Ms Werd Al-Najim |
Grannell A; Al-Najim W; Mangan A; Kapoor N; Martin WP; Murphy JC; Docherty NG; le Roux CW; Davenport C (2019) 'Fat free mass is positively associated with hunger and energy intake at extremes of obesity'. Appetite 143  |
Papamargaritis D; Al-Najim W; Lim J; Crane J; Lean M; Le Roux C; McGowan B; O'Shea D; Webb D; Wilding J (2020) 'Effectiveness and cost of integrating a pragmatic pathway for prescribing liraglutide 3.0 mg in obesity services (STRIVE study): Study protocol of an open-label, real-world, randomised, controlled trial'. BMJ Open 10 (2)  |
Ruban A; Prechtl CG; Glaysher MA; Chhina N; Al-Najim W; Miras AD; Smith C; P Goldstone A; Patel M; Moore M (2019) 'Effectiveness of different recruitment strategies in an RCT of a surgical device: Experience from the Endobarrier trial'. BMJ Open 9 (11)  |
Ms Gordana Avramovic |
Avramovic G; McHugh T; Connolly S; Cullen W; Lambert J (2020) 'Anticipate study protocol: Baseline profile and care outcomes of patients attending Mater Misericordiae University Hospital with COVID-19 infection'.  |
Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Iglesias M; Mc Hugh T; Crowley D; Naughton AM (2020) 'HepCare Europe—A service innovation project. HepCheck: Characteristics of the patient population with active infection as defined by HCV RNA'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91 :246-251. |
Barror S; Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Crowley D; Horan A; Naughton AM (2019) 'HepCare Europe: a service innovation project. HepCheck: enhancing HCV identification and linkage to care for vulnerable populations through intensified outreach screening. A prospective multisite feasibility study'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v39-v46. |
Bivegete S; Ward Z; Walker J; Campbell L; Mafirakureva N; Swan D; O’connor E; McCombe G; Mchugh T; Crowley D (2020) 'Comparison of costs of different HCV screening and linkage to care interventions across Europe'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S825-S825. |
Connolly SP; Avramovic G; Cullen W; McHugh T; O’Connor E; Mc Combe G; Crowley D; Naughton AM; Horan A; Lambert JS (2020) 'HepCare Ireland—a service innovation project'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
McCombe G; Almaazmi B; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Avramovic G; Murphy C; O'Connor M; Perry N; Ianache I; Lazar S (2019) 'Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v24-v30. |
Nic An Riogh E; Swan D; McCombe G; O'Connor E; Avramovic G; Macías J; Oprea C; Story A; Surey J; Vickerman P (2019) 'Integrating hepatitis C care for at-risk groups (HepLink): baseline data from a multicentre feasibility study in primary and community care'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v31-v38. |
Ward Z; Mafirakureva N; Stone J; Keevans M; Bett-Simmonds G; Crowley D; Mchugh T; Avramovic G; Lambert J; Vickerman P (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness of mass screening for HCV in an Irish prison'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S832-S832. |
Dr Elizabeth Barrett |
Barrett E (2020) 'No health without mental health: Risks and benefits of school closures during a pandemic'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (6) :1-3. |
Barrett E; Dickson M; Hayes-Brady C; Wheelock H (2020) 'Storytelling and Poetry in the time of Coronavirus'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Barrett E; Jacobs B; Klasen H; Herguner S; Agnafors S; Banjac V; Bezborodovs N; Cini E; Hamann C; Huscsava MM (2020) 'Correction to: The child and adolescent psychiatry: study of training in Europe (CAP STATE) (European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, (2020), 29, 1, (11-27), 10.1007/s00787-019-01416-3)'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (3) :409-411. |
Barrett E; Jacobs B; Klasen H; Herguner S; Agnafors S; Banjac V; Bezborodovs N; Cini E; Hamann C; Huscsava MM (2020) 'The child and adolescent psychiatry: study of training in Europe (CAP-STATE)'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (1) :11-27. |
Eyre M; Kaushik A; Barrett E; King MD; Pollak T; Dale RC; Byrne S; Lim M (2020) 'Catatonic features in children and adolescents with N-methyl- d -aspartate receptor antibody encephalitis'. BJPsych Open 6 (4)  |
Fitzgerald E; Foley D; McNamara R; Barrett E; Boylan C; Butler J; Morgan S; Okafor I (2020) 'Trends in mental health presentations to a paediatric emergency department'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (2) |
Kehoe C; Barrett E (2020) 'Doctor's Burnout and Interventions'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Mcnicholas F; Sharma S; Oconnor C; Barrett E (2020) 'Burnout in consultants in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland: a cross-sectional study'. BMJ Open 10 (1)  |
O’Flynn A; Barrett E; Murphy J (2020) 'A brief literature review of the psychological benefits of volunteerism in watersports inclusion'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Wheelock H; Dickson M; Barrett E (2020) 'The Threads of History: Why record your Pandemic Experiences for the RCPI archive?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Dr Michael Barrett |
Bressan S; Buonsenso D; Farrugia R; Parri N; Oostenbrink R; Titomanlio L; Roland D; Nijman RG; Maconochie I; Da Dalt L (2020) 'Preparedness and Response to Pediatric COVID-19 in European Emergency Departments: A Survey of the REPEM and PERUKI Networks'. Annals of Emergency Medicine  |
Coveney J; Barrett M; Fitzpatrick P; Kandamany N; Mcnamara R; Koe S; Okafor I (2020) 'National rotavirus vaccination programme implementation and gastroenteritis presentations: the paediatric emergency medicine perspective'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :327-332. |
Dann L; Doody J; Howard R; Blackburn C; Russell J; Barrett M (2019) 'Nasal foreign bodies in the paediatric emergency department'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1401-1405. |
Durnin S; Jones J; Ryan E; Howard R; Walsh S; Dawkins I; Blackburn C; O'donnell SM; Barrett MJ (2020) 'The utility of ketones at triage: A prospective cohort study'. Archives of Disease in Childhood  |
Long E; Barrett MJ; Peters C; Sabato S; Lockie F (2020) 'Emergency intubation of children outside of the operating room'. Paediatric Anaesthesia 30 (3) :319-330. |
McAuliffe E; Hamza M; McDonnell T; Nicholson E; De Brún A; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Collins C; Deasy C (2020) 'Children's unscheduled primary and emergency care in Ireland: A multimethod approach to understanding decision making, trends, outcomes and parental perspectives (CUPID): Project protocol'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
McDonnell T; McAuliffe E; Barrett M; Conlon C; Cummins F; Deasy C; Hensey C; Martin C; Nicholson E (2020) 'CUPID COVID-19: emergency department attendance by paediatric patients during COVID-19 - project protocol'.  |
McDonnell T; McAuliffe E; Barrett M; Conlon C; Cummins F; Deasy C; Hensey C; Martin C; Nicholson E (2020) 'CUPID COVID-19: emergency department attendance by paediatric patients during COVID-19 - project protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :37. |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; Conlon C; Barrett M; Cummins F; Hensey C; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Understanding the Impact of Public Health Advice on Paediatric Healthcare Use During COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Survey of Parents'.  |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; De Brún A; Barrett M; Bury G; Collins C; Hensey C; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare-systematic review'. BMC Health Services Research 20 (1)  |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; Hamza M; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Charlton M; Collins C; Deasy C; De Brun A (2019) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare: a systematic review protocol'.  |
Roberts T; Daniels J; Hulme W; Horner D; Lyttle MD; Samuel K; Graham B; Hirst R; Reynard C; Barrett M (2020) 'COVID-19 emergency response assessment study: A prospective longitudinal survey of frontline doctors in the UK and Ireland: study protocol'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Ryan E; Bolger T; Barrett MJ; Blackburn C; Okafor I; McNamara R; Molloy EJ (2020) 'Paediatric head injury and traumatic brain injury'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (6) :1-9. |
Ryan E; Bolger T; Barrett MJ; Blackburn C; Okafor I; McNamara R; Molloy EJ (2020) 'Paediatric Head Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury'. Irish medical journal 113 (6) :94. |
Professor David Barton |
Franková V; Driscoll RO; Jansen ME; Loeber JG; Kožich V; Bonham J; Borde P; Brincat I; Cheillan D; Dekkers E (2020) 'Regulatory landscape of providing information on newborn screening to parents across Europe'. European Journal of Human Genetics  |
Sasaki E; Kostocenko M; Lang N; Clark T; Rogers M; Muldowney R; Walsh O; O’Grady L; Edge G; Ward A (2020) 'National Newborn Screening for cystic fibrosis in the Republic of Ireland: genetic data from the first 6.5 years'. European Journal of Human Genetics  |
Assoc Professor John Baugh |
Edgar K; Glezeva N; Collier P; Ledwidge M; O’Reilly J; Tea I; Baugh J; McDonald K; O’ Connell E; Watson C (2019) '62 Tetranectin expression is associated with myocardial fibrosis and may be a useful serum biomarker for indicating early myocardial injury and predisposition to heart failure development'. Oral Abstract Presentations 3  |
Glezeva N; Moran B; Collier P; Moravec C; Phelan D; Donnellan E; Russell-Hallinan A; O'connor D; Gallagher W; Gallagher J (2019) '3069Epigenetic changes in heart failure cohorts: novel insights into methylation changes of protein and RNA coding genes in human cardiac tissue'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Kerrigan L; Glezeva N; Collier P; Moreavec C; Baugh J; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Das S; Watson C (2019) '6 Gene transcriptional profiles and epigenetic regulation in the development of human heart disease'. Oral Abstract Presentations 1  |
Li L; Xu M; Rowan SC; Howell K; Russell-Hallinan A; Donnelly SC; McLoughlin P; Baugh JA (2020) 'The effects of genetic deletion of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor on the chronically hypoxic pulmonary circulation'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (4)  |
McDonald K; Glezeva N; Collier P; O'Reilly J; O'Connell E; Tea I; Russell-Hallinan A; Tonry C; Pennington S; Gallagher J (2020) 'Tetranectin, a potential novel diagnostic biomarker of heart failure, is expressed within the myocardium and associates with cardiac fibrosis.'. Scientific reports 10 (1) :7507. |
Russell-Hallinan A; Glezeva N; Moran B; Das S; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Baugh J; Watson C (2019) '36 Hypoxia induces gene-specific epigenetic modifications that promotes a hyperactive pro-fibrotic phenotype in human cardiac fibroblasts'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Tonry C; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; Hernandez B; Glezeva N; Rooney C; Morrissey B; Pennington SR; Baugh JA; Watson CJ (2019) '37 Multiplexed measurement of candidate protein biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in blood'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Watson CJ; Glezeva N; Horgan S; Gallagher J; Phelan D; McDonald K; Tolan M; Baugh J; Collier P; Ledwidge M (2020) 'Atrial Tissue Pro-Fibrotic M2 Macrophage Marker CD163+, Gene Expression of Procollagen and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide'. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (11) :e013416. |
Dr Despina Bazou |
Majumder MM; Leppä AM; Hellesøy M; Dowling P; Malyutina A; Kopperud R; Bazou D; Andersson E; Parsons A; Tang J (2020) 'Multi-parametric single cell evaluation defines distinct drug responses in healthy hematologic cells that are retained in corresponding malignant cell types'. Haematologica 105 (6) :1527-1538. |
Tierney C; Bazou D; Lê G; Dowling P; O'Gorman P (2020) 'Saliva-omics in plasma cell disorders- Proof of concept and potential as a non-invasive tool for monitoring disease burden'. Journal of Proteomics  |
Professor Jonathan Bond |
Bond J; Krzywon A; Lhermitte L; Roumier C; Roggy A; Belhocine M; Kheirallah AA; Villarese P; Hypolite G; Garnache-Ottou F (2020) 'A transcriptomic continuum of differentiation arrest identifies myeloid interface acute leukemias with poor prognosis'. Leukemia  |
Cordonnier G; Mandoli A; Cagnard N; Hypolite G; Lhermitte L; Verhoeyen E; Asnafi V; Dillon N; Macintyre E; Martens JHA (2020) 'CBFβ-SMMHC Affects Genome-wide Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 Activity in Acute Myeloid Leukemia'. Cell Reports 30 (2) :299-307000. |
Jones L; McCarthy P; Bond J (2020) 'Epigenetics of paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia'. British Journal of Haematology 188 (1) :63-76. |
Professor Donal Brennan |
Annett S; Moore G; Short A; Marshall A; McCrudden C; Yakkundi A; Das S; McCluggage WG; Nelson L; Harley I (2020) 'FKBPL-based peptide, ALM201, targets angiogenesis and cancer stem cells in ovarian cancer'. British Journal of Cancer 122 (3) :361-371. |
Bartels HC; Postle J; Rogers AC; Brennan D (2020) 'Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination to prevent recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: A meta-analysis'. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 30 (6) :777-782. |
Koole S; Van Stein R; Sikorska K; Barton D; Perrin L; Brennan D; Zivanovic O; Mosgaard BJ; Fagotti A; Colombo PE (2020) 'Primary cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for FIGO stage III epithelial ovarian cancer: OVHIPEC-2, a phase III randomized clinical trial'. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 30 (6) :888-892. |
Dr Eoin Brennan |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Doyle R; Godson C; Brennan E (2020) 'Promoting resolution in kidney disease: Are we nearly there yet?'. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 29 (1) :119-127. |
Fu T; Fu T; Mohan M; Brennan EP; Woodman OL; Godson C; Kantharidis P; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH (2020) 'Therapeutic Potential of Lipoxin A4in Chronic Inflammation: Focus on Cardiometabolic Disease'. ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science 3 (1) :43-55. |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR)'. Molecular Aspects of Medicine  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR).'. Molecular aspects of medicine 74 :100894. |
Professor Donal Buggy |
Beattie WS; Lalu M; Bocock M; Feng S; Wijeysundera DN; Nagele P; Fleisher LA; Kurz A; Biccard B; Leslie K (2020) 'Systematic review and consensus definitions for the Standardized Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine (StEP) initiative: cardiovascular outcomes'. British Journal of Anaesthesia  |
Beecham G; Cusack R; Vencken S; Crilly G; Buggy DJ (2020) 'Hypotension during hip fracture surgery and postoperative morbidity'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :1087-1096. |
Bonnet J-F; Buggy E; Cusack B; Sherwin A; Wall T; Fitzgibbon M; Buggy DJ (2020) 'Can routine perioperative haemodynamic parameters predict postoperative morbidity after major surgery?'. Perioperative medicine (London, England) 9 :9. |
Bonnet J-F; Buggy E; Cusack B; Sherwin A; Wall T; Fitzgibbon M; Buggy DJ (2020) 'Correction to: Can routine perioperative haemodynamic parameters predict postoperative morbidity after major surgery?'. Perioperative medicine (London, England) 9 :19. |
Buggy DJ; Wall T (2019) 'Can anaesthetic-analgesic technique during cancer surgery of curative intent influence recurrence or metastasis? An update'. British Journal of Anaesthesia 123 (6) :e525-e526. |
Finnerty D; O’Gara Á; Buggy DJ (2019) 'Managing Pain in the Older Cancer Patient'. Current Oncology Reports 21 (11)  |
Finnerty DT; Buggy DJ (2020) 'Return to intended oncologic therapy: a potentially valuable endpoint for perioperative research in cancer patients?'. British Journal of Anaesthesia 124 (5) :508-510. |
Iwasaki M; Zhao H; Hu C; Wu L; Sherwin A; Sakamoto A; Buggy D; Ma D (2019) 'Propofol exposure suppresses cancer growth in a xenograft model in mice'. British Journal of Anaesthesia 123 (4) :e495-e496. |
Moynihan A; Ahmed M; Garry E; Rehman W; Griffin J; Buggy D (2020) 'AB115. Perioperative factors associated with postoperative morbidity after emergency laparotomy: a retrospective analysis in a university teaching hospital'. Mesentery and Peritoneum 4 :AB115-AB115. |
Pannekoek A; Johnson M; Buggy D; Pavey W (2020) 'Preserving the endothelial glycocalyx in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass: a prospective randomised interventional pilot study of lidocaine and doxycycline (LiDEG trial)'. F1000Research 9 :894-894. |
Sessler DI; Pei L; Huang Y; Fleischmann E; Marhofer P; Kurz A; Mayers DB; Meyer-Treschan TA; Grady M; Tan EY (2019) 'Recurrence of breast cancer after regional or general anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial'. The Lancet 394 (10211) :1807-1815. |
Short TG; Campbell D; Frampton C; Chan MTV; Myles PS; Corcoran TB; Sessler DI; Mills GH; Cata JP; Painter T (2019) 'Anaesthetic depth and complications after major surgery: an international, randomised controlled trial'. The Lancet 394 (10212) :1907-1914. |
Professor Gerard Bury |
Bury G; Barry T (2019) 'Pre-hospital Care in Ireland - Innovation Needed.'. Irish medical journal 112 (10) :1014. |
Bury G; Smith S; Kelly M; Bradley C; Howard W; Egan M (2020) 'COVID-19 community assessment hubs in Ireland—the experience of clinicians'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Bury G; Thompson A; Tobin H; Egan M (2019) 'Ireland’s Assisted Decision Making Capacity Act—the potential for unintended effects in critical emergencies: a cross-sectional study of Advanced Paramedic decision making'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1143-1148. |
Bury G; Twomey L; Egan M (2020) 'General practice nursing: the views and experience of practice nurses and GPs in one county'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Dennehy T; Tobin H; Bury G; Cullen W (2020) 'Medical students’ knowledge and attitudes towards universal access to healthcare (UHC) systems'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (3) |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Loughman S; Berry C; Hickey P; Kerr GM; Bury G (2020) 'Irish Defence Forces combat medical technician training: experience of a novel university medical school-based programme.'. BMJ military health  |
McAuliffe E; Hamza M; McDonnell T; Nicholson E; De Brún A; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Collins C; Deasy C (2020) 'Children's unscheduled primary and emergency care in Ireland: A multimethod approach to understanding decision making, trends, outcomes and parental perspectives (CUPID): Project protocol'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol'.  |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol'. HRB Open Research 3 :3-3. |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :3. |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; De Brún A; Barrett M; Bury G; Collins C; Hensey C; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare-systematic review'. BMC Health Services Research 20 (1)  |
Nicholson E; McDonnell T; Hamza M; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Charlton M; Collins C; Deasy C; De Brun A (2019) 'Factors that influence family and parental preferences and decision making for unscheduled paediatric healthcare: a systematic review protocol'.  |
Power B; Bury G; Ryan J (2019) 'Stakeholder opinion on the proposal to introduce 'treat and referral' into the Irish emergency medical service'. BMC Emergency Medicine 19 (1)  |
Tanner R; Masterson S; Galvin J; Wright P; Hennelly D; Murphy A; Bury G; O'Donnell C; Deasy C (2020) 'Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the young population; a 6-year review of the Irish out-of-hospital cardiac arrest register.'. Postgraduate medical journal  |
Tobin H; Bury G; Cullen W (2020) 'Mental illness in primary care: A narrative review of patient, GP and population factors that affect prescribing rates'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :59-66. |
Dr Marcus Butler |
Butler MW; Keane MP (2020) 'Pulmonary sarcoidosis'. Medicine (United Kingdom) 48 (6) :386-392. |
Butler MW; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Mallon P; Feeney ER; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Prevalence of comorbid asthma in COVID-19 patients'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 146 (2) :334-335. |
Gaffney B; O’Carroll O; Conroy F; Butler MW; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'The impact of COVID-19 on clinical education of internal medicine trainees'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Slevin P; Kessie T; Cullen J; Butler MW; Donnelly SC; Caulfield B (2020) 'Exploring the barriers and facilitators for the use of digital health technologies for the management of COPD: A qualitative study of clinician perceptions'. QJM 113 (3) :163-172. |
Dr Kevin Byrne |
Braun-Galleani S; Dias JA; Coughlan AY; Ryan AP; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2019) 'Genomic diversity and meiotic recombination among isolates of the biotech yeast Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)'. Microbial Cell Factories 18 (1)  |
Coughlan AY; Lombardi L; Braun-Galleani S; Martos AAR; Galeote V; Bigey F; Dequin S; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2020) 'The yeast mating-type switching endonuclease HO is a domesticated member of an unorthodox homing genetic element family'. eLife 9  |
Heneghan P; Ryan AP; Nimmo D; Duggan C; Kumar P; O’Gaora P; Cinnéide E; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH; O’Brien CE (2019) 'Draft Genome Sequence of the Birch Tree Fungal Pathogen Taphrina betulina UCD315'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (48)  |
Palmer-Brown W; Miranda-CasoLuengo R; Wolfe KH; Byrne KP; Murphy CD (2019) 'The CYPome of the model xenobiotic-biotransforming fungus Cunninghamella elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Ronan Cahill |
Celentano V; Smart N; Cahill RA; McGrath JS; Gupta S; Griffith JP; Acheson AG; Cecil TD; Coleman MG (2019) 'Use of laparoscopic videos amongst surgical trainees in the United Kingdom'. Surgeon 17 (6) :334-339. |
Celentano V; Smart N; Cahill RA; Spinelli A; Giglio MC; McGrath J; Obermair A; Pellino G; Hasegawa H; Lal P (2020) 'Development and validation of a recommended checklist for assessment of surgical videos quality: the LAParoscopic surgery Video Educational GuidelineS (LAP-VEGaS) video assessment tool'. Surgical Endoscopy  |
Celentano V; Smart N; McGrath J; Cahill RA; Spinelli A; Challacombe B; Belyansky I; Hasegawa H; Munikrishnan V; Pellino G (2020) 'How to report educational videos in robotic surgery: an international multidisciplinary consensus statement'. Updates in Surgery  |
Chapman SJ; Blanco-Colino R; Pérez-Ajates S; Bautista OA; Hodson J; Blanco-Colino R; Chapman SJ; Glasbey JC; Pata F; Pellino G (2020) 'Safety of hospital discharge before return of bowel function after elective colorectal surgery'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (5) :552-559. |
Chapman SJ; Clerc D; Blanco-Colino R; Otto A; Nepogodiev D; Pagano G; Schaeff V; Soares A; Zaffaroni G; Žebrák R (2020) 'Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (2) :e161-e169. |
Dalli J; Khan MF; Nolan K; Cahill RA (2020) 'Gas leaks through laparoscopic energy devices and robotic instrumentation – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease  |
Dalli J; O'Keeffe DA; Khan F; Traynor O; Cahill RA (2020) 'Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) for the protection of surgeons during operative tasks: a user perspective assessment'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (9) :e328-e330. |
Devane LA; Khan F; Murphy E; McCaul C; Cahill RA (2020) 'Laparoscopic guided transversus abdominis plane block for abdominal surgery – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (2) :221-222. |
Elwahab SA; Andrews EJ; Balfe P; Barry K; Beddy D; Boland MR; Bolger JC; Bollard S; Brannigan AE; Breslin D (2019) 'PERioperative Fluid Management in Elective ColecTomy (PERFECT)—a national prospective cohort study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1363-1371. |
Elwahab SA; Andrews EJ; Balfe P; Barry K; Beddy D; Boland MR; Bolger JC; Bollard S; Brannigan AE; Breslin D (2020) 'Correction to: PERioperative Fluid Management in Elective ColecTomy (PERFECT)—a national prospective cohort study (Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), (2019), 188, 4, (1363-1371), 10.1007/s11845-019-02003-w)'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :413. |
Faraz Khan M; Dalli J; Cahill RA (2020) 'Dynamic near-infrared carbon dioxide leak visualization detection during surgery using the FLIR GF343 optical imaging system'. Surgical Endoscopy  |
Horan J; Brannigan A; Mulsow J; Shields C; Cahill R (2020) 'Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis: long-term outcomes and trends over time in a low-volume institution'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Kelly ME; Murphy E; Bolger JC; Cahill RA (2020) 'COVID-19 and the treatment of acute appendicitis in Ireland: a new era or short-term pivot?'. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland 22 (6) :648-649. |
Khan F; Keenan R; Keyes A; Cahill RA (2020) 'Intra-operative visualization of the ureter by near-infrared fluorescence during robotic-assisted laparoscopic sigmoidectomy for diverticulitis – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (3) :354-355. |
Khan MF; Cahill R (2020) 'Indocyanine green and fluorescence angiography to detect and correct stoma ischaemia intra-operatively – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (5) :594-595. |
Khan MF; Cahill RA (2020) 'Carbon dioxide gas leaks during transanal minimally invasive surgery'. Techniques in Coloproctology  |
Khan MF; Cahill RA (2020) 'Peroperative personalised decision support and analytics for colon cancer surgery- Short report'. European Journal of Surgical Oncology  |
Khan MF; Cahill RA (2020) 'Venous congestion and near-infrared perfusion angiography in colorectal surgery – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (3) :353. |
Khan MF; Murphy E; Cahill RA (2020) 'Training pathway for a novel smart surgical system (FlexDex™) – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (4) :469-470. |
Khan MF; Murphy E; Moynihan A; Cahill RA (2019) 'Closure of the retroperitoneal space in laparoscopic anterior resection with FLEXDEX™'. Techniques in Coloproctology 23 (12) :1177-1178. |
Murphy EJ; Khan MF; Devane LA; Cahill RA (2020) 'Instructional video: how to use a 30° laparoscope – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease 22 (4) :470. |
Professor Áine Carroll |
Carroll Á (2020) 'An autoethnography of death and dying in Northern Ireland'. Journal of Integrated Care 28 (4) :327-336. |
Sezgin D; O’Caoimh R; O’Donovan MR; Salem MA; Kennelly S; Samaniego LL; Carda CA; Rodriguez-Acuña R; Inzitari M; Hammar T (2020) 'Defining the characteristics of intermediate care models including transitional care: an international Delphi study'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Dr Simona Catozzi |
Ibáňez Gaspar V; Catozzi S; Ternet C; Luthert PJ; Kiel C (2020) 'Analysis of Ras-effector interaction competition in large intestine and colorectal cancer context'. Small GTPases  |
Dr Ciaran Clarke |
Clarke C (2019) 'Abortion and The Lancet's call to arms'. The Lancet 394 (10216) :2241. |
Assoc Professor Marguerite Clyne |
Clyne M; May FEB (2019) 'The interaction of helicobacter pylori with TFF1 and its role in mediating the tropism of the bacteria within the stomach'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (18)  |
Ms Clodagh Cogley |
Cogley C; O’Reilly H; Bramham J; Downes M (2020) 'A Systematic Review of the Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Born Preterm'. Child Psychiatry and Human Development  |
Dr Marie Conway |
Conway MC; McSorley EM; Mulhern MS; Strain JJ; van Wijngaarden E; Yeates AJ (2020) 'Influence of fatty acid desaturase (FADS) genotype on maternal and child polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) status and child health outcomes: a systematic review.'. Nutrition reviews 78 (8) :627-646. |
Assoc Professor Aoife Cotter |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Freitas IT; Tinago W; Sawa H; McAndrews J; Doak B; Prior-Fuller C; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Cotter AG (2020) 'Interferon lambda rs368234815 Δg/ΔG is associated with higher CD4+:CD8+ T-cell ratio in treated HIV-1 infection'. AIDS Research and Therapy 17 (1)  |
Lacey A; Savinelli S; Barco EA; Macken A; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Feeney E; Mallon PW (2020) 'Investigating the effect of antiretroviral switch to tenofovir alafenamide on lipid profiles in people living with HIV'. AIDS (London, England) 34 (8) :1161-1170. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
O'Kelly B; McGettrick P; Angelov D; Fay M; McGinty T; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS (2020) 'Outcome of a patient with refractory Hodgkin lymphoma on pembrolizumab, infected with SARS-CoV-2'. British Journal of Haematology 190 (1) :e1-e3. |
Ryom L; Cotter A; De Miguel R; Béguelin C; Podlekareva D; Arribas JR; Marzolini C; Mallon PGM; Rauch A; Kirk O (2020) '2019 update of the European AIDS Clinical Society Guidelines for treatment of people living with HIV version 10.0'. HIV Medicine  |
Schuettfort G; Boekenkamp L; Cabello A; Cotter AG; De Leuw P; Doctor J; Górgolas M; Hamzah L; Herrmann E; Kann G (2020) 'Antiretroviral treatment outcomes among late HIV presenters initiating treatment with integrase inhibitors or protease inhibitors'. HIV Medicine  |
Winston A; Cotter A; Gisslen M; Mallon PWG; Cinque P (2020) 'Response to: ‘How helpful are the European AIDS Clinical Society cognitive screening questions in predicting cognitive impairment in an aging, well-treated HIV-positive population?’'. HIV Medicine 21 (7) :e17-e18. |
Desmond Cox |
Diskin C; McVeigh TP; Cox DW (2020) 'Sleep disordered breathing in children with Down syndrome in the Republic of Ireland'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A  |
Hernon F; O’Donnell S; Saleh R; McNally PN; Javadpour S; O’Reilly R; Habington A; O’Sullivan N; Cox DW (2020) 'P077 The role of PCR testing for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the airways of children with cystic fibrosis'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 19 :S77-S77. |
Linnane N; Cox DW; James A (2020) 'A case of COVID-19 in a patient with a univentricular heart post total cavopulmonary connection (Fontan) surgery'. Cardiology in the Young  |
O Loughlin DW; Coughlan S; De Gascun CF; McNally P; Cox DW (2020) 'The role of rhinovirus infections in young children with cystic fibrosis'. Journal of Clinical Virology 129  |
Suthoff E; Mainz JG; Cox DW; Thorat T; Grossoehme DH; Fridman M; Sawicki GS; Rosenfeld M (2019) 'Caregiver Burden Due to Pulmonary Exacerbations in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis'. Journal of Pediatrics 215 :164-17100. |
Trayer J; Gilmore C; Dallapè S; Cox DW (2020) 'Infants without apparent risk factors with aspiration as a cause of respiratory symptoms — a retrospective study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Dr Simon Coyle Rowan |
Li L; Xu M; Rowan SC; Howell K; Russell-Hallinan A; Donnelly SC; McLoughlin P; Baugh JA (2020) 'The effects of genetic deletion of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor on the chronically hypoxic pulmonary circulation'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (4)  |
Rowan SC; Jahns H; Mthunzi L; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Doody R; Frohlich S; Callanan JJ; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 depletion in vivo causes severe enteropathy and bone marrow failure'. Journal of Pathology 251 (2) :117-122. |
Rowan SC; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Li L; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 blocks vascular endothelial growth factor signaling in the pulmonary microvascular endothelium'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (1)  |
Ms Andrea Cradock |
Abdulaal OM; Rainford L; MacMahon PJ; Kenny P; Carty F; Galligan M; Cradock A; Alhazmi FH; McGee A (2020) 'Evaluation of optimised 3D turbo spin echo and gradient echo MR pulse sequences of the knee at 3T and 1.5T'. Radiography  |
Zanardo M; Sardanelli F; Rainford L; Monti CB; Murray JG; Secchi F; Cradock A (2020) 'Technique and protocols for cardiothoracic time-resolved contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography sequences: a systematic review'. Clinical Radiology  |
Mr Kevin Cronin |
Dolan RT; Cronin KJ; Cogswell LK; Giele HP (2020) 'Free Vascularized Rectus Abdominis Transfer With Pedicled Intercostal Innervation for Functional Reconstruction of the Elbow in Total Brachial Plexus Palsy'. Journal of Hand Surgery  |
Dr Rachel Crowley |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Cronin O; Forsyth L; Goodman K; Lewis SC; Keerie C; Walker A; Porteous M; Cetnarskyj R; Ranganath LR; Selby PL (2019) 'Zoledronate in the prevention of Paget's (ZiPP): Protocol for a randomised trial of genetic testing and targeted zoledronic acid therapy to prevent SQSTM1-mediated Paget's disease of bone'. BMJ Open 9 (9)  |
Cronin O; Subedi D; Forsyth L; Goodman K; Lewis SC; Keerie C; Walker A; Porteous M; Cetnarskyj R; Ranganath LR (2020) 'Characteristics of Early Paget's Disease in SQSTM1 Mutation Carriers: Baseline Analysis of the ZiPP Study Cohort'. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35 (7) :1246-1252. |
Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; Maher C; McKenna MJ (2020) 'Anorexia Nervosa with Markedly High Bone Turnover and Hyperphosphatemia During Refeeding Rectified by Denosumab'. Osteoporosis International 31 (7) :1395-1398. |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
O'Sullivan L; Killeen RP; Doran P; Crowley RK (2020) 'Ethical Considerations for safeguarding human participants in pandemic research: a rapid review protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :22. |
O'Sullivan L; Killeen RP; Doran P; Crowley RK (2020) 'Protocol for systematic review of ethical declarations made in clinical publications concerning COVID-19'. HRB Open Research 3 :22-22. |
Portale AA; Carpenter TO; Brandi ML; Briot K; Cheong HI; Cohen-Solal M; Crowley R; Jan De Beur S; Eastell R; Imanishi Y (2019) 'Continued Beneficial Effects of Burosumab in Adults with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia: Results from a 24-Week Treatment Continuation Period After a 24-Week Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Period'. Calcified Tissue International 105 (3) :271-284. |
Tudor RM; Garrahy A; Woods CP; Crowley RK; Tormey WT; Smith D; Hatunic M; Thompson CJ (2020) 'The prevalence and incidence of thyroid dysfunction in patients with diabetes - a longitudinal follow-up study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :171-175. |
Yap SM; Dillon M; Crowley RK; McGuigan C (2020) 'Alemtuzumab-related thyroid disease in people with multiple sclerosis is associated with age and brainstem phenotype at disease onset.'. Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical 6 (2) :2055217320933920. |
Professor John Crown |
Abou-Alfa GK; Mayer R; Venook AP; O'Neill AF; Beg MS; LaQuaglia M; Kingham PT; Kobos R; Basturk O; Brennan C (2020) 'Phase II Multicenter, Open-Label Study of Oral ENMD-2076 for the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Fibrolamellar Carcinoma'. Oncologist  |
AlSultan D; Kavanagh E; O’Grady S; Eustace AJ; Castell A; Larsson LG; Crown J; Madden SF; Duffy MJ (2020) 'The novel low molecular weight MYC antagonist MYCMI-6 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells'. Investigational New Drugs  |
Canonici A; Browne AL; Ibrahim MFK; Fanning KP; Roche S; Conlon NT; O’Neill F; Meiller J; Cremona M; Morgan C (2020) 'Combined targeting EGFR and SRC as a potential novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer'. Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology 12  |
Coleman R; Finkelstein DM; Barrios C; Martin M; Iwata H; Hegg R; Glaspy J; Periañez AM; Tonkin K; Deleu I (2020) 'Adjuvant denosumab in early breast cancer (D-CARE): an international, multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial'. The Lancet Oncology 21 (1) :60-72. |
Desmedt C; Fornili M; Clatot F; Demicheli R; de Bortoli D; Di Leo A; Viale G; de Azambuja E; Crown J; Francis PA (2020) 'Differential benefit of adjuvant docetaxel-based chemotherapy in patients with early breast cancer according to baseline body mass index'. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (25) :2883-2891. |
Doherty S; Gullo G; Geoghegan J; Crown J; Hoti E; Hand F (2020) 'Metastatic uveal melanoma: A valid indication for liver resection'. Journal of B.U.ON. 25 (2) :1161-1165. |
Duffy MJ; Crown J (2020) 'Drugging “undruggable” genes for cancer treatment: Are we making progress?'. International Journal of Cancer  |
Duffy MJ; Synnott NC; O'Grady S; Crown J (2020) 'Targeting p53 for the treatment of cancer'. Seminars in Cancer Biology  |
Fehrenbacher L; Cecchini RS; Geyer CE; Rastogi P; Costantino JP; Atkins JN; Crown JP; Polikoff J; Boileau JF; Provencher L (2020) 'NSABP B-47/NRG oncology phase III randomized trial comparing adjuvant chemotherapy with or without trastuzumab in high-risk invasive breast cancer negative for HER2 by FISH and with IHC 1+ or 2+'. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (5) :444-453. |
Gaynor N; Crown J; Collins DM (2020) 'Immune checkpoint inhibitors: Key trials and an emerging role in breast cancer'. Seminars in Cancer Biology  |
Liddy S; Duignan J; Haughey A; Crown J; McNeill G; Killeen RP (2020) 'Differentiation of intracranial meningioma from dural metastasis with somatostatin receptor scintigraphy: An underutilised solution to a common problem'. QJM 113 (6) :425-426. |
Miller IS; Shiels LP; Conroy E; Connor K; Dicker P; Gallagher WM; Donovan NO; Kerbel RS; Crown J; Byrne AT (2019) 'Durability of cell line xenograft resection models to interrogate tumor micro-environment targeting agents'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Synnott NC; O’Connell D; Crown J; Duffy MJ (2020) 'COTI-2 reactivates mutant p53 and inhibits growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 179 (1) :47-56. |
Toomey S; Carr A; Mezynski MJ; Elamin Y; Rafee S; Cremona M; Morgan C; Madden S; Abdul-Jalil KI; Gately K (2020) 'Identification and clinical impact of potentially actionable somatic oncogenic mutations in solid tumor samples'. Journal of Translational Medicine 18 (1)  |
Walsh L; Haley KE; Moran B; Mooney B; Tarrant F; Madden SF; Di Grande A; Fan Y; Das S; Rueda OM (2019) 'BET Inhibition as a Rational Therapeutic Strategy for Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer'. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 25 (23) :7139-7150. |
Professor Walter Cullen |
Arshad S; McCombe G; Carberry C; Harrold A; Cullen W (2020) 'What factors influence medical students to enter a career in general practice? A scoping review'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Iglesias M; Mc Hugh T; Crowley D; Naughton AM (2020) 'HepCare Europe—A service innovation project. HepCheck: Characteristics of the patient population with active infection as defined by HCV RNA'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91 :246-251. |
Barror S; Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Crowley D; Horan A; Naughton AM (2019) 'HepCare Europe: a service innovation project. HepCheck: enhancing HCV identification and linkage to care for vulnerable populations through intensified outreach screening. A prospective multisite feasibility study'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v39-v46. |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Connolly SP; Avramovic G; Cullen W; McHugh T; O’Connor E; Mc Combe G; Crowley D; Naughton AM; Horan A; Lambert JS (2020) 'HepCare Ireland—a service innovation project'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Crowley D; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Van Hout MC (2019) 'Competing priorities and second chances - A qualitative exploration of prisoners' journeys through the Hepatitis C continuum of care'. PLoS ONE 14 (9)  |
Crowley D; Cullen W; O'Donnell P (2020) 'Analysis: Pre-exposure prophylaxis and primary care'. British Journal of General Practice 70 (697) :409-410. |
Crowley D; Cullen W; O'Donnell P; Van Hout MC (2020) 'Prison and opportunities for the management of COVID-19'. BJGP Open 4 (3)  |
Cullen W; Gulati G; Kelly BD (2020) 'Mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic'. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 113 (5) :311-312. |
Dennehy T; Tobin H; Bury G; Cullen W (2020) 'Medical students’ knowledge and attitudes towards universal access to healthcare (UHC) systems'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (3) |
DInsdale E; Hannigan A; O'Connor R; O'Doherty J; Glynn L; Casey M; Hayes P; Kelly D; Cullen W; O'Regan A (2020) 'Communication between primary and secondary care: Deficits and danger'. Family Practice 37 (1) :63-68. |
Dowling S; Last J; Finnegan H; Bourke J; Daly P; Hanrahan C; Harrold P; McCoombe G; Cullen W (2020) 'How does small group continuing medical education (CME) impact on practice for rural GPs and their patients, a mixed-methods study'. Education for Primary Care 31 (3) :153-161. |
Dowling S; Last J; Finnegan H; Daly P; Bourke J; Hanrahan C; Harrold P; McCombe G; Cullen W (2019) 'Impact of participation in continuing medical education small group learning (CME-SGL) on the stress, morale, and professional isolation of rurally-based GPs: a qualitative study in Ireland.'. BJGP open  |
Dowling S; Last J; Finnegan H; O’Connor K; Cullen W (2020) 'What are the current ‘top five’ perceived educational needs of Irish general practitioners?'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :381-388. |
Fogarty F; McCombe G; Brown K; Van Amelsvoort T; Clarke M; Cullen W (2020) 'Physical health among patients with common mental health disorders in primary care in Europe: A scoping review'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Fouhy F; Cullen W; O'connor K (2020) 'Physical health interventions for patients who have experienced a first episode of psychosis: a narrative review'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Klimas J; Kelly D; Adam A; Arya S; Ruiz BII; Krupchanka D; Hamilton M-A; Dennehy T; Wood E; Cullen W (2020) 'What Are the Self-Assessed Training Needs of Early Career Professionals in Addiction Medicine? A BEME Focused Review'. MedEdPublish 9 (1)  |
Lim J; McCombe G; Harrold A; Brown K; Clarke M; Hanlon D; Hennessy L; O'Brien S; Lyne J; Corcoran C (2020) 'The role of key workers in improving physical health in first episode psychosis: A scoping review'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry  |
McCombe G; Almaazmi B; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Avramovic G; Murphy C; O'Connor M; Perry N; Ianache I; Lazar S (2019) 'Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v24-v30. |
McCombe G; Conneally N; Harrold A; Butt AF; Behan W; Molony D; Cullen W (2019) 'How does the introduction of free GP care for children impact on GP service provision? A qualitative study of GPs'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1245-1249. |
Meagher D; Williams OA; O'Connell H; Leonard M; Cullen W; Dunne CP; Mulligan O; Adamis D (2020) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the accuracy of the clock drawing test (CDT) in the identification of delirium in older hospitalised patients.'. Aging & mental health :1-10. |
Moriarty A; Nearchou F; Byrne M; Cullen W; Hennessy E (2020) 'General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: A cross-sectional survey'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry  |
Nic An Riogh E; Swan D; McCombe G; O'Connor E; Avramovic G; Macías J; Oprea C; Story A; Surey J; Vickerman P (2019) 'Integrating hepatitis C care for at-risk groups (HepLink): baseline data from a multicentre feasibility study in primary and community care'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v31-v38. |
O'Doherty J; Hannigan A; Hickey L; Meagher D; Cullen W; O'Connor R; O'Regan A (2020) 'The prevalence and treatment of mental health conditions documented in general practice in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :24-31. |
O'Regan A; Hayes P; O'Connor R; Casey M; O'Dwyer P; Culhane A; O'Donnell P; Stack G; Cuddihy J; O'Connell B (2020) 'The University of Limerick Education and Research Network for General Practice (ULEARN-GP): Practice characteristics and general practitioner perspectives'. BMC Family Practice 21 (1)  |
O’Doherty J; Hannigan A; Hickey L; Cullen W; O’Gorman C; O’Connor R; Glynn L; O’Neill E; O’Regan A (2019) 'An analysis of childhood consultations in general practice: a multi-practice study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1239-1244. |
Shayo E; Van Hout MC; Birungi J; Garrib A; Kivuyo S; Mfinanga S; Nyrienda MJ; Namakoola I; Okebe J; Ramaiya K (2020) 'Ethical issues in intervention studies on the prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in sub-Saharan Africa'. BMJ Global Health 5 (7)  |
Smyth BP; Daly A; Elmusharaf K; McDonald C; Clarke M; Craig S; Cullen W (2020) 'Legislation targeting head shops selling new psychoactive substances and changes in drug-related psychiatric admissions: A national database study'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 14 (1) :53-60. |
Tobin H; Bury G; Cullen W (2020) 'Mental illness in primary care: A narrative review of patient, GP and population factors that affect prescribing rates'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :59-66. |
Dr Eoin Cummins |
Cummins EP; Strowitzki MJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Mechanisms and consequences of oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing in mammals'. Physiological Reviews 100 (1) :463-488. |
Molloy EJ; Cummins EP (2020) 'Carbon dioxide as a drug in neonatology'. Pediatric Research  |
Ryan S; Cummins EP; Farre R; Gileles-Hillel A; Jun JC; Oster H; Pepin JL; Ray DW; Reutrakul S; Sanchez-De-La-Torre M (2020) 'Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiometabolic complications in obstructive sleep apnoea: Towards personalised treatment approaches'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Shigemura M; Lecuona E; Angulo M; Dada LA; Edwards MB; Welch LC; Casalino-Matsuda SM; Sporn PHS; Vadász I; Helenius IT (2019) 'Elevated CO2 regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Mr Sean Curley |
Bruen R; Curley S; Kajani S; Lynch G; O'Reilly ME; Dillon ET; Fitzsimons S; Mthunzi L; Mcgillicuddy FC; Belton O (2019) 'Different monocyte phenotypes result in proresolving macrophages in conjugated linoleic acid-induced attenuated progression and regression of atherosclerosis'. FASEB Journal 33 (10) :11006-11020. |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Dr Jeffrey Dalli |
Dalli J; Khan MF; Nolan K; Cahill RA (2020) 'Gas leaks through laparoscopic energy devices and robotic instrumentation – a video vignette'. Colorectal Disease  |
Dalli J; O'Keeffe DA; Khan F; Traynor O; Cahill RA (2020) 'Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) for the protection of surgeons during operative tasks: a user perspective assessment'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (9) :e328-e330. |
Mr Andrew Darley |
Hardie P; Darley A; Carroll L; Redmond C; Campbell A; Jarvis S (2020) 'Nursing & Midwifery students' experience of immersive virtual reality storytelling: An evaluative study'. BMC Nursing 19 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Neil Gerard Docherty |
Canney AL; Cohen RV; Elliott JA; M Aboud C; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Improvements in diabetic albuminuria and podocyte differentiation following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery'. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 17 (1)  |
Cohen RV; Pereira TV; Aboud CM; Petry TBZ; Lopes Correa JL; Schiavon CA; Pompílio CE; Pechy FNQ; Da Costa Silva ACC; De Melo FLG (2020) 'Effect of Gastric Bypass vs Best Medical Treatment on Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial'. JAMA Surgery 155 (8)  |
Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Bariatric surgery for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Nature Reviews Nephrology  |
Elliott JA; Casey S; Murphy CF; Docherty NG; Ravi N; Beddy P; Reynolds JV; le Roux CW (2019) 'Risk factors for loss of bone mineral density after curative esophagectomy'. Archives of Osteoporosis 14 (1)  |
Friedman AN; Wang J; Wahed AS; Docherty NG; Fennern E; Pomp A; Purnell JQ; le Roux CW; Wolfe B (2019) 'The Association Between Kidney Disease and Diabetes Remission in Bariatric Surgery Patients With Type 2 Diabetes'. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 74 (6) :761-770. |
Grannell A; Al-Najim W; Mangan A; Kapoor N; Martin WP; Murphy JC; Docherty NG; le Roux CW; Davenport C (2019) 'Fat free mass is positively associated with hunger and energy intake at extremes of obesity'. Appetite 143  |
Holland JA; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2019) 'Impact of intentional weight loss on diabetic kidney disease'. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (10) :2338-2341. |
Martin WP; Bauer J; Coleman J; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Reeve JLV; Twomey PJ; Docherty NG; O'Riordan A; Watson AJ; le Roux CW (2020) 'Obesity is common in chronic kidney disease and associates with greater antihypertensive usage and proteinuria: evidence from a cross-sectional study in a tertiary nephrology centre.'. Clinical obesity :e12402. |
Martin WP; White J; López-Hernández FJ; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Metabolic Surgery to Treat Obesity in Diabetic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and End-Stage Kidney Disease; What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Murphy CF; Fanning M; Raftery N; Elliott JA; Docherty NG; Donohoe CL; Ravi N; le Roux CW; Reynolds JV (2020) 'Early experience with a nutrition and survivorship clinic in esophageal cancer'. Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus  |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Sancho-Martínez SM; Blanco-Gozalo V; Quiros Y; Prieto-García L; Montero-Gómez MJ; Docherty NG; Martínez-Salgado C; Morales AI; López-Novoa JM; López-Hernández FJ (2020) 'Impaired Tubular Reabsorption Is the Main Mechanism Explaining Increases in Urinary NGAL Excretion Following Acute Kidney Injury in Rats'. Toxicological Sciences 175 (1) :75-86. |
Silveira FC; Docherty NG; Sallet PC; Moraes M; Monclaro T; Arruda e Silva M; Pizani CE; Sallet JA; le Roux CW (2020) 'Early Post-operative Weight Change After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Predicts Weight Loss at 12-Month Follow-up'. Obesity Surgery  |
Wallenius V; Elias E; Elebring E; Haisma B; Casselbrant A; Larraufie P; Spak E; Reimann F; Le Roux CW; Docherty NG (2020) 'Suppression of enteroendocrine cell glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 release by fat-induced small intestinal ketogenesis: A mechanism targeted by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery but not by preoperative very-low-calorie diet'. Gut 69 (8) :1423-1431. |
Dr Jonathan Dodd |
De Rubeis G; Napp AE; Schlattmann P; Geleijns J; Laule M; Dreger H; Kofoed K; Sørgaard M; Engstrøm T; Tilsted HH (2020) 'Pilot study of the multicentre DISCHARGE Trial: image quality and protocol adherence results of computed tomography and invasive coronary angiography'. European Radiology 30 (4) :1997-2009. |
Feger S; Ibes P; Napp AE; Lembcke A; Laule M; Dreger H; Bokelmann B; Davis GK; Roditi G; Diez I (2020) 'Clinical pre-test probability for obstructive coronary artery disease: insights from the European DISCHARGE pilot study'. European Radiology  |
Haase R; Dodd JD; Kauczor HU; Kazerooni EA; Dewey M (2020) 'Developing a lung nodule management protocol specifically for cardiac CT: Methodology in the DISCHARGE trial'. European Journal of Radiology Open 7  |
Rieckmann N; Neumann K; Feger S; Ibes P; Napp A; Preuß D; Dreger H; Feuchtner G; Plank F; Suchánek V (2020) 'Erratum: Health-related qualify of life, angina type and coronary artery disease in patients with stable chest pain (Health Qual Life Outcomes (2020) 18: 140 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-020-01312-4)'. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18 (1)  |
Rieckmann N; Neumann K; Feger S; Ibes P; Napp A; Preuß D; Dreger H; Feuchtner G; Plank F; Suchánek V (2020) 'Health-related qualify of life, angina type and coronary artery disease in patients with stable chest pain'. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18 (1)  |
Dr Glen Doherty |
Adamina M; Bonovas S; Raine T; Spinelli A; Warusavitarne J; Armuzzi A; Bachmann O; Bager P; Biancone L; Bokemeyer B (2020) 'ECCO Guidelines on Therapeutics in Crohn's Disease: Surgical Treatment.'. Journal of Crohn's & colitis 14 (2) :155-168. |
Brown E; Rowan C; Strowitzki MJ; Fagundes RR; Faber KN; Güntsch A; Halligan DN; Kugler J; Jones F; Lee CT (2020) 'Mucosal inflammation downregulates PHD1 expression promoting a barrier-protective HIF-1α response in ulcerative colitis patients'. FASEB Journal 34 (3) :3732-3742. |
Caiazza F; Oficjalska K; Tosetto M; Phelan JJ; Noonan S; Martin P; Killick K; Breen L; O'Neill F; Nolan B (2019) 'KH-Type Splicing Regulatory Protein Controls Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth and Modulates the Tumor Microenvironment'. American Journal of Pathology 189 (10) :1916-1932. |
Egan C; Doherty GA (2019) 'Why do we need to improve monitoring of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on biologic treatment?'. Expert opinion on biological therapy 19 (9) :907-918. |
Gibson DJ; Doherty GA (2020) 'Fast and Curious: An Algorithmic Approach to Infliximab Dosing in Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis.'. Digestive diseases and sciences  |
Jones F; Doherty GA (2019) 'Vedolizumab in IBD/PSC: A Case for Careful Vigilance?'. Journal of Crohn's & colitis 13 (10) :1237-1238. |
Lindner AU; Resler AJ; Carberry S; Oficjalska K; Bacon O; Lee CS; Choudhry A; Burke JP; Sheahan K; Cremona M (2020) 'Systems biology analysis identifies molecular determinants of chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea'. Journal of Molecular Medicine 98 (1) :149-159. |
Rowan CR; Cullen G; Mulcahy HE; Sheridan J; Moss AC; Ryan EJ; Doherty GA (2019) 'Dublin [Degree of Ulcerative colitis Burden of Luminal Inflammation] score, a simple method to quantify inflammatory burden in Ulcerative Colitis'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 13 (11) :1365-1371. |
Torres J; Bonovas S; Doherty G; Kucharzik T; Gisbert JP; Raine T; Adamina M; Armuzzi A; Bachmann O; Bager P (2020) 'ECCO guidelines on therapeutics in Crohn's disease: Medical treatment'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14 (1) :4-22. |
Assoc Professor Suzanne Donnelly |
Abdalla A; Khalid M; Ishaq Q; Donnelly S (2020) 'Scleroderma-associated cutaneous calcinosis: a remarkable regression post stem cell transplantation'. Clinical Rheumatology  |
Dr Dearbhaile Dooley |
Lemmens S; Nelissen S; Dooley D; Geurts N; Peters EMJ; Hendrix S (2020) 'Stress Pathway Modulation Is Detrimental or Ineffective for Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice'. Journal of Neurotrauma 37 (3) :564-571. |
Vangansewinkel T; Lemmens S; Geurts N; Quanten K; Dooley D; Pejler G; Hendrix S (2019) 'Mouse mast cell protease 4 suppresses scar formation after traumatic spinal cord injury'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Peter Doran |
Bagshaw SM; Wald R; Adhikari NKJ; Bellomo R; da Costa BR; Dreyfuss D; Du B; Gallagher MP; Gaudry S; Hoste EA (2020) 'Timing of initiation of renal-replacement therapy in acute kidney injury'. New England Journal of Medicine 383 (3) :240-251. |
Cosgrave D; Vencken S; Galligan M; McGuinness S; Soukhin E; McMullan V; Nair S; Puttappa A; Boylan J; Hussain R (2020) 'The effect of a low-dose naloxone infusion on the incidence of respiratory depression after intrathecal morphine administration for major open hepatobiliary surgery: a randomised controlled trial'. Anaesthesia 75 (6) :747-755. |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Macdonald N; Pearse RM; Murray PT; Inzitari R; Doran P; Prowle JR (2019) 'The role of goal-directed therapy in the prevention of acute kidney injury after major gastrointestinal surgery: Substudy of the OPTIMISE trial'. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 36 (12) :924-932. |
Mc Laughlin RA; Aird J; McCormack O; DeGascun C; Hussein R; Molloy B; Malara A; Galligan M; Kelly CM; Doran P (2020) 'A pilot study of avelumab in Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric cancer.'. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38 (4_suppl) :TPS473-TPS473. |
McCarthy C; Savinelli S; Feeney ER; Butler MW; O'Broin C; Ryan S; O'Neill L; Murphy DJ; Gallagher CG; McKone EF (2020) 'Tocilizumab therapy in individuals with COVID ‐19 infection and hyperinflammatory state'. Respirology 25 (10) :1090-1094. |
Murphy MC; Galligan M; Molloy B; Hussain R; Doran P; O'Donnell C (2020) 'Study protocol for the POPART study - Prophylactic Oropharyngeal surfactant for Preterm infants: A Randomised Trial'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
Dr Emma Dorris |
Costello W; Dorris E (2020) 'Laying the groundwork: Building relationships for public and patient involvement in pre-clinical paediatric research'. Health Expectations 23 (1) :96-105. |
Dorris ER; Linehan E; Trenkmann M; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wilson AG (2019) 'Association of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity Variant rs26232 with the Invasive Activity of Synovial Fibroblasts'. Cells 8 (10)  |
Somanadhan S; Nicholson E; Dorris E; Brinkley A; Kennan A; Treacy E; Atif A; Ennis S; McGrath V; Mitchell D (2020) 'Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP): a collaborative approach to identify the top 15 research priorities for rare diseases'. HRB Open Research 3 :13-13. |
Wilson AG; Sherwin J; Dorris ER (2019) 'Patient and public involvement in biomedical research: training is not a substitute for relationship building'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1607-1608. |
Professor Michael Joe Duffy |
AlSultan D; Kavanagh E; O’Grady S; Eustace AJ; Castell A; Larsson LG; Crown J; Madden SF; Duffy MJ (2020) 'The novel low molecular weight MYC antagonist MYCMI-6 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells'. Investigational New Drugs  |
Duffy MJ (2020) 'Biomarkers for prostate cancer: Prostate-specific antigen and beyond'. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 58 (3) :326-339. |
Duffy MJ; Crown J (2020) 'Drugging “undruggable” genes for cancer treatment: Are we making progress?'. International Journal of Cancer  |
Duffy MJ; Synnott NC; O'Grady S; Crown J (2020) 'Targeting p53 for the treatment of cancer'. Seminars in Cancer Biology  |
Synnott NC; O’Connell D; Crown J; Duffy MJ (2020) 'COTI-2 reactivates mutant p53 and inhibits growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 179 (1) :47-56. |
Assoc Professor Eleanor Dunican |
Butler MW; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Mallon P; Feeney ER; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Prevalence of comorbid asthma in COVID-19 patients'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 146 (2) :334-335. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Professor Jim Egan |
Kgosidialwa O; Blake K; O’Connell O; Egan J; O’Neill J; Hatunic M (2020) 'Post-transplant diabetes mellitus associated with heart and lung transplant'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :185-189. |
Professor Guenther Eissner |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Dr Sean Ennis |
Avazzadeh S; McDonagh K; Reilly J; Wang Y; Boomkamp SD; McInerney V; Krawczyk J; Fitzgerald J; Feerick N; O'Sullivan M (2019) 'Increased Ca2+ signaling in NRXN1α +/- neurons derived from ASD induced pluripotent stem cells'. Molecular Autism 10 (1)  |
Forman EB; Gorman KM; Ennis S; King MD (2019) 'FARS2 Causing Complex Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia With Dysphonia: Expanding the Disease Spectrum'. Journal of Child Neurology 34 (10) :621. |
Pratt J; Boreham C; Ennis S; Ryan AW; De Vito G (2019) 'Genetic Associations with Aging Muscle: A Systematic Review'. Cells 9 (1)  |
Somanadhan S; Nicholson E; Dorris E; Brinkley A; Kennan A; Treacy E; Atif A; Ennis S; McGrath V; Mitchell D (2020) 'Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP): a collaborative approach to identify the top 15 research priorities for rare diseases'. HRB Open Research 3 :13-13. |
Dr Marina Everri |
Mancini T; Everri M (2020) 'Un contributo alla validazione italiana del Brief Multicultural Version of the Test of Mobile Phone Dependence (TMDbrief)'. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo |
Mancini T; Sibilla F; Argiropoulos D; Rossi M; Everri M (2019) 'The opportunities and risks of mobile phones for refugees’ experience: A scoping review'. PLoS ONE 14 (12)  |
Professor Aurelie Fabre |
Fabre A; Nicholson AG (2020) 'Nintedanib in Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Diseases'. The New England journal of medicine 382 (8) :780. |
O'Callaghan M; Fabre A; McCann J; Healy G; McCarthy A; Keane MP; McDonnell TJ; McCarthy C (2020) 'A 34-Year-Old Man With a Chylothorax and Bony Pain'. Chest 157 (4) :e131-e136. |
O'Carroll O; Sharma K; Fabre A; Murphy DJ; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Vaping-associated lung injury'. Thorax 75 (8) :706-707. |
O’mahony AM; Lynn E; Murphy DJ; Fabre A; McCarthy C (2020) 'Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: A clinical review'. Breathe 16 (2) :1-11. |
Dr Robin Feeney |
Gaudio D; Fernandes DM; Schmidt R; Cheronet O; Mazzarelli D; Mattia M; O’Keeffe T; Feeney RNM; Cattaneo C; Pinhasi R (2019) 'Genome-Wide DNA from Degraded Petrous Bones and the Assessment of Sex and Probable Geographic Origins of Forensic Cases'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr Dirk Fey |
Commins S; Fey D (2019) 'Understanding the role of distance, direction and cue salience in an associative model of landmark learning'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Hastings JF; O'Donnell YEI; Fey D; Croucher DR (2020) 'Applications of personalised signalling network models in precision oncology'. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 212  |
McKenna S; García-Gutiérrez L; Matallanas D; Fey D (2019) 'BAX and SMAC Regulate Bistable Properties of the Apoptotic Caspase System'.  |
Nováček V; McGauran G; Matallanas D; Blanco AV; Conca P; Muñoz E; Costabello L; Kanakaraj K; Nawaz Z; Mohamed S (2019) 'Accurate Prediction of Kinase-Substrate Networks Using Knowledge Graphs'.  |
Tuffery L; Halasz M; Fey D (2020) 'Model-based identification of the crosstalks and feedbacks that determine the doxorubicin response dynamics of the JNK-p38-p53 network'.  |
Professor Oliver Fitzgerald |
Brennan A; Ashton J; Callanan E; Farrell C; Killeen G; Fitzgerald O; Moore D; Kenny P; Kane D (2020) 'Reduction of orthopaedic and rheumatology outpatient waiting lists: The national musculoskeletal physiotherapy triage initiative'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-7. |
Burmester GR; Curtis JR; Yun H; FitzGerald O; Winthrop KL; Azevedo VF; Rigby WFC; Kanik KS; Wang C; Biswas P (2020) 'An Integrated Analysis of the Safety of Tofacitinib in Psoriatic Arthritis across Phase III and Long-Term Extension Studies with Comparison to Real-World Observational Data'. Drug Safety 43 (4) :379-392. |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Caffrey A; Fletcher L; Smart K; Corcoran S; Shé ÉN; Casserley-Feeney S; Desmeules F (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: The patient journey and experience'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 45  |
Goel N; Coates LC; De Marco G; Eder L; FitzGerald O; Helliwell PS; Leung YY; Maksymowych WP; Mease PJ; Østergaard M (2020) 'GRAPPA 2019 Project Report'. The Journal of rheumatology. Supplement 96 :53-57. |
Goodchild C; O’Rourke M; Haroon M; FitzGerald O; Murphy CC (2020) '5-year longitudinal study of clinical and patient-reported outcomes in acute anterior uveitis'. Eye (Basingstoke)  |
Gulyás K; Horváth Á; Végh E; Pusztai A; Szentpétery Á; Pethö Z; Váncsa A; Bodnár N; Csomor P; Hamar A (2020) 'Effects of 1-year anti-TNF-α therapies on bone mineral density and bone biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (1) :167-175. |
Haroon M; Szentpetery A; Ashraf M; Gallagher P; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Bristol rheumatoid arthritis fatigue scale is valid in patients with psoriatic arthritis and is associated with overall severe disease and higher comorbidities'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (6) :1851-1858. |
Holland R; Højgaard P; Tillett W; Gossec L; de Wit M; Christensen R; McHugh N; Gladman DD; Mease P; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Evidence for Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease (PsAID12) as Core Instrument to Measure Health-Related Quality of Life in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties'. Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis 5 (1) :12-22. |
Kirby B; Fitzgerald O (2020) 'A new biomarker for psoriatic arthritis?'. British Journal of Dermatology  |
Leung YY; Tillett W; Orbai AM; Ogdie A; Eder L; Coates LC; Holland R; Antony A; Goel N; Mease PJ (2020) 'The grappa-omeract working group: 4 prioritized domains for completing the core outcome measurement set for psoriatic arthritis 2019 updates'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :46-49. |
Maksymowych WP; FitzGerald O; Østergaard M; Homik J; Van Der Heijde D; Lambert RG; Elkayam O; Ramiro S; Thorne JC; Larché MJ (2020) 'Outcomes and findings of the international rheumatoid arthritis (RA) BIODAM cohort for validation of soluble biomarkers in RA'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (6) :796-808. |
Mease PJ; McInnes IB; Strand V; FitzGerald O; Ahmad HA; Elbez Y; Banerjee S (2020) 'Poor prognostic factors in predicting abatacept response in a phase III randomized controlled trial in psoriatic arthritis'. Rheumatology International 40 (7) :1021-1028. |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Putrik P; Ramiro S; Guillemin F; Péntek M; Sivera F; Sokka T; De Wit M; Woolf AD; Zink A; Andersone D (2019) 'Patients with rheumatoid arthritis facing sick leave or work disability meet varying regulations: a study among rheumatologists and patients from 44 European countries'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1472-1479. |
Ramiro S; Landewé RBM; Van Der Heijde D; Sepriano A; Fitzgerald O; Ostergaard M; Homik J; Elkayam O; Thorne JC; Larche M (2020) 'Is treat-to-target really working in rheumatoid arthritis? a longitudinal analysis of a cohort of patients treated in daily practice (RA BIODAM)'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (4) :453-459. |
Ritchlin CT; Pennington SR; Reynolds NJ; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Moving toward precision medicine in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :19-24. |
Sepriano A; Ramiro S; FitzGerald O; Østergaard M; Homik J; Van Der Heijde D; Elkayam O; Thorne JC; Larché MJ; Ferraccioli G (2020) 'Adherence to treat-to-target management in rheumatoid arthritis and associated factors: Data from the international RA BIODAM cohort'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (6) :809-819. |
Tillett W; McHugh N; Orbai AM; Ogdie A; Leung YY; Coates LC; Mease PJ; Gladman DD; Brooke M; Packham J (2020) 'Outcomes of the 2019 grappa workshop on continuous composite indices for the assessment of psoriatic arthritis and membership-recommended next steps'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :11-18. |
Van Der Heijde D; Gladman DD; FitzGerald O; Kavanaugh A; Graham D; Wang C; Fallon L (2019) 'Radiographic progression according to baseline C-reactive protein levels and other risk factors in psoriatic arthritis treated with tofacitinib or adalimumab'. Journal of Rheumatology 46 (9) :1089-1096. |
Waxman R; Stober C; Jadon DR; Orbai AM; Chandran V; Ogdie A; Pennington SR; De Wit M; O'Sullivan D; Mease PJ (2020) 'Proceedings of the 2019 grappa collaborative research network meeting'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :25-30. |
Winchester R; Fitzgerald O (2020) 'MHC class i associations beyond HLA-B27: The peptide binding hypothesis of psoriatic arthritis and its implications for disease pathogenesis'. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 32 (4) :330-336. |
Winchester R; FitzGerald O (2020) 'The many faces of psoriatic arthritis: their genetic determinism'. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 59 (1)  |
Dr Tom Flanagan |
Humphreys O; Pickering M; O'Cearbhaill ED; Flanagan TC (2020) 'A biomimetic urethral model to evaluate urinary catheter lubricity and epithelial micro-trauma'. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 108  |
Assoc Professor Shane Foley |
Alomaim W; O'Leary D; Ryan J; Rainford L; Evanoff M; Foley S (2020) 'Subjective versus quantitative methods of assessing breast density'. Diagnostics 10 (5)  |
Frija G; Foley S; Trianni A; Delis H; Damilakis J; Gilligan P; Tsapaki V; Mildenberger P; Raija S; Brady A (2019) 'How to manage accidental and unintended exposure in radiology: an ESR white paper'. Insights into Imaging 10 (1)  |
Kelly PJ; Camps-Renom P; Giannotti N; Martí-Fàbregas J; McNulty JP; Baron JC; Barry M; Coutts SB; Cronin S; Delgado-Mederos R (2020) 'A risk score including carotid plaque inflammation and stenosis severity improves identification of recurrent stroke'. Stroke :838-845. |
McCabe JJ; Giannotti N; McNulty J; Collins S; Coveney S; Murphy S; Barry M; Harbison J; Cronin S; Williams D (2020) 'Cohort profile: BIOVASC-late, a prospective multicentred study of imaging and blood biomarkers of carotid plaque inflammation and risk of late vascular recurrence after non-severe stroke in Ireland'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
Mussmann BR; Mørup SD; Skov PM; Foley S; Brenøe AS; Eldahl F; Jørgensen GM; Precht H (2020) 'Organ-based tube current modulation in chest CT. A comparison of three vendors'. Radiography  |
Qurashi AA; Rainford LA; Alshamrani KM; Foley SJ (2019) 'THE IMPACT OF OBESITY ON ABDOMINAL CT RADIATION DOSE AND IMAGE QUALITY'. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 185 (1) :17-26. |
Assoc Professor Helen Gallagher |
Gallagher HC; Morris C (2020) 'A retrospective study of gabapentinoid and anti-diabetic drug prescribing trends in Ireland over a 10-year period'. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 86 (6) :1201-1201. |
Dr Joseph Gallagher |
Alqudah A; McMullan P; Todd A; O'Doherty C; McVey A; McConnell M; O'Donoghue J; Gallagher J; Watson CJ; McClements L (2019) 'Service evaluation of diabetes management during pregnancy in a regional maternity hospital: Potential scope for increased self-management and remote patient monitoring through mHealth solutions'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Ferre M; Pharithi RB; Ledwidge M; Watson C; McDonald K; Connell EO; Gallagher J (2019) '47 Progression of preclinical ventricular dysfunction and structural abnormalities in an asymptomatic cohort with elevated natriuretic peptide; a report from the stop-HF project'. General Poster Abstracts 2  |
Gallagher J; James S; Watson C; Harkins V; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'Reducing Heart Failure Risk in People With Diabetes: The STOP HF Midlands Project'. Journal of Cardiac Failure 26 (5) :444-445. |
Gallagher J; Watson C; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'Cardiovascular risk prediction – are we missing something?'. European Journal of Heart Failure 22 (8) :1291-1293. |
Glezeva N; Moran B; Collier P; Moravec C; Phelan D; Donnellan E; Russell-Hallinan A; O'connor D; Gallagher W; Gallagher J (2019) '3069Epigenetic changes in heart failure cohorts: novel insights into methylation changes of protein and RNA coding genes in human cardiac tissue'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Kerr B; Rebabonye P; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; O’ Connell E; Watson C; Gallagher J (2019) '38 CHA2DS2-VASc score and B-type natriuretic peptide in predicting stroke, transient ischemic attack, thromboembolism and death in at-risk patients without atrial fibrillation – the STOP-HF experience'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Ledwidge M; Chisale M; Chiplolmbwe J; Sinyiza F; Nyrienda B; McDonald K; Gallagher J; Watson CJ (2019) 'P3417Comparison of cardiometabolic profile and left ventricular systolic dysfunction amongst outpatients in a low-income Sub-Saharan African versus high-income European population; the MTIMA I study'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Ledwidge M; Pharithi RB; Ryan F; Dodd J; Murphy D; Gallagher J; Watson C; Barrett M; McDonald K; Ferre M (2019) '20 Progression of doppler-echocardiographic markers of structure and function in the personalised prospective comparison of arni with arb in patients with natriuretic peptide elevation (PARABLE) randomized controlled trial'. General Poster Abstracts 1  |
McClelland S; Zhou S; O'Connell E; Gallagher J; Ryan F; Watson CJ; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'New-onset heart failure in the STOP-HF programme. Natriuretic peptide defines and tracks risk and enables earlier diagnosis of heart failure'. European Journal of Heart Failure 22 (2) :378-380. |
Pharithi RB; Ferre-Vallverdu M; Maisel AS; O'Connell E; Walshe M; Sweeney C; Barton J; McDonald K; O'Hare D; Watson C (2020) 'Sacubitril-Valsartan in a routine community population: attention to volume status critical to achieving target dose'. ESC Heart Failure 7 (1) :158-166. |
Sweeney C; Ryan F; Ledwidge M; Ryan C; McDonald K; Watson C; Pharithi RB; Gallagher J (2019) 'Natriuretic peptide-guided treatment for the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients without heart failure'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (10)  |
Watson CJ; Glezeva N; Horgan S; Gallagher J; Phelan D; McDonald K; Tolan M; Baugh J; Collier P; Ledwidge M (2020) 'Atrial Tissue Pro-Fibrotic M2 Macrophage Marker CD163+, Gene Expression of Procollagen and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide'. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (11) :e013416. |
Watson CJ; Tea I; O'Connell E; Glezeva N; Zhou S; James S; Gallagher J; Snider J; Januzzi JL; Ledwidge MT (2020) 'Comparison of longitudinal change in sST2 vs BNP to predict major adverse cardiovascular events in asymptomatic patients in the community'. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 24 (11) :6495-6499. |
Dr Marie Galligan |
Abdulaal OM; Rainford L; MacMahon PJ; Kenny P; Carty F; Galligan M; Cradock A; Alhazmi FH; McGee A (2020) 'Evaluation of optimised 3D turbo spin echo and gradient echo MR pulse sequences of the knee at 3T and 1.5T'. Radiography  |
Cosgrave D; Vencken S; Galligan M; McGuinness S; Soukhin E; McMullan V; Nair S; Puttappa A; Boylan J; Hussain R (2020) 'The effect of a low-dose naloxone infusion on the incidence of respiratory depression after intrathecal morphine administration for major open hepatobiliary surgery: a randomised controlled trial'. Anaesthesia 75 (6) :747-755. |
Haire G; Egan K; Parmar K; McKinnon T; Monteith C; O'Connor H; Kevane B; Maguire P; Szklanna PB; Galligan M (2019) 'Alterations in fibrin formation and fibrinolysis in early onset-preeclampsia: Association with disease severity'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 241 :19-23. |
McAuliffe E; Hamza M; McDonnell T; Nicholson E; De Brún A; Barrett M; Brunsdon C; Bury G; Collins C; Deasy C (2020) 'Children's unscheduled primary and emergency care in Ireland: A multimethod approach to understanding decision making, trends, outcomes and parental perspectives (CUPID): Project protocol'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Menzies S; O'Leary E; Callaghan G; Galligan M; Deady S; Gadallah B; Lenane P; Lally A; Houlihan DD; Morris PG (2019) 'Declining incidence of keratinocyte carcinoma in organ transplant recipients'. British Journal of Dermatology 181 (5) :983-991. |
Murphy MC; Galligan M; Molloy B; Hussain R; Doran P; O'Donnell C (2020) 'Study protocol for the POPART study - Prophylactic Oropharyngeal surfactant for Preterm infants: A Randomised Trial'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
Dr Solene Gatault |
Campion M; Smith L; Gatault S; Métais C; Buddenkotte J; Steinhoff M (2019) 'Interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 evoke scratching behaviour in mice'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (12) :1501-1504. |
Foley R; Kelly P; Gatault S; Powell F (2020) 'Demodex: a skin resident in man and his best friend'. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology  |
Gatault S; Kirby B; Danso-Abeam D (2020) 'Comment on "Olmsted Syndrome".'. Case reports in dermatological medicine 2020 :8024981. |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Dr Virginie Gautier |
Ait-Ammar A; Kula A; Darcis G; Verdikt R; De Wit S; Gautier V; Mallon PWG; Marcello A; Rohr O; Van Lint C (2020) 'Current Status of Latency Reversing Agents Facing the Heterogeneity of HIV-1 Cellular and Tissue Reservoirs'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10  |
Wallet C; De Rovere M; Van Assche J; Daouad F; De Wit S; Gautier V; Mallon PWG; Marcello A; Van Lint C; Rohr O (2019) 'Microglial Cells: The Main HIV-1 Reservoir in the Brain'. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9  |
Dr Blánaid Gavin |
Flood M; Hayden JC; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2019) 'A qualitative study exploring the decision of parents to use medication in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder'. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 15 (9) :1095-1101. |
Gavin B; Hayden J; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Caring for the psychological well-being of healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
Gavin B; Hayden JC; Quigley E; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Opportunities for international collaboration in COVID-19 mental health research.'. European child & adolescent psychiatry  |
Lynch D; O’brien M; O’byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'Impact and mechanism of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (6) :P100-P103. |
Minihan E; Gavin B; Kelly BD; McNicholas F (2020) 'Covid-19, Mental Health and Psychological First Aid'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
O'byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'The pandemic within medical education'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-2. |
Assoc Professor James Geraghty |
Boland MR; Heneghan HM; Ryan ÉJ; Ain Q; Skehan SJ; McCartan D; Evoy D; Geraghty J; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the utility of lymphoscintigraphy in the management of clinically node-negative breast cancer'. Breast Journal 26 (7) :1452-1454. |
Boland MR; Nugent T; Nolan J; O’Mahony J; O’Keeffe S; Gillham CC; Maguire A; Geraghty J; McCartan D; Evoy D (2020) 'Fibromatosis of the breast: a 10-year multi-institutional experience and review of the literature'. Breast Cancer  |
Kane G; Fleming C; Heneghan H; McCartan D; James P; Trueick R; Harrington L; Nally F; Quinn C; O'Doherty A (2019) 'False-negative rate of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology for identifying axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients'. Breast Journal 25 (5) :848-852. |
Mr Nicola Giannotti |
Kelly PJ; Camps-Renom P; Giannotti N; Martí-Fàbregas J; McNulty JP; Baron JC; Barry M; Coutts SB; Cronin S; Delgado-Mederos R (2020) 'A risk score including carotid plaque inflammation and stenosis severity improves identification of recurrent stroke'. Stroke :838-845. |
Dr Jeffrey Glennon |
Aggensteiner PM; Holz NE; Böttinger BW; Baumeister S; Hohmann S; Werhahn JE; Naaijen J; Ilbegi S; Glennon JC; Hoekstra PJ (2020) 'The effects of callous-unemotional traits and aggression subtypes on amygdala activity in response to negative faces'. Psychological Medicine  |
Akkermans SEA; Rheinheimer N; Bruchhage MMK; Durston S; Brandeis D; Banaschewski T; Boecker-Schlier R; Wolf I; Williams SCR; Buitelaar JK (2019) 'Frontostriatal functional connectivity correlates with repetitive behaviour across autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.'. Psychological medicine 49 (13) :2247-2255. |
Bakker-Huvenaars MJ; Greven CU; Herpers P; Wiegers E; Jansen A; van der Steen R; van Herwaarden AE; Baanders AN; Nijhof KS; Scheepers F (2020) 'Saliva oxytocin, cortisol, and testosterone levels in adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder and typically developing individuals'. European Neuropsychopharmacology 30 :87-101. |
Carballo JJ; Llorente C; Kehrmann L; Flamarique I; Zuddas A; Purper-Ouakil D; Hoekstra PJ; Coghill D; Schulze UME; Dittmann RW (2020) 'Psychosocial risk factors for suicidality in children and adolescents'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (6) :759-776. |
Craig MC; Mulder LM; Zwiers MP; Sethi A; Hoekstra PJ; Dietrich A; Baumeister S; Aggensteiner PM; Banaschewski T; Brandeis D (2019) 'Distinct associations between fronto-striatal glutamate concentrations and callous-unemotional traits and proactive aggression in disruptive behavior'. Cortex 121 :135-146. |
Fragkaki I; Glennon JC; Cima M (2020) 'Salivary oxytocin after oxytocin administration: Examining the moderating role of childhood trauma'. Biological Psychology 154  |
Havenith MN; Zijderveld PM; van Heukelum S; Abghari S; Tiesinga P; Glennon JC (2019) 'The Virtual-Environment-Foraging Task enables rapid training and single-trial metrics of rule acquisition and reversal in head-fixed mice'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Jager A; Amiri H; Bielczyk N; van Heukelum S; Heerschap A; Aschrafi A; Poelmans G; Buitelaar JK; Kozicz T; Glennon JC (2020) 'Cortical control of aggression: GABA signalling in the anterior cingulate cortex'. European Neuropsychopharmacology 30 :5-16. |
Jager A; Dam SA; Van Der Mierden S; Oomen CA; Arias-Vasquez A; Buitelaar JK; Kozicz T; Glennon JC (2020) 'Modulation of cognitive flexibility by reward and punishment in BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ mice'. Behavioural Brain Research 378  |
Jager A; Kanters D; Geers F; Buitelaar JK; Kozicz T; Glennon JC (2019) 'Methylphenidate Dose-Dependently Affects Aggression and Improves Fear Extinction and Anxiety in BALB/cJ Mice'. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10  |
Könings M; Blokpoel M; Kapusta K; Claassen T; Buitelaar JK; Glennon JC; Bielczyk NZ (2019) 'Quantifying free behaviour in an open field using k-motif approach'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Kleine Deters R; Naaijen J; Rosa M; Aggensteiner PM; Banaschewski T; Saam MC; Schulze UME; Sethi A; Craig MC; Sagar-Ouriaghli I (2020) 'Executive functioning and emotion recognition in youth with oppositional defiant disorder and/or conduct disorder'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 21 (7) :539-551. |
Mahootchi E; Homaei SC; Kleppe R; Winge I; Hegvik TA; Megias-Perez R; Totland C; Mogavero F; Baumann A; Glennon JC (2020) 'GADL1 is a multifunctional decarboxylase with tissue-specific roles in β-alanine and carnosine production'. Science Advances 6 (29)  |
Naaijen J; Mulder LM; Ilbegi S; de Bruijn S; Kleine-Deters R; Dietrich A; Hoekstra PJ; Marsman JBC; Aggensteiner PM; Holz NE (2020) 'Specific cortical and subcortical alterations for reactive and proactive aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior'. NeuroImage: Clinical 27  |
Nieuwenhuis S; Okkersen K; Widomska J; Blom P; 't Hoen PAC; van Engelen B; Glennon JC (2019) 'Insulin Signaling as a Key Moderator in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1'. Frontiers in Neurology 10  |
Rodríguez-Quiroga A; Flamarique I; Castro-Fornieles J; Lievesley K; Buitelaar JK; Coghill D; Díaz-Caneja CM; Dittmann RW; Gupta A; Hoekstra PJ (2020) 'Development and psychometric properties of the “Suicidality: Treatment Occurring in Paediatrics (STOP) Risk and Resilience Factors Scales” in adolescents'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (2) :153-165. |
Ruisch IH; Dietrich A; Glennon JC; Buitelaar JK; Hoekstra PJ (2019) 'Interplay between genome-wide implicated genetic variants and environmental factors related to childhood antisocial behavior in the UK ALSPAC cohort'. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 269 (6) :741-752. |
Straathof M; Blezer ELA; van Heijningen C; Smeele CE; van der Toorn A; Buitelaar J; de Ruiter S; Naaijen J; Akkermans S; Mennes M (2020) 'Structural and functional MRI of altered brain development in a novel adolescent rat model of quinpirole-induced compulsive checking behavior'. European Neuropsychopharmacology 33 :58-70. |
van de Vondervoort IIGM; Amiri H; Bruchhage MMK; Oomen CA; Rustogi N; Cooper JD; van Asten JJA; Heerschap A; Bahn S; Williams SCR (2019) 'Converging evidence points towards a role of insulin signaling in regulating compulsive behavior'. Translational Psychiatry 9 (1)  |
van Heukelum S; Mars RB; Guthrie M; Buitelaar JK; Beckmann CF; Tiesinga PHE; Vogt BA; Glennon JC; Havenith MN (2020) 'Where is Cingulate Cortex? A Cross-Species View'. Trends in Neurosciences 43 (5) :285-299. |
van Heukelum S; Mogavero F; van de Wal MAE; Geers FE; França ASC; Buitelaar JK; Beckmann CF; Glennon JC; Havenith MN (2019) 'Gradient of Parvalbumin- and Somatostatin-Expressing Interneurons Across Cingulate Cortex Is Differentially Linked to Aggression and Sociability in BALB/cJ Mice'. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10  |
Werhahn JE; Mohl S; Willinger D; Smigielski L; Roth A; Hofstetter C; Stämpfli P; Naaijen J; Mulder LM; Glennon JC (2020) 'Aggression subtypes relate to distinct resting state functional connectivity in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry  |
Wynn SC; Driessen JMA; Glennon JC; Brazil IA; Schutter DJLG (2019) 'Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improves Reactive Response Inhibition in Healthy Volunteers'. Cerebellum 18 (6) :983-988. |
Professor Catherine Godson |
Doyle R; Godson C; Brennan E (2020) 'Promoting resolution in kidney disease: Are we nearly there yet?'. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 29 (1) :119-127. |
Fu T; Fu T; Mohan M; Brennan EP; Woodman OL; Godson C; Kantharidis P; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH (2020) 'Therapeutic Potential of Lipoxin A4in Chronic Inflammation: Focus on Cardiometabolic Disease'. ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science 3 (1) :43-55. |
Godson C (2020) 'Balancing the effect of leukotrienes in asthma'. New England Journal of Medicine 382 (15) :1472-1475. |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR)'. Molecular Aspects of Medicine  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR).'. Molecular aspects of medicine 74 :100894. |
Dr David Gomez |
Carter SP; Moran AL; Matallanas D; McManus GJ; Blacque OE; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Genetic Deletion of Zebrafish Rab28 Causes Defective Outer Segment Shedding, but Not Retinal Degeneration'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Doumandji Z; Safar R; Lovera-Leroux M; Nahle S; Cassidy H; Matallanas D; Rihn B; Ferrari L; Joubert O (2020) 'Correction to: Protein and lipid homeostasis altered in rat macrophages after exposure to metallic oxide nanoparticles (Cell Biology and Toxicology, (2020), 36, 1, (65-82), 10.1007/s10565-019-09484-6)'. Cell Biology and Toxicology 36 (4) :387. |
Doumandji Z; Safar R; Lovera-Leroux M; Nahle S; Cassidy H; Matallanas D; Rihn B; Ferrari L; Joubert O (2020) 'Protein and lipid homeostasis altered in rat macrophages after exposure to metallic oxide nanoparticles'. Cell Biology and Toxicology 36 (1) :65-82. |
García-Gutiérrez L; McKenna S; Kolch W; Matallanas D (2020) 'RASSF1A tumour suppressor: Target the network for effective cancer therapy'. Cancers 12 (1)  |
Nahle S; Cassidy H; Leroux MM; Mercier R; Ghanbaja J; Doumandji Z; Matallanas D; Rihn BH; Joubert O; Ferrari L (2020) 'Genes expression profiling of alveolar macrophages exposed to non-functionalized, anionic and cationic multi-walled carbon nanotubes shows three different mechanisms of toxicity'. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 18 (1)  |
Royds J; Conroy MJ; Dunne MR; Cassidy H; Matallanas D; Lysaght J; McCrory C (2020) 'Examination and characterisation of burst spinal cord stimulation on cerebrospinal fluid cellular and protein constituents in patient responders with chronic neuropathic pain - A Pilot Study'. Journal of Neuroimmunology 344  |
Useckaite Z; Ward MP; Trappe A; Reilly R; Lennon J; Davage H; Matallanas D; Cassidy H; Dillon ET; Brennan K (2020) 'Increased extracellular vesicles mediate inflammatory signalling in cystic fibrosis'. Thorax 75 (6) :449-458. |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Professor Andrew Green |
Blok LS; Rousseau J; Twist J; Ehresmann S; Takaku M; Venselaar H; Rodan LH; Nowak CB; Douglas J; Swoboda KJ (2019) 'Correction to: CHD3 helicase domain mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome with macrocephaly and impaired speech and language (Nature Communications, (2018), 9, 1, (4619), 10.1038/s41467-018-06014-6)'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Forde KM; Molloy B; Conroy J; Green AJ; King MD; Buckley PG; Ryan S; Gorman KM (2020) 'Expansion of the phenotype of biallelic variants in TRIT1'. European Journal of Medical Genetics 63 (6)  |
Meerschaut I; De Coninck S; Steyaert W; Barnicoat A; Bayat A; Benedicenti F; Berland S; Blair EM; Breckpot J; de Burca A (2020) 'A clinical scoring system for congenital contractural arachnodactyly'. Genetics in Medicine 22 (1) :124-131. |
Stephenson KAJ; Dockery A; O’Keefe M; Green A; Farrar GJ; Keegan DJ (2020) 'A FBN1 variant manifesting as non-syndromic ectopia lentis with retinal detachment: clinical and genetic characteristics'. Eye (Basingstoke) 34 (4) :690-694. |
Ms Jennifer Grehan |
Ingram S; Grehan J (2019) 'Referral for chest X-ray during pregnancy: considerations and concerns for the registered nurse referrer of medical ionising radiation'. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 14 (9) :1-10. |
Dr Melinda Halasz |
Obaidi I; Cassidy H; Gaspar VI; McCaul J; Higgins M; Halász M; Reynolds AL; Kennedy BN; McMorrow T (2020) 'Curcumin sensitizes kidney cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis via ROS mediated activation of JNK-CHOP pathway and upregulation of DR4'. Biology 9 (5)  |
Tuffery L; Halasz M; Fey D (2020) 'Model-based identification of the crosstalks and feedbacks that determine the doxorubicin response dynamics of the JNK-p38-p53 network'.  |
Dr Meriem Hamdi |
Rodríguez-Alonso B; Hamdi M; Sánchez JM; Maillo V; Gutierrez-Adan A; Lonergan P; Rizos D (2019) 'An approach to study the local embryo effect on gene expression in the bovine oviduct epithelium in vivo'. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 54 (12) :1516-1523. |
Mr Paul Harkin |
Somanadhan S; Nicholson E; Dorris E; Brinkley A; Kennan A; Treacy E; Atif A; Ennis S; McGrath V; Mitchell D (2020) 'Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP): a collaborative approach to identify the top 15 research priorities for rare diseases'. HRB Open Research 3 :13-13. |
Ms Aine Harrold |
McCombe G; Conneally N; Harrold A; Butt AF; Behan W; Molony D; Cullen W (2019) 'How does the introduction of free GP care for children impact on GP service provision? A qualitative study of GPs'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1245-1249. |
Dr Eric Heffernan |
Clifford SM; Akhtar AM; Redmond CE; Hutchinson Z; Al-Sayyed H; Browne E; Healy GM; Heffernan EJ (2020) 'The 100 citation classics in the Irish medical literature; a bibliometric analysis'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-4. |
Professor Helen Heneghan |
Aamir MA; Sahebally SM; Heneghan H (2020) 'Transversus Abdominis Plane Block in Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery—a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials'. Obesity Surgery  |
Boland MR; Heneghan HM; Ryan ÉJ; Ain Q; Skehan SJ; McCartan D; Evoy D; Geraghty J; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the utility of lymphoscintigraphy in the management of clinically node-negative breast cancer'. Breast Journal 26 (7) :1452-1454. |
Fleming CA; Ismail M; Kavanagh RG; Heneghan HM; Prichard RS; Geoghegan J; Brophy DP; McDermott EW (2020) 'Clinical and Survival Outcomes Using Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Tube Alone or Subsequent Interval Cholecystectomy to Treat Acute Cholecystitis'. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 24 (3) :627-632. |
Kane G; Fleming C; Heneghan H; McCartan D; James P; Trueick R; Harrington L; Nally F; Quinn C; O'Doherty A (2019) 'False-negative rate of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology for identifying axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients'. Breast Journal 25 (5) :848-852. |
McGuire A; Casey MC; Waldron RM; Heneghan H; Kalinina O; Holian E; McDermott A; Lowery AJ; Newell J; Dwyer RM (2020) 'Prospective assessment of systemic microRNAs as markers of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer'. Cancers 12 (7) :1-12. |
Wilkinson M; Murphy S; Sinclair P; Heneghan H; le Roux CW; Brennan DJ (2020) 'Patient perceptions and understanding of obesity related endometrial cancer'. Gynecologic Oncology Reports 32  |
Zaborowski A; Heneghan HM; Fiore B; Stafford A; Gallagher T; Geoghegan J; Maguire D; Hoti E (2020) 'Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and liver transplantation for unresectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma: The irish experience of the mayo protocol'. Transplantation :2097-2104. |
Professor Desmond Higgins |
Sievers F; Higgins DG; Elofsson A (2020) 'QuanTest2: Benchmarking multiple sequence alignments using secondary structure prediction'. Bioinformatics 36 (1) :90-95. |
Dr Mary Higgins |
Ali DS; Davern R; Rutter E; Coveney C; Devine H; Walsh JM; Higgins M; Hatunic M (2020) 'Pre-Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy Outcomes'. Diabetes Therapy  |
Carty M; O'Riordan N; Ivers M; Higgins MF (2020) 'Patient perspectives of bedside teaching in an obstetrics, Gynaecology and neonatology hospital'. BMC Medical Education 20 (1)  |
Donohoe F; Higgins M; Higgins S; McAuliffe F; Murphy K (2019) 'Rituximab – A novel therapy for severe ITP in pregnancy: A case report'. Obstetric Medicine 12 (4) :196-198. |
Finnegan C; Breathnach F; Dicker P; Fernandez E; Tully E; Higgins M; Daly S; Riordan MO; Dunne F; Gaffney G (2019) 'Investigating the role of early low-dose aspirin in diabetes: A phase III multicentre double-blinded placebo-controlled randomised trial of aspirin therapy initiated in the first trimester of diabetes pregnancy'. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 16  |
Fullston EF; Doyle MJ; Higgins MF; Knowles SJ (2019) 'Clinical impact of rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for group B Streptococcus (GBS) in term women with ruptured membranes'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1269-1274. |
Higgins M (2020) 'People deserve safe access zones around clinical areas providing abortion care'. The BMJ 368  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
O’Brien O; Higgins MF; Mooney EE (2020) 'Placental weights from normal deliveries in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :581-583. |
Yee Khong T; Mooney EE; Moghimi A; Higgins M; Hodges R; Kerr PG (2020) 'Placental pathology in pregnancies after kidney transplantation'. Transplantation :E214-E215. |
Dr Michaela Higgins |
Goh CY; Wyse C; Ho M; O'Beirne E; Howard J; Lindsay S; Kelly P; Higgins M; McCann A (2020) 'Exosomes in triple negative breast cancer: Garbage disposals or Trojan horses?'. Cancer Letters 473 :90-97. |
Kearns C; Feighery R; Caffrey JM; Higgins M; Smith M; Murphy V; O’reilly S; Horgan AM; Walshe J; McDermott R (2020) 'Understanding and attitudes toward cancer clinical trials among patients with a cancer diagnosis: National study through cancer trials Ireland'. Cancers 12 (7) :1-26. |
Dr Shane Higgins |
Donohoe F; Higgins M; Higgins S; McAuliffe F; Murphy K (2019) 'Rituximab – A novel therapy for severe ITP in pregnancy: A case report'. Obstetric Medicine 12 (4) :196-198. |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Dr Sinead Holden |
Andreucci A; Holden S; Bach Jensen M; Skovdal Rathleff M (2020) 'The Adolescent Knee Pain (AK-Pain) prognostic tool: Protocol for a prospective cohort study'. F1000Research 8  |
de Oliveira Silva D; Pazzinatto MF; Rathleff MS; Holden S; Bell E; Azevedo F; Barton C (2020) 'Patient education for patellofemoral pain: A systematic review'. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 50 (7) :388-396. |
Holden S; Lyng K; Graven-Nielsen T; Riel H; Olesen JL; Larsen LH; Rathleff MS (2020) 'Isometric exercise and pain in patellar tendinopathy: A randomized crossover trial'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (3) :208-214. |
Holden S; Rathleff MS (2020) 'Separating the myths from facts: Time to take another look at osgoodschlatter 'disease''. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (14) :824-825. |
Holden S; Rathleff MS; Thorborg K; Holmich P; Graven-Nielsen T (2020) 'Mechanistic pain profiling in young adolescents with patellofemoral pain before and after treatment: a prospective cohort study'. Pain 161 (5) :1065-1071. |
Rathleff MS; Winiarski L; Krommes K; Graven-Nielsen T; Hölmich P; Olesen JL; Holden S; Thorborg K (2020) 'Activity Modification and Knee Strengthening for Osgood-Schlatter Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study'. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 8 (4)  |
Rathleff MS; Winiarski L; Krommes K; Graven-Nielsen T; Hölmich P; Olesen JL; Holden S; Thorborg K (2020) 'Pain, sports participation, and physical function in adolescents with patellofemoral pain and osgood-schlatter disease: A matched cross-sectional study'. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 50 (3) :149-157. |
Straszek CL; Rathleff MS; Graven-Nielsen T; Petersen KK; Roos EM; Holden S (2019) 'Exercise-induced hypoalgesia in young adult females with long-standing patellofemoral pain – A randomized crossover study'. European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom) 23 (10) :1780-1789. |
Dr Graham Hughes |
Foley NM; Petit EJ; Brazier T; Finarelli JA; Hughes GM; Touzalin F; Puechmaille SJ; Teeling EC (2020) 'Drivers of longitudinal telomere dynamics in a long-lived bat species, Myotis myotis'. Molecular Ecology 29 (16) :2963-2977. |
Jebb D; Huang Z; Pippel M; Hughes GM; Lavrichenko K; Devanna P; Winkler S; Jermiin LS; Skirmuntt EC; Katzourakis A (2020) 'Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations'. Nature 583 (7817) :578-584. |
Dr Seamus Hussey |
Crealey M; Byrne A; Hussey S (2020) 'Prevalence of IgE mediated food allergy in children with inflammatory bowel disease'. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology  |
Jongsma MME; Winter DA; Huynh HQ; Norsa L; Hussey S; Kolho KL; Bronsky J; Assa A; Cohen S; Lev-Tzion R (2020) 'Infliximab in young paediatric IBD patients: it is all about the dosing'. European Journal of Pediatrics  |
Krauthammer A; Tzivinikos C; Assa A; Miele E; Strisciuglio C; Urlep D; Serban ED; Singh A; Winter HS; Russell RK (2019) 'Long-term Outcomes of Paediatric Patients Admitted with Acute Severe Colitis - A Multicentre Study from the Paediatric IBD Porto Group of ESPGHAN'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 13 (12) :1518-1526. |
Levine A; Chanchlani N; Hussey S; Ziv-Baran T; Escher JC; Amil Dias J; Veres G; Koletzko S; Turner D; Kolho KL (2020) 'Complicated disease and response to initial therapy predicts early surgery in paediatric Crohn's disease: Results from the porto group growth study'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14 (1) :71-78. |
Wine E; El-Matary W; Critch J; Navas-López VM; Hussey S (2020) 'Editorial: Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Looking to the Future'. Frontiers in Pediatrics 8  |
Professor Michael Hutchinson |
Foley J; Carrillo-Infante C; Smith J; Evans K; Ho PR; Lee L; Kasliwal R; Stangel M; Vermersch P; Hutchinson M (2020) 'The 5-year Tysabri global observational program in safety (TYGRIS) study confirms the long-term safety profile of natalizumab treatment in multiple sclerosis'. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 39  |
Junker J; Paulus T; Brandt V; Weissbach A; Tunc S; Loens S; Reilly RB; Hutchinson M; Baumer T (2019) 'Temporal discrimination threshold and blink reflex recovery cycle in cervical dystonia – two sides of the same coin?'. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 68 :4-7. |
McNicholas N; Russell A; Nolan G; Tubridy N; Hutchinson M; Garvey JF; McGuigan C (2020) 'Impact of obstructive sleep apnoea on cognitive function in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
McNicholas N; Tubridy N; Hutchinson M; McGuigan C (2020) 'Perceived and objective cognitive impairment in newly diagnosed versus established multiple sclerosis: impact of disease duration'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Williams L; Butler JS; Thirkettle M; Stafford T; Quinlivan B; McGovern E; O'Riordan S; Redgrave P; Reilly R; Hutchinson M (2020) 'Slowed Luminance Reaction Times in Cervical Dystonia: Disordered Superior Colliculus Processing'. Movement Disorders 35 (5) :877-880. |
Mr Shahnawaz Jadeja |
Patel N; Dwivedi M; Jadeja S; Begum R (2020) 'Antibacterial activity of marine bacterial pigments obtained from Arabian sea water samples'. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 14 (1) :517-526. |
Singh M; Jadeja SD; Vaishnav J; Mansuri MS; Shah C; Mayatra JM; Shah A; Begum R (2020) 'Investigation of the Role of Interleukin 6 in Vitiligo Pathogenesis'. Immunological Investigations  |
Professor James Jones |
Campbell T; Jones JFX (2020) 'Design and implementation of a low cost, modular, adaptable and open-source XYZ positioning system for neurophysiology'. HardwareX 7  |
Shenton FC; Campbell T; Jones JFX; Pyner S (2020) 'Distribution and morphology of sensory and autonomic fibres in the subendocardial plexus of the rat heart'. Journal of Anatomy  |
Turner K; Pickering M; O'Connell PR; Jones JFX (2019) 'The projection of anorectal afferents to cortex of the rat: Comparison of two methods of cortical mapping'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 31 (12)  |
Dr Luke Jones |
Jones L; McCarthy P; Bond J (2020) 'Epigenetics of paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia'. British Journal of Haematology 188 (1) :63-76. |
Assoc Professor Eoin Kavanagh |
Das JP; Aherne E; Kavanagh E (2019) 'Imaging of the Spine: A Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most-Cited Articles'. Spine 44 (22) :1593-1598. |
Delaney FT; Denton H; Dodds M; Kavanagh EC (2020) 'Multimodal imaging of composite carbon fiber–based implants for orthopedic spinal fixation'. Skeletal Radiology  |
Doinn T; Hughes AJ; Ahern DP; McDonnell J; Kavanagh E; Morris S; Butler JS (2020) 'Auto-decompression-preserved neurological function in bilateral cervical facet dislocations'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-7. |
Hynes J; Murphy M; Gillespie C; Kavanagh E (2020) 'Our experience with radiology podcasts, an exciting addition to contemporary radiology literature'. Radiology 295 (1) :247. |
Hynes JP; Downey RE; Hughes N; O'Keane CJ; Kavanagh E (2020) 'Subperiosteal hematoma of the iliac wing presenting with leg weakness in a young adult footballer'. Radiology Case Reports 15 (4) :424-426. |
Hynes JP; Fhlatharta MN; Ryan JW; MacMahon PJ; Eustace SJ; Kavanagh EC (2020) 'Complications in image-guided musculoskeletal injections'. Skeletal Radiology  |
Hynes JP; Hughes N; Cunningham P; Kavanagh EC; Eustace SJ (2019) 'Whole-body MRI of bone marrow: A review'. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 50 (6) :1687-1701. |
Kelly PJ; Camps-Renom P; Giannotti N; Martí-Fàbregas J; McNulty JP; Baron JC; Barry M; Coutts SB; Cronin S; Delgado-Mederos R (2020) 'A risk score including carotid plaque inflammation and stenosis severity improves identification of recurrent stroke'. Stroke :838-845. |
McCabe JJ; Giannotti N; McNulty J; Collins S; Coveney S; Murphy S; Barry M; Harbison J; Cronin S; Williams D (2020) 'Cohort profile: BIOVASC-late, a prospective multicentred study of imaging and blood biomarkers of carotid plaque inflammation and risk of late vascular recurrence after non-severe stroke in Ireland'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
Menon PJ; Lyons S; Thavarajah K; Gabr A; Seerat M; McKenna MC; Kavanagh E; Kelly P; Marnane M; McGovern R (2020) 'Cerebral amyloid angiopathy related inflammation'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-9. |
Murphy MC; Murphy AN; Hughes H; McEneaney OJ; O'Keane C; Kavanagh E (2020) 'Multimodal imaging of Spina Ventosa (TB Dactylitis) of the foot'. Radiology Case Reports 15 (8) :1373-1376. |
Sugrue G; Crockett MT; Byrne A; Mcloughlin R; Maguire S; Gilligan P; Kavanagh EC; Eustace SJ (2019) 'A 5-year review of a pitch side radiology unit at an international sports stadium'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1391-1395. |
Sullivan CJ; Eustace SJ; Kavanagh EC (2020) 'Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the hip joint: Three cases demonstrating characteristic MRI features'. Radiology Case Reports 15 (8) :1335-1338. |
Sullivan CJ; Eustace SJ; Kavanagh EC (2020) 'Placebo effects in musculoskeletal radiology procedures'. Skeletal Radiology  |
Sullivan CJ; Kavanagh EC; Eustace SJ (2020) 'Gaelic Sport Injuries'. Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 24 (3) :214-226. |
Professor Michael Keane |
Butler MW; Keane MP (2020) 'Pulmonary sarcoidosis'. Medicine (United Kingdom) 48 (6) :386-392. |
Keane MP (2019) 'The fibrosis burden of systemic sclerosis'. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 200 (10) :1200-1202. |
O'Callaghan M; Fabre A; McCann J; Healy G; McCarthy A; Keane MP; McDonnell TJ; McCarthy C (2020) 'A 34-Year-Old Man With a Chylothorax and Bony Pain'. Chest 157 (4) :e131-e136. |
O'Carroll O; Sharma K; Fabre A; Murphy DJ; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Vaping-associated lung injury'. Thorax 75 (8) :706-707. |
Assoc Professor Malcolm Kell |
Moynihan A; Quinn EM; Smith CS; Stokes M; Kell M; Barry JM; Walsh SM (2020) 'Benign breast papilloma: Is surgical excision necessary?'. Breast Journal 26 (4) :705-710. |
Quinn EM; Barry M; Kell M (2020) 'Immediate implant reconstruction using absorbable TIGR mesh after nipple-sparing mastectomy'. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 43 (3) :279-284. |
Zehra S; Doyle F; Barry M; Walsh S; Kell MR (2020) 'Health-related quality of life following breast reconstruction compared to total mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery among breast cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Breast Cancer 27 (4) :534-566. |
Dr Brendan Kelly |
Cullen W; Gulati G; Kelly BD (2020) 'Mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic'. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 113 (5) :311-312. |
Curley A; Murphy R; Fleming S; Kelly BD (2019) 'Age, psychiatry admission status and linear mental capacity for treatment decisions'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 66  |
Duffy R; Gulati G; Paralikar V; Kasar N; Goyal N; Desousa A; Kelly B (2019) 'A focus group study of Indian psychiatrists' views on electroconvulsive therapy under India's mental healthcare act 2017: The ground reality is different''. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 41 (6) :507-515. |
Duffy RM; Kelly BD (2020) 'Can the World Health Organisation's 'QualityRights' initiative help reduce coercive practices in psychiatry in Ireland?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Feeney A; Umama-Agada E; Gilhooley J; Asghar M; Kelly BD (2019) 'Gender, diagnosis and involuntary psychiatry admission in Ireland: A report from the Dublin Involuntary Admission Study (DIAS)'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 66  |
Gulati G; Cusack A; Kelly BD; Kilcommins S; Dunne CP (2020) 'Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities encountering law enforcement officials as the suspects of crime – A narrative systematic review'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71  |
Gulati G; Dunne CP; Kelly B (2020) 'Do COVID-19 responses imperil the human rights of people with disabilities?'. Health and Human Rights Journal |
Gulati G; Dunne CP; Kelly BD (2020) 'Prisons and the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Gulati G; Fistein E; Dunne CP; Kelly BD; Murphy VE (2020) 'People with Intellectual Disabilities and the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Gulati G; Kelly BD (2020) 'Does remdesivir have any neuropsychiatric adverse effects?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Gulati G; Kelly BD (2020) 'Domestic violence against women and the COVID-19 pandemic: What is the role of psychiatry?'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71  |
Gulati G; Kelly BD (2020) 'Physician suicide and the COVID-19 pandemic.'. Occupational medicine (Oxford, England) |
Gulati G; Kelly BD; Dunne CP (2019) 'Hunger strikes and psychiatric care'. The Lancet Psychiatry 6 (11) :e27. |
Gulati G; Whelan D; Murphy V; Dunne CP; Kelly BD (2020) 'The inherent jurisdiction of the Irish High Court: Interface with psychiatry'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 69  |
Kelly B (2020) 'Psychiatry's future: Biology, psychology, legislation, and 'the fierce urgency of Now''. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 42 (2) :189-192. |
Kelly BD (2019) 'Just One More Question: Stories from a life in Neurology by Niall Tubridy (304 pp, ISBN 9781844884575). Penguin Ireland, Dublin. 2019.'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 36 (3) :233-234. |
Kelly BD (2019) 'Psychiatry in ireland: A lot done, more to do'. Irish Medical Journal 112 (9) |
Kelly BD (2020) '“Dyspepsia,” “seduction” and “violent hysteria”: reports, reforms and the Irish asylums of the 1850s'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Anthropological perspectives on the trajectory from institutionalisation to community care in Irish psychiatry'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Coronavirus disease: Challenges for psychiatry'. British Journal of Psychiatry 217 (1) :352-353. |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Disability Law and Policy: An Analysis of the UN Convention. Edited by Charles O’Mahony and Gerard Quinn (pp. 600; ISBN 978 1 905536 90 0). Clarus Press: Dublin, 2017.'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (2) :150-150. |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Emergency mental health legislation in response to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic in Ireland: Urgency, necessity and proportionality'. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 70  |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Irish Medical Organisation Doolin Memorial Lecture 2019: rhetoric and reality in mental health—Ireland and the world'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :1127-1134. |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Looking at the facts about suicide'. BJPsych Advances 26 (4) :236-237. |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Plagues, pandemics and epidemics in Irish history prior to Covid-19 (coronavirus): What can we learn?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Suicide'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-3. |
Kelly BD (2020) 'Ten books'. The British Journal of Psychiatry 217 (2) :460-461. |
Kelly BD; O'Loughlin K (2020) 'Obituary: Dr Séamus Mac Suibhne (Sweeney) (1978-2019).'. Irish journal of medical science 189 (2) :757-759. |
Kelly BD; O'Loughlin K (2020) 'The psychiatrist as philosopher: An appreciation of Dr Séamus Mac Suibhne (Sweeney) (1978-2019)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :3-7. |
Minihan E; Gavin B; Kelly BD; McNicholas F (2020) 'Covid-19, Mental Health and Psychological First Aid'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Murphy VE; Gulati G; Whelan D; Dunne CP; Kelly BD (2020) 'The changing face of Capacity legislation in Ireland: Algorithms for clinicians'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine :1-5. |
O'Neill D; Kelly B; O'Keeffe S; Moss H (2020) 'Mainstreaming medical humanities in continuing professional development and postgraduate training'. Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 20 (2) :208-211. |
Scriven M; Geary E; Kelly BD (2020) 'Psychiatrists and Covid-19: What is our role during this unprecedented time?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Dr Catherine Kelly |
Farquhar M; Jacobson M; Braun C; Wolfman W; Kelly C; Allen LM; Lega IC (2020) 'Medical and gynecological comorbidities in adult women with Turner syndrome: our multidisciplinary clinic experience'. Climacteric 23 (1) :32-37. |
Kearns C; Feighery R; Caffrey JM; Higgins M; Smith M; Murphy V; O’reilly S; Horgan AM; Walshe J; McDermott R (2020) 'Understanding and attitudes toward cancer clinical trials among patients with a cancer diagnosis: National study through cancer trials Ireland'. Cancers 12 (7) :1-26. |
Peter Kelly |
Coveney S; McCabe JJ; Marnane M; Kelly PJ; Murphy S (2019) '199 Hospital Discharges for Acute Stroke in Ireland: National Data 2005-2017'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
Coveney S; McCabe JJ; Murphy S; O'Donnell M; Kelly PJ (2020) 'Anti-inflammatory therapy for preventing stroke and other vascular events after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020 (5)  |
Coveney S; McCabe JJ; Sean M; Belton O; Crowe M; Dolan E; Cassidy T; De Gaetano M; Fitzgibbon M; Harbison J (2019) '192 Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein Predict all Cause Death and Poor Functional Outcome after Non-Severe Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
De Caterina R; Kelly P; Monteiro P; Deharo JC; De Asmundis C; Lopez-De-Sa E; Weiss T; Waltenberger J; Steffel J; De Groot JR (2019) 'P1257ETNA-AF Europe: First 1-year follow-up snapshot analysis of more than 7,500 AF patients treated with edoxaban in routine clinical practice'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
De Groot JR; De Caterina R; Kelly P; Monteiro P; Deharo JC; De Asmundis C; Lopez De Sa E; Weiss TW; Waltenberger J; Steffel J (2019) 'P4756Stroke and bleeding in low, intermediate and high risk patients with atrial fibrillation treated with edoxaban: Results of the ETNA-AF Europe registry'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
de Groot JR; Weiss TW; Kelly P; Monteiro P; Deharo JC; de Asmundis C; López-de-Sá E; Waltenberger J; Steffel J; Levy P (2020) 'Edoxaban for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in routine clinical care: One year follow up of the prospective observational ETNA-AF-Europe study.'. European heart journal. Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy  |
Doherty RJ; Caird J; Crimmins D; Kelly P; Murphy S; McGuigan C; Tubridy N; King MD; Lynch B; Webb D (2020) 'Moyamoya disease and moyamoya syndrome in Ireland: patient demographics, mode of presentation and outcomes of EC-IC bypass surgery'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Katsanos AH; Palaiodimou L; Price C; Giannopoulos S; Lemmens R; Kosmidou M; Georgakis MK; Weimar C; Kelly PJ; Tsivgoulis G (2020) 'Colchicine for stroke prevention in patients with coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. European Journal of Neurology 27 (6) :1035-1038. |
Kelly P; Salman RA; Arsovska A; Dippel DWJ; Fischer U; Ford GA; Fuentes B; Lemmens R; Marshall JC; Nederkoorn PJ (2019) 'Building a European ‘network of networks’ for stroke clinical research – The European Stroke Organisation Trials Alliance (ESOTA)'. European Stroke Journal 4 (3) :224-232. |
Kelly PJ; Camps-Renom P; Giannotti N; Martí-Fàbregas J; McNulty JP; Baron JC; Barry M; Coutts SB; Cronin S; Delgado-Mederos R (2020) 'A risk score including carotid plaque inflammation and stenosis severity improves identification of recurrent stroke'. Stroke :838-845. |
Kelly PJ; Price C (2019) 'Identifying patients at high risk of coronary events after stroke a prerequisite for better prevention'. Stroke 50 (12) :3335-3336. |
McCabe JJ; Giannotti N; McNulty J; Collins S; Coveney S; Murphy S; Barry M; Harbison J; Cronin S; Williams D (2020) 'Cohort profile: BIOVASC-late, a prospective multicentred study of imaging and blood biomarkers of carotid plaque inflammation and risk of late vascular recurrence after non-severe stroke in Ireland'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
McCabe JJ; O'Reilly E; Coveney S; Collins R; Cronin S; Harbison J; Cassidy T; Dolan E; O'Connor M; Williams D (2019) '237 Systematic Review of Fibrinogen and Risk of Recurrent Stroke and Vascular Events after Ischaemic Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Menon PJ; Lyons S; Thavarajah K; Gabr A; Seerat M; McKenna MC; Kavanagh E; Kelly P; Marnane M; McGovern R (2020) 'Cerebral amyloid angiopathy related inflammation'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-9. |
Shumba J; McLoughlin A; Browne L; Schmid A; Wren M-A; Hickey A; Kelly P; Bennett K; Rohde D; Sexton E (2020) 'Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of cognitive impairment on the risk of admission to long-term care after stroke'. HRB Open Research 3 :28-28. |
Tsivgoulis G; Palaiodimou L; Katsanos AH; Caso V; Köhrmann M; Molina C; Cordonnier C; Fischer U; Kelly P; Sharma VK (2020) 'Neurological manifestations and implications of COVID-19 pandemic'. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders 13  |
Weiss T; De Caterina R; Kelly P; Monteiro P; Deharo JC; De Asmundis C; Lopez-De-Sa E; Waltenberger J; Steffel J; De Groot JR (2019) 'P4766Edoxaban Treatment in routiNe clinical prActice for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in Europe (ETNA-AF-Europe): 1-year follow-up according to body mass index'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Assoc Professor Mairead Kennelly |
O’Malley EG; Walsh MC; Reynolds CME; Kennelly M; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'A cross-sectional study of maternal-fetal attachment and perceived stress at the first antenatal visit.'. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 38 (3) :271-280. |
O’Sullivan EJ; Rokicki S; Kennelly M; Ainscough K; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness of a mobile health-supported lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with an elevated body mass index'. International Journal of Obesity 44 (5) :999-1010. |
Dr Rory Kennelly |
Creavin B; Ryan J; Kelly ME; Moynihan A; Redmond CE; Ahern D; Kennelly R; Hanly A; Martin ST; O'Connell PR (2019) 'Minimally invasive approaches to the management of anastomotic leakage following restorative rectal cancer resection'. Colorectal Disease 21 (12) :1364-1371. |
Zaborowski AM; Murphy B; Creavin B; Rogers AC; Kennelly R; Hanly A; Martin ST; O'Connell PR; Sheahan K; Winter DC (2020) 'Clinicopathological features and oncological outcomes of patients with young-onset rectal cancer'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (5) :606-612. |
Dr Barry Kevane |
Haire G; Egan K; Parmar K; McKinnon T; Monteith C; O'Connor H; Kevane B; Maguire P; Szklanna PB; Galligan M (2019) 'Alterations in fibrin formation and fibrinolysis in early onset-preeclampsia: Association with disease severity'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 241 :19-23. |
Kelliher S; Maguire PB; Szklanna PB; Weiss L; Ewins K; O'Doherty R; Angelov D; Ní Áinle F; Kevane B (2020) 'Pathophysiology of the Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Preeclampsia.'. Hamostaseologie  |
Rosovsky RP; Sanfilippo KM; Wang TF; Rajan SK; Shah S; Martin KA; Ní Áinle F; Huisman M; Hunt BJ; Kahn SR (2020) 'Anticoagulation Practice Patterns in COVID-19: A Global Survey.'. Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis  |
Professor Boris Kholodenko |
Bolado-Carrancio A; Rukhlenko OS; Nikonova E; Tsyganov MA; Wheeler A; Garcia-Munoz A; Kolch W; Kriegsheim AV; Kholodenko BN (2020) 'Periodic propagating waves coordinate rhogtpase network dynamics at the leading and trailing edges during cell migration'. eLife 9 :1-34. |
Hadrup N; Zhernovkov V; Jacobsen NR; Voss C; Strunz M; Ansari M; Schiller HB; Halappanavar S; Poulsen SS; Kholodenko B (2020) 'Acute Phase Response as a Biological Mechanism-of-Action of (Nano)particle-Induced Cardiovascular Disease'. Small 16 (21)  |
Lill D; Rukhlenko OS; Mc Elwee AJ; Kashdan E; Timmer J; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'Mapping connections in signaling networks with ambiguous modularity'. npj Systems Biology and Applications 5 (1)  |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Dr Christina Kiel |
Ibáňez Gaspar V; Catozzi S; Ternet C; Luthert PJ; Kiel C (2020) 'Analysis of Ras-effector interaction competition in large intestine and colorectal cancer context'. Small GTPases  |
Luthert PJ; Kiel C (2020) 'Combining Gene-Disease Associations with Single-Cell Gene Expression Data Provides Anatomy-Specific Subnetworks in Age-Related Macular Degeneration.'. Network and systems medicine 3 (1) :105-121. |
Dr Jan Klimas |
Arya S; Delic M; Ruiz BII; Klimas J; Papanti D; Stepanov A; Cock V; Krupchanka D (2020) 'Closing the gap between training needs and training provision in addiction medicine'. BJPsych International 17 (2) :37-39. |
Beamish L; Sagorin Z; Stanley C; English K; Garelnabi R; Cousineau D; Barrios R; Klimas J (2019) 'Implementation of a regional quality improvement collaborative to improve care of people living with opioid use disorder in a Canadian setting'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Klimas J; Kelly D; Adam A; Arya S; Ruiz BII; Krupchanka D; Hamilton M-A; Dennehy T; Wood E; Cullen W (2020) 'What Are the Self-Assessed Training Needs of Early Career Professionals in Addiction Medicine? A BEME Focused Review'. MedEdPublish 9 (1)  |
McWilliams C; Bonnie K; Robinson S; Johnson C; Puyat JH; Klimas J (2020) 'Preliminary Results of Psychiatric Inpatients Referred to an Addiction Medicine Consult Service'. Journal of addiction medicine 14 (4) :352-353. |
Priest KC; Gorfinkel L; Klimas J; Jones AA; Fairbairn N; McCarty D (2019) 'Comparing Canadian and United States opioid agonist therapy policies'. International Journal of Drug Policy 74 :257-265. |
Ronsley C; Nolan S; Knight R; Hayashi K; Klimas J; Walley A; Wood E; Fairbairn N (2020) 'Treatment of stimulant use disorder: A systematic review of reviews.'. PloS one 15 (6) :e0234809. |
Wood E; Simel DL; Klimas J (2019) 'Pain management with opioids in 2019-2020'. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 322 (19) :1912-1913. |
Professor Ulla Knaus |
Augsburger F; Filippova A; Rasti D; Seredenina T; Lam M; Maghzal G; Mahiout Z; Jansen-Dürr P; Knaus UG; Doroshow J (2019) 'Pharmacological characterization of the seven human NOX isoforms and their inhibitors'. Redox Biology 26  |
Aviello G; Singh AK; O’Neill S; Conroy E; Gallagher W; D’Agostino G; Walker AW; Bourke B; Scholz D; Knaus UG (2019) 'Colitis susceptibility in mice with reactive oxygen species deficiency is mediated by mucus barrier and immune defense defects'. Mucosal Immunology 12 (6) :1316-1326. |
Dao VTV; Elbatreek MH; Altenhöfer S; Casas AI; Pachado MP; Neullens CT; Knaus UG; Schmidt HHHW (2020) 'Isoform-selective NADPH oxidase inhibitor panel for pharmacological target validation'. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 148 :60-69. |
Knaus UG (2020) 'Oxidants in Physiological Processes.'. Handbook of experimental pharmacology  |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Professor Sabine Koelle |
Dulohery K; Trottmann M; Bour S; Liedl B; Alba-Alejandre I; Reese S; Hughes B; Stief CG; Kölle S (2020) 'How do elevated levels of testosterone affect the function of the human fallopian tube and fertility?—New insights'. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87 (1) :30-44. |
Kölle S; Hughes B; Steele H (2020) 'Early embryo-maternal communication in the oviduct: A review'. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87 (6) :650-662. |
Owhor LE; Reese S; Kölle S (2019) 'Salpingitis Impairs Bovine Tubal Function and Sperm-Oviduct Interaction'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Walter Kolch |
Bolado-Carrancio A; Rukhlenko OS; Nikonova E; Tsyganov MA; Wheeler A; Garcia-Munoz A; Kolch W; Kriegsheim AV; Kholodenko BN (2020) 'Periodic propagating waves coordinate rhogtpase network dynamics at the leading and trailing edges during cell migration'. eLife 9 :1-34. |
Caraffini V; Geiger O; Rosenberger A; Hatzl S; Perfler B; Berg JL; Lim C; Strobl H; Kashofer K; Schauer S (2020) 'Loss of RAF kinase inhibitor protein is involved in myelomonocytic differentiation and aggravates RAS-driven myeloid leukemogenesis'. Haematologica 105 (2) :375-386. |
Dienstmann R; Connor K; Byrne AT (2020) 'Precision Therapy in RAS Mutant Colorectal Cancer'. Gastroenterology 158 (4) :806-811. |
García-Gutiérrez L; McKenna S; Kolch W; Matallanas D (2020) 'RASSF1A tumour suppressor: Target the network for effective cancer therapy'. Cancers 12 (1)  |
Lee S; Rauch J; Kolch W (2020) 'Targeting MAPK signaling in cancer: Mechanisms of drug resistance and sensitivity'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3)  |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Mr Aleksandar Krstic |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Dr Stephen Lalor |
Cooper AJR; Lalor SJ; McLoughlin RM (2020) 'Activation of human Vδ2+ γδT cells by staphylococcus aureus promotes enhanced anti-staphylococcal adaptive immunity'. Journal of Immunology 205 (4) :1039-1049. |
Edwards SC; Sutton CE; Ladell K; Grant EJ; McLaren JE; Roche F; Dash P; Apiwattanakul N; Awad W; Miners KL (2020) 'A population of proinflammatory T cells coexpresses αβ and γδ T cell receptors in mice and humans'. Journal of Experimental Medicine 217 (5)  |
Professor Jack Lambert |
Adeniyi OV; Selanto-Chairman N; Owolabi EO; Ajayi AI; Kayembe DK; Ter Goon D; Gordana A; Lambert J (2019) 'Inequality in uptake of isoniazid prevention therapy and Mantoux test among pregnant women with HIV in the Eastern Cape, South Africa'. BMC Public Health 19 (1)  |
Avramovic G; McHugh T; Connolly S; Cullen W; Lambert J (2020) 'Anticipate study protocol: Baseline profile and care outcomes of patients attending Mater Misericordiae University Hospital with COVID-19 infection'.  |
Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Iglesias M; Mc Hugh T; Crowley D; Naughton AM (2020) 'HepCare Europe—A service innovation project. HepCheck: Characteristics of the patient population with active infection as defined by HCV RNA'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91 :246-251. |
Barror S; Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Crowley D; Horan A; Naughton AM (2019) 'HepCare Europe: a service innovation project. HepCheck: enhancing HCV identification and linkage to care for vulnerable populations through intensified outreach screening. A prospective multisite feasibility study'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v39-v46. |
Connolly SP; Avramovic G; Cullen W; McHugh T; O’Connor E; Mc Combe G; Crowley D; Naughton AM; Horan A; Lambert JS (2020) 'HepCare Ireland—a service innovation project'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Crowley D; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Van Hout MC (2019) 'Competing priorities and second chances - A qualitative exploration of prisoners' journeys through the Hepatitis C continuum of care'. PLoS ONE 14 (9)  |
Freitas IT; Tinago W; Sawa H; McAndrews J; Doak B; Prior-Fuller C; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Cotter AG (2020) 'Interferon lambda rs368234815 Δg/ΔG is associated with higher CD4+:CD8+ T-cell ratio in treated HIV-1 infection'. AIDS Research and Therapy 17 (1)  |
Lacey A; Savinelli S; Barco EA; Macken A; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Feeney E; Mallon PW (2020) 'Investigating the effect of antiretroviral switch to tenofovir alafenamide on lipid profiles in people living with HIV'. AIDS (London, England) 34 (8) :1161-1170. |
Lambert JS (2020) 'An Overview of Tickborne Infections in Pregnancy and Outcomes in the Newborn: The Need for Prospective Studies'. Frontiers in Medicine 7  |
McCombe G; Almaazmi B; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Avramovic G; Murphy C; O'Connor M; Perry N; Ianache I; Lazar S (2019) 'Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v24-v30. |
Michaelis IA; Nielsen M; Carty C; Wolff M; Sabin CA; Lambert JS (2020) 'Late diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus infection is linked to higher rates of epilepsy in children in the Eastern Cape of South Africa'. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 21 (1)  |
Morley D; Lambert JS; Hogan LE; De Gascun C; Redmond N; Rutishauser RL; Thanh C; Gibson EA; Hobbs K; Bakkour S (2019) 'Correction to: Rapid development of HIV elite control in a patient with acute infection (BMC Infectious Diseases (2019) 19:815 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-019-4374-8)'. BMC Infectious Diseases 19 (1)  |
Morley D; Lambert JS; Hogan LE; De Gascun C; Redmond N; Rutishauser RL; Thanh C; Gibson EA; Hobbs K; Bakkour S (2019) 'Rapid development of HIV elite control in a patient with acute infection'. BMC Infectious Diseases 19 (1)  |
Moysa C; Murtagh R; Lambert JS (2019) 'Potential persistent borrelia infection and response to antibiotic therapy; a clinical case study and review of recent literature'. Antibiotics 8 (4)  |
Nic An Riogh E; Swan D; McCombe G; O'Connor E; Avramovic G; Macías J; Oprea C; Story A; Surey J; Vickerman P (2019) 'Integrating hepatitis C care for at-risk groups (HepLink): baseline data from a multicentre feasibility study in primary and community care'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v31-v38. |
O'Kelly B; McGettrick P; Angelov D; Fay M; McGinty T; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS (2020) 'Outcome of a patient with refractory Hodgkin lymphoma on pembrolizumab, infected with SARS-CoV-2'. British Journal of Haematology 190 (1) :e1-e3. |
O’Kelly B; Lambert JS (2020) 'Vector-borne diseases in pregnancy'. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease 7  |
OʼKelly B; Murtagh R; Lambert JS (2020) 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of HIV Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnancy: A Narrative Review'. Therapeutic drug monitoring 42 (2) :229-244. |
Raben D; Hoekstra M; Combs L; Sullivan AK; Lazarus JV; Lambert JS; Simões D; Streinu-Cercel A; Rockstroh JK; Streinu-Cercel A (2020) 'A call to action toward integrated testing and earlier care for viral hepatitis, HIV, STIs and TB'. HIV Medicine 21 (6) :403-408. |
Dr Abbie Lane |
Cleary E; Kelleher CC; Lane A; Malone KM (2020) 'Limiting psychotropic medication prescription on discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: A possible suicide intervention?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :43-47. |
Dr Fiona Lanigan |
Rahman A; Jahangir C; Lynch SM; Alattar N; Aura C; Russell N; Lanigan F; Gallagher WM (2020) 'Advances in tissue-based imaging: impact on oncology research and clinical practice'. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics  |
Professor Carel Le Roux |
Braga TG; Graças Coelho de Souza MD; Menezes M; Nogueira Neto JF; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Bouskela E; le Roux CW; Kraemer-Aguiar LG (2020) 'Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 activity, lipopolysaccharide, C-reactive protein, glucose metabolism, and gut peptides 3 months after bariatric surgery'. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases  |
C Sudlow A; W le Roux C; J Pournaras D (2019) 'Review of Advances in Anti-obesity Pharmacotherapy: Implications for a Multimodal Treatment Approach with Metabolic Surgery'. Obesity Surgery 29 (12) :4095-4104. |
Canney AL; Cohen RV; Elliott JA; M Aboud C; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Improvements in diabetic albuminuria and podocyte differentiation following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery'. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 17 (1)  |
Cohen RV; Pereira TV; Aboud CM; Petry TBZ; Lopes Correa JL; Schiavon CA; Pompílio CE; Pechy FNQ; Da Costa Silva ACC; De Melo FLG (2020) 'Effect of Gastric Bypass vs Best Medical Treatment on Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial'. JAMA Surgery 155 (8)  |
Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Bariatric surgery for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Nature Reviews Nephrology  |
Duggan SN; O'Connor DB; Antanaitis A; Campion JR; Lawal O; Ahmed M; Tisdall AR; Sherlock M; Boran G; le Roux C (2020) 'Metabolic dysfunction and diabetes mellitus during long-term follow-up of severe acute pancreatitis: A case-matched study'. Pancreatology 20 (5) :813-821. |
Elliott JA; Casey S; Murphy CF; Docherty NG; Ravi N; Beddy P; Reynolds JV; le Roux CW (2019) 'Risk factors for loss of bone mineral density after curative esophagectomy'. Archives of Osteoporosis 14 (1)  |
Friedman AN; Wang J; Wahed AS; Docherty NG; Fennern E; Pomp A; Purnell JQ; le Roux CW; Wolfe B (2019) 'The Association Between Kidney Disease and Diabetes Remission in Bariatric Surgery Patients With Type 2 Diabetes'. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 74 (6) :761-770. |
Gomide Braga T; das Graças Coelho de Souza M; Maranhão PA; Menezes M; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Bouskela E; Le Roux CW; Kraemer-Aguiar LG (2020) 'Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability and Endothelial Function 3 Months After Bariatric Surgery'. Obesity Surgery 30 (6) :2450-2453. |
Grannell A; Al-Najim W; Mangan A; Kapoor N; Martin WP; Murphy JC; Docherty NG; le Roux CW; Davenport C (2019) 'Fat free mass is positively associated with hunger and energy intake at extremes of obesity'. Appetite 143  |
Grannell A; Fallon F; Pournaras D; le Roux CW (2020) 'Exploring patient beliefs and perceptions regarding obesity as a disease, obesity causation and treatment'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Holland JA; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2019) 'Impact of intentional weight loss on diabetic kidney disease'. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (10) :2338-2341. |
Hyde KM; Blonde GD; Bueter M; le Roux CW; Spector AC (2020) 'Gastric bypass in female rats lowers concentrated sugar solution intake and preference without affecting brief-access licking after long-term sugar exposure'. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 318 (5) :R870-R885. |
Kashyap SR; Kheniser K; Aminian A; Schauer P; Le Roux C; Burguera B (2020) 'Double-blinded, randomized, and controlled study on the effects of canagliflozin after bariatric surgery: A pilot study'. Obesity Science and Practice 6 (3) :255-263. |
Kokkinos A; Tsilingiris D; le Roux CW; Rubino F; Mantzoros CS (2019) 'Will medications that mimic gut hormones or target their receptors eventually replace bariatric surgery?'. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 100  |
le Roux CW (2020) 'Biography: Carel le Roux'. Obesity Surgery 30 (6) :2074-2075. |
le Roux CW; Hartvig NV; Haase CL; Nordsborg RB; Olsen AH; Satylganova A (2020) 'Obesity, cardiovascular risk and healthcare resource utilization in the UK'. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology  |
le Roux CW; Ottosson J; Näslund E; Cohen RV; Stenberg E; Sundbom M; Näslund I (2020) 'Bariatric Surgery: There Is a Room for Improvement to Reduce Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes'. Obesity Surgery  |
Lingvay I; Catarig AM; Frias JP; Kumar H; Lausvig NL; le Roux CW; Thielke D; Viljoen A; McCrimmon RJ (2019) 'Efficacy and safety of once-weekly semaglutide versus daily canagliflozin as add-on to metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes (SUSTAIN 8): a double-blind, phase 3b, randomised controlled trial'. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 7 (11) :834-844. |
Martin WP; le Roux CW (2020) 'Comment on: Impact of serum uric acid on renal function after bariatric surgery: a retrospective study'. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 (2) :295-298. |
Martin WP; White J; López-Hernández FJ; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Metabolic Surgery to Treat Obesity in Diabetic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and End-Stage Kidney Disease; What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
McCrimmon RJ; Catarig AM; Frias JP; Lausvig NL; le Roux CW; Thielke D; Lingvay I (2020) 'Effects of once-weekly semaglutide vs once-daily canagliflozin on body composition in type 2 diabetes: a substudy of the SUSTAIN 8 randomised controlled clinical trial'. Diabetologia 63 (3) :473-485. |
Minnock D; Annibalini G; Le Roux CW; Contarelli S; Krause M; Saltarelli R; Valli G; Stocchi V; Barbieri E; De Vito G (2020) 'Effects of acute aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on 24-h glucose variability and skeletal muscle signalling responses in type 1 diabetics'. European Journal of Applied Physiology  |
Murphy CF; Fanning M; Raftery N; Elliott JA; Docherty NG; Donohoe CL; Ravi N; le Roux CW; Reynolds JV (2020) 'Early experience with a nutrition and survivorship clinic in esophageal cancer'. Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus  |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Naseer F; Price R; McElroy A; Le Roux C; Redpath T; Martin M; Livingstone B (2020) 'Changes in Resting Energy Expenditure following Gastric Bypass Surgery: Impact on Total Body Weight.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Neff KJ; Le Roux CW (2020) 'The Effect of Metabolic Surgery on the Complications of Diabetes: What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Nielsen MS; Andersen INSK; Lange B; Ritz C; le Roux CW; Schmidt JB; Sjödin A; Bredie WLP (2019) 'Bariatric Surgery Leads to Short-Term Effects on Sweet Taste Sensitivity and Hedonic Evaluation of Fatty Food Stimuli'. Obesity 27 (11) :1796-1804. |
Nielsen MS; Ritz C; Wewer Albrechtsen NJ; Holst JJ; le Roux CW; Sjödin A (2020) 'Oxyntomodulin and glicentin may predict the effect of bariatric surgery on food preferences and weight loss'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105 (4) :E1064-E1074. |
Nielsen MS; Schmidt JB; le Roux CW; Sjödin A (2019) 'Effects of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy on Food Preferences and Potential Mechanisms Involved.'. Current obesity reports 8 (3) :292-300. |
Papamargaritis D; Al-Najim W; Lim J; Crane J; Lean M; Le Roux C; McGowan B; O'Shea D; Webb D; Wilding J (2020) 'Effectiveness and cost of integrating a pragmatic pathway for prescribing liraglutide 3.0 mg in obesity services (STRIVE study): Study protocol of an open-label, real-world, randomised, controlled trial'. BMJ Open 10 (2)  |
Redpath T; Price R; Finlayson G; Boyd A; Naseer F; le Roux C; Livingstone B (2020) 'Changes in ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ for high fat, high sugar foods and impact on 24hr dietary intake following gastric bypass'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Rubino F; Cohen RV; Mingrone G; le Roux CW; Mechanick JI; Arterburn DE; Vidal J; Alberti G; Amiel SA; Batterham RL (2020) 'Bariatric and metabolic surgery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: DSS recommendations for management of surgical candidates and postoperative patients and prioritisation of access to surgery'. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 8 (7) :640-648. |
Rubino F; Puhl RM; Cummings DE; Eckel RH; Ryan DH; Mechanick JI; Nadglowski J; Ramos Salas X; Schauer PR; Twenefour D (2020) 'Joint international consensus statement for ending stigma of obesity'. Nature Medicine 26 (4) :485-497. |
Silveira FC; Docherty NG; Sallet PC; Moraes M; Monclaro T; Arruda e Silva M; Pizani CE; Sallet JA; le Roux CW (2020) 'Early Post-operative Weight Change After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Predicts Weight Loss at 12-Month Follow-up'. Obesity Surgery  |
Sudlow A; Le Roux CW; Pournaras DJ (2020) 'The metabolic benefits of different bariatric operations: What procedure to choose?'. Endocrine Connections 9 (2) :R28-R35. |
Sudlow AC; Le Roux CW; Pournaras DJ (2020) 'Long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes'. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 15 (3) :141-146. |
Sultan S; Patel AG; El-Hassani S; Whitelaw B; Leca BM; Vincent RP; le Roux CW; Rubino F; Aywlin SJB; Dimitriadis GK (2020) 'Male Obesity Associated Gonadal Dysfunction and the Role of Bariatric Surgery'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Wallenius V; Elias E; Elebring E; Haisma B; Casselbrant A; Larraufie P; Spak E; Reimann F; Le Roux CW; Docherty NG (2020) 'Suppression of enteroendocrine cell glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 release by fat-induced small intestinal ketogenesis: A mechanism targeted by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery but not by preoperative very-low-calorie diet'. Gut 69 (8) :1423-1431. |
Wilkinson M; Murphy S; Sinclair P; Heneghan H; le Roux CW; Brennan DJ (2020) 'Patient perceptions and understanding of obesity related endometrial cancer'. Gynecologic Oncology Reports 32  |
Dr Mark Ledwidge |
Edgar K; Glezeva N; Collier P; Ledwidge M; O’Reilly J; Tea I; Baugh J; McDonald K; O’ Connell E; Watson C (2019) '62 Tetranectin expression is associated with myocardial fibrosis and may be a useful serum biomarker for indicating early myocardial injury and predisposition to heart failure development'. Oral Abstract Presentations 3  |
Ferre M; Pharithi RB; Ledwidge M; Watson C; McDonald K; Connell EO; Gallagher J (2019) '47 Progression of preclinical ventricular dysfunction and structural abnormalities in an asymptomatic cohort with elevated natriuretic peptide; a report from the stop-HF project'. General Poster Abstracts 2  |
Gallagher J; James S; Watson C; Harkins V; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'Reducing Heart Failure Risk in People With Diabetes: The STOP HF Midlands Project'. Journal of Cardiac Failure 26 (5) :444-445. |
Gallagher J; Watson C; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'Cardiovascular risk prediction – are we missing something?'. European Journal of Heart Failure 22 (8) :1291-1293. |
Glezeva N; Moran B; Collier P; Moravec C; Phelan D; Donnellan E; Russell-Hallinan A; O'connor D; Gallagher W; Gallagher J (2019) '3069Epigenetic changes in heart failure cohorts: novel insights into methylation changes of protein and RNA coding genes in human cardiac tissue'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Kerr B; Rebabonye P; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; O’ Connell E; Watson C; Gallagher J (2019) '38 CHA2DS2-VASc score and B-type natriuretic peptide in predicting stroke, transient ischemic attack, thromboembolism and death in at-risk patients without atrial fibrillation – the STOP-HF experience'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Kerrigan L; Glezeva N; Collier P; Moreavec C; Baugh J; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Das S; Watson C (2019) '6 Gene transcriptional profiles and epigenetic regulation in the development of human heart disease'. Oral Abstract Presentations 1  |
Ledwidge M; Chisale M; Chiplolmbwe J; Sinyiza F; Nyrienda B; McDonald K; Gallagher J; Watson CJ (2019) 'P3417Comparison of cardiometabolic profile and left ventricular systolic dysfunction amongst outpatients in a low-income Sub-Saharan African versus high-income European population; the MTIMA I study'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Ledwidge M; Pharithi RB; Ryan F; Dodd J; Murphy D; Gallagher J; Watson C; Barrett M; McDonald K; Ferre M (2019) '20 Progression of doppler-echocardiographic markers of structure and function in the personalised prospective comparison of arni with arb in patients with natriuretic peptide elevation (PARABLE) randomized controlled trial'. General Poster Abstracts 1  |
McClelland S; Zhou S; O'Connell E; Gallagher J; Ryan F; Watson CJ; Ledwidge M; McDonald K (2020) 'New-onset heart failure in the STOP-HF programme. Natriuretic peptide defines and tracks risk and enables earlier diagnosis of heart failure'. European Journal of Heart Failure 22 (2) :378-380. |
McDonald K; Glezeva N; Collier P; O'Reilly J; O'Connell E; Tea I; Russell-Hallinan A; Tonry C; Pennington S; Gallagher J (2020) 'Tetranectin, a potential novel diagnostic biomarker of heart failure, is expressed within the myocardium and associates with cardiac fibrosis.'. Scientific reports 10 (1) :7507. |
Pharithi RB; Ferre-Vallverdu M; Maisel AS; O'Connell E; Walshe M; Sweeney C; Barton J; McDonald K; O'Hare D; Watson C (2020) 'Sacubitril-Valsartan in a routine community population: attention to volume status critical to achieving target dose'. ESC Heart Failure 7 (1) :158-166. |
Russell-Hallinan A; Glezeva N; McDonald I; Cooke G; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Burden R; Watson C (2019) '65 Elevated levels of cathepsin S is associated with inflammation and pathological remodelling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction'. Oral Abstract Presentations 3  |
Russell-Hallinan A; Glezeva N; Moran B; Das S; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Baugh J; Watson C (2019) '36 Hypoxia induces gene-specific epigenetic modifications that promotes a hyperactive pro-fibrotic phenotype in human cardiac fibroblasts'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Sweeney C; Ryan F; Ledwidge M; Ryan C; McDonald K; Watson C; Pharithi RB; Gallagher J (2019) 'Natriuretic peptide-guided treatment for the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients without heart failure'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 (10)  |
Tonry C; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; Hernandez B; Glezeva N; Rooney C; Morrissey B; Pennington SR; Baugh JA; Watson CJ (2019) '37 Multiplexed measurement of candidate protein biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in blood'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Watson CJ; Glezeva N; Horgan S; Gallagher J; Phelan D; McDonald K; Tolan M; Baugh J; Collier P; Ledwidge M (2020) 'Atrial Tissue Pro-Fibrotic M2 Macrophage Marker CD163+, Gene Expression of Procollagen and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide'. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (11) :e013416. |
Watson CJ; Tea I; O'Connell E; Glezeva N; Zhou S; James S; Gallagher J; Snider J; Januzzi JL; Ledwidge MT (2020) 'Comparison of longitudinal change in sST2 vs BNP to predict major adverse cardiovascular events in asymptomatic patients in the community'. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 24 (11) :6495-6499. |
Professor Brendan Loftus |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Staunton PM; Miranda-Casoluengo AA; Loftus BJ; Gormley IC (2019) 'BINDER: Computationally inferring a gene regulatory network for Mycobacterium abscessus'. BMC Bioinformatics 20 (1)  |
Dr Lisa Lombardi |
de San Vicente KM; Schröder MS; Lombardi L; Iracane E; Butler G (2019) 'Correlating Genotype and phenotype in the asexual yeast Candida orthopsilosis implicates ZCF29 in sensitivity to caffeine'. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (9)  |
Morio F; Lombardi L; Butler G (2020) 'The CRISPR toolbox in medical mycology: State of the art and perspectives'. PLoS pathogens 16 (1) :e1008201. |
Dr Sheila Loughman |
Loughman S; Berry C; Hickey P; Kerr GM; Bury G (2020) 'Irish Defence Forces combat medical technician training: experience of a novel university medical school-based programme.'. BMJ military health  |
Dr Sally Lynch |
Aitken S; Firth HV; McRae J; Halachev M; Kini U; Parker MJ; Lees MM; Lachlan K; Sarkar A; Joss S (2019) 'Finding Diagnostically Useful Patterns in Quantitative Phenotypic Data'. American Journal of Human Genetics 105 (5) :933-946. |
Avazzadeh S; McDonagh K; Reilly J; Wang Y; Boomkamp SD; McInerney V; Krawczyk J; Fitzgerald J; Feerick N; O'Sullivan M (2019) 'Increased Ca2+ signaling in NRXN1α +/- neurons derived from ASD induced pluripotent stem cells'. Molecular Autism 10 (1)  |
Blok LS; Rousseau J; Twist J; Ehresmann S; Takaku M; Venselaar H; Rodan LH; Nowak CB; Douglas J; Swoboda KJ (2019) 'Correction to: CHD3 helicase domain mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome with macrocephaly and impaired speech and language (Nature Communications, (2018), 9, 1, (4619), 10.1038/s41467-018-06014-6)'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Bradley L; Lynch SA (2020) 'Dying to see you? Deaths on a clinical genetics waiting list in the Republic of Ireland; what are the consequences?'. Journal of Community Genetics  |
Choufani S; Gibson WT; Turinsky AL; Chung BHY; Wang T; Garg K; Vitriolo A; Cohen ASA; Cyrus S; Goodman S (2020) 'DNA Methylation Signature for EZH2 Functionally Classifies Sequence Variants in Three PRC2 Complex Genes'. American Journal of Human Genetics 106 (5) :596-610. |
Cuvertino S; Hartill V; Colyer A; Garner T; Nair N; Al-Gazali L; Canham N; Faundes V; Flinter F; Hertecant J (2020) 'A restricted spectrum of missense KMT2D variants cause a multiple malformations disorder distinct from Kabuki syndrome'. Genetics in Medicine 22 (5) :867-877. |
Cuvertino S; Hartill V; Colyer A; Garner T; Nair N; Al-Gazali L; Canham N; Faundes V; Flinter F; Hertecant J (2020) 'Correction: A restricted spectrum of missense KMT2D variants cause a multiple malformations disorder distinct from Kabuki syndrome (Genetics in Medicine, (2020), 22, 5, (867-877), 10.1038/s41436-019-0743-3)'. Genetics in Medicine 22 (5) :980. |
Ding Y; Marcó de la Cruz B; Xia Y; Liu M; Lu Y; McInerney V; Krawczyk J; Lynch SA; Howard L; O'Brien T (2019) 'Derivation of familial iPSC lines from three ASD patients carrying NRXN1α+/− and two controls (NUIGi022-A, NUIGi022-B; NUIGi023-A, NUIGi023-B; NUIGi025-A, NUIGi025-B; NUIGi024-A, NUIGi024-B; NUIGi026-A, NUIGi026-B)'. Stem Cell Research 41  |
Durkin A; Albaba S; Fry AE; Morton JE; Douglas A; Beleza A; Williams D; Volker-Touw CML; Lynch SA; Canham N (2020) 'Clinical findings of 21 previously unreported probands with HNRNPU-related syndrome and comprehensive literature review'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A 182 (7) :1637-1654. |
Foster A; Zachariou A; Loveday C; Ashraf T; Blair E; Clayton-Smith J; Dorkins H; Fryer A; Gener B; Goudie D (2019) 'The phenotype of Sotos syndrome in adulthood: A review of 44 individuals'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 181 (4) :502-508. |
Konrad EDH; Nardini N; Caliebe A; Nagel I; Young D; Horvath G; Santoro SL; Shuss C; Ziegler A; Bonneau D (2019) 'CTCF variants in 39 individuals with a variable neurodevelopmental disorder broaden the mutational and clinical spectrum'. Genetics in Medicine 21 (12) :2723-2733. |
Meerschaut I; De Coninck S; Steyaert W; Barnicoat A; Bayat A; Benedicenti F; Berland S; Blair EM; Breckpot J; de Burca A (2020) 'A clinical scoring system for congenital contractural arachnodactyly'. Genetics in Medicine 22 (1) :124-131. |
Murray SL; Fennelly NK; Doyle B; Lynch SA; Conlon PJ (2020) 'Integration of genetic and histopathology data in interpretation of kidney disease.'. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 35 (7) :1113-1132. |
Ostrowski PJ; Zachariou A; Loveday C; Beleza-Meireles A; Bertoli M; Dean J; Douglas AGL; Ellis I; Foster A; Graham JM (2019) 'The CHD8 overgrowth syndrome: A detailed evaluation of an emerging overgrowth phenotype in 27 patients'. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 181 (4) :557-564. |
Sasaki E; Kostocenko M; Lang N; Clark T; Rogers M; Muldowney R; Walsh O; O’Grady L; Edge G; Ward A (2020) 'National Newborn Screening for cystic fibrosis in the Republic of Ireland: genetic data from the first 6.5 years'. European Journal of Human Genetics  |
Shaughnessy N; Forman EB; O'Rourke D; Lynch SA; Lynch B (2020) 'X-linked infantile spinal muscular atrophy (SMAX2) caused by novel c.1681G>A substitution in the UBA1 gene, expanding the phenotype'. Neuromuscular Disorders 30 (1) :35-37. |
Somanadhan S; Nicholson E; Dorris E; Brinkley A; Kennan A; Treacy E; Atif A; Ennis S; McGrath V; Mitchell D (2020) 'Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP): a collaborative approach to identify the top 15 research priorities for rare diseases'. HRB Open Research 3 :13-13. |
Dr Peter Joseph MacMahon |
Abdulaal OM; Rainford L; MacMahon PJ; Kenny P; Carty F; Galligan M; Cradock A; Alhazmi FH; McGee A (2020) 'Evaluation of optimised 3D turbo spin echo and gradient echo MR pulse sequences of the knee at 3T and 1.5T'. Radiography  |
Gibney B; Murphy MC; Ahern DP; Hynes D; MacMahon PJ (2019) 'Trapezium fracture: a common clinical mimic of scaphoid fracture'. Emergency Radiology 26 (5) :531-540. |
Gibney B; Ryan JW; MacMahon PJ; O’Connor GS; Bolster F (2020) 'Assessment of RAdiopaque Patient IDentification Stickers (RAPIDS) for patient-scan correlation in a mass casualty incident'. Emergency Radiology 27 (3) :293-301. |
Gibney BT; MacMahon P (2020) 'Cone-beam CT for Diagnosis of Avulsion Injuries of the Hand and Wrist.'. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc 40 (4) :1198. |
Kenny G; MacMahon P; Dempsey P; Muldoon E; Sheehan G; McCarthy GM (2020) 'The need for computed tomography imaging to differentiate the crowned dens syndrome from vertebral osteomyelitis.'. Scandinavian journal of rheumatology 49 (3) :249-250. |
Lyhne MD; Schultz JG; MacMahon PJ; Haddad F; Kalra M; Tso DM-K; Muzikansky A; Lev MH; Kabrhel C (2019) 'Correction to: Septal bowing and pulmonary artery diameter on computed tomography pulmonary angiography are associated with short-term outcomes in patients with acute pulmonary embolism.'. Emergency radiology 26 (6) :631. |
Lyhne MD; Schultz JG; MacMahon PJ; Haddad F; Kalra M; Tso DM-K; Muzikansky A; Lev MH; Kabrhel C (2019) 'Septal bowing and pulmonary artery diameter on computed tomography pulmonary angiography are associated with short-term outcomes in patients with acute pulmonary embolism.'. Emergency radiology 26 (6) :623-630. |
Ryan JW; Hollywood A; Stirling A; Glynn M; MacMahon PJ; Bolster F (2019) 'Evidenced-based radiology? A single-institution review of imaging referral appropriateness including monetary and dose estimates for inappropriate scans.'. Irish journal of medical science 188 (4) :1385-1389. |
Ryan JW; Murphy A; MacMahon PJ; Bolster F (2020) 'Mass casualty incidents-are you ready? A major incident planning template for diagnostic radiology.'. Emergency radiology 27 (3) :321-328. |
Professor Patrick Mallon |
Ait-Ammar A; Kula A; Darcis G; Verdikt R; De Wit S; Gautier V; Mallon PWG; Marcello A; Rohr O; Van Lint C (2020) 'Current Status of Latency Reversing Agents Facing the Heterogeneity of HIV-1 Cellular and Tissue Reservoirs'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10  |
Boffito M; Ryom L; Spinner C; Martinez E; Behrens G; Rockstroh J; Hohenauer J; Lacombe K; Psichogyiou M; Voith N (2020) 'Clinical management of ageing people living with HIV in Europe: the view of the care providers'. Infection 48 (4) :497-506. |
Boffito M; Ryom L; Spinner C; Martinez E; Behrens G; Rockstroh J; Hohenauer J; Lacombe K; Psichogyiou M; Voith N (2020) 'Correction to: Clinical management of ageing people living with HIV in Europe: the view of the care providers (Infection, (2020), 48, 4, (497-506), 10.1007/s15010-020-01406-7)'. Infection 48 (4) :507. |
Butler MW; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Mallon P; Feeney ER; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Prevalence of comorbid asthma in COVID-19 patients'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 146 (2) :334-335. |
Carr A; Grund B; Schwartz AV; Avihingsanon A; Badal-Faesen S; Bernadino JI; Estrada V; La Rosa A; Mallon PWG; Pujari S (2020) 'The rate of bone loss slows after 1–2 years of initial antiretroviral therapy: final results of the Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy (START) bone mineral density substudy'. HIV Medicine 21 (1) :64-70. |
De Francesco D; Underwood J; Bagkeris E; Anderson J; Williams I; Vera JH; Post FA; Boffito M; Johnson M; Mallon PWG (2019) 'Risk factors and impact of patterns of co-occurring comorbidities in people living with HIV'. AIDS 33 (12) :1871-1880. |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Freitas IT; Tinago W; Sawa H; McAndrews J; Doak B; Prior-Fuller C; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Cotter AG (2020) 'Interferon lambda rs368234815 Δg/ΔG is associated with higher CD4+:CD8+ T-cell ratio in treated HIV-1 infection'. AIDS Research and Therapy 17 (1)  |
Kelly C; Tinago W; Alber D; Hunter P; Luckhurst N; Connolly J; Arrigoni F; Abner AG; Kamngona R; Sheha I (2020) 'Inflammatory Phenotypes Predict Changes in Arterial Stiffness following ART Initiation.'. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America  |
Lacey A; Savinelli S; Barco EA; Macken A; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Feeney E; Mallon PW (2020) 'Investigating the effect of antiretroviral switch to tenofovir alafenamide on lipid profiles in people living with HIV'. AIDS (London, England) 34 (8) :1161-1170. |
Mallon P; Brunet L; Fusco JS; Prajapati G; Beyer AP; Wohlfeiler M; Fusco G (2019) '337. Switching from TDF to TAF: Missed Opportunities for Statin Use in HIV'. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6 (Supplement_2) :S179-S179. |
McGettrick P; Mallon PWG; Sabin CA (2020) 'Cardiovascular disease in HIV patients: recent advances in predicting and managing risk'. Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy 18 (7) :677-688. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Ryom L; Cotter A; De Miguel R; Béguelin C; Podlekareva D; Arribas JR; Marzolini C; Mallon PGM; Rauch A; Kirk O (2020) '2019 update of the European AIDS Clinical Society Guidelines for treatment of people living with HIV version 10.0'. HIV Medicine  |
Sabin CA; Kunisaki KM; Bagkeris E; Post FA; Sachikonye M; Boffito M; Anderson J; Mallon PWG; Williams I; Vera JH (2020) 'Respiratory symptoms and chronic bronchitis in people with and without HIV infection'. HIV Medicine  |
Savinelli S; De Francesco D; Feeney ER; Babalis D; Bagkeris E; Post FA; Boffito M; Williams I; Vera J; Johnson M (2020) 'Factors associated with obesity in the Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Observations in People over Fifty (POPPY) cohort: an observational cross-sectional analysis'. HIV Medicine 21 (7) :441-452. |
Savinelli S; McCarthy C; Mallon PW (2020) 'Reply'. Respirology  |
Schuettfort G; Boekenkamp L; Cabello A; Cotter AG; De Leuw P; Doctor J; Górgolas M; Hamzah L; Herrmann E; Kann G (2020) 'Antiretroviral treatment outcomes among late HIV presenters initiating treatment with integrase inhibitors or protease inhibitors'. HIV Medicine  |
Wallet C; De Rovere M; Van Assche J; Daouad F; De Wit S; Gautier V; Mallon PWG; Marcello A; Van Lint C; Rohr O (2019) 'Microglial Cells: The Main HIV-1 Reservoir in the Brain'. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9  |
Wang X; Boffito M; Dickinson L; Bagkeris E; Khoo S; Post FA; Vera J; Williams I; Ndoutoumou A; Anderson J (2020) 'Plasma nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor concentration and their associations with liver and renal parameters in people living with HIV'. AIDS 34 (5) :790-793. |
Winston A; Cotter A; Gisslen M; Mallon PWG; Cinque P (2020) 'Response to: ‘How helpful are the European AIDS Clinical Society cognitive screening questions in predicting cognitive impairment in an aging, well-treated HIV-positive population?’'. HIV Medicine 21 (7) :e17-e18. |
Professor Kevin Malone |
Alexander L; Malone K; Counihan E; Kennedy J; Roddy D; Delaney L (2020) 'Assessing Public Attitudes to Electroconvulsive Therapy: Validation of the Modified ECT Attitudes Questionnaire Using a Systematic Analysis'. Journal of ECT 36 (1) :47-53. |
Arensman E; Larkin C; McCarthy J; Leitao S; Corcoran P; Williamson E; McAuliffe C; Perry IJ; Griffin E; Cassidy EM (2019) 'Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland: Optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study'. BMC Psychiatry 19 (1)  |
Cleary E; Kelleher CC; Lane A; Malone KM (2020) 'Limiting psychotropic medication prescription on discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: A possible suicide intervention?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :43-47. |
Crowe E; Daly M; Delaney L; Carroll S; Malone KM (2019) 'The intra-day dynamics of affect, self-esteem, tiredness, and suicidality in Major Depression'. Psychiatry Research 279 :98-108. |
McKey S; Quirke B; Fitzpatrick P; Kelleher CC; Malone KM (2020) 'A rapid review of Irish Traveller mental health and suicide: A psychosocial and anthropological perspective'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Dr William Martin |
Canney AL; Cohen RV; Elliott JA; M Aboud C; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Improvements in diabetic albuminuria and podocyte differentiation following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery'. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 17 (1)  |
Grannell A; Al-Najim W; Mangan A; Kapoor N; Martin WP; Murphy JC; Docherty NG; le Roux CW; Davenport C (2019) 'Fat free mass is positively associated with hunger and energy intake at extremes of obesity'. Appetite 143  |
Holland JA; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2019) 'Impact of intentional weight loss on diabetic kidney disease'. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (10) :2338-2341. |
Martin WP; Bauer J; Coleman J; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Reeve JLV; Twomey PJ; Docherty NG; O'Riordan A; Watson AJ; le Roux CW (2020) 'Obesity is common in chronic kidney disease and associates with greater antihypertensive usage and proteinuria: evidence from a cross-sectional study in a tertiary nephrology centre.'. Clinical obesity :e12402. |
Martin WP; le Roux CW (2020) 'Comment on: Impact of serum uric acid on renal function after bariatric surgery: a retrospective study'. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 (2) :295-298. |
Martin WP; White J; López-Hernández FJ; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Metabolic Surgery to Treat Obesity in Diabetic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and End-Stage Kidney Disease; What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe |
Ainscough KM; Kennelly MA; Lindsay KL; O’Brien EC; O’Sullivan EJ; Mehegan J; Gibney ER; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'An observational analysis of meal patterns in overweight and obese pregnancy: exploring meal pattern behaviours and the association with maternal and fetal health measures'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :585-594. |
Ainscough KM; O'Brien EC; Lindsay KL; Kennelly MA; O'Sullivan EJ; O'Brien OA; McCarthy M; De Vito G; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Nutrition, Behavior Change and Physical Activity Outcomes From the PEARS RCT—An mHealth-Supported, Lifestyle Intervention Among Pregnant Women With Overweight and Obesity'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10  |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Bartels HC; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Kranidi A; Mehegan J; Yelverton C; McDonnell CM; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Fetal Growth Trajectories and Their Association with Maternal, Cord Blood, and 5-year Child Adipokines'. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020  |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Brien EO; Walsh N; Geraghty A; Byrne D; McAuliffe F (2020) 'What can researchers learn from participant involvement? Insights from the ROLO Family Advisory Committee'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A systematic review of probiotic use to improve metabolic health in women'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Yelverton CA; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of probiotic supplementation on metabolic health in healthy women of reproductive age: a systematic review'. Food & Function  |
Callaghan S; Geraghty AA; Moore RL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Exploration of factors associated with intention, initiation and duration of breastfeeding'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-8. |
Callaghan S; Moore RL; Geraghty AA; Yelverton C; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Examination of weight status, parity and maternal education factors on intentions to breastfeed and breastfeeding duration in an Irish cohort.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Callaghan S; O’Brien E; Coughlan B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Midwives’ and obstetricians’ level of knowledge of appropriate gestational weight gain recommendations for pregnancy: A systematic review'. Birth  |
Cauldwell M; Mackie F; Steer P; Heneghan M; Baalman J; Brennand J; Johnson T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes for women with primary sclerosis cholangitis and primary binary cholangitis'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S485-S485. |
Cauldwell M; Mackie FL; Steer PJ; Henehghan MA; Baalman JH; Brennand J; Johnston T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes in women with primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis: a retrospective cohort study'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 127 (7) :876-884. |
Chen L-W; Aubert A; Bernard JY; Cooper C; Duijts L; Geraghty AA; Harvey NC; Hebert JR; Heude B; Kelleher CC (2020) 'Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts (ALPHABET consortium)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Downey P; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; O’Farrelly C; Brennan DJ; Wingfield M (2020) 'The impact of accurately timed mid-luteal endometrial injury in igravid women undergoing their first or second embryo transfer'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Daly R; Dicker P; Unterscheider J; Daly S; Geary MP; Kennelly M; Mcauliffe FM; O’Donoghue K; Hunter A; Morrison J (2020) '314: Femur length ratios as predictors of adverse outcome in fetuses: Results from the PORTO Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S211-S212. |
Doherty J; Moore R; Kivlehan C; Twomey P; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'P271 Trends in faecal calprotectin levels during pregnancy and post-partum in healthy women'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14 (Supplement_1) :S286-S286. |
Doherty J; Moore RL; Kivlehan C; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'Su1872 TRENDS IN FAECAL CALPROTECTIN LEVELS DURING PREGNANCY IN PATIENTS WITHOUT INFLAMMATROY BOWEL DISEASE'. Gastroenterology 158 (6) :S-684. |
Donnelly JM; Lindsay K; Walsh JM; Horan MK; O’Shea D; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Perinatal inflammation and childhood adiposity–a gender effect?'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (7) :1203-1210. |
Donohoe F; Higgins M; Higgins S; McAuliffe F; Murphy K (2019) 'Rituximab – A novel therapy for severe ITP in pregnancy: A case report'. Obstetric Medicine 12 (4) :196-198. |
Flaherty SJ; McCarthy MB; Collins AM; McCafferty C; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A phenomenological exploration of change towards healthier food purchasing behaviour in women from a lower socioeconomic background using a health app'. Appetite 147  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: A systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16 (1)  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'P14 Physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: a systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. Oral presentations  |
Fontanella F; Hannes S; Keating N; Martyn F; Browne I; Briet J; McAuliffe FM; Baalman JH (2020) 'COVID-19 infection during the third trimester of pregnancy: Current clinical dilemmas'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 251 :268-271. |
Frazer K; Fitzpatrick P; Brosnan M; Dromey AM; Kelly S; Murphy M; O’brien D; Kelleher CC; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum—establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan M; Donnelly J; Molloy E; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Role of birth weight and predisposition for adverse body composition in early childhood: Findings from the ROLO study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Hanson M; Jacob CM; Hod M; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'The FIGO Pregnancy Obesity and Nutrition Initiative (PONI)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :131-133. |
Hehir MP; Burke N; Burke G; Turner MJ; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2019) 'Sonographic markers of fetal adiposity and risk of Cesarean delivery'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 54 (3) :338-343. |
Jacob CM; Lawrence WT; Inskip HM; McAuliffe FM; Killeen SL; Hanson M (2019) 'Do the concepts of “life course approach” and “developmental origins of health and disease” underpin current maternity care? Study protocol'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :140-146. |
Jairaj C; O’Leary N; Doolin K; Farrell C; McCarthy A; McAuliffe FM; O’Grady-Walshe A; Sheehan J; O’Keane V (2020) 'The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the perinatal period: Its relationship with major depressive disorder and early life adversity'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 21 (7) :552-563. |
Kapur A; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Di Renzo GC; Kihara AB; McAuliffe F; Hanson M; Ma RC; Hod M; Bolatti H (2020) 'Towards a global consensus on GDM diagnosis: Light at the end of the tunnel?'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 149 (3) :257-261. |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set for PREgnancy Nutrition (PRENCOS)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Jacob CM; O'Reilly SL; Hanson M; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'PREgnancy Nutrition: A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set (PRENCOS)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :134-139. |
Klumper J; Breebaart W; Roos C; Naaktgeboren CA; Van Der Post J; Bosmans J; Van Kaam A; Schuit E; Mol BW; Baalman J (2019) 'Study protocol for a randomised trial for atosiban versus placebo in threatened preterm birth: The APOSTEL 8 study'. BMJ Open 9 (11)  |
Maher SE; O'Brien EC; Moore RL; Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The association between the maternal diet and the maternal and infant gut microbiome: A systematic review'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Marchioro L; Hellmuth C; Uhl O; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Kirchberg FF; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Associations of maternal and fetal SCD-1 markers with infant anthropometry and maternal diet: Findings from the ROLO study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2129-2136. |
Marchioro L; Shokry E; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Uhl O; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Caesarean section, but not induction of labour, is associated with major changes in cord blood metabolome'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
McDonnell SC; Daly S; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Higgins JR; Morrison J; Burke G; Higgins S; Dicker P (2020) '1208: Twin Anaemia Polycyth aemia Syndrome (TAPS): A secondary analysis of the ESPRi T Trial'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S743-S744. |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Mone F; Thompson A; Stewart MC; Segurado R; Curry J; Dornan JC; McAuliffe FM; Shields MD (2020) 'The impact of fetal umbilical artery Doppler pulsatility index on childhood respiratory function and atopy: a prospective case-control study'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (5) :707-711. |
Monteith C; Flood K; Pinnamaneni R; Levine TA; Alderdice FA; Unterscheider J; McAuliffe FM; Dicker P; Tully EC; Malone FD (2019) 'An abnormal cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) is predictive of early childhood delayed neurodevelopment in the setting of fetal growth restriction'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 221 (3) :2730-273000000000. |
Moore R; Geraghty AA; Walsh C; Feehily C; Lawton E; Saldova R; Murphy E; van Sinderen D; Cotter P; Mcauliffe FM (2020) '214: Lifestyle, metabolic health and the gut microbiome in early pregnancy'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S148-S149. |
Mulcahy CH; McAuliffe FM; Carroll S; Mahony R; Higgins S; Walsh JM; McParland P; Mone F; McMahon C (2019) 'EP14.06: Prenatal diagnosis, management and outcome of fetal tachyarrhythmia: a 12‐year single centre experience'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 54 (S1) :314-314. |
Mulcahy CH; Mone F; McAuliffe FM; Mooney E; McParland P; Mc Mahon CJ (2019) 'Antenatal diagnosis of idiopathic infantile arterial calcification (IIAC): a single centre experience and review of the literature'. Journal of Congenital Cardiology 3 (1)  |
Murphy NC; Burke N; Breathnach FM; Burke G; McAuliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Turner MJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2020) 'Inter-hospital comparison of Cesarean delivery rates should not be considered to reflect quality of care without consideration of patient heterogeneity: An observational study'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :112-116. |
Murray K; Moore L; O'Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; McAuliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P208 A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
O'Connor C; Moore R; Hughes H; Cathcart B; Higgins S; Mahony R; Carroll S; McParland P; Mcauliffe FM; Walsh J (2020) '835: How accurate is the prenatal diagnosis of a fatal fetal abnormality?'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S524-S525. |
O'Reilly S; O'Brien E; Walker H; O'Carroll E; Courtney J; McAuliffe F (2020) '“The boob answers a lot of problems”: Exploring barriers and enablers to successful extended breastfeeding in women with high BMIs'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Sullivan EJ; Fallon L; Byrne F; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Compared to women without obesity, women with obesity have reduced odds of breastfeeding initiation and breastfeeding at hospital discharge'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Toole R; Dicker P; Burke G; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Daly S; Higgins JR; Hunter A; Morrison J; Higgins S (2020) '1131: Growth velocity in monochorionic and dichorionic twins - results of the multicenter ESPRiT Twin Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S695-S696. |
O’Leary BD; Walsh M; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; Knowles SJ; Mahony RM; Downey P (2020) 'The etiology of stillbirth over 30 years: A cross-sectional study in a tertiary referral unit'. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica  |
O’Neill IJ; Sanchez Gallardo R; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM; van Sinderen D (2020) 'Maternal and infant factors that shape neonatal gut colonization by bacteria'. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 (8) :651-664. |
O’Sullivan EJ; Rokicki S; Kennelly M; Ainscough K; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness of a mobile health-supported lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with an elevated body mass index'. International Journal of Obesity 44 (5) :999-1010. |
Rafferty AR; Geraghty AA; Kennelly MA; O’Brien EC; Reji RM; Mehegan J; Segurado R; Smith T; Maguire O; Cronin M (2020) 'Limited Impact of Fetal Sex and Maternal Body Mass Index on Fetal and Maternal Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism: Findings from the PEARs Study'. Reproductive Sciences 27 (2) :513-522. |
Rogozińska E; Zamora J; Marlin N; Betrán AP; Astrup A; Bogaerts A; Cecatti JG; Dodd JM; Facchinetti F; Geiker NRW (2019) 'Gestational weight gain outside the Institute of Medicine recommendations and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Analysis using individual participant data from randomised trials'. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1)  |
Ryan G; Doherty KCO; Devane D; McAuliffe F; Morrison J (2019) 'Questionnaire survey on women's views after a first caesarean delivery in two tertiary centres in Ireland and their preference for involvement in a future randomised trial on mode of birth'. BMJ Open 9 (10)  |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article'. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article.'. The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Sheiner E; Kapur A; Retnakaran R; Hadar E; Poon LC; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Staff AC; Narula J; Kihara AB (2019) 'FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Postpregnancy Initiative: Long-term Maternal Implications of Pregnancy Complications-Follow-up Considerations.'. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 147 Suppl 1 :1-31. |
Smith M; O’Brien EC; Alberdi G; Geraghty AA; Kilbane M; McKenna MJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Association between vitamin D status in early pregnancy and atopy in offspring in a vitamin D deplete cohort'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :563-570. |
Thangaratinam S; Cooray SD; Sukumar N; Huda MSB; Devlieger R; Benhalima K; McAuliffe F; Saravanan P; Teede HJ (2020) 'Diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes mellitus'. European Journal of Endocrinology 183 (2) :G49-G56. |
Walsh NM; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Byrne DF; Whelan A; Reilly S; Murray S; Reilly C; Adams E; Farnan PM (2020) 'Taking guidance from parents involved in a longitudinal birth cohort-the ROLO family advisory committee'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Yelverton CA; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Killeen SL; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Larkin E; Mehegan J; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Breastfeeding and maternal eating behaviours are associated with child eating behaviours: findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  |
Professor Amanda McCann |
Bates M; Furlong F; Gallagher MF; Spillane CD; McCann A; O'Toole S; O'Leary JJ (2020) 'Too MAD or not MAD enough: The duplicitous role of the spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2 in cancer'. Cancer Letters 469 :11-21. |
Goh CY; Wyse C; Ho M; O'Beirne E; Howard J; Lindsay S; Kelly P; Higgins M; McCann A (2020) 'Exosomes in triple negative breast cancer: Garbage disposals or Trojan horses?'. Cancer Letters 473 :90-97. |
Greville G; Llop E; Huang C; Creagh-Flynn J; Pfister S; O'Flaherty R; Madden SF; Peracaula R; Rudd PM; McCann A (2020) 'Hypoxia Alters Epigenetic and N-Glycosylation Profiles of Ovarian and Breast Cancer Cell Lines in-vitro'. Frontiers in Oncology 10  |
Ho M; Chen T; Liu J; Dowling P; Hideshima T; Zhang L; Morelli E; Camci-Unal G; Wu X; Tai YT (2020) 'Targeting histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) in the bone marrow microenvironment inhibits multiple myeloma proliferation by modulating exosomes and IL-6 trans-signaling'. Leukemia 34 (1) :196-209. |
Assoc Professor Cormac McCarthy |
Arumugam P; Suzuki T; Shima K; McCarthy C; Sallese A; Wessendarp M; Ma Y; Meyer J; Black D; Chalk C (2019) 'Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Gene-Pulmonary Macrophage Transplantation Therapy of PAP in Csf2ra−/− Mice'. Molecular Therapy 27 (9) :1597-1611. |
Butler MW; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Mallon P; Feeney ER; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Prevalence of comorbid asthma in COVID-19 patients'. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 146 (2) :334-335. |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Gaffney B; O’Carroll O; Conroy F; Butler MW; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'The impact of COVID-19 on clinical education of internal medicine trainees'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Hudock KM; Collins MS; Imbrogno M; Snowball J; Kramer EL; Brewington JJ; Gollomp K; McCarthy C; Ostmann AJ; Kopras EJ (2020) 'Neutrophil extracellular traps activate IL-8 and IL-1 expression in human bronchial epithelia'. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 319 (1) :L137-L147. |
Kelly A; McCarthy C (2020) 'Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Syndrome'. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 41 (2) :288-298. |
Lynn E; O'Callaghan M; Sahadevan A; McCarthy C (2019) 'Emerging approaches to predict prognosis and monitor disease progression in lymphangioleiomyomatosis'. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 200 (11) :1424-1426. |
Mccarthy C; Kokosi M; Bonella F (2019) 'Shaping the future of an ultra-rare disease: unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis'. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 25 (5) :450-458. |
McCarthy C; Kokosi M; Bonella F (2019) 'Shaping the future of an ultra-rare disease: unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.'. Current opinion in pulmonary medicine 25 (5) :450-458. |
McCarthy C; Savinelli S; Feeney ER; Butler MW; O'Broin C; Ryan S; O'Neill L; Murphy DJ; Gallagher CG; McKone EF (2020) 'Tocilizumab therapy in individuals with COVID ‐19 infection and hyperinflammatory state'. Respirology 25 (10) :1090-1094. |
O'Brien ME; Fee L; Browne N; Carroll TP; Meleady P; Henry M; McQuillan K; Murphy MP; Logan M; McCarthy C (2020) 'Activation of complement component 3 is associated with airways disease and pulmonary emphysema in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency'. Thorax 75 (4) :321-330. |
O'Callaghan M; Fabre A; McCann J; Healy G; McCarthy A; Keane MP; McDonnell TJ; McCarthy C (2020) 'A 34-Year-Old Man With a Chylothorax and Bony Pain'. Chest 157 (4) :e131-e136. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
O'Carroll O; Sharma K; Fabre A; Murphy DJ; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Vaping-associated lung injury'. Thorax 75 (8) :706-707. |
O'Reilly A; Sahadevan A; Shah W; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Recent Insights into In Utero Gene Editing, Checkpoint Inhibitors, and Polymorphonuclear Extracellular Vesicles'. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 62 (6) :805-807. |
O’mahony AM; Lynn E; Murphy DJ; Fabre A; McCarthy C (2020) 'Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: A clinical review'. Breathe 16 (2) :1-11. |
Savinelli S; McCarthy C; Mallon PW (2020) 'Reply'. Respirology  |
Suzuki T; McCarthy C; Carey BC; Borchers M; Beck D; Wikenheiser-Brokamp KA; Black D; Chalk C; Trapnell BC (2020) 'Increased pulmonary gm-csf causes alveolar macrophage accumulation mechanistic implications for desquamative interstitial pneumonitis'. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 62 (1) :87-94. |
Trapnell BC; McCarthy C (2019) 'The alveolar lipidome in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis'. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 200 (7) :800-802. |
Trapnell BC; Nakata K; Bonella F; Campo I; Griese M; Hamilton J; Wang T; Morgan C; Cottin V; McCarthy C (2019) 'Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis'. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 5 (1)  |
Professor Geraldine McCarthy |
Bursill D; Taylor WJ; Terkeltaub R; Abhishek A; So AK; Vargas-Santos AB; Gaffo AL; Rosenthal A; Tausche AK; Reginato A (2019) 'Gout, Hyperuricaemia and Crystal-Associated Disease Network (G-CAN) consensus statement regarding labels and definitions of disease states of gout'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1592-1600. |
Dr Geoff McCombe |
Arshad S; McCombe G; Carberry C; Harrold A; Cullen W (2020) 'What factors influence medical students to enter a career in general practice? A scoping review'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Bivegete S; Ward Z; Walker J; Campbell L; Mafirakureva N; Swan D; O’connor E; McCombe G; Mchugh T; Crowley D (2020) 'Comparison of costs of different HCV screening and linkage to care interventions across Europe'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S825-S825. |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Connolly SP; Avramovic G; Cullen W; McHugh T; O’Connor E; Mc Combe G; Crowley D; Naughton AM; Horan A; Lambert JS (2020) 'HepCare Ireland—a service innovation project'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Dowling S; Last J; Finnegan H; Bourke J; Daly P; Hanrahan C; Harrold P; McCoombe G; Cullen W (2020) 'How does small group continuing medical education (CME) impact on practice for rural GPs and their patients, a mixed-methods study'. Education for Primary Care 31 (3) :153-161. |
Dowling S; Last J; Finnegan H; Daly P; Bourke J; Hanrahan C; Harrold P; McCombe G; Cullen W (2019) 'Impact of participation in continuing medical education small group learning (CME-SGL) on the stress, morale, and professional isolation of rurally-based GPs: a qualitative study in Ireland.'. BJGP open  |
Fogarty F; McCombe G; Brown K; Van Amelsvoort T; Clarke M; Cullen W (2020) 'Physical health among patients with common mental health disorders in primary care in Europe: A scoping review'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Lim J; McCombe G; Harrold A; Brown K; Clarke M; Hanlon D; Hennessy L; O'Brien S; Lyne J; Corcoran C (2020) 'The role of key workers in improving physical health in first episode psychosis: A scoping review'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry  |
McCombe G; Almaazmi B; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Avramovic G; Murphy C; O'Connor M; Perry N; Ianache I; Lazar S (2019) 'Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v24-v30. |
McCombe G; Conneally N; Harrold A; Butt AF; Behan W; Molony D; Cullen W (2019) 'How does the introduction of free GP care for children impact on GP service provision? A qualitative study of GPs'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 188 (4) :1245-1249. |
Nic An Riogh E; Swan D; McCombe G; O'Connor E; Avramovic G; Macías J; Oprea C; Story A; Surey J; Vickerman P (2019) 'Integrating hepatitis C care for at-risk groups (HepLink): baseline data from a multicentre feasibility study in primary and community care'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v31-v38. |
Assoc Professor Enda McDermott |
Boland MR; Heneghan HM; Ryan ÉJ; Ain Q; Skehan SJ; McCartan D; Evoy D; Geraghty J; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the utility of lymphoscintigraphy in the management of clinically node-negative breast cancer'. Breast Journal 26 (7) :1452-1454. |
Boland MR; Nugent T; Nolan J; O’Mahony J; O’Keeffe S; Gillham CC; Maguire A; Geraghty J; McCartan D; Evoy D (2020) 'Fibromatosis of the breast: a 10-year multi-institutional experience and review of the literature'. Breast Cancer  |
Devane LA; Baban CK; O’Doherty A; Quinn C; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'The Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Margin Re-excision in Breast-Conserving Surgery'. World Journal of Surgery 44 (5) :1547-1551. |
Fleming CA; Ismail M; Kavanagh RG; Heneghan HM; Prichard RS; Geoghegan J; Brophy DP; McDermott EW (2020) 'Clinical and Survival Outcomes Using Percutaneous Cholecystostomy Tube Alone or Subsequent Interval Cholecystectomy to Treat Acute Cholecystitis'. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 24 (3) :627-632. |
Kane G; Fleming C; Heneghan H; McCartan D; James P; Trueick R; Harrington L; Nally F; Quinn C; O'Doherty A (2019) 'False-negative rate of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology for identifying axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients'. Breast Journal 25 (5) :848-852. |
Dr Allison McGee |
Abdulaal OM; Rainford L; MacMahon PJ; Kenny P; Carty F; Galligan M; Cradock A; Alhazmi FH; McGee A (2020) 'Evaluation of optimised 3D turbo spin echo and gradient echo MR pulse sequences of the knee at 3T and 1.5T'. Radiography  |
Al-Dahery S; Rainford L; Khashoggi K; Misha N; McGee A (2019) 'Corrigendum to ‘Evaluation of unenhanced axial T1W and T2W liver MR images acquired from institutions within the Republic of Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’ [Radiography 25 (2019) e45–e51](S1078817418302220)(10.1016/j.radi.2018.10.005)'. Radiography 25 (4) :402. |
Dr Fiona McGillicuddy |
Bruen R; Curley S; Kajani S; Lynch G; O'Reilly ME; Dillon ET; Fitzsimons S; Mthunzi L; Mcgillicuddy FC; Belton O (2019) 'Different monocyte phenotypes result in proresolving macrophages in conjugated linoleic acid-induced attenuated progression and regression of atherosclerosis'. FASEB Journal 33 (10) :11006-11020. |
Curley S; Gall J; Byrne R; Yvan-Charvet L; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Metabolic Inflammation in Obesity—At the Crossroads between Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Metabolism'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Ms Tina McHugh |
Avramovic G; McHugh T; Connolly S; Cullen W; Lambert J (2020) 'Anticipate study protocol: Baseline profile and care outcomes of patients attending Mater Misericordiae University Hospital with COVID-19 infection'.  |
Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Iglesias M; Mc Hugh T; Crowley D; Naughton AM (2020) 'HepCare Europe—A service innovation project. HepCheck: Characteristics of the patient population with active infection as defined by HCV RNA'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 91 :246-251. |
Barror S; Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Crowley D; Horan A; Naughton AM (2019) 'HepCare Europe: a service innovation project. HepCheck: enhancing HCV identification and linkage to care for vulnerable populations through intensified outreach screening. A prospective multisite feasibility study'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v39-v46. |
Connolly SP; Avramovic G; Cullen W; McHugh T; O’Connor E; Mc Combe G; Crowley D; Naughton AM; Horan A; Lambert JS (2020) 'HepCare Ireland—a service innovation project'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
McCombe G; Almaazmi B; Cullen W; Lambert JS; Avramovic G; Murphy C; O'Connor M; Perry N; Ianache I; Lazar S (2019) 'Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v24-v30. |
Dr Malachi McKenna |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Cheung AM; McKenna MJ; van de Laarschot DM; Zillikens MC; Peck V; Srighanthan J; Lewiecki EM (2019) 'Detection of Atypical Femur Fractures'. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 22 (4) :506-516. |
Cronin O; Forsyth L; Goodman K; Lewis SC; Keerie C; Walker A; Porteous M; Cetnarskyj R; Ranganath LR; Selby PL (2019) 'Zoledronate in the prevention of Paget's (ZiPP): Protocol for a randomised trial of genetic testing and targeted zoledronic acid therapy to prevent SQSTM1-mediated Paget's disease of bone'. BMJ Open 9 (9)  |
Cronin O; Subedi D; Forsyth L; Goodman K; Lewis SC; Keerie C; Walker A; Porteous M; Cetnarskyj R; Ranganath LR (2020) 'Characteristics of Early Paget's Disease in SQSTM1 Mutation Carriers: Baseline Analysis of the ZiPP Study Cohort'. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35 (7) :1246-1252. |
Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; Maher C; McKenna MJ (2020) 'Anorexia Nervosa with Markedly High Bone Turnover and Hyperphosphatemia During Refeeding Rectified by Denosumab'. Osteoporosis International 31 (7) :1395-1398. |
McKenna MJ; Flynn MAT (2020) 'Covid-19, cocooning and vitamin d intake requirements'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (5) |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Smith M; O’Brien EC; Alberdi G; Geraghty AA; Kilbane M; McKenna MJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Association between vitamin D status in early pregnancy and atopy in offspring in a vitamin D deplete cohort'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :563-570. |
van de Laarschot DM; McKenna MJ; Abrahamsen B; Langdahl B; Cohen-Solal M; Guañabens N; Eastell R; Ralston SH; Carola Zillikens M (2020) 'Medical management of patients after atypical femur fractures: A systematic review and recommendations from the European Calcified Tissue society'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105 (5)  |
Professor Edward McKone |
Bell SC; Mall MA; Gutierrez H; Macek M; Madge S; Davies JC; Burgel PR; Tullis E; Castaños C; Castellani C (2020) 'The future of cystic fibrosis care: a global perspective'. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8 (1) :65-124. |
Cosgriff R; Ahern S; Bell SC; Brownlee K; Burgel PR; Byrnes C; Corvol H; Cheng SY; Elbert A; Faro A (2020) 'A multinational report to characterise SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with cystic fibrosis'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 19 (3) :355-358. |
Davies JC; Van de Steen O; van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel S; Drevinek P; Derichs N; McKone EF; Kanters D; Allamassey L; Namour F; de Kock H (2019) 'GLPG1837, a CFTR potentiator, in p.Gly551Asp (G551D)-CF patients: An open-label, single-arm, phase 2a study (SAPHIRA1)'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 18 (5) :693-699. |
Debley JS; Barrow KA; Rich LM; Singh P; McKone EF; Nichols DP (2020) 'Correlation between Ivacaftor-induced CFTR Activation in Airway Epithelial Cells and Improved Lung Function: A Proof-of-Concept Study'. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 17 (8) :1024-1027. |
Heijerman HGM; McKone EF; Downey DG; Van Braeckel E; Rowe SM; Tullis E; Mall MA; Welter JJ; Ramsey BW; McKee CM (2019) 'Efficacy and safety of the elexacaftor plus tezacaftor plus ivacaftor combination regimen in people with cystic fibrosis homozygous for the F508del mutation: a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial'. The Lancet 394 (10212) :1940-1948. |
Hisert KB; Birkland TP; Schoenfelt KQ; Long ME; Grogan B; Carter S; Liles WC; McKone EF; Becker L; Manicone AM (2020) 'CFTR Modulator Therapy Enhances Peripheral Blood Monocyte Contributions to Immune Responses in People With Cystic Fibrosis'. Frontiers in Pharmacology 11  |
McKone EF; Jackson AD; Fletcher G; Kirwan L (2020) 'Dornase alfa and rate of lung function decline in European patients with cystic fibrosis: A retrospective registry cohort study'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis  |
Middleton PG; Mall MA; Dřevínek P; Lands LC; McKone EF; Polineni D; Ramsey BW; Taylor-Cousar JL; Tullis E; Vermeulen F (2019) 'Elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor for cystic fibrosis with a single Phe508del allele'. New England Journal of Medicine 381 (19) :1809-1819. |
Useckaite Z; Ward MP; Trappe A; Reilly R; Lennon J; Davage H; Matallanas D; Cassidy H; Dillon ET; Brennan K (2020) 'Increased extracellular vesicles mediate inflammatory signalling in cystic fibrosis'. Thorax 75 (6) :449-458. |
Professor Paul McLoughlin |
Li L; Xu M; Rowan SC; Howell K; Russell-Hallinan A; Donnelly SC; McLoughlin P; Baugh JA (2020) 'The effects of genetic deletion of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor on the chronically hypoxic pulmonary circulation'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (4)  |
Rowan SC; Jahns H; Mthunzi L; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Doody R; Frohlich S; Callanan JJ; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 depletion in vivo causes severe enteropathy and bone marrow failure'. Journal of Pathology 251 (2) :117-122. |
Rowan SC; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Li L; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 blocks vascular endothelial growth factor signaling in the pulmonary microvascular endothelium'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (1)  |
Professor Fiona McNicholas |
Flood M; Hayden JC; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2019) 'A qualitative study exploring the decision of parents to use medication in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder'. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 15 (9) :1095-1101. |
Gadancheva V; Barry H; McNicholas F (2019) 'Adolescents presenting with mental health crises'. Irish Medical Journal 112 (10) |
Gavin B; Hayden J; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Caring for the psychological well-being of healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
Gavin B; Hayden JC; Quigley E; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Opportunities for international collaboration in COVID-19 mental health research.'. European child & adolescent psychiatry  |
Hendrickx G; De Roeck V; Russet F; Dieleman G; Franic T; Maras A; McNicholas F; Paul M; Santosh P; Schulze U (2020) 'Transition as a topic in psychiatry training throughout Europe: trainees’ perspectives'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (1) :41-49. |
Kerin L; Lynch D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Participatory development of a patient–clinician communication tool to enhance healthcare transitions for young people with 22q11.2'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :761-769. |
Lynch D; O’brien M; O’byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'Impact and mechanism of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (6) :P100-P103. |
McNicholas F; Rooney L; Holme I (2019) 'PC/DC: Police contact with distressed children'. Irish Medical Journal 112 (8) |
Mcnicholas F; Sharma S; Oconnor C; Barrett E (2020) 'Burnout in consultants in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland: a cross-sectional study'. BMJ Open 10 (1)  |
McNicholas R; Quirke R; Lynch F; Maunder K; McNicholas F (2020) 'A one year cost analysis of acute paediatric mental health presentations'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (2) |
Minihan E; Gavin B; Kelly BD; McNicholas F (2020) 'Covid-19, Mental Health and Psychological First Aid'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
O'Brien M; McNicholas F (2020) 'The Use of Telepsychiatry during COVID-19 and beyond'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
O'byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'The pandemic within medical education'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-2. |
O'Connor C; Downs J; McNicholas F; Cross L; Shetty H (2020) 'Documenting diagnosis in child and adolescent mental healthcare: A content analysis of diagnostic statements in a psychiatric case register'. Children and Youth Services Review 113  |
O’brien M; Moore K; McNicholas F (2020) 'Social media spread during covid-19: The pros and cons of likes and shares'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
O’Connor C; Downs J; Shetty H; McNicholas F (2020) 'Diagnostic trajectories in child and adolescent mental health services: exploring the prevalence and patterns of diagnostic adjustments in an electronic mental health case register'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (8) :1111-1123. |
O’Connor C; McNicholas F (2020) 'Lived Experiences of Diagnostic Shifts in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Contexts: a Qualitative Interview Study with Young People and Parents'. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 48 (8) :979-993. |
O’Connor C; McNicholas F (2020) 'What Differentiates Children with ADHD Symptoms Who Do and Do Not Receive a Formal Diagnosis? Results from a Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study'. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 51 (1) :138-150. |
Santosh P; Adams L; Fiori F; Davidović N; De Girolamo G; Dieleman GC; Franić T; Heaney N; Lievesley K; Madan J (2020) 'Protocol for the development and validation procedure of the managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health care (MILESTONE) suite of measures'. BMC Pediatrics 20 (1)  |
Santosh P; Singh J; Adams L; Mastroianni M; Heaney N; Lievesley K; Sagar-Ouriaghli I; Allibrio G; Appleton R; Davidović N (2020) 'Validation of the Transition Readiness and Appropriateness Measure (TRAM) for the Managing the Link and Strengthening Transition from Child to Adult Mental Healthcare in Europe (MILESTONE) study'. BMJ open 10 (6) :e033324. |
Yates K; Lång U; DeVylder J; Clarke M; McNicholas F; Cannon M; Oh H; Kelleher I (2020) 'Prevalence and psychopathologic significance of hallucinations in individuals with a history of seizures'. Epilepsia 61 (7) :1464-1471. |
Professor Walter McNicholas |
Ahern T; O’Malley E; Dunlevy C; Khattak A; O’Brien H; Hassan T; Cusack T; McNicholas WT; O’Shea D (2020) 'Sleep duration and physical function in people with severe obesity: a prospective cross-sectional study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :517-523. |
Anttalainen U; Grote L; Fietze I; Riha RL; Ryan S; Staats R; Hedner J; Saaresranta T; Barbé F; Bonsignore MR (2019) 'Insomnia symptoms combined with nocturnal hypoxia associate with cardiovascular comorbidity in the European sleep apnea cohort (ESADA)'. Sleep and Breathing 23 (3) :805-814. |
Bassetti CLA; Randerath W; Vignatelli L; Ferini-Strambi L; Brill AK; Bonsignore MR; Grote L; Jennum P; Leys D; Minnerup J (2020) 'EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke'. European Journal of Neurology 27 (7) :1117-1136. |
Bassetti CLA; Randerath W; Vignatelli L; Ferini-Strambi L; Brill AK; Bonsignore MR; Grote L; Jennum P; Leys D; Minnerup J (2020) 'EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke'. The European respiratory journal 55 (4)  |
Bouloukaki I; Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Verbraecken J; Parati G; Lombardi C; Basoglu OK; Pataka A; Marrone O (2020) 'Mild obstructive sleep apnea increases hypertension risk, challenging traditional severity classification'. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 16 (6) :889-898. |
Crinion SJ; Tiron R; Lyon G; Zaffaroni A; Kilroy H; Doheny E; O'Hare E; Boyle P; Russell A; Traynor M (2020) 'Ambulatory detection of sleep apnea using a non-contact biomotion sensor'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (1)  |
Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Anttalainen U; Saaresranta T; Basoglu OK; Gunduz C; Tasbakan S; Bouloukaki I; Schiza SE (2020) 'Sleep apnoea management in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic – Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA)'. European Respiratory Journal 55 (6)  |
Gunduz C; Basoglu OK; Hedner J; Bonsignore MR; Hein H; Staats R; Bouloukaki I; Roisman G; Pataka A; Sliwinski P (2019) 'Hyperlipidaemia prevalence and cholesterol control in obstructive sleep apnoea: Data from the European sleep apnea database (ESADA)'. Journal of Internal Medicine 286 (6) :676-688. |
Lombardi C; Parati G; Soranna D; Zambon A; Sliwinski P; Roisman G; Pepin JL; Schiza S; Riha R; Joppa P (2020) 'Periodic limb movements during sleep and blood pressure changes in sleep apnoea: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database'. Respirology 25 (8) :872-879. |
McNicholas WT (2019) 'Sleep Disturbances and Disorders: A Poorly Recognized Accident Risk'. Sleep Medicine Clinics 14 (4) :xiii-xiv. |
McNicholas WT (2019) 'Sleepiness and Driving: The Role of Official Regulation'. Sleep Medicine Clinics 14 (4) :491-498. |
McNicholas WT (2020) 'Active management of mild obstructive sleep apnoea: the evidence grows'. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8 (4) :322-323. |
McNicholas WT; Hansson D; Schiza S; Grote L (2019) 'Sleep in chronic respiratory disease: COPD and hypoventilation disorders'. European Respiratory Review 28 (153)  |
Peker Y; Ozaydin AN; Cetinkaya R; Kabadayi E; Karakucuk AG; Celik Y; McNicholas WT (2020) 'Reliability of the Turkish version of the European Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening (EUROSAS) questionnaire for drivers'. Sleep and Breathing  |
Pevernagie DA; Gnidovec-Strazisar B; Grote L; Heinzer R; McNicholas WT; Penzel T; Randerath W; Schiza S; Verbraecken J; Arnardottir ES (2020) 'On the rise and fall of the apnea−hypopnea index: A historical review and critical appraisal'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (4)  |
Wächter M; Kantelhardt JW; Bonsignore MR; Bouloukaki I; Escourrou P; Fietze I; Grote L; Korzybski D; Lombardi C; Marrone O (2020) 'Unique sleep-stage transitions determined by obstructive sleep apnea severity, age and gender'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (2)  |
Assoc Professor Jonathan McNulty |
Aime S; Alberich A; Almen A; Arthurs O; Barthel H; Clément O; Crean M; de Souza N; Demuth F; Dewey M (2019) 'Strategic research agenda for biomedical imaging'. Insights into Imaging 10 (1)  |
Hogg P; Holmes K; Higgins R; McNulty J; Newman D; Keane D; Beardmore C (2020) 'Free web resources about mobile chest radiography for COVID-19 patients'. Spectrum |
Hogg P; Holmes K; McNulty J; Newman D; Keene D; Beardmore C (2020) 'Covid-19: Free resources to support radiographers'. Radiography 26 (3) :189-191. |
Kelly PJ; Camps-Renom P; Giannotti N; Martí-Fàbregas J; McNulty JP; Baron JC; Barry M; Coutts SB; Cronin S; Delgado-Mederos R (2020) 'A risk score including carotid plaque inflammation and stenosis severity improves identification of recurrent stroke'. Stroke :838-845. |
McCabe JJ; Giannotti N; McNulty J; Collins S; Coveney S; Murphy S; Barry M; Harbison J; Cronin S; Williams D (2020) 'Cohort profile: BIOVASC-late, a prospective multicentred study of imaging and blood biomarkers of carotid plaque inflammation and risk of late vascular recurrence after non-severe stroke in Ireland'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
McNulty J (2020) 'Radiographers on the frontline'. The Journal 20 (5) :376-377. |
McNulty J (2020) 'The EFRS and radiographers in Europe'. Ciencia Diagnóstica (2) :47-52. |
Dr Eleanor Molloy |
Allen J; Brenner M; Hauer J; Molloy E; McDonald D (2020) 'Severe Neurological Impairment: A delphi consensus-based definition'. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology  |
Allen J; Molloy E; McDonald D (2020) 'Severe neurological impairment: a review of the definition'. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 62 (3) :277-282. |
Bearer C; Agostoni C; Anand KJS; Ambalavanan N; Bhandari V; Bliss JM; Bloomfield F; Bonifacio SL; Buhimschi I; Cilio MR (2019) 'Toward the elimination of bias in Pediatric Research'. Pediatric Research 86 (6) :680-681. |
Chalak L; Ferriero DM; Gressens P; Molloy E; Bearer C (2019) 'A 20 years conundrum of neonatal encephalopathy and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy: are we closer to a consensus guideline?'. Pediatric Research 86 (5) :548-549. |
Donnelly JM; Lindsay K; Walsh JM; Horan MK; O’Shea D; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Perinatal inflammation and childhood adiposity–a gender effect?'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (7) :1203-1210. |
Lagan NC; Mc Grane F; Huggard D; Sharkey J; Purcell C; Balfe J; Molloy E (2020) 'Implementation of a health surveillance clinic for children with down syndrome'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education and Practice Edition  |
Molloy EJ; Murphy N (2020) 'Vitamin D, COVID-19 and children'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
Dr Anne-Barbara Mongey |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Professor Hugh Mulcahy |
Judge C; McGettigan N; Ryan T; Hazel K; Singh P; Parihar V; Stack R; O’Connor A; Dunne C; Cullen G (2020) 'Irish data on the safety and efficacy of vedolizumab in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease'. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 55 (7) :786-794. |
Assoc Professor Aisling Mulligan |
McGovern M; Byrne A; McCormack M; Mulligan A (2019) 'The Vasarhelyi Method of Child Art Psychotherapy in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: A stakeholder survey of clinical supervisors'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 36 (3) :169-176. |
Sadiq F; Mulligan A (2020) 'AdCom study—adolescent communication group therapy for externalising disorders'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :261-265. |
Dr Niall Mulligan |
O’Grady C; Flynn A; Mulligan N; Moloney FJ (2020) 'Pemphigus foliaceous triggered by topical diclofenac'. Australasian Journal of Dermatology  |
Dr Caoileann Murphy |
Lynch GM; Murphy CH; Castro EDM; Roche HM (2020) 'Inflammation and Metabolism-The Role of Adiposity in Sarcopenic Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
Dr Madeleine Murphy |
Murphy MC; De Angelis L; Mccarthy LK; O'donnell CPF (2019) 'Randomised study comparing heart rate measurement in newly born infants using a monitor incorporating electrocardiogram and pulse oximeter versus pulse oximeter alone'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104 (5) :F547-F550. |
Murphy MC; McCarthy LK; O'Donnell CPF (2020) 'Counting the heart rate in preterm newborns: Does clinical assessment predict the pulse oximeter?'. Resuscitation 146 :64-65. |
Murphy MC; McCarthy LK; O'Donnell CPF (2020) 'Crying and breathing by new-born preterm infants after early or delayed cord clamping'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 105 (3) :F331-F333. |
Dr Nuala Murphy |
Molloy EJ; Murphy N (2020) 'Vitamin D, COVID-19 and children'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
Dr Sinead Murphy |
Jenkinson A; Smith A; Doyle S; Gorman K; Murphy S (2019) 'Near peer teaching in a paediatric healthcare setting'. Irish Medical Journal 112 (9) |
Professor Patrick Murray |
Joannidis M; Forni LG; Klein SJ; Honore PM; Kashani K; Ostermann M; Prowle J; Bagshaw SM; Cantaluppi V; Darmon M (2020) 'Lung–kidney interactions in critically ill patients: consensus report of the Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) 21 Workgroup'. Intensive Care Medicine 46 (4) :654-672. |
Macdonald N; Pearse RM; Murray PT; Inzitari R; Doran P; Prowle JR (2019) 'The role of goal-directed therapy in the prevention of acute kidney injury after major gastrointestinal surgery: Substudy of the OPTIMISE trial'. European Journal of Anaesthesiology 36 (12) :924-932. |
Murray PT (2020) 'Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized, Non-Critically III Patients'. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 95 (3) :435-436. |
Stack AG; Li X; Kaballo MA; Elsayed ME; Johnson H; Murray PT; Saran R; Browne LD (2020) 'Erratum: Temporal trends in acute kidney injury across health care settings in the Irish health system: a cohort study (Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association (2020) 35 3 (447-457))'. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 35 (7) :1277. |
Stack AG; Li X; Kaballo MA; Elsayed ME; Johnson H; Murray PT; Saran R; Browne LD (2020) 'Temporal trends in acute kidney injury across health care settings in the Irish health system: A cohort study'. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35 (3) :447-457. |
Wettersten N; Horiuchi Y; van Veldhuisen DJ; Mueller C; Filippatos G; Nowak R; Hogan C; Kontos MC; Cannon CM; Müeller GA (2019) 'B-type natriuretic peptide trend predicts clinical significance of worsening renal function in acute heart failure'. European Journal of Heart Failure 21 (12) :1553-1560. |
Wettersten N; Horiuchi Y; van Veldhuisen DJ; Mueller C; Filippatos G; Nowak R; Hogan C; Kontos MC; Cannon CM; Müeller GA (2020) 'Short-term prognostic implications of serum and urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in acute heart failure: findings from the AKINESIS study'. European Journal of Heart Failure 22 (2) :251-263. |
Professor Alistair Nichol |
(2020) 'Timing of Initiation of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury.'. The New England journal of medicine 383 (5) :502. |
Akhvlediani T; Ali SM; Angus DC; Arabi YM; Ashraf S; Baillie JK; Bakamutumaho B; Beane A; Bozza F; Brett SJ (2020) 'Global outbreak research: harmony not hegemony'. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 20 (7) :770-772. |
Angus DC; Berry S; Lewis RJ; Al-Beidh F; Arabi Y; van Bentum-Puijk W; Bhimani Z; Bonten M; Broglio K; Brunkhorst F (2020) 'The remap-cap (Randomized embedded multifactorial adaptive platform for community-acquired pneumonia) Study rationale and design'. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 17 (7) :879-891. |
Angus DC; Derde L; Al-Beidh F; Annane D; Arabi Y; Beane A; Van Bentum-Puijk W; Berry L; Bhimani Z; Bonten M (2020) 'Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality and Organ Support in Patients with Severe COVID-19: The REMAP-CAP COVID-19 Corticosteroid Domain Randomized Clinical Trial'. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 324 (13) :1317-1329. |
Bagshaw SM; Wald R; Adhikari NKJ; Bellomo R; da Costa BR; Dreyfuss D; Du B; Gallagher MP; Gaudry S; Hoste EA (2020) 'Timing of initiation of renal-replacement therapy in acute kidney injury'. New England Journal of Medicine 383 (3) :240-251. |
Bulle EB; Peake SL; Finnis M; Bellomo R; Delaney A; Peake S; Delaney A; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Higgins AM (2020) 'Time to antimicrobial therapy in septic shock patients treated with an early goal-directed resuscitation protocol: A post-hoc analysis of the ARISE trial'. EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia  |
Cosgrave D; Vencken S; Galligan M; McGuinness S; Soukhin E; McMullan V; Nair S; Puttappa A; Boylan J; Hussain R (2020) 'The effect of a low-dose naloxone infusion on the incidence of respiratory depression after intrathecal morphine administration for major open hepatobiliary surgery: a randomised controlled trial'. Anaesthesia 75 (6) :747-755. |
Dankiewicz J; Cronberg T; Lilja G; Jakobsen JC; Bělohlávek J; Callaway C; Cariou A; Eastwood G; Erlinge D; Hovdenes J (2019) 'Targeted hypothermia versus targeted Normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2): A randomized clinical trial—Rationale and design'. American Heart Journal 217 :23-31. |
Dennis M; Lal S; Forrest P; Nichol A; Lamhaut L; Totaro RJ; Burns B; Sandroni C (2020) 'In-Depth Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Adult Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest'. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (10) :e016521. |
Eastwood GM; Nichol A (2020) 'Optimal ventilator settings after return of spontaneous circulation'. Current opinion in critical care 26 (3) :251-258. |
Gobat N; Butler CC; Mollison J; Francis NA; Gal M; Harris V; Webb SAR; Byrne JP; Watkins A; Sukumar P (2019) 'What the public think about participation in medical research during an influenza pandemic: an international cross-sectional survey'. Public Health 177 :80-94. |
Hodgson CL; Cooper DJ; Arabi Y; King V; Bersten A; Bihari S; Brickell K; Davies A; Fahey C; Fraser J (2019) 'Maximal recruitment open lung ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome (PHARLAP) A Phase II, multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial'. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 200 (11) :1363-1372. |
Horie S; McNicholas B; Rezoagli E; Pham T; Curley G; McAuley D; O’Kane C; Nichol A; dos Santos C; Rocco PRM (2020) 'Emerging pharmacological therapies for ARDS: COVID-19 and beyond'. Intensive Care Medicine  |
Knott RJ; Harris A; Higgins A; Nichol A; French C; Little L; Haddad S; Presneill J; Arabi Y; Bailey M (2019) 'Cost-Effectiveness of Erythropoietin in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multinational Trial-Based Economic Analysis'. Journal of Neurotrauma 36 (17) :2541-2548. |
Luethi N; Bailey M; Higgins A; Howe B; Peake S; Delaney A; Bellomo R; ARISE investigators (2020) 'Gender differences in mortality and quality of life after septic shock: A post-hoc analysis of the ARISE study.'. Journal of critical care 55 :177-183. |
Madotto F; Rezoagli E; Pham T; Schmidt M; McNicholas B; Protti A; Panwar R; Bellani G; Fan E; Van Haren F (2020) 'Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: Insights from the LUNG SAFE study'. Critical Care 24 (1)  |
McNicholas BA; Rezoagli E; Pham T; Madotto F; Guiard E; Fanelli V; Bellani G; Griffin MD; Ranieri M; Laffey JG (2019) 'Impact of Early Acute Kidney Injury on Management and Outcome in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Secondary Analysis of a Multicenter Observational Study.'. Critical care medicine 47 (9) :1216-1225. |
McQuilten ZK; French CJ; Nichol A; Higgins A; Cooper DJ (2020) 'Corrigendum to “Effect of age of red cells for transfusion on patient outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis” [Transfus Med Rev 32/2 (2018) 77–88] (Transfusion Medicine Reviews (2018) 32(2) (77–88), (S0887796317301591), (10.1016/j.tmrv.2018.02.002))'. Transfusion Medicine Reviews 34 (2) :138-139. |
Warrillow S; Austin D; Cheung W; Close E; Holley A; Horgan B; Jansen M; Joynt G; Lister P; Moodie S (2020) 'ANZICS guiding principles for complex decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic.'. Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 22 (2) :98-102. |
Wilson AJ; Magee F; Bailey M; Pilcher DV; French C; Nichol A; Udy A; Hodgson CL; Cooper DJ; Reade MC (2020) 'Characteristics and Outcomes of Critically Ill Trauma Patients in Australia and New Zealand (2005-2017)'. Critical Care Medicine :717-724. |
Young PJ; Bagshaw SM; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Mackle D; Pilcher D; Landoni G; Nichol A; Martin D (2019) 'O2, do we know what to do?'. Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 21 (4) :230-232. |
Young PJ; Bagshaw SM; Bellomo R; Nichol AD; Wright SE (2020) 'The implications of the PEPTIC trial for clinical practice'. Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 22 (1) :4-5. |
Young PJ; Bagshaw SM; Forbes AB; Nichol AD; Wright SE; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Beasley R; Brickell K; Eastwood GM (2020) 'Effect of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis with Proton Pump Inhibitors vs Histamine-2 Receptor Blockers on In-Hospital Mortality among ICU Patients Receiving Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: The PEPTIC Randomized Clinical Trial'. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association 323 (7) :616-626. |
Young PJ; Bagshaw SM; Forbes AB; Nichol AD; Wright SE; Bellomo R; van Haren F; Litton E; Webb SA (2020) 'Opportunities and challenges of clustering, crossing over, and using registry data in the PEPTIC trial'. Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 22 (2) :105-109. |
Dr Niamh Nolan |
O'Brien C; Ramlaul N; Haughey A; Nolan N; Malone DE; McCormick PA (2019) 'Hepatocellular carcinoma in cystic fibrosis liver disease: A cautionary tale'. QJM 112 (9) :693-694. |
Professor Ronan O Connell |
Carrington EV; Heinrich H; Knowles CH; Fox M; Rao S; Altomare DF; Bharucha AE; Burgell R; Chey WD; Chiarioni G (2020) 'The international anorectal physiology working group (IAPWG) recommendations: Standardized testing protocol and the London classification for disorders of anorectal function.'. Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society 32 (1) :e13679. |
Chapman SJ; Clerc D; Blanco-Colino R; Otto A; Nepogodiev D; Pagano G; Schaeff V; Soares A; Zaffaroni G; Žebrák R (2020) 'Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (2) :e161-e169. |
Climent M; McCawley N; Hanly AM; O'Connell PR (2019) 'Rectovaginal fistula repair - a video vignette.'. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland  |
Creavin B; Ryan J; Kelly ME; Moynihan A; Redmond CE; Ahern D; Kennelly R; Hanly A; Martin ST; O'Connell PR (2019) 'Minimally invasive approaches to the management of anastomotic leakage following restorative rectal cancer resection'. Colorectal Disease 21 (12) :1364-1371. |
Dudurych I; Kelly ME; Aalbers AGJ; Abdul Aziz N; Abecasis N; Abraham-Nordling M; Akiyoshi T; Alberda W; Albert M; Andric M (2020) 'Predicting outcomes of pelvic exenteration using machine learning'. Colorectal Disease  |
Earley H; Lennon G; Balfe Á; Coffey JC; Winter DC; O’Connell PR (2019) 'The abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and its relationship with sulphated colonic mucins in health and ulcerative colitis'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Glasbey JC; Bibi S; Pata F; Ozkan BB; Van Straten S; Hodson J; Chapman SJ; Blanco-Colino R; Chapman SJ; Glasbey JC (2020) 'Timing of nasogastric tube insertion and the risk of postoperative pneumonia: an international, prospective cohort study'. Colorectal Disease  |
Kroon HM; Dudi-Venkata NN; Bedrikovetski S; Thomas ML; Kelly ME; Aalbers AGJ; Abdul Aziz N; Abraham-Nordling M; Akiyoshi T; Alberda W (2019) 'Palliative pelvic exenteration: A systematic review of patient-centered outcomes'. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45 (10) :1787-1795. |
McLean KA; Ahmed WUR; Akhbari M; Claireaux HA; English C; Frost J; Henshall DE; Khan M; Kwek I; Nicola M (2020) 'Perioperative intravenous contrast administration and the incidence of acute kidney injury after major gastrointestinal surgery: prospective, multicentre cohort study'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (8) :1023-1032. |
Turner K; Pickering M; O'Connell PR; Jones JFX (2019) 'The projection of anorectal afferents to cortex of the rat: Comparison of two methods of cortical mapping'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 31 (12)  |
Zaborowski AM; Murphy B; Creavin B; Rogers AC; Kennelly R; Hanly A; Martin ST; O'Connell PR; Sheahan K; Winter DC (2020) 'Clinicopathological features and oncological outcomes of patients with young-onset rectal cancer'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (5) :606-612. |
Professor Colm O'Brien |
Eivers SB; Greene AG; Dervan E; O'Brien C; Wallace D (2020) 'Prevalence of Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma Risk-associated Variants within Lysyl Oxidase-like 1 in an Irish Population'. Journal of Glaucoma 29 (6) :417-422. |
Greene AG; Eivers SB; Dervan EWJ; O'Brien CJ; Wallace DM (2020) 'Lysyl Oxidase Like 1: Biological roles and regulation'. Experimental Eye Research 193  |
Irnaten M; O'Malley G; Clark AF; O'Brien CJ (2020) 'Transient receptor potential channels TRPC1/TRPC6 regulate lamina cribrosa cell extracellular matrix gene transcription and proliferation'. Experimental Eye Research 193  |
Murtagh P; Greene G; O'Brien C (2020) 'Current applications of machine learning in the screening and diagnosis of glaucoma: A systematic review and Meta-analysis'. International Journal of Ophthalmology 13 (1) :149-162. |
Dr Eileen O'Brien |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Jacob CM; O'Reilly SL; Hanson M; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'PREgnancy Nutrition: A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set (PRENCOS)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :134-139. |
Dr Michelle O'Connor |
O'Connor M; Stowe J; Potocnik J; Giannotti N; Murphy S; Rainford L (2020) '3D virtual reality simulation in radiography education: The students' experience'. Radiography  |
Dr Colm O'Donnell |
Markiewicz-Keszycka M; Zhao M; Cama-Moncunill X; El Arnaout T; Becker D; O'Donnell C; Cullen PJ; Sullivan C; Casado-Gavalda MP (2019) 'Rapid analysis of magnesium in infant formula powder using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy'. International Dairy Journal 97 :57-64. |
Murphy MC; De Angelis L; Mccarthy LK; O'donnell CPF (2019) 'Randomised study comparing heart rate measurement in newly born infants using a monitor incorporating electrocardiogram and pulse oximeter versus pulse oximeter alone'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104 (5) :F547-F550. |
Murphy MC; Galligan M; Molloy B; Hussain R; Doran P; O'Donnell C (2020) 'Study protocol for the POPART study - Prophylactic Oropharyngeal surfactant for Preterm infants: A Randomised Trial'. BMJ Open 10 (7)  |
Murphy MC; McCarthy LK; O'Donnell CPF (2020) 'Counting the heart rate in preterm newborns: Does clinical assessment predict the pulse oximeter?'. Resuscitation 146 :64-65. |
Murphy MC; McCarthy LK; O'Donnell CPF (2020) 'Crying and breathing by new-born preterm infants after early or delayed cord clamping'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 105 (3) :F331-F333. |
Murphy MC; McCarthy LK; O'Donnell CPF (2020) 'Initiation of respiratory support for extremely preterm infants at birth'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition  |
O'Donnell CPF (2019) 'Face mask respiratory support for preterm infants: Takes their breath away?'. Resuscitation 144 :189-190. |
O'Donnell CPF (2019) 'Intubation difficulty in neonatology: Are you experienced?'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104 (5) :F458-F460. |
Perrem L; Semberova J; O'Sullivan A; Kieran EA; O'Donnell CPF; White MJ; Miletin J (2019) 'Effect of Early Parenteral Nutrition Discontinuation on Time to Regain Birth Weight in Very Low Birth Weight Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial'. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 43 (7) :883-890. |
Dr Joanne O'Gorman |
Adlhoch C; Manďáková Z; Ethelberg S; Epštein J; Rimhanen-Finne R; Figoni J; Baylis SA; Faber M; Mellou K; Murphy N (2019) 'Standardising surveillance of hepatitis E virus infection in the EU/EEA: A review of national practices and suggestions for the way forward'. Journal of Clinical Virology 120 :63-67. |
Drew RJ; Murphy T; Broderick D; O'Gorman J; Eogan M (2020) 'An interpretation algorithm for molecular diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis in a maternity hospital using machine learning: proof-of-concept study'. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 96 (2)  |
Dr Peter O'Gorman |
Majumder MM; Leppä AM; Hellesøy M; Dowling P; Malyutina A; Kopperud R; Bazou D; Andersson E; Parsons A; Tang J (2020) 'Multi-parametric single cell evaluation defines distinct drug responses in healthy hematologic cells that are retained in corresponding malignant cell types'. Haematologica 105 (6) :1527-1538. |
Tierney C; Bazou D; Lê G; Dowling P; O'Gorman P (2020) 'Saliva-omics in plasma cell disorders- Proof of concept and potential as a non-invasive tool for monitoring disease burden'. Journal of Proteomics  |
Dr Shane O'Grady |
AlSultan D; Kavanagh E; O’Grady S; Eustace AJ; Castell A; Larsson LG; Crown J; Madden SF; Duffy MJ (2020) 'The novel low molecular weight MYC antagonist MYCMI-6 inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells'. Investigational New Drugs  |
Dr Jonathan O'Keeffe-Ahern |
Liu S; Gao Y; Zhou D; Zeng M; Alshehri F; Newland B; Lyu J; O’Keeffe-Ahern J; Greiser U; Guo T (2019) 'Highly branched poly(β-amino ester) delivery of minicircle DNA for transfection of neurodegenerative disease related cells'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Ms Eimer O'Malley |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Killalea A; O'Kelly R; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Maternal obesity and dyslipidemia associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 246 :67-71. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Killalea A; O'Kelly R; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'The use of biomarkers at the end of the second trimester to predict Gestational Diabetes Mellitus'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :101-106. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; O'Kelly R; McMahon L; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'The diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) using a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test: A prospective observational study'. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 163  |
O’Malley EG; Walsh MC; Reynolds CME; Kennelly M; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'A cross-sectional study of maternal-fetal attachment and perceived stress at the first antenatal visit.'. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 38 (3) :271-280. |
Reynolds CME; O’Malley EG; Egan B; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Maternal weight trajectories in successive pregnancies and their association with gestational diabetes mellitus'. Diabetes Care 43 (3) :E33-E34. |
Professor Yvonne O'Meara |
Byrne FN; Gillman BA; Kiely M; Palmer B; Shiely F; Kearney PM; Earlie J; Bowles MB; Keohane FM; Connolly PP (2020) 'Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Standard Versus a Modified Low-Phosphorus Diet in Hemodialysis Patients'. Kidney International Reports  |
Dr Amanda O'Neill |
Dorris ER; O'Neill A; Treacy A; Klocker H; Teltsh O; Kay E; William Watson R (2020) 'The transcription factor CUX1 negatively regulates invasion in castrate resistant prostate cancer'. Oncotarget 11 (9) :846-857. |
Professor Donal O'Shea |
Gildea N; Rocha J; McDermott A; O'Shea D; Green S; Egaña M (2019) 'Influence of type 2 diabetes on muscle deoxygenation during ramp incremental cycle exercise'. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 269  |
Hams E; Roberts J; Bermingham R; Hogan AE; O'Shea D; O'Neill L; Fallon PG (2020) 'Role for Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha (RORα) Expressing Macrophages in Diet-Induced Obesity'. Frontiers in Immunology 11  |
Papamargaritis D; Al-Najim W; Lim J; Crane J; Lean M; Le Roux C; McGowan B; O'Shea D; Webb D; Wilding J (2020) 'Effectiveness and cost of integrating a pragmatic pathway for prescribing liraglutide 3.0 mg in obesity services (STRIVE study): Study protocol of an open-label, real-world, randomised, controlled trial'. BMJ Open 10 (2)  |
Pisarska MM; Dunne MR; O'Shea D; Hogan AE (2020) 'Interleukin-17 producing mucosal associated invariant T cells - emerging players in chronic inflammatory diseases?'. European Journal of Immunology 50 (8) :1098-1108. |
Rocha J; Gildea N; O'Shea D; Green S; Egaña M (2020) 'Reply to Senefeld et al'. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 128 (1) :227. |
Professor Stephen Pennington |
Malik UU; Siddiqui IA; Ilyas A; Hashim Z; Staunton L; Kwasnik A; Pennington SR; Zarina S (2020) 'Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins from Smokeless Tobacco Addicted Patients Suffering from Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma'. Pathology and Oncology Research 26 (3) :1489-1497. |
Moroni L; Barbaro F; Caiment F; Coleman O; Costagliola S; Di Conza G; Elviri L; Giselbrecht S; Krause C; Mota C (2020) 'Screened: A multistage model of thyroid gland function for screening endocrine-disrupting chemicals in a biologically sex-specific manner'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (10)  |
Omenn GS; Lane L; Overall CM; Corrales FJ; Schwenk JM; Paik YK; Van Eyk JE; Liu S; Pennington S; Snyder MP (2019) 'Progress on Identifying and Characterizing the Human Proteome: 2019 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project'. Journal of Proteome Research 18 (12) :4098-4107. |
Ritchlin CT; Pennington SR; Reynolds NJ; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Moving toward precision medicine in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :19-24. |
Tonry C; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; Hernandez B; Glezeva N; Rooney C; Morrissey B; Pennington SR; Baugh JA; Watson CJ (2019) '37 Multiplexed measurement of candidate protein biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in blood'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Waxman R; Stober C; Jadon DR; Orbai AM; Chandran V; Ogdie A; Pennington SR; De Wit M; O'Sullivan D; Mease PJ (2020) 'Proceedings of the 2019 grappa collaborative research network meeting'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :25-30. |
Dr Mark Pickering |
Courtney A; Alvey LM; Merces GOT; Burke N; Pickering M (2020) 'The Flexiscope: A low cost, flexible, convertible and modular microscope with automated scanning and micromanipulation'. Royal Society Open Science 7 (3)  |
Courtney A; Merces GOT; Pickering M (2020) 'Characterising the Behaviour of the Ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus in a Laboratory Aquaculture System'.  |
Humphreys O; Pickering M; O'Cearbhaill ED; Flanagan TC (2020) 'A biomimetic urethral model to evaluate urinary catheter lubricity and epithelial micro-trauma'. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 108  |
Merces G; Kennedy C; Lenoci B; Reynaud E; Burke N; Pickering M (2020) 'The Incubot: A 3D Printer-Based Microscope for Long-Term Live Cell Imaging within a Tissue Culture Incubator'.  |
Turner K; Pickering M; O'Connell PR; Jones JFX (2019) 'The projection of anorectal afferents to cortex of the rat: Comparison of two methods of cortical mapping'. Neurogastroenterology and Motility 31 (12)  |
Dr Frank Powell |
Foley R; Kelly P; Gatault S; Powell F (2020) 'Demodex: a skin resident in man and his best friend'. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology  |
Professor Prem Puri |
Coyle D; O'Donnell AM; Tomuschat C; Gillick J; Puri P (2019) 'The Extent of the Transition Zone in Hirschsprung Disease'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (11) :2318-2324. |
Duess JW; Schaller MC; Lacher M; Sorge I; Puri P; Gosemann JH (2020) 'Accidental bladder injury during elective inguinal hernia repair: a preventable complication with high morbidity'. Pediatric Surgery International 36 (2) :235-239. |
Friedmacher F; Puri P (2019) 'Ureteral Obstruction After Endoscopic Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux: Does the Type of Injected Bulking Agent Matter?'. Current Urology Reports 20 (9)  |
Hunziker M; O'Donnell AM; Gosemann J; Alvarez LA; Puri P (2020) 'Altered anoctamin-1 and tyrosine phosphorylation in congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 55 (8) :1621-1625. |
Long AM; Bunch KJ; Knight M; Kurinczuk JJ; Losty PD; Marven S; Draper E; Johnson P; Brocklehurst P; Howe D (2019) 'One-year outcomes of infants born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: A national population cohort study'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104 (6) :F643-F647. |
Nakamura H; O’Donnell AM; Tomuschat C; Coyle D; Puri P (2019) 'Altered expression of caveolin-1 in the colon of patients with Hirschsprung’s disease'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (9) :929-934. |
Nakamura H; Puri P (2020) 'Concurrent Hirschsprung’s disease and anorectal malformation: a systematic review'. Pediatric Surgery International 36 (1) :21-24. |
O'Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Puri P (2020) 'Tuft Cells: A New Player in Hirschsprung's Disease'. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 30 (1) :59-63. |
O’ Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Puri P (2019) 'Altered ryanodine receptor gene expression in Hirschsprung’s disease'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (9) :923-927. |
O’Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Parekh B; Puri P (2019) 'Decreased expression of TRAAK channels in Hirschsprung’s disease: a possible cause of postoperative dysmotility'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (12) :1431-1435. |
Puri P (2019) 'The 32nd International Symposium on Paediatric Surgical Research'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (12) :1327. |
Takahashi T; Friedmacher F; Zimmer J; Puri P (2020) 'Pbx1, Meis1, and Runx1 expression is decreased in the diaphragmatic and pulmonary mesenchyme of rats with nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia'. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery  |
Tomuschat C; O'Donnell AM; Coyle D; Puri P (2020) 'Increased protease activated receptors in the colon of patients with Hirschsprung's disease'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 55 (8) :1488-1494. |
Dr Cecily Quinn |
Baldeh T; Saz-Parkinson Z; Muti P; Santesso N; Morgano GP; Wiercioch W; Nieuwlaat R; Gräwingholt A; Broeders M; Duffy S (2020) 'Development and use of health outcome descriptors: A guideline development case study'. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18 (1)  |
Devane LA; Baban CK; O’Doherty A; Quinn C; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'The Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Margin Re-excision in Breast-Conserving Surgery'. World Journal of Surgery 44 (5) :1547-1551. |
Foschini MP; Miglio R; Fiore R; Baldovini C; Castellano I; Callagy G; Bianchi S; Kaya H; Amendoeira I; Querzoli P (2019) 'Pre-operative management of Pleomorphic and florid lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast: Report of a large multi-institutional series and review of the literature'. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45 (12) :2279-2286. |
Gonzalez-Ericsson PI; Stovgaard ES; Sua LF; Reisenbichler E; Kos Z; Carter JM; Michiels S; Le Quesne J; Nielsen TO; Lænkholm AV (2020) 'The path to a better biomarker: application of a risk management framework for the implementation of PD-L1 and TILs as immuno-oncology biomarkers in breast cancer clinical trials and daily practice'. Journal of Pathology 250 (5) :667-684. |
Kane G; Fleming C; Heneghan H; McCartan D; James P; Trueick R; Harrington L; Nally F; Quinn C; O'Doherty A (2019) 'False-negative rate of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology for identifying axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients'. Breast Journal 25 (5) :848-852. |
Muratov S; Canelo-Aybar C; Tarride JE; Alonso-Coello P; Dimitrova N; Borisch B; Castells X; Duffy SW; Fitzpatrick P; Follmann M (2020) 'Monitoring and evaluation of breast cancer screening programmes: Selecting candidate performance indicators'. BMC Cancer 20 (1)  |
Murphy MC; Quinn CM; Prichard RS; Pender S; Mcnally S (2019) 'A mimic of breast carcinoma 1-year post vacuum-assisted excision of a benign breast lesion'. BMJ Case Reports 12 (11)  |
Murray C; Flanagan L; D’Arcy C; Gullo G; Quinn CM (2020) 'Assessing the impact of the 2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists recommendations on human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 testing by fluorescence in situ hybridization in breast carcinoma'. Virchows Archiv 476 (3) :367-372. |
Saz-Parkinson Z; Duffy SW; Canelo-Aybar C; Gräwingholt A; Quinn C; Follmann M; Schünemann HJ (2020) 'Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis'. Annals of internal medicine 172 (12) :840-841. |
Schünemann HJ; Alonso-Coello P; Gräwingholt A; Quinn C; Follmann M; Langendam M; Saz-Parkinson Z (2020) 'In response'. Annals of Internal Medicine 172 (1) :72-73. |
Schünemann HJ; Lerda D; Quinn C; Follmann M; Alonso-Coello P; Rossi PG; Lebeau A; Nyström L; Broeders M; Ioannidou-Mouzaka L (2020) 'Breast cancer screening and diagnosis: A synopsis of the european breast guidelines'. Annals of Internal Medicine 172 (1) :46-56. |
Professor Louise Rainford |
Abdulaal OM; Rainford L; MacMahon PJ; Kenny P; Carty F; Galligan M; Cradock A; Alhazmi FH; McGee A (2020) 'Evaluation of optimised 3D turbo spin echo and gradient echo MR pulse sequences of the knee at 3T and 1.5T'. Radiography  |
Al-Dahery S; Rainford L; Khashoggi K; Misha N; McGee A (2019) 'Corrigendum to ‘Evaluation of unenhanced axial T1W and T2W liver MR images acquired from institutions within the Republic of Ireland and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’ [Radiography 25 (2019) e45–e51](S1078817418302220)(10.1016/j.radi.2018.10.005)'. Radiography 25 (4) :402. |
Alomaim W; O'Leary D; Ryan J; Rainford L; Evanoff M; Foley S (2020) 'Subjective versus quantitative methods of assessing breast density'. Diagnostics 10 (5)  |
O'Connor M; Stowe J; Potocnik J; Giannotti N; Murphy S; Rainford L (2020) '3D virtual reality simulation in radiography education: The students' experience'. Radiography  |
Qurashi AA; Rainford LA; Alshamrani KM; Foley SJ (2019) 'THE IMPACT OF OBESITY ON ABDOMINAL CT RADIATION DOSE AND IMAGE QUALITY'. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 185 (1) :17-26. |
Toomey RJ; McEntee MF; Rainford LA (2019) 'The pop-up research centre – Challenges and opportunities'. Radiography 25 :S19-S24. |
Zanardo M; Sardanelli F; Rainford L; Monti CB; Murray JG; Secchi F; Cradock A (2020) 'Technique and protocols for cardiothoracic time-resolved contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography sequences: a systematic review'. Clinical Radiology  |
Dr Jessica Ralston |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Dr Oleksii Rukhlenko |
Bolado-Carrancio A; Rukhlenko OS; Nikonova E; Tsyganov MA; Wheeler A; Garcia-Munoz A; Kolch W; Kriegsheim AV; Kholodenko BN (2020) 'Periodic propagating waves coordinate rhogtpase network dynamics at the leading and trailing edges during cell migration'. eLife 9 :1-34. |
Lill D; Rukhlenko OS; Mc Elwee AJ; Kashdan E; Timmer J; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'Mapping connections in signaling networks with ambiguous modularity'. npj Systems Biology and Applications 5 (1)  |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Dr John Ryan |
Alomaim W; O'Leary D; Ryan J; Rainford L; Evanoff M; Foley S (2020) 'Subjective versus quantitative methods of assessing breast density'. Diagnostics 10 (5)  |
Foley J; Cronin M; Brent L; Lawrence T; Simms C; Gildea K; Ryan J; Deasy C; Cronin J (2020) 'Cycling related major trauma in Ireland'. Injury 51 (5) :1158-1163. |
Luke C; O’ Rourke E; Keeling P; Doyle R; Kelleher U; Ryan J; Hurson C (2020) 'Causes of delay on a hip fracture pathway—a retrospective single-centre analysis'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Power B; Bury G; Ryan J (2019) 'Stakeholder opinion on the proposal to introduce 'treat and referral' into the Irish emergency medical service'. BMC Emergency Medicine 19 (1)  |
Dr Karen Ryan |
Kiernan G; Courtney E; Ryan K; McQuillan R; Guerin S (2020) 'Parents’ experiences of services for their child with a life-limiting neurodevelopmental disability'. Children's Health Care 49 (2) :134-152. |
May P; Johnston B; Normand C; Higginson I; Kenny RA; Ryan K (2019) 'Population-based palliative care planning in Ireland: how many people will live and die with serious illness to 2046?'.  |
May P; Johnston B; Normand C; Higginson I; Kenny RA; Ryan K (2020) 'Population-based palliative care planning in Ireland: how many people will live and die with serious illness to 2046?'.  |
Yi D; Johnston BM; Ryan K; Daveson BA; Meier DE; Smith M; McQuillan R; Selman L; Pantilat SZ; Normand C (2020) 'Drivers of care costs and quality in the last 3 months of life among older people receiving palliative care: A multinational mortality follow-back survey across England, Ireland and the United States'. Palliative Medicine 34 (4) :513-523. |
Dr Silke Ryan |
Anttalainen U; Grote L; Fietze I; Riha RL; Ryan S; Staats R; Hedner J; Saaresranta T; Barbé F; Bonsignore MR (2019) 'Insomnia symptoms combined with nocturnal hypoxia associate with cardiovascular comorbidity in the European sleep apnea cohort (ESADA)'. Sleep and Breathing 23 (3) :805-814. |
Crinion SJ; Tiron R; Lyon G; Zaffaroni A; Kilroy H; Doheny E; O'Hare E; Boyle P; Russell A; Traynor M (2020) 'Ambulatory detection of sleep apnea using a non-contact biomotion sensor'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (1)  |
Fitzpatrick SF; King AD; O’Donnell C; Roche HM; Ryan S (2020) 'Mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia-mediated macrophage activation – potential therapeutic targets for obstructive sleep apnoea'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Anttalainen U; Saaresranta T; Basoglu OK; Gunduz C; Tasbakan S; Bouloukaki I; Schiza SE (2020) 'Sleep apnoea management in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic – Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA)'. European Respiratory Journal 55 (6)  |
Gunduz C; Basoglu OK; Hedner J; Bonsignore MR; Hein H; Staats R; Bouloukaki I; Roisman G; Pataka A; Sliwinski P (2019) 'Hyperlipidaemia prevalence and cholesterol control in obstructive sleep apnoea: Data from the European sleep apnea database (ESADA)'. Journal of Internal Medicine 286 (6) :676-688. |
Lombardi C; Parati G; Soranna D; Zambon A; Sliwinski P; Roisman G; Pepin JL; Schiza S; Riha R; Joppa P (2020) 'Periodic limb movements during sleep and blood pressure changes in sleep apnoea: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database'. Respirology 25 (8) :872-879. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Ryan S; Cummins EP; Farre R; Gileles-Hillel A; Jun JC; Oster H; Pepin JL; Ray DW; Reutrakul S; Sanchez-De-La-Torre M (2020) 'Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiometabolic complications in obstructive sleep apnoea: Towards personalised treatment approaches'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Wächter M; Kantelhardt JW; Bonsignore MR; Bouloukaki I; Escourrou P; Fietze I; Grote L; Korzybski D; Lombardi C; Marrone O (2020) 'Unique sleep-stage transitions determined by obstructive sleep apnea severity, age and gender'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (2)  |
Dr Tapesh Santra |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Dr Kirsten Schaffer |
Birgand G; Mutters NT; Ahmad R; Tacconelli E; Lucet JC; Holmes A; Asensio A; Buke C; Markovic-Denic L; Da Graca Domingues Rocha M (2020) 'Risk perception of the antimicrobial resistance by infection control specialists in Europe: A case-vignette study'. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 9 (1)  |
Maraolo AE; Ong DSY; Cimen C; Howard P; Kofteridis DP; Schouten J; Mutters NT; Pulcini C; Harxhi A; Presterl E (2019) 'Organization and training at national level of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control activities in Europe: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey'. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 38 (11) :2061-2068. |
Nguyen SV; Greig DR; Hurley D; Donoghue O; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Schaffer K; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2020) 'Yersinia canariae sp. Nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4) :2382-2387. |
Redondo N; Mok S; Montgomery L; Flanagan PR; McNamara E; Smyth EG; O’Sullivan N; Schaffer K; Rogers TR; Fitzgibbon MM (2020) 'Genomic analysis of mycobacterium abscessus complex isolates collected in Ireland between 2006 and 2017'. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 58 (7)  |
Schaible B; Crifo B; Schaffer K; Taylor CT (2020) 'The putative bacterial oxygen sensor Pseudomonas prolyl hydroxylase (PPHD) suppresses antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa'. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (5) :1195-1201. |
Professor Kieran Sheahan |
Caiazza F; Oficjalska K; Tosetto M; Phelan JJ; Noonan S; Martin P; Killick K; Breen L; O'Neill F; Nolan B (2019) 'KH-Type Splicing Regulatory Protein Controls Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth and Modulates the Tumor Microenvironment'. American Journal of Pathology 189 (10) :1916-1932. |
Dunne MR; Phelan JJ; Michielsen AJ; Maguire AA; Dunne C; Martin P; Noonan S; Tosetto M; Geraghty R; Fennelly D (2020) 'Characterising the prognostic potential of HLA-DR during colorectal cancer development'. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 69 (8) :1577-1588. |
Lindner AU; Resler AJ; Carberry S; Oficjalska K; Bacon O; Lee CS; Choudhry A; Burke JP; Sheahan K; Cremona M (2020) 'Systems biology analysis identifies molecular determinants of chemotherapy-induced diarrhoea'. Journal of Molecular Medicine 98 (1) :149-159. |
Ryan ÉJ; Creavin B; Sheahan K (2020) 'Delivery of Personalized Care for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Incorporating Pathological, Molecular Genetic, and Immunological Biomarkers Into the Multimodal Paradigm'. Frontiers in Oncology 10  |
Ryan ÉJ; Orsi G; Boland MR; Syed AZ; Creavin B; Kelly ME; Sheahan K; Neary PC; Kavanagh DO; McNamara D (2020) 'Meta-analysis of early bowel resection versus initial medical therapy in patient's with ileocolonic Crohn's disease'. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 35 (3) :501-512. |
Zaborowski AM; Murphy B; Creavin B; Rogers AC; Kennelly R; Hanly A; Martin ST; O'Connell PR; Sheahan K; Winter DC (2020) 'Clinicopathological features and oncological outcomes of patients with young-onset rectal cancer'. British Journal of Surgery 107 (5) :606-612. |
Dr Noreen Sheehy |
Martini F; Arone C; Hasset A; Hall WW; Sheehy N (2020) 'The ESCRT-0 protein HRS interacts with the human T cell leukemia virus type 2 antisense protein APH-2 and suppresses viral replication'. Journal of Virology 94 (1)  |
Professor Denis Shields |
O'Brien KT; Mooney C; Lopez C; Pollastri G; Shields DC (2020) 'Prediction of polyproline II secondary structure propensity in proteins'. Royal Society Open Science 7 (1)  |
Dr Fabian Sievers |
Sievers F; Higgins DG; Elofsson A (2020) 'QuanTest2: Benchmarking multiple sequence alignments using secondary structure prediction'. Bioinformatics 36 (1) :90-95. |
Dr Ashish Singh |
Aviello G; Singh AK; O’Neill S; Conroy E; Gallagher W; D’Agostino G; Walker AW; Bourke B; Scholz D; Knaus UG (2019) 'Colitis susceptibility in mice with reactive oxygen species deficiency is mediated by mucus barrier and immune defense defects'. Mucosal Immunology 12 (6) :1316-1326. |
Dr Stephen Skehan |
Boland MR; Heneghan HM; Ryan ÉJ; Ain Q; Skehan SJ; McCartan D; Evoy D; Geraghty J; McDermott EW; Prichard RS (2020) 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of the utility of lymphoscintigraphy in the management of clinically node-negative breast cancer'. Breast Journal 26 (7) :1452-1454. |
Professor Owen Smith |
Dowling GP; Piccin A; Gavin KT; Betts DR; Malone A; Cotter M; Sills A; Evans P; O’ Marcaigh A; Smith OP (2020) 'A retrospective study of myeloid leukaemia in children with Down syndrome in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :979-984. |
Hrusak O; Kalina T; Wolf J; Balduzzi A; Provenzi M; Rizzari C; Rives S; del Pozo Carlavilla M; Alonso MEV; Domínguez-Pinilla N (2020) 'Flash survey on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infections in paediatric patients on anticancer treatment'. European Journal of Cancer 132 :11-16. |
Jovanovic J; Potter N; Kanda A; Schwab C; Jackson AE; Dillon R; Lawson A; Runglall M; Vyas P; Virgo P (2019) 'Molecular MRD Monitoring Is Feasible in the Majority of Children with AML and Is Highly Predictive of Outcome: Results from the International MyeChild01 Study'. Blood 134 (Supplement_1) :1393-1393. |
Kenny M; Darcy-Bewick S; Martin A; Eustace-Cook J; Hilliard C; Clinton F; Storey L; Coyne I; Murray K; Duffy K (2020) 'You are at rock bottom: A qualitative systematic review of the needs of bereaved parents as they journey through the death of their child to cancer'. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology  |
O’rourke E; Malone A; O’marcaigh A; Storey L; Betts D; McDermott M; Smith OP (2020) 'Burkitt lymphoma/leukaemia in children & young adolescents'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (1) |
Assoc Professor Albert Smolenski |
Comer S; Nagy Z; Bolado A; von Kriegsheim A; Gambaryan S; Walter U; Pagel O; Zahedi RP; Jurk K; Smolenski A (2020) 'The RhoA regulators Myo9b and GEF-H1 are targets of cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases in platelets'. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis  |
Kumm EJ; Pagel O; Gambaryan S; Walter U; Zahedi RP; Smolenski A; Jurk K (2020) 'The Cell Cycle Checkpoint System MAST(L)-ENSA/ARPP19-PP2A is Targeted by cAMP/PKA and cGMP/PKG in Anucleate Human Platelets.'. Cells 9 (2)  |
Dr Peter Smyth |
McMullan P; Hamill L; Doolan K; Hunter A; McCance D; Patterson C; Smyth P; Woodside JV; Mullan K (2019) 'Iodine deficiency among pregnant women living in Northern Ireland'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (5) :639-645. |
Smyth PPA; Duntas LH (2020) '50 years of the ETA: “the selenium connection”'. Hormones 19 (1) :3-7. |
Professor Martin Steinhoff |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Szöllősi AG; McDonald I; Szabó IL; Meng J; van den Bogaard E; Steinhoff M (2019) 'TLR3 in Chronic Human Itch: A Keratinocyte-Associated Mechanism of Peripheral Itch Sensitization'. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 139 (11) :2393-2396000000. |
Assoc Professor Maurice Stokes |
Moynihan A; Quinn EM; Smith CS; Stokes M; Kell M; Barry JM; Walsh SM (2020) 'Benign breast papilloma: Is surgical excision necessary?'. Breast Journal 26 (4) :705-710. |
Sessler DI; Pei L; Huang Y; Fleischmann E; Marhofer P; Kurz A; Mayers DB; Meyer-Treschan TA; Grady M; Tan EY (2019) 'Recurrence of breast cancer after regional or general anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial'. The Lancet 394 (10211) :1807-1815. |
Dr John Stowe |
O'Connor M; Stowe J; Potocnik J; Giannotti N; Murphy S; Rainford L (2020) '3D virtual reality simulation in radiography education: The students' experience'. Radiography  |
Dr Niall Swan |
Roche S; O’neill F; Murphy J; Swan N; Meiller J; Conlon NT; Geoghegan J; Conlon K; McDermott R; Rahman R (2020) 'Establishment and characterisation by expression microarray of patient-derived xenograft panel of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3)  |
Dr Naoise Synnott |
Synnott NC; O’Connell D; Crown J; Duffy MJ (2020) 'COTI-2 reactivates mutant p53 and inhibits growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 179 (1) :47-56. |
Professor Cormac Taylor |
Brown E; Rowan C; Strowitzki MJ; Fagundes RR; Faber KN; Güntsch A; Halligan DN; Kugler J; Jones F; Lee CT (2020) 'Mucosal inflammation downregulates PHD1 expression promoting a barrier-protective HIF-1α response in ulcerative colitis patients'. FASEB Journal 34 (3) :3732-3742. |
Colgan SP; Furuta GT; Taylor CT (2020) 'Hypoxia and Innate Immunity: Keeping Up with the HIFsters'. Annual Review of Immunology 38 :341-363. |
Cummins EP; Strowitzki MJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Mechanisms and consequences of oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing in mammals'. Physiological Reviews 100 (1) :463-488. |
Harnoss JM; Gebhardt JM; Radhakrishnan P; Leowardi C; Burmeister J; Halligan DN; Yuan S; Kennel KB; Strowitzki MJ; Schaible A (2020) 'Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibition Mitigates Pouchitis'. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 26 (2) :192-205. |
Kierans SJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Regulation of glycolysis by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF): implications for cellular physiology'. Journal of Physiology  |
Schaible B; Crifo B; Schaffer K; Taylor CT (2020) 'The putative bacterial oxygen sensor Pseudomonas prolyl hydroxylase (PPHD) suppresses antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa'. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (5) :1195-1201. |
Shigemura M; Lecuona E; Angulo M; Dada LA; Edwards MB; Welch LC; Casalino-Matsuda SM; Sporn PHS; Vadász I; Helenius IT (2019) 'Elevated CO2 regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr Stephen Thorpe |
Chronopoulos A; Thorpe SD; Cortes E; Lachowski D; Rice AJ; Mykuliak VV; Róg T; Lee DA; Hytönen VP; del Río Hernández AE (2020) 'Syndecan-4 tunes cell mechanics by activating the kindlin-integrin-RhoA pathway'. Nature Materials 19 (6) :669-678. |
Rice A; Cortes E; Lachowski D; Oertle P; Matellan C; Thorpe SD; Ghose R; Wang H; Lee DA; Plodinec M (2020) 'GPER activation inhibits cancer cell mechanotransduction and basement membrane invasion via RhoA'. Cancers 12 (2)  |
Dr Willard Tinago |
Barror S; Avramovic G; Oprea C; Surey J; Story A; Macías J; Cullen W; Crowley D; Horan A; Naughton AM (2019) 'HepCare Europe: a service innovation project. HepCheck: enhancing HCV identification and linkage to care for vulnerable populations through intensified outreach screening. A prospective multisite feasibility study'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v39-v46. |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Freitas IT; Tinago W; Sawa H; McAndrews J; Doak B; Prior-Fuller C; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Cotter AG (2020) 'Interferon lambda rs368234815 Δg/ΔG is associated with higher CD4+:CD8+ T-cell ratio in treated HIV-1 infection'. AIDS Research and Therapy 17 (1)  |
Kelly C; Tinago W; Alber D; Hunter P; Luckhurst N; Connolly J; Arrigoni F; Abner AG; Kamngona R; Sheha I (2020) 'Inflammatory Phenotypes Predict Changes in Arterial Stiffness following ART Initiation.'. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America  |
Lacey A; Savinelli S; Barco EA; Macken A; Cotter AG; Sheehan G; Lambert JS; Muldoon E; Feeney E; Mallon PW (2020) 'Investigating the effect of antiretroviral switch to tenofovir alafenamide on lipid profiles in people living with HIV'. AIDS (London, England) 34 (8) :1161-1170. |
Nic An Riogh E; Swan D; McCombe G; O'Connor E; Avramovic G; Macías J; Oprea C; Story A; Surey J; Vickerman P (2019) 'Integrating hepatitis C care for at-risk groups (HepLink): baseline data from a multicentre feasibility study in primary and community care'. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 74 :v31-v38. |
Professor Desmond Tobin |
Adhikari K; Mendoza-Revilla J; Sohail A; Fuentes-Guajardo M; Lampert J; Chacón-Duque JC; Hurtado M; Villegas V; Granja V; Acuña-Alonzo V (2019) 'A GWAS in Latin Americans highlights the convergent evolution of lighter skin pigmentation in Eurasia'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Murat K; Grüning B; Poterlowicz PW; Westgate G; Tobin DJ; Poterlowicz K (2020) 'Ewastools: Infinium Human Methylation BeadChip pipeline for population epigenetics integrated into Galaxy'. GigaScience 9 (5)  |
O'Sullivan JDB; Nicu C; Picard M; Chéret J; Bedogni B; Tobin DJ; Paus R (2020) 'The biology of human hair greying'. Biological Reviews  |
Slominski AT; Kim TK; Kleszczyński K; Semak I; Janjetovic Z; Sweatman T; Skobowiat C; Steketee JD; Lin Z; Postlethwaite A (2020) 'Characterization of serotonin and N-acetylserotonin systems in the human epidermis and skin cells'. Journal of Pineal Research 68 (2)  |
Dr Rachel Toomey |
Toomey RJ; McEntee MF; Rainford LA (2019) 'The pop-up research centre – Challenges and opportunities'. Radiography 25 :S19-S24. |
Prof Eileen Treacy |
Abidin Z; Treacy EP (2019) 'Insights into the Pathophysiology of Infertility in Females with Classical Galactosaemia.'. International journal of molecular sciences 20 (20)  |
Byrne N; Turner J; Marron R; Lambert DM; Murphy DN; O'Sullivan G; Mason M; Broderick F; Burke MC; Casey S (2020) 'The role of primary care in management of rare diseases in Ireland.'. Irish journal of medical science 189 (3) :771-776. |
Knerr I; Colombo R; Urquhart J; Morais A; Merinero B; Oyarzabal A; Pérez B; Jones SA; Perveen R; Preece MA (2019) 'Expanding the genetic and phenotypic spectrum of branched-chain amino acid transferase 2 deficiency.'. Journal of inherited metabolic disease 42 (5) :809-817. |
Stepien KM; Geberhiwot T; Hendriksz CJ; Treacy EP (2019) 'Challenges in diagnosing and managing adult patients with urea cycle disorders.'. Journal of inherited metabolic disease 42 (6) :1136-1146. |
Welsink-Karssies MM; Ferdinandusse S; Geurtsen GJ; Hollak CEM; Huidekoper HH; Janssen MCH; Langendonk JG; van der Lee JH; O'Flaherty R; Oostrom KJ (2020) 'Deep phenotyping classical galactosemia: clinical outcomes and biochemical markers.'. Brain communications 2 (1) :fcaa006. |
Welsink-Karssies MM; van Weeghel M; Hollak CEM; Elfrink HL; Janssen MCH; Lai K; Langendonk JG; Oussoren E; Ruiter JPN; Treacy EP (2020) 'The Galactose Index measured in fibroblasts of GALT deficient patients distinguishes variant patients detected by newborn screening from patients with classical phenotypes.'. Molecular genetics and metabolism 129 (3) :171-176. |
Professor Niall Tubridy |
Doherty RJ; Caird J; Crimmins D; Kelly P; Murphy S; McGuigan C; Tubridy N; King MD; Lynch B; Webb D (2020) 'Moyamoya disease and moyamoya syndrome in Ireland: patient demographics, mode of presentation and outcomes of EC-IC bypass surgery'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
McNicholas N; Russell A; Nolan G; Tubridy N; Hutchinson M; Garvey JF; McGuigan C (2020) 'Impact of obstructive sleep apnoea on cognitive function in multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
McNicholas N; Tubridy N; Hutchinson M; McGuigan C (2020) 'Perceived and objective cognitive impairment in newly diagnosed versus established multiple sclerosis: impact of disease duration'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Togher Z; Fullam S; Callanan I; Kearney H; Tubridy N (2020) 'An evaluation of optimal tutorial methodologies for neurology teaching at undergraduate level: Optimal tutorial methods for neurology'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Professor Michael Turner |
Brick A; Layte R; McKeating A; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Does maternal obesity explain trends in caesarean section rates? Evidence from a large Irish maternity hospital'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :571-579. |
Corbett GA; Fitzpatrick C; Daly S; Turner MJ; Sheehan SR; Farah N (2020) 'Childbirth in Ireland’s capital city over sixty years'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :1135-1141. |
Hehir MP; Burke N; Burke G; Turner MJ; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2019) 'Sonographic markers of fetal adiposity and risk of Cesarean delivery'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 54 (3) :338-343. |
Kennedy RAK; Reynolds CME; O’Malley EG; Turner MJ (2020) 'Assessing maternal dietary quality in early pregnancy in the programming of intrauterine fetal growth'. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 99 (4) :510-517. |
McMahon LE; O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Turner MJ (2020) 'The impact of revised diagnostic criteria on hospital trends in gestational diabetes mellitus rates in a high income country'. BMC Health Services Research 20 (1)  |
Moran PS; Daly D; Wuytack F; Carroll M; Turner M; Normand C; Begley C (2020) 'Predictors of choice of public and private maternity care among iparous women in Ireland, and implications for maternity care and birth experience'. Health Policy 124 (5) :556-562. |
Moran PS; Normand C; Gillen P; Wuytack F; Turner M; Begley C; Daly D (2020) 'Economic implications of reducing caesarean section rates – Analysis of two health systems'. PLoS ONE 15 (44019)  |
Moran PS; Wuytack F; Turner M; Normand C; Brown S; Begley C; Daly D (2020) 'Economic burden of maternal morbidity – A systematic review of cost-of-illness studies'. PLoS ONE 15 (1)  |
Murphy NC; Burke N; Breathnach FM; Burke G; McAuliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Turner MJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2020) 'Inter-hospital comparison of Cesarean delivery rates should not be considered to reflect quality of care without consideration of patient heterogeneity: An observational study'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :112-116. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Killalea A; O'Kelly R; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Maternal obesity and dyslipidemia associated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 246 :67-71. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Killalea A; O'Kelly R; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'The use of biomarkers at the end of the second trimester to predict Gestational Diabetes Mellitus'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :101-106. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; O'Kelly R; Killalea A; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'A Prospective Evaluation of Point-of-Care Measurements of Maternal Glucose for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus'. Clinical chemistry 66 (2) :316-323. |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; O'Kelly R; McMahon L; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'The diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) using a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test: A prospective observational study'. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 163  |
O'Malley EG; Reynolds CME; Turner MJ (2020) 'Letter to the editor - Brief Communication'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 249 :106. |
O’Malley EG; Walsh MC; Reynolds CME; Kennelly M; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'A cross-sectional study of maternal-fetal attachment and perceived stress at the first antenatal visit.'. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 38 (3) :271-280. |
Reynolds CME; Egan B; Daly N; McKeating A; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'The interaction between maternal smoking, illicit drug use and alcohol consumption associated with neonatal outcomes'. Journal of public health (Oxford, England) 42 (2) :277-284. |
Reynolds CME; Egan B; O'Malley EG; Kennedy RAK; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'A longitudinal, observational study of women who persisted in smoking in successive pregnancies'. Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom) 42 (1) :E18-E26. |
Reynolds CME; Egan B; O’Malley EG; McMahon L; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Longitudinal Study of Maternal BMI in Successive Pregnancies'. Obesity 28 (2) :460-467. |
Reynolds CME; McMahon LE; O'Malley EG; O'Brien O; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Maternal employment and pregnancy outcomes in a large European maternity hospital'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :86-92. |
Reynolds CME; McMahon LE; O’Malley EG; O’Connell MP; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Trends in private maternity care in Ireland’s capital during and after the Great Economic Recession 2009–2017'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Reynolds CME; O’Malley EG; Egan B; Sheehan SR; Turner MJ (2020) 'Maternal weight trajectories in successive pregnancies and their association with gestational diabetes mellitus'. Diabetes Care 43 (3) :E33-E34. |
Dr Patrick Twomey |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Carter GD; Berry J; Cavalier E; Durazo-Arvizu R; Gunter E; Jones G; Jones J; Phinney K; Sempos CT; Twomey PJ (2020) 'Biotin supplementation causes erroneous elevations of results in some commercial serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d (25OHD) assays'. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 200  |
Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; Maher C; McKenna MJ (2020) 'Anorexia Nervosa with Markedly High Bone Turnover and Hyperphosphatemia During Refeeding Rectified by Denosumab'. Osteoporosis International 31 (7) :1395-1398. |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Reeve JLV; Frayling IM; Twomey PJ (2020) 'Challenges in molecular diagnosis of Wilson disease'. Journal of Clinical Pathology 73 (4) :181-182. |
Reeve JLV; Twomey PJ (2019) 'No abdominal pain, no lipase'. International Journal of Clinical Practice 73 (12)  |
Reeve JLV; Twomey PJ; Twomey PJ; Borovickova I (2020) 'The role of the Clinical Chemistry laboratory in facilitating earlier diagnosis of dyslipidaemia-associated inherited metabolic disease'. Journal of Clinical Pathology 73 (7) :363-365. |
Professor Douglas Veale |
Carvalho PD; Ferreira RJO; Landewé R; Vega-Morales D; Salomon-Escoto K; Veale DJ; Chopra A; Da Silva JAP; MacHado PM (2020) 'Association of 17 definitions of remission with functional status in a large clinical practice cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (1) :20-27. |
Dorris ER; Linehan E; Trenkmann M; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wilson AG (2019) 'Association of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity Variant rs26232 with the Invasive Activity of Synovial Fibroblasts'. Cells 8 (10)  |
Foley C; Floudas A; Canavan M; Biniecka M; MacDermott EJ; Veale DJ; Mullan RH; Killeen OG; Fearon U (2020) 'Increased T Cell Plasticity With Dysregulation of Follicular Helper T, Peripheral Helper T, and Treg Cell Responses in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Down Syndrome–Associated Arthritis'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 72 (4) :677-686. |
Fromm S; Cunningham CC; Dunne MR; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wade SM (2019) 'Enhanced angiogenic function in response to fibroblasts from psoriatic arthritis synovium compared to rheumatoid arthritis'. Arthritis Research and Therapy 21 (1)  |
Gallagher L; Cregan S; Biniecka M; Cunningham C; Veale DJ; Kane DJ; Fearon U; Mullan RH (2020) 'Insulin-Resistant Pathways Are Associated With Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Are Subject to Disease Modification Through Metabolic Reprogramming: A Potential Novel Therapeutic Approach'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 72 (6) :896-902. |
Gladman DD; Charles-Schoeman C; McInnes IB; Veale DJ; Thiers B; Nurmohamed M; Graham D; Wang C; Jones T; Wolk R (2019) 'Changes in Lipid Levels and Incidence of Cardiovascular Events Following Tofacitinib Treatment in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: A Pooled Analysis Across Phase III and Long-Term Extension Studies'. Arthritis Care and Research 71 (10) :1387-1395. |
Gossec L; Baraliakos X; Kerschbaumer A; De Wit M; McInnes I; Dougados M; Primdahl J; McGonagle DG; Aletaha D; Balanescu A (2020) 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (6) :S700-S712. |
Marzaioli V; Canavan M; Floudas A; Wade SC; Low C; Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Differentiation in Inflammatory Arthritis Is Regulated by the JAK/STAT Axis via NADPH Oxidase Regulation'. Frontiers in Immunology 11  |
Murray K; Low C; O’Rourke A; Young F; Callanan I; Feeney E; Veale DJ (2020) 'A quality improvement intervention failed to significantly increase pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in immunosuppressed inflammatory arthritis patients'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (3) :747-754. |
Murray K; Low C; Young F; O'Rourke A; Callanan I; Feeney E; Veale DJ (2020) 'P207 A quality improvement intervention to increase pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in immunosuppressed inflammatory arthritis patients'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O'Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; McAuliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P208 A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Murray K; Moore L; Young F; McAulliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P256 Reproductive health outcomes in women with PsA'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Murray T; Low C; O'Rourke A; Veale DJ (2020) 'P126 An analysis of the quality and readability of online information for osteoarthritis'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray KE; Murray TE; O'Rourke AC; Low C; Veale DJ (2019) 'Readability and quality of online information on osteoarthritis: An objective analysis with historic comparison'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (9)  |
Najm A; Masson FM; Preuss P; Georges S; Ory B; Quillard T; Sood S; Goodyear CS; Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'MicroRNA-17-5p Reduces Inflammation and Bone Erosions in Mice With Collagen-Induced Arthritis and Directly Targets the JAK/STAT Pathway in Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes'. Arthritis and Rheumatology  |
Sanmarti R; Veale DJ; Martin-Mola E; Escudero-Contreras A; González C; Ercole L; Alonso R; Fonseca JE; Alcañiz C; Álvaro-Gracia JM (2019) 'Reducing or Maintaining the Dose of Subcutaneous Tocilizumab in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Clinical Remission: A Randomized, Open-Label Trial'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 71 (10) :1616-1625. |
Sobanski V; Giovannelli J; Allanore Y; Riemekasten G; Airò P; Vettori S; Cozzi F; Distler O; Matucci-Cerinic M; Denton C (2019) 'Phenotypes Determined by Cluster Analysis and Their Survival in the Prospective European Scleroderma Trials and Research Cohort of Patients With Systemic Sclerosis'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 71 (9) :1553-1570. |
Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'Next-generation analysis of synovial tissue architecture'. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 16 (2) :67-68. |
Wade SM; McGarry T; Wade SC; Fearon U; Veale DJ (2020) 'Serum MicroRNA Signature as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Marker in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis.'. The Journal of rheumatology  |
Wade SM; Ohnesorge N; McLoughlin H; Biniecka M; Carter SP; Trenkman M; Cunningham CC; McGarry T; Canavan M; Kennedy BN (2019) 'Dysregulated miR-125a promotes angiogenesis through enhanced glycolysis'. EBioMedicine 47 :402-413. |
Dr Sebastian Vencken |
Beecham G; Cusack R; Vencken S; Crilly G; Buggy DJ (2020) 'Hypotension during hip fracture surgery and postoperative morbidity'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (3) :1087-1096. |
Cosgrave D; Vencken S; Galligan M; McGuinness S; Soukhin E; McMullan V; Nair S; Puttappa A; Boylan J; Hussain R (2020) 'The effect of a low-dose naloxone infusion on the incidence of respiratory depression after intrathecal morphine administration for major open hepatobiliary surgery: a randomised controlled trial'. Anaesthesia 75 (6) :747-755. |
De Santi C; Fernández Fernández E; Gaul R; Vencken S; Glasgow A; Oglesby IK; Hurley K; Hawkins F; Mitash N; Mu F (2020) 'Precise Targeting of miRNA Sites Restores CFTR Activity in CF Bronchial Epithelial Cells'. Molecular Therapy 28 (4) :1190-1199. |
Dr Deborah Wallace |
Eivers SB; Greene AG; Dervan E; O'Brien C; Wallace D (2020) 'Prevalence of Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma Risk-associated Variants within Lysyl Oxidase-like 1 in an Irish Population'. Journal of Glaucoma 29 (6) :417-422. |
Feeney E; Wallace D; Cotter A; Tinago W; McCarthy C; Keane D; Hussain R; Alvarez Barco E; Doran P; Mallon P (2020) 'The COVIRL-001 Trial: A multicentre, prospective, randomised trial comparing standard of care (SOC) alone, SOC plus hydroxychloroquine monotherapy or SOC plus a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in the treatment of non- critical, SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive population not requiring immediate resuscitation or ventilation but who have evidence of clinical decline: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial'. Trials 21 (1)  |
Greene AG; Eivers SB; Dervan EWJ; O'Brien CJ; Wallace DM (2020) 'Lysyl Oxidase Like 1: Biological roles and regulation'. Experimental Eye Research 193  |
Dr Janice Walshe |
Kearns C; Feighery R; Caffrey JM; Higgins M; Smith M; Murphy V; O’reilly S; Horgan AM; Walshe J; McDermott R (2020) 'Understanding and attitudes toward cancer clinical trials among patients with a cancer diagnosis: National study through cancer trials Ireland'. Cancers 12 (7) :1-26. |
Professor Wenxin Wang |
Aei S; Zeng M; Johnson M; Creagh-Flynn J; Xu Q; Tai H; Wang W (2020) 'Green Synthetic Approach for Photo-Cross-Linkable Methacryloyl Hyaluronic Acid with a Tailored Substitution Degree'. Biomacromolecules 21 (6) :2229-2235. |
Alghamdi M; Chierchini F; Eigel D; Taplan C; Miles T; Pette D; Welzel PB; Werner C; Wang W; Neto C (2020) 'Poly(ethylene glycol) based nanotubes for tuneable drug delivery to glioblastoma multiforme'. Nanoscale Advances 2 (10) :4498-4509. |
Blackburn C; Tai H; Salerno M; Wang X; Hartsuiker E; Wang W (2019) 'Folic acid and rhodamine labelled pH responsive hyperbranched polymers: Synthesis, characterization and cell uptake studies'. European Polymer Journal 120  |
Blackburn C; Tai H; Salerno M; Wang X; Senan C; Ratcliffe I; Hartsuiker E; Wang W (2020) 'Data presenting the synthesis of three novel stimuli responsive hyperbranched polymers synthesised via RAFT polymerisation and the bio conjugation of folic acid'. Data in Brief 28  |
Duffy P; McMahon S; Wang X; Keaveney S; O'Cearbhaill ED; Quintana I; Rodríguez FJ; Wang W (2019) 'Synthetic bioresorbable poly-α-hydroxyesters as peripheral nerve guidance conduits; A review of material properties, design strategies and their efficacy to date'. Biomaterials Science 7 (12) :4912-4943. |
Gao Y; Zhou D; Lyu J; Sigen A; Xu Q; Newland B; Matyjaszewski K; Tai H; Wang W (2020) 'Complex polymer architectures through free-radical polymerization of multivinyl monomers'. Nature Reviews Chemistry 4 (4) :194-212. |
Li X; Sigen A; Xu Q; Alshehri F; Zeng M; Zhou D; Li J; Zhou G; Wang W (2020) 'Cartilage-Derived Progenitor Cell-Laden Injectable Hydrogel-An Approach for Cartilage Tissue Regeneration'. ACS Applied Bio Materials 3 (8) :4756-4765. |
Liu S; Gao Y; Zhou D; Zeng M; Alshehri F; Newland B; Lyu J; O’Keeffe-Ahern J; Greiser U; Guo T (2019) 'Highly branched poly(β-amino ester) delivery of minicircle DNA for transfection of neurodegenerative disease related cells'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Pacharra S; McMahon S; Duffy P; Basnett P; Yu W; Seisel S; Stervbo U; Babel N; Roy I; Viebahn R (2020) 'Cytocompatibility Evaluation of a Novel Series of PEG-Functionalized Lactide-Caprolactone Copolymer Biomaterials for Cardiovascular Applications'. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8  |
Wang Y; Wang CF; Lie M; Zhou DZ; Huang W; Wang WX (2020) 'Effects of Branching Strategy on the Gene Transfection of Highly Branched Poly(β-amino ester)s'. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition) 38 (8) :830-839. |
Xie T; Ding J; Han X; Jia H; Yang Y; Liang S; Wang W; Liu W; Wang W (2020) 'Wound dressing change facilitated by spraying zinc ions'. Materials Horizons 7 (2) :605-614. |
Dr Ariane Watson |
Gordon DE; Watson A; Roguev A; Zheng S; Jang GM; Kane J; Xu J; Guo JZ; Stevenson E; Swaney DL (2020) 'A Quantitative Genetic Interaction Map of HIV Infection'. Molecular Cell 78 (2) :197-2090000000. |
Professor Bill Watson |
Dorris ER; O'Neill A; Treacy A; Klocker H; Teltsh O; Kay E; William Watson R (2020) 'The transcription factor CUX1 negatively regulates invasion in castrate resistant prostate cancer'. Oncotarget 11 (9) :846-857. |
Doughty C; O’Driscoll DN; Smith S; O’Currain E; Grant T; O’Hare FM; Culliton M; Watson RWG; O’Neill A; Molloy EJ (2020) 'Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) in neonatal sepsis'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine :1-8. |
Drápela S; Khirsariya P; van Weerden WM; Fedr R; Suchánková T; Búzová D; Červený J; Hampl A; Puhr M; Watson WR (2020) 'The CHK1 inhibitor MU380 significantly increases the sensitivity of human docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells to gemcitabine through the induction of mitotic catastrophe.'. Molecular oncology  |
Humphreys H; Stevens N; Leddin D; Callagy G; Burke L; Watson RW; Toner M (2020) 'Pathology in Irish medical education'. Journal of Clinical Pathology 73 (1) :47-50. |
Jalali A; Foley RW; Maweni RM; Murphy K; Lundon DJ; Lynch T; Power R; O'Brien F; O'Malley KJ; Galvin DJ (2020) 'A risk calculator to inform the need for a prostate biopsy: A rapid access clinic cohort'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20 (1)  |
Professor Gerry Wilson |
Attur M; Zhou H; Samuels J; Krasnokutsky S; Yau M; Scher JU; Doherty M; Wilson AG; Bencardino J; Hochberg M (2020) 'Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) gene variants predict radiographic severity of knee osteoarthritis and risk of incident disease'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (3)  |
Donnelly S; Manning M; Mannan H; Wilson AG; Kroll T (2020) 'Renegotiating dimensions of the self: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis of the lived experience of self-managing rheumatoid arthritis'. Health Expectations  |
Dorris ER; Linehan E; Trenkmann M; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wilson AG (2019) 'Association of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity Variant rs26232 with the Invasive Activity of Synovial Fibroblasts'. Cells 8 (10)  |
Nair N; Plant D; Plant D; Verstappen SM; Verstappen SM; Isaacs JD; Morgan AW; Hyrich KL; Hyrich KL; Hyrich KL (2020) 'Differential DNA methylation correlates with response to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis'. Rheumatology (United Kingdom) 59 (6) :1364-1371. |
Nair N; Wilson AG (2019) 'Can machine learning predict responses to TNF inhibitors?'. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 15 (12) :702-704. |
Wilson AG; Sherwin J; Dorris ER (2019) 'Patient and public involvement in biomedical research: training is not a substitute for relationship building'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1607-1608. |
Dr Mary Wingfield |
Crosby D; O’Brien Y; Glover L; Martyn F; Wingfield M (2020) 'Influence of body mass index on the relationship between endometrial thickness and pregnancy outcome in single blastocyst frozen embryo transfer cycles'. Human Fertility 23 (1) :32-37. |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Downey P; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; O’Farrelly C; Brennan DJ; Wingfield M (2020) 'The impact of accurately timed mid-luteal endometrial injury in igravid women undergoing their first or second embryo transfer'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Hartigan L; Broderick V; Cullinane J; Glover L; Martyn F; Wingfield M (2020) 'Oophorectomy for fertility preservation'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-3. |
O'Brien Y; Kelleher C; Wingfield M (2020) '“So what happens next?” exploring the psychological and emotional impact of anti-Mullerian hormone testing'. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 41 (1) :30-37. |
Professor Desmond Winter |
Cunneen C; Kelly M; Nason G; Ryan E; Creavin B; Winter D (2020) 'The Role of Exenterative Surgery in Advanced Urological Neoplasms'. Current Urology  |
Patel SV; Hendren S; Zaborowski A; Winter D (2020) 'Evidence-based Reviews in Surgery Long-term Outcome of Surgery Versus Conservative Management for Recurrent and Ongoing Complaints After an Episode of Diverticulitis: Five-year Follow-up Results of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT-Trial)'. Annals of surgery 272 (2) :284-287. |
Sahebally SM; Horan J; Rogers AC; Winter D (2020) 'Fixation versus no fixation in laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of primary inguinal hernia—a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials'. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 405 (4) :435-443. |
Professor Kenneth Wolfe |
Braun-Galleani S; Dias JA; Coughlan AY; Ryan AP; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2019) 'Genomic diversity and meiotic recombination among isolates of the biotech yeast Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)'. Microbial Cell Factories 18 (1)  |
Coughlan AY; Lombardi L; Braun-Galleani S; Martos AAR; Galeote V; Bigey F; Dequin S; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2020) 'The yeast mating-type switching endonuclease HO is a domesticated member of an unorthodox homing genetic element family'. eLife 9  |
Feng D; Stoyanov A; Olliff JC; Wolfe KH; Lahtchev K; Hanson SJ (2020) 'Carbon source requirements for mating and mating-type switching in the methylotrophic yeasts Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha and Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)'. Yeast 37 (2) :237-245. |
Heneghan P; Ryan AP; Nimmo D; Duggan C; Kumar P; O’Gaora P; Cinnéide E; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH; O’Brien CE (2019) 'Draft Genome Sequence of the Birch Tree Fungal Pathogen Taphrina betulina UCD315'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (48)  |
Ola M; O'Brien CE; Coughlan AY; Ma Q; Donovan PD; Wolfe KH; Butler G (2020) 'Polymorphic centromere locations in the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis'. Genome Research 30 (5) :684-696. |
Palmer-Brown W; Miranda-CasoLuengo R; Wolfe KH; Byrne KP; Murphy CD (2019) 'The CYPome of the model xenobiotic-biotransforming fungus Cunninghamella elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Varela JA; Puricelli M; Ortiz-Merino RA; Giacomobono R; Braun-Galleani S; Wolfe KH; Morrissey JP (2019) 'Origin of Lactose Fermentation in Kluyveromyces lactis by Interspecies Transfer of a Neo-functionalized Gene Cluster during Domestication'. Current Biology 29 (24) :4284-429000. |
Mr Kieran Wynne |
Eichholz KF; Woods I; Riffault M; Johnson GP; Corrigan M; Lowry MC; Shen N; Labour M-N; Wynne K; O’Driscoll L (2020) 'Human bone marrow stem/stromal cell osteogenesis is regulated via mechanically activated osteocyte-derived extracellular vesicles'. Stem cells translational medicine |
Kim S; Rabhi N; Blum BC; Hekman R; Wynne K; Emili A; Farmer S; Schlezinger JJ (2020) 'Triphenyl phosphate is a selective PPARγ modulator that does not induce brite adipogenesis in vitro and in vivo'. Archives of Toxicology :1-17. |
Maguire PB; Parsons ME; Szklanna PB; Zdanyte M; Münzer P; Chatterjee M; Wynne K; Rath D; Comer SP; Hayden M (2020) 'Comparative Platelet Releasate Proteomic Profiling of Acute Coronary Syndrome versus Stable Coronary Artery Disease.'. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 7 :101. |
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