Avian Encounters and Moral Sentiment in Poetry from Eighteenth-Century Ireland'' In: The Eighteenth-Century Bird in Literature.London: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Collins L (2019) ''Foreword'' In: Celia de Fréine, Imram | Odyssey.Dublin: Arlen House. , pp.9-14 | |
Professor Maeve Cooke | |
(2018) 'The Routledge Companion to the Frankfurt School' : Routledge. ![]() |
Cooke M (2018) 'Autorité et Autonomie' In: Dialogues avec Jürgen Habermas.Paris, France: Cnrs. | |
Cooke M (2019) 'Argumentation' In: Cambridge Companion to Habermas.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. , pp.12-15 ![]() |
Cooke M (2019) 'Linguistification' In: Cambridge Habermas Lexicon.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. , pp.254-257 ![]() |
Cooke M (2019) 'Wellmer' In: Cambridge Habermas Lexicon.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. , pp.705-707 ![]() |
Dr Arlene Crampsie | |
Ludlow F; Crampsie A (2018) 'Climate, debt, and conflict: Environmental history as a new direction in understanding early modern Ireland' In: Early Modern Ireland: New Sources, Methods, and Perspectives., pp.269-300 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Philip De Souza | |
De Souza P (2018) 'Piracy and the Rise of States in Ancient Greece' In: Latrocinium maris. Fenomenologia e repressione della pirateria nell'esperienza romana e oltre.Rome: Aracne editrice. , pp.35-49 ![]() |
De Souza P; Sommerstein A (2019) 'naval warfare' In: The Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy, 3 Volume Set.Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. | |
Dr Sharae Deckard | |
Deckard S (2019) '‘Dreams of revolt’, the ‘revolt of nature’: World literature and the ecology of revolution' In: World Literature and Dissent.London: Routledge. , pp.161-178 | |
Deckard S (2019) 'Ecogothic' In: Twenty-First-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.174-188 | |
Deckard S (2019) 'Land, Water, Waste: Environment and Ecology in South Asian Fiction' In: Oxford History of the Novel, Vol 10: The Novel in South and South-East Asia since 1945.Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.172-186 | |
Deckard S (2019) 'Trains, Stone, and Energetics: African Resource Culture and the Neoliberal World-Ecology' In: World Literature, Neoliberalism, and the Culture of Discontent.London: Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.239-262 | |
Deckard S; Shapiro S (2019) 'World-Culture and the Neoliberal World-System: An Introduction' In: World Literature, Neoliberalism, and the Culture of Discontent.London: Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.1-1 | |
Deckard S; Varma R (2018) 'Against the grain: An introduction to benita parry's intellectual itinerary' : . , pp.1-18 ![]() |
Deckard S; Varma R (2018) '"It could be otherwise, it should be otherwise": A conversation with benita parry' In: Marxism, Postcolonial Theory, and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry., pp.237-260 ![]() |
Deckard S (2018) '"Not even a sci-fi writer": Peripheral genres, the world- system novel, and junot díaz' In: Marxism, Postcolonial Theory, and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry., pp.96-114 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Fionnuala Dillane | |
Dillane F (2019) 'Avatars, Pseudonyms and the Regulation of Affect: Performing and Occluding Gender in the Pall Mall Gazette' In: Women, Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1830-1910.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.336-350 | |
Dillane F (2019) 'Marian Evans's Journalism' In: The Cambridge Companion to George Eliot.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.37-56 | |
Assoc Professor Roy Flechner | |
Flechner R (2019) 'Canonical collections' In: Great Christian Jurists and Legal Collections in the First Millennium.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.182-197 | |
Professor Anne Fogarty | |
Fogarty A (2019) '"En signe de reconnaissance": James Joyce et Harriet Shaw Weaver ("In Token of Gratitude": James Joyce and Harriet Shaw Weaver)' In: Le Mecenat Litteraire aux XiXe et XXe Siecles.Paris: Hermann Editions. , pp.141-157 | |
Fogarty A (2019) 'Reading Dislocation and Emotion in the Writings of Alice Thornton, Ann Fanshawe, and Barbara Blaugdone' In: Women's Life Writing and Early Modern Ireland.Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. , pp.51-77 | |
Fogarty A (2018) 'Conjuring Ghosts: Shakespeare, dramaturgy and the plays of Frank McGuinness' In: Shakespeare and Contemporary Irish Literature., pp.147-174 ![]() |
Professor Anne Fuchs | |
Fuchs A (2018) 'Speed Politics: Walsers Gangarten und Gehtempi im Kontext seiner Poetik der Mobilität' In: »Spazieren muß ich unbedingt« Robert Walser und die Kultur des Gehens.Munich: Wilhelm Fink. , pp.127-140 | |
Fuchs A (2019) 'Pocellana. I bombardamenti di Dresda nella posta di Durs Grünbein' In: VERSI PER DOPODOMANI PERCORSI DI LETTURA NELL’OPERA DI DURS GRÜNBEIN.Milan: Mimesis. , pp.73-93 | |
Fuchs A (2019) 'Time as History in Twentieth-Century Photography' In: Rethinking Historical Time. New Approaches to Presentism.London: Bloomsbury. , pp.131-143 | |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Gallagher M (2018) 'Seven dictionary entries for Dictionnaire Saint-John Perse' In: Dictionnaire Saint-John Perse.Paris: Honoré Champion. | |
Professor Robert Gerwarth | |
(2018) 'The Oxford Handbook of the Ends of Empire' : Oxford University Press. ![]() |
Gerwarth R (2018) 'Europa und der Nachkrieg' In: Sachsen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg: Politik und Gesellschaft eines deutschen Mittelstaates 1914 bis 1918.Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. , pp.348-369 | |
Gerwarth R (2019) 'Post-wars and Violence: Europe between 1918 and the Later 1940s' In: A World at War, 1911-1949: Explorations in the Cultural History of War.Leiden and Boston: Brill. , pp.221-242 | |
Dr Clare Hayes-Brady | |
Hayes-Brady C (2018) '"Palely Loitering": on not finishing (in) The Pale King' In: The Cambridge Companion to David Foster Wallace.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.142-156 | |
Professor Andreas Hess | |
Hess A (2019) 'Foreword: "Same as the Old Boss?"' In: Niklas Luhmann (author) The New Boss.Cambridge: Polity. , pp.vii-xviii | |
Hess A (2019) 'Noble Comparisons' In: The Anthem Companion to Alexis de Tocqueville.London and New York: Anthem Press. , pp.91-108 | |
Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty | |
James-Chakraborty K (2018) 'A Whisper Rather than a Shout: Ursula Wilm and Heinz Hallmann’s Topography of Terror' In: Art and Resistance in Germany.New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. , pp.173-189 | |
James-Chakraborty K (2019) 'Clothing Bauhaus Bodies' In: Bauhaus Bodies: Gender, Sexuality, and Body Culture in Modernism’s Legendary Art School.New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. , pp.123-144 | |
James-Chakraborty K (2019) 'Dan Graham, beyond walls' In: One Here Now: The Brian O’Doherty Patrick Ireland Project.Cobh: Sirius Arts Centre. , pp.106-111 | |
James-Chakraborty K (2019) 'Kisten und Kästen: The Role of the Box in Architecture of the 1960s' In: Häuser wiederholt. Serie als Lust und Last.Siegen: Universitätsverlag Siegen. , pp.9-20 | |
James-Chakraborty K (2019) 'The Place of Faith: Accommodating Religious Minorities in the German and Irish Cityscape' In: Handbook of Art and Global Migration: Theories, Practices, and Global Challenge.Berlin: De Gruyter. , pp.130-148 | |
Assoc Professor Helen Lewis | |
Lewis H (2019) 'Geoarchaeology' In: Beside the Ocean The Bay of Skaill, Marwick, and Birsay Bay, Orkney, Archaeological Research 2003-18.Oxford: Oxbow Books Limited. , pp.115-133 | |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Anne Tallentire' In: And the days run away like wild horses over the hills.Dublin: Avenue Arts. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Irish Contemporary Art in European Eyes' In: Ireland in the European Eye.Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. , pp.284-299 | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Notes on Palimpsest' In: Palimpsest.Lismore: Lismore Castle Arts. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Some thoughts on 'Signal or Noise'/Enkele gedachten bij 'Signal or Noise'' In: Signal or Noise: The Photographic IIGhent: Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (S.M.A.K.). , pp.6-11 | |
Assoc Professor Wolfgang Marx | |
(2019) 'Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju – The Role of National Opera Houses in the 20th and 21st Centuries' : Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Festival Ljubljana. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Charles Ivar McGrath | |
(2019) 'Taxation, Politics, and Protest in Ireland, 1662–2016' : Springer International Publishing. ![]() |
Professor Gerardine Meaney | |
Meaney G (2019) 'A Disruptive Modernist: Kate O’Brien and Irish Women’s Writing' In: A History of Irish Modernism.New York: Cambridge University Press. | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Damico JS; Ball MJ (2019) 'The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders' : SAGE Publications, Inc. ![]() |
Migge B (2019) 'Pidginization and Creolization' In: Language Contact. An International Handbook.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. , pp.100-112 | |
Migge B (2019) 'Research on Maroon Languages and Language Practices among Matawai and Kwinti Maroons' : . , pp.83-116 ![]() |
Dr Elizabeth Mullins | |
Mullins E (2019) 'Word Image and Imagination: The Scholarly Writings of Jennifer O'Reilly' In: Jennifer O'Reilly Early Medieval Text and Image 2: The Codex Amiatinus, The Book of Kells and Anglo-Saxon Art.London and New York: Routledge Variorum Collected Studies Series. , pp.xix-xxvii | |
Assoc Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail M (2018) ''An Ghaeilge do choimeád ar bun agus ar buaintseasamh: the exceptional case of the Ó Longáin family of scribes'' In: Leabhar na Longánach. The Ó Longáin family and their manuscripts.Cork: Cló Torna, University College Cork. , pp.51-98 | |
Ní Úrdail M (2019) ''An t-ár agus an t-ocras: a Clare scribe's response to the Great Famine'' In: Lorg na leabhar. A Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach.Dublin: The National University of Ireland. , pp.381-409 | |
Professor Tadhg O' Hannrachain | |
O' Hannrachain T; O hAnnrachain T (2019) 'The Visitation of Mercure Verdier to Ireland, 1648--1649' In: With Eyes and Ears Open: The Role of Visitors in the Society of Jesus.leiden: BRILL. , pp.126-148 | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'A Cabin and not a Cottage - The Architectural Embodiment of the Irish Nation' In: Ireland in the European Eye.Dublin, Ireland: The Royal Irish Academy. | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'Parks & Gardens - A Very Human Nature' In: Shaping Ireland; Landscapes in Irish Art.Dublin, Ireland: National Gallery of Ireland. | |
Professor Tadhg O'Keeffe | |
Doyle I; O'Keeffe T (2019) 'Silent witness: the deserted medieval borough of Newtown Jerpoint, Co Kilkenny' In: Ruralia.Leiden: Sidestone Press. | |
O'Keeffe T (2019) 'Transeptal churches of the regular canons in Ireland' In: Households of God: The Regular Canons and Canonesses of St Augustine and of Prémontré in Medieval Ireland.Dublin: Four Courts Press. | |
Professor Aidan O'Sullivan | |
McDermott C; O'Sullivan A (2019) 'Barry Raftery (1944–2010)' In: Giants of the Irish Quaternary.Dublin: Irish Quaternary Association. , pp.93-98 | |
Assoc Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2018) 'Memory Theatre' In: Palgrave Handbook to Irish Theatre.London: Palgrave. | |
Assoc Professor Michael Staunton | |
Staunton M (2018) 'John of Salisbury and the Church of Canterbury' In: Jean de Salisbury: nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux, ed. Christophe Grellard and Frédérique Lachaud.Florence: SISMEL. , pp.185-207 | |
Staunton M (2019) 'An Introduction to Herbert of Bosham' In: Herbert of Bosham. A Medieval Polymath.Woodbridge, Suffolk: York Medieval Press. , pp.1-28 | |
Staunton M (2019) 'Time, Change and History in Herbert of Bosham’s Historia' In: Herbert of Bosham. A Medieval Polymath.Woodbridge, Suffolk: York Medieval Press. , pp.104-126 | |
Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin | |
Uí Chollatáin R (2018) ''Mecca na hóige agus an léinn: Carysfort, 1980-83'' In: Carysfort 30 Bliain.Dublin: UCD Press. | |
Uí Chollatáin R; Ní Dhuinn S (2018) 'Are you getting it? The Sunday World' In: The Sunday Papers A History of Ireland's Weekly Press.Dublin: Four Courts Press. , pp.125-141 | |
Professor Graeme Warren | |
Caulfield S; Warren G (2019) 'Belderg Beg' In: North Mayo, XX INQUA Congress Field Guide.Dublin: IQUA. , pp.83-94 | |
Caulfield S; Warren G (2019) 'Human Settlement in Prehistory: background' In: North Mayo.Dublin: IQUA. , pp.33-37 | |
Warren G (2019) 'Belderg More (Belderrig)' In: North Mayo, XX INQUA Congress Field Guide.Dublin: IQUA. , pp.64-77 | |
Professor Harry White | |
White H (2019) '"We did not choose this patrimony": Irish Musical Inheritances Since Independence' In: Patrimoine/Cultural Heritage in France and Ireland.Oxford: Peter Lang Limited, International Academic Publishers. , pp.57-78 | |
White H (2019) 'Affordances of the Piano. A Cinematic Representation of the Victorian Salon' In: Musical Salon Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century.Suffolk: Boydell Press. , pp.153-167 | |
White H (2019) 'Das Land ohne Musik? Ireland in the European Ear' In: Ireland in the European Eye.Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. , pp.350-370 | |
White H (2019) 'Thomas Moore, Letter on Music (1810)' In: Documents of Irish Music History in the Long Nineteenth Century.Dublin: Four Courts Press. , pp.21-32 | |
Assoc Professor Nerys Williams | |
Williams N (2019) 'Jackie Kay: Critical Reading' In: The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry.Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (Ed.). (2019) From Trust to Trustworthiness.London: Taylor And Francis | |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy M (Ed.). (2019) Guillevic, Ecrits intimes. Carnet, cahier, feuillets 1929-1938.Strasbourg: L'Atelier Contemporain | |
Brophy M (Ed.). (2019) Présence(s) du poème aujourd'hui.Dublin: Irish Journal of French Studies, no. 18, 2018 | |
Professor Maeve Cooke | |
Cooke M; Niesen P (Ed.). (2018) Constellations.Oxford: Blackwell | |
Professor Anne Fogarty | |
Crispi L; Fogarty A (Ed.). (2018) Dublin James Joyce Journal, No. 10 2018.Dublin, Ireland: UCD James Joyce Centre and National Library of Ireland | |
Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty | |
James-Chakraborty K; Godson L (Ed.). (2019) Modern Religious Architecture in Germany, Ireland and Beyond: Influence, Process and Afterlife since 1945.New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts | |
Assoc Professor Emily Mark-Fitzgerald | |
Mark-FitzGerald E; Corporaal M; Frawley O (Ed.). (2018) The Great Irish Famine: Visual and Material Culture.Liverpool: Liverpool University Press | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge B; Holfter G (Ed.). (2019) Ireland in the European Eye.Dublin: Royal Irish Academy Press | |
Dr Elizabeth Mullins | |
Mullins E; Farr CA (Ed.). (2019) Jennifer O'Reilly Early Medieval Text and Image 1: The Insular Gospel Books.London and New York: Routledge Variorum Collected Studies Series | |
Mullins E; Farr CA (Ed.). (2019) Jennifer O'Reilly Early Medieval Text and Image 2 The Codex Amiatinus, The Book of Kells and Anglo-Saxon Art.London and New York: Routledge Variorum collected studies series | |
Assoc Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Breatnach C; Ní Úrdail M; Ó Riain G (Ed.). (2019) Lorg na leabhar. A Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach.Dublin: National University of Ireland | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (Ed.). (2018) Irish Architectural & Decorative Studies XXI.Kinsale, Co. Cork: Gandon Editions for the Irish Georgian Society | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (Ed.). (2018) Irish Architectural & Decorative Studies XXI.Kinsale, Cork: The Irish Georgian Society & Gandon Editions | |
Assoc Professor Gillian Pye | |
Pye G; Durnin M; Siller B (Ed.). (2018) Selbstreflexion/ Self-Reflection.Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre | |
Professor Graeme Warren | |
Warren G; McCarron S (Ed.). (2019) North Mayo, XX INQUA Congress Field Guide.Dublin: IQUA |
Assoc Professor Paolo Acquaviva | |
Ursini FA; Acquaviva P (2019) 'Nouns for visual objects: A hypothesis of the vision-language interface'. Language Sciences 72 :50-70.![]() |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (2019) 'On Empathy'. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (2) :137-142. | |
Baghramian M (2019) 'The Virtues of Relativism'. Proceedings of the Aristotelean Society, Supplementary Volumes XCIII | |
Beebe JR; Baghramian M; Drury L; Dellsen F (2019) 'Divergent Perspectives on Expert Disagreement: Preliminary Evidence from Climate Science, Climate Policy, Astrophysics, and Public Opinion'. Environmental Communication 13 (1) :35-50. | |
Professor John Brannigan | |
Ryfield F; Cabana D; Brannigan J; Crowe T (2019) 'Conceptualizing ‘sense of place’ in cultural ecosystem services: A framework for interdisciplinary research'. Ecosystem Services 36 ![]() |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy M (2019) 'Michael Sheringham, Perpetual Motion : Studies in French Poetry from Surrealism to the Postmodern'. The Irish Journal of French Studies (18) :229-230. | |
Brophy M (2019) 'Présence(s) du poème aujourd'hui'. The Irish Journal of French Studies (18) :1-5. | |
Assoc Professor Lucy Collins | |
Collins L (2019) ''If that's not a shock to the system I don't know what': Two Poems by Christodoulos Makris'. Irish University Review 49 (1) :32-33.![]() |
Professor Maeve Cooke | |
Cooke M (2018) 'Higher goods and common goods: Strong evaluation in social life'. Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7) :767-770.![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Cox C; Marland H (2019) '‘Unfit for reform or punishment’: Mental disorder and discipline in Liverpool Borough Prison in the late nineteenth century'. Social History 44 (2) :173-201.![]() |
Dr Amber Cushing | |
Cushing A (2019) 'Truly widening participation? A review of the use of public voting for selection of content in the Walk1916 project'. Journal of Community Archeaology and Heritage | |
Cushing AL; Shankar K (2019) 'Digital curation on a small island: a study of professional education and training needs in Ireland'. Archives and Records 40 (2) :146-163.![]() |
Dr Sharae Deckard | |
Deckard S (2019) 'Introduction: Reading Ireland’s Food, Energy, and Climate'. Irish University Review 49 (1) :1-12. | |
Deckard S (2019) 'Water shocks: Neoliberal hydrofiction and the crisis of “cheap water”'. Atlantic Studies : Global Currents 16 (1) :108-125.![]() |
Dr Aude Doody | |
Doody A (2018) 'TRAVILLIAN, T.T., Pliny the Elder: The Natural History Book VII (with Book VIII 1-34)'. Classics Ireland 23-24 :174-176. | |
Assoc Professor Lindsey Earner-Byrne | |
Duffy DN; Pierson C; Myerscough C; Urquhart D; Earner-Byrne L (2018) 'Abortion, emotions, and health provision: Explaining health care professionals’ willingness to provide abortion care using affect theory'. Women's Studies International Forum 71 :12-18.![]() |
Dr Alice Feldman | |
Feldman A (2018) 'Re/Entangling Irish and Nigerian Diasporas: Colonial Amnesias, Decolonial Aesthetics and Archive-Assemblage Praxis'. Cultural Dynamics 30 (3) :173-198.![]() |
Professor Porscha Fermanis | |
Fermanis P (2019) 'British Creoles: Nationhood, Identity, and Romantic Geopolitics in Robert Southey’s History of Brazil'. The Review of English Studies ![]() |
Professor Anne Fogarty | |
Fogarty A (2018) 'Someone whose kindness did not matter: Femininity and Ageing in Anne Enright's The Green Road'. Nordic Irish Studies 17 (2018) :132-144. | |
Professor Anne Fuchs | |
Fuchs A (2019) 'Crises and crisis management in Franz Kafka's 'Kleine Fabel' and Robert Walser's 'das ende der welt''. Modern Language Review 114 (4) :804-818.![]() |
Fuchs A (2019) 'History - Truth - Reconciliation: On the actuality of Jean Améry'. Zeitschrift fur Evangelische Ethik 63 (3) :168-179.![]() |
Professor Lizbeth Goodman | |
Politis Y; Sung C; Goodman L; Leahy M (2019) 'Conversation skills training for people with autism through virtual reality: using responsible research and innovation approach'. Advances in Autism ![]() |
Assoc Professor Jane Grogan | |
Grogan J (2018) '“Saluage soyl, far from Parnasso Mount”: Spenser and Shakespeare in contemporary Irish writing'. Literature Compass 15 (11) ![]() |
Grogan J (2018) 'Teaching and Learning Guide for: “ ‘Saluage soyl, far from Parnasso Mount’: Spenser and Shakespeare in Contemporary Irish Writing”'. Literature Compass 15 (12) ![]() |
Dr Paul Halferty | |
Fulton C (2019) 'Editorial'. Information Research 24 (1) | |
Professor Andreas Hess | |
Hess A (2019) 'Unconvincing Habits of the Theoretical Mind'. Canadian Review of Sociology 56 (1) :125-129.![]() |
Professor Kathleen James-Chakraborty | |
James-Chakraborty K (2018) 'Architecture, its histories, and their audiences'. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 77 (4) :397-406.![]() |
James-Chakraborty K (2019) 'Chandigarh according to Le Corbusier: Ethnography of a Post Colonial Planned City in India'. ABE JOURNAL (14-15) | |
Dr Jorie Lagerwey | |
Lagerwey J (2018) 'The Great British Bake Off, joy, and the affective potential of Nadiya Hussain’s amateur celebrity'. Celebrity Studies 9 (4) :442-454.![]() |
Assoc Professor Helen Lewis | |
Carlos JB; Escobin RP; Conda J; Ramos MDR; Lewis H; Paz VJ (2019) 'Identification of archaeological charred wood from Ille site, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines'. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology (2018) 12 (2) :62-69. | |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Léirmheas ar S. Aiken (eag.) An Chuid Eile Díom Féin agus F.Sewell (ed. & trans.) Máirtín Ó Direáin: Selected Poems/ Rogha Dánta'. Comhar 79 (1) :26-27. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Multiplicity'. Irish Arts Review 36 (3) :78-81. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Sarah Lucas's 'Beer Can Penis' (1993)'. Frieze :85-85. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'Siobhán Hapaska's 'Snake and Apple''. Frieze (202) :120-123. | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) 'The Parted Veil: Commemoration in Photographic Practices'. Source (98) :66-67. | |
Assoc Professor Emily Mark-Fitzgerald | |
Mark-FitzGerald E (2019) 'An Alien in Wexford: Harry Furniss, Punch, and Zozimus (The ‘Irish Punch’)'. Visual Culture in Britain 20 (2) :135-151.![]() |
Professor Gerardine Meaney | |
Sammells N (2018) 'Irish Studies Review at 25'. Irish Studies Review 26 (4) :431-435.![]() |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Léglise I; Migge B (2019) 'Language and identity construction on the French Guiana-Suriname border'. International Journal of Multilingualism :1-15.![]() |
Migge B (2018) 'Jamaican Creole Goes Web: Sociolinguistic styling and authenticity in a digital ‘Yaad’. By Andrea Moll. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2015. Pp. viii, 294 Paperback To order electronically, visit'. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 33 (2) :438-441.![]() |
Migge B (2019) 'Review of Language and Slavery: A social and linguistic history of the Suriname creoles. By Jacques Arends. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2017. Pp. xxix, 463'. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages :166-170.![]() |
Migge B (2019) 'Review of McWhorter, John & Jeff Good (2012) A grammar of Saramaccan creole'. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 34 (1) :162-165.![]() |
Dr Elizabeth Mullins | |
Mullins E (2019) 'Information culture in the convent and the industrial school: a case study of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy in Ireland'. Archives and Records 40 (2) :133-145.![]() |
Professor Diane Negra | |
Negra D (2018) '"It's Past Times I'm Talkin' About Here, Ye Know?:" Under the Clock and the Nostalgic Irish Documentary'. Film Criticism 42 (3) ![]() |
Negra D (2019) '"Culinary Entertainment, Creative Labor and the Re-Territorialization of White Masculinity"'. Cinema Journal | |
Negra D (2019) 'Age Disproportion in the Post-Epitaph Chick Flick: Reading the Proposal'. Cross Generational Relationships and Cinema | |
Negra D (2019) 'Teresa Mannion and the Emergence of Extreme Weather Culture in Ireland'. Irish University Review Special issue on Food, Energy and climate: Ireland in the World-Ecology | |
Negra D; McIntyre A (2019) 'Ireland Inc.: The Corporatization of Affective Life in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland'. International Journal of Cultural Studies | |
Negra, D., Hamad, H. (2019) 'The New Plutocratic (Post) Feminism'. New Feminist Studies: Twenty-First Century Critical Interventions | |
Assoc Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail M (2018) ''Saothrú na Gaeilge san Eoraip: fianaise ón Meánaois''. Comhar 78 (11) :5-7. | |
Professor Tadhg O' Hannrachain | |
Ó hAnnracháin T (2019) 'Religious Refugees or Confessional Migrants? Perspectives from Early Modern Ireland'. Journal of Early Modern Christianity 6 (1) :3-18.![]() |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O’Kane F (2018) 'The Irish-Jamaican Plantation of Kelly’s Pen, Jamaica'. Caribbean Quarterly 64 (43558) :452-466.![]() |
Professor Tadhg O'Keeffe | |
Kelly D; O’Keeffe T (2019) 'A New World Man in an Old World Town: The Identification of Sir Walter Raleigh’s Residence in Late Sixteenth-Century Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland'. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 23 (1) ![]() |
O'Keeffe T (2018) 'Home truths about Raleigh and Spenser: Sir Thomas Norris and the rebuilding of Mallow Castle'. The Spenser Review 49 (1) | |
O'Keeffe T (2018) 'Theory and medieval archaeology in Ireland and beyond: the narrative tradition and the archaeological imagination'. Journal of Irish Archaeology 27 | |
O'Keeffe T (2019) 'Don’t worry, be happy: reading Herron reviewing O’Keeffe making Spenser envy Norris'. The Spenser Review 49 (2) | |
O'Keeffe T (2019) 'Invasion hypotheses'. Archaeology Ireland 33 (2) :36-39. | |
O'Keeffe T (2019) 'The archaeology of Ireland's long middle ages: retrospective and prospective'. European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies 9 :299-332. | |
O'Keeffe T; Virtuani P (2019) 'Reconstructing Kilmainham: the history and architecture of the chief priory of the Knights Hospitaller in Ireland, c.1170-1349'. Journal of Medieval History | |
Dr Niamh Pattwell | |
Pattwell N (2018) 'Middle English: III Religious Prose'. | |
Assoc Professor Emilie Pine | |
Leavy S; Keane M; Pine E (2019) 'Systems in language: Text analysis of government reports on the Irish industrial school system with word embedding'. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | |
Assoc Professor Douglas Smith | |
Smith D (2018) 'The Burning Library: The Paperback Revolution and the End of the Book in 1960s France'. French Studies 72 (4) :539-556.![]() |
Smith D (2019) 'Un bonheur d’Orly: the airport, modernity and nostalgia for a lost future'. Modern and Contemporary France ![]() |
Assoc Professor Michael Staunton | |
Staunton M (2018) 'Review of: The materiality of devotion in late medieval Northern Europe. Images, objects and practices. edited by Henning Laugerud, Salvador Ryan and Laura Katrine Skinnebach. Four Courts Press. Dublin, 2016'. Studia Hibernica 44 :168-169. | |
Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin | |
Uí Chollatáinh RE; Uí Chollatáin R (2019) 'Review: Patrick Pearse and the Theatre. Mac Piarais agus an Téátar'. The Irish Literary Supplement 2018 | |
Professor Graeme Warren | |
Forline L; Warren G (2019) 'Editorial: Sharing'. Hunter Gatherer Research 3 (3) :360.![]() |
Forline L; Warren G (2019) 'Subsistence matters'. Hunter Gatherer Research 3 (4) :558.![]() |
Little A; Elliott B; Collins T; Blinkhorn E; Coyne F; Warren G; Cooney G; Schulting R (2019) 'H.A.R.P.: Investigating Mesolithic landscapes of life and death at the western edge of Europe'. Antiquity 93 (368) ![]() |
Pasarić M; Warren G (2019) 'Interactions of Care and Control: Human-animal Relationships in Hunter-gatherer Communities in Near-contemporary Eastern Siberia and the Mesolithic of Northwest Europe'. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 29 (3) :465-478.![]() |
Warren G (2018) 'From Moments to Histories: A Social Archaeology of the Mesolithic?'. Journal of World Prehistory 31 (3) :421-433.![]() |
Warren G (2019) 'Comment on Conkey & Maher 'Homes for Hunters''. Current Anthropology 60 :125-125. | |
Professor Harry White | |
White H (2019) 'James Joyce and Absolute Music by Michelle Witen'. Music and Letters 99 (4) :698-700. | |
Assoc Professor Nerys Williams | |
Williams N (2018) 'Cymdogion Caled Brexit / Brexit's Hard Hit Neighbours'. O'r Pedwar Gwynt | |
Williams N (2018) 'Excerpts from 'Another Music' includes subtitles 'Gwynfor', 'A Crystal Bell,' 'Anti-Memoirist', 'Performance', and 'Scale''. Poetry Wales | |
Williams N (2019) 'Dylan thomas’s ‘return journey to swansea’: A collaborative radio poetic'. Modernist Cultures 14 (1) :88-107.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (2019) "The Question of Value in Science" In: The Annual Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg | |
Baghramian M; Kusch M (2019) Relativism: A Symposium In: The Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association | |
Dr Katherine Fama | |
Fama K (2018) The Architecture of Singleness, Modern Architecture and Narrative Seminar In: Modernist Studies Association: Graphic Modernisms, Columbus, OH | |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Gallagher M (2018) Letters from Hell: Paul Léon's Writings from August 1941 to March 1942 , James Joyce Centre, Dublin | |
Gallagher M (2018) Why on Earth do Languages Matter? , University College Dublin | |
Gallagher M (2018) 'Teaching Languages and Literature in Ireland's Global University' , University College Dublin | |
Gallagher M (2018) 'A Modest Proposal: Directing Ambition in Modern Language Learning at University' , UCC | |
Professor Lizbeth Goodman | |
Gleeson F; Coughlan P; Goodman L; Newell A; Hargaden V (2019) Improving manufacturing productivity by combining cognitive engineering and lean-six sigma methods In: Procedia CIRP, ![]() |
See ZS; Lee XS; Brimo A; Thwaites H; Goodman L (2018) MOOC for AR VR Training In: 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference, GEM 2018, ![]() |
Assoc Professor Emily Mark-Fitzgerald | |
Mark-Fitzgerald E (2018) Collecting and Interpreting Dissent: Archiving the 8th Amendment Referendum In: UK Museums Association Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland | |
Mark-Fitzgerald E (2018) The Future of Exhibiting Troubled Pasts: Institutional Histories in Ireland and Northern Ireland In: UK Museums Association Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland | |
Mark-Fitzgerald E (2018) The Monster in the Mirror: Frankenstein, Magic Lanterns, and Early Cinema (keynote paper) In: Frankenweek Conference, University of Limerick | |
Professor Diane Negra | |
Negra D (2019) Teresa Mannion and the emergence of extreme weather culture in Ireland In: Irish University Review, ![]() |
Assoc Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail M (2018) 'Gaelic south Kerry in the eighteenth century' In: Daniel O'Connell Summer School, Caherdaniel and Derrynane House, Co. Kerry | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) Improving the Atlantic World; Transatlantic Tourists and their Landscape Designs, Comparisons and Routes In: 'Moving Landscapes' Invited Symposium, The Huntington Library, The Huntington Library , San Marino, California | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) The Public Botanic Garden in the budding British Empire; The Ideal Subversive Suburban Space? In: Botanical Gardens and the Urban Future, Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, Washington DC | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Border Landscapes; Design Strategies from Ireland 1770-1922 In: The Dark Side of Design Invited Symposium, Harvard GSD, USA, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Colonial Landscapes: Design Strategies from Ireland and the Irish Caribbean In: Historical Gardens, Truth and Fiction, Landscape Study Day 2019, The Benetton Foundation, Treviso, Italy | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) Keynote: Landscapes of Pleasure? Memory Manoeuvres in Ireland’s Parks & Gardens In: ICOMOS-IFLA The Culture-Nature Spectrum: Conversations about Irish Cultural Landscapes with an International Perspective, The National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 7 | |
O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) The Design Scale of Nations In: EAHN Research Symposium Zaragoza 2019 | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2018) The Public Botanic Garden in the budding British Empire; The Ideal Subversive Suburban Space? In: 'Botanical Garden and the Urban Future', Dumbarton Oaks Symposium, Harvard, USA, Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University, Washington DC | |
Assoc Professor Emilie Pine | |
Leavy S; Pine E; Keane MT (2019) Industrial memories: Exploring the findings of government inquiries with neural word embedding and machine learning In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), ![]() |
Professor Vera Regan | |
Chamot M; Regan V; Racine I (2019) L’acquisition de la compétence sociolinguistique par les apprenants anglophones irlandais : premières données du projet IPFC-Irlande In: Journées FLORAL-(I)PFC 2019 : Les français dans le monde, Paris |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M; Drury L; O'Neill O; Origgi G; Owens S (2019) Trust Within Science: Dynamics and Norms of Knowledge Production. Berlin, Germany: All European Academies | |
Renn O; Baghramian M; Capaccioli M; de Rijcke S; Drotner K (2019) Making Sense of Science for policy under conditions of complexity and uncertainty. Berlin: SAPEA ![]() |
van Dijck J; Hermeren G; Drury L; O'Neill O; Baghramian M (2019) Trust in Science and Changing Landscapes of Communication. Berlin, Germany: All European Academies | |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Braganca M (2019) A legacy of shame: French narratives of war and occupation. : Informa UK Limited ![]() |
Professor Lizbeth Goodman | |
Goodman L (2018) Keynote: The Future for Children, made by Children. Belgrade: UNICEF | |
Professor Diane Negra | |
McIntyre A; Negra D; O'Leary E (2018) Broadcasting Irish Emigration in an era of Global Mobility. Dublin: BAI/UCD/IT Carlow |
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Other Publications
Dr Arlene Crampsie | |
Donegal County Archives; Donegal County Museum; Crampsie A (2019) Donegal, the 1918 General Election and the First Dáil. |
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Internet Publications
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith C (2019) Fergus Martin, Then and Now. Irish Museum of Modern Art, Online Magazine | |
Professor Finola O'Kane Crimmins | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'A Picturesque Tour of Killarney' article in 'Picturing Places' free educational resource site, The British Library. The British Library | |
O'Kane F; O'Kane Crimmins F (2019) 'An Irish Cabin on the Commons of Bray' article in 'Picturing Places' free educational resource site, The British Library. The British Library |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M; Martini C (2018) Special Issue on Expertise and Expert Knowledge: Social Philosophy. Taylor and Francis | |
Baghramian M; Martini C (2019) Special Issue on Experts and Expertise Part II. Social Epistemology. Taylor and Francis | |
Shook J; Baghramian M (2018) Contemporary Pragmatism, Volume 15, Issues 1-3. | |
Shook J; Baghramian M (2019) Contemporary Pragmatism Volume 16, Issue 1 and 2. |