Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of English, Drama & Film in the academic year 2019/20.
Dr Hannah Boast | |
Boast H (2020) Hydrofictions Water, Power and Politics in Israeli and Palestinian Literature. : EUP | |
Professor Nicholas Daly | |
Daly N (2020) Ruritania A Cultural History, from The Prisoner of Zenda to the Princess Diaries. : Oxford University Press | |
Hope A (2020) The Prisoner of Zenda. : Oxford University Press, USA | |
Dr Treasa De Loughry | |
Loughry TD (2020) The Global Novel and Capitalism in Crisis Contemporary Literary Narratives. : Palgrave Macmillan | |
Professor Anne Enright | |
Enright A (2020) Actress. : Random House | |
Enright A (2020) No Authority Writings from the Laureate for Irish Fiction. : Writings from the Laureate for Irish Fiction | |
Dr Alison Garden | |
Garden A (2019) The Afterlives of Roger Casement. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press | |
Assoc Professor Jane Grogan | |
Grogan J (2020) Xenophon's 'Cyropaedia', transl. William Barker. London: Modern Humanities Research Association | |
Assoc Professor Sarah Moss | |
Moss S (2020) Summerwater. : Pan Macmillan | |
Assoc Professor Paul Perry | |
Perry P (2019) The Cyclops with Two Eyes 978-1-5272-4323-1. Ireland: Ragamuffin Press | |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) The Memory Marketplace: Witnessing Pain in Contemporary Irish and International Theatre. Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press |
Assoc Professor Lucy Collins | |
Collins L (2020) ''Avian Encounters and Moral Sentiment in Poetry from Eighteenth-Century Ireland'' In: The Eighteenth-Century Bird in Literature.London: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Dr Luca Crispi | |
Crispi L (2020) ''A French Homer in America: James Joyce, Henri Matisse and George Macy’s Limited Editions Club "Ulysses"'' In: Irish Literature in the British Context and Beyond.Oxford, England: PETER LANG. , pp.113-138 | |
Dr Finola Cronin | |
Cronin F (2019) 'Creating Tanztheater: Finding Ireland with Pina?' In: Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture.Lanham Boulder New York London: Lexington Books. , pp.103-116 | |
Professor Nicholas Daly | |
Daly N (2019) 'Popular Fiction and Culture' In: The Routledge Companion to Victorian Literature.New York: Routledge. | |
Dr Sharae Deckard | |
Deckard S (2019) '‘Terminal Insomnia’ : Sleeplessness, Labor, and Neoliberal Ecology in Karen Russell's Sleep Donation and Alex Rivera's Sleep Dealer' In: Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature.Dartmouth: University Press of New England. , pp.187-206 | |
Assoc Professor Fionnuala Dillane | |
(2020) 'British Women's Writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, Volume 2' Springer International Publishing. ![]() |
Professor Porscha Fermanis | |
Fermanis P (2020) 'British Cultures of Reading and Literary Appreciation in Nineteenth-Century Singapore’' In: The Edinburgh History of Reading Subversive Readers.Edinburgh: EUP. , pp.116-137 | |
Dr Deirdre Flynn | |
Flynn D (2019) 'The Uncanny City: Delving into the Sewers and Subconscious of Tokyo in Haruki Murakami's Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World' In: Supernatural Cities: Magic, Monsters, Memory, and Urban Anxieties.Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer. | |
Professor Anne Fogarty | |
Grogan J; Fogarty A (2019) 'Eliot, Yeats, Joyce and the Modernist Reinvention of Spenser and Donne' In: Spenser and Donne: Thinking Poets.Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
Dr Suz Garrard | |
(2020) 'The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing' Springer International Publishing. ![]() |
Assoc Professor Jane Grogan | |
Grogan J (2019) 'Ancient Persia, Early Modern England, and the Labours of Reception' In: Eastern Resonances.London: Routledge. | |
Grogan J (2020) 'Alexander the Great in Early Modern English Drama' In: Beyond Greece and Rome: The Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe.Oxford: Oxford University Press. | |
Grogan J (2020) 'Introduction' In: Beyond Greece and Rome: The Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe.Oxford: Oxford University Press. | |
Grogan J; Fogarty A (2019) 'Eliot, Yeats, Joyce and the Modernist Reinvention of Spenser and Donne' In: Spenser and Donne: Thinking Poets.Manchester: Manchester University Press. | |
Dr Clare Hayes-Brady | |
(2020) '21st Century US Historical Fiction' Springer International Publishing. ![]() |
Hayes-Brady C (2020) '“Everyone, We Are Dead!”: (Hi)story and Power in George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo' In: 21st Century US Historical Fiction. Springer International Publishing. , pp.73-91 ![]() |
Hayes-Brady C (2020) 'George Saunders and Historical Fiction (title TBD)' In: 21st Century US Historical Fiction: Contemporary Responses to the Past.London: Palgrave Macmillan. | |
Professor Margaret Kelleher | |
Kelleher M (2020) 'Curriculum to Canon: Irish writing and education, 1940-1980' In: Irish Literature in Transition, 1940-1980.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.344-358 | |
Kelleher M (2020) 'Famine and Ecology, 1750-1900' In: An Environmental History of Irish Literature.Cambridge University Press: Cambridge University Press. | |
Kelleher M (2020) 'Literature and Public Value, 1980-2020' In: Irish Literature in Transition: 1980-2020.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.375-391 | |
Dr Anthony McIntyre | |
McIntyre A (2020) 'James McClean's Poppy Protest and the Cultural Politics of Diasporic Non-Assimilation' In: Sport, The Media and Ireland: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Cork: Cork University Press. , pp.280-293 | |
Negra D; McIntyre A (2020) 'Ireland Inc.' In: Handook of Irish Studies.New York: Routledge. | |
Professor Gerardine Meaney | |
Meaney G; Gudmundsdottir G (2020) 'Introduction: Noir in the North' In: Noir in the North.New York: Bloomsbury Academic. | |
Dr Anne Mulhall | |
Mulhall A (2020) 'Arrivals: Inward Migration and Irish Life' In: Irish Literature in Transition: 1980-2020: Volume 6.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |
Mulhall A (2020) 'Queer Narrative' In: The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies.New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |
Professor Diane Negra | |
Negra D (2020) '“Age Disproportion in the Post-Epitaph Chick Flick: Reading The Proposal.”' In: Cross Generational Relationships and Cinema.Basingstoke UK: Palgrave. | |
Negra D (2020) 'Ivanka Trump and the New Plutocratic (Post) Feminism' In: Trump's America: Political Culture and National Identity.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. | |
Negra D; McIntyre A (2020) 'Ireland Inc.' In: Handook of Irish Studies.New York: Routledge. | |
Assoc Professor Niamh Pattwell | |
(2019) 'Abbreviations' Oxford University Press (OUP). , pp.xiii-lxxxvi ![]() |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) 'Call for Help' In: Fifty Years of Sunday Miscellany.Dublin: New Island. | |
Pine E (2019) 'Modes of Witnessing and Ireland’s Institutional History' In: Irish Literature in Transition 1980-2020.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |
Pine E (2019) 'Repeating the Mistakes of the Past' In: Correspondences: An anthology to call for an end to direct provision.Dublin: Sprint. | |
Pine E (2020) 'Mary' Raftery's No Escape: An Introduction' In: Irish Documentary Theatre.London: Bloomsbury. | |
Dr Martha Shearer | |
Shearer M (2020) ''British People are Awful’: Gentrification, Queerness and Race in the US-UK Romances of Looking and You're the Worst' In: Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture.Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.91-105 | |
Shearer M (2020) 'The Secret Beyond the Door: Daria Nicolodi and Suspiria’s Multiple Authorship' In: Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre.New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. , pp.47-59 |
Professor Nicholas Daly | |
Daly N (Ed.). (2020) The Prisoner of Zenda, by Anthony Hope. Oxford: Oxford World's Classics | |
Assoc Professor Jane Grogan | |
Grogan J (Ed.). (2020) Beyond Greece and Rome: The Ancient Near East in Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press | |
Dr Anne Mulhall | |
Mulhall A; Khambule L; Bochorishvili I (Ed.). (2019) MASI Journal - Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland. Dublin: MASI - Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland | |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
McAuliffe M (Ed.). (2020) Legacies of the Magdalen Laundries: Commemoration, Gender and Systems of Abuse. Manchester: Manchester University Press |
Dr Hannah Boast | |
Boast H (2020) 'Borrowed waters: water crisis and water justice in Rita Wong’s undercurrent'. Textual Practice ![]() |
Boast H (2020) 'The Water Wars Novel'. Humanities 9 (3) :76-76.![]() |
Professor John Brannigan | |
Brannigan J (2020) 'Shape, balance, innovation (2010–2016)'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :28-32.![]() |
Brannigan J; Ryfield F; Crowe T; Cabana D (2019) '“The Languo of Flows”'. Environmental Humanities 11 (2) :280-301.![]() |
Cabana D; Ryfield F; Crowe TP; Brannigan J (2020) 'Evaluating and communicating cultural ecosystem services'. Ecosystem Services 42 ![]() |
Dr Ailise Bulfin | |
Bulfin A (2020) '‘Monster, give me my child’: How the myth of the paedophile as a monstrous stranger took shape in emerging discourses on child sexual abuse in late nineteenth-century Britain'. Nineteenth-Century Contexts: an interdisciplinary journal | |
Bulfin A (2020) 'The International Circulation and Impact of Invasion Fiction'. Critical Survey 32 (43862) :159-192.![]() |
Bulfin A; Wood H (2020) 'Introduction 'William le Queux, Master of Misinformation''. Critical Survey 32 (43862) :1-16.![]() |
Professor Danielle Clarke | |
Clarke D (2020) 'Life writing for the counter-reformation: The english translation and reception of teresa de ávila's autobiography'. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 50 (1) :75-94.![]() |
Assoc Professor Lucy Collins | |
Collins L (2020) 'Hidden collections: The value of Irish literary archives'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :187-197.![]() |
Dr Luca Crispi | |
Crispi L (2020) ''Paul Léon and the Publication of "The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies"''. Joyce Studies Annual (2019) :125-161. | |
Crispi L (2020) '‘The Afterlives of Joyce’s “Alphabetical Notebook” from "A Portrait" to "Ulysses" (1910–20)’'. Genetic Joyce Studies (20) | |
Dr Sharae Deckard | |
Deckard S; Oloff K (2020) '“The One Who Comes from the Sea”: Marine Crisis and the New Oceanic Weird in Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé (2015)'. Humanities 9 (3) :86-86.![]() |
Assoc Professor Fionnuala Dillane | |
Dillane F (2020) 'George Eliot's Precarious Afterlives'. 19: interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century 29 :1-28.![]() |
Professor Porscha Fermanis | |
Fermanis P (2020) 'British Creoles: Nationhood, Identity, and Romantic Geopolitics in Robert Southey's History of Brazil'. Review of English Studies 71 (299) :307-327.![]() |
Fermanis P (2020) 'Capital, conversion, and settler colonialism in Samuel Butler's Erewhon'. Journal of Victorian Culture 25 (3) :424-442.![]() |
Professor Anne Fogarty | |
Fogarty A (2020) 'Widening the discussion (2003–2009)'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :23-27.![]() |
Assoc Professor Jane Grogan | |
Grogan J (2020) 'Colin clout (Again)'. Spenser Studies 34 (1) :195-204.![]() |
Dr Clare Hayes-Brady | |
Barrett E; Dickson M; Hayes-Brady C; Wheelock H (2020) 'Storytelling and Poetry in the time of Coronavirus'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine ![]() |
Professor Margaret Kelleher | |
Kelleher M (2020) 'Irish Culture(s): Hyphenated, Bilingual, or Plurilingual?'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :143-152.![]() |
Dr Megan Kuster | |
Kuster M (2020) 'Domestic Settler Colonialism in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Old Tar’ and ‘The Garden Party’'. Tinakori: Critical Journal of the Katherine Mansfield Society Summer (2020) :48-59. | |
Dr Conor Linnie | |
Linnie C (2020) 'The Poetics of Print: The Private Press Tradition and Irish Poetry'. New Hibernia Review 24 (1) :39-58.![]() |
Dr Anthony McIntyre | |
McIntyre AP (2020) 'Gendering Cuteness'. :1-6.![]() |
Negra D; McIntyre AP (2020) 'Ireland Inc.: The corporatization of affective life in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland'. International Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (1) :60-80.![]() |
Negra D; McIntyre AP; O’Leary E (2019) 'Broadcasting Irish emigration in an era of global mobility'. European Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (43987) :849-866.![]() |
Dr Anne Mulhall | |
Mulhall A (2020) 'The ends of Irish studies? On whiteness, academia, and activism'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :94-111.![]() |
Professor Diane Negra | |
Negra D (2020) 'Pandemic Television'. Film Criticism 44 (4) | |
Negra D; Leyda J (2020) 'Querying ‘Karen’: The rise of the angry white woman'. European Journal of Cultural Studies ![]() |
Negra D; McIntyre AP (2020) 'Ireland Inc.: The corporatization of affective life in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland'. International Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (1) :60-80.![]() |
Negra D; McIntyre AP; O’Leary E (2019) 'Broadcasting Irish emigration in an era of global mobility'. European Journal of Cultural Studies 22 (43987) :849-866.![]() |
Dr Cormac O'Brien | |
O'Brien C (2020) 'HIV and AIDS in Irish Theatre: Queer Masculinities, Punishment, and 'Post-AIDS' Culture.'. The Journal of medical humanities 41 (2) :123-136.![]() |
Dr Harvey O'Brien | |
O'Brien H (2020) 'Getting on with the Extra Ordinary'. Estudios Irlandeses : Journal of Irish Studies 15 :302-304. | |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Gimson S; Pine E; Shafak E; Hudson K; Hytner N (2019) 'Cries from the last century and lessons for today: Nadine Gordimer, Václav Havel, Samuel Beckett and Arthur Miller all wrote for Index. We asked modern day writers Elif Shafak, Kerry Hudson and Emilie Pine plus theatre director Nicholas Hytner why the writing is still relevant'. Index on Censorship 48 (3) :63-67.![]() |
Leavy S; Keane MT; Pine E (2019) 'Patterns in language: Text analysis of government reports on the Irish industrial school system with word embedding'. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34 :I110-I122.![]() |
Pine E (2019) 'Walks of Experience: Taking and Making Digital Audio Tours: digital interventions in the memory and cityscapes of Tel Aviv and Dublin'. Theatre Research International | |
Pine E (2020) 'Criticism, diversity, openness: Irish studies now'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :1-5.![]() |
Pine E; Casserly MAEVE; Lane TOM (2020) 'Walks of Experience: Site-Specific Performance Walks, Active Listening and Uncomfortable Witnessing'. Theatre Research International :22-36.![]() |
Pine E; Leavy S; Keane MT (2020) 'Visualizing the Transfers of Abusers in the 2009 Ryan Report'. Eire-Ireland 55 (43862) :247-251.![]() |
Dr Emma Radley | |
Radley E (2020) 'Memory as Trauma: Cellar Door (Viko Nikci, 2018)'. Estudios Irlandeses : Journal of Irish Studies (15) :321-324. | |
Dr Martha Shearer | |
Shearer M (2020) 'The Comedy of Redevelopment: Romantic Comedy, Real Estate, and the ‘New’ Times Square'. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 60 (2) :105-128. | |
Assoc Professor Rebecca Stephenson | |
Norris R; Trilling RR; Stephenson R (2020) 'A Feminist Renaissance in Early Medieval English Studies'. English Studies 101 (1) :1-5.![]() |
Stephenson R (2020) 'Judith as Spiritual Warrior: Female Models of Monastic Masculinity in Ælfric’s Judith and Byrhtferth’s Enchiridion'. English Studies 101 (1) :79-95.![]() |
Stephenson R; Trilling R; Norris R (2020) 'Introduction'. English Studies 101 (1) | |
Assoc Professor Nerys Williams | |
Williams N (2020) 'On Not Knowing Osi Rhys Osmond'. Planet: The Welsh Internationalist 239 :53-54. | |
Williams N; Paul C (2020) ''Cwl Cymru"- Nerys Williams Interviewed by Cris Paul'. Poetry Wales 56 (1) :34-38. |
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Conference Publications
Dr Katherine Fama | |
Fama K (2019) “Feeling Like a Queen”: Household Passions in Single Domestic Fiction In: Carving Out a Space for the History of Emotions in Ireland, Humanities Institute, University College Dublin | |
Dr Megan Kuster | |
Kuster M (2020) Accessing Indigenous Collectors of Moa Fossils through Colonial Archives In: Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies, Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies Conference; Cambridge University. | |
Kuster M (2020) Differentiated Labour and Naming as a Proxy Issue in Nineteenth-Century Colonial New Zealand Natural History In: Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS), The Green Conference. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS), Los Angeles, CA | |
Kuster M (2020) Differentiated Labour and the Commodity Value of “Discovery” in Nineteenth-Century Colonial New Zealand Natural History Collecting In: Colonial Knowledges, Colonial Knowledges Conference; University of Manchester | |
Professor Gerardine Meaney | |
Greene D; Wade K; Leavy S; Meaney G (2020) CuratR: A platform for exploring and curating historical text corpora In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ![]() |
Leavy S; Meaney G; Wade K; Greene D (2020) Mitigating gender bias in machine learning data sets In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, ![]() |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) INVITED LECTURE National Theatre London: Brian Friel and Memory In: National Theatre London, | |
Pine E (2020) The Gerson Lecture, University of Connecticut In: Annual Gerson Lecture, | |
Dr Karen Wade | |
Greene D; Wade K; Leavy S; Meaney G (2020) CuratR: A platform for exploring and curating historical text corpora In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ![]() |
Leavy S; Meaney G; Wade K; Greene D (2020) Mitigating gender bias in machine learning data sets In: Communications in Computer and Information Science, ![]() |
Assoc Professor Nerys Williams | |
Williams N (2019) 'Exchanges between observation and mobility in Catherine Walsh's Lyric' In: The Role of Actor and Spectator (UC Berkeley HSSA Symposium), University of California Berkeley | |
Williams N (2019) Situating the poetry of Catherine Walsh In: American Conference for Irish Studies, Portland, Oregon |
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Other Publications
Dr Ailise Bulfin | |
Taylor A; Matin M; Holman B; Wood H; Stearn R; Bulfin A (2020) Double Edited Special Issue: William Le Queux, Master of Misinformation: Populism, Invasion Scares and War Propaganda in Britain, 1880–1920. Critical Survey | |
Professor Anne Enright | |
Enright A (2020) Night Swim. New Yorker | |
Professor Diane Negra | |
Negra D; Mary H; Suzanne L (2020) Romance in the Time of Coronavirus. SCMS+ | |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) On Being a Workaholic. Elle UK | |
Assoc Professor Rebecca Stephenson | |
Stephenson R; Trilling R; Norris R (2020) A Feminist Renaissance in Anglo-Saxon Studies. English Studies |
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Internet Publications
Assoc Professor Lucy Collins | |
Collins L (2020) "Interview - Research Pioneers 5: Lucy Collins". Irish Women's Writing Network | |
Dr Treasa De Loughry | |
De Loughry T (2020) Mad Cows and Eco-Pandemic Irish Literature. | |
Dr Adam Kelly | |
Kelly A (2020) The Shock of Recognition: Reading American Fiction in Celtic Tiger Ireland. Irish Journal of American Studies | |
Dr Megan Kuster | |
Kuster M (2019) Blog: Indigenous Plant Collectors and the Making of European Natural History in Nineteenth-Century New Zealand. | |
Kuster M (2020) Blog: Kristofer M. Ray on Cherokees, Europeans, and Empire in the Trans-Appalachian West, 1670-1774. | |
Kuster M (2020) Blog: Review of the Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies Conference, Cambridge 24-25 January 2020. | |
Dr Conor Linnie | |
Linnie C (2019) Andrew Neville: Up on the Hill. CIRCA Art Magazine | |
Linnie C (2019) From Dun Emer to Dolmen: A History of Irish Small Presses. The Irish Times | |
Linnie C (2019) The Poetics of Print: The Private Press Tradition and Irish Poetry, A Digital Exhibition. | |
Dr Harvey O'Brien | |
O'Brien H (2020) Playing With Dead Things. Zombie Studies Network, UCD | |
Professor Emilie Pine | |
Pine E (2019) VOGUE: A Childless Woman is Not a Tragic Figure. VOGUE UK | |
Dr Martha Shearer | |
Shearer M (2020) Review: Cats (Tom Hooper, 2019). |