UCD School of Politics & International Relations

UCD School of Politics & International Relations - Research Publications 2018/19

Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Politics & International Relations in the academic year 2018/19


Professor David Farrell
Farrell DM; Suiter J (2019)  Reimagining Democracy Lessons in Deliberative Democracy from the Irish Front Line.   
Professor Jennifer Todd
Todd J (2018)  Identity Change after Conflict Ethnicity, Boundaries and Belonging in the Two Irelands.  Palgrave Macmillan   

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Book Chapters

Assoc Professor Vincent Durac
Durac V (2019) 'Social Mobilization and Civil Society' In:  The Societies of the Middle East and North Africa Structures, Vulnerabilities, and Forces.New York: Routledge.   
Durac V (2018) 'Opposition party political dynamics in egypt from the 2011 revolution to sisi' In:  New Opposition in the Middle East., pp.71-96 Available Online  
Professor David Farrell
Marsh M; Farrell DM; Reidy T (2018) 'Ireland’s post-crisis election' In:  The post-crisis Irish voter.: Manchester University Press. Available Online  
Assoc Professor Iseult Honohan
Honohan I (2018) 'The ethics of family reunification' In:  The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy.Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.395-406   
Dr Joseph Lacey
Lacey J; Bellamy R (2018) 'Normative Political Theory and the European Union' In:  European Integration Theory. 3rd Edition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.   
Dr Aidan Regan
Maccarrone V; Erne R; Regan A (2019) 'Ireland: The Trajectory of Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations Reform.' In:  Collective bargaining in Europe.Brussels: ETUI. , pp.315-335   
Professor Patrick Paul Walsh
Walsh P; Murphy E; Horan D; Banerjee A (2019) 'The UN High-Level Political Forum and Parliamentary Governance for Sustainable Development' In:  Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 3 Preparing for the Heads of State Review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.New York: New Frontiers.   

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Journal Articles

Assoc Professor Samuel Brazys
(2019) 'OUP accepted manuscript'. The Chinese Journal Of International Politics  Available Online  
Professor John Coakley
Coakley J; Garry J; Matthews N; O’Leary B (2019) 'Party images in Northern Ireland: evidence from a new dataset'. Irish Political Studies 34 (1) :1-24.Available Online  
Dr James Cross
Cross JP; Greene D (2019) 'Talk is not cheap: Policy agendas, information processing, and the unusually proportional nature of European Central Bank communications policy responses'. Governance  Available Online  
Dr Stephanie Dornschneider
Dornschneider S (2019) 'High-Stakes Decision-Making Within Complex Social Environments: A Computational Model of Belief Systems in the Arab Spring'. Cognitive Science 43 (7) Available Online  
Dr Alexander Dukalskis
Dukalskis A (2019) 'Contesting Cyberspace in China: Online Expression and Authoritarian Resilience'. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 48 (4) :425-426.Available Online  
Dukalskis A; Patane C (2019) 'Justifying power: when autocracies talk about themselves and their opponents'. Contemporary Politics 25 (4) :457-478.Available Online  
Assoc Professor Vincent Durac
Durac V (2019) 'Opposition coalitions in the Middle East: Origins, demise, and afterlife?'. Mediterranean Politics 24 (4) :534-544.Available Online  
Assoc Professor Jos Elkink
Elkink JA; Quinlan S; Sinnott R (2019) 'Economic voting in EU referendums: Sociotropic versus egocentric voting in the lisbon treaty plebiscites in Ireland'. Politics and Governance 7 (2) :334-350.Available Online  
Professor David Farrell
Dryzek JS; Bächtiger A; Chambers S; Cohen J; Druckman JN; Felicetti A; Fishkin JS; Farrell DM; Fung A; Gutmann A (2019) 'The crisis of democracy and the science of deliberation'. Science 363 (6432) :1144-1146.Available Online  
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Harris C (2019) '‘Systematizing’ constitutional deliberation: the 2016–18 citizens’ assembly in Ireland'. Irish Political Studies 34 (1) :113-123.Available Online  
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Harris C; Cunningham K (2019) 'The Effects of Mixed Membership in a Deliberative Forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012–2014'. Political Studies  Available Online  
O’Malley E; Farrell DM; Suiter J (2019) 'Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change'. International Political Science Review  Available Online  
Suiter J; Farrell DM; Harris C; O’Malley E; Blandin X (2019) 'La première Convention constitutionnelle irlandaise (2013-2014) : un dispositif délibératif à forte légitimité ?'. Participations N°23 (1) :123-123.Available Online  
Professor Niamh Hardiman
Hardiman N; Spanou C; Araújo, JF; MacCarthaiagh M (2019) 'Tangling with the Troika: ‘domestic ownership’ as political and administrative engagement in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal'. Public Management Review 21 (9) :1265-1286.Available Online  
MacCarthaigh M; Hardiman N (2019) 'Exploiting conditionality: EU and international actors and post-NPM reform in Ireland'. Public Policy and Administration  Available Online  
Assoc Professor Iseult Honohan
Honohan I; Rougier N (2018) 'Global Birthright Citizenship Laws: How Inclusive?'. Netherlands International Law Review 65 (3) :337-357.Available Online  
Dr Joseph Lacey
Bellamy R; Bonotti M; Castiglione D; Lacey J; Näsström S; Owen D; White J (2019) 'The Democratic Production of Political Cohesion: Partisanship, Institutional Design and Life Form'. Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2) :282-310.Available Online  
Bellamy R; Lacey J (2018) 'Balancing the rights and duties of European and national citizens: a demoicratic approach'. Journal of European Public Policy 25 (10) :1403-1421.Available Online  
Stefano Marcuzzi
Marcuzzi S (2018) 'From the Adriatic to the Mediterranean: Italy in the Allied Naval Strategy (1915–1918)'. War in History  Available Online  
Dr Aidan Regan
Regan A (2018) 'The New Political Economy of Comparative Capitalism'. Socio-Economic Review   
Regan A; bohle D (2019) 'Business Power, Growth Models, and Politics of Comparative Capitalism: Explaining the Continuity of FDI-led Growth in Ireland and Hungary'. Politics and Society   
Regan A; Fuller G; Johnston A (2019) 'Housing Prices and Wealth Inequality in West European Politics'. West European Politics   
Dr Heidi Riley
Riley H (2019) 'Male collective identity in the People’s Liberation Army of Nepal'. International Feminist Journal of Politics 21 (4) :544-565.Available Online  
Dr Martijn Schoonvelde
de Vries E; Schoonvelde M; Schumacher G (2018) 'No Longer Lost in Translation: Evidence that Google Translate Works for Comparative Bag-of-Words Text Applications'. Political Analysis 26 (4) :417-430.Available Online  
RAUH C; BES BJ; SCHOONVELDE M (2019) 'Undermining, defusing or defending European integration? Assessing public communication of European executives in times of EU politicisation'. European Journal of Political Research  Available Online  
Schoonvelde M; Brosius A; Schumacher G; Bakker BN (2019) 'Liberals lecture, conservatives communicate: Analyzing complexity and ideology in 381,609 political speeches.'. PloS one 14 (2) :e0208450.Available Online  
Schoonvelde M; Schumacher G; Bakker BN (2019) 'Friends with text as data benefits: Assessing and extending the use of automated text analysis in political science and political psychology'. Journal of Social and Political Psychology 7 :124-143.  
TRABER D; SCHOONVELDE M; SCHUMACHER G (2019) 'Errors have been made, others will be blamed: Issue engagement and blame shifting in prime minister speeches during the economic crisis in Europe'. European Journal of Political Research  Available Online  
Professor Jennifer Todd
Todd J (2019) 'Everyday narratives, personalized memories and the remaking of national boundaries'. Innovation 32 (3) :315-330.Available Online  
Professor Ben Tonra
Tonra B (2019) 'Irish diplomacy in a time of crisis and the evolution of a ‘european’ diplomatic service'. Irish Studies in International Affairs 2019 :117-131.Available Online  
Dr Dawn Walsh
Walsh D (2019) 'Constitutional courts as arbiters of post-conflict territorial self-government: Bosnia and Macedonia'. Regional & Federal Studies 29 (1) :67-90.Available Online  
Walsh D (2019) 'Go Big or Go Home: An Appeal to Let Power-Sharing Do More Not Less'. Ethnopolitics  :1-4.Available Online  
Professor Patrick Paul Walsh
Zheng W; Walsh PP (2019) 'Economic growth, urbanization and energy consumption — A provincial level analysis of China'. Energy Economics 80 :153-162.Available Online  
Dr Eva Wegner
De Juan A; Wegner E (2019) 'Social Inequality, State-centered Grievances, and Protest: Evidence from South Africa'. Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (1) :31-58.Available Online  
Pellicer M; Piraino P; Wegner E (2019) 'Perceptions of inevitability and demand for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment'. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 159 :274-288.Available Online  
Wegner E; Pellicer M; Bayer M; Tischmeyer C (2019) 'Citizen Assessments of Clientelistic Practices in South Africa'. SPIRe Working Paper 16  

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Conference Publications

Dr Aidan Regan
Regan A (2019) Business Power, Growth Models, and Politics of Comparative Capitalism: Explaining the Continuity of FDI-led Growth in Ireland and Hungary  In: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics  
Regan A (2019) Housing and the Politics of Inequality: Homeowners as the New Wealth Owning Class in Western Europe.  In: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics  
Regan A (2019) The Politics of Legitimation in Ireland: From Social Partnership to Grand Coalitions  In: The Council for European Studies  

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Published Reports

Professor Patrick Paul Walsh
Murphy E; Walsh PP; Banerjee A; Thumser C (2019)  Sustainable Development Goals through the Lens of a Child. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs  

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Other Publications

Dr Eva Wegner
Pellicer M; Wegner E; Bayer M; Tischmeyer C (2019)  Clientelism from the Client‘s Perspective: an empirically grounded conpetual framework. SPIRe Working Paper  

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Internet Publications

Professor Ben Tonra
Tonra B (2019)  Brexit and Irish Security and Defence. UCD School of Politics and International Relations  
Dr Dawn Walsh
Walsh D (2019)  Guaranteeing Federalism in post-conflict societies’, Fifty shades of Federalism.   
Walsh D (2019)  Women in peace negotiations: An instrumentalist or justice-based argument?   

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