Dr Julia Backmann |
Backmann J; Kanitz R; Tian AW; Hoffmann P; Hoegl M (2020) 'Cultural gap bridging in multinational teams'. Journal of International Business Studies 51 (8) :1283-1311. |
Grass A; Backmann J; Hoegl M (2020) 'From Empowerment Dynamics to Team Adaptability: Exploring and Conceptualizing the Continuous Agile Team Innovation Process'. Journal of Product Innovation Management 37 (4) :324-351. |
Wimmer J; Backmann J; Hoegl M (2019) 'In or Out? Exploring the Inconsistency and Permeability of Team Boundaries'. Small Group Research 50 (6) :699-727. |
Dr Darren Thomas Baker |
Baker DT; Brewis DN (2020) 'The melancholic subject: A study of self-blame as a gendered and neoliberal psychic response to loss of the ‘perfect worker’'. Accounting, Organizations and Society 82  |
Professor Anthony Brabazon |
Agapitos A; Loughran R; Nicolau M; Lucas S; O'Neill M; Brabazon A (2019) 'A survey of statistical machine learning elements in genetic programming'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23 (6) :1029-1048. |
Brabazon A; Kampouridis M; O’Neill M (2020) 'Applications of genetic programming to finance and economics: past, present, future'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 21 (43862) :33-53. |
Brabazon A; McGarraghy S (2020) 'Slime mould foraging: An inspiration for algorithmic design'. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 11 (1) :30-45. |
Dr Clare Branigan |
Branigan C; Muckley C; Ryan P (2019) 'Getting it right or getting it cursed: Auction prices in a residential real estate bubble'. European Financial Management 25 (5) :1121-1149. |
Professor Niamh Brennan |
Brennan NM (2020) 'Directors’ responsibilities, accountability, and business judgment: The pierse contracting case'. Issues in Accounting Education 35 (1) :25-41. |
Brennan NM; Subramaniam N; van Staden CJ (2019) 'Corporate governance implications of disruptive technology: An overview'. British Accounting Review 51 (6)  |
Cullen MM; Brennan NM (2020) 'Grounded theory: Description, divergences and application'. Accounting, Finance & Governance Review |
Ward AM; Brennan NM (2020) 'Developing a student-doctoral education fit analytical model to assess performance'. Studies in Higher Education 45 (7) :1448-1460. |
Ward AM; Gorman L; Brennan NM (2020) 'Analytical framework and student perceptions: Assessing the quality of doctoral education in accounting in Ireland,'. Accounting, Finance & Governance Review 25 (43862) :51-82. |
Dr Paula Carroll |
Fahey W; Jeffers P; Carroll P (2020) 'A business analytics approach to augment six sigma problem solving: A biopharmaceutical manufacturing case study'. Computers in Industry 116  |
Kerr C; Hoare T; Carroll P; Mareček J (2020) 'Integer programming ensemble of temporal relations classifiers'. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 34 (2) :533-562. |
Mr Roberto Chavez |
Yu W; Chavez R; Feng M; Wong CY; Fynes B (2020) 'Green human resource management and environmental cooperation: An ability-motivation-opportunity and contingency perspective'. International Journal of Production Economics 219 :224-235. |
Yu W; Chavez R; Jacobs M; Wong CY (2020) 'Innovativeness and lean practices for triple bottom line: testing of fit-as-mediation versus fit-as-moderation models'. International Journal of Operations and Production Management  |
Yu W; Jacobs MA; Chavez R; Yang J (2019) 'Dynamism, disruption orientation, and resilience in the supply chain and the impacts on financial performance: A dynamic capabilities perspective'. International Journal of Production Economics 218 :352-362. |
Mr Theodor Cojoianu |
(2020) 'Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus'. Environmental and Resource Economics 76 (4) :447-517. |
Ascui F; Cojoianu TF (2019) 'Implementing natural capital credit risk assessment in agricultural lending'. Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (6) :1234-1249. |
Cojoianu TF; Clark GL; Hoepner AGF; Pažitka V; Wójcik D (2020) 'Fin vs. tech: are trust and knowledge creation key ingredients in fintech start-up emergence and financing?'. Small Business Economics  |
Cojoianu TF; Clark GL; Hoepner AGF; Veneri P; Wójcik D (2020) 'Entrepreneurs for a low carbon world: How environmental knowledge and policy shape the creation and financing of green start-ups'. Research Policy 49 (6)  |
Cojoianu TF; Collins E; Hoepner AGF; Magill D; O’Neill T; Schneider FI (2020) 'In the Name of COVID-19: Is the ECB Fuelling the Climate Crisis?'. Environmental and Resource Economics  |
Assoc Professor Thomas Conlon |
Conlon T; Cotter J; Molyneux P (2020) 'Beyond common equity: The influence of secondary capital on bank insolvency risk'. Journal of Financial Stability 47  |
Conlon T; McGee R (2020) 'Safe haven or risky hazard? Bitcoin during the Covid-19 bear market'. Finance Research Letters 35  |
Conlon T; McGee RJ (2020) 'Betting on Bitcoin: Does gambling volume on the blockchain explain Bitcoin price changes?'. Economics Letters 191  |
Professor John Cotter |
Conlon T; Cotter J; Molyneux P (2020) 'Beyond common equity: The influence of secondary capital on bank insolvency risk'. Journal of Financial Stability 47  |
Cotter J; Suurlaht A (2019) 'Spillovers in risk of financial institutions'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1765-1792. |
Dr Mel Devine |
Lynch M; Devine MT; Bertsch V (2019) 'The role of power-to-gas in the future energy system: Market and portfolio effects'. Energy 185 :1197-1209. |
Lynch M; Nolan S; Devine MT; O'Malley M (2019) 'The impacts of demand response participation in capacity markets'. Applied Energy 250 :444-451. |
Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington |
Dowling-Hetherington L (2020) 'Transnational Higher Education and the Factors Influencing Student Decision-Making: The Experience of an Irish University'. Journal of Studies in International Education 24 (3) :291-313. |
Dowling-Hetherington L; Glowatz M; McDonald E; Dempsey A (2020) 'Business students’ experiences of technology tools and applications in higher education'. International Journal of Training and Development 24 (1) :22-39. |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline'.  |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline.'. HRB open research 3 :24. |
Professor Gerardine Doyle |
Browne S; Kechadi MT; O'Donnell S; Dow M; Tully L; Doyle G; O'Malley G (2020) 'Mobile health apps in pediatric obesity treatment: Process outcomes from a feasibility study of a multicomponent intervention'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
Doyle G; Browne S; Kechadi T; O'Donnell S; Tully L; O'Malley G (2020) 'Using mHealth apps with children in treatment for obesity: Process outcomes from a feasibility study,'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e16925) (7)  |
Gibney S; Brunton L; Ryan C; Doyle G; Rowlnads G (2020) 'The impact of increasing health literacy on health inequalities: evidence from a national population survey in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (5891)  |
Gibney S; Bruton L; Ryan C; Doyle G; Rowlands G (2020) 'Increasing health literacy may reduce health inequalities: Evidence from a national population survey in ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (16) :1-17. |
Jackson AD; Kirwan L; Gibney S; Jeleniewska P; Fletcher G; Doyle G (2020) 'Associations between health literacy and patient outcomes in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis'. European Journal of Public Health 30 (1) :112-118. |
Quigley E; Michel A-S; Doyle G (2020) 'Vignette-Based Interviewing in the Health Care Space: A Robust Method of Vignette Development'.  |
Quigley E; O’Donnell S; Doyle G (2020) 'Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Collecting Patient-Level Health Care Costs'.  |
Dr Quinn Dupont |
Finn M; DuPont Q (2020) 'From closed world discourse to digital utopianism: the changing face of responsible computing at Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (1981–1992)'. Internet Histories 4 (1) :6-31. |
Dr Paul Ennis |
Kavanagh D; Ennis PJ (2020) 'Cryptocurrencies and the emergence of blockocracy'. Information Society 36 (5) :290-300. |
Professor Roland Erne |
Erne R (2020) 'Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Regime: Methodological Challenges and Innovations of a New Research Agenda'. Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations -Deventer then the Hague- 107 :93-98. |
Jordan J; Maccarrone V; Erne R (2020) 'Towards a Socialization of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU Labour Policy Interventions in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Romania (2009–2019)'. British Journal of Industrial Relations  |
Stan S; Erne R; Gannon S (2020) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east–west mobility, and the failed promise of European social integration'. Journal of European Social Policy Online first  |
Dr Annunziata Esposito Amideo |
Amideo AE; Starita S; Scaparra MP (2019) 'Assessing protection strategies for urban rail transit systems: A case-study on the Central London Underground'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (22)  |
Esposito Amideo A; Scaparra MP; Kotiadis K (2019) 'Optimising shelter location and evacuation routing operations: The critical issues'. European Journal of Operational Research 279 (2) :279-295. |
Dr Majella Fahy |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline'.  |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline.'. HRB open research 3 :24. |
Professor Brian Fynes |
Onofrei G; Fynes B; Nguyen H; Azadnia AH (2020) 'Quality and lean practices synergies: A swift even flow perspective'. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management  |
Onofrei G; Nguyen HM; Zhang M; Fynes B (2020) 'Building supply chain relational capital: The impact of supplier and customer leveraging on innovation performance'. Business Strategy and the Environment  |
Yu W; Chavez R; Feng M; Wong CY; Fynes B (2020) 'Green human resource management and environmental cooperation: An ability-motivation-opportunity and contingency perspective'. International Journal of Production Economics 219 :224-235. |
Professor Susi Geiger |
Geiger S (2020) 'Silicon Valley, disruption, and the end of uncertainty'. Journal of Cultural Economy 13 (2) :169-184. |
Mountford N; Geiger S (2020) 'Duos and Duels in Field Evolution: How Governments and Interorganizational Networks Relate'. Organization Studies 41 (4) :499-522. |
Wei R; Geiger S; Vize R (2019) 'A platform approach in solution business: How platform openness can be used to control solution networks'. Industrial Marketing Management 83 :251-265. |
Professor Patrick Gibbons |
Garzón-Vico A; Rosier J; Gibbons P; McNamara P (2020) 'The Impact of Failure and Success Experience on Drug Development'. Journal of Product Innovation Management 37 (1) :74-96. |
Wang R; Gibbons P (2020) 'Understanding managerial ambidexterity: a people–situation interaction approach'. Journal of Strategy and Management  |
Mr Matthias Glowatz |
(2020) 'COVID-19: 20 countries’ higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses'. 1 3 (1)  |
Dowling-Hetherington L; Glowatz M; McDonald E; Dempsey A (2020) 'Business students’ experiences of technology tools and applications in higher education'. International Journal of Training and Development 24 (1) :22-39. |
Dr Tom Gormley |
Teague P; Roche W; Currie D; Gormley T (2020) 'Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ireland and the US Model'. ILR Review 73 (2) :345-365. |
Assoc Professor Ciaran Heavey |
Heavey C; Simsek Z; Kyprianou C; Risius M (2020) 'How do strategic leaders engage with social media? A theoretical framework for research and practice'. Strategic Management Journal 41 (8) :1490-1527. |
Professor Andreas Hoepner |
Brooks C; Hoepner AGF; McMillan D; Vivian A; Wese Simen C (2019) 'Financial data science: the birth of a new financial research paradigm complementing econometrics?'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1627-1636. |
Cojoianu TF; Clark GL; Hoepner AGF; Pažitka V; Wójcik D (2020) 'Fin vs. tech: are trust and knowledge creation key ingredients in fintech start-up emergence and financing?'. Small Business Economics  |
Cojoianu TF; Clark GL; Hoepner AGF; Veneri P; Wójcik D (2020) 'Entrepreneurs for a low carbon world: How environmental knowledge and policy shape the creation and financing of green start-ups'. Research Policy 49 (6)  |
Cojoianu TF; Collins E; Hoepner AGF; Magill D; O’Neill T; Schneider FI (2020) 'In the Name of COVID-19: Is the ECB Fuelling the Climate Crisis?'. Environmental and Resource Economics  |
Professor Donncha Kavanagh |
Burton N; Kavanagh D; Brigham M (2019) 'Religion, organization and company law–a case study of a Quaker business'. Management and Organizational History 14 (4) :317-336. |
Kavanagh D (2020) 'James March in Irvine: A history of the ahistorical in organisation theory'. Management Learning 51 (1) :35-54. |
Kavanagh D; Cusack M (2020) 'From performativity to normativity: the Gaelic Athletic Association as a case in point'. Culture and Organization  |
Kavanagh D; Ennis PJ (2020) 'Cryptocurrencies and the emergence of blockocracy'. Information Society 36 (5) :290-300. |
Kavanagh D; Miscione G (2019) 'Carnival in the global village: Re-imagining information infrastructures'. Information Society 35 (5) :299-313. |
Professor Anne Keegan |
Akkermans J; Keegan A; Huemann M; Ringhofer C (2020) 'Crafting Project Managers’ Careers: Integrating the Fields of Careers and Project Management'. Project Management Journal 51 (2) :135-153. |
Francis H; Keegan A (2020) 'The Ethics of Engagement in an Age of Austerity: A Paradox Perspective'. Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3) :593-607. |
Assoc Professor Peter Keenan |
Crowley J; Heavin C; Keenan P; Power D (2020) 'CDSS and DSS: shared roots and divergent paths'. Journal of Decision Systems  |
Keenan P (2020) 'Bibliographic analysis of operations research citation in the environmental domain'. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology 12 (2) :67-79. |
Rabiei-Dastjerdi H; McArdle G; Matthews SA; Keenan P (2020) 'Gap analysis in decision support systems for real-estate in the era of the digital earth'. International Journal of Digital Earth  |
Professor Mary Lambkin-Coyle |
Rahman M; Rodríguez-Serrano MÁ; Lambkin M (2019) 'Brand equity and firm performance: the complementary role of corporate social responsibility'. Journal of Brand Management 26 (6) :691-704. |
Rahman M; Rodríguez-Serrano MÁ; Lambkin M (2020) 'Advertising efficiency and profitability: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry'. Industrial Marketing Management 89 :619-629. |
Dr Sha Liu |
Han J; Huang Y; Liu S; Towey K (2020) 'Artificial intelligence for anti-money laundering: a review and extension'. Digital Finance  |
Liu S; Han J (2020) 'Media tone and expected stock returns'. International Review of Financial Analysis 70  |
Dr Roisin Loughran |
Agapitos A; Loughran R; Nicolau M; Lucas S; O'Neill M; Brabazon A (2019) 'A survey of statistical machine learning elements in genetic programming'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23 (6) :1029-1048. |
Assoc Professor James McDermott |
Mauceri S; Sweeney J; McDermott J (2020) 'Dissimilarity-based representations for one-class classification on time series'. Pattern Recognition 100  |
McDermott J (2020) 'When and Why Metaheuristics Researchers can Ignore “No Free Lunch” Theorems'. SN Computer Science 1 (1)  |
Dr Sean McGarraghy |
Brabazon A; McGarraghy S (2020) 'Slime mould foraging: An inspiration for algorithmic design'. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 11 (1) :30-45. |
McGarraghy S; Brabazon A (2020) 'Slime mould foraging: an inspiration for algorithmic design'. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 11 (1) :30-30. |
Dr Richard McGee |
Conlon T; McGee R (2020) 'Safe haven or risky hazard? Bitcoin during the Covid-19 bear market'. Finance Research Letters 35  |
Conlon T; McGee RJ (2020) 'Betting on Bitcoin: Does gambling volume on the blockchain explain Bitcoin price changes?'. Economics Letters 191  |
Goodell JW; McGee RJ; McGroarty F (2020) 'Election uncertainty, economic policy uncertainty and financial market uncertainty: A prediction market analysis'. Journal of Banking and Finance 110  |
Assoc Professor Colm McLaughlin |
Chang C; Colfer B; Geelan T; Harney B; Huang W; McLaughlin C; Trevor J; Wood AJ; Wright CF (2019) 'William Arthur (Willy) Brown: 22 April 1945–1 August 2019'. The Economic and Labour Relations Review 30 (4) :465-466. |
Dr Gianluca Miscione |
Kavanagh D; Miscione G (2019) 'Carnival in the global village: Re-imagining information infrastructures'. Information Society 35 (5) :299-313. |
Zavolokina L; Miscione G; Schwabe G (2020) 'Buyers of ‘lemons’: How can a blockchain platform address buyers’ needs in the market for ‘lemons’?'. Electronic Markets 30 (2) :227-239. |
Ziolkowski R; Miscione G; Schwabe G (2020) 'Decision Problems in Blockchain Governance: Old Wine in New Bottles or Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes?'. Journal of Management Information Systems 37 (2) :316-348. |
Dr Maxim Miterev |
Miterev M; Jerbrant A; Feldmann A (2020) 'Exploring the alignment between organization designs and value processes over the program lifecycle'. International Journal of Project Management 38 (2) :112-123. |
Professor Cal Muckley |
Branigan C; Muckley C; Ryan P (2019) 'Getting it right or getting it cursed: Auction prices in a residential real estate bubble'. European Financial Management 25 (5) :1121-1149. |
Dechezleprêtre A; Muckley CB; Neelakantan P (2020) 'Is firm-level clean or dirty innovation valued more?'. European Journal of Finance :1-31. |
Goyal A; Jategaonkar SP; Muckley CB (2020) 'Why do privatized firms pay higher dividends?'. Journal of Corporate Finance 60  |
Kumar G; Muckley CB; Pham L; Ryan D (2019) 'Can alert models for fraud protect the elderly clients of a financial institution?'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1683-1707. |
Dr Miguel Nicolau |
Agapitos A; Loughran R; Nicolau M; Lucas S; O'Neill M; Brabazon A (2019) 'A survey of statistical machine learning elements in genetic programming'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23 (6) :1029-1048. |
Nicolau M; Agapitos A (2020) 'Choosing function sets with better generalisation performance for symbolic regression models'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines  |
Professor Michael O'Neill |
Agapitos A; Loughran R; Nicolau M; Lucas S; O'Neill M; Brabazon A (2019) 'A survey of statistical machine learning elements in genetic programming'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 23 (6) :1029-1048. |
Brabazon A; Kampouridis M; O’Neill M (2020) 'Applications of genetic programming to finance and economics: past, present, future'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 21 (43862) :33-53. |
Loughran R; O’Neill M (2020) 'Evolutionary music: applying evolutionary computation to the art of creating music'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 21 (43862) :55-85. |
O’Neill M; Spector L (2020) 'Automatic programming: The open issue?'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 21 (43862) :251-262. |
Saber T; Gandibleux X; O’Neill M; Murphy L; Ventresque A (2020) 'A comparative study of multi-objective machine reassignment algorithms for data centres'. Journal of Heuristics 26 (1) :119-150. |
Dr Conall O'Sullivan |
O’Sullivan C; Papavassiliou VG (2020) 'On the term structure of liquidity in the European sovereign bond market'. Journal of Banking & Finance 114 :105777-105777. |
Dr Alessia Paccagnini |
Cardani R; Paccagnini A; Villa S (2019) 'Forecasting with instabilities: An application to DSGE models with financial frictions'. Journal of Macroeconomics 61  |
Colombo V; Paccagnini A (2020) 'Does the credit supply shock have asymmetric effects on macroeconomic variables?'. Economics Letters 188  |
Masolo RM; Paccagnini A (2019) 'Identifying Noise Shocks: A VAR with Data Revisions'. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 51 (8) :2145-2172. |
Professor Mark Pagell |
Ellram LM; Harland CM; van Weele A; Essig M; Johnsen T; Nassimbeni G; Pagell M; van Raaij E; Rozemeijer F; Tate WL (2020) 'Purchasing and supply management's identity: Crisis? What crisis?'. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (1)  |
Flynn B; Pagell M; Fugate B (2020) 'From the Editors: Introduction to the Emerging Discourse Incubator on the Topic of Emerging Approaches for Developing Supply Chain Management Theory'. Journal of Supply Chain Management 56 (2) :3-6. |
Johnston D; Pagell M; Veltri A; Klassen R (2020) 'Values-in-action that support safe production'. Journal of Safety Research 72 :75-91. |
Meqdadi O; Johnsen TE; Pagell M (2020) 'Relationship configurations for procuring from social enterprises'. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40 (6) :819-845. |
Miller J; Davis-Sramek B; Fugate BS; Pagell M; Flynn BB (2020) 'Editorial Commentary: Addressing Confusion in the Diffusion of Archival Data Research'. Journal of Supply Chain Management  |
Pagell M (2020) 'Replication without repeating ourselves: Addressing the replication crisis in operations and supply chain management research'. Journal of Operations Management  |
Pagell M; Flynn B; Fugate B (2019) 'Call for Papers for the 2020 Emerging Discourse Incubator Emerging Approaches for Developing SCM Theory'. Journal of Supply Chain Management 55 (4) :129-131. |
Sancha C; Wiengarten F; Longoni A; Pagell M (2020) 'The moderating role of temporary work on the performance of lean manufacturing systems'. International Journal of Production Research 58 (14) :4285-4305. |
Shevchenko A; Pagell M; Lévesque M; Johnston D (2020) 'Preventing supplier non-conformance: extending the agency theory perspective'. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40 (3) :315-340. |
Wiengarten F; Fan D; Pagell M; Lo CKY (2019) 'Deviations from aspirational target levels and environmental and safety performance: Implications for operations managers acting irresponsibly'. Journal of Operations Management 65 (6) :490-516. |
Dr Valentina Paolucci |
Paolucci V; Galetto M (2020) 'The collective bargaining of flexicurity: A case for sector-level analysis? The Italian chemical and metalworking sectors compared'. Human Resource Management Journal 30 (2) :165-179. |
Paolucci V; Marginson P (2020) 'Collective bargaining towards mutual flexibility and security goals in large internationalised companies—why do institutions (still) matter?'. Industrial Relations Journal 51 (4) :329-350. |
Dr Vassilios Papavassiliou |
Kinateder H; Papavassiliou VG (2019) 'Sovereign bond return prediction with realized higher moments'. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 62 :53-73. |
Kinateder H; Papavassiliou VG (2020) 'Calendar effects in Bitcoin returns and volatility'. Finance Research Letters  |
O’Sullivan C; Papavassiliou VG (2020) 'On the term structure of liquidity in the European sovereign bond market'. Journal of Banking & Finance 114 :105777-105777. |
Professor Federica Pazzaglia |
Mengoli S; Pazzaglia F; Sandri S (2020) 'Family firms, institutional development and earnings quality: does family status complement or substitute for weak institutions?'. Journal of Management and Governance 24 (1) :63-90. |
Dr Dorota Piaskowska |
Trąpczyński P; Halaszovich TF; Piaskowska D (2020) 'The role of perceived institutional distance in foreign ownership level decisions of new MNEs'. Journal of Business Research 108 :435-449. |
Professor Valerio Poti |
Potì V; Pattitoni P; Petracci B (2020) 'Precautionary motives for private firms’ cash holdings'. International Review of Economics and Finance 68 :150-166. |
Professor Ronan Powell |
Almaqoushi W; Powell R (2020) 'Audit committee quality indices, reporting quality and firm value'. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting  |
Almaqoushi W; Powell R (2020) 'Audit committee quality indices, reporting quality, and firm value'. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting  |
Professor Andy Prothero |
Prothero A; McDonagh P (2020) 'Ambiguity of Purpose and the Politics of Failure: Sustainability as Macromarketing’s Compelling Political Calling'. Journal of Macromarketing  |
Professor Bill Roche |
Teague P; Roche W; Currie D; Gormley T (2020) 'Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ireland and the US Model'. ILR Review 73 (2) :345-365. |
Assoc Professor Paul Ryan |
Branigan C; Muckley C; Ryan P (2019) 'Getting it right or getting it cursed: Auction prices in a residential real estate bubble'. European Financial Management 25 (5) :1121-1149. |
Assoc Professor Geertje Schuitema |
Moynihan AB; Schuitema G (2020) 'Values influence public acceptability of geoengineering technologies via self-identities'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12 (11)  |
Schuitema G; Aravena C; Denny E (2020) 'The psychology of energy efficiency labels: Trust, involvement, and attitudes towards energy performance certificates in Ireland'. Energy Research and Social Science 59  |
Schuitema G; Hooks T; McDermott F (2020) 'Water quality perceptions and private well management: The role of perceived risks, worry and control'. Journal of Environmental Management 267  |
Dr Enrico Secchi |
Damali U; Secchi E; Tax SS; McCutcheon D (2020) 'Customer participation risk management: conceptual model and managerial assessment tool'. Journal of Service Management  |
Secchi E; Roth A; Verma R (2020) 'The effect of service improvisation competence on hotel performance'. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40 (3) :245-270. |
Dr Anita Suurlaht |
Cotter J; Suurlaht A (2019) 'Spillovers in risk of financial institutions'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1765-1792. |
Dr Imre Szabo |
Szabó IG (2020) 'Professionals on the road to contention: Social movement unionism in healthcare labour disputes across Europe'. Economic and Industrial Democracy  |
Dr Tiffany Thng |
Thng T (2019) 'Do VC-backed IPOs manage tone?'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1655-1682. |
Dr Virpi Turkulainen |
Maylor H; Turkulainen V (2019) 'The concept of organisational projectification: past, present and beyond?'. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 12 (3) :565-577. |
Dr Yajun Xiao |
Feng X; Lu L; Xiao Y (2020) 'Shadow banks, leverage risks, and asset prices'. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 111 :103816-103816. |