Dr Muhammad Mustafa Abeer |
Chaudhary Z; Khan GM; Abeer MM; Pujara N; Wan-Chi Tse B; McGuckin MA; Popat A; Kumeria T (2019) 'Efficient photoacoustic imaging using indocyanine green (ICG) loaded functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles'. Biomaterials Science 7 (12) :5002-5015. |
Chaudhary Z; Subramaniam S; Khan GM; Abeer MM; Qu Z; Janjua T; Kumeria T; Batra J; Popat A (2019) 'Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Resveratrol Within Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Prostate Cancer Therapy'. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7  |
Professor Alan Baird |
Liu G; Baird AW; Parsons MJ; Fan K; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Nair PM; Makanyengo S; Chen J; Neal R; Goggins BJ (2020) 'Platelet activating factor receptor acts to limit colitis-induced liver inflammation'. FASEB Journal 34 (6) :7718-7732. |
Dr Agnese Balzani |
Emamgholi Begli H; Wood BJ; Abdalla EA; Balzani A; Willems O; Schenkel F; Harlander-Matauschek A; Baes CF (2019) 'Genetic parameters for clutch and broodiness traits in turkeys (Meleagris Gallopavo) and their relationship with body weight and egg production.'. Poultry science 98 (12) :6263-6269. |
Luise D; Picone G; Balzani A; Capozzi F; Bertocchi M; Salvarani C; Bosi P; Edwards S; Trevisi P (2020) 'Investigation of the Defatted Colostrum 1H-NMR Metabolomics Profile of Gilts and Multiparous Sows and Its Relationship with Litter Performance.'. Animals : an open access journal from MDPI 10 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Marijke Beltman |
Kelly E; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Duane M; Somers JR; Beltman ME (2020) 'Cow-level risk factors for reproductive tract disease diagnosed by 2 methods in pasture-grazed dairy cattle in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :737-749. |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Ryan NJ; Meade KG; Williams EJ; O'Farrelly C; Grant J; Evans ACO; Beltman ME (2020) 'Purulent vaginal discharge diagnosed in pasture-based Holstein-Friesian cows at 21 days postpartum is influenced by previous lactation milk yield and results in diminished fertility'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :666-675. |
Dr Sourav Bhattacharjee |
Bhattacharjee S; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Addressing the challenges to increase the efficiency of translating nanomedicine formulations to patients'. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery  |
Dissanayake K; Nõmm M; Lättekivi F; Ressaissi Y; Godakumara K; Lavrits A; Midekessa G; Viil J; Bæk R; Jørgensen MM (2020) 'Individually cultured bovine embryos produce extracellular vesicles that have the potential to be used as non-invasive embryo quality markers'. Theriogenology 149 :104-116. |
Hristov D; McCartney F; Beirne J; Mahon E; Reid S; Bhattacharjee S; Penarier G; Werner U; Bazile D; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Silica-Coated Nanoparticles with a Core of Zinc, l -Arginine, and a Peptide Designed for Oral Delivery'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (1) :1257-1269. |
Keogh L; Kilroy D; Bhattacharjee S (2020) 'The struggle to equilibrate outer and inner milieus: Renal evolution revisited'. Annals of Anatomy  |
Midekessa G; Godakumara K; Ord J; Viil J; Lättekivi F; Dissanayake K; Kopanchuk S; Rinken A; Andronowska A; Bhattacharjee S (2020) 'Zeta Potential of Extracellular Vesicles: Toward Understanding the Attributes that Determine Colloidal Stability'. ACS Omega 5 (27) :16701-16710. |
Moulick UG; Bhattacharjee S (2020) 'Aptamers in diagnosis and therapeutics against the antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms: Recent trends and challenges'. Bioanalysis 12 (16) :1111-1115. |
Professor Pieter Brama |
Connor TA; Clark JM; Brama P; Stewart M; Annaidh AN; Gilchrist MD (2020) 'An evidence basis for future equestrian helmet lateral crush certification tests'. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 (7)  |
Egan S; Brama P; McGrath D (2019) 'Research trends in equine movement analysis, future opportunities and potential barriers in the digital age: A scoping review from 1978 to 2018'. Equine Veterinary Journal 51 (6) :813-824. |
Kiernan CH; Asmawidjaja PS; Fahy N; Witte-Bouma J; Wolvius EB; Brama PAJ; Lubberts E; Farrell E; Physiol M (2020) 'Allogeneic Chondrogenic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Alter Helper T Cell Subsets in CD4+ Memory T Cells'. Tissue Engineering - Part A 26 (44113) :490-502. |
Professor David Brayden |
Bhattacharjee S; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Addressing the challenges to increase the efficiency of translating nanomedicine formulations to patients'. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery  |
Brayden DJ (2020) 'Evolving peptides for oral intake'. Nature Biomedical Engineering 4 (5) :487-488. |
Brayden DJ (2020) 'Per Artursson's Major Contributions to the Caco-2 Cell Literature in Pharmaceutical Sciences'. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences  |
Brayden DJ; Hill TA; Fairlie DP; Maher S; Mrsny RJ (2020) 'Systemic delivery of peptides by the oral route: Formulation and medicinal chemistry approaches'. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews  |
Hristov D; McCartney F; Beirne J; Mahon E; Reid S; Bhattacharjee S; Penarier G; Werner U; Bazile D; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Silica-Coated Nanoparticles with a Core of Zinc, l -Arginine, and a Peptide Designed for Oral Delivery'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (1) :1257-1269. |
Ismaiel M; Murphy B; Aldhafiri S; Giffney H; Keogh C; Anindya M; Fattah S; Thornton K; Cummins E; Mohan H (2020) 'AB073. Attenuation of pathogenic pro-inflammatory signals in colorectal cancer via an NR4A1 agonist cytosporone B'. Mesentery and Peritoneum 4 :AB073-AB073. |
Maher S; Geoghegan C; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Intestinal permeation enhancers to improve oral bioavailability of macromolecules: reasons for low efficacy in humans'. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery  |
McCartney F; Jannin V; Chevrier S; Boulghobra H; Hristov DR; Ritter N; Miolane C; Chavant Y; Demarne F; Brayden DJ (2019) 'Labrasol® is an efficacious intestinal permeation enhancer across rat intestine: Ex vivo and in vivo rat studies'. Journal of Controlled Release 310 :115-126. |
McCartney F; Rosa M; Brayden DJ (2019) 'Evaluation of sucrose laurate as an intestinal permeation enhancer for macromolecules: Ex vivo and in vivo studies'. Pharmaceutics 11 (11)  |
Murphy B; Ismaeil M; Giffney H; Aldhafiri S; Fattah S; King A; Keogh C; Mukhopadhya A; Thornton K; Cummins E (2020) 'AB069. NR4A1 agonist CsnB may affect macrophage cells primarily within colorectal tumours in order to reduce pro-inflammatory response'. Mesentery and Peritoneum 4 :AB069-AB069. |
Skoulas D; Stuettgen V; Gaul R; Cryan SA; Brayden DJ; Heise A (2020) 'Amphiphilic Star Polypept(o)ides as Nanomeric Vectors in Mucosal Drug Delivery'. Biomacromolecules 21 (6) :2455-2462. |
Sladek S; McCartney F; Eskander M; Dunne DJ; Santos-Martinez MJ; Benetti F; Tajber L; Brayden DJ (2020) 'An enteric-coated polyelectrolyte nanocomplex delivers insulin in rat intestinal instillations when combined with a permeation enhancer'. Pharmaceutics 12 (3)  |
Stuettgen V; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Investigations of Piperazine Derivatives as Intestinal Permeation Enhancers in Isolated Rat Intestinal Tissue Mucosae'. AAPS Journal 22 (2)  |
Twarog C; Liu K; O'Brien PJ; Dawson KA; Fattal E; Illel B; Brayden DJ (2020) 'A head-to-head Caco-2 assay comparison of the mechanisms of action of the intestinal permeation enhancers: SNAC and sodium caprate (C10)'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 152 :95-107. |
Professor Deirdre Campion |
Campion D (2020) 'Measuring resilience in veterinary practice'. Veterinary Record 186 (15) :486-488. |
Dunne K; Bree R; Vivienne D; Campion D (2020) 'Practical recommendations on the production of video teaching resources'. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 12 (1) :1-35. |
Dunne K; Brereton B; Duggan V; Campion DP (2020) 'Competence perceptions of veterinary nursing students and registered veterinary nurses in Ireland: A mixed methods explanatory study'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Joe Cassidy |
Bendrey R; Cassidy JP; Fournié G; Merrett DC; Oakes RHA; Taylor GM (2020) 'Approaching ancient disease from a One Health perspective: Interdisciplinary review for the investigation of zoonotic brucellosis'. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 30 (1) :99-108. |
Hope A; Martinez C; Cassidy JP; Gallagher B; Mooney CT (2019) 'Canine cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy in the Republic of Ireland: A description of three cases'. Irish Veterinary Journal 72 (1)  |
Lee AM; Wolfe A; Cassidy JP; Moriarty J; O'Neill R; Fahy C; Connaghan E; Cousens C; Dagleish MP; McElroy MC (2019) 'An approach to diagnosis of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus infection in sheep based on assessment of agreement between macroscopic examination, histopathologic examination and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction'. Small Ruminant Research 181 :29-33. |
Dr Daniel Crean |
Sulser P; Pickel C; Günter J; Leissing TM; Crean D; Schofield CJ; Wenger RH; Scholz CC (2020) 'HIF hydroxylase inhibitors decrease cellular oxygen consumption depending on their selectivity'. FASEB Journal 34 (2) :2344-2358. |
Dr Joseph Crispell |
Crispell J; Benton CH; Balaz D; De Maio N; Ahkmetova A; Allen A; Biek R; Presho EL; Dale J; Hewinson G (2019) 'Combining genomics and epidemiology to analyse bi-directional transmission of mycobacterium bovis in a multi-host system'. eLife 8  |
Professor Mark Crowe |
Atashi H; Salavati M; De Koster J; Crowe MA; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'Genome-wide association for metabolic clusters in early-lactation Holstein dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (7) :6392-6406. |
Atashi H; Salavati M; De Koster J; Ehrlich J; Crowe M; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'Genome-wide association for milk production and lactation curve parameters in Holstein dairy cows'. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 137 (3) :292-304. |
Atashi H; Salavati M; Koster JD; Crowe MA; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'A genome-wide association study for calving interval in holstein dairy cows using weighted single-step genomic BLUP approach'. Animals 10 (3)  |
Foldager L; Gaillard C; Sorensen MT; Larsen T; Matthews E; O'Flaherty R; Carter F; Crowe MA; Grelet C; Salavati M (2020) 'Predicting physiological imbalance in Holstein dairy cows by three different sets of milk biomarkers'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179  |
Grelet C; Froidmont E; Foldager L; Salavati M; Hostens M; Ferris CP; Ingvartsen KL; Crowe MA; Sorensen MT; Fernandez Pierna JA (2020) 'Potential of milk mid-infrared spectra to predict nitrogen use efficiency of individual dairy cows in early lactation'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (5) :4435-4445. |
Krogh MA; Hostens M; Salavati M; Grelet C; Sorensen MT; Wathes DC; Ferris CP; Marchitelli C; Signorelli F; Napolitano F (2020) 'Between- And within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation'. Animal :1067-1075. |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
O'Sullivan M; Butler ST; Pierce KM; Crowe MA; O'Sullivan K; Fitzgerald R; Buckley F (2020) 'Reproductive efficiency and survival of Holstein-Friesian cows of divergent Economic Breeding Index, evaluated under seasonal calving pasture-based management'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (2) :1685-1700. |
Dr Benoît Cuq |
Cuq B; Duclos A (2020) 'Mechanisms of inflammation in primary immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia'. Veterinary Ireland Journal 10 (7) :356-357. |
Pinard C; Cuq B; Gibson T; Brisson B; Plattner B; Lillie B; Bienzle D; Brouwer E; Gottstein B; Peregrine A (2019) 'Alveolar echinococcosis in an Ontario dog resembling an hepatic abscess'. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (10) :1099-1103. |
Robin E; Cuq B; Sharman MJ; Le Boedec K (2020) 'The multivariate predictive model to estimate ionized calcium concentration from serum biochemical results in dogs: External validation'. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 49 (1) :48-58. |
Assoc Professor Theo De Waal |
de Waal T; Lawlor A; Zintl A; Cowley B; Bagha A (2020) 'A survey of ticks infesting dogs and cats in Ireland'. Animals 10 (8) :1-7. |
HOWORTH G; De Waal T; Lawlor A; Aungier S (2019) 'Prevalence of dog and cat zoonotic endoparasites in the greater Dublin area.'. Veterinary Ireland Journal 9 (10) :530-530. |
Mangan A; Lawlor A; De Waal T; Aungier S (2019) 'The prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs and cats in the greater Dublin area.'. Veterinary Ireland Journal 9 (10) :538-541. |
Professor Michael Doherty |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Vivienne Duggan |
Dunne K; Brereton B; Duggan V; Campion DP (2020) 'Competence perceptions of veterinary nursing students and registered veterinary nurses in Ireland: A mixed methods explanatory study'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Walshe N; Mulcahy G; Crispie F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cotter P; Jahns H; Duggan V (2020) 'Outbreak of acute larval cyathostominosis – A “perfect storm” of inflammation and dysbiosis'. Equine Veterinary Journal  |
Dr Damien Farrell |
do Vale AP; Anes J; Fanning S; Leonard F; Farrell D (2019) 'Draft genome sequences of three novel Acinetobacter isolates from an Irish commercial pig farm'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (39)  |
Farrell D; Crispell J; Gordon S (2019) 'Updated functional annotation of the Mycobacterium bovis AF2122/97 reference genome'.  |
Farrell D; Crispell J; Gordon SV (2020) 'Updated functional annotation of the Mycobacterium bovis AF2122/97 reference genome.'. Access microbiology 2 (7) :acmi000129. |
Dr Robin Farrell |
Farrell R (2020) 'Beyond the classroom: insights into the use of virtual simulation in veterinary education.'. The Veterinary record 186 (17) :559-561. |
Dr Nicola Fletcher |
Benedikz EK; Bailey D; Cook CNL; Gonçalves-Carneiro D; Buckner MMC; Blair JMA; Wells TJ; Fletcher NF; Goodall M; Flores-Langarica A (2019) 'Bacterial flagellin promotes viral entry via an NF-kB and Toll Like Receptor 5 dependent pathway'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Fletcher N; Bianco C; Mayers J; Skinner P; Hicks DJ; Brookes SM; Brown IH; Núñez A (2020) 'Correspondence of Newcastle Disease Virulence with Virus Tropism In Ovo Using Immunohistochemistry'. Journal of Comparative Pathology 174 :180-180. |
Fletcher N; Brena C; Carson A; Wessels M; Floyd T (2020) 'Mesothelioma in two sheep with pericardial effusion and ascites'. Veterinary Record Case Reports 8 (1)  |
Dr Vivian Gath |
Neville EW; Fahey AG; Gath VP; Molloy BP; Taylor SJ; Mulligan FJ (2019) 'The effect of calcareous marine algae, with or without marine magnesium oxide, and sodium bicarbonate on rumen pH and milk production in mid-lactation dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (9) :8027-8039. |
Professor Stephen Gordon |
Crispell J; Cassidy S; Kenny K; McGrath G; Warde S; Cameron H; Rossi G; Macwhite T; White PCL; Lycett S (2020) 'Mycobacterium bovis genomics reveals transmission of infection between cattle and deer in Ireland'. Microbial Genomics 6 (8) :1-8. |
Farrell D; Crispell J; Gordon SV (2020) 'Updated functional annotation of the Mycobacterium bovis AF2122/97 reference genome.'. Access microbiology 2 (7) :acmi000129. |
Hackett EE; Charles-Messance H; O'Leary SM; Gleeson LE; Muñoz-Wolf N; Case S; Wedderburn A; Johnston DGW; Williams MA; Smyth A (2020) 'Mycobacterium tuberculosis Limits Host Glycolysis and IL-1β by Restriction of PFK-M via MicroRNA-21'. Cell Reports 30 (1) :124-1360000. |
Hall TJ; Vernimmen D; Browne JA; Mullen MP; Gordon SV; MacHugh DE; O’Doherty AM (2020) 'Alveolar Macrophage Chromatin Is Modified to Orchestrate Host Response to Mycobacterium bovis Infection'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
Mendis C; Thevanesam V; Kumara A; Wickramasinghe S; Madegedara D; Gamage C; Gordon SV; Suzuki Y; Ratnatunga C; Nakajima C (2019) 'Insight into genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Kandy, Sri Lanka reveals predominance of the Euro-American lineage'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 87 :84-91. |
O’Doherty AM; Rue-Albrecht KC; Magee DA; Ahting S; Irwin RE; Hall TJ; Browne JA; Nalpas NC; Walsh CP; Gordon SV (2019) 'The bovine alveolar macrophage DNA methylome is resilient to infection with Mycobacterium bovis'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Ouchi Y; Mukai T; Koide K; Yamaguchi T; Park JH; Kim H; Yokoyama K; Tamaru A; Gordon SV; Nakajima C (2020) 'WQ-3810: A new fluoroquinolone with a high potential against fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis'. Tuberculosis 120  |
Perets V; Cassidy S; Kenny K; O'Connor A; O'Mahony J; Crispell J; Gordon S (2020) 'Whole genome sequencing reveals genetic diversity in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis population circulating in Irish cattle'. Access Microbiology 2 (1)  |
Ramos B; Gordon SV; Cunha MV (2020) 'Revisiting the expression signature of pks15/1 unveils regulatory patterns controlling phenolphtiocerol and phenolglycolipid production in pathogenic mycobacteria'. PLoS ONE 15 (5)  |
Professor Eamonn Gormley |
Ashford RT; Anderson P; Waring L; Davé D; Smith F; Delahay RJ; Gormley E; Chambers MA; Sawyer J; Lesellier S (2020) 'Evaluation of the Dual Path Platform (DPP) VetTB assay for the detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in badgers'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 180  |
Assoc Professor Alison Hanlon |
Goins M; Nicholson S; Hanlon A (2019) 'Veterinary professionals’ understanding of common feline behavioural problems and the availability of “cat friendly” practices in Ireland'. Animals 9 (12)  |
Hanlon A; Nicholson S; Goins M (2019) 'Veterinary Professionals’ Understanding of Common Feline Behavioural Problems and the Availability of “Cat Friendly” Practices in Ireland'. Animals (Special Issue "Fundamentals of Clinical Animal Behaviour")  |
van Staaveren N; Hanlon A; Boyle LA (2019) 'Damaging behaviour and associated lesions in relation to types of enrichment for finisher pigs on commercial farms'. Animals 9 (9)  |
Mr Seamus Hoey |
Bryner MF; Hoey SE; Montavon S; Fürst AE; Kümmerle JM (2020) 'Long-term clinical and radiographic results after lag screw ostheosynthesis of short incomplete proximal sagittal fractures of the proximal phalanx in horses not used for racing'. Veterinary Surgery 49 (1) :88-95. |
Davies T; Skelly C; Puggioni A; D'Helft C; Connolly S; Hoey S (2020) 'Standing CT of the equine head: Reducing radiation dose maintains image quality'. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 61 (2) :137-146. |
Kennedy A; Fagan S; Brady C; Fagan J; Wall E; Hoey S; Tobin E; Casey M; Sheehan M (2020) 'Flock health survey of Irish Texel society breeders and larynx examination in Texel sheep'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Dr Vilhelmiina Huuskonen |
Huuskonen V; Restitutti F; Honkavaara JM; Raekallio MR; Männikkö S; Scheinin M; Vainio OM (2020) 'Investigation of the effects of vatinoxan on somatic and visceral antinociceptive efficacy of medetomidine in dogs'. American Journal of Veterinary Research 81 (4) :299-308. |
Pentsou K; Huuskonen V (2020) 'Combination of intramuscular alfaxalone, butorphanol, and midazolam as a novel immobilization protocol in 3 ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta)'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Dr Hanne Jahns |
Jahns H; Cousens C (2020) 'Nasal adenocarcinoma associated with jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus infection in a sheep'. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 32 (1) :152-155. |
Noonan JJ; Jarzabek M; Lincoln FA; Cavanagh BL; Pariag AR; Juric V; Young LS; Ligon KL; Jahns H; Zheleva D (2019) 'Implementing patient-derived xenografts to assess the effectiveness of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in glioblastoma'. Cancers 11 (12)  |
Rowan SC; Jahns H; Mthunzi L; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Doody R; Frohlich S; Callanan JJ; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 depletion in vivo causes severe enteropathy and bone marrow failure'. Journal of Pathology 251 (2) :117-122. |
Walshe N; Mulcahy G; Crispie F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cotter P; Jahns H; Duggan V (2020) 'Outbreak of acute larval cyathostominosis – A “perfect storm” of inflammation and dysbiosis'. Equine Veterinary Journal  |
Professor Lisa Katz |
Farries G; Bryan K; McGivney CL; McGettigan PA; Gough KF; Browne JA; MacHugh DE; Katz LM; Hill EW (2019) 'Expression Quantitative Trait Loci in Equine Skeletal Muscle Reveals Heritable Variation in Metabolism and the Training Responsive Transcriptome'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
Farries G; Gough KF; Parnell AC; McGivney BA; McGivney CL; McGettigan PA; MacHugh DE; Katz LM; Hill EW (2019) 'Analysis of genetic variation contributing to measured speed in Thoroughbreds identifies genomic regions involved in the transcriptional response to exercise'. Animal Genetics 50 (6) :670-685. |
Han H; McGivney BA; Farries G; Katz LM; MacHugh DE; Randhawa IAS; Hill EW (2020) 'Selection in Australian Thoroughbred horses acts on a locus associated with early two-year old speed'. PLoS ONE 15 (2)  |
Katz L; Stallard J; Holtby A; Hill E; Allen K; Sweeney J (2019) 'Inspiratory muscle training in young, race-fit Thoroughbred racehorses during a period of detraining'.  |
Katz LM (2020) 'Clinical insights: Upper respiratory tract obstruction'. Equine Veterinary Journal 52 (3) :339-341. |
Katz LM; Stallard J; Holtby A; Hill EW; Allen K; Sweeney J (2020) 'Inspiratory muscle training in young, race-fit Thoroughbred racehorses during a period of detraining'. PLoS ONE 15 (4)  |
Rooney MF; Curley CE; Sweeney J; Griffin ME; Porter RK; Hill EW; Katz L (2020) 'Prolonged oral coenzyme Q10-β-cyclodextrin supplementation increases skeletal muscle complex I+III activity in young Thoroughbreds'. journal of applied animal nutrition :1-1. |
Rooney MF; Curley CE; Sweeney J; Griffin ME; Porter RK; Hill EW; Katz LM (2020) 'Prolonged oral coenzyme Q10-β-cyclodextrin supplementation increases skeletal muscle complex I+III activity in young Thoroughbreds'. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition 8 (1) :12-20. |
Mr Emmet Kelly |
Kelly E; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Duane M; Somers JR; Beltman ME (2020) 'Cow-level risk factors for reproductive tract disease diagnosed by 2 methods in pasture-grazed dairy cattle in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :737-749. |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Ms Pamela Kelly |
Foley R; Kelly P; Gatault S; Powell F (2020) 'Demodex: a skin resident in man and his best friend'. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology  |
Goh CY; Wyse C; Ho M; O'Beirne E; Howard J; Lindsay S; Kelly P; Higgins M; McCann A (2020) 'Exosomes in triple negative breast cancer: Garbage disposals or Trojan horses?'. Cancer Letters 473 :90-97. |
McManus A; Moloney T; Kelly P; Rowan C; Skelly C; McAloon CI (2020) 'An unusual presentation of developmental anomalies of the cardiovascular system including tetralogy of fallot, double outlet right ventricle, patent foramen ovale and persistent right aortic arch in a Friesian calf'. BMC Veterinary Research 16 (1)  |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Professor Barbara Kirby |
Boston SE; van Stee LL; Bacon NJ; Szentimrey D; Kirby BM; van Nimwegen S; Wavreille VA (2020) 'Outcomes of eight cats with oral neoplasia treated with radical mandibulectomy'. Veterinary Surgery 49 (1) :222-232. |
Martin SA; Kirby BM; Kelly G; Gilchrist MD; Milgram J (2020) 'Force distribution in the canine proximal radio-ulnar joint on extension of the carpal joint: A cadaveric study'. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology  |
Mullins RA; Sanchez Villamil C; Selmic LE; Tivers MS; Case JB; Singh A; Thieman Mankin KM; Anderson DM; White RN; Pratschke KM (2020) 'Prognostic factors for short-term survival of dogs that experience postattenuation seizures after surgical correction of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts: 93 cases (2005-2018)'. Veterinary Surgery 49 (5) :958-970. |
Reina Rodriguez FS; Milgram J; Kirby BM (2020) 'Small vs. Large Suture Bite-to-Stitch Interval for Closure of Midline Celiotomy in Cats: A Biomechanical Study'. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7  |
Dr Arun Kumar |
Chinaka I; Kumar AHS (2020) 'A Retrospective Analysis of the Merit of Iris-pupil Area Ratio as a Predictor of Risk of Myocardial Infarction'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :23-25. |
Kumar A (2020) 'Molecular docking of natural compounds from tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and neem (Azadirachta indica) against SARS-CoV-2 protein targets'.  |
Kumar A (2020) 'Network proteins of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 but not angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 itself are host cell receptors for SARS-Coronavirus-2 attachment'.  |
Kumar A (2020) 'Potential biomarkers to detect inflammation leading to coronary artery disease'. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 11 (1) :1-2. |
Kumar AHS (2020) 'A Pictogram on Pharmacological Management of Corona Viral Infection: What are the Available Options?'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :17-19. |
Kumar AHS; George M (2020) 'Evaluating the Chrono-pharmacology of Icosapent Ethyl to Assess its Therapeutic Efficacy in Reducing Hypertriglyceridemia Associated Cardiovascular Events'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :26-28. |
Kumar AHS; Sharma V (2020) 'Acetamido-propanoic Acid Derived Compounds as Protease Inhibitors to Target Coronaviruses'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :20-22. |
Kumar V; Bhatia M; Kumar AHS (2020) 'Microbes from mouth to gut impacting probiotics to antibiotics'. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 11 (2) :83-84. |
Qamruddin S; Alkharabsheh SK; Sato K; Kumar A; Cremer PC; Chetrit M; Johnston DR; Klein AL (2019) 'Differentiating Constriction from Restriction (from the Mayo Clinic Echocardiographic Criteria).'. The American journal of cardiology 124 (6) :932-938. |
Sagar V; Kumar AHS (2020) 'Efficacy of natural compounds from Tinospora cordifolia against SARS-CoV-2 protease, surface glycoprotein and RNA polymerase.'.  |
Sai Sailesh Kumar Goothy; Srilatha Goothy; Anita Choudhary; Potey G G; Hirok Chakraborty; Arun HS Kumar; Mahadik V K (2020) 'Ayurveda’s Holistic Lifestyle Approach for the Management of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Possible Role of Tulsi'. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 (SPL1) :16-18. |
Shaikh K; Li D; Nakanishi R; Kinninger A; Almeida S; Cherukuri L; Shekar C; Roy SK; Birudaraju D; Rai K (2019) 'Low short-term and long-term cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in absence of coronary artery calcium: A 22-year follow-up observational study from large cohort.'. Journal of diabetes and its complications 33 (9) :616-622. |
Assoc Professor Finola Leonard |
do Vale AP; Anes J; Fanning S; Leonard F; Farrell D (2019) 'Draft genome sequences of three novel Acinetobacter isolates from an Irish commercial pig farm'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (39)  |
Fitzgerald RM; Collins PJ; McMenamey M; McGlynn H; Leonard F; O'Shea H (2020) 'Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus: Phylogenetic analysis of circulating strains in the Republic of Ireland from 2016 to 2017'. Archives of Virology |
Murphy MP; Niedziela DA; Leonard FC; Keane OM (2019) 'The in vitro host cell immune response to bovine-adapted Staphylococcus aureus varies according to bacterial lineage'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Niedziela D; Murphy M; Grant J; Keane OM; Leonard F (2020) 'Clinical presentation and selected immune parameters in Holstein-Friesian first-lactation cows following intramammary infection with genotypically distinct Staphylococcus aureus strains'. Journal of Dairy Science |
Vale AP; Cousins C; Tzora A; McCarron MT; Green A; Molloy S; Bainbridge J; Leonard F (2020) 'Molecular characterization of fecal Escherichia coli isolated from zoo animals'. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (4) :813-821. |
Vale AP; Leggett B; Smyth D; Leonard F (2020) 'Challenges in the veterinary microbiology diagnostic laboratory: a novel Acinetobacter species as presumptive cause for feline unilateral conjunctivitis.'. Access microbiology 2 (6) :acmi000118. |
Professor Bryan Markey |
Nag R; Auer A; Markey BK; Whyte P; Nolan S; O'Flaherty V; Russell L; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards K (2019) 'Anaerobic digestion of agricultural manure and biomass – Critical indicators of risk and knowledge gaps'. Science of the Total Environment 690 :460-479. |
Nag R; Whyte P; Markey BK; O'Flaherty V; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards KG; Cummins E (2020) 'Ranking hazards pertaining to human health concerns from land application of anaerobic digestate'. Science of the Total Environment 710  |
Mr Stephen Martin |
Martin SA; Kirby BM; Kelly G; Gilchrist MD; Milgram J (2020) 'Force distribution in the canine proximal radio-ulnar joint on extension of the carpal joint: A cadaveric study'. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology  |
Dr Marie-Pauline Maurin |
Maurin M-P; Mullins RA; Singh A; Mayhew PD (2020) 'A systematic review of complications related to laparoscopic and laparoscopic-assisted procedures in dogs.'. Veterinary surgery : VS 49 Suppl 1 :O5-O14. |
Ms Catherine Mc Aloon |
Carty CI; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Ryan EG; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Relative effect of milk constituents on fertility performance of milk-recorded, spring-calving dairy cows in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :940-953. |
Dr Conor McAloon |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Carty CI; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Ryan EG; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Relative effect of milk constituents on fertility performance of milk-recorded, spring-calving dairy cows in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :940-953. |
Jordan AG; Citer LR; McAloon CG; Graham DA; Sergeant ESG; More SJ (2020) 'Johne's disease in Irish dairy herds: Considerations for an effective national control programme'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Kelly E; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Duane M; Somers JR; Beltman ME (2020) 'Cow-level risk factors for reproductive tract disease diagnosed by 2 methods in pasture-grazed dairy cattle in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :737-749. |
Martin H; Manzanilla EG; More SJ; O'Neill L; Bradford L; Carty CI; Collins ÁB; McAloon CG (2020) 'Current antimicrobial use in farm animals in the Republic of Ireland'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
McCarthy KM; McAloon CG; Lynch MB; Pierce KM; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Herb species inclusion in grazing swards for dairy cows—A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (2) :1416-1430. |
Mr Guy McGrath |
Barrett D; Clegg T; McGrath G; Guelbenzu M; O'Sullivan P; More SJ; Graham DA (2020) 'Herd-level factors associated with detection of calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Irish cattle herds with negative herd status (NHS) during 2017'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179  |
Crispell J; Cassidy S; Kenny K; McGrath G; Warde S; Cameron H; Rossi G; Macwhite T; White PCL; Lycett S (2020) 'Mycobacterium bovis genomics reveals transmission of infection between cattle and deer in Ireland'. Microbial Genomics 6 (8) :1-8. |
Martin SW; O'Keeffe J; Byrne AW; Rosen LE; White PW; McGrath G (2020) 'Is moving from targeted culling to BCG-vaccination of badgers (Meles meles) associated with an unacceptable increased incidence of cattle herd tuberculosis in the Republic of Ireland? A practical non-inferiority wildlife intervention study in the Republic of Ireland (2011-2017)'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; McGrath G; Munita-Corbalan LE; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers RG (2019) 'Liver fluke in Irish sheep: Prevalence and associations with management practices and co-infection with rumen fluke'. Parasites and Vectors 12 (1)  |
Mr Myles McKenna |
Mckenna M; Bristow PC; Suarez-Bonnet A; Fox MT; Glanemann B (2019) 'Clinical spirocercosis in a dog in the UK'. Veterinary Record Case Reports 7 (3)  |
McKenna M; Pelligand L; Elliott J; Cotter D; Jepson R (2020) 'Relationship between serum iohexol clearance, serum SDMA concentration, and serum creatinine concentration in non-azotemic dogs'. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34 (1) :186-194. |
McKenna M; Pelligand L; Elliott J; Walker D; Jepson R (2020) 'Clinical utility of estimation of glomerular filtration rate in dogs'. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34 (1) :195-205. |
Dr Locksley Messam |
Carroll RI; Forbes A; Graham DA; Messam LLMV (2020) 'The impact of liver fluke infection on steers in Ireland: A meta-analytic approach'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 174  |
Lee AM; Wolfe A; Cassidy JP; Moriarty J; O'Neill R; Fahy C; Connaghan E; Cousens C; Dagleish MP; McElroy MC (2019) 'An approach to diagnosis of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus infection in sheep based on assessment of agreement between macroscopic examination, histopathologic examination and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction'. Small Ruminant Research 181 :29-33. |
Professor Carmel Mooney |
Bennaim M; Shiel RE; Mooney CT (2019) 'Diagnosis of spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Part 1: Pathophysiology, aetiology, clinical and clinicopathological features'. Veterinary Journal 252  |
Bennaim M; Shiel RE; Mooney CT (2019) 'Diagnosis of spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Part 2: Adrenal function testing and differentiating tests'. Veterinary Journal 252  |
Fox PR; Keene BW; Lamb K; Schober KE; Chetboul V; Luis Fuentes V; Payne JR; Wess G; Hogan DF; Abbott JA (2019) 'Long-term incidence and risk of noncardiovascular and all-cause mortality in apparently healthy cats and cats with preclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy'. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 33 (6) :2572-2586. |
Hope A; Martinez C; Cassidy JP; Gallagher B; Mooney CT (2019) 'Canine cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy in the Republic of Ireland: A description of three cases'. Irish Veterinary Journal 72 (1)  |
Martinez C; Mooney CT; Shiel RE; Tang PK; Mooney L; O'Neill EJ (2019) 'Evaluation of red blood cell distribution width in dogs with various illnesses'. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (9) :964-971. |
Mooney CT; Shiel RE; Sekiya M; Dunning M; Gunn E (2020) 'A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Hyperadrenocorticism on Calcium and Phosphate Concentrations, Parathyroid Hormone and Markers of Bone Turnover in Dogs'. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7  |
Studer N; Lutz H; Saegerman C; Gönczi E; Meli ML; Boo G; Hartmann K; Hosie MJ; Moestl K; Tasker S (2019) 'Pan-European study on the prevalence of the feline leukaemia virus infection - Reported by the european advisory board on cat diseases (ABCD Europe)'. Viruses 11 (11)  |
Professor Simon More |
Barrett D; Clegg T; McGrath G; Guelbenzu M; O'Sullivan P; More SJ; Graham DA (2020) 'Herd-level factors associated with detection of calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Irish cattle herds with negative herd status (NHS) during 2017'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179  |
Brock J; Lange M; More SJ; Graham D; Thulke HH (2020) 'Reviewing age-structured epidemiological models of cattle diseases tailored to support management decisions: Guidance for the future'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 174  |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Jordan AG; Citer LR; McAloon CG; Graham DA; Sergeant ESG; More SJ (2020) 'Johne's disease in Irish dairy herds: Considerations for an effective national control programme'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Martin H; Manzanilla EG; More SJ; O'Neill L; Bradford L; Carty CI; Collins ÁB; McAloon CG (2020) 'Current antimicrobial use in farm animals in the Republic of Ireland'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Miteva A; Papanikolaou A; Gogin A; Boklund A; Bøtner A; Linden A; Viltrop A; Schmidt CG; Ivanciu C; Desmecht D (2020) 'Epidemiological analyses of African swine fever in the European Union (November 2018 to October 2019)'. EFSA Journal 18 (1)  |
More S; Bambidis V; Benford D; Bragard C; Hernandez-Jerez A; Bennekou SH; Koutsoumanis K; Machera K; Naegeli H; Nielsen SS (2020) 'Draft for internal testing Scientific Committee guidance on appraising and integrating evidence from epidemiological studies for use in EFSA's scientific assessments'. EFSA Journal 18 (8)  |
More SJ (2019) 'Perspectives From the Science-Policy Interface in Animal Health and Welfare'. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6  |
More SJ (2020) 'European perspectives on efforts to reduce antimicrobial usage in food animal production'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Nielsen SS; Alvarez J; Bicout D; Calistri P; Depner K; Drewe JA; Garin-Bastuji B; Gonzales Rojas JL; Michel V; Miranda MA (2019) 'Risk assessment of African swine fever in the south-eastern countries of Europe'. EFSA Journal 17 (11)  |
Tratalos JA; Madden JM; McGrath G; Graham DA; Collins ÁB; More SJ (2019) 'Spatial and network characteristics of Irish cattle movements'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 183  |
van Roon AM; Santman-Berends IMGA; Graham D; More SJ; Nielen M; van Duijn L; Mercat M; Fourichon C; Madouasse A; Gethmann J (2020) 'A description and qualitative comparison of the elements of heterogeneous bovine viral diarrhea control programs that influence confidence of freedom'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (5) :4654-4671. |
Yatabe T; Martínez-López B; Díaz-Cao JM; Geoghegan F; Ruane NM; Morrissey T; McManus C; Hill AE; More SJ (2020) 'Data-Driven Network Modeling as a Framework to Evaluate the Transmission of Piscine Myocarditis Virus (PMCV) in the Irish Farmed Atlantic Salmon Population and the Impact of Different Mitigation Measures'. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7  |
Mr Anindya Mukhopadhya |
Mukhopadhya A; O’Doherty JV; Sweeney T (2019) 'A combination of yeast beta-glucan and milk hydrolysate is a suitable alternative to zinc oxide in the race to alleviate post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Grace Mulcahy |
Buffoni L; Garza-Cuartero L; Pérez-Caballero R; Zafra R; Javier Martínez-Moreno F; Molina-Hernández V; Pérez J; Martínez-Moreno Á; Mulcahy G (2020) 'Identification of protective peptides of Fasciola hepatica-derived cathepsin L1 (FhCL1) in vaccinated sheep by a linear B-cell epitope mapping approach'. Parasites and Vectors 13 (1)  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; Kennedy A; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers R (2019) 'Comparison of four commercially available ELISA kits for diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in Irish cattle'. BMC Veterinary Research 15 (1)  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; McGrath G; Munita-Corbalan LE; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers RG (2019) 'Liver fluke in Irish sheep: Prevalence and associations with management practices and co-infection with rumen fluke'. Parasites and Vectors 12 (1)  |
Quigley A; Sekiya M; Garcia-Campos A; Paz-Silva A; Howell A; Williams DJL; Mulcahy G (2020) 'Horses are susceptible to natural, but resistant to experimental, infection with the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica'. Veterinary Parasitology 281  |
Walshe N; Mulcahy G; Crispie F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cotter P; Jahns H; Duggan V (2020) 'Outbreak of acute larval cyathostominosis – A “perfect storm” of inflammation and dysbiosis'. Equine Veterinary Journal  |
Assoc Professor Finbar Mulligan |
Carty CI; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Ryan EG; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Relative effect of milk constituents on fertility performance of milk-recorded, spring-calving dairy cows in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :940-953. |
McCarthy KM; McAloon CG; Lynch MB; Pierce KM; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Herb species inclusion in grazing swards for dairy cows—A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (2) :1416-1430. |
Neville EW; Fahey AG; Gath VP; Molloy BP; Taylor SJ; Mulligan FJ (2019) 'The effect of calcareous marine algae, with or without marine magnesium oxide, and sodium bicarbonate on rumen pH and milk production in mid-lactation dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (9) :8027-8039. |
Rafferty DM; Fahey AG; Grace C; Donaldson G; Whelan SJ; Lynch MB; Pierce KM; Mulligan FJ (2019) 'Feeding a marine-based rumen buffer increases milk production and decreases time of low reticulo-rumen pH in grazing dairy cows offered perennial ryegrass-based pasture'. Animal Feed Science and Technology 256  |
Sheehy MR; Mulligan FJ; Taylor ST; Fahey AG (2020) 'Effects of a novel heat-treated protein and carbohydrate supplement on feed consumption, milk production, and cheese yield in early-lactation dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (5) :4315-4326. |
Mr Ronan Mullins |
Liptak JM; Thatcher G; Mestrinho L; Seguin B; Vernier T; Martano M; Husbands BD; Vetysman S; van Nimwegen SA; De Mello Souza CH (2020) 'Outcomes of Cats Treated with Maxillectomy: 60 Cases. A Veterinary Society of Surgical Oncology Retrospective Study'. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology |
Maurin M-P; Mullins RA; Singh A; Mayhew PD (2020) 'A systematic review of complications related to laparoscopic and laparoscopic-assisted procedures in dogs.'. Veterinary surgery : VS 49 Suppl 1 :O5-O14. |
Mullins RA; Sanchez Villamil C; Selmic LE; Tivers MS; Case JB; Singh A; Thieman Mankin KM; Anderson DM; White RN; Pratschke KM (2020) 'Prognostic factors for short-term survival of dogs that experience postattenuation seizures after surgical correction of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts: 93 cases (2005-2018)'. Veterinary Surgery 49 (5) :958-970. |
Wainberg SH; Selmic LE; Haagsman AN; Vetysman S; Maritato KC; Trumpatori BJ; Putterman AB; Oblak ML; Montel JS; Allen L (2019) 'Comparison of Complications and Outcome Following Unilateral, Staged Bilateral, and Single-Stage Bilateral Ventral Bulla Osteotomy: 282 Cats (2005-2016)'. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 255 (7) :828-836. |
Mr Kevin Murtagh |
Del Busto I; German AJ; Treggiari E; Romanelli G; O'Connell EM; Batchelor DJ; Silvestrini P; Murtagh K (2020) 'Incidence of postoperative complications and outcome of 48 dogs undergoing surgical management of insulinoma'. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 34 (3) :1135-1143. |
Ms Sandra Nicholson |
Goins M; Nicholson S; Hanlon A (2019) 'Veterinary professionals’ understanding of common feline behavioural problems and the availability of “cat friendly” practices in Ireland'. Animals 9 (12)  |
Hanlon A; Nicholson S; Goins M (2019) 'Veterinary Professionals’ Understanding of Common Feline Behavioural Problems and the Availability of “Cat Friendly” Practices in Ireland'. Animals (Special Issue "Fundamentals of Clinical Animal Behaviour")  |
Dr Dagmara Niedziela |
Murphy MP; Niedziela DA; Leonard FC; Keane OM (2019) 'The in vitro host cell immune response to bovine-adapted Staphylococcus aureus varies according to bacterial lineage'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr Peter O'Brien |
Johnson JP; Stack JD; McGivney CL; Garrett MP; O’Brien PJ (2019) 'DGGR-lipase for effective diagnosis of pancreatitis in horses'. Comparative Clinical Pathology 28 (6) :1625-1636. |
Pourrat JCN; O’Brien PJ (2020) 'Report and abstracts for 20th ACCP conference with training workshops, and technology exhibits'. Comparative Clinical Pathology 29 (1) :5-15. |
Twarog C; Liu K; O'Brien PJ; Dawson KA; Fattal E; Illel B; Brayden DJ (2020) 'A head-to-head Caco-2 assay comparison of the mechanisms of action of the intestinal permeation enhancers: SNAC and sodium caprate (C10)'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 152 :95-107. |
Mr Luke O'Grady |
Carty CI; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Ryan EG; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Relative effect of milk constituents on fertility performance of milk-recorded, spring-calving dairy cows in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :940-953. |
Kelly E; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Duane M; Somers JR; Beltman ME (2020) 'Cow-level risk factors for reproductive tract disease diagnosed by 2 methods in pasture-grazed dairy cattle in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :737-749. |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Emma O'Neill |
Jaffey JA; Pavlick M; Webster CR; Moore GE; McDaniel KA; Blois SL; Brand EM; Reich CF; Motschenbacher L; Hostnik ET (2019) 'Effect of clinical signs, endocrinopathies, timing of surgery, hyperlipidemia, and hyperbilirubinemia on outcome in dogs with gallbladder mucocele'. Veterinary Journal 251  |
Martinez C; Mooney CT; Shiel RE; Tang PK; Mooney L; O'Neill EJ (2019) 'Evaluation of red blood cell distribution width in dogs with various illnesses'. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (9) :964-971. |
Dr Ana Pereira Do Vale |
do Vale AP; Anes J; Fanning S; Leonard F; Farrell D (2019) 'Draft genome sequences of three novel Acinetobacter isolates from an Irish commercial pig farm'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (39)  |
Vale AP; Cousins C; Tzora A; McCarron MT; Green A; Molloy S; Bainbridge J; Leonard F (2020) 'Molecular characterization of fecal Escherichia coli isolated from zoo animals'. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (4) :813-821. |
Vale AP; Leggett B; Smyth D; Leonard F (2020) 'Challenges in the veterinary microbiology diagnostic laboratory: a novel Acinetobacter species as presumptive cause for feline unilateral conjunctivitis.'. Access microbiology 2 (6) :acmi000118. |
Ms Antonella Puggioni |
Davies T; Skelly C; Puggioni A; D'Helft C; Connolly S; Hoey S (2020) 'Standing CT of the equine head: Reducing radiation dose maintains image quality'. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 61 (2) :137-146. |
Assoc Professor Susan Rackard |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Dr Colm Reid |
Bornhöfft KF; Rebl A; Gallagher ME; Viergutz T; Zlatina K; Reid C; Galuska SP (2019) 'Sialylated Cervical Mucins Inhibit the Activation of Neutrophils to Form Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Bovine in vitro Model'. Frontiers in Immunology 10  |
Dr Alison Reynolds |
Obaidi I; Cassidy H; Gaspar VI; McCaul J; Higgins M; Halász M; Reynolds AL; Kennedy BN; McMorrow T (2020) 'Curcumin sensitizes kidney cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis via ROS mediated activation of JNK-CHOP pathway and upregulation of DR4'. Biology 9 (5)  |
Ward R; Ali Z; Slater K; Reynolds AL; Jensen LD; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Pharmacological restoration of visual function in a zebrafish model of von-Hippel Lindau disease'. Developmental Biology 457 (2) :226-234. |
Mr Eoin Ryan |
Carty CI; McAloon CG; O'Grady L; Ryan EG; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Relative effect of milk constituents on fertility performance of milk-recorded, spring-calving dairy cows in Ireland'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :940-953. |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Dr Marion Ryan |
Rattigan R; O'Doherty JV; Vigors S; Ryan MT; Sebastiano RS; Callanan JJ; Thornton K; Rajauria G; Margassery LM; Dobson ADW (2020) 'The effects of the marine-derived polysaccharides laminarin and chitosan on aspects of colonic health in pigs challenged with dextran sodium sulphate'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Vigors S; O’ Doherty JV; Ryan M; Sweeney T (2019) 'Analysis of the basal colonic innate immune response of pigs divergent in feed efficiency and following an ex vivo lipopolysaccharide challenge'. Physiological Genomics 51 (9) :443-448. |
Dr Mary Sekiya |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; Kennedy A; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers R (2019) 'Comparison of four commercially available ELISA kits for diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in Irish cattle'. BMC Veterinary Research 15 (1)  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; McGrath G; Munita-Corbalan LE; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers RG (2019) 'Liver fluke in Irish sheep: Prevalence and associations with management practices and co-infection with rumen fluke'. Parasites and Vectors 12 (1)  |
Dr Robert Shiel |
Bennaim M; Shiel RE; Mooney CT (2019) 'Diagnosis of spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Part 1: Pathophysiology, aetiology, clinical and clinicopathological features'. Veterinary Journal 252  |
Bennaim M; Shiel RE; Mooney CT (2019) 'Diagnosis of spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism in dogs. Part 2: Adrenal function testing and differentiating tests'. Veterinary Journal 252  |
Davis J; Rossi G; Miller DW; Shiel RE; Raisis AL (2019) 'Investigation of interference from synthetic colloids on the performance of a canine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin immunoassay'. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 48 (4) :710-715. |
Martinez C; Mooney CT; Shiel RE; Tang PK; Mooney L; O'Neill EJ (2019) 'Evaluation of red blood cell distribution width in dogs with various illnesses'. Canadian Veterinary Journal 60 (9) :964-971. |
Mooney CT; Shiel RE; Sekiya M; Dunning M; Gunn E (2020) 'A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Hyperadrenocorticism on Calcium and Phosphate Concentrations, Parathyroid Hormone and Markers of Bone Turnover in Dogs'. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7  |
Dr Cliona Skelly |
Davies T; Skelly C; Puggioni A; D'Helft C; Connolly S; Hoey S (2020) 'Standing CT of the equine head: Reducing radiation dose maintains image quality'. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 61 (2) :137-146. |
McManus A; Moloney T; Kelly P; Rowan C; Skelly C; McAloon CI (2020) 'An unusual presentation of developmental anomalies of the cardiovascular system including tetralogy of fallot, double outlet right ventricle, patent foramen ovale and persistent right aortic arch in a Friesian calf'. BMC Veterinary Research 16 (1)  |
Professor Torres Sweeney |
Cafferky J; Sweeney T; Allen P; Sahar A; Downey G; Cromie AR; Hamill RM (2020) 'Investigating the use of visible and near infrared spectroscopy to predict sensory and texture attributes of beef M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum'. Meat Science 159  |
Mukhopadhya A; O’Doherty JV; Sweeney T (2019) 'A combination of yeast beta-glucan and milk hydrolysate is a suitable alternative to zinc oxide in the race to alleviate post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Rattigan R; O'Doherty JV; Vigors S; Ryan MT; Sebastiano RS; Callanan JJ; Thornton K; Rajauria G; Margassery LM; Dobson ADW (2020) 'The effects of the marine-derived polysaccharides laminarin and chitosan on aspects of colonic health in pigs challenged with dextran sodium sulphate'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Rattigan R; Sweeney T; Maher S; Thornton K; Rajauria G; O'Doherty JV (2020) 'Laminarin-rich extract improves growth performance, small intestinal morphology, gene expression of nutrient transporters and the large intestinal microbial composition of piglets during the critical post-weaning period'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (3) :255-263. |
Vigors S; O'Doherty JV; Rattigan R; McDonnell MJ; Rajauria G; Sweeney T (2020) 'Effect of a laminarin rich macroalgal extract on the caecal and colonic microbiota in the post-weaned pig'. Marine Drugs 18 (3)  |
Vigors S; O’ Doherty J; McDonnell M; Rattigan R; Sweeney T (2019) '369 An investigation into the influence of the seaweed extract laminarin on post-weaning pig performance and the intestinal microbiome'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :132-132. |
Vigors S; Sweeney T (2019) 'PSXIII-29 Farm of origin has a major influence on the colonic microbiome but alterations due to selection for feed efficiency are also evident'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :475-475. |
Vigors S; Sweeney T (2019) 'PSXIII-30 Analysis of gene expression profiles in liver and muscle tissue of pigs divergent in feed efficiency'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :475-475. |
Ms Emma Tobin |
Kennedy A; Fagan S; Brady C; Fagan J; Wall E; Hoey S; Tobin E; Casey M; Sheehan M (2020) 'Flock health survey of Irish Texel society breeders and larynx examination in Texel sheep'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
Dr Jamie Tratalos |
Tratalos JA; Madden JM; McGrath G; Graham DA; Collins ÁB; More SJ (2019) 'Spatial and network characteristics of Irish cattle movements'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 183  |
Ms Nicola Walshe |
Walshe N; Mulcahy G; Crispie F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cotter P; Jahns H; Duggan V (2020) 'Outbreak of acute larval cyathostominosis – A “perfect storm” of inflammation and dysbiosis'. Equine Veterinary Journal  |
Professor Paul Whyte |
Clemente I; Condón-Abanto S; Pedrós-Garrido S; Whyte P; Lyng JG (2020) 'Efficacy of pulsed electric fields and antimicrobial compounds used alone and in combination for the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni in liquids and raw chicken'. Food Control 107  |
Esteves E; Whyte P; Gupta TB; Bolton DJ (2020) 'An investigation into the ecological niches and seasonal nature of Clostridium estertheticum and Clostridium gasigenes in the Irish beef farm environment'. Letters in Applied Microbiology  |
Fogarty C; Smyth C; Whyte P; Brunton N; Bolton D (2019) 'Sensory and ATP derivative-based indicators for assessing the freshness of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 58 (1) :71-80. |
Greene G; Koolman L; Whyte P; Lynch H; Coffey A; Lucey B; Egan J; O’Connor L; Bolton D (2020) 'An in vitro investigation of the survival and/or growth of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler digestate from different feed types'. Letters in Applied Microbiology  |
Lynch CT; Lynch H; Burke S; Hawkins K; Buttimer C; Mc Carthy C; Egan J; Whyte P; Bolton D; Coffey A (2020) 'Antimicrobial resistance determinants circulating among thermophilic campylobacter isolates recovered from broilers in Ireland over a one-year period'. Antibiotics 9 (6) :1-20. |
Lynch CT; Lynch H; Egan J; Whyte P; Bolton D; Coffey A; Lucey B (2020) 'Antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter isolates recovered from broilers in the Republic of Ireland in 2017 and 2018: an update'. British Poultry Science  |
Nag R; Auer A; Markey BK; Whyte P; Nolan S; O'Flaherty V; Russell L; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards K (2019) 'Anaerobic digestion of agricultural manure and biomass – Critical indicators of risk and knowledge gaps'. Science of the Total Environment 690 :460-479. |
Nag R; Whyte P; Markey BK; O'Flaherty V; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards KG; Cummins E (2020) 'Ranking hazards pertaining to human health concerns from land application of anaerobic digestate'. Science of the Total Environment 710  |
Pedrós-Garrido S; Clemente I; Calanche JB; Condón-Abanto S; Beltrán JA; Lyng JG; Brunton N; Bolton D; Whyte P (2020) 'Antimicrobial activity of natural compounds against listeria spp. and their effects on sensory attributes in salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Food Control 107  |
Soro AB; Whyte P; Bolton DJ; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Strategies and novel technologies to control Campylobacter in the poultry chain: A review'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 19 (4) :1353-1377. |
Truccollo B; Whyte P; Bolton DJ (2020) 'An investigation of the effect of catecholamines and glucocorticoids on the growth and pathogenicity of campylobacter Jejuni'. Pathogens 9 (7) :1-15. |
Truccollo B; Whyte P; Bolton DJ (2020) 'An Investigation of the Effect of Catecholamines and Glucocorticoids on the Growth and Pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni.'. Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland) 9 (7)  |
Dr Alan Wolfe |
Lee AM; Wolfe A; Cassidy JP; Moriarty J; O'Neill R; Fahy C; Connaghan E; Cousens C; Dagleish MP; McElroy MC (2019) 'An approach to diagnosis of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus infection in sheep based on assessment of agreement between macroscopic examination, histopathologic examination and reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction'. Small Ruminant Research 181 :29-33. |
Assoc Professor Annetta Zintl |
de Waal T; Lawlor A; Zintl A; Cowley B; Bagha A (2020) 'A survey of ticks infesting dogs and cats in Ireland'. Animals 10 (8) :1-7. |
Hrazdilová K; Rybářová M; Široký P; Votýpka J; Zintl A; Burgess H; Steinbauer V; Žákovčík V; Modrý D (2020) 'Diversity of Babesia spp. in cervid ungulates based on the 18S rDNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I phylogenies'. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 77  |