Dr Ole Boysen |
Boysen O; Boysen-Urban K; Bradford H; Jean B (2020) 'Could higher junk food taxes reduce obesity?'. Social Science Journal for Teens |
Boysen-Urban K; Brockmeier M; Jensen HG; Boysen O (2020) 'Measuring the Trade Restrictiveness of Domestic Support using the EU Common Agricultural Policy as an Example'. Journal of Agricultural Economics 71 (1) :27-49. |
Professor Kath Browne |
Browne K (2020) 'Isn’t this just about lesbians? Teaching hegemonic geographies of sexualities and genders here and now'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44 (2) :203-216. |
Browne K (2020) 'Sexualities and queer I: Lesbian geographies'. Progress in Human Geography  |
Browne K; Banerjea N; Bakshi L (2020) 'Survival and liveability in #COVIDtimes: Queer women’s transnational witnessing of COVID-19'. Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2) :128-131. |
Browne K; Lim J; Hall J; McGlynn N (2020) 'Sexual(ities that) progress: Introduction'. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space  |
Browne K; Nash C (2020) 'Heteroactivism'. lambda nordica 25 (1) :72-80. |
Browne K; Nash CJ (2020) 'In Ireland We ‘Love Both’? Heteroactivism in Ireland’s Anti-Repeal Ephemera'. Feminist Review 124 (1) :51-67. |
Ceatha N; Mayock P; Campbell J; Noone C; Browne K (2019) 'The power of recognition: A qualitative study of social connectedness and wellbeing through lgbt sporting, creative and social groups in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (19)  |
Donisi V; Amaddeo F; Zakrzewska K; Farinella F; Davis R; Gios L; Sherriff N; Zeeman L; Mcglynn N; Browne K (2020) 'Training healthcare professionals in LGBTI cultural competencies: Exploratory findings from the Health4LGBTI pilot project'. Patient Education and Counseling 103 (5) :978-987. |
McGlynn N; Browne K; Sherriff N; Zeeman L; Mirandola M; Gios L; Davis R; Donisi V; Farinella F; Rosińska M (2020) 'Healthcare professionals’ assumptions as barriers to LGBTI healthcare'. Culture, Health and Sexuality 22 (8) :954-970. |
Zeeman L; Sherriff N; Browne K; McGlynn N; Mirandola M; Gios L; Davis R; Sanchez-Lambert J; Aujean S; Pinto N (2019) 'A review of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) health and healthcare inequalities'. European Journal of Public Health 29 (5) :974-980. |
Dr Sarah Carol |
Carol S; Eich D; Keller M; Steiner F; Storz K (2019) 'Who can ride along? Discrimination in a German carpooling market'. Population, Space and Place 25 (8)  |
Carol S; Hank K (2020) 'Natives’ and Immigrants’ Gender Preferences for Children in Germany'. European Journal of Population 36 (2) :235-246. |
Carol S; Peez F; Wagner M (2019) 'Delinquency among majority and minority youths in Cologne, Mannheim and Brussels: the role of religion'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (17) :3603-3629. |
Dr Anne Cleary Cleary |
Arensman E; Larkin C; McCarthy J; Leitao S; Corcoran P; Williamson E; McAuliffe C; Perry IJ; Griffin E; Cassidy EM (2019) 'Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland: Optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study'. BMC Psychiatry 19 (1)  |
Dr Micheal Collins |
Collins ML (2020) 'Private Pensions and the Gender Distribution of Fiscal Welfare'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :500-516. |
Collins ML; Ruane S; Sinfield A (2020) 'Introduction: Taxation and Social Policy'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :431-436. |
Ruane S; Collins ML; Sinfield A (2020) 'The Centrality of Taxation to Social Policy'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :437-453. |
Professor John Cotter |
Conlon T; Cotter J; Molyneux P (2020) 'Beyond common equity: The influence of secondary capital on bank insolvency risk'. Journal of Financial Stability 47  |
Cotter J; Suurlaht A (2019) 'Spillovers in risk of financial institutions'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1765-1792. |
Assoc Professor Mathew Creighton |
Creighton MJ (2019) 'Editorial'. Irish Journal of Sociology 27 (3) :225-226. |
Creighton MJ; Jamal AA (2020) 'An overstated welcome: Brexit and intentionally masked anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies :1-21. |
Creighton MJ; Strabac Z (2020) 'Party affiliation and support for Muslim newcomers: masked opposition in the Norwegian context'. European Societies 22 (4) :480-502. |
O’Sullivan S; Creighton MJ (2020) 'Editorial'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (1) :3-4. |
Professor Paul Devereux |
Black SE; Devereux PJ; Lundborg P; Majlesi K (2020) 'Poor Little Rich Kids? The Role of Nature versus Nurture in Wealth and Other Economic Outcomes and Behaviours'. Review of Economic Studies 87 (4) :1683-1725. |
Delaney JM; Devereux PJ (2019) 'Understanding gender differences in STEM: Evidence from college applications✰'. Economics of Education Review 72 :219-238. |
Delaney JM; Devereux PJ (2020) 'Choosing differently? College application behavior and the persistence of educational advantage'. Economics of Education Review 77  |
Delaney JM; Devereux PJ (2020) 'How gender and prior disadvantage predict performance in college'. Economic and Social Review 51 (2) :189-239. |
Delaney JM; Devereux PJ (2020) 'Math matters! The importance of mathematical and verbal skills for degree performance'. Economics Letters 186  |
Professor Dympna Devine |
Cockburn T; Devine D (2020) 'Recognising Children's Citizenship in the Social Care System'. The British Journal of Social Work |
McGillicuddy D; Devine D (2020) '‘You feel ashamed that you are not in the higher group’—Children’s psychosocial response to ability grouping in primary school'. British Educational Research Journal 46 (3) :553-573. |
McGillicuddy D; Devine D (2020) '“You feel ashamed that you are not in the higher group” – Children’s Psychosocial Response to Ability Grouping in Primary School'. British Educational Research Journal |
Dr Sarah Donnelly |
Ó Coimín D; Prizeman G; Korn B; Donnelly S; Hynes G (2019) 'Dying in acute hospitals: Voices of bereaved relatives'. BMC Palliative Care 18 (1)  |
Anjara SG; Ní Shé É; O'Shea M; O'Donoghue G; Donnelly S; Brennan J; Whitty H; Maloney P; Claffey A; Quinn S (2020) 'Embedding collective leadership to foster collaborative inter-professional working in the care of older people (ECLECTIC): Study protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :8. |
Brennan J; Reilly P; Cuskelly K; Donnelly S (2020) 'Social Work, Mental Health, Older People and Covid19'. International Psychogeriatrics :1-11. |
Davies C; Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Donnelly S; Ní Shé É; O. Shea M; Prihodova L; Gleeson C; Flynn Á; Rock B (2019) 'What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Davies C; O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Donnelly S; Fattori F; Coimín DÓ; Cooney MT; O’Brien M; O’Shea D; Kyne L (2019) '171 Programme Theory to Guide the Adoption of Assisted Decision Making with Older People in Acute Healthcare: Realist Evaluation'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S (2019) '72 Adult Safeguarding, Abuse of Vulnerable Adults and Mandatory Reporting: A Rapid Realist Review of the Literature'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
Donnelly S (2019) 'Mandatory reporting and adult safeguarding: a rapid realist review'. Journal of Adult Protection 21 (5) :241-251. |
Donnelly S; Begley E; O’Brien M (2019) 'How are people with dementia involved in care-planning and decision-making? An Irish social work perspective'. Dementia 18 (44050) :2985-3003. |
Donnelly S; Coimín DÓ; O'Donnell D; Davies C; Shé ÉN; Fattori F; Cooney MT; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Shea M (2019) '153 Barriers and Enablers of Assisted Decision-making for Older People in Acute Care Hospitals: A Multi-Stakeholder Inquiry'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S; Morton S (2019) 'Creating organisational and practice change through the use of co-operative inquiry groups in healthcare settings'. Action Research 17 (4) :451-468. |
Donnelly S; Raghallaigh MNÍ; Foreman M (2019) 'Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland'. European Journal of Social Work 22 (5) :831-844. |
Kodate N; Donnelly S; Tsujimura M; Suwa S (2019) '49 Health and Social Care Professionals’ Perceptions Regarding Home-Care Robots for Older People in Ireland: A Questionnaire Study'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Ní Shé É; Cassidy J; Davies C; De Brún A; Donnelly S; Dorris E; Dunne N; Egan K; Foley M; Galvin M (2020) 'Minding the gap: Identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Pentaris P; Willis P; Ray M; Deusdad B; Lonbay S; Niemi M; Donnelly S (2020) 'Older People in the Context of COVID-19: A European Perspective'. Journal of Gerontological Social Work  |
Shé ÉNÍ; O’donnell D; Donnelly S; Davies C; Fattori F; Kroll T (2020) '“What Bothers Me Most Is the Disparity between the Choices that People Have or Don’t Have”: A Qualitative Study on the Health Systems Responsiveness to Implementing the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9)  |
Dr Matthew Donoghue |
Anand P; Jones S; Donoghue M; Teitler J (2020) 'Non-monetary poverty and deprivation: A capability approach'. Journal of European Social Policy :95892872093833-95892872093833. |
Dagdeviren H; Capucha L; Calado A; Donoghue M; Estêvão P (2020) 'Structural Foundations of Social Resilience'. Social Policy and Society 19 (4) :539-552. |
Donoghue M; Edmiston D (2020) 'Gritty citizens? Exploring the logic and limits of resilience in UK social policy during times of socio-material insecurity'. Critical Social Policy 40 (1) :7-29. |
Professor Gerardine Doyle |
Browne S; Kechadi MT; O'Donnell S; Dow M; Tully L; Doyle G; O'Malley G (2020) 'Mobile health apps in pediatric obesity treatment: Process outcomes from a feasibility study of a multicomponent intervention'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
Doyle G; Browne S; Kechadi T; O'Donnell S; Tully L; O'Malley G (2020) 'Using mHealth apps with children in treatment for obesity: Process outcomes from a feasibility study,'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e16925) (7)  |
Gibney S; Brunton L; Ryan C; Doyle G; Rowlnads G (2020) 'The impact of increasing health literacy on health inequalities: evidence from a national population survey in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (5891)  |
Gibney S; Bruton L; Ryan C; Doyle G; Rowlands G (2020) 'Increasing health literacy may reduce health inequalities: Evidence from a national population survey in ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (16) :1-17. |
Jackson AD; Kirwan L; Gibney S; Jeleniewska P; Fletcher G; Doyle G (2020) 'Associations between health literacy and patient outcomes in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis'. European Journal of Public Health 30 (1) :112-118. |
Quigley E; Michel A-S; Doyle G (2020) 'Vignette-Based Interviewing in the Health Care Space: A Robust Method of Vignette Development'.  |
Quigley E; O’Donnell S; Doyle G (2020) 'Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Collecting Patient-Level Health Care Costs'.  |
Assoc Professor Orla Doyle |
Booth A; O’Farrelly C; Hennessy E; Doyle O (2019) '‘Be good, know the rules’: Children’s perspectives on starting school and self-regulation'. Childhood 26 (4) :509-524. |
Briody J; Doyle O; Kelleher C (2020) 'The effect of local unemployment on health: A longitudinal study of Irish mothers 2001-2011'. Economics and Human Biology 37  |
Doyle O (2020) 'The first 2,000 days and child skills'. Journal of Political Economy 128 (6) :2067-2122. |
Doyle OM; Leavitt N; Rigg JA (2020) 'Finding undiagnosed patients with hepatitis C infection: an application of artificial intelligence to patient claims data.'. Scientific reports 10 (1) :10521. |
McDonnell T; Doyle O (2019) 'Maternal employment and childcare during infancy and childhood overweight'. Social Science and Medicine 243  |
Assoc Professor Jos Elkink |
Brazys S; Elkink JA (2020) '“Aid for Trade” Effectiveness? Micro-level Evidence from Nepal'. European Journal of Development Research  |
Elkink JA; Farrell DM; Marien S; Reidy T; Suiter J (2020) 'The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum'. Electoral Studies 65  |
Professor Roland Erne |
Erne R (2020) 'Labour Politics and the EU’s New Economic Governance Regime: Methodological Challenges and Innovations of a New Research Agenda'. Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations -Deventer then the Hague- 107 :93-98. |
Jordan J; Maccarrone V; Erne R (2020) 'Towards a Socialization of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU Labour Policy Interventions in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Romania (2009–2019)'. British Journal of Industrial Relations  |
Stan S; Erne R; Gannon S (2020) 'Bringing EU citizens together or pulling them apart? The European Health Insurance Card, east–west mobility, and the failed promise of European social integration'. Journal of European Social Policy Online first  |
Professor Bryan Fanning |
DIllon D; Fanning B (2019) 'Developer-led gentrification and legacies of urban policy failure in Post-Riot Tottenham'. Community Development Journal 54 (4) :605-621. |
Fanning B; Kloc-Nowak W; Lesińska M (2020) 'Polish migrant settlement without political integration in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a comparative analysis in the context of Brexit and thin European citizenship'. International Migration  |
Professor David Farrell |
Elkink JA; Farrell DM; Marien S; Reidy T; Suiter J (2020) 'The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum'. Electoral Studies 65  |
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Cunningham K; Harris C (2020) 'When Mini-Publics and Maxi-Publics Coincide: Ireland’s National Debate on Abortion'. Representation  |
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Harris C; Cunningham K (2020) 'The Effects of Mixed Membership in a Deliberative Forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012–2014'. Political Studies 68 (1) :54-73. |
Harris C; Farrell DM; Suiter J; Brennan M (2020) 'Women’s voices in a deliberative assembly: An analysis of gender rates of participation in Ireland’s Convention on the Constitution 2012–2014'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations  |
O’Malley E; Farrell DM; Suiter J (2020) 'Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change'. International Political Science Review 41 (3) :321-334. |
Dr Kate Frazer |
Darbyshire P; Hayter M; Frazer K; Ion R; Jackson D (2020) 'Hitting rock bottom: The descent from predatory journals and conferences to the predatory PhD'. Journal of Clinical Nursing  |
Frazer K (2019) 'Innovative thinking and legislation enforcement are key to reduce children's tobacco smoke exposure'. The Lancet. Public health 4 (12) :e593-e594. |
Frazer K (2020) 'Health checks have a limited effect on reducing morbidity and mortality in asymptomatic populations'. Evidence-Based Nursing 23 (1) :32. |
Frazer K (2020) 'Increased intake of omega-3 during pregnancy can reduce preterm births'. Evidence-Based Nursing 23 (2) :63. |
Frazer K (2020) 'Nurses' intuitive worrying predicts physiological changes in patients' vital signs'. Evidence-Based Nursing  |
Frazer K; Fitzpatrick P; Brosnan M; Dromey AM; Kelly S; Murphy M; O’brien D; Kelleher CC; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum—establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Frazer K; Mitchell L; Crowley E; Stokes D; Kelleher C (2020) 'CRD42020191569 Systematic review of measures to protect older people in long term care facilities from COVID-19'. International register prospective systemic reviews (PROSPERO) (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42020191569) |
Frazer K; Paul G; Kroll T (2020) 'Learning from Nightingale’s engagement with complex systems: 21st-century public health issues of homelessness and achieving Sustainable Development Goals'. Perspectives in Public Health 140 (3) :139-140. |
Dr Blánaid Gavin |
Flood M; Hayden JC; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2019) 'A qualitative study exploring the decision of parents to use medication in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder'. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 15 (9) :1095-1101. |
Gavin B; Hayden J; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Caring for the psychological well-being of healthcare professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic crisis'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (4) |
Gavin B; Hayden JC; Quigley E; Adamis D; McNicholas F (2020) 'Opportunities for international collaboration in COVID-19 mental health research.'. European child & adolescent psychiatry  |
Lynch D; O’brien M; O’byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'Impact and mechanism of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (6) :P100-P103. |
Minihan E; Gavin B; Kelly BD; McNicholas F (2020) 'Covid-19, Mental Health and Psychological First Aid'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
O'byrne L; Gavin B; McNicholas F (2020) 'The pandemic within medical education'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (8) :1-2. |
Professor Susi Geiger |
Geiger S (2020) 'Silicon Valley, disruption, and the end of uncertainty'. Journal of Cultural Economy 13 (2) :169-184. |
Mountford N; Geiger S (2020) 'Duos and Duels in Field Evolution: How Governments and Interorganizational Networks Relate'. Organization Studies 41 (4) :499-522. |
Wei R; Geiger S; Vize R (2019) 'A platform approach in solution business: How platform openness can be used to control solution networks'. Industrial Marketing Management 83 :251-265. |
Dr Irial Glynn |
Glynn I (2020) 'Big Powers, Small Islands, Real Displaced People. Response to Gettel, Eliza. Recognizing the Delians Displaced after 167/6 BCE. Humanities 2018, 7, 91'. Humanities 9 (3) :60-60. |
Schrover M; Vosters T; Glynn I (2019) 'NGOs and West European Migration Governance (1860s until Present): Introduction to a Special Issue'. Journal of Migration History 5 (2) :189-217. |
Assoc Professor Thomas Grund |
O’Sullivan S; Grund T (2020) 'Editors’ introduction'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (2) :115. |
Tatum TG; Grund TU (2020) 'Accusation and confession discrepancies in bullying: Dual-perspective networks and individual-level attributes'. Social Networks 60 :61-70. |
Professor Niamh Hardiman |
Hardiman N; Metinsoy S (2019) 'Power, ideas, and national preferences: Ireland and the FTT'. Journal of European Public Policy 26 (11) :1600-1619. |
Hardiman N; Spanou C; Araújo JF; MacCarthaigh M (2019) 'Tangling with the Troika: ‘domestic ownership’ as political and administrative engagement in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal'. Public Management Review 21 (9) :1265-1286. |
Professor Eilis Hennessy |
Booth A; O’Farrelly C; Hennessy E; Doyle O (2019) '‘Be good, know the rules’: Children’s perspectives on starting school and self-regulation'. Childhood 26 (4) :509-524. |
Moriarty A; Nearchou F; Byrne M; Cullen W; Hennessy E (2020) 'General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: A cross-sectional survey'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry  |
Nearchou F; Davies A; Hennessy E (2019) 'Psychometric evaluation of the Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in young adults with chronic health conditions.'. Irish journal of psychological medicine :1-5. |
Nearchou F; Flinn C; Hennessy E; Niland R (2020) 'Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on mental health outcomes in children and adolescents: A systematic review'. PROSPERO  |
Nearchou F; O'Driscoll C; McKeague L; Heary C; Hennessy E (2020) 'Psychometric properties of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale-Revised in adolescents and young adults'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry  |
Professor Christopher Jepsen |
Böckerman P; Haapanen M; Jepsen C (2019) 'Back to school: Labor-market returns to higher vocational schooling'. Labour Economics 61  |
Assoc Professor Kanika Kapur |
Kapur K (2020) 'Private health insurance in Ireland: Trends and determinants'. Economic and Social Review 51 (1) :63-92. |
Professor Cecily Kelleher |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Briody J; Doyle O; Kelleher C (2020) 'The effect of local unemployment on health: A longitudinal study of Irish mothers 2001-2011'. Economics and Human Biology 37  |
Cleary E; Kelleher CC; Lane A; Malone KM (2020) 'Limiting psychotropic medication prescription on discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: A possible suicide intervention?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :43-47. |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2020) 'Associations between maternal healthy lifestyle score and offspring birth outcomes and childhood obesity: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Assoc Professor Naonori Kodate |
Anderson J; Ross A; Kodate N (2019) 'Resilience healthcare and CARE model: the case of the UK'. Patient Safety Report: Japanese Coalition for Patient Safety |
Anderson JE; Ross AJ; Lim R; Kodate N; Thompson K; Jensen H; Cooney K (2019) 'Nursing teamwork in the care of older people: A mixed methods study'. Applied Ergonomics 80 :119-129. |
Kodate N (2019) 'Brexit as the final stage of the British Empire - a perspective from Ireland'. The EPI (Economic Policy Institute) Journal |
Kodate N (2020) 'Clinical simulation in patient safety education: The current situation in England'. Patient Safety Report: Japanese Coalition for Patient Safety |
Kodate N; Donnelly S; Tsujimura M; Suwa S (2019) '49 Health and Social Care Professionals’ Perceptions Regarding Home-Care Robots for Older People in Ireland: A Questionnaire Study'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Lynch M; Kodate N (2020) 'Professional practice following regulatory change: An evaluation using principles of “Better Regulation”'. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 16 (2) :208-215. |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Kondo H; Okamoto Y; Ishii Y; Masuyama S (2019) '69 How Useful is an Integrated Assistive Technology System in a Nursing Home? Understanding its Effectiveness on Users and their Perceptions'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Masuyama S (2020) 'Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan'. Technology in Society 62  |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Masuyama S (2020) 'Measuring the impact of age, gender and dementia on communication-robot interventions in residential care homes'. Geriatrics and Gerontology International |
Suwa S; Tsujimura M; Ide H; Kodate N; Ishimaru M; Shimamura A; Yu W (2020) 'Home-care Professionals’ Ethical Perceptions of the Development and Use of Home-care Robots for Older Adults in Japan'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 36 (14) :1295-1303. |
Professor Thilo Kroll |
Angel S; Kroll T (2020) 'Sex Life During the First 10 Years After Spinal Cord Injury: A Qualitative Exploration'. Sexuality and Disability 38 (1) :107-121. |
Breckenridge JP; Kroll T; Wylie G; Salzberg A (2020) 'Remembering the past, enhancing the present and sharing the future: A qualitative study of the impact of film screenings in care home communities'. Ageing and Society  |
Davies C; Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Donnelly S; Ní Shé É; O. Shea M; Prihodova L; Gleeson C; Flynn Á; Rock B (2019) 'What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Davies C; O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Donnelly S; Fattori F; Coimín DÓ; Cooney MT; O’Brien M; O’Shea D; Kyne L (2019) '171 Programme Theory to Guide the Adoption of Assisted Decision Making with Older People in Acute Healthcare: Realist Evaluation'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S; Coimín DÓ; O'Donnell D; Davies C; Shé ÉN; Fattori F; Cooney MT; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Shea M (2019) '153 Barriers and Enablers of Assisted Decision-making for Older People in Acute Care Hospitals: A Multi-Stakeholder Inquiry'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S; Manning M; Mannan H; Wilson AG; Kroll T (2020) 'Renegotiating dimensions of the self: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis of the lived experience of self-managing rheumatoid arthritis'. Health Expectations  |
Frazer K; Paul G; Kroll T (2020) 'Learning from Nightingale’s engagement with complex systems: 21st-century public health issues of homelessness and achieving Sustainable Development Goals'. Perspectives in Public Health 140 (3) :139-140. |
Fulford H; McSwiggan L; Kroll T; MacGillivray S (2019) 'Exploring the use of mobile information and communication technologies by people with mood disorders'. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 28 (6) :1268-1277. |
Higgins A; Murphy R; Barry J; Eustace-Cook J; Monahan M; Kroll T; Hevey D; Doyle L; Gibbons P (2020) 'Scoping review of factors influencing the implementation of group psychoeducational initiatives for people experiencing mental health difficulties and their families'. Journal of Mental Health  |
Linehan C; Aranten-Bergman T; Beadle-Brown J; Bigby C; Birkbeck G; Bradley V; Brown M; Bredewold F; Chirwa M; Kanova S (2020) 'COVID-19 IDD: A global survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers'. HRB Open Research 3 :39-39. |
Moloney B; Kroll T; Lafferty A (2020) 'An exploration of young carers' experiences in school and their perceptions regarding their future career - a scoping review protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :41. |
Mwendwa P; Karani C; Kamolo E; Kroll T; De Brún A; McAuliffe E (2020) 'What contextual factors and mechanisms facilitate male involvement in women's sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa? A rapid realist review protocol'.  |
Mwendwa P; Kroll T; De Brún A (2020) '“To stop #FGM it is important to involve the owners of the tradition aka men” An Exploratory Analysis of Social Media Discussions on Female Genital Mutilation'. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies |
Mwendwa P; Mutea N; Kaimuri MJ; De Brún A; Kroll T (2020) '"Promote locally led initiatives to fight female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)" lessons from anti-FGM/C advocates in rural Kenya'. Reproductive Health 17 (1)  |
Ní Shé É; Cassidy J; Davies C; De Brún A; Donnelly S; Dorris E; Dunne N; Egan K; Foley M; Galvin M (2020) 'Minding the gap: Identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol'.  |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol'. HRB Open Research 3 :3-3. |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :3. |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline'.  |
Phillips D; Paul G; Fahy M; Dowling-Hetherington L; Kroll T; Moloney B; Duffy C; Fealy G; Lafferty A (2020) 'The invisible workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: Family carers at the frontline.'. HRB open research 3 :24. |
Shé ÉNÍ; O’donnell D; Donnelly S; Davies C; Fattori F; Kroll T (2020) '“What Bothers Me Most Is the Disparity between the Choices that People Have or Don’t Have”: A Qualitative Study on the Health Systems Responsiveness to Implementing the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9)  |
Smith A; Macaden L; Kroll T; Alhusein N; Taylor A; Killick K; Stoddart K; Watson M (2019) 'A qualitative exploration of the experiences of community dwelling older adults with sensory impairment/s receiving polypharmacy on their pharmaceutical care journey'. Age and Ageing 48 (6) :895-902. |
Somanadhan S; Nicholson E; Dorris E; Brinkley A; Kennan A; Treacy E; Atif A; Ennis S; McGrath V; Mitchell D (2020) 'Rare Disease Research Partnership (RAinDRoP): a collaborative approach to identify the top 15 research priorities for rare diseases'. HRB Open Research 3 :13-13. |
Dr Leonhard Lades |
LADES LK; DELANEY L (2020) 'Nudge FORGOOD'. Behavioural Public Policy :1-20. |
Lades LK; Kelly A; Kelleher L (2020) 'Why is active travel more satisfying than motorized travel? Evidence from Dublin'. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 136 :318-333. |
Dr Pablo Lucas |
Feliciani T; Luo J; Ma L; Lucas P; Squazzoni F; Marušić A; Shankar K (2019) 'A scoping review of simulation models of peer review'. Scientometrics 121 (1) :555-594. |
Feliciani T; Moorthy R; Lucas P; Shankar K (2020) 'Grade language heterogeneity in simulation models of peer review'. JASSS 23 (3) :1. |
Professor David Madden |
Madden D (2019) 'The economic and social review at 50: A review article on fiscal policy papers'. Economic and Social Review 50 (4) :639-651. |
Madden D (2020) 'BMI mobility and obesity transitions among children in Ireland.'. Economics and human biology 38 :100896. |
Madden D (2020) 'The base of party political support in Ireland: An update'. Economic and Social Review 51 (1) :93-104. |
Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe |
Ainscough KM; Kennelly MA; Lindsay KL; O’Brien EC; O’Sullivan EJ; Mehegan J; Gibney ER; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'An observational analysis of meal patterns in overweight and obese pregnancy: exploring meal pattern behaviours and the association with maternal and fetal health measures'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :585-594. |
Ainscough KM; O'Brien EC; Lindsay KL; Kennelly MA; O'Sullivan EJ; O'Brien OA; McCarthy M; De Vito G; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Nutrition, Behavior Change and Physical Activity Outcomes From the PEARS RCT—An mHealth-Supported, Lifestyle Intervention Among Pregnant Women With Overweight and Obesity'. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10  |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Bartels HC; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Kranidi A; Mehegan J; Yelverton C; McDonnell CM; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Fetal Growth Trajectories and Their Association with Maternal, Cord Blood, and 5-year Child Adipokines'. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 2020  |
Bartels HC; O’Connor C; Segurado R; Mason O; Mehegan J; Geraghty AA; O’Brien E; Walsh J; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Fetal growth trajectories and their association with maternal and child characteristics'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (14) :2427-2433. |
Brady MB; O’Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Courtney AU; Kilbane MT; Twomey PJ; McKenna MJ; Crowley RK; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Blood pressure in pregnancy—A stress test for hypertension? Five-year, prospective, follow-up of the ROLO study'. Clinical Endocrinology 91 (6) :816-823. |
Brien EO; Walsh N; Geraghty A; Byrne D; McAuliffe F (2020) 'What can researchers learn from participant involvement? Insights from the ROLO Family Advisory Committee'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A systematic review of probiotic use to improve metabolic health in women'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Yelverton CA; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of probiotic supplementation on metabolic health in healthy women of reproductive age: a systematic review'. Food & Function  |
Callaghan S; Geraghty AA; Moore RL; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Exploration of factors associated with intention, initiation and duration of breastfeeding'. Irish Medical Journal 113 (7) :1-8. |
Callaghan S; Moore RL; Geraghty AA; Yelverton C; McAuliffe F (2020) 'Examination of weight status, parity and maternal education factors on intentions to breastfeed and breastfeeding duration in an Irish cohort.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Callaghan S; O’Brien E; Coughlan B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Midwives’ and obstetricians’ level of knowledge of appropriate gestational weight gain recommendations for pregnancy: A systematic review'. Birth  |
Cauldwell M; Mackie F; Steer P; Heneghan M; Baalman J; Brennand J; Johnson T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes for women with primary sclerosis cholangitis and primary binary cholangitis'. Journal of Hepatology 73 :S485-S485. |
Cauldwell M; Mackie FL; Steer PJ; Henehghan MA; Baalman JH; Brennand J; Johnston T; Dockree S; Hedley C; Jarvis S (2020) 'Pregnancy outcomes in women with primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis: a retrospective cohort study'. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 127 (7) :876-884. |
Chen L-W; Aubert A; Bernard JY; Cooper C; Duijts L; Geraghty AA; Harvey NC; Hebert JR; Heude B; Kelleher CC (2020) 'Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts (ALPHABET consortium)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Brennan EP; Kelly P; Cormican P; Moran B; Giangrazi F; Downey P; Mooney EE; Loftus BJ (2020) 'Dysregulation of the interleukin-17A pathway in endometrial tissue from women with unexplained infertility affects pregnancy outcome following assisted reproductive treatment'. Human Reproduction 35 (8) :1875-1888. |
Crosby DA; Glover LE; Downey P; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; O’Farrelly C; Brennan DJ; Wingfield M (2020) 'The impact of accurately timed mid-luteal endometrial injury in igravid women undergoing their first or second embryo transfer'. Irish Journal of Medical Science  |
Daly R; Dicker P; Unterscheider J; Daly S; Geary MP; Kennelly M; Mcauliffe FM; O’Donoghue K; Hunter A; Morrison J (2020) '314: Femur length ratios as predictors of adverse outcome in fetuses: Results from the PORTO Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S211-S212. |
Doherty J; Moore R; Kivlehan C; Twomey P; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'P271 Trends in faecal calprotectin levels during pregnancy and post-partum in healthy women'. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 14 (Supplement_1) :S286-S286. |
Doherty J; Moore RL; Kivlehan C; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe F; Cullen G (2020) 'Su1872 TRENDS IN FAECAL CALPROTECTIN LEVELS DURING PREGNANCY IN PATIENTS WITHOUT INFLAMMATROY BOWEL DISEASE'. Gastroenterology 158 (6) :S-684. |
Donnelly JM; Lindsay K; Walsh JM; Horan MK; O’Shea D; Molloy EJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Perinatal inflammation and childhood adiposity–a gender effect?'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (7) :1203-1210. |
Donohoe F; Higgins M; Higgins S; McAuliffe F; Murphy K (2019) 'Rituximab – A novel therapy for severe ITP in pregnancy: A case report'. Obstetric Medicine 12 (4) :196-198. |
Flaherty SJ; McCarthy MB; Collins AM; McCafferty C; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A phenomenological exploration of change towards healthier food purchasing behaviour in women from a lower socioeconomic background using a health app'. Appetite 147  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: A systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16 (1)  |
Flannery C; Fredrix M; Olander EK; McAuliffe FM; Byrne M; Kearney PM (2019) 'P14 Physical activity interventions for overweight and obesity during pregnancy: a systematic review of the content of behaviour change interventions'. Oral presentations  |
Fontanella F; Hannes S; Keating N; Martyn F; Browne I; Briet J; McAuliffe FM; Baalman JH (2020) 'COVID-19 infection during the third trimester of pregnancy: Current clinical dilemmas'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 251 :268-271. |
Frazer K; Fitzpatrick P; Brosnan M; Dromey AM; Kelly S; Murphy M; O’brien D; Kelleher CC; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Smoking prevalence and secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy and postpartum—establishing risks to health and human rights before developing a tailored programme for smoking cessation'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan M; Donnelly J; Molloy E; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Role of birth weight and predisposition for adverse body composition in early childhood: Findings from the ROLO study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Hanson M; Jacob CM; Hod M; Killeen SL; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'The FIGO Pregnancy Obesity and Nutrition Initiative (PONI)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :131-133. |
Hehir MP; Burke N; Burke G; Turner MJ; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2019) 'Sonographic markers of fetal adiposity and risk of Cesarean delivery'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 54 (3) :338-343. |
Jacob CM; Lawrence WT; Inskip HM; McAuliffe FM; Killeen SL; Hanson M (2019) 'Do the concepts of “life course approach” and “developmental origins of health and disease” underpin current maternity care? Study protocol'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :140-146. |
Jairaj C; O’Leary N; Doolin K; Farrell C; McCarthy A; McAuliffe FM; O’Grady-Walshe A; Sheehan J; O’Keane V (2020) 'The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the perinatal period: Its relationship with major depressive disorder and early life adversity'. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 21 (7) :552-563. |
Kapur A; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Di Renzo GC; Kihara AB; McAuliffe F; Hanson M; Ma RC; Hod M; Bolatti H (2020) 'Towards a global consensus on GDM diagnosis: Light at the end of the tunnel?'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 149 (3) :257-261. |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set for PREgnancy Nutrition (PRENCOS)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Killeen SL; O'Brien EC; Jacob CM; O'Reilly SL; Hanson M; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'PREgnancy Nutrition: A protocol for the development of a Core Outcome Set (PRENCOS)'. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 147 (2) :134-139. |
Klumper J; Breebaart W; Roos C; Naaktgeboren CA; Van Der Post J; Bosmans J; Van Kaam A; Schuit E; Mol BW; Baalman J (2019) 'Study protocol for a randomised trial for atosiban versus placebo in threatened preterm birth: The APOSTEL 8 study'. BMJ Open 9 (11)  |
Maher SE; O'Brien EC; Moore RL; Byrne DF; Geraghty AA; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Van Sinderen D; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The association between the maternal diet and the maternal and infant gut microbiome: A systematic review'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Marchioro L; Hellmuth C; Uhl O; Geraghty AA; O'Brien EC; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Kirchberg FF; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Associations of maternal and fetal SCD-1 markers with infant anthropometry and maternal diet: Findings from the ROLO study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2129-2136. |
Marchioro L; Shokry E; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Uhl O; Koletzko B; McAuliffe FM (2019) 'Caesarean section, but not induction of labour, is associated with major changes in cord blood metabolome'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
McDonnell SC; Daly S; Breathnach FM; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Higgins JR; Morrison J; Burke G; Higgins S; Dicker P (2020) '1208: Twin Anaemia Polycyth aemia Syndrome (TAPS): A secondary analysis of the ESPRi T Trial'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S743-S744. |
McVey MK; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; McKenna MJ; Kilbane MT; Crowley RK; Twomey PJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'The impact of diet, body composition, and physical activity on child bone mineral density at five years of age—findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Pediatrics 179 (1) :121-131. |
Mone F; Thompson A; Stewart MC; Segurado R; Curry J; Dornan JC; McAuliffe FM; Shields MD (2020) 'The impact of fetal umbilical artery Doppler pulsatility index on childhood respiratory function and atopy: a prospective case-control study'. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 33 (5) :707-711. |
Monteith C; Flood K; Pinnamaneni R; Levine TA; Alderdice FA; Unterscheider J; McAuliffe FM; Dicker P; Tully EC; Malone FD (2019) 'An abnormal cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) is predictive of early childhood delayed neurodevelopment in the setting of fetal growth restriction'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 221 (3) :2730-273000000000. |
Moore R; Geraghty AA; Walsh C; Feehily C; Lawton E; Saldova R; Murphy E; van Sinderen D; Cotter P; Mcauliffe FM (2020) '214: Lifestyle, metabolic health and the gut microbiome in early pregnancy'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S148-S149. |
Mulcahy CH; McAuliffe FM; Carroll S; Mahony R; Higgins S; Walsh JM; McParland P; Mone F; McMahon C (2019) 'EP14.06: Prenatal diagnosis, management and outcome of fetal tachyarrhythmia: a 12‐year single centre experience'. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 54 (S1) :314-314. |
Mulcahy CH; Mone F; McAuliffe FM; Mooney E; McParland P; Mc Mahon CJ (2019) 'Antenatal diagnosis of idiopathic infantile arterial calcification (IIAC): a single centre experience and review of the literature'. Journal of Congenital Cardiology 3 (1)  |
Murphy NC; Burke N; Breathnach FM; Burke G; McAuliffe FM; Morrison JJ; Turner MJ; Dornan S; Higgins J; Cotter A (2020) 'Inter-hospital comparison of Cesarean delivery rates should not be considered to reflect quality of care without consideration of patient heterogeneity: An observational study'. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 250 :112-116. |
Murray K; Moore L; O'Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; McAuliffe F; Veale DJ (2020) 'P208 A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2)  |
Murray K; Moore L; O’Brien C; Clohessy A; Brophy C; FitzGerald O; Molloy ES; Mongey AB; Higgins S; Higgins MF (2020) 'A multidisciplinary approach to reproductive healthcare in women with rheumatic disease'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (1) :237-243. |
O'Connor C; Moore R; Hughes H; Cathcart B; Higgins S; Mahony R; Carroll S; McParland P; Mcauliffe FM; Walsh J (2020) '835: How accurate is the prenatal diagnosis of a fatal fetal abnormality?'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S524-S525. |
O'Reilly S; O'Brien E; Walker H; O'Carroll E; Courtney J; McAuliffe F (2020) '“The boob answers a lot of problems”: Exploring barriers and enablers to successful extended breastfeeding in women with high BMIs'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Sullivan EJ; Fallon L; Byrne F; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Compared to women without obesity, women with obesity have reduced odds of breastfeeding initiation and breastfeeding at hospital discharge'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
O'Toole R; Dicker P; Burke G; Mcauliffe FM; Geary MP; Daly S; Higgins JR; Hunter A; Morrison J; Higgins S (2020) '1131: Growth velocity in monochorionic and dichorionic twins - results of the multicenter ESPRiT Twin Study'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 222 (1) :S695-S696. |
O’Leary BD; Walsh M; Mooney EE; McAuliffe FM; Knowles SJ; Mahony RM; Downey P (2020) 'The etiology of stillbirth over 30 years: A cross-sectional study in a tertiary referral unit'. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica  |
O’Neill IJ; Sanchez Gallardo R; Saldova R; Murphy EF; Cotter PD; McAuliffe FM; van Sinderen D (2020) 'Maternal and infant factors that shape neonatal gut colonization by bacteria'. Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 14 (8) :651-664. |
O’Sullivan EJ; Rokicki S; Kennelly M; Ainscough K; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness of a mobile health-supported lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with an elevated body mass index'. International Journal of Obesity 44 (5) :999-1010. |
Rafferty AR; Geraghty AA; Kennelly MA; O’Brien EC; Reji RM; Mehegan J; Segurado R; Smith T; Maguire O; Cronin M (2020) 'Limited Impact of Fetal Sex and Maternal Body Mass Index on Fetal and Maternal Insulin Resistance and Lipid Metabolism: Findings from the PEARs Study'. Reproductive Sciences 27 (2) :513-522. |
Rogozińska E; Zamora J; Marlin N; Betrán AP; Astrup A; Bogaerts A; Cecatti JG; Dodd JM; Facchinetti F; Geiker NRW (2019) 'Gestational weight gain outside the Institute of Medicine recommendations and adverse pregnancy outcomes: Analysis using individual participant data from randomised trials'. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1)  |
Ryan G; Doherty KCO; Devane D; McAuliffe F; Morrison J (2019) 'Questionnaire survey on women's views after a first caesarean delivery in two tertiary centres in Ireland and their preference for involvement in a future randomised trial on mode of birth'. BMJ Open 9 (10)  |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article'. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Ryan GA; Purandare NC; McAuliffe FM; Hod M; Purandare CN (2020) 'Clinical update on COVID-19 in pregnancy: A review article.'. The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research 46 (8) :1235-1245. |
Sheiner E; Kapur A; Retnakaran R; Hadar E; Poon LC; McIntyre HD; Divakar H; Staff AC; Narula J; Kihara AB (2019) 'FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) Postpregnancy Initiative: Long-term Maternal Implications of Pregnancy Complications-Follow-up Considerations.'. International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 147 Suppl 1 :1-31. |
Smith M; O’Brien EC; Alberdi G; Geraghty AA; Kilbane M; McKenna MJ; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Association between vitamin D status in early pregnancy and atopy in offspring in a vitamin D deplete cohort'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :563-570. |
Thangaratinam S; Cooray SD; Sukumar N; Huda MSB; Devlieger R; Benhalima K; McAuliffe F; Saravanan P; Teede HJ (2020) 'Diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes mellitus'. European Journal of Endocrinology 183 (2) :G49-G56. |
Walsh NM; O'Brien EC; Geraghty AA; Byrne DF; Whelan A; Reilly S; Murray S; Reilly C; Adams E; Farnan PM (2020) 'Taking guidance from parents involved in a longitudinal birth cohort-the ROLO family advisory committee'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Yelverton CA; Geraghty AA; O’Brien EC; Killeen SL; Horan MK; Donnelly JM; Larkin E; Mehegan J; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'Breastfeeding and maternal eating behaviours are associated with child eating behaviours: findings from the ROLO Kids Study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition  |
Dr Julien Mercille |
Mercille J; Murphy E (2019) 'Market, Non-Market and Anti-Market Processes in Neoliberalism'. Critical Sociology 45 (44050) :1093-1109. |
Mercille J; O'Neill N (2020) 'The growth of private home care providers in Europe: The case of Ireland'. Social Policy and Administration  |
Professor Cal Muckley |
Branigan C; Muckley C; Ryan P (2019) 'Getting it right or getting it cursed: Auction prices in a residential real estate bubble'. European Financial Management 25 (5) :1121-1149. |
Dechezleprêtre A; Muckley CB; Neelakantan P (2020) 'Is firm-level clean or dirty innovation valued more?'. European Journal of Finance :1-31. |
Goyal A; Jategaonkar SP; Muckley CB (2020) 'Why do privatized firms pay higher dividends?'. Journal of Corporate Finance 60  |
Kumar G; Muckley CB; Pham L; Ryan D (2019) 'Can alert models for fraud protect the elderly clients of a financial institution?'. European Journal of Finance 25 (17) :1683-1707. |
Dr Muireann Ní Raghallaigh |
Donnelly S; Raghallaigh MNÍ; Foreman M (2019) 'Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland'. European Journal of Social Work 22 (5) :831-844. |
Ní Raghallaigh M; Foreman M (2020) 'Transitioning out of the asylum system in Ireland: Challenges and opportunities'. Social Work & Social Sciences Review 21 (1) :34-51. |
Ní Raghallaigh M; Smith K; Scholtz J (2020) 'Problematizing Parenting: The Regulation of Parenting Practices within Reception Centres for Syrian Refugees in Ireland'. Journal of Refugee Studies  |
Smith K; Ní Raghallaigh M; Scholtz J (2020) '‘I hope like they talk with us like how they talk with Irish’: ‘difference’, discrimination and affective inequality in the lives of young Syrian refugees resettled in Ireland'. Journal of Youth Studies  |
Professor Michelle Norris |
Norris M (2020) 'Commentary on Stephens’ “How Housing Systems Are Changing and Why: A Critique of Kemeny’s Theory of Housing Regimes”'. Housing, Theory and Society  |
Norris M; Byrne M (2020) 'Funding resilient and fragile social housing systems in Ireland and Denmark'. Housing Studies  |
Norris M; Hayden A (2020) 'Funding incentives, disincentives and vulnerabilities in the Irish council housing sector'. Housing Studies  |
Norris M; Quilty A (2020) 'Unreal, unsheltered, unseen, unrecorded: The multiple invisibilities of LGBTQI+ homeless youth'. Critical Social Policy  |
Professor Philip O'Connell |
Kelly E; McGuinness S; O’connell PJ; Pandiella AG; Haugh D (2020) 'How did immigrants fare in the irish labour market over the great recession?'. Economic and Social Review 52 (3) :357-380. |
O’Connell PJ (2019) 'Why are so few Africans at work in Ireland? Immigration policy and labour market disadvantage'. Irish Journal of Sociology 27 (3) :273-295. |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill |
Andrade L; O'Malley K; Hynds P; O'Neill E; O'Dwyer J (2019) 'Assessment of two behavioural models (HBM and RANAS) for predicting health behaviours in response to environmental threats: Surface water flooding as a source of groundwater contamination and subsequent waterborne infection in the Republic of Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 685 :1019-1029. |
Brereton F; O’neill E (2019) 'Europe in transition: The future place of the environment in the European union'. Economic and Social Review 50 (3) :515-528. |
Kelleher L; Henchion M; O'Neill E (2019) 'Policy coherence and the transition to a bioeconomy: The case of Ireland'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (24)  |
Lennon M; Duvall P; O'Neill E (2020) 'The (un)common good: diverging justifications for wilderness making in a modified landscape'. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22 (3) :301-314. |
McDowell CP; Andrade L; O'neill E; O'malley K; O'dwyer J; Hynds PD (2020) 'Gender-related differences in flood risk perception and behaviours among private groundwater users in the Republic of Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6)  |
Professor Andy Prothero |
Prothero A; McDonagh P (2020) 'Ambiguity of Purpose and the Politics of Failure: Sustainability as Macromarketing’s Compelling Political Calling'. Journal of Macromarketing  |
Assoc Professor Aidan Regan |
Fuller GW; Johnston A; Regan A (2020) 'Housing prices and wealth inequality in Western Europe'. West European Politics 43 (2) :297-320. |
Johnston A; Fuller GW; Regan A (2020) 'It takes two to tango: mortgage markets, labor markets and rising household debt in Europe'. Review of International Political Economy  |
Kneafsey L; Regan A (2020) 'The role of the media in shaping attitudes toward corporate tax avoidance in Europe: experimental evidence from Ireland'. Review of International Political Economy  |
Professor Bill Roche |
Teague P; Roche W; Currie D; Gormley T (2020) 'Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ireland and the US Model'. ILR Review 73 (2) :345-365. |
Dr Margaret Samahita |
Mundaca L; Samahita M (2020) 'What drives home solar PV uptake? Subsidies, peer effects and visibility in Sweden'. Energy Research and Social Science 60  |
Samahita M (2020) 'Pay-What-You-Want in Competition'. B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 20 (1)  |
Professor Kalpana Shankar |
Feliciani T; Luo J; Ma L; Lucas P; Squazzoni F; Marušić A; Shankar K (2019) 'A scoping review of simulation models of peer review'. Scientometrics 121 (1) :555-594. |
Feliciani T; Moorthy R; Lucas P; Shankar K (2020) 'Grade language heterogeneity in simulation models of peer review'. JASSS 23 (3) :1. |
Shankar K; Jeng W; Thomer A; Weber N; Yoon A (2020) 'Data curation as collective action during COVID-19'. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology  |
Squazzoni F; Ahrweiler P; Barros T; Bianchi F; Birukou A; Blom HJJ; Bravo G; Cowley S; Dignum V; Dondio P (2020) 'Unlock ways to share data on peer review.'. Nature 578 (7796) :512-514. |
Dr Seaneen Sloan |
Sloan S; Winter K; Connolly P; Gildea A (2020) 'The effectiveness of Nurture Groups in improving outcomes for young children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in primary schools: An evaluation of Nurture Group provision in Northern Ireland'. Children and Youth Services Review 108  |
Professor Aisling Swaine |
Swaine A (2020) 'Addressing the Gendered Interests of Victims/Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Their Children Through National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security'. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs 7 (2) :145-176. |
Swaine A (2020) 'Gender Planning for Peace and Security: Reorienting National Action Plans'. Irish Yearbook of International Law 13 :39-65. |
Assoc Professor Jennifer Symonds |
Britton U; Issartel J; Symonds J; Belton S (2020) 'What keeps them physically active? Predicting physical activity, motor competence, health-related fitness, and perceived competence in irish adolescents after the transition from primary to second-level school'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (8)  |
D’Urso G; Symonds J; Pace U (2020) 'Positive Youth Development and Being Bullied in Early Adolescence: A Sociocultural Analysis of National Cohort Data'. The Journal of Early Adolescence :27243162093119-27243162093119. |
Strasser-Burke N; Symonds J (2020) 'Who Do You Want to Be Like? Factors Influencing Early Adolescents’ Selection of Accessible and Inaccessible Role Models'. Journal of Early Adolescence 40 (7) :914-935. |
Symonds JE; Schreiber JB; Torsney BM (2020) 'Silver Linings and Storm Clouds: Divergent Profiles of Student Momentary Engagement Emerge in Response to the Same Task'. Journal of Educational Psychology  |
Torsney BM; Symonds JE (2019) 'The professional student program for educational resilience: Enhancing momentary engagement in classwork'. Journal of Educational Research 112 (6) :676-692. |
Dr Dorota Szelewa |
Lendvai-Bainton N; Szelewa D (2020) 'Governing new authoritarianism: Populism, nationalism and radical welfare reforms in Hungary and Poland'. Social Policy and Administration  |
Szelewa D (2020) 'Recurring ideas: Searching for the roots of right-wing populism in Eastern Europe'. European Journal of Cultural Studies  |
Szelewa D; Polakowski M (2020) 'The “ugly” face of social investment? The politics of childcare in Central and Eastern Europe'. Social Policy and Administration 54 (1) :14-27. |
Dr Laura Taylor |
Davis AN; Carlo G; Taylor LK (2020) 'The interplay of community and family risk and protective factors on adjustment in young adult immigrants'. International Journal of Psychology  |
Luningham JM; Merrilees CE; Taylor LK; Goeke-Morey M; Shirlow P; Wentz B; Cummings EM (2020) 'Relations Among Father's Presence, Family Conflict, and Adolescent Adjustment in Northern Ireland'. Child Development  |
O'Driscoll D; Taylor LK; Dautel JB (2020) 'Essentialist beliefs affect children's outgroup empathy, attitudes and prosocial behaviours in a setting of intergroup conflict'. International Journal of Psychology  |
Shamoa-Nir L; Razpurker-Apfeld I; Dautel JB; Taylor LK (2020) 'Out-group prosocial giving during childhood: The role of in-group preference and out-group attitudes in a divided society'. International Journal of Behavioral Development  |
Štambuk M; Taylor LK; Löw A; Čorkalo Biruški D; Merrilees CE; Ajduković D; Cummings EM (2020) 'Parental competitive victimhood and interethnic discrimination among their children: The mediating role of ethnic socialization and symbolic threat to the in-group'. British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (1) :87-110. |
Taylor L; Bahr C (2020) 'Recognizing the diverse and complex nature of violence in childhood'. Peace and Conflict: journal of peace psychology |
Taylor LK; Dautel J; Rylander R (2020) 'Symbols and labels: Children's awareness of social categories in a divided society'. Journal of Community Psychology 48 (5) :1512-1526. |
Taylor LK; Glen C (2020) 'From empathy to action: Can enhancing host-society children's empathy promote positive attitudes and prosocial behaviour toward refugees?'. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 30 (2) :214-226. |
Taylor LK; McKeown S (2019) 'Does violence beget violence? The role of family ethnic socialization and intergroup bias among youth in a setting of protracted intergroup conflict'. International Journal of Behavioral Development 43 (5) :403-408. |
Taylor LK; O'Driscoll D; Dautel JB; McKeown S (2020) 'Empathy to action: Child and adolescent out-group attitudes and prosocial behaviors in a setting of intergroup conflict'. Social Development 29 (2) :461-477. |
Taylor LK; Tong X; Maxwell SE (2020) 'Evaluating Supplemental Samples in Longitudinal Research: Replacement and Refreshment Approaches'. Multivariate Behavioral Research 55 (2) :277-299. |
Professor Jennifer Todd |
Dornschneider S; Todd J (2020) 'Everyday sentiment among unionists and nationalists in a Northern Irish town'. Irish Political Studies  |
Todd J (2020) 'Unionisms and the challenges of change'. Irish Political Studies  |
Todd J; Walsh D (2020) 'Unionisms in times of change: Brexit, Britain, Northern Ireland and the Balkans'. Irish Political Studies  |
Professor Ben Tonra |
Tonra B (2019) 'Brexit and Security'. European Journal of Legal Studies |
Tonra B (2019) 'What role for the high representative post-2019?'. Global Affairs 5 (43955) :287-293. |
Tonra B (2020) 'Teaching EU foreign policy via problem- based learning'. Journal of Contemporary European Research 16 (1) :13-24. |
Dr Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati |
Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Aid curse with Chinese characteristics? Chinese development flows and economic reforms'. Public Choice  |
Gehring K; Kauffeldt TF; Vadlamannati KC (2019) 'Crime, incentives and political effort: Evidence from India'. European Journal of Political Economy 59 :1-20. |
Juárez NC; Urdal H; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'The significance of age structure, education, and youth unemployment for explaining subnational variation in violent youth crime in Mexico'. Conflict Management and Peace Science :73889422094632-73889422094632. |
Juárez NC; Urdal H; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'The significance of age structure, education, and youth unemployment for explaining subnational variation in violent youth crime in Mexico'. Conflict Management and Peace Science  |
Prakash N; Vadlamannati KC (2019) 'Girls for Sale? Child Sex Ratio and Girl Trafficking in India'. Feminist Economics 25 (4) :267-308. |
Song T; Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Which Wheel Gets the Grease? Constituent Agency and Sub-national World Bank Aid Allocation'. Journal of Development Studies  |
Vadlamannati K; Indra DS (2020) 'Economic Openness, Health Equity and Health Openness – An Empirical Analysis, 1960-2015'. Global Public Health |
Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Can IMF program design resurrect investor sentiment? An empirical investigation'. Business and Politics :339-382. |
Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Welfare Chauvinism? Refugee Flows and Electoral Support for Populist-Right Parties in Industrial Democracies'. Social Science Quarterly 101 (4) :1600-1626. |
Vadlamannati KC; Janz N; de Soysa I (2020) 'U.S. Multinationals and Human Rights: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Extractive Versus Nonextractive Sectors'. Business and Society  |
Professor Patrick Wall |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Chen S; Shan LC; Tao W; Lu T; Regan Á; Han H; Guo L; Deng T; Wall P (2020) 'A survey of Chinese consumers' knowledge, beliefs and behavioural intentions regarding salt intake and salt reduction'. Public Health Nutrition 23 (8) :1450-1459. |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2019) 'Processing and retail strategies to minimize Campylobacter contamination in retail chicken'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (12)  |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2020) 'On farm interventions to minimise Campylobacter spp. contamination in chicken'. British Poultry Science  |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Professor Patrick Paul Walsh |
Walsh PP; Murphy E; Horan D (2020) 'The role of science, technology and innovation in the UN 2030 agenda'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 154  |
Professor Christopher Whelan |
Whelan CT; Watson D; Maître B (2019) 'From income poverty to multidimensional quality of life'. Economic and Social Review 50 (4) :683-705. |
Assoc Professor Taha Yasseri |
Blex C; Yasseri T (2020) 'Positive algorithmic bias cannot stop fragmentation in homophilic networks'. Journal of Mathematical Sociology  |
Ternovski J; Yasseri T (2020) 'Social complex contagion in music listenership: A natural experiment with 1.3 million participants'. Social Networks 61 :144-152. |
Vidgen B; Yasseri T (2020) 'Detecting weak and strong Islamophobic hate speech on social media'. Journal of Information Technology and Politics 17 (1) :66-78. |