Dr Silvia Bel-Serrat |
Aparicio-Ugarriza R; Cuenca-García M; Gonzalez-Gross M; Julián C; Bel-Serrat S; Moreno LA; Breidenassel C; Kersting M; Arouca AB; Michels N (2019) 'Relative validation of the adapted Mediterranean Diet Score for Adolescents by comparison with nutritional biomarkers and nutrient and food intakes: The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study'. Public Health Nutrition 22 (13) :2381-2397. |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Porter O; Stanley I; Lawless A; O'Brien S; Kelleher CC; Murrin CM; Bel-Serrat S (2020) 'Nutrient content of products purchased following the implementation of the “Healthier Vending Policy” in Ireland.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Williams J; Buoncristiano M; Nardone P; Rito AI; Spinelli A; Hejgaard T; Kierkegaard L; Nurk E; Kunešová M; Milanović SM (2020) 'A snapshot of european children’s eating habits: Results from the fourth round of the who european childhood obesity surveillance initiative (cosi)'. Nutrients 12 (8) :1-14. |
Professor Catherine Blake |
Büttner F; Howell D; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Delahunt E (2020) '196 Clinical symptoms and condition-specific health-related quality of life impairments in amateur athletes following return-to-activity after sport-related concussion: a prospective, matched-cohort study'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :a82. |
Büttner F; Howell DR; Ardern CL; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Catena R; Chou LS; Fino P; Rochefort C (2020) 'Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: A systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (2) :94-101. |
Duignan C; Doherty C; Caulfield B; Blake C (2020) '139 Single-question athlete self report measures in team sport athlete monitoring, and their relationship with training load: a systematic review and narrative synthesis'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :a59. |
Duignan C; Slevin P; Caulfield B; Blake C (2020) '397 Exploring the barriers and facilitators to using mobile athlete self-report measures in elite Gaelic games: a qualitative study of practitioner and athlete perceptions'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :a161. |
Duignan CM; Slevin PJ; Caulfield BM; Blake C (2019) 'Mobile athlete self-report measures and the complexities of implementation'. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 18 (3) :405-412. |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Caffrey A; Fletcher L; Smart K; Corcoran S; Shé ÉN; Casserley-Feeney S; Desmeules F (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: The patient journey and experience'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 45  |
Guisado-Fernández E; Giunti G; Mackey L; Silva PA; Blake C; Caulfield B (2019) 'Informal caregivers' attitudes and compliance towards a connected health platform for home care support: Insights from a long-term exposure'. Gerontechnology 18 (4) :231-242. |
Guisado-Fernandez E; Blake C; Mackey L; Silva PA; Power D; O'Shea D; Caulfield B (2020) 'A Smart Health Platform for Measuring Health and Well-Being Improvement in People With Dementia and Their Informal Caregivers: Usability Study.'. JMIR aging 3 (2) :e15600. |
Lehane E; Agreli H; O'Connor S; Hegarty J; Leahy Warren P; Bennett D; Blake C; Burke F; Corrigan M; Drennan J (2020) 'Building capacity: Getting evidence-based practice into healthcare professional curricula'. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine  |
Mackey LM; Blake C; Casey MB; Power CK; Victory R; Hearty C; Fullen BM (2019) 'The impact of health literacy on health outcomes in individuals with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom) 105 (3) :346-353. |
Mahon A; Kirwan R; Mackey L; Guisado-Fernández E; Caulfield B; Curran F; Power D; O'Shea D; Doyle R; Blake C (2019) '168 Exploring Physical Activity and Sleep in Community-dwelling People with Dementia and their Association with Cognitive Function and Quality of Life'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
Mahony R; Blake C; Matthews J; Donnoghue GO; Cunningham C (2019) 'Physical activity levels and self-determined motivation among future healthcare professionals: Utility of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2)'. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 35 (9) :884-890. |
Matifat E; Méquignon M; Cunningham C; Blake C; Fennelly O; Desmeules F (2019) 'Benefits of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy in Emergency Departments: A Systematic Review'. Physical Therapy 99 (9) :1150-1166. |
O Mir M; Blake C; Cunningham C; Fennelly O; O'Sullivan C (2020) 'Orthopaedic consultant surgeons perceptions of an advanced practice physiotherapy service in paediatrics: A qualitative study'. Musculoskeletal Care  |
O'Brien R; Breen F; Gibney C; Mackey L; Guisado-Fernández E; Caulfield B; Curran F; Power D; O’Shea D; Doyle R (2019) '77 Behind the Scenes: the Burden Experienced by Informal Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
O'Donoghue G; Blake C; Cunningham C; Lennon O; Perrotta C (2020) 'What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis'. Obesity Reviews  |
Rees H; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Epidemiology of injuries in senior men’s field hockey: A two-season prospective observational injury surveillance study'. Journal of Sports Sciences  |
Rees H; Shrier I; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Transient injuries are a problem in field hockey: A prospective one‐season cohort study'. Translational Sports Medicine 3 (2) :119-126. |
Roe M; Delahunt E; McHugh M; Gissane C; Malone S; Collins K; Blake C (2020) 'Association between eccentric knee flexor strength and hamstring injury risk in 185 elite Gaelic football players'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 30 (3) :515-522. |
Simpson D; Ehrensberger M; Horgan F; Blake C; Roberts D; Broderick P; Monaghan K (2019) 'Unilateral dorsiflexor strengthening with mirror therapy to improve motor function after stroke: A pilot randomized study'. Physiotherapy Research International 24 (4)  |
Smith E; Cunningham C; Greene BR; McCarthy Persson U; Blake C (2020) 'Detecting subtle mobility changes among older adults: the Quantitative Timed Up and Go test'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Professor Colin Boreham |
Delahunt E; Farrell G; Boylan A; Kerin F; Tierney P; Hogan H; Boreham C (2020) 'Mechanisms of acute ankle syndesmosis ligament injuries in professional male rugby union players: A systematic visual video analysis'. British Journal of Sports Medicine  |
Forte R; De Vito G; Boreham CAG (2020) 'Reliability of walking speed in basic and complex conditions in healthy, older community-dwelling individuals'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Huang T; Wang T; Zheng Y; Ellervik C; Li X; Gao M; Fang Z; Chai JF; Ahluwalia TVS; Wang Y (2019) 'Association of Birth Weight With Type 2 Diabetes and Glycemic Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Study'. JAMA network open 2 (9) :e1910915. |
Pratt J; Boreham C; Ennis S; Ryan AW; De Vito G (2019) 'Genetic Associations with Aging Muscle: A Systematic Review'. Cells 9 (1)  |
Pratt J; De Vito G; Narici M; Boreham C (2020) 'Neuromuscular Junction Aging: A Role for Biomarkers and Exercise.'. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences  |
Rees H; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Epidemiology of injuries in senior men’s field hockey: A two-season prospective observational injury surveillance study'. Journal of Sports Sciences  |
Rees H; Shrier I; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Transient injuries are a problem in field hockey: A prospective one‐season cohort study'. Translational Sports Medicine 3 (2) :119-126. |
Zheng Y; Huang T; Wang T; Mei Z; Sun Z; Zhang T; Ellervik C; Chai JF; Sim X; van Dam RM (2020) 'Mendelian randomization analysis does not support causal associations of birth weight with hypertension risk and blood pressure in adulthood'. European Journal of Epidemiology 35 (7) :685-697. |
Dr Sarah Browne |
Browne S; Kechadi MT; O'Donnell S; Dow M; Tully L; Doyle G; O'Malley G (2020) 'Mobile health apps in pediatric obesity treatment: Process outcomes from a feasibility study of a multicomponent intervention'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Doyle G; Browne S; Kechadi T; O'Donnell S; Tully L; O'Malley G (2020) 'Using mHealth apps with children in treatment for obesity: Process outcomes from a feasibility study,'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e16925) (7)  |
Dr Conor Buggy |
Ashworth HC; Dada S; Buggy C; Lees S (2020) 'The Importance of Developing Rigorous Social Science Methods for Community Engagement and Behavior Change during Outbreak Response'. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness  |
Ashworth HC; Roux TL; Buggy CJ (2019) 'Healthcare accessibility in the rural plains (terai) of Nepal: Physical factors and associated attitudes of the local population'. International Health 11 (6) :528-535. |
Ashworth HC; Roux TL; Krussig TA; Buggy CJ (2020) 'Physical Barriers and Attitudes towards Accessing Healthcare in a Rural Muslim Population in Nepal'. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 7 (1) :7-12. |
Buggy C; Coffey N; Lawless M; Kelly S (2020) 'Attitudes to and awareness of Safety and Risk amongProfessional and Semi-Professional Footballers in Ireland: A Cross-Sectional Study'. Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 4 (1) :66-83. |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2019) 'Winning at all costs: a review of risk-taking behaviour and sporting injury from an occupational safety and health perspective'. Sports Medicine - Open 5 (1)  |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2020) 'Safe and sound for performance’s sake? An exploration on health and safety awareness in elite rugby'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :A103-A103. |
Professor Brian Caulfield |
(2019) 'The Sixth International Workshop on Chemical Science and Pharmaceutical Research (CSPR2019), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 22nd - 25th October 2019.'. Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 125 Suppl 5 :3-42. |
Adans-Dester CP; Bamberg S; Bertacchi FP; Caulfield B; Chappie K; Demarchi D; Erb MK; Estrada J; Fabara EE; Freni M (2020) 'Can mHealth Technology Help Mitigate the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic?'. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology 1 :243-248. |
Benevenuto R; Caulfield B (2020) 'Measuring access to urban centres in rural Northeast Brazil: A spatial accessibility poverty index'. Journal of Transport Geography 82  |
Benevenuto RG; Azevedo ICC; Caulfield B (2019) 'Assessing the spatial burden in health care accessibility of low-income families in rural Northeast Brazil'. Journal of Transport and Health 14  |
Bevilacqua A; Ciampi G; Argent R; Caulfield B; Kechadi T (2020) 'Combining Real-Time Segmentation and Classification of Rehabilitation Exercises with LSTM Networks and Pointwise Boosting'. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (8) :13229-13234. |
Brennan L; Bevilacqua A; Kechadi T; Caulfield B (2020) 'Segmentation of shoulder rehabilitation exercises for single and multiple inertial sensor systems.'. Journal of rehabilitation and assistive technologies engineering 7 :2055668320915370. |
Brennan L; Kessie T; Caulfield B (2020) 'Patient experiences of rehabilitation and the potential for an mhealth system with biofeedback after breast cancer surgery: Qualitative study'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
Brennan L; Zubiete ED; Caulfield B (2020) 'Feedback design in targeted exercise digital biofeedback systems for home rehabilitation: A scoping review'. Sensors (Switzerland) 20 (1)  |
Caulfield B; Reginatto B; Slevin P (2019) 'Not all sensors are created equal: a framework for evaluating human performance measurement technologies'. npj Digital Medicine 2 (1)  |
Delahunt E; Bleakley CM; Bossard DS; Caulfield BM; Docherty CL; Doherty C; Fourchet F; Fong DTP; Hertel J; Hiller CE (2019) 'Infographic. International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented Assessment'. British journal of sports medicine 53 (19) :1248-1249. |
Doherty C; Joorabchi A; Megyesi P; Caulfield B; Flynn A (2020) 'Physiotherapists’ use of web-based information resources to fulfil their information needs during a theoretical exam: a randomized crossover trial. (Preprint)'. Journal of Medical Internet Research  |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Davenport J; Lawlor A; Smyth B; Caulfield B (2020) 'An evaluation of the training determinants of marathon performance: A meta-analysis with meta-regression'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2) :182-188. |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Smyth B; Megyesi P; Caulfield B (2020) 'Devising a Pace-Based Definition for "The Wall": An Observational Analysis of Marathoners' Subjective Experiences of Fatigue'. Journal of athletic training 55 (5) :494-500. |
Duignan C; Doherty C; Caulfield B; Blake C (2020) '139 Single-question athlete self report measures in team sport athlete monitoring, and their relationship with training load: a systematic review and narrative synthesis'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :a59. |
Duignan C; Slevin P; Caulfield B; Blake C (2020) '397 Exploring the barriers and facilitators to using mobile athlete self-report measures in elite Gaelic games: a qualitative study of practitioner and athlete perceptions'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :a161. |
Fullam K; Caulfield B; Coughlan GF; McNulty W; Campbell D; Delahunt E (2020) 'The effect of cryotherapy application to the knee joint on dynamic postural stability'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29 (4) :454-462. |
Greene BR; McManus K; Redmond SJ; Caulfield B; Quinn CC (2019) 'Digital assessment of falls risk, frailty, and mobility impairment using wearable sensors'. npj Digital Medicine 2 (1)  |
Guisado-Fernández E; Giunti G; Mackey L; Silva PA; Blake C; Caulfield B (2019) 'Informal caregivers' attitudes and compliance towards a connected health platform for home care support: Insights from a long-term exposure'. Gerontechnology 18 (4) :231-242. |
Guisado-Fernandez E; Blake C; Mackey L; Silva PA; Power D; O'Shea D; Caulfield B (2020) 'A Smart Health Platform for Measuring Health and Well-Being Improvement in People With Dementia and Their Informal Caregivers: Usability Study.'. JMIR aging 3 (2) :e15600. |
Johnston W; Heiderscheit B; Coughlan G; McLoughlin R; Liston M; Brooks MA; Caulfield B (2020) 'Concussion Recovery Evaluation Using the Inertial Sensor Instrumented Y Balance Test.'. Journal of neurotrauma  |
Johnston W; Heiderscheit B; Sanfilippo J; Brooks MA; Caulfield B (2020) 'Athletes with a concussion history in the last two years have impairments in dynamic balance performance'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 30 (8) :1497-1505. |
Kelly D; Condell J; Curran K; Caulfield B (2020) 'A multimodal smartphone sensor system for behaviour measurement and health status inference'. Information Fusion 53 :43-54. |
Keogh A; Dorn JF; Walsh L; Calvo F; Caulfield B (2020) 'Comparing the usability and acceptability of wearable sensors among older Irish adults in a real-world context: Observational study'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (4)  |
Mahon A; Kirwan R; Mackey L; Guisado-Fernández E; Caulfield B; Curran F; Power D; O'Shea D; Doyle R; Blake C (2019) '168 Exploring Physical Activity and Sleep in Community-dwelling People with Dementia and their Association with Cognitive Function and Quality of Life'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
Monteiro-Guerra F; Rivera-Romero O; Fernandez-Luque L; Caulfield B (2020) 'Personalization in Real-Time Physical Activity Coaching Using Mobile Applications: A Scoping Review'. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 24 (6) :1738-1751. |
Monteiro-Guerra F; Signorelli GR; Tadas S; Zubiete ED; Romero OR; Fernandez-Luque L; Caulfield B (2020) 'A personalized physical activity coaching app for breast cancer survivors: Design process and early prototype testing'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
O'Brien R; Breen F; Gibney C; Mackey L; Guisado-Fernández E; Caulfield B; Curran F; Power D; O’Shea D; Doyle R (2019) '77 Behind the Scenes: the Burden Experienced by Informal Carers of People with Dementia'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
O'Connor D; Caulfield B; Wright S; Lennon O (2019) 'Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in the Management of Glioblastoma Multiforme'. Rehabilitation Oncology Publish Ahead of Print  |
O’Connor D; Fernandez MM; Signorelli G; Valero P; Caulfield B (2019) 'Personalised and progressive neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in patients with cancer—a clinical case series'. Supportive Care in Cancer 27 (10) :3823-3831. |
O’Connor D; Lennon O; Minogue C; Caulfield B (2020) 'Design considerations for the development of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) exercise in cancer rehabilitation'. Disability and Rehabilitation  |
Quinn CC; Greene BR; McManus K; Redmond SJ; Caulfield B (2019) 'SENSOR-BASED ASSESSMENT OF FALLS RISK OF THE TIMED UP AND GO IN REAL-WORLD SETTINGS'. Innovation in Aging 3 (Supplement_1) :S10-S10. |
Slevin P; Kessie T; Cullen J; Butler MW; Donnelly SC; Caulfield B (2020) 'Exploring the barriers and facilitators for the use of digital health technologies for the management of COPD: A qualitative study of clinician perceptions'. QJM 113 (3) :163-172. |
Stuart S; Johnston W; Caulfield B; Godfrey A (2019) 'Focus collection on modern approaches for sports medicine and performance'. Physiological Measurement 40 (9)  |
Zhao L; Chen K; Song J; Zhu X; Sun J; Caulfield B; Namee BM (2020) 'Academic Performance Prediction Based on Multisource, Multifeature Behavioral Data'. IEEE Access :1-1. |
Dr Ling-Wei Chen |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Assoc Professor Mary Codd |
Cawley DT; Barrett P; Moran B; McGoldrick NP; Gillham C; Codd M; O'Toole GC; Kieser DC (2019) 'Primary appendicular soft-tissue sarcoma resection: What tumour parameters affect wound closure planning?'. International Wound Journal 16 (6) :1553-1558. |
Dudurych I; Kelly ME; Aalbers AGJ; Abdul Aziz N; Abecasis N; Abraham-Nordling M; Akiyoshi T; Alberda W; Albert M; Andric M (2020) 'Predicting outcomes of pelvic exenteration using machine learning'. Colorectal Disease  |
Kearney AD; Boyle MA; Babu SK; Fallon M; Segurado R; Codd M; O'Rourke J; Stevens NT; Carling PC; Daniels S (2020) 'Challenges in assessing contamination levels and novel decontamination technologies in the critical care setting'. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 41 (5) :622-623. |
Kelly ME; Aalbers AGJ; Abdul Aziz N; Abecasis N; Abraham-Nordling M; Akiyoshi T; Alberda W; Albert M; Andric M; Angenete E (2020) 'Simultaneous pelvic exenteration and liver resection for primary rectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases: results from the PelvEx Collaborative'. Colorectal Disease  |
Kroon HM; Dudi-Venkata NN; Bedrikovetski S; Thomas ML; Kelly ME; Aalbers AGJ; Abdul Aziz N; Abraham-Nordling M; Akiyoshi T; Alberda W (2019) 'Palliative pelvic exenteration: A systematic review of patient-centered outcomes'. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45 (10) :1787-1795. |
O'Reilly SM; Hughes KN; Mooney T; Fitzpatrick P; O'Donoghue D; McNally S; Codd M; Ryan E; Doherty G; Mason O (2020) 'Characteristics and attitudes of first round invitees in the Irish National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme'. Frontline Gastroenterology  |
Razum O; Barros H; Buckingham R; Codd M; Czabanowska K; Künzli N; Lyubomirova K; Otok R; Signorelli C; Middleton J (2019) 'Is war a man-made public health problem?'. The Lancet 394 (10209) :1613. |
Assoc Professor Clare Corish |
Bardon LA; Streicher M; Corish CA; Clarke M; Power LC; Kenny RA; O’Connor DM; Laird E; O’Connor EM; Visser M (2020) 'Predictors of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults from the Irish longitudinal study on ageing Cohort — A manuel study'. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 75 (2) :249-256. |
Bassul C; Corish CA; Kearney JM (2020) 'Associations between the home environment, feeding practices and children’s intakes of fruit, vegetables and confectionary/sugar-sweetened beverages'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (13) :1-21. |
Bolton LA; Walsh SM; O’Sullivan NB; Barnes E; McCormick AP; Corish CA (2020) 'Patient Perspectives of Weight Gain Following Orthotopic Liver Transplantation: A Qualitative Study'. Liver Transplantation 26 (4) :591-597. |
Cadogan CA; Dharamshi R; Fitzgerald S; Corish CA; Castro PD; Ryan C (2020) 'A systematic scoping review of interventions to improve appropriate prescribing of oral nutritional supplements in primary care'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (3) :654-663. |
De Zwarte D; Kearney J; Corish CA; Glennon C; Maher L; Molloy CJ (2019) 'Randomised study demonstrates sustained benefits of a pre-school intervention designed to improve nutrition and physical activity practices'. Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom) 41 (4) :798-806. |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Kelly C; Nea FM; Pourshahidi LK; Kearney JM; O'Brien V; Livingstone MBE; Corish CA (2020) 'Adherence to dietary and physical activity guidelines among shift workers: Associations with individual and work-related factors'. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health  |
Lövestam E; Vivanti A; Steiber A; Boström AM; Devine A; Haughey O; Kiss CM; Lang NR; Lieffers J; Lloyd L (2020) 'Barriers and enablers in the implementation of a standardised process for nutrition care: findings from a multinational survey of dietetic professionals in 10 countries'. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 33 (2) :252-262. |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Mc Donnell SJ; Corish CA (2020) 'Low energy availability in athletes 2020: An updated narrative review of prevalence, risk, within-day energy balance, knowledge, and impact on sports performance'. Nutrients 12 (3)  |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Corish CA (2020) 'Self-reported reproductive health of athletic and recreationally active males in Ireland: potential health effects interfering with performance'. European Journal of Sport Science  |
O'Brien VM; Nea FM; Pourshahidi LK; Livingstone MBE; Bardon L; Kelly C; Kearney JM; Corish CA (2020) 'Overweight and obesity in shift workers: Associated dietary and lifestyle factors'. European Journal of Public Health 30 (3) :579-584. |
Volkert D; Visser M; Corish CA; Geisler C; de Groot L; Cruz-Jentoft AJ; Lohrmann C; O’Connor EM; Schindler K; de van der Schueren MAE (2020) 'Joint action malnutrition in the elderly (MaNuEL) knowledge hub: summary of project findings'. European Geriatric Medicine 11 (1) :169-177. |
Assoc Professor Caitriona Cunningham |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Caffrey A; Fletcher L; Smart K; Corcoran S; Shé ÉN; Casserley-Feeney S; Desmeules F (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: The patient journey and experience'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 45  |
Fennelly O; Desmeules F; O'Sullivan C; Heneghan NR; Cunningham C (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: Informing education curricula'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 48  |
Lennon O; Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Sheridan A; Probst M; Cunningham C (2020) 'Psychological distress among patients attending physiotherapy: A survey-based investigation of irish physiotherapists’ current practice and opinions'. Physiotherapy Canada 72 (3) :239-248. |
Mahony R; Blake C; Matthews J; Donnoghue GO; Cunningham C (2019) 'Physical activity levels and self-determined motivation among future healthcare professionals: Utility of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2)'. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 35 (9) :884-890. |
Matifat E; Méquignon M; Cunningham C; Blake C; Fennelly O; Desmeules F (2019) 'Benefits of Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy in Emergency Departments: A Systematic Review'. Physical Therapy 99 (9) :1150-1166. |
O Mir M; Blake C; Cunningham C; Fennelly O; O'Sullivan C (2020) 'Orthopaedic consultant surgeons perceptions of an advanced practice physiotherapy service in paediatrics: A qualitative study'. Musculoskeletal Care  |
O'Donoghue G; Blake C; Cunningham C; Lennon O; Perrotta C (2020) 'What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis'. Obesity Reviews  |
Smith E; Cunningham C; Greene BR; McCarthy Persson U; Blake C (2020) 'Detecting subtle mobility changes among older adults: the Quantitative Timed Up and Go test'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Assoc Professor Tara Cusack |
Ahern T; O’Malley E; Dunlevy C; Khattak A; O’Brien H; Hassan T; Cusack T; McNicholas WT; O’Shea D (2020) 'Sleep duration and physical function in people with severe obesity: a prospective cross-sectional study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :517-523. |
Chouvarda I; Mountford N; Trajkovik V; Loncar-Turukalo T; Cusack T (2019) 'Leveraging interdisciplinary education toward securing the future of connected health research in Europe: Qualitative study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (11)  |
Walters R; Leslie SJ; Polson R; Cusack T; Gorely T (2020) 'Establishing the efficacy of interventions to improve health literacy and health behaviours: A systematic review'. BMC Public Health 20 (1)  |
Professor Giuseppe De Vito |
Ainscough KM; O'Brien EC; Lindsay KL; Kennelly MA; O'Sullivan EJ; O'Brien OA; McCarthy M; De Vito G; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Nutrition, Behavior Change and Physical Activity Outcomes From the PEARS RCT—An mHealth-Supported, Lifestyle Intervention Among Pregnant Women With Overweight and Obesity'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10  |
Bauer JM; Mikušová L; Verlaan S; Bautmans I; Brandt K; Donini LM; Maggio M; Mets T; Wijers SLJ; Garthoff JA (2020) 'Safety and tolerability of 6-month supplementation with a vitamin D, calcium and leucine-enriched whey protein medical nutrition drink in sarcopenic older adults'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 32 (8) :1501-1514. |
Forte R; De Vito G; Boreham CAG (2020) 'Reliability of walking speed in basic and complex conditions in healthy, older community-dwelling individuals'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Heffernan SM; McCarthy C; Eustace S; FitzPatrick RE; Delahunt E; De Vito G (2020) 'Mineral rich algae with pine bark improved pain, physical function and analgesic use in mild-knee joint osteoarthritis, compared to Glucosamine: A randomized controlled pilot trial'. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 50  |
Minnock D; Annibalini G; Le Roux CW; Contarelli S; Krause M; Saltarelli R; Valli G; Stocchi V; Barbieri E; De Vito G (2020) 'Effects of acute aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on 24-h glucose variability and skeletal muscle signalling responses in type 1 diabetics'. European Journal of Applied Physiology  |
Narici M; De Vito G; Franchi M; Paoli A; Moro T; Marcolin G; Grassi B; Baldassarre G; Zuccarelli L; Biolo G (2020) 'Impact of sedentarism due to the COVID-19 home confinement on neuromuscular, cardiovascular and metabolic health: Physiological and pathophysiological implications and recommendations for physical and nutritional countermeasures'. European Journal of Sport Science  |
Pratt J; Boreham C; Ennis S; Ryan AW; De Vito G (2019) 'Genetic Associations with Aging Muscle: A Systematic Review'. Cells 9 (1)  |
Pratt J; De Vito G; Narici M; Boreham C (2020) 'Neuromuscular Junction Aging: A Role for Biomarkers and Exercise.'. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences  |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Ferri Marini C; De Vito G (2019) 'Torque steadiness and neuromuscular responses following fatiguing concentric exercise of the knee extensor and flexor muscles in young and older individuals'. Experimental Gerontology 124  |
Professor Eamonn Delahunt |
Büttner F; Howell DR; Ardern CL; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Catena R; Chou LS; Fino P; Rochefort C (2020) 'Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: A systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (2) :94-101. |
Büttner F; Toomey E; McClean S; Roe M; Delahunt E (2020) 'Are questionable research practices facilitating new discoveries in sport and exercise medicine? The proportion of supported hypotheses is implausibly high'. British Journal of Sports Medicine  |
Büttner F; Winters M; Delahunt E; Elbers R; Lura CB; Khan KM; Weir A; Ardern CL (2020) 'Identifying the 'incredible'! Part 1: Assessing the risk of bias in outcomes included in systematic reviews'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (13) :798-800. |
Büttner F; Winters M; Delahunt E; Elbers R; Lura CB; Khan KM; Weir A; Ardern CL (2020) 'Identifying the 'incredible'! Part 2: Spot the difference - A rigorous risk of bias assessment can alter the main findings of a systematic review'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (13) :801-808. |
Delahunt E; Bleakley CM; Bossard DS; Caulfield BM; Docherty CL; Doherty C; Fourchet F; Fong DTP; Hertel J; Hiller CE (2019) 'Infographic. International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented Assessment'. British journal of sports medicine 53 (19) :1248-1249. |
Delahunt E; Farrell G; Boylan A; Kerin F; Tierney P; Hogan H; Boreham C (2020) 'Mechanisms of acute ankle syndesmosis ligament injuries in professional male rugby union players: A systematic visual video analysis'. British Journal of Sports Medicine  |
Fullam K; Caulfield B; Coughlan GF; McNulty W; Campbell D; Delahunt E (2020) 'The effect of cryotherapy application to the knee joint on dynamic postural stability'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 29 (4) :454-462. |
Heffernan SM; McCarthy C; Eustace S; FitzPatrick RE; Delahunt E; De Vito G (2020) 'Mineral rich algae with pine bark improved pain, physical function and analgesic use in mild-knee joint osteoarthritis, compared to Glucosamine: A randomized controlled pilot trial'. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 50  |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Mc Donnell SJ; Corish CA (2020) 'Low energy availability in athletes 2020: An updated narrative review of prevalence, risk, within-day energy balance, knowledge, and impact on sports performance'. Nutrients 12 (3)  |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Corish CA (2020) 'Self-reported reproductive health of athletic and recreationally active males in Ireland: potential health effects interfering with performance'. European Journal of Sport Science  |
Lysdal FG; Bandholm T; Tolstrup JS; Clausen MB; Mann S; Petersen PB; Grønlykke TB; Kersting UG; Delahunt E; Thorborg K (2020) 'Does the Spraino low-friction shoe patch prevent lateral ankle sprain injury in indoor sports? A pilot randomised controlled trial with 510 participants with previous ankle injuries.'. British journal of sports medicine  |
Lysdal FG; Bandholm T; Tolstrup JS; Clausen MB; Mann S; Petersen PB; Grønlykke TB; Kersting UG; Delahunt E; Virgile A (2020) 'Infographic. Does the Spraino low-friction shoe patch prevent lateral ankle sprain injury in indoor sports? A 510-participant pilot RCT'. British Journal of Sports Medicine  |
Rees H; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Epidemiology of injuries in senior men’s field hockey: A two-season prospective observational injury surveillance study'. Journal of Sports Sciences  |
Rees H; Shrier I; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Transient injuries are a problem in field hockey: A prospective one‐season cohort study'. Translational Sports Medicine 3 (2) :119-126. |
Roe M; Delahunt E; Büttner F (2020) '€ Theory on relativity': Why we need to be € absolute' and regulate the reporting of injury risk outcome metrics in RCTs in sport and exercise medicine (Methods Matter series)'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (9)  |
Roe M; Delahunt E; McHugh M; Gissane C; Malone S; Collins K; Blake C (2020) 'Association between eccentric knee flexor strength and hamstring injury risk in 185 elite Gaelic football players'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 30 (3) :515-522. |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Ferri Marini C; De Vito G (2019) 'Torque steadiness and neuromuscular responses following fatiguing concentric exercise of the knee extensor and flexor muscles in young and older individuals'. Experimental Gerontology 124  |
Dr Massimiliano Ditroilo |
Casserly N; Neville R; Ditroilo M; Grainger A (2020) 'Longitudinal changes in the physical development of elite adolescent rugby union players: Effect of playing position and body mass change'. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 15 (4) :520-527. |
Evans W; Nevill A; McLaren SJ; Ditroilo M (2020) 'The effect of intermittent running on biomarkers of bone turnover'. European Journal of Sport Science 20 (4) :505-515. |
Grainger A; Neville R; Ditroilo M; Comfort P (2020) 'Changes in performance markers and wellbeing in elite senior professional rugby union players during a pre-season period: Analysis of the differences across training phases'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (1) :20-26. |
Montgomery GJ; Grant ABT; Dobson CA; Evans J; Mo AYE; Ditroilo M (2020) 'A 12-month continuous and intermittent high-impact exercise intervention and its effects on bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women: A feasibility randomized controlled trial'. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 60 (5) :770-778. |
Pratt J; Hoffman A; Grainger A; Ditroilo M (2020) 'Forearm electromyographic activity during the deadlift exercise is affected by grip type and sex'. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 53  |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Ferri Marini C; De Vito G (2019) 'Torque steadiness and neuromuscular responses following fatiguing concentric exercise of the knee extensor and flexor muscles in young and older individuals'. Experimental Gerontology 124  |
Dr Cailbhe Doherty |
Büttner F; Howell DR; Ardern CL; Doherty C; Blake C; Ryan J; Catena R; Chou LS; Fino P; Rochefort C (2020) 'Concussed athletes walk slower than non-concussed athletes during cognitive-motor dual-task assessments but not during single-task assessments 2 months after sports concussion: A systematic review and meta-analysis using individual participant data'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (2) :94-101. |
Delahunt E; Bleakley CM; Bossard DS; Caulfield BM; Docherty CL; Doherty C; Fourchet F; Fong DTP; Hertel J; Hiller CE (2019) 'Infographic. International Ankle Consortium Rehabilitation-Oriented Assessment'. British journal of sports medicine 53 (19) :1248-1249. |
Doherty C; Joorabchi A; Megyesi P; Caulfield B; Flynn A (2020) 'Physiotherapists’ use of web-based information resources to fulfil their information needs during a theoretical exam: a randomized crossover trial. (Preprint)'. Journal of Medical Internet Research  |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Davenport J; Lawlor A; Smyth B; Caulfield B (2020) 'An evaluation of the training determinants of marathon performance: A meta-analysis with meta-regression'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2) :182-188. |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Smyth B; Megyesi P; Caulfield B (2020) 'Devising a Pace-Based Definition for "The Wall": An Observational Analysis of Marathoners' Subjective Experiences of Fatigue'. Journal of athletic training 55 (5) :494-500. |
Ms Patricia Dominguez Castro |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Assoc Professor Catherine Doody |
Casey MB; Cotter N; Kelly C; Mc Elchar L; Dunne C; Neary R; Lowry D; Hearty C; Doody C (2020) 'Exercise and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain: A Case Series with One-Year Follow-Up'. Musculoskeletal Care 18 (1) :64-73. |
Casey MB; Murphy D; Neary R; Wade C; Hearty C; Doody C (2020) 'Individuals perspectives related to acceptance, values and mindfulness following participation in an acceptance-based pain management programme'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 16 :96-102. |
Moore R; Clifford AM; Moloney N; Doody C; Smart KM; O'Leary H (2020) 'The Relationship between Clinical and Quantitative Measures of Pain Sensitization in Knee Osteoarthritis'. Clinical Journal of Pain  |
Ms Ciara Duignan |
Duignan CM; Slevin PJ; Caulfield BM; Blake C (2019) 'Mobile athlete self-report measures and the complexities of implementation'. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 18 (3) :405-412. |
Professor Séamus Fanning |
Anes J; Nguyen SV; Eshwar AK; McCabe E; Macori G; Hurley D; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Molecular characterisation of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli of bovine origin'. Veterinary Microbiology 242  |
do Vale AP; Anes J; Fanning S; Leonard F; Farrell D (2019) 'Draft genome sequences of three novel Acinetobacter isolates from an Irish commercial pig farm'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (39)  |
Dong Y; Li Y; Zhang D; Nguyen S; Maheshwari N; Hu Y; Cao Y; Li F; Fanning S (2020) 'Epidemiological and genetic characterization of Clostridium butyricum cultured from neonatal cases of necrotizing enterocolitis in China'. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 41 (8) :900-907. |
Du P; Liu D; Song H; Zhang P; Li R; Fu Y; Liu X; Jia J; Li X; Fanning S (2020) 'Novel IS26-mediated hybrid plasmid harbouring tet(X4) in Escherichia coli'. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 21 :162-168. |
Ferone M; Gowen A; Fanning S; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Microbial detection and identification methods: Bench top assays to omics approaches'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Hurley D; Hoffmann M; Muruvanda T; Allard MW; Brown EW; Martins M; Fanning S (2020) 'Atypical salmonella enterica serovars in murine and human macrophage infection models'. Infection and Immunity 88 (4)  |
Jang H; Gopinath GR; Eshwar A; Srikumar S; Nguyen S; Gangiredla J; Patel IR; Finkelstein SB; Negrete F; Woo JH (2020) 'The secretion of toxins and other exoproteins of cronobacter: Role in virulence, adaption, and persistence'. Microorganisms 8 (2)  |
Jazeela K; Chakraborty A; Rai P; Kumar BK; Srikumar S; van Nguyen S; Hurley D; Fanning S; Karunasagar I; Deekshit VK (2020) 'Draft genome sequences of Salmonella Oslo isolated from seafood and its laboratory generated auxotrophic mutant.'. Journal of genomics 8 :7-10. |
Li X-P; Wang S-F; Hou P-B; Liu J; Du P; Bai L; Fanning S; Zhang H-N; Chen Y-Z; Zhang Y-K (2020) 'Nosocomial cross-infection of hypervirulent Listeria monocytogenes sequence type 87 in China.'. Annals of translational medicine 8 (9) :603. |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2019) 'A quantitative real time PCR assay to detect and enumerate Escherichia coli O157 and O26 serogroups in sheep recto-anal swabs'. Journal of Microbiological Methods 165  |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2020) 'Investigation of the causes of shigatoxigenic escherichia coli pcr positive and culture negative samples'. Microorganisms 8 (4)  |
Negrete F; Jang H; Gangiredla J; Woo JH; Lee YY; Patel IR; Chase HR; Finkelstein S; Wang CZ; Srikumar S (2019) 'Genome-wide survey of efflux pump-coding genes associated with Cronobacter survival, osmotic adaptation, and persistence'. Current Opinion in Food Science 30 :32-42. |
Nguyen S; Greig D; Hurley D; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2019) 'Yersinia canariae sp. nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'.  |
Nguyen SV; Greig DR; Hurley D; Donoghue O; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Schaffer K; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2020) 'Yersinia canariae sp. Nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4) :2382-2387. |
Van Nguyen S; Muthappa DM; Eshwar AK; Buckley JF; Murphy BP; Stephan R; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Comparative genomic insights into yersinia hibernica – a commonly misidentified yersinia enterocolitica-like organism'. Microbial Genomics 6 (9) :1-10. |
Wang J; Wang X; Li N; Jiang T; Zhang H; Fanning S; Li F (2020) 'Epidemiology of Norovirus among outpatients presenting with acute diarrhea in Dalian, China'. Biosafety and Health 2 (2) :60-63. |
Wang W; Xu J; Fanning S; Zhao L; Li M; Li F (2019) 'Occurrence of CTX-M-123-producing Salmonella Indiana in chicken carcasses: A new challenge for the poultry industry and food safety'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (12) :3637-3639. |
Wang W; Zhao L; Hu Y; Dottorini T; Fanning S; Fanning S; Fanning S; Xu J; Li F (2020) 'Epidemiological study on prevalence, serovar diversity, multidrug resistance, and CTX-M-type extended-spectrum β-lactamases of salmonella spp. From patients with diarrhea, food of animal origin, and pets in Several Provinces of China'. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64 (7)  |
Professor Patricia Fitzpatrick |
Baldeh T; Saz-Parkinson Z; Muti P; Santesso N; Morgano GP; Wiercioch W; Nieuwlaat R; Gräwingholt A; Broeders M; Duffy S (2020) 'Development and use of health outcome descriptors: A guideline development case study'. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 18 (1)  |
Fitzpatrick P (2020) 'The challenges of international comparisons of COVID-19'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Fitzpatrick P; Ryan T; MacMathuna P (2020) 'Making BowelScreen work: Capturing those who need it most.'. Cancer Professional |
Frazer K; Fitzpatrick P; Brosnan M; Dromey AM; Kelly S; Murphy M; O’brien D; Kelleher CC; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum—establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
McKey S; Quirke B; Fitzpatrick P; Kelleher CC; Malone KM (2020) 'A rapid review of Irish Traveller mental health and suicide: A psychosocial and anthropological perspective'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Muratov S; Canelo-Aybar C; Tarride JE; Alonso-Coello P; Dimitrova N; Borisch B; Castells X; Duffy SW; Fitzpatrick P; Follmann M (2020) 'Monitoring and evaluation of breast cancer screening programmes: Selecting candidate performance indicators'. BMC Cancer 20 (1)  |
O'Reilly SM; Hughes KN; Mooney T; Fitzpatrick P; O'Donoghue D; McNally S; Codd M; Ryan E; Doherty G; Mason O (2020) 'Characteristics and attitudes of first round invitees in the Irish National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme'. Frontline Gastroenterology  |
Ponti A; Ronco G; Lynge E; Tomatis M; Anttila A; Ascunce N; Broeders M; Bulliard JL; Castellano I; Fitzpatrick P (2019) 'Low-grade screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ progresses more slowly than high-grade lesions: evidence from an international multi-centre study'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 177 (3) :761-765. |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Schünemann HJ; Lerda D; Quinn C; Follmann M; Alonso-Coello P; Rossi PG; Lebeau A; Nyström L; Broeders M; Ioannidou-Mouzaka L (2020) 'Breast cancer screening and diagnosis: A synopsis of the european breast guidelines'. Annals of Internal Medicine 172 (1) :46-56. |
Sinclair D; Savage E; O’ Brien M; O’Reilly A; Mullaney C; Killeen M; O’Reilly O; Field CA; Fitzpatrick P; Murrin C (2020) 'Developing a national undergraduate standardized curriculum for future healthcare professionals on “Making Every Contact Count” for chronic disease prevention in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Interprofessional Care 34 (4) :561-565. |
Smith É; Fitzpatrick P; Lyons F; Morris S; Synnott K (2019) 'Prospective epidemiological update on traumatic spinal cord injury in Ireland'. Spinal Cord Series and Cases 5 (1)  |
Smith É; Fitzpatrick P; Lyons F; Morris S; Synnott K (2020) 'Epidemiology of non-traumatic spinal cord injury in Ireland–a prospective population-based study'. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine  |
Assoc Professor Brona Fullen |
Mackey LM; Blake C; Casey MB; Power CK; Victory R; Hearty C; Fullen BM (2019) 'The impact of health literacy on health outcomes in individuals with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom) 105 (3) :346-353. |
Dr Aisling Geraghty |
Bartels HC; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Kranidi A; Mehegan J; Yelverton C; McDonnell CM; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Fetal Growth Trajectories and Their Association with Maternal, Cord Blood, and 5-year Child Adipokines'. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020  |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Callaghan S; Geraghty AA; Moore RL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Exploration of factors associated with intention, initiation and duration of breastfeeding'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-8. |
Maher SE; O'Brien EC; Moore RL; Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The association between the maternal diet and the maternal and infant gut microbiome: A systematic review'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Marchioro L; Hellmuth C; Uhl O; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Kirchberg FF; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Associations of maternal and fetal SCD-1 markers with infant anthropometry and maternal diet: Findings from the ROLO study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2129-2136. |
Marchioro L; Shokry E; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Uhl O; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Caesarean section, but not induction of labour, is associated with major changes in cord blood metabolome'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Rafferty AR; Geraghty AA; Kennelly MA; O’Brien EC; Reji RM; Mehegan J; Segurado R; Smith T; Maguire O; Cronin M (2020) 'Limited Impact of Fetal Sex and Maternal Body Mass Index on Fetal and Maternal Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism: Findings from the PEARs Study'. Reproductive Sciences 27 (2) :513-522. |
Smith M; O’Brien EC; Alberdi G; Geraghty AA; Kilbane M; McKenna MJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Association between vitamin D status in early pregnancy and atopy in offspring in a vitamin D deplete cohort'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :563-570. |
Walsh NM; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Byrne DF; Whelan A; Reilly S; Murray S; Reilly C; Adams E; Farnan PM (2020) 'Taking guidance from parents involved in a longitudinal birth cohort-the ROLO family advisory committee'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Yelverton CA; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Killeen SL; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Larkin E; Mehegan J; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Breastfeeding and maternal eating behaviours are associated with child eating behaviours: findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  |
Dr Mirjam Heinen |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Mc Donnell SJ; Corish CA (2020) 'Low energy availability in athletes 2020: An updated narrative review of prevalence, risk, within-day energy balance, knowledge, and impact on sports performance'. Nutrients 12 (3)  |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Corish CA (2020) 'Self-reported reproductive health of athletic and recreationally active males in Ireland: potential health effects interfering with performance'. European Journal of Sport Science  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Williams J; Buoncristiano M; Nardone P; Rito AI; Spinelli A; Hejgaard T; Kierkegaard L; Nurk E; Kunešová M; Milanović SM (2020) 'A snapshot of european children’s eating habits: Results from the fourth round of the who european childhood obesity surveillance initiative (cosi)'. Nutrients 12 (8) :1-14. |
Dr Katy Horner |
Coffey K; McCollum R; Smyth E; Casey E; Plunkett J; Horner K (2020) 'Reproducibility of objective and subjective markers of exercise recovery in college aged males'. International Journal of Exercise Science 13 (4) :1041-1051. |
Horner K; Hopkins M; Finlayson G; Gibbons C; Brennan L (2020) 'Biomarkers of appetite: Is there a potential role for metabolomics?'. Nutrition Research Reviews  |
OʼNeill JERG; Walsh CS; McNulty SJ; Gantly HC; Corish ME; Crognale D; Horner K (2020) 'Resting Metabolic Rate in Female Rugby Players: Differences in Measured Versus Predicted Values.'. Journal of strength and conditioning research  |
Dr William Johnston |
Johnston W; Heiderscheit B; Coughlan G; McLoughlin R; Liston M; Brooks MA; Caulfield B (2020) 'Concussion Recovery Evaluation Using the Inertial Sensor Instrumented Y Balance Test.'. Journal of neurotrauma  |
Johnston W; Heiderscheit B; Sanfilippo J; Brooks MA; Caulfield B (2020) 'Athletes with a concussion history in the last two years have impairments in dynamic balance performance'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 30 (8) :1497-1505. |
Stiffler-Joachim MR; Wille CM; Kliethermes SA; Johnston W; Heiderscheit BC (2019) 'Foot Angle and Loading Rate during Running Demonstrate a Nonlinear Relationship'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 51 (10) :2067-2072. |
Stuart S; Johnston W; Caulfield B; Godfrey A (2019) 'Focus collection on modern approaches for sports medicine and performance'. Physiological Measurement 40 (9)  |
Dr Seamus Kelly |
Almeida J; Sarmento H; Kelly S; Travassos B (2019) 'Coach decision-making in Futsal: from preparation to competition'. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 19 (5) :711-723. |
Buggy C; Coffey N; Lawless M; Kelly S (2020) 'Attitudes to and awareness of Safety and Risk amongProfessional and Semi-Professional Footballers in Ireland: A Cross-Sectional Study'. Journal of Interdisciplinary Sciences 4 (1) :66-83. |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2019) 'Winning at all costs: a review of risk-taking behaviour and sporting injury from an occupational safety and health perspective'. Sports Medicine - Open 5 (1)  |
Chen Y; Buggy C; Kelly S (2020) 'Safe and sound for performance’s sake? An exploration on health and safety awareness in elite rugby'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (Suppl 1) :A103-A103. |
Gleeson E; Kelly S (2020) 'Phenomenal decision-making in elite soccer: making the unseen seen'. Science and Medicine in Football 4 (1) :1-9. |
Dr Alison Keogh |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Davenport J; Lawlor A; Smyth B; Caulfield B (2020) 'An evaluation of the training determinants of marathon performance: A meta-analysis with meta-regression'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2) :182-188. |
Doherty C; Keogh A; Smyth B; Megyesi P; Caulfield B (2020) 'Devising a Pace-Based Definition for "The Wall": An Observational Analysis of Marathoners' Subjective Experiences of Fatigue'. Journal of athletic training 55 (5) :494-500. |
Keogh A; Dorn JF; Walsh L; Calvo F; Caulfield B (2020) 'Comparing the usability and acceptability of wearable sensors among older Irish adults in a real-world context: Observational study'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (4)  |
Keogh A; Sheridan OO; McCaffrey O; Dunne S; Lally A; Doherty C (2020) 'The Determinants of Marathon Performance: An Observational Analysis of Anthropometric, Pre-race and In-race Variables.'. International journal of exercise science 13 (6) :1132-1142. |
Ms Marion Lecorguillé |
Lecorguillé M; Lioret S; de Lauzon-Guillain B; de Gavelle E; Forhan A; Mariotti F; Charles M-A; Heude B (2020) 'Association between Dietary Intake of One-Carbon Metabolism Nutrients in the Year before Pregnancy and Birth Anthropometry.'. Nutrients 12 (3)  |
Dr Olive Lennon |
Dee M; Lennon O; O’Sullivan C (2020) 'A systematic review of physical rehabilitation interventions for stroke in low and lower-middle income countries'. Disability and Rehabilitation 42 (4) :473-501. |
Lawrence M; Asaba E; Duncan E; Elf M; Eriksson G; Faulkner J; Guidetti S; Johansson B; Kruuse C; Lambrick D (2019) 'Stroke secondary prevention, a non-surgical and non-pharmacological consensus definition: Results of a Delphi study'. BMC Research Notes 12 (1)  |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the triceps brachii facilitation technique on scapulohumeral muscle activation during reach and point in a healthy population'. Physiotherapy Canada 71 (4) :309-318. |
Lennon O; Ryan C; Helm M; Moore K; Sheridan A; Probst M; Cunningham C (2020) 'Psychological distress among patients attending physiotherapy: A survey-based investigation of irish physiotherapists’ current practice and opinions'. Physiotherapy Canada 72 (3) :239-248. |
Lennon O; Tonellato M; Felice AD; Marco RD; Fingleton C; Korik A; Guanziroli E; Molteni F; Guger C; Otner R (2020) 'A systematic review establishing the current state-of-the-art, the limitations, and the desired checklist in studies of direct neural interfacing with robotic gait devices in stroke rehabilitation'. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14  |
O'Connor D; Caulfield B; Wright S; Lennon O (2019) 'Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in the Management of Glioblastoma Multiforme'. Rehabilitation Oncology Publish Ahead of Print  |
O'Donoghue G; Blake C; Cunningham C; Lennon O; Perrotta C (2020) 'What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis'. Obesity Reviews  |
O’Connor D; Lennon O; Minogue C; Caulfield B (2020) 'Design considerations for the development of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) exercise in cancer rehabilitation'. Disability and Rehabilitation  |
Miss Laura Mackey |
Guisado-Fernández E; Giunti G; Mackey L; Silva PA; Blake C; Caulfield B (2019) 'Informal caregivers' attitudes and compliance towards a connected health platform for home care support: Insights from a long-term exposure'. Gerontechnology 18 (4) :231-242. |
Mackey LM; Blake C; Casey MB; Power CK; Victory R; Hearty C; Fullen BM (2019) 'The impact of health literacy on health outcomes in individuals with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study'. Physiotherapy (United Kingdom) 105 (3) :346-353. |
Dr Guerrino Macori |
Anes J; Nguyen SV; Eshwar AK; McCabe E; Macori G; Hurley D; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Molecular characterisation of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli of bovine origin'. Veterinary Microbiology 242  |
Macori G; Bellio A; Bianchi DM; Chiesa F; Gallina S; Romano A; Zuccon F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cauquil A; Merda D (2020) 'Genome-wide profiling of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus strains used for the production of naturally contaminated cheeses'. Genes 11 (1)  |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2019) 'A quantitative real time PCR assay to detect and enumerate Escherichia coli O157 and O26 serogroups in sheep recto-anal swabs'. Journal of Microbiological Methods 165  |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2020) 'Investigation of the causes of shigatoxigenic escherichia coli pcr positive and culture negative samples'. Microorganisms 8 (4)  |
Walsh AM; Macori G; Kilcawley KN; Cotter PD (2020) 'Meta-analysis of cheese microbiomes highlights contributions to multiple aspects of quality'. Nature Food 1 (8) :500-510. |
Assoc Professor James Matthews |
Mahony R; Blake C; Matthews J; Donnoghue GO; Cunningham C (2019) 'Physical activity levels and self-determined motivation among future healthcare professionals: Utility of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2)'. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 35 (9) :884-890. |
Timmons JF; Griffin C; Cogan KE; Matthews J; Egan B (2020) 'Exercise Maintenance in Older Adults 1 Year After Completion of a Supervised Training Intervention'. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 68 (1) :163-169. |
Dr Ulrik McCarthy Persson |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the triceps brachii facilitation technique on scapulohumeral muscle activation during reach and point in a healthy population'. Physiotherapy Canada 71 (4) :309-318. |
Rees H; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Epidemiology of injuries in senior men’s field hockey: A two-season prospective observational injury surveillance study'. Journal of Sports Sciences  |
Rees H; Shrier I; McCarthy Persson U; Delahunt E; Boreham C; Blake C (2020) 'Transient injuries are a problem in field hockey: A prospective one‐season cohort study'. Translational Sports Medicine 3 (2) :119-126. |
Smith E; Cunningham C; Greene BR; McCarthy Persson U; Blake C (2020) 'Detecting subtle mobility changes among older adults: the Quantitative Timed Up and Go test'. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research  |
Dr Denise McGrath |
Egan S; Brama P; McGrath D (2019) 'Research trends in equine movement analysis, future opportunities and potential barriers in the digital age: A scoping review from 1978 to 2018'. Equine Veterinary Journal 51 (6) :813-824. |
Egan S; Brama P; McGrath D (2020) 'End-user practices in equine movement analysis: The potential of objective analysis tools to meet their needs'. Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology  |
Egan S; Brama PAJ; McGrath D (2020) 'End-user practices in equine movement analysis: The potential of objective analysis tools to meet their needs'. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 234 (2) :136-145. |
Dr John Mehegan |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2169-2179. |
Dr Lachlan Mitchell |
Boidin A; Tam R; Mitchell L; Cox GR; O'Connor H (2020) 'The effectiveness of nutrition education programs on improving dietary intake in athletes: A Systematic Review'. British Journal of Nutrition :1-36. |
Hackett DA; Wilson GC; Mitchell L; Haghighi MM; Clarke JL; Mavros Y; O'Connor H; Hagstrom AD; Slater GJ; Keogh J (2020) 'Effect of Training Phase on Physical and Physiological Parameters of Male Powerlifters.'. Sports (Basel, Switzerland) 8 (8)  |
Dr Celine Murrin |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Intergenerational associations of dietary inflammatory index with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 and 9: Results from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Pediatric Obesity 15 (3)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2169-2179. |
Sinclair D; Savage E; O’ Brien M; O’Reilly A; Mullaney C; Killeen M; O’Reilly O; Field CA; Fitzpatrick P; Murrin C (2020) 'Developing a national undergraduate standardized curriculum for future healthcare professionals on “Making Every Contact Count” for chronic disease prevention in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Interprofessional Care 34 (4) :561-565. |
Dr Ross Neville |
(2020) 'North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Virtual Conference June 11–12, 2020'. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 42 (S1) :S1-S114. |
Bermingham AK; Neville RD; Makopoulou K (2020) 'Authentic Assessment Through the Sport Management Practicum: Participants’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of a Student-Led Sports Event'. Sport Management Education Journal :1-10. |
Browne DT; May S; Hurst-Della Pietra P; Christakis D; Asamoah T; Hale L; Delrahim-Howlett K; Emond JA; Fiks AG; Madigan S (2019) 'From 'screen time' to the digital level of analysis: protocol for a scoping review of digital media use in children and adolescents.'. BMJ open 9 (11) :e032184. |
Casserly N; Neville R; Ditroilo M; Grainger A (2020) 'Longitudinal changes in the physical development of elite adolescent rugby union players: Effect of playing position and body mass change'. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 15 (4) :520-527. |
Grainger A; Neville R; Ditroilo M; Comfort P (2020) 'Changes in performance markers and wellbeing in elite senior professional rugby union players during a pre-season period: Analysis of the differences across training phases'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (1) :20-26. |
Grainger AT; Neville R (2020) 'Intra and Inter Day Reliability of Six-Second WattBike Performance Metrics in Elite Rugby Union Players'. Sport Performance & Science Reports 112 (1) :1-4. |
Kimberley D L; Neville R; Maryam A; Joseph D (2020) 'Psychological Determinants of Physical Activity and Development in Early Childhood among Children with Developmental Delays'. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living |
Makopoulou K; Neville R; McLaughlin K (2020) 'Does a dance-based physical education (DBPE) intervention improve year 4 pupils’ reading comprehension attainment? Results from a pilot study in England'. Research in Dance Education  |
Makopoulou K; Neville RD; Ntoumanis N; Thomas G (2019) 'An investigation into the effects of short-course professional development on teachers’ and teaching assistants’ self-efficacy'. Professional Development in Education :1-16. |
Neville R (2019) 'Physical Activity and Sport Studies in Childhood and Adolescence at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European College of Sport Science'. Sportscience 23 (portsci.org/2019/ECSSpape.htm) :33-37. |
Neville RD; Lyons F; Doyle B; Lakes KD (2019) 'Girls From Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Schools Exhibit Greater Object Control Skills Than Girls From Schools on the Upper Levels of Socioeconomic Development'. Journal of Motor Learning and Development 7 (3) :320-335. |
Neville RD; Makopoulou K (2020) 'Effect of a six-week dance-based physical education intervention on primary school children’s creativity: A pilot study'. European Physical Education Review  |
Neville RD; Makopoulou K; Hopkins WG (2020) 'Effect of an Inclusive Physical Education (IPE) Training Workshop on Trainee Teachers’ Self-Efficacy'. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 91 (1) :102-114. |
Dr Scott Nguyen |
Anes J; Nguyen SV; Eshwar AK; McCabe E; Macori G; Hurley D; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Molecular characterisation of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli of bovine origin'. Veterinary Microbiology 242  |
Jang H; Gopinath GR; Eshwar A; Srikumar S; Nguyen S; Gangiredla J; Patel IR; Finkelstein SB; Negrete F; Woo JH (2020) 'The secretion of toxins and other exoproteins of cronobacter: Role in virulence, adaption, and persistence'. Microorganisms 8 (2)  |
Jazeela K; Chakraborty A; Rai P; Kumar BK; Srikumar S; van Nguyen S; Hurley D; Fanning S; Karunasagar I; Deekshit VK (2020) 'Draft genome sequences of Salmonella Oslo isolated from seafood and its laboratory generated auxotrophic mutant.'. Journal of genomics 8 :7-10. |
Negrete F; Jang H; Gangiredla J; Woo JH; Lee YY; Patel IR; Chase HR; Finkelstein S; Wang CZ; Srikumar S (2019) 'Genome-wide survey of efflux pump-coding genes associated with Cronobacter survival, osmotic adaptation, and persistence'. Current Opinion in Food Science 30 :32-42. |
Nguyen S; Greig D; Hurley D; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2019) 'Yersinia canariae sp. nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'.  |
Nguyen SV; Greig DR; Hurley D; Donoghue O; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Schaffer K; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2020) 'Yersinia canariae sp. Nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4) :2382-2387. |
Savic DJ; Nguyen SV; McCullor K; McShan WM (2019) 'Biological impact of a large-scale genomic inversion that grossly disrupts the relative positions of the origin and terminus loci of the streptococcus pyogenes chromosome'. Journal of Bacteriology 201 (17)  |
Dr Gráinne O'Donoghue |
Mahony R; Blake C; Matthews J; Donnoghue GO; Cunningham C (2019) 'Physical activity levels and self-determined motivation among future healthcare professionals: Utility of the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2)'. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 35 (9) :884-890. |
O'Donoghue G; Blake C; Cunningham C; Lennon O; Perrotta C (2020) 'What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis'. Obesity Reviews  |
Dr Cliona O'Sullivan |
Dee M; Lennon O; O’Sullivan C (2020) 'A systematic review of physical rehabilitation interventions for stroke in low and lower-middle income countries'. Disability and Rehabilitation 42 (4) :473-501. |
Fennelly O; Desmeules F; O'Sullivan C; Heneghan NR; Cunningham C (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: Informing education curricula'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 48  |
Lennon O; Logeswaran K; Mistry S; Moore T; Severini G; Cornall C; O’sullivan C; Persson UM (2019) 'Effect of the triceps brachii facilitation technique on scapulohumeral muscle activation during reach and point in a healthy population'. Physiotherapy Canada 71 (4) :309-318. |
O Mir M; Blake C; Cunningham C; Fennelly O; O'Sullivan C (2020) 'Orthopaedic consultant surgeons perceptions of an advanced practice physiotherapy service in paediatrics: A qualitative study'. Musculoskeletal Care  |
O'Mir M; Guilfoyle E; O'Sullivan C (2019) 'Paediatric Orthopaedic Normal Variants: What They Are and How to Manage Them.'. Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists Journal 9 (2) :45-55. |
Redmond C; Hardie P; Davies C; Cornally D; Daly O; O'Sullivan C (2020) 'Increasing competence in wound care: A cross-sectional study to evaluate use of a virtual patient by undergraduate student nurses'. Nurse Education in Practice 44  |
Whittaker JL; Ellis R; Hodges PW; Osullivan C; Hides J; Fernandez-Carnero S; Arias-Buria JL; Teyhen DS; Stokes MJ (2019) 'Imaging with ultrasound in physical therapy: What is the PT's scope of practice? A competency-based educational model and training recommendations'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 53 (23) :1447-1453. |
Dr Carla Perrotta |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
O'Donoghue G; Blake C; Cunningham C; Lennon O; Perrotta C (2020) 'What exercise prescription is optimal to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults living with obesity? A network meta-analysis'. Obesity Reviews  |
Perrotta C; Chahla J; Badariotti G; Ramos J (2020) 'Interventions for preventing venous thromboembolism in adults undergoing knee arthroscopy'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020 (5)  |
Dr Catherine Phillips |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Chen L-W; Aubert A; Bernard JY; Cooper C; Duijts L; Geraghty AA; Harvey NC; Hebert JR; Heude B; Kelleher CC (2020) 'Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts (ALPHABET consortium)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2020) 'Associations between maternal healthy lifestyle score and offspring birth outcomes and childhood obesity: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Intergenerational associations of dietary inflammatory index with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 and 9: Results from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Pediatric Obesity 15 (3)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2169-2179. |
Zhong X; Harrington JM; Millar SR; Perry IJ; O’toole PW; Phillips CM (2020) 'Gut microbiota associations with metabolic health and obesity status in older adults'. Nutrients 12 (8) :1-17. |
Dr Ricardo Piper Segurado |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Dyer AH; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; Lawlor B; Segurado R; Kennelly S; Olde Rikkert MGM; Howard R; Pasquier F; BoR&Die;jesson-Hanson A (2020) 'Gait speed, cognition and falls in people living with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer disease: Data from NILVAD'. BMC Geriatrics 20 (1)  |
Dyer AH; Murphy C; Briggs R; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; NILVAD Study Group (2020) 'Antidepressant use and orthostatic hypotension in older adults living with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer disease.'. International journal of geriatric psychiatry  |
Dyer AH; Murphy C; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; Segurado R; Kennelly S; Rikkert MGMO; Howard R; Pasquier F; Börjesson-Hanson A (2020) 'Sedative Load in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Mild–Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease: Longitudinal Relationships with Adverse Events, Delirium and Falls'. Drugs and Aging  |
Dyer AH; Murphy C; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; Segurado R; Olde Rikkert MGM; Howard R; Pasquier F; Börjesson-Hanson A; Tsolaki M (2020) 'Cognitive Outcomes of Long-term Benzodiazepine and Related Drug (BDZR) Use in People Living With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease: Results From NILVAD'. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 21 (2) :194-200. |
Dyer AH; Murphy C; Segurado R; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP (2020) 'Is Ongoing Anticholinergic Burden Associated with Greater Cognitive Decline and Dementia Severity in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease?'. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 75 (5) :987-994. |
Kearney AD; Boyle MA; Babu SK; Fallon M; Segurado R; Codd M; O'Rourke J; Stevens NT; Carling PC; Daniels S (2020) 'Challenges in assessing contamination levels and novel decontamination technologies in the critical care setting'. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 41 (5) :622-623. |
Marron L; Segurado R; Kenny RA; McNicholas T (2020) 'The association between benzodiazepine use and falls, and the impact of sleep quality on this association: Data from the TILDA study'. QJM 113 (1) :31-36. |
Mone F; Thompson A; Stewart MC; Segurado R; Curry J; Dornan JC; McAuliffe FM; Shields MD (2020) 'The impact of fetal umbilical artery Doppler pulsatility index on childhood respiratory function and atopy: a prospective case-control study'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (5) :707-711. |
Murphy C; Dyer AH; Lawlor B; Kennelly SP; Olde Rikkert MGM; Segurado R; Lawlor B; Kennelly S; Howard R; Tsolaki M (2020) 'Potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults with mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease: Prevalence and associations with adverse events'. Age and Ageing 49 (4) :580-587. |
O'Neill L; Guinan E; Doyle S; Connolly D; O'Sullivan J; Bennett A; Sheill G; Segurado R; Knapp P; Fairman C (2020) 'Rehabilitation strategies following oesophagogastric and Hepatopancreaticobiliary cancer (ReStOre II): A protocol for a randomized controlled trial'. BMC Cancer 20 (1)  |
O'Neill L; Knapp P; Doyle S; Guinan E; Parker A; Segurado R; Connolly D; O'Sullivan J; Reynolds J; Hussey J (2019) 'Patient and family co-developed participant information to improve recruitment rates, retention, and patient understanding in the Rehabilitation Strategies Following Oesophago-gastric and Hepatopancreaticobiliary Cancer (ReStOre II) trial: Protocol for a study within a trial (SWAT)'.  |
Rafferty AR; Geraghty AA; Kennelly MA; O’Brien EC; Reji RM; Mehegan J; Segurado R; Smith T; Maguire O; Cronin M (2020) 'Limited Impact of Fetal Sex and Maternal Body Mass Index on Fetal and Maternal Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism: Findings from the PEARs Study'. Reproductive Sciences 27 (2) :513-522. |
Slevin M; O’connor K; Segurado R; Murphy JFA (2020) 'Therapeutic listening for preterm children with sensory dysregulation, attention and cognitive problems'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (1) |
Dr Clare Reynolds |
Bridge-Comer PE; Plows JF; Ramzan F; Patel R; Ganapathy TP; Stanley JL; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM (2020) 'Interleukin 1 Receptor 1 Knockout and Maternal High Fat Diet Exposure Induces Sex-Specific Effects on Adipose Tissue Adipogenic and Inflammatory Gene Expression in Adult Mouse Offspring'. Frontiers in Physiology 11  |
Galante L; Lagström H; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM; Rautava S; Milan AM; Cameron-Smith D; Pundir S (2020) 'Sexually dimorphic associations between maternal factors and human milk hormonal concentrations'. Nutrients 12 (1)  |
Galante L; Reynolds CM; Milan AM; Alexander T; Bloomfield FH; Cameron-Smith D; Pundir S; Vickers MH; Harding J; Meyer M (2020) 'Preterm human milk: associations between perinatal factors and hormone concentrations throughout lactation'. Pediatric Research  |
Galante L; Vickers MH; Milan AM; Reynolds CM; Alexander T; Bloomfield FH; Pundir S (2019) 'Feasibility of Standardized Human Milk Collection in Neonatal Care Units'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Li F; Liu K; Gray C; Harris P; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Guan J (2020) 'Cyclic glycine-proline normalizes systolic blood pressure in high-fat diet-induced obese male rats'. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 30 (2) :339-346. |
Li M; Reynolds CM; Gray C; Patel R; Sloboda DM; Vickers MH (2020) 'Long-term effects of a maternal high-fat: High-fructose diet on offspring growth and metabolism and impact of maternal taurine supplementation'. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 11 (4) :419-426. |
Plows JF; Morton-Jones J; Bridge-Comer PE; Ponnampalam A; Stanley JL; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM (2020) 'Consumption of the Artificial Sweetener Acesulfame Potassium throughout Pregnancy Induces Glucose Intolerance and Adipose Tissue Dysfunction in Mice'. Journal of Nutrition 150 (7) :1773-1781. |
Plows JF; Ramos Nieves JM; Budin F; Mace K; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Silva-Zolezzi I; Baker PN; Stanley JL (2020) 'The effects of myo-inositol and probiotic supplementation in a high-fat-fed preclinical model of glucose intolerance in pregnancy'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (5) :516-528. |
Plows JF; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Baker PN; Stanley JL (2019) 'Nutritional Supplementation for the Prevention and/or Treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus'. Current Diabetes Reports 19 (9)  |
Professor Helen Roche |
Alligier M; Barrès R; Blaak EE; Boirie Y; Bouwman J; Brunault P; Campbell K; Clément K; Farooqi IS; Farpour-Lambert NJ (2020) 'OBEDIS Core Variables Project: European Expert Guidelines on a Minimal Core Set of Variables to Include in Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trials of Obesity Interventions'. Obesity Facts 13 (1) :1-28. |
Collins CB; Roche HM (2020) 'Personalized Nutrition for Inflammatory Bowel Disease'. Crohn's & Colitis 360 2 (3)  |
De Marco Castro E; Calder PC; Roche HM (2020) 'β-1,3/1,6-Glucans and Immunity: State of the Art and Future Directions'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Fitzpatrick SF; King AD; O’Donnell C; Roche HM; Ryan S (2020) 'Mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia-mediated macrophage activation – potential therapeutic targets for obstructive sleep apnoea'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
Gleeson LE; Roche HM; Sheedy FJ (2020) 'Running Title: Obesity, COVID-19 and Innate Immunometabolism'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Hansen AMB; Wium C; Lee S; Tierney AC; McCarthy D; Roche HM; Drevon CA; Birkeland KI; Gulseth HL (2020) 'Substantial inter-individual variations in insulin secretion and sensitivity across the glucometabolic spectrum'. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 80 (4) :282-290. |
Lynch GM; Murphy CH; Castro EDM; Roche HM (2020) 'Inflammation and Metabolism-The Role of Adiposity in Sarcopenic Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
Maruvada P; Lampe JW; Wishart DS; Barupal D; Chester DN; Dodd D; Djoumbou-Feunang Y; Dorrestein PC; Dragsted LO; Draper J (2020) 'Perspective: Dietary Biomarkers of Intake and Exposure - Exploration with Omics Approaches'. Advances in Nutrition 11 (2) :200-215. |
Matualatupauw JC; O'Grada C; Hughes MF; Roche HM; Afman LA; Bouwman J (2019) 'Integrated Analys of High-Fat Challenge-Induced Changes in Blood Cell Whole-Genome Gene Expression'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (20)  |
Mitchelson KAJ; de Marco Castro E; Hueston CM; Lynch GM; Keogh EA; Tran TTT; Vlckova K; Roche HM; O'Toole PW (2020) 'Baker's yeast (1→3)-β-D-glucan Influences Insulin Sensitivity in Mice with Humanized Obese Diabetic Microbiome in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Murphy AM; Smith CE; Murphy LM; Follis JL; Tanaka T; Richardson K; Noordam R; Lemaitre RN; Kähönen M; Dupuis J (2019) 'Potential Interplay between Dietary Saturated Fats and Genetic Variants of the NLRP3 Inflammasome to Modulate Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Risk: Insights from a Meta-Analysis of 19 005 Individuals'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (22)  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; McGillicuddy FC; O'Toole PW; Roche HM (2020) 'Microbiome transfer between IL-1RI-/- and wild-type mice during high or low-fat feeding alters metabolic tissue functionality but not glucose homeostasis.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Dr Mark Roe |
Roe M; Delahunt E; Büttner F (2020) '€ Theory on relativity': Why we need to be € absolute' and regulate the reporting of injury risk outcome metrics in RCTs in sport and exercise medicine (Methods Matter series)'. British Journal of Sports Medicine 54 (9)  |
Dr Keith Smart |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Caffrey A; Fletcher L; Smart K; Corcoran S; Shé ÉN; Casserley-Feeney S; Desmeules F (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: The patient journey and experience'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 45  |
Moore R; Clifford AM; Moloney N; Doody C; Smart KM; O'Leary H (2020) 'The Relationship between Clinical and Quantitative Measures of Pain Sensitization in Knee Osteoarthritis'. Clinical Journal of Pain  |
Dr Ailbhe Spillane |
Spillane A; Matvienko-Sikar K; Larkin C; Arensman E (2020) 'How do people experience a family member’s high-risk self-harm? An interpretative phenomenological analysis'. Archives of Suicide Research 24 (sup1) :280-302. |
Dr Penpatra Sripaiboonkij |
Chotiphan C; Auttanate N; Maruo SJ; Näyhä S; Jussila K; Rissanen S; Sripaiboonkij P; Ikäheimo TM; Jaakkola JJK; Phanprasit W (2020) 'Prevalence of cold-related symptoms among thai chicken meat industry workers: Association with workplace temperature and thermal insulation of clothing'. Industrial Health 58 (5) :460-466. |
Professor Eleni Theodoraki |
Tjandra NC; Rihova I; Snell S; Den Hertog CS; Theodoraki E (2020) 'Mega-events brand meaning co-creation: the Olympic case'. Journal of Product and Brand Management  |
Professor Patrick Wall |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Chen S; Shan LC; Tao W; Lu T; Regan Á; Han H; Guo L; Deng T; Wall P (2020) 'A survey of Chinese consumers' knowledge, beliefs and behavioural intentions regarding salt intake and salt reduction'. Public Health Nutrition 23 (8) :1450-1459. |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2019) 'Processing and retail strategies to minimize Campylobacter contamination in retail chicken'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (12)  |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2020) 'On farm interventions to minimise Campylobacter spp. contamination in chicken'. British Poultry Science  |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Dr Sarah Ward |
Neilson V; Ward S; Hume P; Lewis G; McDaid A (2019) 'Effects of augmented feedback on training jump landing tasks for ACL injury prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Physical Therapy in Sport 39 :126-135. |
Dr Rui Wu |
Wu R; Delahunt E; Ditroilo M; Ferri Marini C; De Vito G (2019) 'Torque steadiness and neuromuscular responses following fatiguing concentric exercise of the knee extensor and flexor muscles in young and older individuals'. Experimental Gerontology 124  |