Professor Aoife Ahern |
Carroll P; Caulfield B; Ahern A (2020) 'Appraising an incentive only approach to encourage a sustainable reduction in private car trips in Dublin, Ireland'. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation  |
Professor Thomas Bolger |
Caruso T; Melecis V; Kagainis U; Bolger T (2020) 'Population asynchrony alone does not explain stability in species-rich soil animal assemblages: The stabilizing role of forest age on oribatid mite communities'. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (6) :1520-1531. |
Harris M; Cave C; Foley K; Bolger T; Hochstrasser T (2019) 'Urbanisation of protected areas within the European Union-An Analysis of UNESCO biospheres and the need for new strategies'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (21)  |
Phillips HRP; Guerra CA; Bartz MLC; Briones MJI; Brown G; Crowther TW; Ferlian O; Gongalsky KB; Van Den Hoogen J; Krebs J (2019) 'Global distribution of earthworm diversity'. Science 366 (6464) :480-485. |
Schmeltz RM; Klinth MJ; Wisdom R; Bolger T (2020) 'Astacopsidrilus hibernicus sp. nov. (Phreodrilidae, Oligochaeta, Annelida) from Irish peatlands'. Zoosymposia 17 :34-44. |
Seniczak A; Bolger T; Roth S; Seniczak S; Djursvoll P; Jordal BH (2019) 'Diverse mite communities (Acari : Oribatida, Mesostigmata) from a broadleaf forest in western Norway.'. Annales Zoologici Fennici 56 :121-136. |
Professor John Brannigan |
Brannigan J (2020) 'Shape, balance, innovation (2010–2016)'. Irish University Review 50 (1) :28-32. |
Brannigan J; Ryfield F; Crowe T; Cabana D (2019) '“The Languo of Flows”'. Environmental Humanities 11 (2) :280-301. |
Cabana D; Ryfield F; Crowe TP; Brannigan J (2020) 'Evaluating and communicating cultural ecosystem services'. Ecosystem Services 42  |
Dr Finbarr Brereton |
Brereton F; O’neill E (2019) 'Europe in transition: The future place of the environment in the European union'. Economic and Social Review 50 (3) :515-528. |
Professor Michael Bruen |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; O' Sullivan JJ; Turner JN; Ball B; Carlsson J; Bullock C; Casserly CM; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'An inspection-based assessment of obstacles to salmon, trout, eel and lamprey migration and river channel connectivity in Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Casserly CM; Turner JN; O'Sullivan JJ; Bruen M; Bullock C; Atkinson S; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'Impact of low-head dams on bedload transport rates in coarse-bedded streams'. Science of the Total Environment 716  |
Guswa AJ; Tetzlaff D; Selker JS; Carlyle-Moses DE; Boyer EW; Bruen M; Cayuela C; Creed IF; van de Giesen N; Grasso D (2020) 'Advancing ecohydrology in the 21st century: A convergence of opportunities'. Ecohydrology 13 (4)  |
Hallouin T; Bruen M; O'Loughlin FE (2020) 'Calibration of hydrological models for ecologically relevant streamflow predictions: A trade-off between fitting well to data and estimating consistent parameter sets?'. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (3) :1031-1054. |
Mockler EM; Shahumyan H; Williams B; Bruen M (2020) 'Loose One-Way Coupling of Land Use and Nutrient Emission Models to Assess Effects of Regional Development Scenarios on Catchment Water Quality'. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 25 (4) :591-607. |
Packham I; Mockler E; Archbold M; Mannix A; Daly D; Deakin J; Bruen M (2020) 'Catchment Characterisation Tool: Prioritising Critical Source Areas for managing diffuse nitrate pollution'. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 25 (1) :23-39. |
Assoc Professor Jens Carlsson |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; O' Sullivan JJ; Turner JN; Ball B; Carlsson J; Bullock C; Casserly CM; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'An inspection-based assessment of obstacles to salmon, trout, eel and lamprey migration and river channel connectivity in Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Atkinson S; Carlsson JEL; Ball B; Kelly-Quinn M; Carlsson J (2019) 'Field application of an eDNA assay for the threatened white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes'. Freshwater Science 38 (3) :503-509. |
Bennion M; Morrison L; Brophy D; Carlsson J; Abrahantes JC; Graham CT (2019) 'Trace element fingerprinting of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)shells and soft tissues successfully reveals harvesting locations'. Science of the Total Environment 685 :50-58. |
Fernandes DM; Mittnik A; Olalde I; Lazaridis I; Cheronet O; Rohland N; Mallick S; Bernardos R; Broomandkhoshbacht N; Carlsson J (2020) 'Author Correction: The spread of steppe and Iranian-related ancestry in the islands of the western Mediterranean (Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2020), 4, 3, (334-345), 10.1038/s41559-020-1102-0)'. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4 (5) :764. |
Fernandes DM; Mittnik A; Olalde I; Lazaridis I; Cheronet O; Rohland N; Mallick S; Bernardos R; Broomandkhoshbacht N; Carlsson J (2020) 'The spread of steppe and Iranian-related ancestry in the islands of the western Mediterranean'. Nature Ecology and Evolution 4 (3) :334-345. |
Lynch SA; Lepée-Rivero S; Kelly R; Quinn E; Coghlan A; Bookelaar B; Morgan E; Finarelli JA; Carlsson J; Culloty SC (2020) 'Detection of haplosporidian protistan parasites supports an increase to their known diversity, geographic range and bivalve host specificity'. Parasitology 147 (5) :584-592. |
Rincón-Tomás B; González FJ; Somoza L; Sauter K; Madureira P; Medialdea T; Carlsson J; Reitner J; Hoppert M (2020) 'Siboglinidae tubes as an additional niche for microbial communities in the Gulf of Cádiz—A microscopical appraisal'. Microorganisms 8 (3)  |
Rotter A; Bacu A; Barbier M; Bertoni F; Bones AM; Cancela ML; Carlsson J; Carvalho MF; Cegłowska M; Dalay MC (2020) 'A New Network for the Advancement of Marine Biotechnology in Europe and Beyond'. Frontiers in Marine Science 7  |
Tighe AJ; Overby S; Thurman K; Gandola R; Fulanda B; Byrne J; Carlsson J (2020) 'Investigating a simplified method for noninvasive genetic sampling in East African mammals using silica dried scat swabs'. Ecology and Evolution 10 (7) :3330-3337. |
Van Dover CL; Colaço A; Collins PC; Croot P; Metaxas A; Murton BJ; Swaddling A; Boschen-Rose RE; Carlsson J; Cuyvers L (2020) 'Research is needed to inform environmental management of hydrothermally inactive and extinct polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits'. Marine Policy  |
Williams MA; O'Grady J; Ball B; Carlsson J; de Eyto E; McGinnity P; Jennings E; Regan F; Parle-McDermott A (2019) 'The application of CRISPR-Cas for single species identification from environmental DNA'. Molecular Ecology Resources 19 (5) :1106-1114. |
Yearsley JM; Salmanidou DM; Carlsson J; Burns D; Van Dover CL (2020) 'Biophysical models of persistent connectivity and barriers on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge'. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography  |
Dr Páraic Carroll |
Carroll P; Caulfield B; Ahern A (2020) 'Appraising an incentive only approach to encourage a sustainable reduction in private car trips in Dublin, Ireland'. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation  |
Carroll P; O’Sullivan P (2020) 'Forecasting the impact of the Planning, Land Use and Transport Outlook (PLUTO) Project – a 2040 Ireland case study'. Transportation Research Procedia 49 :70-82. |
Dr Tancredi Caruso |
Archer SDJ; Lee KC; Caruso T; King-Miaow K; Harvey M; Huang D; Wainwright BJ; Pointing SB (2020) 'Air mass source determines airborne microbial diversity at the ocean–atmosphere interface of the Great Barrier Reef marine ecosystem'. ISME Journal 14 (3) :871-876. |
Bardgett RD; Caruso T (2020) 'Soil microbial community responses to climate extremes: Resistance, resilience and transitions to alternative states'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375 (1794)  |
Bergami E; Rota E; Caruso T; Birarda G; Vaccari L; Corsi I (2020) 'Plastics everywhere: first evidence of polystyrene fragments inside the common Antarctic collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus: Microplastics in Antarctic collembola'. Biology Letters 16 (6)  |
Caruso T; Hogg ID; Nielsen UN; Bottos EM; Lee CK; Hopkins DW; Cary SC; Barrett JE; Green TGA; Storey BC (2019) 'Nematodes in a polar desert reveal the relative role of biotic interactions in the coexistence of soil animals'. Communications Biology 2 (1)  |
Caruso T; Melecis V; Kagainis U; Bolger T (2020) 'Population asynchrony alone does not explain stability in species-rich soil animal assemblages: The stabilizing role of forest age on oribatid mite communities'. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (6) :1520-1531. |
Chomel M; Lavallee JM; Alvarez-Segura N; de Castro F; Rhymes JM; Caruso T; de Vries FT; Baggs EM; Emmerson MC; Bardgett RD (2019) 'Drought decreases incorporation of recent plant photosynthate into soil food webs regardless of their trophic complexity'. Global Change Biology 25 (10) :3549-3561. |
Fornara DA; Flynn D; Caruso T (2020) 'Effects of nutrient fertilization on root decomposition and carbon accumulation in intensively managed grassland soils'. Ecosphere 11 (4)  |
Fornara DA; Flynn D; Caruso T (2020) 'Improving phosphorus sustainability in intensively managed grasslands: The potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi'. Science of the Total Environment 706  |
Lee CK; Laughlin DC; Bottos EM; Caruso T; Joy K; Barrett JE; Brabyn L; Nielsen UN; Adams BJ; Wall DH (2019) 'Biotic interactions are an unexpected yet critical control on the complexity of an abiotically driven polar ecosystem'. Communications Biology 2 (1)  |
Pecoraro L; Caruso T; Kumar Gupta V; Borris RP; Zhang YC; Cai L (2020) 'Analysis of macrofungal communities reveals a complex reciprocal influence between Mediterranean montane calcareous grassland and surrounding forest habitats'. Journal of Systematics and Evolution  |
Schaefer I; Caruso T (2019) 'Oribatid mites show that soil food web complexity and close aboveground-belowground linkages emerged in the early Paleozoic'. Communications Biology 2 (1)  |
Spaans F; Caruso T; Hammer EC; Montgomery I (2019) 'Trees in trimmed hedgerows but not tree health increase diversity of oribatid mite communities in intensively managed agricultural land'. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 138  |
Dr Conrad Childs |
Camanni G; Roche V; Childs C; Manzocchi T; Walsh J; Conneally J; Saqab MM; Delogkos E (2019) 'The three-dimensional geometry of relay zones within segmented normal faults'. Journal of Structural Geology 129  |
Childs C; Delogkos E; Manzocchi T; Walsh JJ (2020) 'A geological record of changing propagation directions of fault slip events during the growth of a normal fault system'. Tectonophysics 774  |
Childs C; Harvey C; Corrigan KP; Tagliamonte SA (2020) 'Transatlantic perspectives on variation in negative expressions'. English Language and Linguistics 24 (1) :23-47. |
Delogkos E; Manzocchi T; Childs C; Camanni G; Roche V (2020) 'The 3D structure of a normal fault from multiple outcrop observations'. Journal of Structural Geology 136  |
Delogkos E; Mudasar Saqab M; J. Walsh J; Roche V; Childs C (2020) 'Throw variations and strain partitioning associated with fault-bend folding along normal faults'. Solid Earth 11 (3) :935-945. |
Roche V; Childs C; Madritsch H; Camanni G (2020) 'Layering and structural inheritance controls on fault zone structure in three dimensions: A case study from the northern Molasse basin, Switzerland'. Journal of the Geological Society 177 (3) :493-508. |
Dr Simone Ciuti |
Bonnot NC; Couriot O; Berger A; Cagnacci F; Ciuti S; De Groeve JE; Gehr B; Heurich M; Kjellander P; Kröschel M (2020) 'Fear of the dark? Contrasting impacts of humans versus lynx on diel activity of roe deer across Europe'. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1) :132-145. |
Bowyer RT; McCullough DR; Rachlow JL; Ciuti S; Whiting JC (2020) 'Evolution of ungulate mating systems: Integrating social and environmental factors'. Ecology and Evolution 10 (11) :5160-5178. |
Brivio F; Zurmühl M; Grignolio S; von Hardenberg J; Apollonio M; Ciuti S (2019) 'Forecasting the response to global warming in a heat-sensitive species'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Gehr B; Bonnot NC; Heurich M; Cagnacci F; Ciuti S; Hewison AJM; Gaillard JM; Ranc N; Premier J; Vogt K (2020) 'Stay home, stay safe—Site familiarity reduces predation risk in a large herbivore in two contrasting study sites'. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (6) :1329-1339. |
Hart EE; Fennessy J; Chari S; Ciuti S; Cherry M (2020) 'Habitat heterogeneity and social factors drive behavioral plasticity in giraffe herd-size dynamics'. Journal of Mammalogy 101 (1) :248-258. |
Murphy KJ; Ciuti S; Kane A (2020) 'An introduction to agent-based models as an accessible surrogate to field-based research and teaching'. Ecology and Evolution  |
Dr Grace Cott |
Cott GM; Jansen MAK; Megonigal JP (2020) 'Uptake of organic nitrogen by coastal wetland plants under elevated CO2'. Plant and Soil 450 (43862) :521-535. |
Professor John Cotter |
Conlon T; Cotter J; Molyneux P (2020) 'Beyond common equity: The influence of secondary capital on bank insolvency risk'. Journal of Financial Stability 47  |
Cotter J; Suurlaht A (2019) 'Spillovers in risk of financial institutions'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1765-1792. |
Professor Tasman Crowe |
Birch GF; Lee JH; Tanner E; Fortune J; Munksgaard N; Whitehead J; Coughanowr C; Agius J; Chrispijn J; Taylor U (2020) 'Sediment metal enrichment and ecological risk assessment of ten ports and estuaries in the World Harbours Project'. Marine Pollution Bulletin 155  |
Brannigan J; Ryfield F; Crowe T; Cabana D (2019) '“The Languo of Flows”'. Environmental Humanities 11 (2) :280-301. |
Brooks PR; Crowe TP (2019) 'Combined Effects of Multiple Stressors: New Insights Into the Influence of Timing and Sequence'. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7  |
Cabana D; Ryfield F; Crowe TP; Brannigan J (2020) 'Evaluating and communicating cultural ecosystem services'. Ecosystem Services 42  |
Mayer-Pinto M; Ledet J; Crowe TP; Johnston EL (2020) 'Sublethal effects of contaminants on marine habitat-forming species: a review and meta-analysis'. Biological Reviews  |
Strain EMA; Steinberg PD; Vozzo M; Johnston EL; Abbiati M; Aguilera MA; Airoldi L; Aguirre JD; Ashton G; Bernardi M (2020) 'A global analysis of complexity–biodiversity relationships on marine artificial structures'. Global Ecology and Biogeography  |
Valdor PF; Gómez AG; Juanes JA; Kerléguer C; Steinberg P; Tanner E; MacLeod C; Knights AM; Seitz RD; Airoldi L (2019) 'A global atlas of the environmental risk of marinas on water quality'. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149  |
Dr Tom Curran |
Herron J; Curran TP; Moloney AP; O'Brien D (2019) 'Whole farm modelling the effect of grass silage harvest date and nitrogen fertiliser rate on nitrous oxide emissions from grass-based suckler to beef farming systems'. Agricultural Systems 175 :66-78. |
Professor Stephen Daly |
Flowerdew MJ; Fleming EJ; Morton AC; Frei D; Chew DM; Daly JS (2020) 'Assessing mineral fertility and bias in sedimentary provenance studies: Examples from the Barents shelf'. 484 (1) :255-274. |
Hepworth LN; Daly JS; Gertisser R; Johnson CG; Emeleus CH; O’Driscoll B (2020) 'Rapid crystallization of precious-metal-mineralized layers in mafic magmatic systems'. Nature Geoscience 13 (5) :375-381. |
Janoušek V; Hanžl P; Svojtka M; Hora JM; Kochergina YVE; Gadas P; Holub FV; Gerdes A; Verner K; Hrdličková K (2020) 'Ultrapotassic magmatism in the heyday of the Variscan Orogeny: the story of the Třebíč Pluton, the largest durbachitic body in the Bohemian Massif'. International Journal of Earth Sciences 109 (5) :1767-1810. |
van Acken D; Tütken T; Daly JS; Schmid-Röhl A; Orr PJ (2019) 'Rhenium osmium geochronology of the Toarcian Posidonia Shale, SW Germany'. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 534  |
Van der Sluis LG; Daly JS; Frei KM; Reimer PJ (2020) 'Mobility and diet in Prehistoric Denmark: strontium isotope analysis and incremental stable isotope analysis of human remains from the Limfjord area'. Danish Journal of Archaeology 9 :1-29. |
Dr Sharae Deckard |
Deckard S; Oloff K (2020) '“The One Who Comes from the Sea”: Marine Crisis and the New Oceanic Weird in Rita Indiana’s La mucama de Omicunlé (2015)'. Humanities 9 (3) :86-86. |
Dr Soumyabrata Dev |
AlSkaif T; Dev S; Visser L; Hossari M; van Sark W (2020) 'A systematic analysis of meteorological variables for PV output power estimation'. Renewable Energy 153 :12-22. |
Dev S; Nautiyal A; Lee YH; Winkler S (2019) 'CloudSegNet: A Deep Network for Nychthemeron Cloud Image Segmentation'. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (12) :1814-1818. |
Dev S; Pitie F; Javidnia H; Hossari M; Nicholson M; McCabe K; Nautiyal A; Conran C; Tang J; Xu W (2019) 'Identifying Candidate Spaces for Advert Implantation'. Proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2019 :503-507. |
Dev S; Savoy FM; Hui Lee Y; Winkler S (2019) 'Estimating solar irradiance using sky imagers'. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 12 (10) :5417-5429. |
Fathima TA; Nedumpozhimana V; Lee YH; Winkler S; Dev S (2019) 'A chaotic approach on solar irradiance forecasting'. 2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings :2724-2728. |
Fathima TA; Nedumpozhimana V; Lee YH; Winkler S; Dev S (2019) 'Predicting solar irradiance in Singapore'. 2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings :3164-3167. |
Leveque L; Dev S; Hossari M; Lee YH; Winkler S (2019) 'Subjective quality assessment of ground-based camera images'. 2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings :3168-3174. |
Manandhar S; Dev S; Lee YH; Meng YS; Winkler S (2019) 'A Data-Driven Approach for Accurate Rainfall Prediction'. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (11) :9323-9330. |
Professor Frederic Dias |
Beisiegel N; Vater S; Behrens J; Dias F (2020) 'An adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of hurricane storm surge'. Ocean Dynamics 70 (5) :641-666. |
Cox R; Ardhuin F; Dias F; Autret R; Beisiegel N; Earlie CS; Herterich JG; Kennedy A; Paris R; Raby A (2020) 'Systematic Review Shows That Work Done by Storm Waves Can Be Misinterpreted as Tsunami-Related Because Commonly Used Hydrodynamic Equations Are Flawed'. Frontiers in Marine Science 7  |
Disant A; Dias F (2020) 'Microwave propagation in maritime environments'. Marine Technology Society Journal 54 (2) :17-24. |
Dudley JM; Genty G; Mussot A; Chabchoub A; Dias F (2019) 'Rogue waves and analogies in optics and oceanography'. Nature Reviews Physics 1 (11) :675-689. |
Fedele F; Herterich J; Tayfun A; Dias F (2019) 'Large nearshore storm waves off the Irish coast'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Giles D; McConnell B; Dias F (2020) 'Modelling with Volna-OP2—towards tsunami threat reduction for the Irish coastline'. Geosciences (Switzerland) 10 (6) :1-19. |
Herterich JG; Dias F (2019) 'Extreme long waves over a varying bathymetry'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878 :481-501. |
Wang Q; Liu H; Fang Y; Dias F (2020) 'Experimental study on free-surface deformation and forces on a finite submerged plate induced by a solitary wave'. Physics of Fluids 32 (8)  |
Dr Shane Donohue |
Holmes J; Chambers J; Meldrum P; Wilkinson P; Boyd J; Williamson P; Huntley D; Sattler K; Elwood D; Sivakumar V (2020) 'Four-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography for continuous, near-real-time monitoring of a landslide affecting transport infrastructure in British Columbia, Canada'. Near Surface Geophysics 18 (4) :337-351. |
Huntley D; Holmes J; Bobrowsky P; Chambers J; Meldrum P; Wilkinson P; Donohue S; Elwood D; Sattler K; Hendry M (2020) 'Hydrogeological and geophysical properties of the very-slow-moving Ripley Landslide, Thompson River valley, British Columbia'. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences :1-21. |
Pandey P; Lynch K; Sivakumar V; Solan B; Tripathy S; Nanda S; Donohue S (2019) 'Measurements of permeability of saturated and unsaturated soils'. Géotechnique :1-8. |
Sanlon P; Sivakumar V; Solan B; Tripathy S; Mackinnon P; Donohue S; Ramaiah BJ (2019) 'Assessment of Skempton's pore water pressure parameters B and A using a high-capacity tensiometer'. Géotechnique :1-10. |
Sivakumar V; Moorhead MC; Donohue S; Serridge CJ; Tripathy S; McKinley J; Doherty C (2020) 'The initial, primary and secondary consolidation response of soft clay reinforced with a granular column under isolated loading'. Géotechnique :1-13. |
Professor Fiona Doohan |
Brennan CJ; Benbow HR; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2019) 'A review of the known unknowns in the early stages of septoria tritici blotch disease of wheat'. Plant Pathology 68 (8) :1427-1438. |
Brennan CJ; Zhou B; Benbow HR; Ajaz S; Karki SJ; Hehir JG; O’Driscoll A; Feechan A; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2020) 'Taxonomically Restricted Wheat Genes Interact With Small Secreted Fungal Proteins and Enhance Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Isidro-Sánchez J; D'Arcy Cusack K; Verheecke-Vaessen C; Kahla A; Bekele W; Doohan F; Magan N; Medina A (2020) 'Genome-wide association mapping of Fusarium langsethiae infection and mycotoxin accumulation in oat (Avena sativa L.)'. Plant Genome 13 (2)  |
Mascia T; Labarile R; Doohan F; Gallitelli D (2019) 'Tobacco mosaic virus infection triggers an RNAi-based response in Phytophthora infestans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Perochon A; Kahla A; Vranić M; Jia J; Malla KB; Craze M; Wallington E; Doohan FM (2019) 'A wheat NAC interacts with an orphan protein and enhances resistance to Fusarium head blight disease'. Plant Biotechnology Journal 17 (10) :1892-1904. |
Perochon A; Váry Z; Malla KB; Halford NG; Paul MJ; Doohan FM (2019) 'The wheat SnRK1α family and its contribution to Fusarium toxin tolerance'. Plant Science 288  |
Rahman A; Doohan F; Mullins E (2020) 'Quantification of in planta Zymoseptoria tritici progression through different infection phases and related association with components of aggressiveness'. Phytopathology 110 (6) :1208-1215. |
Zhou B; Benbow HR; Brennan CJ; Arunachalam C; Karki SJ; Mullins E; Feechan A; Burke JI; Doohan FM (2020) 'Wheat Encodes Small, Secreted Proteins That Contribute to Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch'. Frontiers in Genetics 11  |
Zuniga-Soto E; Fitzpatrick DA; Doohan FM; Mullins E (2019) 'Insights into the transcriptomic response of the plant engineering bacterium Ensifer adhaerens OV14 during transformation'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Evelyn Doyle |
Ikoyi I; Fowler A; Storey S; Doyle E; Schmalenberger A (2020) 'Sulfate fertilization supports growth of ryegrass in soil columns but changes microbial community structures and reduces abundances of nematodes and arbuscular mycorrhiza'. Science of the Total Environment 704  |
McGee CF; Clipson N; Doyle E (2020) 'Exploring the Influence of Raising Soil pH on the Ecotoxicological Effects of Silver Nanoparticles and Micron Particles on Soil Microbial Communities'. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 231 (4)  |
Randall KC; Brennan F; Clipson N; Creamer RE; Griffiths BS; Storey S; Doyle E (2020) 'An Assessment of Climate Induced Increase in Soil Water Availability for Soil Bacterial Communities Exposed to Long-Term Differential Phosphorus Fertilization'. Frontiers in Microbiology 11  |
Zhu F; Doyle E; Zhu C; Zhou D; Gu C; Gao J (2020) 'Metagenomic analysis exploring microbial assemblages and functional genes potentially involved in di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate degradation in soil'. Science of the Total Environment 715  |
Dr Elke Eichelmann |
Baldocchi DD; Ryu Y; Dechant B; Eichelmann E; Hemes K; Ma S; Sanchez CR; Shortt R; Szutu D; Valach A (2020) 'Outgoing Near-Infrared Radiation From Vegetation Scales With Canopy Photosynthesis Across a Spectrum of Function, Structure, Physiological Capacity, and Weather'. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125 (7)  |
Chamberlain SD; Hemes KS; Eichelmann E; Szutu DJ; Verfaillie JG; Baldocchi DD (2020) 'Effect of Drought-Induced Salinization on Wetland Methane Emissions, Gross Ecosystem Productivity, and Their Interactions'. Ecosystems 23 (3) :675-688. |
Dr Angela Feechan |
Brennan CJ; Zhou B; Benbow HR; Ajaz S; Karki SJ; Hehir JG; O’Driscoll A; Feechan A; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2020) 'Taxonomically Restricted Wheat Genes Interact With Small Secreted Fungal Proteins and Enhance Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Brian M; Smith L; Feechan A; Grogan H (2020) 'Spot the difference on laurel leaves'. Teagasc Research 15 (2) |
Reilly A; Karki SJ; Twamley A; Tiley AMM; Kildea S; Feechan A (2020) 'Isolate specific responses of the non-host grass Brachypodium distachyon to the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, compared to wheat.'. Phytopathology  |
Twamley T; Gaffney M; Feechan A (2019) 'A Microbial Fermentation Mixture Primes for Resistance Against Powdery Mildew in Wheat'. Frontiers in Plant Science 10  |
Zhou B; Benbow HR; Brennan CJ; Arunachalam C; Karki SJ; Mullins E; Feechan A; Burke JI; Doohan FM (2020) 'Wheat Encodes Small, Secreted Proteins That Contribute to Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch'. Frontiers in Genetics 11  |
Dr John Finarelli |
Coates MI; Tietjen K; Olsen AM; Finarelli JA (2019) 'High-performance suction feeding in an early elasmobranch'. Science Advances 5 (9)  |
Foley NM; Petit EJ; Brazier T; Finarelli JA; Hughes GM; Touzalin F; Puechmaille SJ; Teeling EC (2020) 'Drivers of longitudinal telomere dynamics in a long-lived bat species, Myotis myotis'. Molecular Ecology 29 (16) :2963-2977. |
Lynch SA; Lepée-Rivero S; Kelly R; Quinn E; Coghlan A; Bookelaar B; Morgan E; Finarelli JA; Carlsson J; Culloty SC (2020) 'Detection of haplosporidian protistan parasites supports an increase to their known diversity, geographic range and bivalve host specificity'. Parasitology 147 (5) :584-592. |
Assoc Professor Donal Finn |
Andrade-Cabrera C; O'Dwyer C; Finn DP (2020) 'Integrated cost-optimal residential envelope retrofit decision-making and power systems optimisation using Ensemble models'. Energy and Buildings 214  |
Buttitta G; Finn DP (2020) 'A high-temporal resolution residential building occupancy model to generate high-temporal resolution heating load profiles of occupancy-integrated archetypes'. Energy and Buildings 206  |
Buttitta G; Turner WJN; Neu O; Finn DP (2019) 'Development of occupancy-integrated archetypes: Use of data mining clustering techniques to embed occupant behaviour profiles in archetypes'. Energy and Buildings 198 :84-99. |
D'Ettorre F; De Rosa M; Conti P; Testi D; Finn D (2019) 'Mapping the energy flexibility potential of single buildings equipped with optimally-controlled heat pump, gas boilers and thermal storage'. Sustainable Cities and Society 50  |
Goy S; Maréchal F; Finn D (2020) 'Data for urban scale building energy modelling: Assessing impacts and overcoming availability challenges'. Energies 13 (6)  |
Kathirgamanathan A; Péan T; Zhang K; De Rosa M; Salom J; Kummert M; Finn DP (2020) 'Towards standardising market-independent indicators for quantifying energy flexibility in buildings'. Energy and Buildings 220  |
Pallonetto F; De Rosa M; D'Ettorre F; Finn DP (2020) 'On the assessment and control optimisation of demand response programs in residential buildings'. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 127  |
Pallonetto F; De Rosa M; Finn DP (2020) 'Environmental and economic benefits of building retrofit measures for the residential sector by utilizing sensor data and advanced calibrated models'. Advances in Building Energy Research  |
Dr Karen Foley |
Harris M; Cave C; Foley K; Bolger T; Hochstrasser T (2019) 'Urbanisation of protected areas within the European Union-An Analysis of UNESCO biospheres and the need for new strategies'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (21)  |
Dr Colman Gallagher |
Butcher FEG; Balme MR; Conway SJ; Gallagher C; Arnold NS; Storrar RD; Lewis SR; Hagermann A (2020) 'Morphometry of a glacier-linked esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars, and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage'. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 542  |
Gallagher C; Butcher FEG; Balme M; Smith I; Arnold N (2020) 'Landforms indicative of regional warm based glaciation, Phlegra Montes, Mars'. Icarus  |
Soare RJ; Conway SJ; Williams JP; Gallagher C; Keown LEM (2020) 'Possible (closed system) pingo and ice-wedge/thermokarst complexes at the mid latitudes of Utopia Planitia, Mars'. Icarus 342  |
Dr Pezhman Ghadimi |
Ghadimi P; O'Neill S; Wang C; Sutherland JW (2020) 'Analysis of enablers on the successful implementation of green manufacturing for Irish SMEs'. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management  |
Wang C; Zhang X; Wang M; Lim MK; Ghadimi P (2019) 'Predictive analytics of the copper spot price by utilizing complex network and artificial neural network techniques'. Resources Policy 63  |
Assoc Professor Arturo Gonzalez |
Casero M; Covián E; González A (2020) 'Regularization Methods Applied to Noisy Response from Beams under Static Loading'. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (6)  |
González A; Aied H (2019) 'Estimation of transitory changes in bending stiffness using the Hilbert-Huang transform'. Bridge Structures 15 (4) :161-180. |
González A; Casero M; Feng K (2020) 'Sensitivity to Damage of the Forced Frequencies of a Simply Supported Beam Subjected to a Moving Quarter-Car'. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering :350-362. |
Hester D; Brownjohn J; Huseynov F; Obrien E; Gonzalez A; Casero M (2020) 'Identifying damage in a bridge by analysing rotation response to a moving load'. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (7) :1050-1065. |
Zou G; Banisoleiman K; González A; Faber MH (2019) 'Probabilistic investigations into the value of information: A comparison of condition-based and time-based maintenance strategies'. Ocean Engineering 188  |
Zou G; González A; Banisoleiman K; Faber MH (2019) 'An integrated probabilistic approach for optimum maintenance of fatigue-critical structural components'. Marine Structures 68  |
Assoc Professor Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo |
Coogan AN; Cleary-Gaffney M; Finnegan M; McMillan G; González A; Espey B (2020) 'Perceptions of light pollution and its impacts: Results of an Irish citizen science survey'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (15) :1-7. |
González A; Bonnin C; O'Mahony E; Nguyen Hong N; Nguyen Thi Minh T (2020) 'Challenges and Prospects of Integrating GIS Education in Development Studies in a Global South Context'. Journal of Geography  |
González A; Kelly C; Rymszewicz A (2020) 'Advancements in web-mapping tools for land use and marine spatial planning'. Transactions in GIS 24 (2) :253-267. |
González A; Therivel R (2020) 'Learning support mechanisms in SEA: a review of the potential to optimize outcomes'. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal  |
González Del Campo A; Gazzola P (2020) 'Untapping the potential of technological advancements in Strategic Environmental Assessment'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (4) :585-603. |
González Del Campo A; Gazzola P; Onyango V (2020) 'The mutualism of strategic environmental assessment and sustainable development goals'. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 82 :106383-106383. |
Lally A; Gonzalez Del Campo A (2019) 'A comparative appraisal of four proposed GIS-based methodologies to map anthropogenic cumulative effects at a landscape level in Ireland'. Irish Geography 52 :49-73. |
Therivel R; González A (2020) 'Is SEA worth it? Short-term costs v. long-term benefits of strategic environmental assessment'. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 83  |
Professor Peter Haughton |
Blowick A; Haughton P; Tyrrell S; Holbrook J; Chew D; Shannon P (2019) 'All mixed up: Pb isotopic constraints on the transit of sands through the Mississippi-Missouri River drainage basin, North America'. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 131 (44113) :1501-1518. |
Dr James Herterich |
Cox R; Ardhuin F; Dias F; Autret R; Beisiegel N; Earlie CS; Herterich JG; Kennedy A; Paris R; Raby A (2020) 'Systematic Review Shows That Work Done by Storm Waves Can Be Misinterpreted as Tsunami-Related Because Commonly Used Hydrodynamic Equations Are Flawed'. Frontiers in Marine Science 7  |
Fedele F; Herterich J; Tayfun A; Dias F (2019) 'Large nearshore storm waves off the Irish coast'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Herterich JG; Dias F (2019) 'Extreme long waves over a varying bathymetry'. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 878 :481-501. |
Dr Tamara Hochstrasser |
Harris M; Cave C; Foley K; Bolger T; Hochstrasser T (2019) 'Urbanisation of protected areas within the European Union-An Analysis of UNESCO biospheres and the need for new strategies'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (21)  |
Professor Nick Holden |
Chen W; Oldfield TL; Patsios SI; Holden NM (2020) 'Hybrid life cycle assessment of agro-industrial wastewater valorisation'. Water Research 170  |
Dunne KS; Holden NM; O'Rourke SM; Fenelon A; Daly K (2020) 'Prediction of phosphorus sorption indices and isotherm parameters in agricultural soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy'. Geoderma 358  |
Emmet-Booth JP; Holden NM; Fenton O; Bondi G; Forristal PD (2020) 'Exploring the sensitivity of visual soil evaluation to traffic-induced soil compaction'. Geoderma Regional 20  |
Hamidi Nehrani S; Askari MS; Saadat S; Delavar MA; Taheri M; Holden NM (2020) 'Quantification of soil quality under semi-arid agriculture in the northwest of Iran'. Ecological Indicators 108  |
Paterson KC; Holden NM (2019) 'Assessment of policy conflict using systems thinking: A case study of carbon footprint reduction on Irish dairy farms'. Environmental Science and Policy 101 :38-45. |
Rasti S; Bleakley CJ; Silvestre GCM; Holden NM; Langton D; O’Hare GMP (2020) 'Crop growth stage estimation prior to canopy closure using deep learning algorithms'. Neural Computing and Applications  |
Yan MJ; Holden NM (2019) 'Water use efficiency of Irish dairy processing'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (10) :9525-9535. |
Professor Alojz Ivankovic |
Quan D; Bologna F; Scarselli G; Ivankovic A; Murphy N (2020) 'Interlaminar fracture toughness of aerospace-grade carbon fibre reinforced plastics interleaved with thermoplastic veils'. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 128  |
Quan D; Mischo C; Binsfeld L; Ivankovic A; Murphy N (2020) 'Fracture behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy composites interleaved by MWCNT- and graphene nanoplatelet-doped thermoplastic veils'. Composite Structures 235  |
Quan D; Mischo C; Li X; Scarselli G; Ivanković A; Murphy N (2019) 'Improving the electrical conductivity and fracture toughness of carbon fibre/epoxy composites by interleaving MWCNT-doped thermoplastic veils'. Composites Science and Technology 182  |
Quan D; Moloney P; Carolan D; Abourayana H; Ralph C; Ivankovic A; Dowling D; Murphy N (2020) 'Synergistic toughening and electrical functionalization of an epoxy using MWCNTs and silane- /plasma-activated basalt fibers'. Journal of Applied Polymer Science  |
Dr Joanna Kacprzyk |
Burke R; Schwarze J; Sherwood OL; Jnaid Y; McCabe PF; Kacprzyk J (2020) 'Stressed to Death: The Role of Transcription Factors in Plant Programmed Cell Death Induced by Abiotic and Biotic Stimuli'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Kacprzyk J; Parsons M; Maguire PB; Stewart GS (2019) 'Examining gender effects in different types of undergraduate science assessment'. Irish Educational Studies 38 (4) :467-480. |
Dr Adam Kane |
Critchley EJ; Grecian WJ; Bennison A; Kane A; Wischnewski S; Cañadas A; Tierney D; Quinn JL; Jessopp MJ (2020) 'Assessing the effectiveness of foraging radius models for seabird distributions using biotelemetry and survey data'. Ecography 43 (2) :184-196. |
Fernández-Bellon D; Kane A (2020) 'Unpaid ‘CV-boosting’ opportunities undermine efforts to reduce pressure and increase diversity of early-career researchers'. Nature Ecology and Evolution  |
Kane A; Pirotta E; Wischnewski S; Critchley EJ; Bennison A; Jessopp M; Quinn JL (2020) 'Spatio-Temporal patterns of foraging behaviour in a wide-ranging seabird reveal the role of primary productivity in locating prey'. Marine Ecology Progress Series 646 :175-188. |
Murphy KJ; Ciuti S; Kane A (2020) 'An introduction to agent-based models as an accessible surrogate to field-based research and teaching'. Ecology and Evolution  |
Dr Jennifer Keenahan |
Bernardo P; Réamoinn RM; Young P; Brennan D; Cardiff P; Keenahan J (2019) 'Investigation of helicopter downwash effect on pedestrian comfort using CFD'. Infrastructure Asset Management :1-10. |
Keenahan J; McCrum D (2020) 'Developing interdisciplinary understanding and dialogue between Engineering and Architectural students: design and evaluation of a problem-based learning module'. European Journal of Engineering Education  |
Dr Sam Kelley |
Dalton AS; Margold M; Stokes CR; Tarasov L; Dyke AS; Adams RS; Allard S; Arends HE; Atkinson N; Attig JW (2020) 'An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex'. Quaternary Science Reviews 234  |
Gauthier MS; Kelley SE; Hodder TJ (2020) 'Lake Agassiz drainage bracketed Holocene Hudson Bay Ice Saddle collapse'. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 544  |
Rice JM; Ross M; Paulen RC; Kelley SE; Briner JP; Neudorf CM; Lian OB (2019) 'Refining the ice flow chronology and subglacial dynamics across the migrating Labrador Divide of the Laurentide Ice Sheet with age constraints on deglaciation'. Journal of Quaternary Science 34 (7) :519-535. |
Assoc Professor Mary Kelly-Quinn |
Aschale M; Sileshi Y; Kelly-Quinn M (2019) 'Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements via consumption of vegetables irrigated with polluted river water in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia'. Environmental Systems Research 8 (1)  |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; O' Sullivan JJ; Turner JN; Ball B; Carlsson J; Bullock C; Casserly CM; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'An inspection-based assessment of obstacles to salmon, trout, eel and lamprey migration and river channel connectivity in Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Atkinson S; Carlsson JEL; Ball B; Kelly-Quinn M; Carlsson J (2019) 'Field application of an eDNA assay for the threatened white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes'. Freshwater Science 38 (3) :503-509. |
Casserly CM; Turner JN; O'Sullivan JJ; Bruen M; Bullock C; Atkinson S; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'Impact of low-head dams on bedload transport rates in coarse-bedded streams'. Science of the Total Environment 716  |
Davis SJ; Ó hUallacháin D; Mellander PE; Matthaei CD; Piggott JJ; Kelly-Quinn M (2019) 'Chronic nutrient inputs affect stream macroinvertebrate communities more than acute inputs: An experiment manipulating phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment'. Science of the Total Environment 683 :9-20. |
Kelly-Quinn M; Feeley H; Bradley C (2020) 'STATUS OF FRESHWATER INVERTEBRATE BIODIVERSITY IN IRELAND’S RIVERS – TIME TO TAKE STOCK'. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 120 (2) :51-68. |
Riis T; Kelly-Quinn M; Aguiar FC; Manolaki P; Bruno D; Bejarano MD; Clerici N; Fernandes MR; Franco JC; Pettit N (2020) 'Global overview of ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation'. BioScience 70 (6) :501-514. |
Professor Suzanne Kingston |
Kingston S (2019) 'Competition Law in an Environmental Crisis'. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 10 (9) :517-518. |
Kingston S (2020) 'Greening Competition Law'. Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb |
Kingston S (2020) 'The Polluter Pays Principle in EU Climate Law: An Effective Tool before the Courts?'. Climate Law 10 (1) :1-27. |
Kingston S (2020) 'When Worlds Collide - The CJEU and International Law'. Irish Journal of European Law 22 |
Kingston S (2020) '欧盟气候法中的污染者付费原则: 一项有效的诉讼工具?'. Wuhan Environmental Law Review |
Dr Oliver Kinnane |
Kinnane O; West R; Hegarty RO (2020) 'Structural shear performance of insulated precast concrete sandwich panels with steel plate connectors'. Engineering Structures 215  |
O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O (2020) 'Review of precast concrete sandwich panels and their innovations'. Construction and Building Materials 233  |
O'Hegarty R; Kinnane O; Grimes M; Newell J; Clifford M; West R (2020) 'Development of thin precast concrete sandwich panels: Challenges and outcomes'. Construction and Building Materials  |
O'Hegarty R; Reilly A; West R; Kinnane O (2020) 'Thermal investigation of thin precast concrete sandwich panels'. Journal of Building Engineering 27  |
O′Hegarty R; West R; Reilly A; Kinnane O (2019) 'Composite behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete sandwich panels with FRP shear connectors'. Engineering Structures 198  |
Assoc Professor Tom Manzocchi |
Camanni G; Roche V; Childs C; Manzocchi T; Walsh J; Conneally J; Saqab MM; Delogkos E (2019) 'The three-dimensional geometry of relay zones within segmented normal faults'. Journal of Structural Geology 129  |
Childs C; Delogkos E; Manzocchi T; Walsh JJ (2020) 'A geological record of changing propagation directions of fault slip events during the growth of a normal fault system'. Tectonophysics 774  |
Delogkos E; Manzocchi T; Childs C; Camanni G; Roche V (2020) 'The 3D structure of a normal fault from multiple outcrop observations'. Journal of Structural Geology 136  |
Manzocchi T; Zhang L; Haughton PWD; Pontén A (2020) 'Hierarchical parameterization and compression-based object modelling of high net:gross but poorly amalgamated deep-water lobe deposits'. Petroleum Geoscience 26 (4) :545-567. |
Dr Beatriz Martinez-Pastor |
Teixeira R; Nogal M; O'Connor A; Martinez-Pastor B (2020) 'Reliability assessment with density scanned adaptive Kriging'. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 199  |
Assoc Professor Paul McCabe |
Burke R; Schwarze J; Sherwood OL; Jnaid Y; McCabe PF; Kacprzyk J (2020) 'Stressed to Death: The Role of Transcription Factors in Plant Programmed Cell Death Induced by Abiotic and Biotic Stimuli'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Schilling S; McCabe PF; Melzer R (2020) 'Love is in the air: Ethylene and sex determination in Cucurbita pepo'. Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (1) :4-6. |
Schilling S; Melzer R; McCabe PF (2020) 'Cannabis sativa'. Current Biology 30 (1) :R8-R9. |
Dr Meriel McClatchie |
McClatchie M; Potito A (2020) 'Tracing environmental, climatic and social change in Neolithic Ireland'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature |
Professor Frank McDermott |
Baldini LM; Baldini JUL; McDermott F; Arias P; Cueto M; Fairchild IJ; Hoffmann DL; Mattey DP; Müller W; Nita DC (2019) 'North Iberian temperature and rainfall seasonality over the Younger Dryas and Holocene'. Quaternary Science Reviews 226  |
Bolaños-Benítez V; McDermott F; Gill L; Knappe J (2020) 'Engineered silver nanoparticle (Ag-NP) behaviour in domestic on-site wastewater treatment plants and in sewage sludge amended-soils'. Science of the Total Environment 722  |
Correia JM; McDermott F; Sweeney C; Doddy E; Griffin S (2020) 'An investigation of the regional correlation gradients between euro-atlantic atmospheric teleconnections and winter solar short wave radiation in Northwest Europe'. Meteorological Applications 27 (2)  |
Grün R; Pike A; McDermott F; Eggins S; Mortimer G; Aubert M; Kinsley L; Joannes-Boyau R; Rumsey M; Denys C (2020) 'Dating the skull from Broken Hill, Zambia, and its position in human evolution'. Nature 580 (7803) :372-375. |
Schuitema G; Hooks T; McDermott F (2020) 'Water quality perceptions and private well management: The role of perceived risks, worry and control'. Journal of Environmental Management 267  |
Stahlschmidt MC; Collin TC; Fernandes DM; Bar-Oz G; Belfer-Cohen A; Gao Z; Jakeli N; Matskevich Z; Meshveliani T; Pritchard JK (2019) 'Ancient Mammalian and Plant DNA from Late Quaternary Stalagmite Layers at Solkota Cave, Georgia'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Kevin McDonnell |
Gillespie GD; Gowen AA; Finnan JM; Carroll JP; Farrelly DJ; McDonnell KP (2019) 'The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of gaseous and particulate emissions from agricultural feedstock pellets'. Energy and Fuels 33 (9) :8794-8803. |
McDonnell K; Molnár L; Harty M; Murphy F (2020) 'Feasibility study of carbon dioxide plume geothermal systems in Germany−utilising carbon dioxide for energy'. Energies 13 (10)  |
Virupaksha V; Harty M; McDonnell K (2019) 'Microgeneration of electricity using a solar photovoltaic system in Ireland'. Energies 12 (23)  |
Assoc Professor Barry John McMahon |
Bonsu NO; McMahon BJ; Meijer S; Young JC; Keane A; Dhubháin ÁN (2019) 'Conservation conflict: Managing forestry versus hen harrier species under Europe's Birds Directive'. Journal of Environmental Management 252  |
Doyle S; Cabot D; Furlong J; Liu Y; Colhoun K; Walsh AJ; McMahon BJ (2020) 'Moulting season corticosterone correlates with winter season bodyweight in an Arctic migrant bird'. Ibis  |
Doyle S; Gray A; McMahon BJ (2020) 'Anthropogenic impacts on the demographics of Arctic-breeding birds'. Polar Biology  |
Kassa Y; Tekalign W; McMahon BJ (2020) 'Species diversity and conservation status of diurnal large mammals in Nechisar National Park'. African Journal of Ecology  |
Sheridan K; Monaghan J; Tierney TD; Doyle S; Tweney C; Redpath SM; McMahon BJ (2020) 'The influence of habitat edge on a ground nesting bird species: hen harrier Circus cyaneus'. Wildlife Biology 2020 (2)  |
Young JC; McCluskey A; Kelly SBA; O'Donoghue B; Donaghy AM; Colhoun K; McMahon BJ (2020) 'A transdisciplinary approach to a conservation crisis: A case study of the Eurasian curlew ( Numenius arquata ) in Ireland'. Conservation Science and Practice 2 (7)  |
Professor Wim Meijer |
Vázquez-Boland JA; Scortti M; Meijer WG (2020) 'Conservation of rhodococcus equi (Magnusson 1923) goodfellow and alderson 1977 and rejection of rhodococcus hoagii (morse 1912) kämpfer et al. 2014'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (5) :3572-3576. |
Dr Rainer Melzer |
Li L; Pan S; Melzer R; Fricke W (2020) 'Apoplastic barriers, aquaporin gene expression and root and cell hydraulic conductivity in phosphate-limited sheepgrass plants'. Physiologia Plantarum 168 (1) :118-132. |
Schilling S; Kennedy A; Pan S; Jermiin LS; Melzer R (2020) 'Genome-wide analysis of MIKC-type MADS-box genes in wheat: pervasive duplications, functional conservation and putative neofunctionalization'. New Phytologist 225 (1) :511-529. |
Schilling S; McCabe PF; Melzer R (2020) 'Love is in the air: Ethylene and sex determination in Cucurbita pepo'. Journal of Experimental Botany 71 (1) :4-6. |
Schilling S; Melzer R; McCabe PF (2020) 'Cannabis sativa'. Current Biology 30 (1) :R8-R9. |
Varotto S; Tani E; Abraham E; Krugman T; Kapazoglou A; Melzer R; Radanović A; Miladinović D (2020) 'Epigenetics: possible applications in climate-smart crop breeding.'. Journal of experimental botany 71 (17) :5223-5236. |
Assoc Professor Julian Menuge |
Barros R; Kaeter D; Menuge JF; Škoda R (2020) 'Controls on chemical evolution and rare element enrichment in crystallising albite-spodumene pegmatite and wallrocks: Constraints from mineral chemistry'. Lithos 352-353  |
Fei G; Menuge JF; Li Y; Yang J; Deng Y; Chen C; Yang Y; Yang Z; Qin L; Zheng L (2020) 'Petrogenesis of the Lijiagou spodumene pegmatites in Songpan-Garze Fold Belt, West Sichuan, China: Evidence from geochemistry, zircon, cassiterite and coltan U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic compositions'. Lithos 364-365  |
Zhou Y; Fei GC; Li Y; Menuge JF; Wen CQ; Zhou X; Zeng X (2020) 'Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Bolong ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry in the Bangongco–Nujiang metallogenic belt, northwestern Tibet: Evidence from geochemistry, zircon U[sbnd]Pb ages, and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopes'. Lithos 362-363  |
Assoc Professor Gerald Mills |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Ching J; Aliaga D; Mills G; Masson V; See L; Neophytou M; Middel A; Baklanov A; Ren C; Ng E (2019) 'Corrigendum to ‘Pathway using WUDAPT's Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling’ (Urban Climate (2019) 28, (S2212095519300975), (10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100459))'. Urban Climate 30  |
Dr Gianluca Miscione |
Kavanagh D; Miscione G (2019) 'Carnival in the global village: Re-imagining information infrastructures'. Information Society 35 (5) :299-313. |
Zavolokina L; Miscione G; Schwabe G (2020) 'Buyers of ‘lemons’: How can a blockchain platform address buyers’ needs in the market for ‘lemons’?'. Electronic Markets 30 (2) :227-239. |
Ziolkowski R; Miscione G; Schwabe G (2020) 'Decision Problems in Blockchain Governance: Old Wine in New Bottles or Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes?'. Journal of Management Information Systems 37 (2) :316-348. |
Assoc Professor Barry Molloy |
Molloy B (2020) 'A much storied shield'. Archaeology Ireland 34 (2) :27-27. |
Molloy B; Jovanović D; Bruyère C; Marić M; Bulatović J; Mertl P; Horn C; Milašinović L; Mirković-Marić N (2020) 'A New Bronze Age Mega-fort in Southeastern Europe: Recent Archaeological Investigations at Gradište Iđoš and their Regional Significance'. Journal of Field Archaeology 45 (4) :293-314. |
Molloy B; Mödlinger M (2020) 'The Organisation and Practice of Metal Smithing in Later Bronze Age Europe'. Journal of World Prehistory 33 (2) :169-232. |
Molloy B; Milić M; Pavlacký M; Bridgford S; Day J; Breeckner D; Nodarou E (2020) 'The context and character of settlement at priniatikos pyrgos in early minoan III–Middle Minoan IA East Crete'. Hesperia 89 (2) :215-280. |
Assoc Professor Niamh Moore Cherry |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Kitchin R; Moore-Cherry N (2020) 'Fragmented governance, the urban data ecosystem and smart city-regions: the case of Metropolitan Boston'. Regional Studies  |
Moore Cherry N (2019) 'The resurgence of spatial planning in Ireland'. Town and Country Planning -London- Town and Country Planning Association- :467-471. |
Moore-Cherry N; Tomaney J (2019) 'Spatial planning, metropolitan governance and territorial politics in Europe: Dublin as a case of metro-phobia?'. European Urban and Regional Studies 26 (4) :365-381. |
Dr Tobi Morakinyo |
Morakinyo TE; Ouyang W; Lau KKL; Ren C; Ng E (2020) 'Right tree, right place (urban canyon): Tree species selection approach for optimum urban heat mitigation - development and evaluation'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Ouyang W; Morakinyo TE; Ren C; Ng E (2020) 'The cooling efficiency of variable greenery coverage ratios in different urban densities: A study in a subtropical climate'. Building and Environment 174  |
Wai KM; Tan TZ; Morakinyo TE; Chan TC; Lai A (2020) 'Reduced effectiveness of tree planting on micro-climate cooling due to ozone pollution—A modeling study'. Sustainable Cities and Society 52  |
Professor Cormac Murphy |
Murphy C (2020) 'The role of microorganisms in the degradation of fluorinated xenobiotics in the environment'. Chimica Oggi 38 (3) :4-6. |
Palmer-Brown W; Miranda-CasoLuengo R; Wolfe KH; Byrne KP; Murphy CD (2019) 'The CYPome of the model xenobiotic-biotransforming fungus Cunninghamella elegans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr Sonia Negrao |
Gutaker RM; Groen SC; Bellis ES; Choi JY; Pires IS; Bocinsky RK; Slayton ER; Wilkins O; Castillo CC; Negrão S (2020) 'Genomic history and ecology of the geographic spread of rice'. Nature Plants 6 (5) :492-502. |
Johansen K; Morton MJL; Malbeteau Y; Aragon B; Al-Mashharawi S; Ziliani MG; Angel Y; Fiene G; Negrão S; Mousa MAA (2020) 'Predicting Biomass and Yield in a Tomato Phenotyping Experiment Using UAV Imagery and Random Forest'. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3  |
Negrão S; Julkowska MM (2020) 'Plant Phenotyping'. :1-14. |
Pailles Y; Awlia M; Julkowska M; Passone L; Zemmouri K; Negrão S; Schmöckel SM; Tester M (2020) 'Diverse traits contribute to salinity tolerance of wild tomato seedlings from the galapagos islands'. Plant Physiology 182 (1) :534-546. |
Saade S; Brien C; Pailles Y; Berger B; Shahid M; Russell J; Waugh R; Negrão S; Tester M (2020) 'Dissecting new genetic components of salinity tolerance in two-row spring barley at the vegetative and reproductive stages'. PLoS ONE 15 (44019)  |
Assoc Professor Carl Ng |
Belton S; Ng CKY (2020) 'Plant Sphingolipids'. :1-10. |
Hunt D; Ng C (2020) 'The future is bright for the next generation of plant scientists'. New Phytologist 225 :48-50. |
Professor Eugene O'Brien |
Dong CZ; Celik O; Catbas FN; O’Brien EJ; Taylor S (2020) 'Structural displacement monitoring using deep learning-based full field optical flow methods'. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (1) :51-71. |
Hajializadeh D; Žnidarič A; Kalin J; OBrien EJ (2020) 'Development and testing of a railway bridge weigh-in-motion system'. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 (14)  |
He W; Ling T; Obrien EJ; Deng L (2019) 'Virtual Axle Method for Bridge Weigh-in-Motion Systems Requiring No Axle Detector'. Journal of Bridge Engineering 24 (9)  |
Malekjafarian A; Kim CW; Obrien EJ; Prendergast LJ; Fitzgerald PC; Nakajima S (2020) 'Experimental Demonstration of a Mode Shape-Based Scour-Monitoring Method for Multispan Bridges with Shallow Foundations'. Journal of Bridge Engineering 25 (8)  |
Malekjafarian A; OBrien E; Quirke P; Bowe C (2019) 'Railway Track Monitoring Using Train Measurements: An Experimental Case Study'. Applied Sciences 9 (22) :4859-4859. |
Micu EA; O'Brien EJ; Malekjafarian A; McKinstray R; Angus E; Lydon M; Catbas FN (2020) 'Identifying critical clusters of traffic-loading events in recurrent congested conditions on a long-span road bridge'. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 (16)  |
OBrien E; Khan MA; McCrum DP; Žnidarič A (2020) 'Using statistical analysis of an acceleration-based bridgeweigh-in-motion system for damage detection'. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 10 (2)  |
Tan C; Uddin N; Obrien EJ; McGetrick PJ; Kim CW (2019) 'Extraction of Bridge Modal Parameters Using Passing Vehicle Response'. Journal of Bridge Engineering 24 (9)  |
Tan C; Zhao H; OBrien EJ; Uddin N; Fitzgerald PC; McGetrick PJ; Kim CW (2020) 'Extracting mode shapes from drive-by measurements to detect global and local damage in bridges'. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering  |
Professor Kevin O'Connor |
Beagan N; O'Connor KE; Del Val IJ (2020) 'Model-based operational optimisation of a microbial bioprocess converting terephthalic acid to biomass'. Biochemical Engineering Journal 158  |
Blank LM; Narancic T; Mampel J; Tiso T; O'Connor K (2020) 'Biotechnological upcycling of plastic waste and other non-conventional feedstocks in a circular economy'. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62 :212-219. |
Cerrone F; Pozner T; Siddiqui A; Ceppi P; Winner B; Rajendiran M; Babu R; Ibrahim HS; Rodriguez BJ; Winkler J (2020) 'Polyhydroxyphenylvalerate/polycaprolactone nanofibers improve the life-span and mechanoresponse of human IPSC-derived cortical neuronal cells'. Materials Science and Engineering C 111  |
Cerrone F; Radivojevic J; Nikodinovic-Runic J; Walsh M; Kenny ST; Babu R; O'Connor KE (2019) 'Novel sodium alkyl-1,3-disulfates, anionic biosurfactants produced from microbial polyesters'. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 182  |
Jaksic J; Ostojic S; Micic D; Tokic Vujosevic Z; Milovanovic J; Karkalic R; O'Connor KE; Kenny ST; Casey W; Nikodinovic-Runic J (2020) 'Thermal properties of 3-hydroxy fatty acids and their binary mixtures as phase change energy storage materials'. International Journal of Energy Research 44 (2) :1294-1302. |
Narancic T; Cerrone F; Beagan N; O'Connor KE (2020) 'Recent advances in bioplastics: Application and biodegradation'. Polymers 12 (4)  |
RameshKumar S; Shaiju P; O'Connor KE; P RB (2020) 'Bio-based and biodegradable polymers - State-of-the-art, challenges and emerging trends'. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 21 :75-81. |
Ruiz C; Kenny ST; Narancic T; Babu R; Connor KO (2019) 'Conversion of waste cooking oil into medium chain polyhydroxyalkanoates in a high cell density fermentation'. Journal of Biotechnology 306 :9-15. |
Professor Gregory O'Hare |
Byrne CA; O'Grady M; Collier R; O'Hare GMP (2020) 'An Evaluation of Graphical Formats for the Summary of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs).'. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 8 (3)  |
O'Grady M; Langton D; Salinari F; Daly P; O'Hare G (2020) 'Service design for climate-smart agriculture'. Information Processing in Agriculture  |
O'Grady MJ; Evans B; Eigbogba S; Muldoon C; Campbell AG; Brewer PA; O'Hare GMP (2019) 'Supporting participative pre-flood risk reduction in a UNESCO biosphere'. Journal of Flood Risk Management 12  |
O'Grady MJ; Langton D; O'Hare GMP (2019) 'Edge computing: A tractable model for smart agriculture?'. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture 3 :42-51. |
Rasti S; Bleakley CJ; Silvestre GCM; Holden NM; Langton D; O’Hare GMP (2020) 'Crop growth stage estimation prior to canopy closure using deep learning algorithms'. Neural Computing and Applications  |
Yan M; Liu P; Tong C; Wang X; Wen F; Song C; Higgs R; O'Hare GMP (2020) 'A farmland-microclimate monitoring system based on the internet of things'. International Journal of Embedded Systems 12 (1) :81-92. |
Zhang T; Lv C; Ma F; Zhao K; Wang H; O'Hare GMP (2020) 'A photovoltaic power forecasting model based on dendritic neuron networks with the aid of wavelet transform'. Neurocomputing 397 :438-446. |
Dr Fiachra O'Loughlin |
Hallouin T; Bruen M; O'Loughlin FE (2020) 'Calibration of hydrological models for ecologically relevant streamflow predictions: A trade-off between fitting well to data and estimating consistent parameter sets?'. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (3) :1031-1054. |
O'Loughlin FE; Neal J; Schumann GJP; Beighley E; Bates PD (2020) 'A LISFLOOD-FP hydraulic model of the middle reach of the Congo'. Journal of Hydrology 580  |
Yang C; O'Loughlin FE (2020) 'Flow prediction using remotely sensed soil moisture in Irish catchments'. Water (Switzerland) 12 (8)  |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill |
Andrade L; O'Malley K; Hynds P; O'Neill E; O'Dwyer J (2019) 'Assessment of two behavioural models (HBM and RANAS) for predicting health behaviours in response to environmental threats: Surface water flooding as a source of groundwater contamination and subsequent waterborne infection in the Republic of Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 685 :1019-1029. |
Brereton F; O’neill E (2019) 'Europe in transition: The future place of the environment in the European union'. Economic and Social Review 50 (3) :515-528. |
Kelleher L; Henchion M; O'Neill E (2019) 'Policy coherence and the transition to a bioeconomy: The case of Ireland'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (24)  |
Lennon M; Duvall P; O'Neill E (2020) 'The (un)common good: diverging justifications for wilderness making in a modified landscape'. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22 (3) :301-314. |
McDowell CP; Andrade L; O'neill E; O'malley K; O'dwyer J; Hynds PD (2020) 'Gender-related differences in flood risk perception and behaviours among private groundwater users in the Republic of Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Dr Sharon O'Rourke |
Dunne KS; Holden NM; O'Rourke SM; Fenelon A; Daly K (2020) 'Prediction of phosphorus sorption indices and isotherm parameters in agricultural soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy'. Geoderma 358  |
Minasny B; Berglund Ö; Connolly J; Hedley C; de Vries F; Gimona A; Kempen B; Kidd D; Lilja H; Malone B (2019) 'Digital mapping of peatlands – A critical review'. Earth-Science Reviews 196  |
Assoc Professor Patrick Orr |
Slater TS; McNamara ME; Orr PJ; Foley TB; Ito S; Wakamatsu K (2020) 'Taphonomic experiments resolve controls on the preservation of melanosomes and keratinous tissues in feathers'. Palaeontology 63 (1) :103-115. |
van Acken D; Tütken T; Daly JS; Schmid-Röhl A; Orr PJ (2019) 'Rhenium osmium geochronology of the Toarcian Posidonia Shale, SW Germany'. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 534  |
Yang Z; Jiang B; McNamara ME; Kearns SL; Pittman M; Kaye TG; Orr PJ; Xu X; Benton MJ (2020) 'Reply to: No protofeathers on pterosaurs'. Nature Ecology and Evolution  |
Professor Bruce Osborne |
Bond-Lamberty B; Christianson DS; Malhotra A; Pennington SC; Sihi D; AghaKouchak A; Anjileli H; Altaf Arain M; Armesto JJ; Ashraf S (2020) 'COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data'. Global Change Biology  |
Cordero Á; Garmendia I; Osborne BA (2019) 'Interspecific variations in the growth, water relations and photosynthetic responses of switchgrass genotypes to salinity targets salt exclusion for maximising bioenergy production'. Agriculture (Switzerland) 9 (9)  |
Khalil MI; Fornara DA; Osborne B (2020) 'Simulation and validation of long-term changes in soil organic carbon under permanent grassland using the DNDC model'. Geoderma 361  |
Lucey F (2020) 'Horizon scanning of invasives in Ireland'. Management of Biological Invasions |
Lucy FE; Davis E; Anderson R; Booy O; Bradley K; Britton JR; Byrne C; Caffrey JM; Coughlan NE; Crane K (2020) 'Horizon scan of invasive alien species for the island of Ireland'. Management of Biological Invasions 11 (2) :155-177. |
Mantoani MC; González AB; Sancho LG; Osborne BA (2020) 'Growth, phenology and N-utilization by invasive populations of Gunnera tinctoria'. Journal of Plant Ecology 13 (5) :589-600. |
Osborne B; Thioune E-H; Strickler S; Gallagher T; Charpagne A; Decombes P; McCarthy J (2020) 'Temperature impacts the response of coffea canephora to decreasing soil water availability'. Tropical Plant Biology  |
Zou J; Osborne B (2020) 'No effect of warming and watering on soil nitrous oxide fluxes in a temperate sitka spruce forest ecosystem'. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences  |
Assoc Professor John O'Sullivan |
Casserly CM; Turner JN; O'Sullivan JJ; Bruen M; Bullock C; Atkinson S; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'Impact of low-head dams on bedload transport rates in coarse-bedded streams'. Science of the Total Environment 716  |
O'Sullivan J; Sweeney C; Parnell AC (2020) 'Bayesian spatial extreme value analysis of maximum temperatures in County Dublin, Ireland'. Environmetrics 31 (5)  |
Assoc Professor Francesco Pilla |
Basu B; Pilla F; McNabola A (2020) 'Assessment of the impact of roof-level building features on air pollution inside urban street canyons'. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 244 |
Chakraborti S; Maiti A; Pramanik S; Sannigrahi S; Pilla F; Banerjee A; Das DN (2020) 'Evaluating the plausible application of advanced machine learnings in exploring determinant factors of present pandemic: A case for continent specific COVID-19 analysis'. Science of the Total Environment  |
Di Girolamo P; Di Sabatino S; Archer CL; Buontempo C; Bordoni S; Budillon G; Buzzi A; Cimini D; Curci G; Cuxart J (2020) 'Introducing the Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology'. Bulletin of Atmospheric Science and Technology 1 (1) :1-11. |
Galle NJ; Nitoslawski SA; Pilla F (2019) 'The Internet of Nature: How taking nature online can shape urban ecosystems'. Anthropocene Review 6 (3) :279-287. |
Gharbia SS; Gill L; Johnston P; Pilla F (2020) 'GEO-CWB: GIS-Based Algorithms for Parametrising the Responses of Catchment Dynamic Water Balance Regarding Climate and Land Use Changes'. Hydrology 7 (3) :39-39. |
Kumar P; Debele SE; Sahani J; Aragão L; Barisani F; Basu B; Bucchignani E; Charizopoulos N; Di Sabatino S; Domeneghetti A (2020) 'Towards an operationalisation of nature-based solutions for natural hazards'. Science of the Total Environment 731  |
Kumar P; Omidvarborna H; Pilla F; Lewin N (2020) 'A primary school driven initiative to influence commuting style for dropping-off and picking-up of pupils'. Science of the Total Environment 727  |
Salimbene O; Gharbia SS; Pilla F (2020) 'GIS-based integrated analysis for water resources vulnerability: a case study in the north-west of italy'. International Journal of Environmental Impacts: Management, Mitigation and Recovery 3 (3) :260-271. |
Sannigrahi S; Pilla F; Basu B; Basu AS; Sarkar K; Chakraborti S; Joshi PK; Zhang Q; Wang Y; Bhatt S (2020) 'Examining the effects of forest fire on terrestrial carbon emission and ecosystem production in India using remote sensing approaches'. Science of the Total Environment 725  |
Sannigrahi S; Zhang Q; Joshi PK; Sutton PC; Keesstra S; Roy PS; Pilla F; Basu B; Wang Y; Jha S (2020) 'Examining effects of climate change and land use dynamic on biophysical and economic values of ecosystem services of a natural reserve region'. Journal of Cleaner Production 257  |
Sannigrahi S; Zhang Q; Pilla F; Joshi PK; Basu B; Keesstra S; Roy PS; Wang Y; Sutton PC; Chakraborti S (2020) 'Responses of ecosystem services to natural and anthropogenic forcings: A spatial regression based assessment in the world's largest mangrove ecosystem'. Science of the Total Environment 715  |
Sharma S; Nahid S; Sharma M; Sannigrahi S; Anees MM; Sharma R; Shekhar R; Basu AS; Pilla F; Basu B (2020) 'A long-term and comprehensive assessment of urbanization-induced impacts on ecosystem services in the capital city of India'. City and Environment Interactions 7 :100047-100047. |
Valmassoi A; Dudhia J; DI Sabatino S; Pilla F (2020) 'Evaluation of three new surface irrigation parameterizations in the WRF-ARW v3.8.1 model: The Po Valley (Italy) case study'. Geoscientific Model Development 13 (7) :3179-3201. |
Valmassoi A; Dudhia J; Di Sabatino S; Pilla F (2020) 'Regional climate impacts of irrigation in northern Italy using a high resolution model'. Atmosphere 11 (1)  |
Valmassoi A; Gharbia S; Di Sabatino S; Kumar P; Pilla F (2019) 'Future impacts of the reforestation policy on the atmospheric parameters in Ireland: a sensitivity study including heat discomfort impacts on humans and livestock'. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 23 (43987) :707-721. |
Dr Florence Renou-Wilson |
O'Neill RM; Girkin NT; Krol DJ; Wall DP; Brennan FP; Lanigan GJ; Renou-Wilson F; Müller C; Richards KG (2020) 'The effect of carbon availability on N2O emissions is moderated by soil phosphorus'. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 142  |
Dr Liana Ricci |
Ricci L (2019) 'Peri-Urban Livelihood and Adaptive Capacity: Urban Development in Dar Es Salaam'. Consilience : The Journal of Sustainable Development 21 (1) :121-139. |
Professor Olaf Schmidt |
(2020) 'Erratum for the Report "Global distribution of earthworm diversity" by H. R. P. Phillips, C. A. Guerra, M. L. C. Bartz, M. J. I. Briones, G. Brown, T. W. Crowther, O. Ferlian, K. B. Gongalsky, J. van den Hoogen, J. Krebs, A. Orgiazzi, D. Routh, B. Schwarz, E. M. Bach, J. Bennett, U. Brose, T. Decaëns, B. König-Ries, M. Loreau, J. Mathieu, C. Mulder, W. H. van der Putten, K. S. Ramirez, M. C. Rillig, D. Russell, M. Rutgers, M. P. Thakur, F. T. de Vries, D. H. Wall, D. A. Wardle, M. Arai, F. O. Ayuke, G. H. Baker, R. Beauséjour, J. C. Bedano, K. Birkhofer, E. Blanchart, B. Blossey, T. Bolger, R. L. Bradley, M. A. Callaham, Y. Capowiez, M. E. Caulfield, A. Choi, F. V. Crotty, A. Dávalos, D. J. Diaz Cosin, A. Dominguez, A. E. Duhour, N. van Eekeren, C. Emmerling, L. B. Falco, R. Fernández, S. J. Fonte, C. Fragoso, A. L. C. Franco, M. Fugère, A. T. Fusilero, S. Gholami, M. J. Gundale, M. Gutiérrez López, D. K. Hackenberger, L. M. Hernández, T. Hishi, A. R. Holdsworth, M. Holmstrup, K. N. Hopfensperger, E. Huerta Lwanga, V. Huhta, T. T. Hurisso, B. V. Iannone III, M. Iordache, M. Joschko, N. Kaneko, R. Kanianska, A. M. Keith, C. A. Kelly, M. L. Kernecker, J. Klaminder, A. W. Koné, Y. Kooch, S. T. Kukkonen, H. Lalthanzara, D. R. Lammel, I. M. Lebedev, Y. Li, J. B. Jesus Lidon, N. K. Lincoln, S. R. Loss, R. Marichal, R. Matula, J. H. Moos, G. Moreno, A. Morón-Ríos, B. Muys, J. Neirynck, L. Norgrove, M. Novo, V. Nuutinen, V. Nuzzo, M. Rahman P, J. Pansu, S. Paudel, G. Pér'. Science (New York, N.Y.) 369 (6503)  |
Bacher MG; Schmidt O; Bondi G; Fenton O (2020) 'Influence of dung pats on soil physical quality mediated by earthworms: From dung deposition to decay and beyond'. Soil Research 58 (5) :421-429. |
Pelosi C; Baudry E; Schmidt O (2020) 'Comparison of the mustard oil and electrical methods for sampling earthworm communities in rural and urban soils'. Urban Ecosystems  |
Pelosi C; Boros G; van Oort F; Schmidt O (2020) 'Soil Oligochaeta communities after 9 decades of continuous fertilization in a bare fallow experiment'. Soil organisms 92 (2) :129–141-129–141. |
Phillips HRP; Guerra CA; Bartz MLC; Briones MJI; Brown G; Crowther TW; Ferlian O; Gongalsky KB; Van Den Hoogen J; Krebs J (2019) 'Global distribution of earthworm diversity'. Science 366 (6464) :480-485. |
Walsh LE; Schmidt O; Williamson MS; Gaffney MT (2020) 'In-field prevalence of resistant grain aphid sitobion avenae (Fabricius)'. Biology and Environment 120B (1) :29-38. |
Professor Mark Scott |
Faulkner JP; Murphy E; Scott M (2019) 'Rural household vulnerability a decade after the great financial crisis'. Journal of Rural Studies 72 :240-251. |
Parkinson A; Scott M; Redmond D (2020) 'Contesting conservation-planning: insights from Ireland since independence'. Planning Perspectives 35 (1) :61-90. |
Pendlebury J; Scott M; Veldpaus L; van der Toorn Vrijthoff W; Redmond D (2020) 'After the Crash: the conservation-planning assemblage in an era of austerity'. European Planning Studies 28 (4) :672-690. |
Scott M (2020) 'Covid-19, Place-making and Health'. Planning Theory and Practice 21 (3) :343-348. |
Scott M; Lennon M (2020) 'Climate Disruption and Planning: Resistance or Retreat?'. Planning Theory and Practice 21 (1) :125-154. |
Scott M; Parkinson A; Waldron R; Redmond D (2020) 'Planning for historic urban environments under austerity conditions: Insights from post-crash Ireland'. Cities 103  |
Professor John Sheridan |
Krieger KJ; Bertollo N; Dangol M; Sheridan JT; Lowery MM; O’Cearbhaill ED (2019) 'Simple and customizable method for fabrication of high-aspect ratio microneedle molds using low-cost 3D printing'. Microsystems and Nanoengineering 5 (1)  |
Malallah R; Cassidy D; Wan M; Muniraj I; Healy JJ; Sheridan JT (2020) 'Optical trajectory manipulations using the self-written waveguide technique'. Polymers 12 (7) :1-12. |
Wan M; Healy JJ; Sheridan JT (2020) 'Terahertz phase imaging and biomedical applications'. Optics and Laser Technology 122  |
Dr Jessica Smyth |
Casanova E; Knowles TDJ; Bayliss A; Dunne J; Barański MZ; Denaire A; Lefranc P; di Lernia S; Roffet-Salque M; Smyth J (2020) 'Accurate compound-specific 14C dating of archaeological pottery vessels'. Nature 580 (7804) :506-510. |
Smyth J; Berstan R; Casanova E; McCormick F; Mulhall I; Sikora M; Synnott C; Evershed RP (2019) 'Four millennia of dairy surplus and deposition revealed through compound-specific stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating of Irish bog butters'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Dr Dara Stanley |
Coppinger CR; Ellender BR; Stanley DA; Osborne J (2019) 'Insights into the impacts of rural honey hunting in Zambia'. African Journal of Ecology 57 (4) :610-614. |
Cullen MG; Thompson LJ; Carolan JC; Stout JC; Stanley DA (2019) 'Fungicides, herbicides and bees: A systematic review of existing research and methods'. PLoS ONE 14 (12)  |
Dainese M; Martin EA; Aizen MA; Albrecht M; Bartomeus I; Bommarco R; Carvalheiro LG; Chaplin-Kramer R; Gagic V; Garibaldi LA (2019) 'A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production'. Science Advances 5 (10)  |
Stanley DA; Msweli SM; Johnson SD (2020) 'Native honeybees as flower visitors and pollinators in wild plant communities in a biodiversity hotspot'. Ecosphere 11 (2)  |
Woodcock BA; Garratt MPD; Powney GD; Shaw RF; Osborne JL; Soroka J; Lindström SAM; Stanley D; Ouvrard P; Edwards ME (2019) 'Meta-analysis reveals that pollinator functional diversity and abundance enhance crop pollination and yield'. Nature Communications 10 (1)  |
Assoc Professor James Sullivan |
Almohammadi G; O'Modhrain C; Kelly S; Sullivan JA (2020) 'Ti-Doped SBA-15 Catalysts Used in Phenol Oxidation Reactions'. ACS Omega 5 (1) :791-798. |
Morais E; Ravindranathan Thampi K; Sullivan JA (2020) 'Photo-Dissociation of CO2 over Plasmonic RuO2 Nanoparticles'. ChemistrySelect 5 (10) :3069-3074. |
Morais E; Stanley K; Thampi KR; Sullivan JA (2020) 'Scope for Spherical Bi2WO6 Quazi-Perovskites in the Artificial Photosynthesis Reaction—The Effects of Surface Modification with Amine Groups'. Catalysis Letters  |
Mullins L; Sullivan JA (2020) 'Synthesis of a Sustainable Cellulose-Derived Biofuel Through a 1-Pot, 2-Catalyst Tandem Reaction'. Topics in Catalysis  |
Dr Conor Sweeney |
Correia JM; McDermott F; Sweeney C; Doddy E; Griffin S (2020) 'An investigation of the regional correlation gradients between euro-atlantic atmospheric teleconnections and winter solar short wave radiation in Northwest Europe'. Meteorological Applications 27 (2)  |
O'Sullivan J; Sweeney C; Parnell AC (2020) 'Bayesian spatial extreme value analysis of maximum temperatures in County Dublin, Ireland'. Environmetrics 31 (5)  |
Sweeney C; Bessa RJ; Browell J; Pinson P (2020) 'The future of forecasting for renewable energy'. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 9 (2)  |
Professor Emma Teeling |
Beaulieu M; Touzalin F; Dool SE; Teeling EC; Puechmaille SJ (2020) 'Timescale and colony-dependent relationships between environmental conditions and plasma oxidative markers in a long-lived bat species'. Conservation Physiology 8 (1)  |
Foley NM; Petit EJ; Brazier T; Finarelli JA; Hughes GM; Touzalin F; Puechmaille SJ; Teeling EC (2020) 'Drivers of longitudinal telomere dynamics in a long-lived bat species, Myotis myotis'. Molecular Ecology 29 (16) :2963-2977. |
Huang Z; Whelan CV; Dechmann D; Teeling EC (2020) 'Genetic variation between long-lived versus short-lived bats illuminates the molecular signatures of longevity'. Aging 12 (16) :15962-15977. |
Jebb D; Huang Z; Pippel M; Hughes GM; Lavrichenko K; Devanna P; Winkler S; Jermiin LS; Skirmuntt EC; Katzourakis A (2020) 'Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations'. Nature 583 (7817) :578-584. |
Mahony S; Kamei RG; Teeling EC; Biju SD (2020) 'Taxonomic review of the Asian Horned Frogs (Amphibia: Megophrys Kuhl & Van Hasselt) of Northeast India and Bangladesh previously misidentified as M. parva (Boulenger), with descriptions of three new species'. Journal of Natural History 54 (43922) :119-194. |
Minh BQ; Schmidt HA; Chernomor O; Schrempf D; Woodhams MD; Von Haeseler A; Lanfear R; Teeling E (2020) 'IQ-TREE 2: New Models and Efficient Methods for Phylogenetic Inference in the Genomic Era'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (5) :1530-1534. |
Rocha R; Aziz SA; Brook CE; Carvalho WD; Cooper-Bohannon R; Frick WF; Huang JCC; Kingston T; López-Baucells A; Maas B (2020) 'Bat conservation and zoonotic disease risk: a research agenda to prevent misguided persecution in the aftermath of COVID-19'. Animal Conservation  |
Sandkam BA; Campello L; O'Brien C; Nandamuri SP; Gammerdinger WJ; Conte MA; Swaroop A; Carleton KL; Teeling E (2020) 'Tbx2a Modulates Switching of RH2 and LWS Opsin Gene Expression'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (7) :2002-2014. |
Skirmuntt EC; Escalera-Zamudio M; Teeling EC; Smith A; Katzourakis A (2020) 'The Potential Role of Endogenous Viral Elements in the Evolution of Bats as Reservoirs for Zoonotic Viruses'. Annual Review of Virology 7 :103-119. |
Van Kruistum H; Guernsey MW; Baker JC; Kloet SL; Groenen MAM; Pollux BJA; Megens HJ; Teeling E (2020) 'The Genomes of the Livebearing Fish Species Poeciliopsis retropinna and Poeciliopsis turrubarensis Reflect Their Different Reproductive Strategies'. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (5) :1376-1386. |
Yohe LR; Devanna P; Davies KTJ; Potter JHT; Rossiter SJ; Teeling EC; Vernes SC; Dávalos LM (2019) 'Tissue collection of bats for-omics analyses and primary cell culture'. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2019 (152)  |
Professor Ravindranathan Thampi |
Morais E; Stanley K; Thampi KR; Sullivan JA (2020) 'Scope for Spherical Bi2WO6 Quazi-Perovskites in the Artificial Photosynthesis Reaction—The Effects of Surface Modification with Amine Groups'. Catalysis Letters  |
Dr Saoirse Tracy |
Bracken CJ; Lanigan GJ; Richards KG; Müller C; Tracy SR; Grant J; Krol DJ; Sheridan H; Lynch MB; Grace C (2020) 'Sward composition and soil moisture conditions affect nitrous oxide emissions and soil nitrogen dynamics following urea-nitrogen application'. Science of the Total Environment 722  |
Harding MJ; Brady S; O'Connor H; Lopez-Rodriguez R; Edwards MD; Tracy S; Dowling D; Gibson G; Girard KP; Ferguson S (2020) '3D printing of PEEK reactors for flow chemistry and continuous chemical processing'. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering 5 (4) :728-735. |
Tracy SR; Nagel KA; Postma JA; Fassbender H; Wasson A; Watt M (2020) 'Crop Improvement from Phenotyping Roots: Highlights Reveal Expanding Opportunities'. Trends in Plant Science 25 (1) :105-118. |
Wasson AP; Nagel KA; Tracy S; Watt M (2020) 'Beyond Digging: Noninvasive Root and Rhizosphere Phenotyping'. Trends in Plant Science 25 (1) :119-120. |
Dr Jonathan Turner |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; O' Sullivan JJ; Turner JN; Ball B; Carlsson J; Bullock C; Casserly CM; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'An inspection-based assessment of obstacles to salmon, trout, eel and lamprey migration and river channel connectivity in Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Casserly CM; Turner JN; O'Sullivan JJ; Bruen M; Bullock C; Atkinson S; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'Impact of low-head dams on bedload transport rates in coarse-bedded streams'. Science of the Total Environment 716  |
Fuller IC; Macklin MG; Toonen WHJ; Turner J; Norton K (2019) 'A 2000 year record of palaeofloods in a volcanically-reset catchment: Whanganui River, New Zealand'. Global and Planetary Change 181  |
Professor John Walsh |
Camanni G; Roche V; Childs C; Manzocchi T; Walsh J; Conneally J; Saqab MM; Delogkos E (2019) 'The three-dimensional geometry of relay zones within segmented normal faults'. Journal of Structural Geology 129  |
Childs C; Delogkos E; Manzocchi T; Walsh JJ (2020) 'A geological record of changing propagation directions of fault slip events during the growth of a normal fault system'. Tectonophysics 774  |
Delogkos E; Mudasar Saqab M; J. Walsh J; Roche V; Childs C (2020) 'Throw variations and strain partitioning associated with fault-bend folding along normal faults'. Solid Earth 11 (3) :935-945. |
Professor Graeme Warren |
Forline L; Lewis J; Warren G (2019) 'Comparative perspectives on hunter-gatherers'. Hunter Gatherer Research 4 (1) :1-2. |
Forline L; Lewis J; Warren G (2019) 'Keynotes and a debate'. Hunter Gatherer Research 4 (2) :151-152. |
Warren G (2020) 'Climate change and hunter gatherers in Ireland: Problems, potentials and pressing research questions'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature 120C :1-22. |
Warren G (2020) 'The Invention of Equality: from original forms to beyond human egalitarianism'. Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 3 :115-121. |
Assoc Professor Brendan Williams |
Mockler EM; Shahumyan H; Williams B; Bruen M (2020) 'Loose One-Way Coupling of Land Use and Nutrient Emission Models to Assess Effects of Regional Development Scenarios on Catchment Water Quality'. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 25 (4) :591-607. |
Williams B; Nedović-Budić Z (2020) 'Transitions of Spatial Planning in Ireland: Moving from a Localised to a Strategic National and Regional Approach'. Planning Practice and Research  |
Dr Jonathan Yearsley |
Yearsley JM; Salmanidou DM; Carlsson J; Burns D; Van Dover CL (2020) 'Biophysical models of persistent connectivity and barriers on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge'. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography  |