Professor Alan Baird |
Liu G; Baird AW; Parsons MJ; Fan K; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Nair PM; Makanyengo S; Chen J; Neal R; Goggins BJ (2020) 'Platelet activating factor receptor acts to limit colitis-induced liver inflammation'. FASEB Journal 34 (6) :7718-7732. |
Assoc Professor John Baugh |
Edgar K; Glezeva N; Collier P; Ledwidge M; O’Reilly J; Tea I; Baugh J; McDonald K; O’ Connell E; Watson C (2019) '62 Tetranectin expression is associated with myocardial fibrosis and may be a useful serum biomarker for indicating early myocardial injury and predisposition to heart failure development'. Oral Abstract Presentations 3  |
Glezeva N; Moran B; Collier P; Moravec C; Phelan D; Donnellan E; Russell-Hallinan A; O'connor D; Gallagher W; Gallagher J (2019) '3069Epigenetic changes in heart failure cohorts: novel insights into methylation changes of protein and RNA coding genes in human cardiac tissue'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Kerrigan L; Glezeva N; Collier P; Moreavec C; Baugh J; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Das S; Watson C (2019) '6 Gene transcriptional profiles and epigenetic regulation in the development of human heart disease'. Oral Abstract Presentations 1  |
Li L; Xu M; Rowan SC; Howell K; Russell-Hallinan A; Donnelly SC; McLoughlin P; Baugh JA (2020) 'The effects of genetic deletion of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor on the chronically hypoxic pulmonary circulation'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (4)  |
McDonald K; Glezeva N; Collier P; O'Reilly J; O'Connell E; Tea I; Russell-Hallinan A; Tonry C; Pennington S; Gallagher J (2020) 'Tetranectin, a potential novel diagnostic biomarker of heart failure, is expressed within the myocardium and associates with cardiac fibrosis.'. Scientific reports 10 (1) :7507. |
Russell-Hallinan A; Glezeva N; Moran B; Das S; Ledwidge M; McDonald K; Baugh J; Watson C (2019) '36 Hypoxia induces gene-specific epigenetic modifications that promotes a hyperactive pro-fibrotic phenotype in human cardiac fibroblasts'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Tonry C; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; Hernandez B; Glezeva N; Rooney C; Morrissey B; Pennington SR; Baugh JA; Watson CJ (2019) '37 Multiplexed measurement of candidate protein biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in blood'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Watson CJ; Glezeva N; Horgan S; Gallagher J; Phelan D; McDonald K; Tolan M; Baugh J; Collier P; Ledwidge M (2020) 'Atrial Tissue Pro-Fibrotic M2 Macrophage Marker CD163+, Gene Expression of Procollagen and B-Type Natriuretic Peptide'. Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (11) :e013416. |
Professor Orina Belton |
Bruen R; Curley S; Kajani S; Lynch G; O'Reilly ME; Dillon ET; Fitzsimons S; Mthunzi L; Mcgillicuddy FC; Belton O (2019) 'Different monocyte phenotypes result in proresolving macrophages in conjugated linoleic acid-induced attenuated progression and regression of atherosclerosis'. FASEB Journal 33 (10) :11006-11020. |
Dr Antonio Benedetto |
Benedetto A (2020) 'From just physics to biophysics of biological systems'. Biophysical Reviews  |
Benedetto A; Kearley GJ (2019) 'Dynamics from elastic neutron-scattering via direct measurement of the running time-integral of the van Hove distribution function'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Oliver Blacque |
Akella JS; Carter SP; Nguyen K; Tsiropoulou S; Moran AL; Silva M; Rizvi F; Kennedy BN; Hall DH; Barr MM (2020) 'Ciliary rab28 and the BBSome negatively regulate extracellular vesicle shedding'. eLife 9  |
Alsolami M; Kuhns S; Alsulami M; Blacque OE (2019) 'ERICH3 in Primary Cilia Regulates Cilium Formation and the Localisations of Ciliary Transport and Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Proteins'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Carter SP; Moran AL; Matallanas D; McManus GJ; Blacque OE; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Genetic Deletion of Zebrafish Rab28 Causes Defective Outer Segment Shedding, but Not Retinal Degeneration'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Kuhns S; Seixas C; Pestana S; Tavares B; Nogueira R; Jacinto R; Ramalho JS; Simpson JC; Andersen JS; Echard A (2019) 'Rab35 controls cilium length, function and membrane composition'. EMBO Reports 20 (10)  |
Professor David Brayden |
Bhattacharjee S; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Addressing the challenges to increase the efficiency of translating nanomedicine formulations to patients'. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery  |
Brayden DJ (2020) 'Evolving peptides for oral intake'. Nature Biomedical Engineering 4 (5) :487-488. |
Brayden DJ (2020) 'Per Artursson's Major Contributions to the Caco-2 Cell Literature in Pharmaceutical Sciences'. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences  |
Brayden DJ; Hill TA; Fairlie DP; Maher S; Mrsny RJ (2020) 'Systemic delivery of peptides by the oral route: Formulation and medicinal chemistry approaches'. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews  |
Hristov D; McCartney F; Beirne J; Mahon E; Reid S; Bhattacharjee S; Penarier G; Werner U; Bazile D; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Silica-Coated Nanoparticles with a Core of Zinc, l -Arginine, and a Peptide Designed for Oral Delivery'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (1) :1257-1269. |
Ismaiel M; Murphy B; Aldhafiri S; Giffney H; Keogh C; Anindya M; Fattah S; Thornton K; Cummins E; Mohan H (2020) 'AB073. Attenuation of pathogenic pro-inflammatory signals in colorectal cancer via an NR4A1 agonist cytosporone B'. Mesentery and Peritoneum 4 :AB073-AB073. |
Maher S; Geoghegan C; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Intestinal permeation enhancers to improve oral bioavailability of macromolecules: reasons for low efficacy in humans'. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery  |
McCartney F; Jannin V; Chevrier S; Boulghobra H; Hristov DR; Ritter N; Miolane C; Chavant Y; Demarne F; Brayden DJ (2019) 'Labrasol® is an efficacious intestinal permeation enhancer across rat intestine: Ex vivo and in vivo rat studies'. Journal of Controlled Release 310 :115-126. |
McCartney F; Rosa M; Brayden DJ (2019) 'Evaluation of sucrose laurate as an intestinal permeation enhancer for macromolecules: Ex vivo and in vivo studies'. Pharmaceutics 11 (11)  |
Murphy B; Ismaeil M; Giffney H; Aldhafiri S; Fattah S; King A; Keogh C; Mukhopadhya A; Thornton K; Cummins E (2020) 'AB069. NR4A1 agonist CsnB may affect macrophage cells primarily within colorectal tumours in order to reduce pro-inflammatory response'. Mesentery and Peritoneum 4 :AB069-AB069. |
Skoulas D; Stuettgen V; Gaul R; Cryan SA; Brayden DJ; Heise A (2020) 'Amphiphilic Star Polypept(o)ides as Nanomeric Vectors in Mucosal Drug Delivery'. Biomacromolecules 21 (6) :2455-2462. |
Sladek S; McCartney F; Eskander M; Dunne DJ; Santos-Martinez MJ; Benetti F; Tajber L; Brayden DJ (2020) 'An enteric-coated polyelectrolyte nanocomplex delivers insulin in rat intestinal instillations when combined with a permeation enhancer'. Pharmaceutics 12 (3)  |
Stuettgen V; Brayden DJ (2020) 'Investigations of Piperazine Derivatives as Intestinal Permeation Enhancers in Isolated Rat Intestinal Tissue Mucosae'. AAPS Journal 22 (2)  |
Twarog C; Liu K; O'Brien PJ; Dawson KA; Fattal E; Illel B; Brayden DJ (2020) 'A head-to-head Caco-2 assay comparison of the mechanisms of action of the intestinal permeation enhancers: SNAC and sodium caprate (C10)'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 152 :95-107. |
Professor Donal Brennan |
Annett S; Moore G; Short A; Marshall A; McCrudden C; Yakkundi A; Das S; McCluggage WG; Nelson L; Harley I (2020) 'FKBPL-based peptide, ALM201, targets angiogenesis and cancer stem cells in ovarian cancer'. British Journal of Cancer 122 (3) :361-371. |
Bartels HC; Postle J; Rogers AC; Brennan D (2020) 'Prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination to prevent recurrence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: A meta-analysis'. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 30 (6) :777-782. |
Koole S; Van Stein R; Sikorska K; Barton D; Perrin L; Brennan D; Zivanovic O; Mosgaard BJ; Fagotti A; Colombo PE (2020) 'Primary cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for FIGO stage III epithelial ovarian cancer: OVHIPEC-2, a phase III randomized clinical trial'. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 30 (6) :888-892. |
Professor Lorraine Brennan |
Brennan L; Gibbons H (2020) 'Sex matters: a focus on the impact of biological sex on metabolomic profiles and dietary interventions'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (2) :205-209. |
Cuparencu C; Praticó G; Hemeryck LY; Sri Harsha PSC; Noerman S; Rombouts C; Xi M; Vanhaecke L; Hanhineva K; Brennan L (2019) 'Biomarkers of meat and seafood intake: An extensive literature review'. Genes and Nutrition 14 (1)  |
D'Angelo S; Gormley IC; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2019) 'Combining biomarker and food intake data: Calibration equations for citrus intake'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 110 (4) :977-983. |
Draper CF; Duisters K; Weger B; Chakrabarti A; Harms AC; Brennan L; Hankemeier T; Goulet L; Konz T; Martin FP (2019) 'Publisher Correction: Menstrual cycle rhythmicity: metabolic patterns in healthy women (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (14568), 10.1038/s41598-018-32647-0)'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Duggan CP; Brennan L; Christian P; Fanzo J; Ludwig DS (2020) 'Knowledge and debate in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: New sections, new science, and looking forward and outward'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (1) :1-3. |
Gormley IC; Bai Y; Brennan L (2020) 'Combining biomarker and self-reported dietary intake data: A review of the state of the art and an exposition of concepts'. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29 (2) :617-635. |
Hillesheim E; Brennan L (2020) 'Metabotyping and its role in nutrition research'. Nutrition Research Reviews 33 (1) :33-42. |
Horner K; Hopkins M; Finlayson G; Gibbons C; Brennan L (2020) 'Biomarkers of appetite: Is there a potential role for metabolomics?'. Nutrition Research Reviews  |
Landberg R; Hanhineva K; Tuohy K; Garcia-Aloy M; Biskup I; Llorach R; Yin X; Brennan L; Kolehmainen M (2019) 'Biomarkers of cereal food intake'. Genes and Nutrition 14 (1)  |
Livingstone KM; Celis-Morales C; Navas-Carretero S; San-Cristobal R; Forster H; Woolhead C; O'donovan CB; Moschonis G; Manios Y; Traczyk I (2020) 'Characteristics of participants who benefit most from personalised nutrition: findings from the pan-European Food4Me randomised controlled trial'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (12) :1396-1405. |
McNamara AE; Brennan L (2020) 'Potential of food intake biomarkers in nutrition research'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
McNamara AE; Collins C; Harsha PSCS; González-Peña D; Gibbons H; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'Metabolomic-Based Approach to Identify Biomarkers of Apple Intake'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (11)  |
Riedl A; Hillesheim E; Wawro N; Meisinger C; Peters A; Roden M; Kronenberg F; Herder C; Rathmann W; Völzke H (2020) 'Evaluation of the Metabotype Concept Identified in an Irish Population in the German KORA Cohort Study'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (8)  |
Wirth J; Hillesheim E; Brennan L (2020) 'The Role of Protein Intake and its Timing on Body Composition and Muscle Function in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials'. Journal of Nutrition 150 (6) :1443-1460. |
Yin X; Gibbons H; Rundle M; Frost G; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'The Relationship between Fish Intake and Urinary Trimethylamine-N-Oxide'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (3)  |
Professor Geraldine Butler |
de San Vicente KM; Schröder MS; Lombardi L; Iracane E; Butler G (2019) 'Correlating Genotype and phenotype in the asexual yeast Candida orthopsilosis implicates ZCF29 in sensitivity to caffeine'. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (9)  |
Gonçalves B; Bernardo R; Wang C; Schröder MS; Pedro NA; Butler G; Azeredo J; Henriques M; Pereira Mira N; Silva S (2020) 'Effect of progesterone on Candida albicans biofilm formation under acidic conditions: A transcriptomic analysis'. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (3)  |
Guin K; Chen Y; Mishra R; Muzaki SRBM; Thimmappa BC; O'brien CE; Butler G; Sanyal A; Sanyal K (2020) 'Spatial inter-centromeric interactions facilitated the emergence of evolutionary new centromeres'. eLife 9  |
Heneghan P; Ryan AP; Nimmo D; Duggan C; Kumar P; O’Gaora P; Cinnéide E; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH; O’Brien CE (2019) 'Draft Genome Sequence of the Birch Tree Fungal Pathogen Taphrina betulina UCD315'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (48)  |
Morio F; Lombardi L; Butler G (2020) 'The CRISPR toolbox in medical mycology: State of the art and perspectives'. PLoS pathogens 16 (1) :e1008201. |
Morio F; O’Brien CE; Butler G (2020) 'Draft Genome Sequence of the Yeast Kazachstania telluris CBS 16338 Isolated from Forest Soil in Ireland'. Mycopathologia 185 (3) :587-590. |
Ola M; O'Brien CE; Coughlan AY; Ma Q; Donovan PD; Wolfe KH; Butler G (2020) 'Polymorphic centromere locations in the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis'. Genome Research 30 (5) :684-696. |
Zhai B; Ola M; Rolling T; Tosini NL; Joshowitz S; Littmann ER; Amoretti LA; Fontana E; Wright RJ; Miranda E (2020) 'High-resolution mycobiota analysis reveals dynamic intestinal translocation preceding invasive candidiasis'. Nature Medicine 26 (1) :59-64. |
Dr Gerard Cagney |
Gordon DE; Watson A; Roguev A; Zheng S; Jang GM; Kane J; Xu J; Guo JZ; Stevenson E; Swaney DL (2020) 'A Quantitative Genetic Interaction Map of HIV Infection'. Molecular Cell 78 (2) :197-2090000000. |
Molloy K; Cagney G; Dillon ET; Wynne K; Greene CM; McElvaney NG (2020) 'Impaired Airway Epithelial Barrier Integrity in Response to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Proteases, Novel Insights Using Cystic Fibrosis Bronchial Epithelial Cell Secretomics'. Frontiers in Immunology 11  |
Molloy K; Smith SG; Cagney G; Dillon ET; Greene CM; McElvaney NG (2019) 'Characterisation of the major extracellular proteases of Stenotrophomoas maltophilia and their effects on pulmonary antiproteases'. Pathogens 8 (3)  |
Mongan D; Föcking M; Healy C; Susai SR; Heurich M; Wynne K; Nelson B; McGorry PD; Amminger GP; Nordentoft M (2020) 'Development of Proteomic Prediction Models for Transition to Psychotic Disorder in the Clinical High-Risk State and Psychotic Experiences in Adolescence'. JAMA Psychiatry  |
Assoc Professor Marguerite Clyne |
Clyne M; May FEB (2019) 'The interaction of helicobacter pylori with TFF1 and its role in mediating the tropism of the bacteria within the stomach'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (18)  |
Dr Daniel Crean |
Sulser P; Pickel C; Günter J; Leissing TM; Crean D; Schofield CJ; Wenger RH; Scholz CC (2020) 'HIF hydroxylase inhibitors decrease cellular oxygen consumption depending on their selectivity'. FASEB Journal 34 (2) :2344-2358. |
Professor Mark Crowe |
Atashi H; Salavati M; De Koster J; Crowe MA; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'Genome-wide association for metabolic clusters in early-lactation Holstein dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (7) :6392-6406. |
Atashi H; Salavati M; De Koster J; Ehrlich J; Crowe M; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'Genome-wide association for milk production and lactation curve parameters in Holstein dairy cows'. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 137 (3) :292-304. |
Atashi H; Salavati M; Koster JD; Crowe MA; Opsomer G; Hostens M (2020) 'A genome-wide association study for calving interval in holstein dairy cows using weighted single-step genomic BLUP approach'. Animals 10 (3)  |
Foldager L; Gaillard C; Sorensen MT; Larsen T; Matthews E; O'Flaherty R; Carter F; Crowe MA; Grelet C; Salavati M (2020) 'Predicting physiological imbalance in Holstein dairy cows by three different sets of milk biomarkers'. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 179  |
Grelet C; Froidmont E; Foldager L; Salavati M; Hostens M; Ferris CP; Ingvartsen KL; Crowe MA; Sorensen MT; Fernandez Pierna JA (2020) 'Potential of milk mid-infrared spectra to predict nitrogen use efficiency of individual dairy cows in early lactation'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (5) :4435-4445. |
Krogh MA; Hostens M; Salavati M; Grelet C; Sorensen MT; Wathes DC; Ferris CP; Marchitelli C; Signorelli F; Napolitano F (2020) 'Between- And within-herd variation in blood and milk biomarkers in Holstein cows in early lactation'. Animal :1067-1075. |
McAloon CG; Kelly E; Rackard S; McAloon C; Beltman M; O'Grady L; Viora L; Crowe M; Doherty ML; Ryan EG (2020) 'Using examination performance data and focus groups to inform teaching - A case study from final year students of veterinary medicine'. Irish Veterinary Journal 73 (1)  |
O'Sullivan M; Butler ST; Pierce KM; Crowe MA; O'Sullivan K; Fitzgerald R; Buckley F (2020) 'Reproductive efficiency and survival of Holstein-Friesian cows of divergent Economic Breeding Index, evaluated under seasonal calving pasture-based management'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (2) :1685-1700. |
Dr Eoin Cummins |
Cummins EP; Strowitzki MJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Mechanisms and consequences of oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing in mammals'. Physiological Reviews 100 (1) :463-488. |
Molloy EJ; Cummins EP (2020) 'Carbon dioxide as a drug in neonatology'. Pediatric Research  |
Ryan S; Cummins EP; Farre R; Gileles-Hillel A; Jun JC; Oster H; Pepin JL; Ray DW; Reutrakul S; Sanchez-De-La-Torre M (2020) 'Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiometabolic complications in obstructive sleep apnoea: Towards personalised treatment approaches'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Shigemura M; Lecuona E; Angulo M; Dada LA; Edwards MB; Welch LC; Casalino-Matsuda SM; Sporn PHS; Vadász I; Helenius IT (2019) 'Elevated CO2 regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Jim Egan |
Kgosidialwa O; Blake K; O’Connell O; Egan J; O’Neill J; Hatunic M (2020) 'Post-transplant diabetes mellitus associated with heart and lung transplant'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :185-189. |
Professor Guenther Eissner |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Professor Alexander Evans |
Ryan NJ; Meade KG; Williams EJ; O'Farrelly C; Grant J; Evans ACO; Beltman ME (2020) 'Purulent vaginal discharge diagnosed in pasture-based Holstein-Friesian cows at 21 days postpartum is influenced by previous lactation milk yield and results in diminished fertility'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :666-675. |
Succu S; Sale S; Ghirello G; Ireland JJ; Evans ACO; Atzori AS; Mossa F (2020) 'Exposure of dairy cows to high environmental temperatures and their lactation status impairs establishment of the ovarian reserve in their offspring'. Journal of Dairy Science  |
Assoc Professor Paul Evans |
Ahmed Al-Hadhrami N; Ladwig A; Rahman A; Rozas I; Paul J; Evans P (2020) 'Synthesis of 2-guanidinyl pyridines and their trypsin inhibition and docking'. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 28 (16)  |
Conway L; Riccio A; Santoro MG; Evans P (2020) 'Synthesis of the 4-aza cyclopentenone analogue of Δ12,14-15-deoxy-PGJ2 and S-cysteine adducts'. Tetrahedron Letters 61 (25)  |
Fischer P; Morris M; Müller-Bunz H; Evans P (2020) 'Synthesis and Structural Elucidation of 1,2-Disubstituted 3-Fluoropiperidines'. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020 (9) :1165-1176. |
Nacca FG; Monti B; Lenardão EJ; Evans P; Santi C (2020) 'A simple zinc-mediated method for selenium addition to michael acceptors'. Molecules 25 (9)  |
Professor Aurelie Fabre |
Fabre A; Nicholson AG (2020) 'Nintedanib in Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Diseases'. The New England journal of medicine 382 (8) :780. |
O'Callaghan M; Fabre A; McCann J; Healy G; McCarthy A; Keane MP; McDonnell TJ; McCarthy C (2020) 'A 34-Year-Old Man With a Chylothorax and Bony Pain'. Chest 157 (4) :e131-e136. |
O'Carroll O; Sharma K; Fabre A; Murphy DJ; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Vaping-associated lung injury'. Thorax 75 (8) :706-707. |
O’mahony AM; Lynn E; Murphy DJ; Fabre A; McCarthy C (2020) 'Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: A clinical review'. Breathe 16 (2) :1-11. |
Professor Oliver Fitzgerald |
Brennan A; Ashton J; Callanan E; Farrell C; Killeen G; Fitzgerald O; Moore D; Kenny P; Kane D (2020) 'Reduction of orthopaedic and rheumatology outpatient waiting lists: The national musculoskeletal physiotherapy triage initiative'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-7. |
Burmester GR; Curtis JR; Yun H; FitzGerald O; Winthrop KL; Azevedo VF; Rigby WFC; Kanik KS; Wang C; Biswas P (2020) 'An Integrated Analysis of the Safety of Tofacitinib in Psoriatic Arthritis across Phase III and Long-Term Extension Studies with Comparison to Real-World Observational Data'. Drug Safety 43 (4) :379-392. |
Fennelly O; Blake C; FitzGerald O; Caffrey A; Fletcher L; Smart K; Corcoran S; Shé ÉN; Casserley-Feeney S; Desmeules F (2020) 'Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice: The patient journey and experience'. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 45  |
Goel N; Coates LC; De Marco G; Eder L; FitzGerald O; Helliwell PS; Leung YY; Maksymowych WP; Mease PJ; Østergaard M (2020) 'GRAPPA 2019 Project Report'. The Journal of rheumatology. Supplement 96 :53-57. |
Goodchild C; O’Rourke M; Haroon M; FitzGerald O; Murphy CC (2020) '5-year longitudinal study of clinical and patient-reported outcomes in acute anterior uveitis'. Eye (Basingstoke)  |
Gulyás K; Horváth Á; Végh E; Pusztai A; Szentpétery Á; Pethö Z; Váncsa A; Bodnár N; Csomor P; Hamar A (2020) 'Effects of 1-year anti-TNF-α therapies on bone mineral density and bone biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (1) :167-175. |
Haroon M; Szentpetery A; Ashraf M; Gallagher P; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Bristol rheumatoid arthritis fatigue scale is valid in patients with psoriatic arthritis and is associated with overall severe disease and higher comorbidities'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (6) :1851-1858. |
Holland R; Højgaard P; Tillett W; Gossec L; de Wit M; Christensen R; McHugh N; Gladman DD; Mease P; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Evidence for Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease (PsAID12) as Core Instrument to Measure Health-Related Quality of Life in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties'. Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis 5 (1) :12-22. |
Kirby B; Fitzgerald O (2020) 'A new biomarker for psoriatic arthritis?'. British Journal of Dermatology  |
Leung YY; Tillett W; Orbai AM; Ogdie A; Eder L; Coates LC; Holland R; Antony A; Goel N; Mease PJ (2020) 'The grappa-omeract working group: 4 prioritized domains for completing the core outcome measurement set for psoriatic arthritis 2019 updates'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :46-49. |
Maksymowych WP; FitzGerald O; Østergaard M; Homik J; Van Der Heijde D; Lambert RG; Elkayam O; Ramiro S; Thorne JC; Larché MJ (2020) 'Outcomes and findings of the international rheumatoid arthritis (RA) BIODAM cohort for validation of soluble biomarkers in RA'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (6) :796-808. |
Mease PJ; McInnes IB; Strand V; FitzGerald O; Ahmad HA; Elbez Y; Banerjee S (2020) 'Poor prognostic factors in predicting abatacept response in a phase III randomized controlled trial in psoriatic arthritis'. Rheumatology International 40 (7) :1021-1028. |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Putrik P; Ramiro S; Guillemin F; Péntek M; Sivera F; Sokka T; De Wit M; Woolf AD; Zink A; Andersone D (2019) 'Patients with rheumatoid arthritis facing sick leave or work disability meet varying regulations: a study among rheumatologists and patients from 44 European countries'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1472-1479. |
Ramiro S; Landewé RBM; Van Der Heijde D; Sepriano A; Fitzgerald O; Ostergaard M; Homik J; Elkayam O; Thorne JC; Larche M (2020) 'Is treat-to-target really working in rheumatoid arthritis? a longitudinal analysis of a cohort of patients treated in daily practice (RA BIODAM)'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (4) :453-459. |
Ritchlin CT; Pennington SR; Reynolds NJ; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Moving toward precision medicine in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :19-24. |
Sepriano A; Ramiro S; FitzGerald O; Østergaard M; Homik J; Van Der Heijde D; Elkayam O; Thorne JC; Larché MJ; Ferraccioli G (2020) 'Adherence to treat-to-target management in rheumatoid arthritis and associated factors: Data from the international RA BIODAM cohort'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (6) :809-819. |
Tillett W; McHugh N; Orbai AM; Ogdie A; Leung YY; Coates LC; Mease PJ; Gladman DD; Brooke M; Packham J (2020) 'Outcomes of the 2019 grappa workshop on continuous composite indices for the assessment of psoriatic arthritis and membership-recommended next steps'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :11-18. |
Van Der Heijde D; Gladman DD; FitzGerald O; Kavanaugh A; Graham D; Wang C; Fallon L (2019) 'Radiographic progression according to baseline C-reactive protein levels and other risk factors in psoriatic arthritis treated with tofacitinib or adalimumab'. Journal of Rheumatology 46 (9) :1089-1096. |
Waxman R; Stober C; Jadon DR; Orbai AM; Chandran V; Ogdie A; Pennington SR; De Wit M; O'Sullivan D; Mease PJ (2020) 'Proceedings of the 2019 grappa collaborative research network meeting'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :25-30. |
Winchester R; Fitzgerald O (2020) 'MHC class i associations beyond HLA-B27: The peptide binding hypothesis of psoriatic arthritis and its implications for disease pathogenesis'. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 32 (4) :330-336. |
Winchester R; FitzGerald O (2020) 'The many faces of psoriatic arthritis: their genetic determinism'. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 59 (1)  |
Professor William Gallagher |
Aviello G; Singh AK; O’Neill S; Conroy E; Gallagher W; D’Agostino G; Walker AW; Bourke B; Scholz D; Knaus UG (2019) 'Colitis susceptibility in mice with reactive oxygen species deficiency is mediated by mucus barrier and immune defense defects'. Mucosal Immunology 12 (6) :1316-1326. |
Baird RD; van Rossum AGJ; Oliveira M; Beelen K; Gao M; Schrier M; Mandjes IAM; Garcia-Corbacho J; Vallier AL; Dougall G (2019) 'POSEIDON trial phase 1B results: Safety, efficacy and circulating tumor DNA response of the beta isoform-sparing PI3K inhibitor taselisib (GDC-0032) combined with tamoxifen in hormone receptor positive metastatic breast cancer patients'. Clinical Cancer Research 25 (22) :6598-6605. |
Bajor M; Graczyk-Jarzynka A; Marhelava K; Kurkowiak M; Rahman A; Aura C; Russell N; Zych AO; Firczuk M; Winiarska M (2020) 'Triple combination of ascorbate, menadione and the inhibition of peroxiredoxin-1 produces synergistic cytotoxic effects in triple-negative breast cancer cells'. Antioxidants 9 (4)  |
Buus R; Sestak I; Barron S; Loughman T; Fender B; Ruiz CL; Dynoodt P; Wang CJA; O’Leary D; Gallagher WM (2020) 'Validation of the OncoMASTR risk score in estrogen receptor–positive/HER2-negative patients: A TransATAC study'. Clinical Cancer Research 26 (3) :623-631. |
Daly HC; Conroy E; Todor M; Wu D; Gallagher WM; O'Shea DF (2020) 'An EPR strategy for bio-responsive fluorescence guided surgery with simulation of the benefit for imaging'. Theranostics 10 (7) :3064-3082. |
Glezeva N; Moran B; Collier P; Moravec C; Phelan D; Donnellan E; Russell-Hallinan A; O'connor D; Gallagher W; Gallagher J (2019) '3069Epigenetic changes in heart failure cohorts: novel insights into methylation changes of protein and RNA coding genes in human cardiac tissue'. European Heart Journal 40 (Supplement_1)  |
Guttà C; Rahman A; Aura C; Dynoodt P; Charles EM; Hirschenhahn E; Joseph J; Wouters J; de Chaumont C; Rafferty M (2020) 'Low expression of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, Bak and Smac indicates prolonged progression-free survival in chemotherapy-treated metastatic melanoma'. Cell Death and Disease 11 (2)  |
Kearns C; Feighery R; Caffrey JM; Higgins M; Smith M; Murphy V; O’reilly S; Horgan AM; Walshe J; McDermott R (2020) 'Understanding and attitudes toward cancer clinical trials among patients with a cancer diagnosis: National study through cancer trials Ireland'. Cancers 12 (7) :1-26. |
Mazo C; Barron S; Mooney C; Gallagher WM (2019) 'Multi-gene prognostic signatures and prediction of pathological complete response of ER-Positive HER2-negative breast cancer patients to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy'. Annals of Oncology 30 :v86-v86. |
Mazo C; Barron S; Mooney C; Gallagher WM (2020) 'Multi-gene prognostic signatures and prediction of pathological complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in er-positive, her2-negative breast cancer patients'. Cancers 12 (5)  |
Mazo C; Kearns C; Mooney C; Gallagher WM (2020) 'Clinical decision support systems in breast cancer: A systematic review'. Cancers 12 (2)  |
Miller IS; Shiels LP; Conroy E; Connor K; Dicker P; Gallagher WM; Donovan NO; Kerbel RS; Crown J; Byrne AT (2019) 'Durability of cell line xenograft resection models to interrogate tumor micro-environment targeting agents'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Rahman A; Jahangir C; Lynch SM; Alattar N; Aura C; Russell N; Lanigan F; Gallagher WM (2020) 'Advances in tissue-based imaging: impact on oncology research and clinical practice'. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics  |
Silva R; Moran B; Russell NM; Fahey C; Vlajnic T; Manecksha RP; Finn SP; Brennan DJ; Gallagher WM; Perry AS (2020) 'Evaluating liquid biopsies for methylomic profiling of prostate cancer'. Epigenetics 15 (44018) :715-727. |
Vandamme N; Denecker G; Bruneel K; Blancke G; Akay Ö; Taminau J; De Coninck J; De Smedt E; Skrypek N; Van Loocke W (2020) 'The EMT Transcription Factor ZEB2 Promotes Proliferation of Primary and Metastatic Melanoma While Suppressing an Invasive, Mesenchymal-Like Phenotype'. Cancer research 80 (14) :2983-2995. |
Walsh L; Haley KE; Moran B; Mooney B; Tarrant F; Madden SF; Di Grande A; Fan Y; Das S; Rueda OM (2019) 'BET Inhibition as a Rational Therapeutic Strategy for Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer'. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 25 (23) :7139-7150. |
Professor Catherine Godson |
Doyle R; Godson C; Brennan E (2020) 'Promoting resolution in kidney disease: Are we nearly there yet?'. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 29 (1) :119-127. |
Fu T; Fu T; Mohan M; Brennan EP; Woodman OL; Godson C; Kantharidis P; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH; Ritchie RH (2020) 'Therapeutic Potential of Lipoxin A4in Chronic Inflammation: Focus on Cardiometabolic Disease'. ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science 3 (1) :43-55. |
Godson C (2020) 'Balancing the effect of leukotrienes in asthma'. New England Journal of Medicine 382 (15) :1472-1475. |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR)'. Molecular Aspects of Medicine  |
Serhan CN; Gupta SK; Perretti M; Godson C; Brennan E; Li Y; Soehnlein O; Shimizu T; Werz O; Chiurchiù V (2020) 'The Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR).'. Molecular aspects of medicine 74 :100894. |
Professor Stephen Gordon |
Crispell J; Cassidy S; Kenny K; McGrath G; Warde S; Cameron H; Rossi G; Macwhite T; White PCL; Lycett S (2020) 'Mycobacterium bovis genomics reveals transmission of infection between cattle and deer in Ireland'. Microbial Genomics 6 (8) :1-8. |
Farrell D; Crispell J; Gordon SV (2020) 'Updated functional annotation of the Mycobacterium bovis AF2122/97 reference genome.'. Access microbiology 2 (7) :acmi000129. |
Hackett EE; Charles-Messance H; O'Leary SM; Gleeson LE; Muñoz-Wolf N; Case S; Wedderburn A; Johnston DGW; Williams MA; Smyth A (2020) 'Mycobacterium tuberculosis Limits Host Glycolysis and IL-1β by Restriction of PFK-M via MicroRNA-21'. Cell Reports 30 (1) :124-1360000. |
Hall TJ; Vernimmen D; Browne JA; Mullen MP; Gordon SV; MacHugh DE; O’Doherty AM (2020) 'Alveolar Macrophage Chromatin Is Modified to Orchestrate Host Response to Mycobacterium bovis Infection'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
Mendis C; Thevanesam V; Kumara A; Wickramasinghe S; Madegedara D; Gamage C; Gordon SV; Suzuki Y; Ratnatunga C; Nakajima C (2019) 'Insight into genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Kandy, Sri Lanka reveals predominance of the Euro-American lineage'. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 87 :84-91. |
O’Doherty AM; Rue-Albrecht KC; Magee DA; Ahting S; Irwin RE; Hall TJ; Browne JA; Nalpas NC; Walsh CP; Gordon SV (2019) 'The bovine alveolar macrophage DNA methylome is resilient to infection with Mycobacterium bovis'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Ouchi Y; Mukai T; Koide K; Yamaguchi T; Park JH; Kim H; Yokoyama K; Tamaru A; Gordon SV; Nakajima C (2020) 'WQ-3810: A new fluoroquinolone with a high potential against fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis'. Tuberculosis 120  |
Perets V; Cassidy S; Kenny K; O'Connor A; O'Mahony J; Crispell J; Gordon S (2020) 'Whole genome sequencing reveals genetic diversity in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis population circulating in Irish cattle'. Access Microbiology 2 (1)  |
Ramos B; Gordon SV; Cunha MV (2020) 'Revisiting the expression signature of pks15/1 unveils regulatory patterns controlling phenolphtiocerol and phenolglycolipid production in pathogenic mycobacteria'. PLoS ONE 15 (5)  |
Professor Aoife Gowen |
Falkovskaya A; Gowen A (2020) 'Literature review: spectral imaging applied to poultry products'. Poultry Science 99 (7) :3709-3722. |
Ferone M; Gowen A; Fanning S; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Microbial detection and identification methods: Bench top assays to omics approaches'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Gillespie GD; Gowen AA; Finnan JM; Carroll JP; Farrelly DJ; McDonnell KP (2019) 'The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of gaseous and particulate emissions from agricultural feedstock pellets'. Energy and Fuels 33 (9) :8794-8803. |
Herrero-Langreo A; Gorretta N; Tisseyre B; Gowen A; Xu JL; Chaix G; Roger JM (2019) 'Using spatial information for evaluating the quality of prediction maps from hyperspectral images: A geostatistical approach'. Analytica Chimica Acta 1077 :116-128. |
Laefer DF; Zahiri Z; Gowen A (2020) 'Using Short-wave Infrared Range Spectrometry Data to Determine Brick Characteristics'. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 14 (1) :38-50. |
Manaloto E; Gowen AA; Lesniak A; He Z; Casey A; Cullen PJ; Curtin JF (2020) 'Cold atmospheric plasma induces silver nanoparticle uptake, oxidative dissolution and enhanced cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme cells'. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 689  |
Mukherjee S; Martinez-Gonzalez JA; Gowen AA (2020) 'Erratum: Feasibility of attenuated total reflection-fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) chemical imaging and partial least squares regression (PLSR) to predict protein adhesion on polymeric surfaces (Analyst (2019) 144 (1535-1545) DOI: 10.1039/C8AN01768A)'. Analyst 145 (11) :4051. |
Ruane RA; Doherty KAJ; Dorrepaal R; Twomey B; Gowen A; Flanagan J; de Faoite D; Stanton KT (2019) 'Hyperspectral imaging with unsupervised pattern recognition: A novel surface characterization technique for thermal control coatings'. Materials Letters 254 :273-277. |
Xu JL; Gowen AA (2020) 'Spatial-spectral analysis method using texture features combined with PCA for information extraction in hyperspectral images'. Journal of Chemometrics 34 (2)  |
Xu JL; Lesniak A; Gowen AA (2020) 'Predictive Modeling of the in Vitro Responses of Preosteoblastic MC3T3-E1 Cells on Polymeric Surfaces Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (21) :24466-24478. |
Xu JL; Thomas KV; Luo Z; Gowen AA (2019) 'FTIR and Raman imaging for microplastics analysis: State of the art, challenges and prospects'. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 119  |
Professor Andrew Green |
Blok LS; Rousseau J; Twist J; Ehresmann S; Takaku M; Venselaar H; Rodan LH; Nowak CB; Douglas J; Swoboda KJ (2019) 'Correction to: CHD3 helicase domain mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome with macrocephaly and impaired speech and language (Nature Communications, (2018), 9, 1, (4619), 10.1038/s41467-018-06014-6)'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Forde KM; Molloy B; Conroy J; Green AJ; King MD; Buckley PG; Ryan S; Gorman KM (2020) 'Expansion of the phenotype of biallelic variants in TRIT1'. European Journal of Medical Genetics 63 (6)  |
Meerschaut I; De Coninck S; Steyaert W; Barnicoat A; Bayat A; Benedicenti F; Berland S; Blair EM; Breckpot J; de Burca A (2020) 'A clinical scoring system for congenital contractural arachnodactyly'. Genetics in Medicine 22 (1) :124-131. |
Stephenson KAJ; Dockery A; O’Keefe M; Green A; Farrar GJ; Keegan DJ (2020) 'A FBN1 variant manifesting as non-syndromic ectopia lentis with retinal detachment: clinical and genetic characteristics'. Eye (Basingstoke) 34 (4) :690-694. |
Professor Patrick Guiry |
Carroll AM; McCarthy M; Lacey PM; Saunders CP; Connolly DJ; Farrell A; Rokade BV; Goddard R; Fristrup P; Norrby PO (2020) 'Synthetic and mechanistic studies in enantioselective allylic substitutions catalysed by palladium complexes of a modular class of axially chiral quinazoline-containing ligands'. Tetrahedron 76 (1)  |
Connon R; Carroll L; Guiry PJ (2020) 'A Base-Promoted One-Pot Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Alkylation/Michael Addition of 4-Substituted Indoles'. Synthesis (Germany) 52 (8) :1215-1222. |
Connon R; Guiry PJ (2019) 'A Tandem Asymmetric Friedel–Crafts Alkylation/Michael Addition: Synthesis of Novel Ergoline Derivatives'. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019 (34) :5950-5954. |
Connon R; Guiry PJ (2020) 'Recent advances in the development of one-pot/multistep syntheses of 3,4-annulated indoles'. Tetrahedron Letters 61 (14)  |
O'Broin CQ; Guiry PJ (2020) 'Advances in Decarboxylative Palladium-Catalyzed Reactions of Propargyl Electrophiles'. Journal of Organic Chemistry 85 (16) :10321-10333. |
O'Broin CQ; Guiry PJ (2020) 'Synthesis of 2-Amino-1,3-dienes from Propargyl Carbonates via Palladium-Catalyzed Carbon-Nitrogen Bond Formation'. Organic Letters 22 (3) :879-883. |
Rokade BV; Barker J; Guiry PJ (2019) 'Development of and recent advances in asymmetric A3 coupling'. Chemical Society Reviews 48 (18) :4766-4790. |
Rokade BV; Guiry PJ (2020) 'Synthesis of α-Aryl Oxindoles by Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Arenes'. Journal of Organic Chemistry 85 (9) :6172-6180. |
Dr Chandralal Hewage |
Timmons PB; O'Flynn D; Conlon JM; Hewage CM (2019) 'Structural and positional studies of the antimicrobial peptide brevinin-1BYa in membrane-mimetic environments'. Journal of Peptide Science 25 (11)  |
Timmons PB; O’Flynn D; Conlon JM; Hewage CM (2019) 'Insights into conformation and membrane interactions of the acyclic and dicarba-bridged brevinin-1BYa antimicrobial peptides'. European Biophysics Journal 48 (8) :701-710. |
Professor Desmond Higgins |
Sievers F; Higgins DG; Elofsson A (2020) 'QuanTest2: Benchmarking multiple sequence alignments using secondary structure prediction'. Bioinformatics 36 (1) :90-95. |
Professor Suzi Jarvis |
Hardie P; Darley A; Carroll L; Redmond C; Campbell A; Jarvis S (2020) 'Nursing & Midwifery students' experience of immersive virtual reality storytelling: An evaluative study'. BMC Nursing 19 (1)  |
Professor Michael Keane |
Butler MW; Keane MP (2020) 'Pulmonary sarcoidosis'. Medicine (United Kingdom) 48 (6) :386-392. |
Keane MP (2019) 'The fibrosis burden of systemic sclerosis'. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 200 (10) :1200-1202. |
O'Callaghan M; Fabre A; McCann J; Healy G; McCarthy A; Keane MP; McDonnell TJ; McCarthy C (2020) 'A 34-Year-Old Man With a Chylothorax and Bony Pain'. Chest 157 (4) :e131-e136. |
O'Carroll O; Sharma K; Fabre A; Murphy DJ; Keane MP; McCarthy C (2020) 'Vaping-associated lung injury'. Thorax 75 (8) :706-707. |
Professor Breandán Kennedy |
Akella JS; Carter SP; Nguyen K; Tsiropoulou S; Moran AL; Silva M; Rizvi F; Kennedy BN; Hall DH; Barr MM (2020) 'Ciliary rab28 and the BBSome negatively regulate extracellular vesicle shedding'. eLife 9  |
Carter SP; Moran AL; Matallanas D; McManus GJ; Blacque OE; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Genetic Deletion of Zebrafish Rab28 Causes Defective Outer Segment Shedding, but Not Retinal Degeneration'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Merrigan SL; Park B; Ali Z; Jensen LD; Corson TW; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Calcitriol and non-calcemic Vitamin D analogue, 22-oxacalcitriol, attenuate developmental and pathological choroidal vasculature angiogenesis ex vivo and in vivo'. Oncotarget 11 (5) :493-509. |
Merrigan SL; Park B; Ali Z; Jensen LD; Corson TW; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Calcitriol and non-calcemic vitamin D analogue, 22-oxacalcitriol, attenuate developmental and pathological choroidal vasculature angiogenesis ex vivo and in vivo.'. Oncotarget 11 (5) :493-509. |
Obaidi I; Cassidy H; Gaspar VI; McCaul J; Higgins M; Halász M; Reynolds AL; Kennedy BN; McMorrow T (2020) 'Curcumin sensitizes kidney cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis via ROS mediated activation of JNK-CHOP pathway and upregulation of DR4'. Biology 9 (5)  |
Slater K; Heeran A; Sanz-Pamplona R; Kalirai H; Rahman A; Helmi M; Garcia-Mulero S; O’Connell F; Bosch R; Portela A (2020) 'High Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptor 1 Expression Correlates with Poor Survival of Uveal Melanoma Patients and Cognate Antagonist Drugs Modulate the Growth, Cancer Secretome, and Metabolism of Uveal Melanoma Cells'.  |
Sundaramurthi H; Roche SL; Grice GL; Moran A; Dillion ET; Campiani G; Nathan JA; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Selective Histone Deacetylase 6 Inhibitors Restore Cone Photoreceptor Vision or Outer Segment Morphology in Zebrafish and Mouse Models of Retinal Blindness'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Wade SM; Ohnesorge N; McLoughlin H; Biniecka M; Carter SP; Trenkman M; Cunningham CC; McGarry T; Canavan M; Kennedy BN (2019) 'Dysregulated miR-125a promotes angiogenesis through enhanced glycolysis'. EBioMedicine 47 :402-413. |
Ward R; Ali Z; Slater K; Reynolds AL; Jensen LD; Kennedy BN (2020) 'Pharmacological restoration of visual function in a zebrafish model of von-Hippel Lindau disease'. Developmental Biology 457 (2) :226-234. |
Ward R; Kaylor J; Cobice D; Pepe D; McGarrigle E; Brockerhoff S; Hurley J; Travis G; Kennedy B (2020) 'Non-photopic and photopic visual cycles differentially regulate immediate, early and late-phases of cone photoreceptor-mediated vision'.  |
Ward R; Kaylor JJ; Cobice DF; Pepe DA; McGarrigle EM; Brockerhoff SE; Hurley JB; Travis XGH; Kennedy XBN (2020) 'Non-photopic and photopic visual cycles differentially regulate immediate, early, and late phases of cone photoreceptor-mediated vision'. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (19) :6482-6497. |
Professor Boris Kholodenko |
Bolado-Carrancio A; Rukhlenko OS; Nikonova E; Tsyganov MA; Wheeler A; Garcia-Munoz A; Kolch W; Kriegsheim AV; Kholodenko BN (2020) 'Periodic propagating waves coordinate rhogtpase network dynamics at the leading and trailing edges during cell migration'. eLife 9 :1-34. |
Hadrup N; Zhernovkov V; Jacobsen NR; Voss C; Strunz M; Ansari M; Schiller HB; Halappanavar S; Poulsen SS; Kholodenko B (2020) 'Acute Phase Response as a Biological Mechanism-of-Action of (Nano)particle-Induced Cardiovascular Disease'. Small 16 (21)  |
Lill D; Rukhlenko OS; Mc Elwee AJ; Kashdan E; Timmer J; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'Mapping connections in signaling networks with ambiguous modularity'. npj Systems Biology and Applications 5 (1)  |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Professor Therese Kinsella |
Mulvaney EP; O'Sullivan ÁG; Eivers SB; Reid HM; Kinsella BT (2019) 'Differential expression of the TPα and TPβ isoforms of the human T Prostanoid receptor during chronic inflammation of the prostate: Role for FOXP1 in the transcriptional regulation of TPβ during monocyte-macrophage differentiation'. Experimental and Molecular Pathology 110  |
Professor Ulla Knaus |
Augsburger F; Filippova A; Rasti D; Seredenina T; Lam M; Maghzal G; Mahiout Z; Jansen-Dürr P; Knaus UG; Doroshow J (2019) 'Pharmacological characterization of the seven human NOX isoforms and their inhibitors'. Redox Biology 26  |
Aviello G; Singh AK; O’Neill S; Conroy E; Gallagher W; D’Agostino G; Walker AW; Bourke B; Scholz D; Knaus UG (2019) 'Colitis susceptibility in mice with reactive oxygen species deficiency is mediated by mucus barrier and immune defense defects'. Mucosal Immunology 12 (6) :1316-1326. |
Dao VTV; Elbatreek MH; Altenhöfer S; Casas AI; Pachado MP; Neullens CT; Knaus UG; Schmidt HHHW (2020) 'Isoform-selective NADPH oxidase inhibitor panel for pharmacological target validation'. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 148 :60-69. |
Knaus UG (2020) 'Oxidants in Physiological Processes.'. Handbook of experimental pharmacology  |
Smith L; Gatault S; Casals-Diaz L; Kelly PA; Camerer E; Métais C; Knaus UG; Eissner G; Steinhoff M (2019) 'House dust mite-treated PAR2 over-expressor mouse: A novel model of atopic dermatitis'. Experimental Dermatology 28 (11) :1298-1308. |
Professor Sabine Koelle |
Dulohery K; Trottmann M; Bour S; Liedl B; Alba-Alejandre I; Reese S; Hughes B; Stief CG; Kölle S (2020) 'How do elevated levels of testosterone affect the function of the human fallopian tube and fertility?—New insights'. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87 (1) :30-44. |
Kölle S; Hughes B; Steele H (2020) 'Early embryo-maternal communication in the oviduct: A review'. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87 (6) :650-662. |
Owhor LE; Reese S; Kölle S (2019) 'Salpingitis Impairs Bovine Tubal Function and Sperm-Oviduct Interaction'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Walter Kolch |
Bolado-Carrancio A; Rukhlenko OS; Nikonova E; Tsyganov MA; Wheeler A; Garcia-Munoz A; Kolch W; Kriegsheim AV; Kholodenko BN (2020) 'Periodic propagating waves coordinate rhogtpase network dynamics at the leading and trailing edges during cell migration'. eLife 9 :1-34. |
Caraffini V; Geiger O; Rosenberger A; Hatzl S; Perfler B; Berg JL; Lim C; Strobl H; Kashofer K; Schauer S (2020) 'Loss of RAF kinase inhibitor protein is involved in myelomonocytic differentiation and aggravates RAS-driven myeloid leukemogenesis'. Haematologica 105 (2) :375-386. |
Dienstmann R; Connor K; Byrne AT (2020) 'Precision Therapy in RAS Mutant Colorectal Cancer'. Gastroenterology 158 (4) :806-811. |
García-Gutiérrez L; McKenna S; Kolch W; Matallanas D (2020) 'RASSF1A tumour suppressor: Target the network for effective cancer therapy'. Cancers 12 (1)  |
Lee S; Rauch J; Kolch W (2020) 'Targeting MAPK signaling in cancer: Mechanisms of drug resistance and sensitivity'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (3)  |
Zhernovkov V; Santra T; Cassidy H; Rukhlenko O; Matallanas D; Krstic A; Kolch W; Lobaskin V; Kholodenko BN (2019) 'An Integrative Computational Approach for a Prioritization of Key Transcription Regulators Associated with Nanomaterial-Induced Toxicity'. Toxicological Sciences 171 (2) :303-314. |
Dr Arun Kumar |
Chinaka I; Kumar AHS (2020) 'A Retrospective Analysis of the Merit of Iris-pupil Area Ratio as a Predictor of Risk of Myocardial Infarction'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :23-25. |
Kumar A (2020) 'Molecular docking of natural compounds from tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and neem (Azadirachta indica) against SARS-CoV-2 protein targets'.  |
Kumar A (2020) 'Network proteins of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 but not angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 itself are host cell receptors for SARS-Coronavirus-2 attachment'.  |
Kumar A (2020) 'Potential biomarkers to detect inflammation leading to coronary artery disease'. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 11 (1) :1-2. |
Kumar AHS (2020) 'A Pictogram on Pharmacological Management of Corona Viral Infection: What are the Available Options?'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :17-19. |
Kumar AHS; George M (2020) 'Evaluating the Chrono-pharmacology of Icosapent Ethyl to Assess its Therapeutic Efficacy in Reducing Hypertriglyceridemia Associated Cardiovascular Events'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :26-28. |
Kumar AHS; Sharma V (2020) 'Acetamido-propanoic Acid Derived Compounds as Protease Inhibitors to Target Coronaviruses'. Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports 5 (2) :20-22. |
Kumar V; Bhatia M; Kumar AHS (2020) 'Microbes from mouth to gut impacting probiotics to antibiotics'. Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 11 (2) :83-84. |
Qamruddin S; Alkharabsheh SK; Sato K; Kumar A; Cremer PC; Chetrit M; Johnston DR; Klein AL (2019) 'Differentiating Constriction from Restriction (from the Mayo Clinic Echocardiographic Criteria).'. The American journal of cardiology 124 (6) :932-938. |
Sagar V; Kumar AHS (2020) 'Efficacy of natural compounds from Tinospora cordifolia against SARS-CoV-2 protease, surface glycoprotein and RNA polymerase.'.  |
Sai Sailesh Kumar Goothy; Srilatha Goothy; Anita Choudhary; Potey G G; Hirok Chakraborty; Arun HS Kumar; Mahadik V K (2020) 'Ayurveda’s Holistic Lifestyle Approach for the Management of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Possible Role of Tulsi'. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 (SPL1) :16-18. |
Shaikh K; Li D; Nakanishi R; Kinninger A; Almeida S; Cherukuri L; Shekar C; Roy SK; Birudaraju D; Rai K (2019) 'Low short-term and long-term cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in absence of coronary artery calcium: A 22-year follow-up observational study from large cohort.'. Journal of diabetes and its complications 33 (9) :616-622. |
Professor Carel Le Roux |
Braga TG; Graças Coelho de Souza MD; Menezes M; Nogueira Neto JF; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Bouskela E; le Roux CW; Kraemer-Aguiar LG (2020) 'Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 activity, lipopolysaccharide, C-reactive protein, glucose metabolism, and gut peptides 3 months after bariatric surgery'. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases  |
C Sudlow A; W le Roux C; J Pournaras D (2019) 'Review of Advances in Anti-obesity Pharmacotherapy: Implications for a Multimodal Treatment Approach with Metabolic Surgery'. Obesity Surgery 29 (12) :4095-4104. |
Canney AL; Cohen RV; Elliott JA; M Aboud C; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Improvements in diabetic albuminuria and podocyte differentiation following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery'. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research 17 (1)  |
Cohen RV; Pereira TV; Aboud CM; Petry TBZ; Lopes Correa JL; Schiavon CA; Pompílio CE; Pechy FNQ; Da Costa Silva ACC; De Melo FLG (2020) 'Effect of Gastric Bypass vs Best Medical Treatment on Early-Stage Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial'. JAMA Surgery 155 (8)  |
Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Bariatric surgery for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus'. Nature Reviews Nephrology  |
Duggan SN; O'Connor DB; Antanaitis A; Campion JR; Lawal O; Ahmed M; Tisdall AR; Sherlock M; Boran G; le Roux C (2020) 'Metabolic dysfunction and diabetes mellitus during long-term follow-up of severe acute pancreatitis: A case-matched study'. Pancreatology 20 (5) :813-821. |
Elliott JA; Casey S; Murphy CF; Docherty NG; Ravi N; Beddy P; Reynolds JV; le Roux CW (2019) 'Risk factors for loss of bone mineral density after curative esophagectomy'. Archives of Osteoporosis 14 (1)  |
Friedman AN; Wang J; Wahed AS; Docherty NG; Fennern E; Pomp A; Purnell JQ; le Roux CW; Wolfe B (2019) 'The Association Between Kidney Disease and Diabetes Remission in Bariatric Surgery Patients With Type 2 Diabetes'. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 74 (6) :761-770. |
Gomide Braga T; das Graças Coelho de Souza M; Maranhão PA; Menezes M; Dellatorre-Teixeira L; Bouskela E; Le Roux CW; Kraemer-Aguiar LG (2020) 'Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability and Endothelial Function 3 Months After Bariatric Surgery'. Obesity Surgery 30 (6) :2450-2453. |
Grannell A; Al-Najim W; Mangan A; Kapoor N; Martin WP; Murphy JC; Docherty NG; le Roux CW; Davenport C (2019) 'Fat free mass is positively associated with hunger and energy intake at extremes of obesity'. Appetite 143  |
Grannell A; Fallon F; Pournaras D; le Roux CW (2020) 'Exploring patient beliefs and perceptions regarding obesity as a disease, obesity causation and treatment'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Holland JA; Martin WP; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2019) 'Impact of intentional weight loss on diabetic kidney disease'. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (10) :2338-2341. |
Hyde KM; Blonde GD; Bueter M; le Roux CW; Spector AC (2020) 'Gastric bypass in female rats lowers concentrated sugar solution intake and preference without affecting brief-access licking after long-term sugar exposure'. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 318 (5) :R870-R885. |
Kashyap SR; Kheniser K; Aminian A; Schauer P; Le Roux C; Burguera B (2020) 'Double-blinded, randomized, and controlled study on the effects of canagliflozin after bariatric surgery: A pilot study'. Obesity Science and Practice 6 (3) :255-263. |
Kokkinos A; Tsilingiris D; le Roux CW; Rubino F; Mantzoros CS (2019) 'Will medications that mimic gut hormones or target their receptors eventually replace bariatric surgery?'. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 100  |
le Roux CW (2020) 'Biography: Carel le Roux'. Obesity Surgery 30 (6) :2074-2075. |
le Roux CW; Hartvig NV; Haase CL; Nordsborg RB; Olsen AH; Satylganova A (2020) 'Obesity, cardiovascular risk and healthcare resource utilization in the UK'. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology  |
le Roux CW; Ottosson J; Näslund E; Cohen RV; Stenberg E; Sundbom M; Näslund I (2020) 'Bariatric Surgery: There Is a Room for Improvement to Reduce Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes'. Obesity Surgery  |
Lingvay I; Catarig AM; Frias JP; Kumar H; Lausvig NL; le Roux CW; Thielke D; Viljoen A; McCrimmon RJ (2019) 'Efficacy and safety of once-weekly semaglutide versus daily canagliflozin as add-on to metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes (SUSTAIN 8): a double-blind, phase 3b, randomised controlled trial'. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 7 (11) :834-844. |
Martin WP; le Roux CW (2020) 'Comment on: Impact of serum uric acid on renal function after bariatric surgery: a retrospective study'. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 (2) :295-298. |
Martin WP; White J; López-Hernández FJ; Docherty NG; le Roux CW (2020) 'Metabolic Surgery to Treat Obesity in Diabetic Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and End-Stage Kidney Disease; What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
McCrimmon RJ; Catarig AM; Frias JP; Lausvig NL; le Roux CW; Thielke D; Lingvay I (2020) 'Effects of once-weekly semaglutide vs once-daily canagliflozin on body composition in type 2 diabetes: a substudy of the SUSTAIN 8 randomised controlled clinical trial'. Diabetologia 63 (3) :473-485. |
Minnock D; Annibalini G; Le Roux CW; Contarelli S; Krause M; Saltarelli R; Valli G; Stocchi V; Barbieri E; De Vito G (2020) 'Effects of acute aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on 24-h glucose variability and skeletal muscle signalling responses in type 1 diabetics'. European Journal of Applied Physiology  |
Murphy CF; Fanning M; Raftery N; Elliott JA; Docherty NG; Donohoe CL; Ravi N; le Roux CW; Reynolds JV (2020) 'Early experience with a nutrition and survivorship clinic in esophageal cancer'. Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus  |
Nair M; Martin WP; Zhernovkov V; Elliott JA; Fearon N; Eckhardt H; McCormack J; Godson C; Brennan EP; Fandriks L (2020) 'Characterization of the renal cortical transcriptome following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in experimental diabetic kidney disease'. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 8 (1)  |
Naseer F; Price R; McElroy A; Le Roux C; Redpath T; Martin M; Livingstone B (2020) 'Changes in Resting Energy Expenditure following Gastric Bypass Surgery: Impact on Total Body Weight.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Neff KJ; Le Roux CW (2020) 'The Effect of Metabolic Surgery on the Complications of Diabetes: What Are the Unanswered Questions?'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Nielsen MS; Andersen INSK; Lange B; Ritz C; le Roux CW; Schmidt JB; Sjödin A; Bredie WLP (2019) 'Bariatric Surgery Leads to Short-Term Effects on Sweet Taste Sensitivity and Hedonic Evaluation of Fatty Food Stimuli'. Obesity 27 (11) :1796-1804. |
Nielsen MS; Ritz C; Wewer Albrechtsen NJ; Holst JJ; le Roux CW; Sjödin A (2020) 'Oxyntomodulin and glicentin may predict the effect of bariatric surgery on food preferences and weight loss'. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105 (4) :E1064-E1074. |
Nielsen MS; Schmidt JB; le Roux CW; Sjödin A (2019) 'Effects of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy on Food Preferences and Potential Mechanisms Involved.'. Current obesity reports 8 (3) :292-300. |
Papamargaritis D; Al-Najim W; Lim J; Crane J; Lean M; Le Roux C; McGowan B; O'Shea D; Webb D; Wilding J (2020) 'Effectiveness and cost of integrating a pragmatic pathway for prescribing liraglutide 3.0 mg in obesity services (STRIVE study): Study protocol of an open-label, real-world, randomised, controlled trial'. BMJ Open 10 (2)  |
Redpath T; Price R; Finlayson G; Boyd A; Naseer F; le Roux C; Livingstone B (2020) 'Changes in ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ for high fat, high sugar foods and impact on 24hr dietary intake following gastric bypass'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Rubino F; Cohen RV; Mingrone G; le Roux CW; Mechanick JI; Arterburn DE; Vidal J; Alberti G; Amiel SA; Batterham RL (2020) 'Bariatric and metabolic surgery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: DSS recommendations for management of surgical candidates and postoperative patients and prioritisation of access to surgery'. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 8 (7) :640-648. |
Rubino F; Puhl RM; Cummings DE; Eckel RH; Ryan DH; Mechanick JI; Nadglowski J; Ramos Salas X; Schauer PR; Twenefour D (2020) 'Joint international consensus statement for ending stigma of obesity'. Nature Medicine 26 (4) :485-497. |
Silveira FC; Docherty NG; Sallet PC; Moraes M; Monclaro T; Arruda e Silva M; Pizani CE; Sallet JA; le Roux CW (2020) 'Early Post-operative Weight Change After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Predicts Weight Loss at 12-Month Follow-up'. Obesity Surgery  |
Sudlow A; Le Roux CW; Pournaras DJ (2020) 'The metabolic benefits of different bariatric operations: What procedure to choose?'. Endocrine Connections 9 (2) :R28-R35. |
Sudlow AC; Le Roux CW; Pournaras DJ (2020) 'Long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery in patients with diabetes'. Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 15 (3) :141-146. |
Sultan S; Patel AG; El-Hassani S; Whitelaw B; Leca BM; Vincent RP; le Roux CW; Rubino F; Aywlin SJB; Dimitriadis GK (2020) 'Male Obesity Associated Gonadal Dysfunction and the Role of Bariatric Surgery'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11  |
Wallenius V; Elias E; Elebring E; Haisma B; Casselbrant A; Larraufie P; Spak E; Reimann F; Le Roux CW; Docherty NG (2020) 'Suppression of enteroendocrine cell glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 release by fat-induced small intestinal ketogenesis: A mechanism targeted by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery but not by preoperative very-low-calorie diet'. Gut 69 (8) :1423-1431. |
Wilkinson M; Murphy S; Sinclair P; Heneghan H; le Roux CW; Brennan DJ (2020) 'Patient perceptions and understanding of obesity related endometrial cancer'. Gynecologic Oncology Reports 32  |
Professor Gil Lee |
Chang WS; Li P; Kakade S; Xiong Y; Shang H; Zhang Y; Lee GU (2020) 'Rapid and sensitive detection of cardiac troponin i using a force enhanced immunoassay with nanoporous membrane'. Nanoscale 12 (23) :12568-12577. |
Li P; Gandhi D; Mutas M; Ran YF; Carr M; Rampini S; Hall W; Lee GU (2020) 'Direct identification of the herpes simplex virus: UL27 gene through single particle manipulation and optical detection using a micromagnetic array'. Nanoscale 12 (5) :3482-3490. |
Professor Brendan Loftus |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Staunton PM; Miranda-Casoluengo AA; Loftus BJ; Gormley IC (2019) 'BINDER: Computationally inferring a gene regulatory network for Mycobacterium abscessus'. BMC Bioinformatics 20 (1)  |
Professor Patrick Lonergan |
Anand-Ivell R; Byrne CJ; Arnecke J; Fair S; Lonergan P; Kenny DA; Ivell R (2019) 'Prepubertal nutrition alters Leydig cell functional capacity and timing of puberty'. PLoS ONE 14 (11)  |
Bagés-Arnal S; Sánchez JM; Fernandez-Fuertes B; McDonald M; Behura SK; Spencer TE; Fair T; Lonergan P (2020) 'Location relative to the corpus luteum affects bovine endometrial response to a conceptus'. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 159 (5) :643-657. |
Donadeu FX; Sanchez JM; Mohammed BT; Ioannidis J; Stenhouse C; Maioli MA; Esteves CL; Lonergan P (2020) 'Relationships between size, steroidogenesis and miRNA expression of the bovine corpus luteum'. Theriogenology 145 :226-230. |
Drake E; Holden SA; Aublet V; Doyle RC; Millar C; Moore SG; Maicas C; Randi F; Cromie AR; Lonergan P (2020) 'Evaluation of delayed timing of artificial insemination with sex-sorted sperm on pregnancy per artificial insemination in seasonal-calving, pasture-based lactating dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science  |
Estepa IM; Tinning H; Vasconcelos EJR; Fernandez-Fuertes B; Sánchez JM; Burns GW; Spencer TE; Lonergan P; Forde N (2020) 'Protein synthesis by day 16 bovine conceptuses during the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (8)  |
Fernandez-Fuertes B; Sánchez JM; Bagés-Arnal S; McDonald M; Yeste M; Lonergan P (2019) 'Species-specific and collection method-dependent differences in endometrial susceptibility to seminal plasma-induced RNA degradation'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Gegenfurtner K; Fröhlich T; Flenkenthaler F; Kösters M; Fritz S; Desnoës O; Le Bourhis D; Salvetti P; Sandra O; Charpigny G (2020) 'Genetic merit for fertility alters the bovine uterine luminal fluid proteome'. Biology of Reproduction 102 (3) :730-739. |
Gegenfurtner K; Fröhlich T; Kösters M; Mermillod P; Locatelli Y; Fritz S; Salvetti P; Forde N; Lonergan P; Wolf E (2019) 'Influence of metabolic status and genetic merit for fertility on proteomic composition of bovine oviduct fluid'. Biology of Reproduction 101 (5) :893-905. |
Lamas-Toranzo I; Hamze JG; Bianchi E; Fernández-Fuertes B; Pérez-Cerezales S; Laguna-Barraza R; Fernández-González R; Lonergan P; Gutiérrez-Adán A; Wright GJ (2020) 'TMEM95 is a sperm membrane protein essential for mammalian fertilization'. eLife 9 :1-18. |
Lamas-Toranzo I; Martínez-Moro A; O´Callaghan E; Millán-Blanca G; Sánchez JM; Lonergan P; Bermejo-Álvarez P (2020) 'RS-1 enhances CRISPR-mediated targeted knock-in in bovine embryos'. Molecular Reproduction and Development 87 (5) :542-549. |
Lonergan P (2020) '‘A Twisted, Looping Form’: Staging dark ecologies in Ella Hickson’s Oil'. Performance Research 25 (2) :38-44. |
Maicas C; Holden SA; Drake E; Cromie AR; Lonergan P; Butler ST (2020) 'Fertility of frozen sex-sorted sperm at 4 × 106 sperm per dose in lactating dairy cows in seasonal-calving pasture-based herds'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :929-939. |
Maicas C; Hutchinson IA; Cromie AR; Lonergan P; Butler ST (2020) 'Characteristics of offspring derived from conventional and X-sorted bovine sperm'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (8) :7509-7520. |
Maicas C; Hutchinson IA; Kenneally J; Grant J; Cromie AR; Lonergan P; Butler ST (2019) 'Fertility of fresh and frozen sex-sorted semen in dairy cows and heifers in seasonal-calving pasture-based herds'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (11) :10530-10542. |
Mateo-Otero Y; Sánchez JM; Recuero S; Bagés-Arnal S; McDonald M; Kenny DA; Yeste M; Lonergan P; Fernandez-Fuertes B (2020) 'Effect of Exposure to Seminal Plasma Through Natural Mating in Cattle on Conceptus Length and Gene Expression'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Perrier JP; Kenny DA; Chaulot-Talmon A; Byrne CJ; Sellem E; Jouneau L; Aubert-Frambourg A; Schibler L; Jammes H; Lonergan P (2020) 'Accelerating Onset of Puberty Through Modification of Early Life Nutrition Induces Modest but Persistent Changes in Bull Sperm DNA Methylation Profiles Post-puberty'. Frontiers in Genetics 11  |
Planells B; Gómez-Redondo I; Sánchez JM; McDonald M; Cánovas Á; Lonergan P; Gutiérrez-Adán A (2020) 'Gene expression profiles of bovine genital ridges during sex determination and early differentiation of the gonads'. Biology of Reproduction 102 (1) :38-52. |
Recuero S; Sánchez JM; Mateo-Otero Y; Bagés-Arnal S; McDonald M; Behura SK; Spencer TE; Kenny DA; Yeste M; Lonergan P (2020) 'Mating to Intact, but Not Vasectomized, Males Elicits Changes in the Endometrial Transcriptome: Insights From the Bovine Model'. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8  |
Recuero S; Sánchez JM; Mateo-Otero Y; Bagés-Arnal S; McDonald M; Behura SK; Spencer TE; Yeste M; Lonergan P; Fernandez-Fuertes B (2020) '4 Sperm, but not seminal plasma, elicit changes in the bovine endometrial transcriptome after natural mating'. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32 (2) :126-126. |
Rodríguez-Alonso B; Hamdi M; Sánchez JM; Maillo V; Gutierrez-Adan A; Lonergan P; Rizos D (2019) 'An approach to study the local embryo effect on gene expression in the bovine oviduct epithelium in vivo'. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 54 (12) :1516-1523. |
Rodríguez-Alonso B; Maillo V; Acuña OS; López-úbeda R; Torrecillas A; Simintiras CA; Sturmey R; Avilés M; Lonergan P; Rizos D (2020) 'Spatial and pregnancy-related changes in the protein, amino acid, and carbohydrate composition of bovine oviduct fluid'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (5)  |
Rodríguez-Alonso B; Sánchez JM; González E; Lonergan P; Rizos D (2020) 'Challenges in studying preimplantation embryo-maternal interaction in cattle'. Theriogenology 150 :139-149. |
Rodríguez-Alonso B; Sánchez JM; Hamdi M; McDonald M; Havlicek V; Besenfelder U; Lonergan P; Rizos D (2020) 'Asynchrony between the early embryo and the reproductive tract affects subsequent embryo development in cattle'. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32 (6) :564-571. |
Rojas Canadas E; Herlihy MM; Kenneally J; Grant J; Kearney F; Lonergan P; Butler ST (2020) 'Associations between postpartum fertility phenotypes and genetic traits in seasonal-calving, pasture-based lactating dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :1002-1015. |
Rojas Canadas E; Herlihy MM; Kenneally J; Grant J; Kearney F; Lonergan P; Butler ST (2020) 'Associations between postpartum phenotypes, cow factors, genetic traits, and reproductive performance in seasonal-calving, pasture-based lactating dairy cows'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :1016-1030. |
Sánchez JM; Gómez-Redondo I; Browne JA; Planells B; Gutiérrez-Adán A; Lonergan P (2020) '55 Identification of microRNAs associated with sex determination in bovine amniotic fluid and maternal blood plasma'. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 32 (2) :153-153. |
Simintiras CA; Sánchez JM; McDonald M; Lonergan P (2019) 'The influence of progesterone on bovine uterine fluid energy, nucleotide, vitamin, cofactor, peptide, and xenobiotic composition during the conceptus elongation-initiation window'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor David MacHugh |
Farries G; Bryan K; McGivney CL; McGettigan PA; Gough KF; Browne JA; MacHugh DE; Katz LM; Hill EW (2019) 'Expression Quantitative Trait Loci in Equine Skeletal Muscle Reveals Heritable Variation in Metabolism and the Training Responsive Transcriptome'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
Farries G; Gough KF; Parnell AC; McGivney BA; McGivney CL; McGettigan PA; MacHugh DE; Katz LM; Hill EW (2019) 'Analysis of genetic variation contributing to measured speed in Thoroughbreds identifies genomic regions involved in the transcriptional response to exercise'. Animal Genetics 50 (6) :670-685. |
Hall TJ; Vernimmen D; Browne JA; Mullen MP; Gordon SV; MacHugh DE; O’Doherty AM (2020) 'Alveolar Macrophage Chromatin Is Modified to Orchestrate Host Response to Mycobacterium bovis Infection'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
Han H; Bryan K; Shiraigol W; Bai D; Zhao Y; Bao W; Yang S; Zhang W; MacHugh DE; Dugarjaviin M (2019) 'Refinement of global domestic horse biogeography using historic landrace Chinese mongolian populations'. Journal of Heredity 110 (7) :769-781. |
Han H; McGivney BA; Farries G; Katz LM; MacHugh DE; Randhawa IAS; Hill EW (2020) 'Selection in Australian Thoroughbred horses acts on a locus associated with early two-year old speed'. PLoS ONE 15 (2)  |
McGivney B; Han H; Corduff L; Katz L; Tozaki T; MacHugh D; Hill E (2019) 'Genomic inbreeding trends in the global Thoroughbred horse population driven by influential sire lines and selection for exercise trait-related genes'.  |
McHugo GP; Browett S; Randhawa IAS; Howard DJ; Mullen MP; Richardson IW; Park SDE; Magee DA; Scraggs E; Dover MJ (2019) 'A Population Genomics Analysis of the Native Irish Galway Sheep Breed'. Frontiers in Genetics 10  |
McHugo GP; Dover MJ; MacHugh DE (2019) 'Unlocking the origins and biology of domestic animals using ancient DNA and paleogenomics'. BMC Biology 17 (1)  |
O’Doherty AM; Rue-Albrecht KC; Magee DA; Ahting S; Irwin RE; Hall TJ; Browne JA; Nalpas NC; Walsh CP; Gordon SV (2019) 'The bovine alveolar macrophage DNA methylome is resilient to infection with Mycobacterium bovis'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Patricia Maguire |
Haire G; Egan K; Parmar K; McKinnon T; Monteith C; O'Connor H; Kevane B; Maguire P; Szklanna PB; Galligan M (2019) 'Alterations in fibrin formation and fibrinolysis in early onset-preeclampsia: Association with disease severity'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 241 :19-23. |
Kacprzyk J; Parsons M; Maguire PB; Stewart GS (2019) 'Examining gender effects in different types of undergraduate science assessment'. Irish Educational Studies 38 (4) :467-480. |
Professor Kevin Malone |
Alexander L; Malone K; Counihan E; Kennedy J; Roddy D; Delaney L (2020) 'Assessing Public Attitudes to Electroconvulsive Therapy: Validation of the Modified ECT Attitudes Questionnaire Using a Systematic Analysis'. Journal of ECT 36 (1) :47-53. |
Arensman E; Larkin C; McCarthy J; Leitao S; Corcoran P; Williamson E; McAuliffe C; Perry IJ; Griffin E; Cassidy EM (2019) 'Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland: Optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study'. BMC Psychiatry 19 (1)  |
Cleary E; Kelleher CC; Lane A; Malone KM (2020) 'Limiting psychotropic medication prescription on discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: A possible suicide intervention?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :43-47. |
Crowe E; Daly M; Delaney L; Carroll S; Malone KM (2019) 'The intra-day dynamics of affect, self-esteem, tiredness, and suicidality in Major Depression'. Psychiatry Research 279 :98-108. |
McKey S; Quirke B; Fitzpatrick P; Kelleher CC; Malone KM (2020) 'A rapid review of Irish Traveller mental health and suicide: A psychosocial and anthropological perspective'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Professor Jonathan Malthouse |
Ahmed Al-Hadhrami N; Ladwig A; Rahman A; Rozas I; Paul J; Evans P (2020) 'Synthesis of 2-guanidinyl pyridines and their trypsin inhibition and docking'. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 28 (16)  |
Malthouse JPG (2020) 'Correction : Kinetic Study of the Effect of pH on the Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of N-α-benzyloxycarbonyl- l -lysine- p-nitroanilide: Mechanism of Trypsin Catalysis (ACS Omega(2020)5: 10(4915-4923)Doi: 10.1021/acsomega.9b03750)'. ACS Omega 5 (22) :13462. |
Malthouse JPG (2020) 'Kinetic Studies of the Effect of pH on the Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of N-α-benzyloxycarbonyl- l -lysine- p-nitroanilide: Mechanism of Trypsin Catalysis'. ACS Omega 5 (10) :4915-4923. |
Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe |
Ainscough KM; Kennelly MA; Lindsay KL; O’Brien EC; O’Sullivan EJ; Mehegan J; Gibney ER; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'An observational analysis of meal patterns in overweight and obese pregnancy: exploring meal pattern behaviours and the association with maternal and fetal health measures'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :585-594. |
Ainscough KM; O'Brien EC; Lindsay KL; Kennelly MA; O'Sullivan EJ; O'Brien OA; McCarthy M; De Vito G; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Nutrition, Behavior Change and Physical Activity Outcomes From the PEARS RCT—An mHealth-Supported, Lifestyle Intervention Among Pregnant Women With Overweight and Obesity'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10  |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Bartels HC; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Kranidi A; Mehegan J; Yelverton C; McDonnell CM; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Fetal Growth Trajectories and Their Association with Maternal, Cord Blood, and 5-year Child Adipokines'. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020  |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Brien EO; Walsh N; Geraghty A; Byrne D; McAuliffe F (2020) 'What can researchers learn from participant involvement? Insights from the ROLO Family Advisory Committee'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A systematic review of probiotic use to improve metabolic health in women'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Yelverton CA; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of probiotic supplementation on metabolic health in healthy women of reproductive age: a systematic review'. Food & Function  |
Callaghan S; Geraghty AA; Moore RL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Exploration of factors associated with intention, initiation and duration of breastfeeding'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-8. |
Callaghan S; Moore RL; Geraghty AA; Yelverton C; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Examination of weight status, parity and maternal education factors on intentions to breastfeed and breastfeeding duration in an Irish cohort.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Callaghan S; O’Brien E; Coughlan B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Midwives’ and obstetricians’ level of knowledge of appropriate gestational weight gain recommendations for pregnancy: A systematic review'. Birth  |
Cauldwell M; Mackie F; Steer P; Heneghan M; Baalman J; Brennand J; Johnson T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes for women with primary sclerosis cholangitis and primary binary cholangitis'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S485-S485. |
Cauldwell M; Mackie FL; Steer PJ; Henehghan MA; Baalman JH; Brennand J; Johnston T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes in women with primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis: a retrospective cohort study'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 127 (7) :876-884. |
Chen L-W; Aubert A; Bernard JY; Cooper C; Duijts L; Geraghty AA; Harvey NC; Hebert JR; Heude B; Kelleher CC (2020) 'Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts (ALPHABET consortium)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Downey P; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; O’Farrelly C; Brennan DJ; Wingfield M (2020) 'The impact of accurately timed mid-luteal endometrial injury in igravid women undergoing their first or second embryo transfer'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Daly R; Dicker P; Unterscheider J; Daly S; Geary MP; Kennelly M; Mcauliffe FM; O’Donoghue K; Hunter A; Morrison J (2020) '314: Femur length ratios as predictors of adverse outcome in fetuses: Results from the PORTO Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S211-S212. |
Doherty J; Moore R; Kivlehan C; Twomey P; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'P271 Trends in faecal calprotectin levels during pregnancy and post-partum in healthy women'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14 (Supplement_1) :S286-S286. |
Doherty J; Moore RL; Kivlehan C; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'Su1872 TRENDS IN FAECAL CALPROTECTIN LEVELS DURING PREGNANCY IN PATIENTS WITHOUT INFLAMMATROY BOWEL DISEASE'. Gastroenterology 158 (6) :S-684. |
Donnelly JM; Lindsay K; Walsh JM; Horan MK; O’Shea D; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Perinatal inflammation and childhood adiposity–a gender effect?'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (7) :1203-1210. |
Donohoe F; Higgins M; Higgins S; McAuliffe F; Murphy K (2019) 'Rituximab – A novel therapy for severe ITP in pregnancy: A case report'. Obstetric Medicine 12 (4) :196-198. |
Flaherty SJ; McCarthy MB; Collins AM; McCafferty C; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A phenomenological exploration of change towards healthier food purchasing behaviour in women from a lower socioeconomic background using a health app'. Appetite 147  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: A systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16 (1)  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'P14 Physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: a systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. Oral presentations  |
Fontanella F; Hannes S; Keating N; Martyn F; Browne I; Briet J; McAuliffe FM; Baalman JH (2020) 'COVID-19 infection during the third trimester of pregnancy: Current clinical dilemmas'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 251 :268-271. |
Frazer K; Fitzpatrick P; Brosnan M; Dromey AM; Kelly S; Murphy M; O’brien D; Kelleher CC; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum—establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan M; Donnelly J; Molloy E; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Role of birth weight and predisposition for adverse body composition in early childhood: Findings from the ROLO study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Hanson M; Jacob CM; Hod M; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'The FIGO Pregnancy Obesity and Nutrition Initiative (PONI)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :131-133. |
Hehir MP; Burke N; Burke G; Turner MJ; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2019) 'Sonographic markers of fetal adiposity and risk of Cesarean delivery'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 54 (3) :338-343. |
Jacob CM; Lawrence WT; Inskip HM; McAuliffe FM; Killeen SL; Hanson M (2019) 'Do the concepts of “life course approach” and “developmental origins of health and disease” underpin current maternity care? Study protocol'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :140-146. |
Jairaj C; O’Leary N; Doolin K; Farrell C; McCarthy A; McAuliffe FM; O’Grady-Walshe A; Sheehan J; O’Keane V (2020) 'The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the perinatal period: Its relationship with major depressive disorder and early life adversity'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 21 (7) :552-563. |
Kapur A; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Di Renzo GC; Kihara AB; McAuliffe F; Hanson M; Ma RC; Hod M; Bolatti H (2020) 'Towards a global consensus on GDM diagnosis: Light at the end of the tunnel?'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 149 (3) :257-261. |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set for PREgnancy Nutrition (PRENCOS)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Jacob CM; O'Reilly SL; Hanson M; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'PREgnancy Nutrition: A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set (PRENCOS)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :134-139. |
Klumper J; Breebaart W; Roos C; Naaktgeboren CA; Van Der Post J; Bosmans J; Van Kaam A; Schuit E; Mol BW; Baalman J (2019) 'Study protocol for a randomised trial for atosiban versus placebo in threatened preterm birth: The APOSTEL 8 study'. BMJ Open 9 (11)  |
Maher SE; O'Brien EC; Moore RL; Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The association between the maternal diet and the maternal and infant gut microbiome: A systematic review'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Marchioro L; Hellmuth C; Uhl O; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Kirchberg FF; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Associations of maternal and fetal SCD-1 markers with infant anthropometry and maternal diet: Findings from the ROLO study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2129-2136. |
Marchioro L; Shokry E; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Uhl O; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Caesarean section, but not induction of labour, is associated with major changes in cord blood metabolome'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
McDonnell SC; Daly S; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Higgins JR; Morrison J; Burke G; Higgins S; Dicker P (2020) '1208: Twin Anaemia Polycyth aemia Syndrome (TAPS): A secondary analysis of the ESPRi T Trial'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S743-S744. |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Mone F; Thompson A; Stewart MC; Segurado R; Curry J; Dornan JC; McAuliffe FM; Shields MD (2020) 'The impact of fetal umbilical artery Doppler pulsatility index on childhood respiratory function and atopy: a prospective case-control study'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (5) :707-711. |
Monteith C; Flood K; Pinnamaneni R; Levine TA; Alderdice FA; Unterscheider J; McAuliffe FM; Dicker P; Tully EC; Malone FD (2019) 'An abnormal cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) is predictive of early childhood delayed neurodevelopment in the setting of fetal growth restriction'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 221 (3) :2730-273000000000. |
Moore R; Geraghty AA; Walsh C; Feehily C; Lawton E; Saldova R; Murphy E; van Sinderen D; Cotter P; Mcauliffe FM (2020) '214: Lifestyle, metabolic health and the gut microbiome in early pregnancy'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S148-S149. |
Mulcahy CH; McAuliffe FM; Carroll S; Mahony R; Higgins S; Walsh JM; McParland P; Mone F; McMahon C (2019) 'EP14.06: Prenatal diagnosis, management and outcome of fetal tachyarrhythmia: a 12‐year single centre experience'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 54 (S1) :314-314. |
Mulcahy CH; Mone F; McAuliffe FM; Mooney E; McParland P; Mc Mahon CJ (2019) 'Antenatal diagnosis of idiopathic infantile arterial calcification (IIAC): a single centre experience and review of the literature'. Journal of Congenital Cardiology 3 (1)  |
Murphy NC; Burke N; Breathnach FM; Burke G; McAuliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Turner MJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2020) 'Inter-hospital comparison of Cesarean delivery rates should not be considered to reflect quality of care without consideration of patient heterogeneity: An observational study'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :112-116. |
Murray K; Moore L; O'Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; McAuliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P208 A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
O'Connor C; Moore R; Hughes H; Cathcart B; Higgins S; Mahony R; Carroll S; McParland P; Mcauliffe FM; Walsh J (2020) '835: How accurate is the prenatal diagnosis of a fatal fetal abnormality?'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S524-S525. |
O'Reilly S; O'Brien E; Walker H; O'Carroll E; Courtney J; McAuliffe F (2020) '“The boob answers a lot of problems”: Exploring barriers and enablers to successful extended breastfeeding in women with high BMIs'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Sullivan EJ; Fallon L; Byrne F; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Compared to women without obesity, women with obesity have reduced odds of breastfeeding initiation and breastfeeding at hospital discharge'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Toole R; Dicker P; Burke G; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Daly S; Higgins JR; Hunter A; Morrison J; Higgins S (2020) '1131: Growth velocity in monochorionic and dichorionic twins - results of the multicenter ESPRiT Twin Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S695-S696. |
O’Leary BD; Walsh M; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; Knowles SJ; Mahony RM; Downey P (2020) 'The etiology of stillbirth over 30 years: A cross-sectional study in a tertiary referral unit'. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica  |
O’Neill IJ; Sanchez Gallardo R; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM; van Sinderen D (2020) 'Maternal and infant factors that shape neonatal gut colonization by bacteria'. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 (8) :651-664. |
O’Sullivan EJ; Rokicki S; Kennelly M; Ainscough K; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness of a mobile health-supported lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with an elevated body mass index'. International Journal of Obesity 44 (5) :999-1010. |
Rafferty AR; Geraghty AA; Kennelly MA; O’Brien EC; Reji RM; Mehegan J; Segurado R; Smith T; Maguire O; Cronin M (2020) 'Limited Impact of Fetal Sex and Maternal Body Mass Index on Fetal and Maternal Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism: Findings from the PEARs Study'. Reproductive Sciences 27 (2) :513-522. |
Rogozińska E; Zamora J; Marlin N; Betrán AP; Astrup A; Bogaerts A; Cecatti JG; Dodd JM; Facchinetti F; Geiker NRW (2019) 'Gestational weight gain outside the Institute of Medicine recommendations and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Analysis using individual participant data from randomised trials'. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1)  |
Ryan G; Doherty KCO; Devane D; McAuliffe F; Morrison J (2019) 'Questionnaire survey on women's views after a first caesarean delivery in two tertiary centres in Ireland and their preference for involvement in a future randomised trial on mode of birth'. BMJ Open 9 (10)  |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article'. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article.'. The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Sheiner E; Kapur A; Retnakaran R; Hadar E; Poon LC; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Staff AC; Narula J; Kihara AB (2019) 'FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Postpregnancy Initiative: Long-term Maternal Implications of Pregnancy Complications-Follow-up Considerations.'. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 147 Suppl 1 :1-31. |
Smith M; O’Brien EC; Alberdi G; Geraghty AA; Kilbane M; McKenna MJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Association between vitamin D status in early pregnancy and atopy in offspring in a vitamin D deplete cohort'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :563-570. |
Thangaratinam S; Cooray SD; Sukumar N; Huda MSB; Devlieger R; Benhalima K; McAuliffe F; Saravanan P; Teede HJ (2020) 'Diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes mellitus'. European Journal of Endocrinology 183 (2) :G49-G56. |
Walsh NM; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Byrne DF; Whelan A; Reilly S; Murray S; Reilly C; Adams E; Farnan PM (2020) 'Taking guidance from parents involved in a longitudinal birth cohort-the ROLO family advisory committee'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Yelverton CA; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Killeen SL; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Larkin E; Mehegan J; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Breastfeeding and maternal eating behaviours are associated with child eating behaviours: findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  |
Professor Amanda McCann |
Bates M; Furlong F; Gallagher MF; Spillane CD; McCann A; O'Toole S; O'Leary JJ (2020) 'Too MAD or not MAD enough: The duplicitous role of the spindle assembly checkpoint protein MAD2 in cancer'. Cancer Letters 469 :11-21. |
Goh CY; Wyse C; Ho M; O'Beirne E; Howard J; Lindsay S; Kelly P; Higgins M; McCann A (2020) 'Exosomes in triple negative breast cancer: Garbage disposals or Trojan horses?'. Cancer Letters 473 :90-97. |
Greville G; Llop E; Huang C; Creagh-Flynn J; Pfister S; O'Flaherty R; Madden SF; Peracaula R; Rudd PM; McCann A (2020) 'Hypoxia Alters Epigenetic and N-Glycosylation Profiles of Ovarian and Breast Cancer Cell Lines in-vitro'. Frontiers in Oncology 10  |
Ho M; Chen T; Liu J; Dowling P; Hideshima T; Zhang L; Morelli E; Camci-Unal G; Wu X; Tai YT (2020) 'Targeting histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) in the bone marrow microenvironment inhibits multiple myeloma proliferation by modulating exosomes and IL-6 trans-signaling'. Leukemia 34 (1) :196-209. |
Dr Fiona McGillicuddy |
Bruen R; Curley S; Kajani S; Lynch G; O'Reilly ME; Dillon ET; Fitzsimons S; Mthunzi L; Mcgillicuddy FC; Belton O (2019) 'Different monocyte phenotypes result in proresolving macrophages in conjugated linoleic acid-induced attenuated progression and regression of atherosclerosis'. FASEB Journal 33 (10) :11006-11020. |
Curley S; Gall J; Byrne R; Yvan-Charvet L; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Metabolic Inflammation in Obesity—At the Crossroads between Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Metabolism'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Professor Edward McKone |
Bell SC; Mall MA; Gutierrez H; Macek M; Madge S; Davies JC; Burgel PR; Tullis E; Castaños C; Castellani C (2020) 'The future of cystic fibrosis care: a global perspective'. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8 (1) :65-124. |
Cosgriff R; Ahern S; Bell SC; Brownlee K; Burgel PR; Byrnes C; Corvol H; Cheng SY; Elbert A; Faro A (2020) 'A multinational report to characterise SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with cystic fibrosis'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 19 (3) :355-358. |
Davies JC; Van de Steen O; van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel S; Drevinek P; Derichs N; McKone EF; Kanters D; Allamassey L; Namour F; de Kock H (2019) 'GLPG1837, a CFTR potentiator, in p.Gly551Asp (G551D)-CF patients: An open-label, single-arm, phase 2a study (SAPHIRA1)'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 18 (5) :693-699. |
Debley JS; Barrow KA; Rich LM; Singh P; McKone EF; Nichols DP (2020) 'Correlation between Ivacaftor-induced CFTR Activation in Airway Epithelial Cells and Improved Lung Function: A Proof-of-Concept Study'. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 17 (8) :1024-1027. |
Heijerman HGM; McKone EF; Downey DG; Van Braeckel E; Rowe SM; Tullis E; Mall MA; Welter JJ; Ramsey BW; McKee CM (2019) 'Efficacy and safety of the elexacaftor plus tezacaftor plus ivacaftor combination regimen in people with cystic fibrosis homozygous for the F508del mutation: a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial'. The Lancet 394 (10212) :1940-1948. |
Hisert KB; Birkland TP; Schoenfelt KQ; Long ME; Grogan B; Carter S; Liles WC; McKone EF; Becker L; Manicone AM (2020) 'CFTR Modulator Therapy Enhances Peripheral Blood Monocyte Contributions to Immune Responses in People With Cystic Fibrosis'. Frontiers in Pharmacology 11  |
McKone EF; Jackson AD; Fletcher G; Kirwan L (2020) 'Dornase alfa and rate of lung function decline in European patients with cystic fibrosis: A retrospective registry cohort study'. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis  |
Middleton PG; Mall MA; Dřevínek P; Lands LC; McKone EF; Polineni D; Ramsey BW; Taylor-Cousar JL; Tullis E; Vermeulen F (2019) 'Elexacaftor-tezacaftor-ivacaftor for cystic fibrosis with a single Phe508del allele'. New England Journal of Medicine 381 (19) :1809-1819. |
Useckaite Z; Ward MP; Trappe A; Reilly R; Lennon J; Davage H; Matallanas D; Cassidy H; Dillon ET; Brennan K (2020) 'Increased extracellular vesicles mediate inflammatory signalling in cystic fibrosis'. Thorax 75 (6) :449-458. |
Professor Paul McLoughlin |
Li L; Xu M; Rowan SC; Howell K; Russell-Hallinan A; Donnelly SC; McLoughlin P; Baugh JA (2020) 'The effects of genetic deletion of Macrophage migration inhibitory factor on the chronically hypoxic pulmonary circulation'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (4)  |
Rowan SC; Jahns H; Mthunzi L; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Doody R; Frohlich S; Callanan JJ; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 depletion in vivo causes severe enteropathy and bone marrow failure'. Journal of Pathology 251 (2) :117-122. |
Rowan SC; Piouceau L; Cornwell J; Li L; McLoughlin P (2020) 'Gremlin 1 blocks vascular endothelial growth factor signaling in the pulmonary microvascular endothelium'. Pulmonary Circulation 10 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Tara McMorrow |
Cassidy H; Slyne J; Higgins M; Radford R; Conlon PJ; Watson AJ; Ryan MP; McMorrow T; Slattery C (2019) 'Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is localised to the primary cilium in renal tubular epithelial cells - A novel source of urinary biomarkers of renal injury'. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease 1865 (12)  |
Islam MN; Griffin TP; Sander E; Rocks S; Qazi J; Cabral J; McCaul J; McMorrow T; Griffin MD (2019) 'Human mesenchymal stromal cells broadly modulate high glucose-induced inflammatory responses of renal proximal tubular cell monolayers'. Stem Cell Research and Therapy 10 (1)  |
Obaidi I; Cassidy H; Gaspar Ibanez V; McCaul J; Higgins M; McMorrow T (2020) 'Curcumin Sensitizes Kidney Cancer Cells to TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis via ROS Mediated Activation of JNK-CHOP Pathway and Upregulation of DR4'. Biology Open  |
Obaidi I; Cassidy H; Gaspar VI; McCaul J; Higgins M; Halász M; Reynolds AL; Kennedy BN; McMorrow T (2020) 'Curcumin sensitizes kidney cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis via ROS mediated activation of JNK-CHOP pathway and upregulation of DR4'. Biology 9 (5)  |
Professor Walter McNicholas |
Ahern T; O’Malley E; Dunlevy C; Khattak A; O’Brien H; Hassan T; Cusack T; McNicholas WT; O’Shea D (2020) 'Sleep duration and physical function in people with severe obesity: a prospective cross-sectional study'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :517-523. |
Anttalainen U; Grote L; Fietze I; Riha RL; Ryan S; Staats R; Hedner J; Saaresranta T; Barbé F; Bonsignore MR (2019) 'Insomnia symptoms combined with nocturnal hypoxia associate with cardiovascular comorbidity in the European sleep apnea cohort (ESADA)'. Sleep and Breathing 23 (3) :805-814. |
Bassetti CLA; Randerath W; Vignatelli L; Ferini-Strambi L; Brill AK; Bonsignore MR; Grote L; Jennum P; Leys D; Minnerup J (2020) 'EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke'. European Journal of Neurology 27 (7) :1117-1136. |
Bassetti CLA; Randerath W; Vignatelli L; Ferini-Strambi L; Brill AK; Bonsignore MR; Grote L; Jennum P; Leys D; Minnerup J (2020) 'EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke'. The European respiratory journal 55 (4)  |
Bouloukaki I; Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Verbraecken J; Parati G; Lombardi C; Basoglu OK; Pataka A; Marrone O (2020) 'Mild obstructive sleep apnea increases hypertension risk, challenging traditional severity classification'. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 16 (6) :889-898. |
Crinion SJ; Tiron R; Lyon G; Zaffaroni A; Kilroy H; Doheny E; O'Hare E; Boyle P; Russell A; Traynor M (2020) 'Ambulatory detection of sleep apnea using a non-contact biomotion sensor'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (1)  |
Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Anttalainen U; Saaresranta T; Basoglu OK; Gunduz C; Tasbakan S; Bouloukaki I; Schiza SE (2020) 'Sleep apnoea management in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic – Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA)'. European Respiratory Journal 55 (6)  |
Gunduz C; Basoglu OK; Hedner J; Bonsignore MR; Hein H; Staats R; Bouloukaki I; Roisman G; Pataka A; Sliwinski P (2019) 'Hyperlipidaemia prevalence and cholesterol control in obstructive sleep apnoea: Data from the European sleep apnea database (ESADA)'. Journal of Internal Medicine 286 (6) :676-688. |
Lombardi C; Parati G; Soranna D; Zambon A; Sliwinski P; Roisman G; Pepin JL; Schiza S; Riha R; Joppa P (2020) 'Periodic limb movements during sleep and blood pressure changes in sleep apnoea: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database'. Respirology 25 (8) :872-879. |
McNicholas WT (2019) 'Sleep Disturbances and Disorders: A Poorly Recognized Accident Risk'. Sleep Medicine Clinics 14 (4) :xiii-xiv. |
McNicholas WT (2019) 'Sleepiness and Driving: The Role of Official Regulation'. Sleep Medicine Clinics 14 (4) :491-498. |
McNicholas WT (2020) 'Active management of mild obstructive sleep apnoea: the evidence grows'. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8 (4) :322-323. |
McNicholas WT; Hansson D; Schiza S; Grote L (2019) 'Sleep in chronic respiratory disease: COPD and hypoventilation disorders'. European Respiratory Review 28 (153)  |
Peker Y; Ozaydin AN; Cetinkaya R; Kabadayi E; Karakucuk AG; Celik Y; McNicholas WT (2020) 'Reliability of the Turkish version of the European Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening (EUROSAS) questionnaire for drivers'. Sleep and Breathing  |
Pevernagie DA; Gnidovec-Strazisar B; Grote L; Heinzer R; McNicholas WT; Penzel T; Randerath W; Schiza S; Verbraecken J; Arnardottir ES (2020) 'On the rise and fall of the apnea−hypopnea index: A historical review and critical appraisal'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (4)  |
Wächter M; Kantelhardt JW; Bonsignore MR; Bouloukaki I; Escourrou P; Fietze I; Grote L; Korzybski D; Lombardi C; Marrone O (2020) 'Unique sleep-stage transitions determined by obstructive sleep apnea severity, age and gender'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (2)  |
Professor Wim Meijer |
Vázquez-Boland JA; Scortti M; Meijer WG (2020) 'Conservation of rhodococcus equi (Magnusson 1923) goodfellow and alderson 1977 and rejection of rhodococcus hoagii (morse 1912) kämpfer et al. 2014'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (5) :3572-3576. |
Professor Grace Mulcahy |
Buffoni L; Garza-Cuartero L; Pérez-Caballero R; Zafra R; Javier Martínez-Moreno F; Molina-Hernández V; Pérez J; Martínez-Moreno Á; Mulcahy G (2020) 'Identification of protective peptides of Fasciola hepatica-derived cathepsin L1 (FhCL1) in vaccinated sheep by a linear B-cell epitope mapping approach'. Parasites and Vectors 13 (1)  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; Kennedy A; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers R (2019) 'Comparison of four commercially available ELISA kits for diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in Irish cattle'. BMC Veterinary Research 15 (1)  |
Munita MP; Rea R; Martinez-Ibeas AM; Byrne N; McGrath G; Munita-Corbalan LE; Sekiya M; Mulcahy G; Sayers RG (2019) 'Liver fluke in Irish sheep: Prevalence and associations with management practices and co-infection with rumen fluke'. Parasites and Vectors 12 (1)  |
Quigley A; Sekiya M; Garcia-Campos A; Paz-Silva A; Howell A; Williams DJL; Mulcahy G (2020) 'Horses are susceptible to natural, but resistant to experimental, infection with the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica'. Veterinary Parasitology 281  |
Walshe N; Mulcahy G; Crispie F; Cabrera-Rubio R; Cotter P; Jahns H; Duggan V (2020) 'Outbreak of acute larval cyathostominosis – A “perfect storm” of inflammation and dysbiosis'. Equine Veterinary Journal  |
Dr Peter O'Brien |
Johnson JP; Stack JD; McGivney CL; Garrett MP; O’Brien PJ (2019) 'DGGR-lipase for effective diagnosis of pancreatitis in horses'. Comparative Clinical Pathology 28 (6) :1625-1636. |
Pourrat JCN; O’Brien PJ (2020) 'Report and abstracts for 20th ACCP conference with training workshops, and technology exhibits'. Comparative Clinical Pathology 29 (1) :5-15. |
Twarog C; Liu K; O'Brien PJ; Dawson KA; Fattal E; Illel B; Brayden DJ (2020) 'A head-to-head Caco-2 assay comparison of the mechanisms of action of the intestinal permeation enhancers: SNAC and sodium caprate (C10)'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 152 :95-107. |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Cearbhaill |
Duffy P; McMahon S; Wang X; Keaveney S; O'Cearbhaill ED; Quintana I; Rodríguez FJ; Wang W (2019) 'Synthetic bioresorbable poly-α-hydroxyesters as peripheral nerve guidance conduits; A review of material properties, design strategies and their efficacy to date'. Biomaterials Science 7 (12) :4912-4943. |
Humphreys O; Pickering M; O'Cearbhaill ED; Flanagan TC (2020) 'A biomimetic urethral model to evaluate urinary catheter lubricity and epithelial micro-trauma'. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 108  |
Krieger KJ; Bertollo N; Dangol M; Sheridan JT; Lowery MM; O’Cearbhaill ED (2019) 'Simple and customizable method for fabrication of high-aspect ratio microneedle molds using low-cost 3D printing'. Microsystems and Nanoengineering 5 (1)  |
McMahon CJ; Ayoubi K; Mehanna R; Phelan E; O'Cearbhaill E; Russell J; Nölke L (2020) 'Outcome of congenital tracheal stenosis in children over two decades in a national cardiothoracic surgical unit'. Cardiology in the Young 30 (1) :34-38. |
O'Cearbhaill E (2019) 'Shedding light on implant-associated infection'. Science Translational Medicine 11 (511)  |
O'Cearbhaill ED; Laulicht B; Mitchell N; Yu L; Valic M; Masiakos P; Karp JM (2019) 'A Radial Clutch Needle for Facile and Safe Tissue Compartment Access.'. Medical devices & sensors 2 (43987)  |
O’Cearbhaill E (2019) 'Bound to get to the heart of a sticky problem'. Science Translational Medicine 11 (519) :eaaz9755-eaaz9755. |
O’Cearbhaill E (2020) 'Angling for a bug-inspired method of coating therapeutics onto microneedles'. Science Translational Medicine 12 (527) :eaba2914-eaba2914. |
Scheiner KC; Coulter F; Maas-Bakker RF; Ghersi G; Nguyen TT; Steendam R; Duffy GP; Hennink WE; O'Cearbhaill ED; Kok RJ (2020) 'Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor–Releasing Microspheres Based on Poly(ε-Caprolactone-PEG-ε-Caprolactone)-b-Poly(L-Lactide) Multiblock Copolymers Incorporated in a Three-Dimensional Printed Poly(Dimethylsiloxane) Cell Macroencapsulation Device'. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109 (1) :863-870. |
Assoc Professor David O'Connell |
McGauran G; Linse S; O’Connell DJ (2020) 'Single step purification of glycogen synthase kinase isoforms from small scale transient expression in HEK293 cells with a calcium-dependent fragment complementation system'. 2095 :385-396. |
Synnott NC; O’Connell D; Crown J; Duffy MJ (2020) 'COTI-2 reactivates mutant p53 and inhibits growth of triple-negative breast cancer cells'. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 179 (1) :47-56. |
Professor Kevin O'Connor |
Beagan N; O'Connor KE; Del Val IJ (2020) 'Model-based operational optimisation of a microbial bioprocess converting terephthalic acid to biomass'. Biochemical Engineering Journal 158  |
Blank LM; Narancic T; Mampel J; Tiso T; O'Connor K (2020) 'Biotechnological upcycling of plastic waste and other non-conventional feedstocks in a circular economy'. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62 :212-219. |
Cerrone F; Pozner T; Siddiqui A; Ceppi P; Winner B; Rajendiran M; Babu R; Ibrahim HS; Rodriguez BJ; Winkler J (2020) 'Polyhydroxyphenylvalerate/polycaprolactone nanofibers improve the life-span and mechanoresponse of human IPSC-derived cortical neuronal cells'. Materials Science and Engineering C 111  |
Cerrone F; Radivojevic J; Nikodinovic-Runic J; Walsh M; Kenny ST; Babu R; O'Connor KE (2019) 'Novel sodium alkyl-1,3-disulfates, anionic biosurfactants produced from microbial polyesters'. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 182  |
Jaksic J; Ostojic S; Micic D; Tokic Vujosevic Z; Milovanovic J; Karkalic R; O'Connor KE; Kenny ST; Casey W; Nikodinovic-Runic J (2020) 'Thermal properties of 3-hydroxy fatty acids and their binary mixtures as phase change energy storage materials'. International Journal of Energy Research 44 (2) :1294-1302. |
Narancic T; Cerrone F; Beagan N; O'Connor KE (2020) 'Recent advances in bioplastics: Application and biodegradation'. Polymers 12 (4)  |
RameshKumar S; Shaiju P; O'Connor KE; P RB (2020) 'Bio-based and biodegradable polymers - State-of-the-art, challenges and emerging trends'. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 21 :75-81. |
Ruiz C; Kenny ST; Narancic T; Babu R; Connor KO (2019) 'Conversion of waste cooking oil into medium chain polyhydroxyalkanoates in a high cell density fermentation'. Journal of Biotechnology 306 :9-15. |
Dr Tadhg Ó'Cróinín |
Whelan MVX; Ardill L; Koide K; Nakajima C; Suzuki Y; Simpson JC; Ó Cróinín T (2019) 'Acquisition of fluoroquinolone resistance leads to increased biofilm formation and pathogenicity in Campylobacter jejuni'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Stefan Oscarson |
Crawford C; Cordero RJB; Guazzelli L; Wear M; Bowen A; Oscarson S; Casadevall A (2019) 'Exploring Cryptococcus neoformans capsule structure and assembly with a hydroxylamine-armed fluorescent probe'.  |
Crawford C; Oscarson S (2020) 'Optimized Conditions for the Palladium-Catalyzed Hydrogenolysis of Benzyl and Naphthylmethyl Ethers: Preventing Saturation of Aromatic Protecting Groups'. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020 (22) :3332-3337. |
Crawford CJ; Cordero RJB; Guazzelli L; Wear MP; Bowen A; Oscarson S; Casadevall A (2020) 'Exploring Cryptococcus neoformans capsule structure and assembly with a hydroxylamine-armed fluorescent probe'. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (13) :4327-4340. |
Kuttel MM; Casadevall A; Oscarson S (2020) 'Cryptococcus neoformans capsular GXM conformation and epitope presentation: A molecular modelling study'. Molecules 25 (11)  |
Long M; Ní Cheallaigh A; Reihill M; Oscarson S; Lahmann M (2020) 'Synthesis of type 1 Lewis b hexasaccharide antigen structures featuring flexible incorporation of l-[U-13C6]-fucose for NMR binding studies'. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 18 (23) :4452-4458. |
Mah PT; O'Connell P; Focaroli S; Lundy R; O'Mahony TF; Hastedt JE; Gitlin I; Oscarson S; Fahy JV; Healy AM (2019) 'The use of hydrophobic amino acids in protecting spray dried trehalose formulations against moisture-induced changes'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 144 :139-153. |
Martínez JD; Infantino AS; Valverde P; Diercks T; Delgado S; Reichardt NC; Ardá A; Cañada FJ; Oscarson S; Jiménez-Barbero J (2020) 'The interaction of fluorinated glycomimetics with dc-sign: Multiple binding modes disentangled by the combination of NMR methods and MD simulations'. Pharmaceuticals 13 (8) :1-18. |
Mthembu YH; Jin C; Padra M; Liu J; Edlund JO; Ma H; Padra J; Oscarson S; Borén T; Karlsson NG (2020) 'Recombinant mucin-type proteins carrying LacdiNAc on differentO-glycan core chains fail to supportH. pyloribinding'. Molecular Omics 16 (3) :243-257. |
Professor Donal O'Shea |
Gildea N; Rocha J; McDermott A; O'Shea D; Green S; Egaña M (2019) 'Influence of type 2 diabetes on muscle deoxygenation during ramp incremental cycle exercise'. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 269  |
Hams E; Roberts J; Bermingham R; Hogan AE; O'Shea D; O'Neill L; Fallon PG (2020) 'Role for Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha (RORα) Expressing Macrophages in Diet-Induced Obesity'. Frontiers in Immunology 11  |
Papamargaritis D; Al-Najim W; Lim J; Crane J; Lean M; Le Roux C; McGowan B; O'Shea D; Webb D; Wilding J (2020) 'Effectiveness and cost of integrating a pragmatic pathway for prescribing liraglutide 3.0 mg in obesity services (STRIVE study): Study protocol of an open-label, real-world, randomised, controlled trial'. BMJ Open 10 (2)  |
Pisarska MM; Dunne MR; O'Shea D; Hogan AE (2020) 'Interleukin-17 producing mucosal associated invariant T cells - emerging players in chronic inflammatory diseases?'. European Journal of Immunology 50 (8) :1098-1108. |
Rocha J; Gildea N; O'Shea D; Green S; Egaña M (2020) 'Reply to Senefeld et al'. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 128 (1) :227. |
Dr Niamh O'Sullivan |
Fowler PC; Garcia-Pardo ME; Simpson JC; O’Sullivan NC (2019) 'NeurodegenERation: The Central Role for ER Contacts in Neuronal Function and Axonopathy, Lessons From Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias and Related Diseases'. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13  |
Professor Stephen Pennington |
Malik UU; Siddiqui IA; Ilyas A; Hashim Z; Staunton L; Kwasnik A; Pennington SR; Zarina S (2020) 'Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins from Smokeless Tobacco Addicted Patients Suffering from Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma'. Pathology and Oncology Research 26 (3) :1489-1497. |
Moroni L; Barbaro F; Caiment F; Coleman O; Costagliola S; Di Conza G; Elviri L; Giselbrecht S; Krause C; Mota C (2020) 'Screened: A multistage model of thyroid gland function for screening endocrine-disrupting chemicals in a biologically sex-specific manner'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (10)  |
Omenn GS; Lane L; Overall CM; Corrales FJ; Schwenk JM; Paik YK; Van Eyk JE; Liu S; Pennington S; Snyder MP (2019) 'Progress on Identifying and Characterizing the Human Proteome: 2019 Metrics from the HUPO Human Proteome Project'. Journal of Proteome Research 18 (12) :4098-4107. |
Ritchlin CT; Pennington SR; Reynolds NJ; FitzGerald O (2020) 'Moving toward precision medicine in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :19-24. |
Tonry C; McDonald K; Ledwidge M; Hernandez B; Glezeva N; Rooney C; Morrissey B; Pennington SR; Baugh JA; Watson CJ (2019) '37 Multiplexed measurement of candidate protein biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in blood'. Moderated Poster Abstracts 2  |
Waxman R; Stober C; Jadon DR; Orbai AM; Chandran V; Ogdie A; Pennington SR; De Wit M; O'Sullivan D; Mease PJ (2020) 'Proceedings of the 2019 grappa collaborative research network meeting'. Journal of Rheumatology 96 :25-30. |
Dr Antoinette Perry |
Connell SP; O'Reilly E; Tuzova A; Webb M; Hurst R; Mills R; Zhao F; Bapat B; Cooper CS; Perry AS (2020) 'Development of a multivariable risk model integrating urinary cell DNA methylation and cell-free RNA data for the detection of significant prostate cancer'. Prostate 80 (7) :547-558. |
Connell SP; Yazbek-Hanna M; McCarthy F; Hurst R; Webb M; Curley H; Walker H; Mills R; Ball RY; Sanda MG (2019) 'A four-group urine risk classifier for predicting outcomes in patients with prostate cancer'. BJU International 124 (4) :609-620. |
Connor AE; Jordan AC; Perry AS (2019) 'Holding a MIRror up to the robustness of the prostate cancer urinary transcriptome'. Translational Andrology and Urology 8 :S488-S490. |
Drost FJH; Nieboer D; Morgan TM; Carroll PR; Roobol MJ; Trock B; Ehdaie B; Carroll P; Filson C; Kim J (2019) 'Predicting Biopsy Outcomes During Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer: External Validation of the Canary Prostate Active Surveillance Study Risk Calculators in Five Large Active Surveillance Cohorts'. European Urology 76 (5) :693-702. |
Silva R; Moran B; Russell NM; Fahey C; Vlajnic T; Manecksha RP; Finn SP; Brennan DJ; Gallagher WM; Perry AS (2020) 'Evaluating liquid biopsies for methylomic profiling of prostate cancer'. Epigenetics 15 (44018) :715-727. |
Professor Prem Puri |
Coyle D; O'Donnell AM; Tomuschat C; Gillick J; Puri P (2019) 'The Extent of the Transition Zone in Hirschsprung Disease'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 54 (11) :2318-2324. |
Duess JW; Schaller MC; Lacher M; Sorge I; Puri P; Gosemann JH (2020) 'Accidental bladder injury during elective inguinal hernia repair: a preventable complication with high morbidity'. Pediatric Surgery International 36 (2) :235-239. |
Friedmacher F; Puri P (2019) 'Ureteral Obstruction After Endoscopic Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux: Does the Type of Injected Bulking Agent Matter?'. Current Urology Reports 20 (9)  |
Hunziker M; O'Donnell AM; Gosemann J; Alvarez LA; Puri P (2020) 'Altered anoctamin-1 and tyrosine phosphorylation in congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 55 (8) :1621-1625. |
Long AM; Bunch KJ; Knight M; Kurinczuk JJ; Losty PD; Marven S; Draper E; Johnson P; Brocklehurst P; Howe D (2019) 'One-year outcomes of infants born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: A national population cohort study'. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 104 (6) :F643-F647. |
Nakamura H; O’Donnell AM; Tomuschat C; Coyle D; Puri P (2019) 'Altered expression of caveolin-1 in the colon of patients with Hirschsprung’s disease'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (9) :929-934. |
Nakamura H; Puri P (2020) 'Concurrent Hirschsprung’s disease and anorectal malformation: a systematic review'. Pediatric Surgery International 36 (1) :21-24. |
O'Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Puri P (2020) 'Tuft Cells: A New Player in Hirschsprung's Disease'. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 30 (1) :59-63. |
O’ Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Puri P (2019) 'Altered ryanodine receptor gene expression in Hirschsprung’s disease'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (9) :923-927. |
O’Donnell AM; Nakamura H; Parekh B; Puri P (2019) 'Decreased expression of TRAAK channels in Hirschsprung’s disease: a possible cause of postoperative dysmotility'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (12) :1431-1435. |
Puri P (2019) 'The 32nd International Symposium on Paediatric Surgical Research'. Pediatric Surgery International 35 (12) :1327. |
Takahashi T; Friedmacher F; Zimmer J; Puri P (2020) 'Pbx1, Meis1, and Runx1 expression is decreased in the diaphragmatic and pulmonary mesenchyme of rats with nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia'. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery  |
Tomuschat C; O'Donnell AM; Coyle D; Puri P (2020) 'Increased protease activated receptors in the colon of patients with Hirschsprung's disease'. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 55 (8) :1488-1494. |
Dr Emmanuel Reynaud |
Alruwaili M; Lopez JA; McCarthy K; Reynaud EG; Rodriguez BJ (2019) 'Liquid-phase 3D bioprinting of gelatin alginate hydrogels: influence of printing parameters on hydrogel line width and layer height'. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 2 (3) :172-180. |
Merces G; Kennedy C; Lenoci B; Reynaud E; Burke N; Pickering M (2020) 'The Incubot: A 3D Printer-Based Microscope for Long-Term Live Cell Imaging within a Tissue Culture Incubator'.  |
Torres-Leguizamon M; Reynaud EG; Néfau T; Duplessy C (2020) 'HaRePo (harm reduction by post): An innovative and effective harm reduction programme for people who use drugs using email, telephone, and post service'. Harm Reduction Journal 17 (1)  |
Professor Helen Roche |
Alligier M; Barrès R; Blaak EE; Boirie Y; Bouwman J; Brunault P; Campbell K; Clément K; Farooqi IS; Farpour-Lambert NJ (2020) 'OBEDIS Core Variables Project: European Expert Guidelines on a Minimal Core Set of Variables to Include in Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trials of Obesity Interventions'. Obesity Facts 13 (1) :1-28. |
Collins CB; Roche HM (2020) 'Personalized Nutrition for Inflammatory Bowel Disease'. Crohn's & Colitis 360 2 (3)  |
De Marco Castro E; Calder PC; Roche HM (2020) 'β-1,3/1,6-Glucans and Immunity: State of the Art and Future Directions'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Fitzpatrick SF; King AD; O’Donnell C; Roche HM; Ryan S (2020) 'Mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia-mediated macrophage activation – potential therapeutic targets for obstructive sleep apnoea'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
Gleeson LE; Roche HM; Sheedy FJ (2020) 'Running Title: Obesity, COVID-19 and Innate Immunometabolism'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Hansen AMB; Wium C; Lee S; Tierney AC; McCarthy D; Roche HM; Drevon CA; Birkeland KI; Gulseth HL (2020) 'Substantial inter-individual variations in insulin secretion and sensitivity across the glucometabolic spectrum'. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 80 (4) :282-290. |
Lynch GM; Murphy CH; Castro EDM; Roche HM (2020) 'Inflammation and Metabolism-The Role of Adiposity in Sarcopenic Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
Maruvada P; Lampe JW; Wishart DS; Barupal D; Chester DN; Dodd D; Djoumbou-Feunang Y; Dorrestein PC; Dragsted LO; Draper J (2020) 'Perspective: Dietary Biomarkers of Intake and Exposure - Exploration with Omics Approaches'. Advances in Nutrition 11 (2) :200-215. |
Matualatupauw JC; O'Grada C; Hughes MF; Roche HM; Afman LA; Bouwman J (2019) 'Integrated Analys of High-Fat Challenge-Induced Changes in Blood Cell Whole-Genome Gene Expression'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (20)  |
Mitchelson KAJ; de Marco Castro E; Hueston CM; Lynch GM; Keogh EA; Tran TTT; Vlckova K; Roche HM; O'Toole PW (2020) 'Baker's yeast (1→3)-β-D-glucan Influences Insulin Sensitivity in Mice with Humanized Obese Diabetic Microbiome in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Murphy AM; Smith CE; Murphy LM; Follis JL; Tanaka T; Richardson K; Noordam R; Lemaitre RN; Kähönen M; Dupuis J (2019) 'Potential Interplay between Dietary Saturated Fats and Genetic Variants of the NLRP3 Inflammasome to Modulate Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Risk: Insights from a Meta-Analysis of 19 005 Individuals'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (22)  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; McGillicuddy FC; O'Toole PW; Roche HM (2020) 'Microbiome transfer between IL-1RI-/- and wild-type mice during high or low-fat feeding alters metabolic tissue functionality but not glucose homeostasis.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Professor Brian Rodriguez |
Almohammed S; Tade Barwich S; Mitchell AK; Rodriguez BJ; Rice JH (2019) 'Enhanced photocatalysis and biomolecular sensing with field-activated nanotube-nanoparticle templates'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Alruwaili M; Lopez JA; McCarthy K; Reynaud EG; Rodriguez BJ (2019) 'Liquid-phase 3D bioprinting of gelatin alginate hydrogels: influence of printing parameters on hydrogel line width and layer height'. Bio-Design and Manufacturing 2 (3) :172-180. |
Barra A; Alves Z; Ferreira NM; Martins MA; Oliveira H; Ferreira LP; Cruz MM; Carvalho MDD; Neumayer SM; Rodriguez BJ (2020) 'Biocompatible chitosan-based composites with properties suitable for hyperthermia therapy'. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 8 (6) :1256-1265. |
Behroozfar A; Hossain Bhuiyan ME; Daryadel S; Edwards D; Rodriguez BJ; Minary-Jolandan M (2020) 'Additive printing of pure nanocrystalline nickel thin films using room environment electroplating'. Nanotechnology 31 (5)  |
Cerrone F; Pozner T; Siddiqui A; Ceppi P; Winner B; Rajendiran M; Babu R; Ibrahim HS; Rodriguez BJ; Winkler J (2020) 'Polyhydroxyphenylvalerate/polycaprolactone nanofibers improve the life-span and mechanoresponse of human IPSC-derived cortical neuronal cells'. Materials Science and Engineering C 111  |
Delaney C; Geoghegan N; Ibrahim H; O’Loughlin M; Rodriguez BJ; Florea L; Kelleher SM (2020) 'Direct Laser Writing to Generate Molds for Polymer Nanopillar Replication'. ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (8) :3632-3641. |
Moreno S; Keshtkar J; Rodriguez-Davila RA; Bazaid A; Ibrahim H; Rodriguez BJ; Quevedo-Lopez MA; Minary-Jolandan M (2020) 'Bioelectronics on Mammalian Collagen'. Advanced Electronic Materials 6 (8)  |
Thomas D; Marsico G; Isa ILM; Thirumaran A; Chen X; Lukasz B; Fontana G; Rodriguez B; Marchetti-Deschmann M; O Brien T (2020) 'Temporal changes guided by mesenchymal stem cells on a 3D microgel platform enhance angiogenesis in vivo at a low-cell dose'. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (32) :19033-19044. |
Zhang F; Edwards D; Deng X; Wang Y; Kilpatrick JI; Bassiri-Gharb N; Kumar A; Chen D; Gao X; Rodriguez BJ (2020) 'Investigation of AFM-based machining of ferroelectric thin films at the nanoscale'. Journal of Applied Physics 127 (3)  |
Dr Silke Ryan |
Anttalainen U; Grote L; Fietze I; Riha RL; Ryan S; Staats R; Hedner J; Saaresranta T; Barbé F; Bonsignore MR (2019) 'Insomnia symptoms combined with nocturnal hypoxia associate with cardiovascular comorbidity in the European sleep apnea cohort (ESADA)'. Sleep and Breathing 23 (3) :805-814. |
Crinion SJ; Tiron R; Lyon G; Zaffaroni A; Kilroy H; Doheny E; O'Hare E; Boyle P; Russell A; Traynor M (2020) 'Ambulatory detection of sleep apnea using a non-contact biomotion sensor'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (1)  |
Fitzpatrick SF; King AD; O’Donnell C; Roche HM; Ryan S (2020) 'Mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia-mediated macrophage activation – potential therapeutic targets for obstructive sleep apnoea'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
Grote L; McNicholas WT; Hedner J; Anttalainen U; Saaresranta T; Basoglu OK; Gunduz C; Tasbakan S; Bouloukaki I; Schiza SE (2020) 'Sleep apnoea management in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic – Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database (ESADA)'. European Respiratory Journal 55 (6)  |
Gunduz C; Basoglu OK; Hedner J; Bonsignore MR; Hein H; Staats R; Bouloukaki I; Roisman G; Pataka A; Sliwinski P (2019) 'Hyperlipidaemia prevalence and cholesterol control in obstructive sleep apnoea: Data from the European sleep apnea database (ESADA)'. Journal of Internal Medicine 286 (6) :676-688. |
Lombardi C; Parati G; Soranna D; Zambon A; Sliwinski P; Roisman G; Pepin JL; Schiza S; Riha R; Joppa P (2020) 'Periodic limb movements during sleep and blood pressure changes in sleep apnoea: Data from the European Sleep Apnoea Database'. Respirology 25 (8) :872-879. |
O'Carroll O; MacCann R; O'Reilly A; Dunican EM; Feeney ER; Ryan S; Cotter A; Mallon PW; Keane MP; Butler MW (2020) 'Remote monitoring of oxygen saturation in individuals with COVID-19 pneumonia'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Ryan S; Cummins EP; Farre R; Gileles-Hillel A; Jun JC; Oster H; Pepin JL; Ray DW; Reutrakul S; Sanchez-De-La-Torre M (2020) 'Understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiometabolic complications in obstructive sleep apnoea: Towards personalised treatment approaches'. European Respiratory Journal 56 (2)  |
Wächter M; Kantelhardt JW; Bonsignore MR; Bouloukaki I; Escourrou P; Fietze I; Grote L; Korzybski D; Lombardi C; Marrone O (2020) 'Unique sleep-stage transitions determined by obstructive sleep apnea severity, age and gender'. Journal of Sleep Research 29 (2)  |
Dr Noreen Sheehy |
Martini F; Arone C; Hasset A; Hall WW; Sheehy N (2020) 'The ESCRT-0 protein HRS interacts with the human T cell leukemia virus type 2 antisense protein APH-2 and suppresses viral replication'. Journal of Virology 94 (1)  |
Professor Denis Shields |
O'Brien KT; Mooney C; Lopez C; Pollastri G; Shields DC (2020) 'Prediction of polyproline II secondary structure propensity in proteins'. Royal Society Open Science 7 (1)  |
Professor Jeremy Simpson |
Cutrona MB; Simpson JC (2019) 'A High-Throughput Automated Confocal Microscopy Platform for Quantitative Phenotyping of Nanoparticle Uptake and Transport in Spheroids'. Small 15 (37)  |
Cutrona MB; Simpson JC (2019) 'Nanoparticles: A High‐Throughput Automated Confocal Microscopy Platform for Quantitative Phenotyping of Nanoparticle Uptake and Transport in Spheroids (Small 37/2019)'. Small 15 (37) :1970197-1970197. |
De Santi C; Fernández Fernández E; Gaul R; Vencken S; Glasgow A; Oglesby IK; Hurley K; Hawkins F; Mitash N; Mu F (2020) 'Precise Targeting of miRNA Sites Restores CFTR Activity in CF Bronchial Epithelial Cells'. Molecular Therapy 28 (4) :1190-1199. |
Fowler PC; Garcia-Pardo ME; Simpson JC; O’Sullivan NC (2019) 'NeurodegenERation: The Central Role for ER Contacts in Neuronal Function and Axonopathy, Lessons From Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias and Related Diseases'. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13  |
Kaleel M; Zheng Y; Chen J; Feng X; Simpson JC; Pollastri G; Mooney C (2020) 'SCLpred-EMS: Subcellular localization prediction of endomembrane system and secretory pathway proteins by Deep N-to-1 Convolutional Neural Networks'. Bioinformatics 36 (11) :3343-3349. |
Kuhns S; Seixas C; Pestana S; Tavares B; Nogueira R; Jacinto R; Ramalho JS; Simpson JC; Andersen JS; Echard A (2019) 'Rab35 controls cilium length, function and membrane composition'. EMBO Reports 20 (10)  |
Long M; Kranjc T; Mysior MM; Simpson JC (2020) 'RNA Interference Screening Identifies Novel Roles for RhoBTB1 and RhoBTB3 in Membrane Trafficking Events in Mammalian Cells.'. Cells 9 (5)  |
Melling GE; Carollo E; Conlon R; Simpson JC; Carter DRF (2019) 'The Challenges and Possibilities of Extracellular Vesicles as Therapeutic Vehicles'. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 144 :50-56. |
Morris S; Geoghegan ND; Sadler JBA; Koester AM; Black HL; Laub M; Miller L; Heffernan L; Simpson JC; Mastick CC (2020) 'Characterisation of GLUT4 trafficking in HeLa cells: Comparable kinetics and orthologous trafficking mechanisms to 3T3-L1 adipocytes'. PeerJ 2020 (3)  |
Mysior MM; Simpson JC (2020) 'Emerging roles for Rho GTPases operating at the Golgi complex'. Small GTPases  |
Simpson JC (2020) 'Modification of the mammalian endomembrane system in healthy and diseased cells'. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (6)  |
Whelan MVX; Ardill L; Koide K; Nakajima C; Suzuki Y; Simpson JC; Ó Cróinín T (2019) 'Acquisition of fluoroquinolone resistance leads to increased biofilm formation and pathogenicity in Campylobacter jejuni'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Albert Smolenski |
Comer S; Nagy Z; Bolado A; von Kriegsheim A; Gambaryan S; Walter U; Pagel O; Zahedi RP; Jurk K; Smolenski A (2020) 'The RhoA regulators Myo9b and GEF-H1 are targets of cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases in platelets'. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis  |
Kumm EJ; Pagel O; Gambaryan S; Walter U; Zahedi RP; Smolenski A; Jurk K (2020) 'The Cell Cycle Checkpoint System MAST(L)-ENSA/ARPP19-PP2A is Targeted by cAMP/PKA and cGMP/PKG in Anucleate Human Platelets.'. Cells 9 (2)  |
Professor Cormac Taylor |
Brown E; Rowan C; Strowitzki MJ; Fagundes RR; Faber KN; Güntsch A; Halligan DN; Kugler J; Jones F; Lee CT (2020) 'Mucosal inflammation downregulates PHD1 expression promoting a barrier-protective HIF-1α response in ulcerative colitis patients'. FASEB Journal 34 (3) :3732-3742. |
Colgan SP; Furuta GT; Taylor CT (2020) 'Hypoxia and Innate Immunity: Keeping Up with the HIFsters'. Annual Review of Immunology 38 :341-363. |
Cummins EP; Strowitzki MJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Mechanisms and consequences of oxygen and carbon dioxide sensing in mammals'. Physiological Reviews 100 (1) :463-488. |
Harnoss JM; Gebhardt JM; Radhakrishnan P; Leowardi C; Burmeister J; Halligan DN; Yuan S; Kennel KB; Strowitzki MJ; Schaible A (2020) 'Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibition Mitigates Pouchitis'. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 26 (2) :192-205. |
Kierans SJ; Taylor CT (2020) 'Regulation of glycolysis by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF): implications for cellular physiology'. Journal of Physiology  |
Schaible B; Crifo B; Schaffer K; Taylor CT (2020) 'The putative bacterial oxygen sensor Pseudomonas prolyl hydroxylase (PPHD) suppresses antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa'. Journal of Biological Chemistry 295 (5) :1195-1201. |
Shigemura M; Lecuona E; Angulo M; Dada LA; Edwards MB; Welch LC; Casalino-Matsuda SM; Sporn PHS; Vadász I; Helenius IT (2019) 'Elevated CO2 regulates the Wnt signaling pathway in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Emma Teeling |
Beaulieu M; Touzalin F; Dool SE; Teeling EC; Puechmaille SJ (2020) 'Timescale and colony-dependent relationships between environmental conditions and plasma oxidative markers in a long-lived bat species'. Conservation Physiology 8 (1)  |
Foley NM; Petit EJ; Brazier T; Finarelli JA; Hughes GM; Touzalin F; Puechmaille SJ; Teeling EC (2020) 'Drivers of longitudinal telomere dynamics in a long-lived bat species, Myotis myotis'. Molecular Ecology 29 (16) :2963-2977. |
Huang Z; Whelan CV; Dechmann D; Teeling EC (2020) 'Genetic variation between long-lived versus short-lived bats illuminates the molecular signatures of longevity'. Aging 12 (16) :15962-15977. |
Jebb D; Huang Z; Pippel M; Hughes GM; Lavrichenko K; Devanna P; Winkler S; Jermiin LS; Skirmuntt EC; Katzourakis A (2020) 'Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations'. Nature 583 (7817) :578-584. |
Mahony S; Kamei RG; Teeling EC; Biju SD (2020) 'Taxonomic review of the Asian Horned Frogs (Amphibia: Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt) of Northeast India and Bangladesh previously misidentified as M. parva (Boulenger), with descriptions of three new species'. Journal of Natural History 54 (43922) :119-194. |
Minh BQ; Schmidt HA; Chernomor O; Schrempf D; Woodhams MD; Von Haeseler A; Lanfear R; Teeling E (2020) 'IQ-TREE 2: New Models and Efficient Methods for Phylogenetic Inference in the Genomic Era'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (5) :1530-1534. |
Rocha R; Aziz SA; Brook CE; Carvalho WD; Cooper-Bohannon R; Frick WF; Huang JCC; Kingston T; López-Baucells A; Maas B (2020) 'Bat conservation and zoonotic disease risk: a research agenda to prevent misguided persecution in the aftermath of COVID-19'. Animal Conservation  |
Sandkam BA; Campello L; O'Brien C; Nandamuri SP; Gammerdinger WJ; Conte MA; Swaroop A; Carleton KL; Teeling E (2020) 'Tbx2a Modulates Switching of RH2 and LWS Opsin Gene Expression'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (7) :2002-2014. |
Skirmuntt EC; Escalera-Zamudio M; Teeling EC; Smith A; Katzourakis A (2020) 'The Potential Role of Endogenous Viral Elements in the Evolution of Bats as Reservoirs for Zoonotic Viruses'. Annual Review of Virology 7 :103-119. |
Van Kruistum H; Guernsey MW; Baker JC; Kloet SL; Groenen MAM; Pollux BJA; Megens HJ; Teeling E (2020) 'The Genomes of the Livebearing Fish Species Poeciliopsis retropinna and Poeciliopsis turrubarensis Reflect Their Different Reproductive Strategies'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (5) :1376-1386. |
Yohe LR; Devanna P; Davies KTJ; Potter JHT; Rossiter SJ; Teeling EC; Vernes SC; Dávalos LM (2019) 'Tissue collection of bats for-omics analyses and primary cell culture'. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2019 (152)  |
Professor Douglas Veale |
Carvalho PD; Ferreira RJO; Landewé R; Vega-Morales D; Salomon-Escoto K; Veale DJ; Chopra A; Da Silva JAP; MacHado PM (2020) 'Association of 17 definitions of remission with functional status in a large clinical practice cohort of patients with rheumatoid arthritis'. Journal of Rheumatology 47 (1) :20-27. |
Dorris ER; Linehan E; Trenkmann M; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wilson AG (2019) 'Association of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity Variant rs26232 with the Invasive Activity of Synovial Fibroblasts'. Cells 8 (10)  |
Foley C; Floudas A; Canavan M; Biniecka M; MacDermott EJ; Veale DJ; Mullan RH; Killeen OG; Fearon U (2020) 'Increased T Cell Plasticity With Dysregulation of Follicular Helper T, Peripheral Helper T, and Treg Cell Responses in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Down Syndrome–Associated Arthritis'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 72 (4) :677-686. |
Fromm S; Cunningham CC; Dunne MR; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wade SM (2019) 'Enhanced angiogenic function in response to fibroblasts from psoriatic arthritis synovium compared to rheumatoid arthritis'. Arthritis Research and Therapy 21 (1)  |
Gallagher L; Cregan S; Biniecka M; Cunningham C; Veale DJ; Kane DJ; Fearon U; Mullan RH (2020) 'Insulin-Resistant Pathways Are Associated With Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Are Subject to Disease Modification Through Metabolic Reprogramming: A Potential Novel Therapeutic Approach'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 72 (6) :896-902. |
Gladman DD; Charles-Schoeman C; McInnes IB; Veale DJ; Thiers B; Nurmohamed M; Graham D; Wang C; Jones T; Wolk R (2019) 'Changes in Lipid Levels and Incidence of Cardiovascular Events Following Tofacitinib Treatment in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: A Pooled Analysis Across Phase III and Long-Term Extension Studies'. Arthritis Care and Research 71 (10) :1387-1395. |
Gossec L; Baraliakos X; Kerschbaumer A; De Wit M; McInnes I; Dougados M; Primdahl J; McGonagle DG; Aletaha D; Balanescu A (2020) 'EULAR recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis with pharmacological therapies: 2019 update'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (6) :S700-S712. |
Marzaioli V; Canavan M; Floudas A; Wade SC; Low C; Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Differentiation in Inflammatory Arthritis Is Regulated by the JAK/STAT Axis via NADPH Oxidase Regulation'. Frontiers in Immunology 11  |
Murray K; Low C; O’Rourke A; Young F; Callanan I; Feeney E; Veale DJ (2020) 'A quality improvement intervention failed to significantly increase pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in immunosuppressed inflammatory arthritis patients'. Clinical Rheumatology 39 (3) :747-754. |
Murray K; Low C; Young F; O'Rourke A; Callanan I; Feeney E; Veale DJ (2020) 'P207 A quality improvement intervention to increase pneumococcal and influenza vaccination rates in immunosuppressed inflammatory arthritis patients'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O'Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; McAuliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P208 A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
Murray K; Moore L; Young F; McAulliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P256 Reproductive health outcomes in women with PsA'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Murray T; Low C; O'Rourke A; Veale DJ (2020) 'P126 An analysis of the quality and readability of online information for osteoarthritis'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray KE; Murray TE; O'Rourke AC; Low C; Veale DJ (2019) 'Readability and quality of online information on osteoarthritis: An objective analysis with historic comparison'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (9)  |
Najm A; Masson FM; Preuss P; Georges S; Ory B; Quillard T; Sood S; Goodyear CS; Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'MicroRNA-17-5p Reduces Inflammation and Bone Erosions in Mice With Collagen-Induced Arthritis and Directly Targets the JAK/STAT Pathway in Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes'. Arthritis and Rheumatology  |
Sanmarti R; Veale DJ; Martin-Mola E; Escudero-Contreras A; González C; Ercole L; Alonso R; Fonseca JE; Alcañiz C; Álvaro-Gracia JM (2019) 'Reducing or Maintaining the Dose of Subcutaneous Tocilizumab in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Clinical Remission: A Randomized, Open-Label Trial'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 71 (10) :1616-1625. |
Sobanski V; Giovannelli J; Allanore Y; Riemekasten G; Airò P; Vettori S; Cozzi F; Distler O; Matucci-Cerinic M; Denton C (2019) 'Phenotypes Determined by Cluster Analysis and Their Survival in the Prospective European Scleroderma Trials and Research Cohort of Patients With Systemic Sclerosis'. Arthritis and Rheumatology 71 (9) :1553-1570. |
Veale DJ; Fearon U (2020) 'Next-generation analysis of synovial tissue architecture'. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 16 (2) :67-68. |
Wade SM; McGarry T; Wade SC; Fearon U; Veale DJ (2020) 'Serum MicroRNA Signature as a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Marker in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis.'. The Journal of rheumatology  |
Wade SM; Ohnesorge N; McLoughlin H; Biniecka M; Carter SP; Trenkman M; Cunningham CC; McGarry T; Canavan M; Kennedy BN (2019) 'Dysregulated miR-125a promotes angiogenesis through enhanced glycolysis'. EBioMedicine 47 :402-413. |
Professor Bill Watson |
Dorris ER; O'Neill A; Treacy A; Klocker H; Teltsh O; Kay E; William Watson R (2020) 'The transcription factor CUX1 negatively regulates invasion in castrate resistant prostate cancer'. Oncotarget 11 (9) :846-857. |
Doughty C; O’Driscoll DN; Smith S; O’Currain E; Grant T; O’Hare FM; Culliton M; Watson RWG; O’Neill A; Molloy EJ (2020) 'Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) in neonatal sepsis'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine :1-8. |
Drápela S; Khirsariya P; van Weerden WM; Fedr R; Suchánková T; Búzová D; Červený J; Hampl A; Puhr M; Watson WR (2020) 'The CHK1 inhibitor MU380 significantly increases the sensitivity of human docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cells to gemcitabine through the induction of mitotic catastrophe.'. Molecular oncology  |
Humphreys H; Stevens N; Leddin D; Callagy G; Burke L; Watson RW; Toner M (2020) 'Pathology in Irish medical education'. Journal of Clinical Pathology 73 (1) :47-50. |
Jalali A; Foley RW; Maweni RM; Murphy K; Lundon DJ; Lynch T; Power R; O'Brien F; O'Malley KJ; Galvin DJ (2020) 'A risk calculator to inform the need for a prostate biopsy: A rapid access clinic cohort'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 20 (1)  |
Professor Gerry Wilson |
Attur M; Zhou H; Samuels J; Krasnokutsky S; Yau M; Scher JU; Doherty M; Wilson AG; Bencardino J; Hochberg M (2020) 'Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) gene variants predict radiographic severity of knee osteoarthritis and risk of incident disease'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79 (3)  |
Donnelly S; Manning M; Mannan H; Wilson AG; Kroll T (2020) 'Renegotiating dimensions of the self: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis of the lived experience of self-managing rheumatoid arthritis'. Health Expectations  |
Dorris ER; Linehan E; Trenkmann M; Veale DJ; Fearon U; Wilson AG (2019) 'Association of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Severity Variant rs26232 with the Invasive Activity of Synovial Fibroblasts'. Cells 8 (10)  |
Nair N; Plant D; Plant D; Verstappen SM; Verstappen SM; Isaacs JD; Morgan AW; Hyrich KL; Hyrich KL; Hyrich KL (2020) 'Differential DNA methylation correlates with response to methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis'. Rheumatology (United Kingdom) 59 (6) :1364-1371. |
Nair N; Wilson AG (2019) 'Can machine learning predict responses to TNF inhibitors?'. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 15 (12) :702-704. |
Wilson AG; Sherwin J; Dorris ER (2019) 'Patient and public involvement in biomedical research: training is not a substitute for relationship building'. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 78 (11) :1607-1608. |
Professor Kenneth Wolfe |
Braun-Galleani S; Dias JA; Coughlan AY; Ryan AP; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2019) 'Genomic diversity and meiotic recombination among isolates of the biotech yeast Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)'. Microbial Cell Factories 18 (1)  |
Coughlan AY; Lombardi L; Braun-Galleani S; Martos AAR; Galeote V; Bigey F; Dequin S; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH (2020) 'The yeast mating-type switching endonuclease HO is a domesticated member of an unorthodox homing genetic element family'. eLife 9  |
Feng D; Stoyanov A; Olliff JC; Wolfe KH; Lahtchev K; Hanson SJ (2020) 'Carbon source requirements for mating and mating-type switching in the methylotrophic yeasts Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha and Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)'. Yeast 37 (2) :237-245. |
Heneghan P; Ryan AP; Nimmo D; Duggan C; Kumar P; O’Gaora P; Cinnéide E; Byrne KP; Wolfe KH; O’Brien CE (2019) 'Draft Genome Sequence of the Birch Tree Fungal Pathogen Taphrina betulina UCD315'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (48)  |
Ola M; O'Brien CE; Coughlan AY; Ma Q; Donovan PD; Wolfe KH; Butler G (2020) 'Polymorphic centromere locations in the pathogenic yeast Candida parapsilosis'. Genome Research 30 (5) :684-696. |
Palmer-Brown W; Miranda-CasoLuengo R; Wolfe KH; Byrne KP; Murphy CD (2019) 'The CYPome of the model xenobiotic-biotransforming fungus Cunninghamella elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Varela JA; Puricelli M; Ortiz-Merino RA; Giacomobono R; Braun-Galleani S; Wolfe KH; Morrissey JP (2019) 'Origin of Lactose Fermentation in Kluyveromyces lactis by Interspecies Transfer of a Neo-functionalized Gene Cluster during Domestication'. Current Biology 29 (24) :4284-429000. |
Dr Yan Yan |
Boselli L; Lopez H; Zhang W; Cai Q; Giannone VA; Li J; Moura A; de Araujo JM; Cookman J; Castagnola V (2020) 'Classification and biological identity of complex nano shapes'. Communications Materials 1 (1)  |
Hudecz D; Khire T; Chung HL; Adumeau L; Glavin D; Luke E; Nielsen MS; Dawson KA; McGrath JL; Yan Y (2020) 'Ultrathin Silicon Membranes for in Situ Optical Analysis of Nanoparticle Translocation across a Human Blood-Brain Barrier Model'. ACS Nano 14 (1) :1111-1122. |
Murschhauser A; Röttgermann PJF; Woschée D; Ober MF; Yan Y; Dawson KA; Rädler JO (2019) 'A high-throughput microscopy method for single-cell analysis of event-time correlations in nanoparticle-induced cell death'. Communications Biology 2 (1)  |
Dr Xiangming Zhu |
Curran D; Müller-Bunz H; Bär SI; Schobert R; Zhu X; Tacke M (2020) 'Novel anticancer NHC*-Gold(I) complexes inspired by lepidiline A'. Molecules 25 (15)  |
Walther W; Althagafi D; Curran D; O'Beirne C; Mc Carthy C; Ott I; Basu U; Büttner B; Sterner-Kock A; Müller-Bunz H (2020) 'In-vitro and in-vivo investigations into the carbene-gold anticancer drug candidates NHC∗-Au-SCSNMe2and NHC∗-Au-S-GLUC against advanced prostate cancer PC3'. Anti-Cancer Drugs 31 (7) :672-683. |