Professor Tommy Boland |
Bohan A; Shalloo L; Creighton P; Berry DP; Boland TM; O'Brien AC; Pabiou T; Wall E; McDermott K; McHugh N (2019) 'Deriving economic values for national sheep breeding objectives using a bio-economic model'. Livestock Science 227 :44-54. |
Campion FP; Crosby TF; Creighton P; Fahey AG; Boland TM (2019) 'An investigation into the factors associated with ewe colostrum production'. Small Ruminant Research 178 :55-62. |
Claffey A; Delaby L; Boland TM; Egan M (2020) 'Implications of adapting autumn grazing management on spring herbage production––The effect on late lactation milk production and the subsequent response in early lactation animal performance'. Livestock Science 231  |
Claffey A; Delaby L; Lewis E; Boland TM; Galvin N; Kennedy E (2020) 'Pasture allowance and duration: The effect of restriction on dry-matter intake, energy balance and indicators of metabolic health in early lactation dairy cows'. Animal Production Science  |
Claffey A; Delaby L; Lewis E; Boland TM; Kennedy E (2019) 'Pasture allowance, duration, and stage of lactation—Effects on early and total lactation animal performance'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (10) :8986-8998. |
Lahart B; Prendiville R; Buckley F; Kennedy E; Conroy SB; Boland TM; McGee M (2020) 'The repeatability of feed intake and feed efficiency in beef cattle offered high-concentrate, grass silage and pasture-based diets'. Animal  |
Smith PE; Waters SM; Kenny DA; Boland TM; Heffernan J; Kelly AK (2020) 'Replacing Barley and Soybean Meal With By-products, in a Pasture Based Diet, Alters Daily Methane Output and the Rumen Microbial Community in vitro Using the Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC)'. Frontiers in Microbiology 11  |
Professor Paula Bourke |
He Z; Liu K; Scally L; Manaloto E; Gunes S; Ng SW; Maher M; Tiwari B; Byrne H; Bourke P (2019) 'Low dose Cold Atmospheric Plasma induces membrane oxidation, stimulates endocytosis and enhances uptake of nanomaterials in Glioblastoma multiforme cells'.  |
Heslin C; Boehm D; Gilmore BF; Megaw J; Bourke P (2020) 'Safety evaluation of plasma-treated lettuce broth using in vitro and in vivo toxicity models'. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (27)  |
Illera AE; Chaple S; Sanz MT; Ng S; Lu P; Jones J; Carey E; Bourke P (2019) 'Effect of cold plasma on polyphenol oxidase inactivation in cloudy apple juice and on the quality parameters of the juice during storage'. Food Chemistry: X 3  |
Los A; Ziuzina D; Boehm D; Cullen PJ; Bourkea P (2020) 'Inactivation efficacies and mechanisms of gas plasma and plasma-activated water against Aspergillus flavus spores and biofilms: A comparative study'. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (9)  |
Los A; Ziuzina D; Boehm D; Han L; O'Sullivan D; O'Neill L; Bourke P (2019) 'Efficacy of Cold Plasma for Direct Deposition of Antibiotics as a Novel Approach for Localized Delivery and Retention of Effect'. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9  |
Los A; Ziuzina D; van Cleynenbreugel R; Boehm D; Bourke P (2020) 'Assessing the biological safety of atmospheric cold plasma treated wheat using cell and insect models'. Foods 9 (7)  |
Ng SW; Lu P; Rulikowska A; Boehm D; O'Neill G; Bourke P (2020) 'The effect of atmospheric cold plasma treatment on the antigenic properties of bovine milk casein and whey proteins'. Food Chemistry  |
O'Sullivan D; O'Neill L; Bourke P (2020) 'Direct Plasma Deposition of Collagen on 96-Well Polystyrene Plates for Cell Culture'. ACS Omega  |
Patange A; Lu P; Boehm D; Cullen PJ; Bourke P (2019) 'Efficacy of cold plasma functionalised water for improving microbiological safety of fresh produce and wash water recycling'. Food Microbiology 84  |
Patange A; O’Byrne C; Boehm D; Cullen PJ; Keener K; Bourke P (2019) 'The Effect of Atmospheric Cold Plasma on Bacterial Stress Responses and Virulence Using Listeria monocytogenes Knockout Mutants'. Frontiers in Microbiology 10  |
Sarangapani C; Ziuzina D; Behan P; Boehm D; Gilmore BF; Cullen PJ; Bourke P (2019) 'Degradation kinetics of cold plasma-treated antibiotics and their antimicrobial activity'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Schnabel U; Handorf O; Stachowiak J; Boehm D; Weit C; Weihe T; Schäfer J; Below H; Bourke P; Ehlbeck J (2020) 'Plasma-Functionalized Water: from Bench to Prototype for Fresh-Cut Lettuce'. Food Engineering Reviews  |
Ziuzina D; Misra NN; Han L; Cullen PJ; Moiseev T; Mosnier JP; Keener K; Gaston E; Vilaró I; Bourke P (2020) 'Investigation of a large gap cold plasma reactor for continuous in-package decontamination of fresh strawberries and spinach'. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 59  |
Professor Lorraine Brennan |
Brennan L; Gibbons H (2020) 'Sex matters: a focus on the impact of biological sex on metabolomic profiles and dietary interventions'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (2) :205-209. |
Cuparencu C; Praticó G; Hemeryck LY; Sri Harsha PSC; Noerman S; Rombouts C; Xi M; Vanhaecke L; Hanhineva K; Brennan L (2019) 'Biomarkers of meat and seafood intake: An extensive literature review'. Genes and Nutrition 14 (1)  |
D'Angelo S; Gormley IC; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2019) 'Combining biomarker and food intake data: Calibration equations for citrus intake'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 110 (4) :977-983. |
Draper CF; Duisters K; Weger B; Chakrabarti A; Harms AC; Brennan L; Hankemeier T; Goulet L; Konz T; Martin FP (2019) 'Publisher Correction: Menstrual cycle rhythmicity: metabolic patterns in healthy women (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (14568), 10.1038/s41598-018-32647-0)'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Duggan CP; Brennan L; Christian P; Fanzo J; Ludwig DS (2020) 'Knowledge and debate in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: New sections, new science, and looking forward and outward'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (1) :1-3. |
Gormley IC; Bai Y; Brennan L (2020) 'Combining biomarker and self-reported dietary intake data: A review of the state of the art and an exposition of concepts'. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29 (2) :617-635. |
Hillesheim E; Brennan L (2020) 'Metabotyping and its role in nutrition research'. Nutrition Research Reviews 33 (1) :33-42. |
Horner K; Hopkins M; Finlayson G; Gibbons C; Brennan L (2020) 'Biomarkers of appetite: Is there a potential role for metabolomics?'. Nutrition Research Reviews  |
Landberg R; Hanhineva K; Tuohy K; Garcia-Aloy M; Biskup I; Llorach R; Yin X; Brennan L; Kolehmainen M (2019) 'Biomarkers of cereal food intake'. Genes and Nutrition 14 (1)  |
Livingstone KM; Celis-Morales C; Navas-Carretero S; San-Cristobal R; Forster H; Woolhead C; O'donovan CB; Moschonis G; Manios Y; Traczyk I (2020) 'Characteristics of participants who benefit most from personalised nutrition: findings from the pan-European Food4Me randomised controlled trial'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (12) :1396-1405. |
McNamara AE; Brennan L (2020) 'Potential of food intake biomarkers in nutrition research'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
McNamara AE; Collins C; Harsha PSCS; González-Peña D; Gibbons H; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'Metabolomic-Based Approach to Identify Biomarkers of Apple Intake'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (11)  |
Riedl A; Hillesheim E; Wawro N; Meisinger C; Peters A; Roden M; Kronenberg F; Herder C; Rathmann W; Völzke H (2020) 'Evaluation of the Metabotype Concept Identified in an Irish Population in the German KORA Cohort Study'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (8)  |
Wirth J; Hillesheim E; Brennan L (2020) 'The Role of Protein Intake and its Timing on Body Composition and Muscle Function in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials'. Journal of Nutrition 150 (6) :1443-1460. |
Yin X; Gibbons H; Rundle M; Frost G; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'The Relationship between Fish Intake and Urinary Trimethylamine-N-Oxide'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (3)  |
Assoc Professor Nigel Patrick Brunton |
Apel C; Lyng JG; Papoutsis K; Harrison SM; Brunton NP (2020) 'Screening the effect of different extraction methods (ultrasound-assisted extraction and solid–liquid extraction) on the recovery of glycoalkaloids from potato peels: Optimisation of the extraction conditions using chemometric tools'. Food and Bioproducts Processing 119 :277-286. |
Fogarty C; Smyth C; Whyte P; Brunton N; Bolton D (2019) 'Sensory and ATP derivative-based indicators for assessing the freshness of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 58 (1) :71-80. |
Frontuto D; Carullo D; Harrison SM; Brunton NP; Ferrari G; Lyng JG; Pataro G (2019) 'Optimization of Pulsed Electric Fields-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Potato Peels Using Response Surface Methodology'. Food and Bioprocess Technology 12 (10) :1708-1720. |
Gangopadhyay N; O'Shea N; Brunton NP; Gallagher E; Harrison SM; Rai DK (2019) 'Fate of beta-glucan, polyphenols and lipophilic compounds in baked crackers fortified with different barley-milled fractions'. LWT 114  |
Gkarane V; Allen P; Brunton NP; Gravador RS; Claffey NA; Harrison SM; Diskin MG; Fahey AG; Farmer LJ; Moloney AP (2020) 'Volatile and sensory analysis to discriminate meat from lambs fed different concentrate-based diets'. Animal Production Science 60 (13) :1654-1667. |
Grasso S; Harrison SM; Monahan FJ; Brunton NP (2019) 'A validated method for cholesterol determination in Turkey meat products using relative response factors'. Foods 8 (12)  |
Gravador RS; Brunton NP; Fahey AG; Gkarane V; Claffey NA; Moloney AP; Diskin MG; Farmer LJ; Allen P; Casey C (2020) 'Effects of dietary fat sources on the intramuscular and subcutaneous adipose tissue fatty acid composition, and consumer acceptability of lamb'. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (5) :2176-2184. |
Pérez-Andrés JM; de Alba M; Harrison SM; Brunton NP; Cullen PJ; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Effects of cold atmospheric plasma on mackerel lipid and protein oxidation during storage'. LWT 118  |
Papoutsis K; Grasso S; Menon A; Brunton NP; Lyng JG; Jacquier JC; Bhuyan DJ (2020) 'Recovery of ergosterol and vitamin D2 from mushroom waste - Potential valorization by food and pharmaceutical industries'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 99 :351-366. |
Pedrós-Garrido S; Clemente I; Calanche JB; Condón-Abanto S; Beltrán JA; Lyng JG; Brunton N; Bolton D; Whyte P (2020) 'Antimicrobial activity of natural compounds against listeria spp. and their effects on sensory attributes in salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Food Control 107  |
Tzima K; Brunton NP; Rai DK (2020) 'Evaluation of the impact of chlorophyll removal techniques on polyphenols in rosemary and thyme by-products'. Journal of Food Biochemistry 44 (3)  |
Xiaokang W; Brunton NP; Lyng JG; Harrison SM; Carpes ST; Papoutsis K (2020) 'Volatile and non-volatile compounds of shiitake mushrooms treated with pulsed light after twenty-four hour storage at different conditions'. Food Bioscience 36  |
Professor Francis Butler |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Li F; Hunt K; Buggy AK; Murphy KM; Ho QT; O'Callaghan TF; Butler F; Jordan K; Tobin JT (2020) 'The effects of sequential heat treatment on microbial reduction and spore inactivation during milk processing'. International Dairy Journal 104  |
Li F; Hunt K; Van Hoorde K; Butler F; Jordan K; Tobin JT (2019) 'Occurrence and identification of spore-forming bacteria in skim-milk powders'. International Dairy Journal 97 :176-184. |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
von Westerholt F; Butler F (2020) 'A Bayesian estimation of the concentration of microbial organisms in powdered foods arising from repeat testing for microbial contamination'. Microbial Risk Analysis 14  |
Dr Colm Collins |
Collins CB; Roche HM (2020) 'Personalized Nutrition for Inflammatory Bowel Disease'. Crohn's & Colitis 360 2 (3)  |
Professor Enda Cummins |
Byrne MP; Tobin JT; Forrestal PJ; Danaher M; Nkwonta CG; Richards K; Cummins E; Hogan SA; O'Callaghan TF (2020) 'Urease and nitrification inhibitors-As mitigation tools for greenhouse gas emissions in sustainable dairy systems: A review'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12 (15)  |
Li Y; Cummins E (2020) 'Hazard characterization of silver nanoparticles for human exposure routes'. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 55 (6) :704-725. |
Nag R; Auer A; Markey BK; Whyte P; Nolan S; O'Flaherty V; Russell L; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards K (2019) 'Anaerobic digestion of agricultural manure and biomass – Critical indicators of risk and knowledge gaps'. Science of the Total Environment 690 :460-479. |
Nag R; Whyte P; Markey BK; O'Flaherty V; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards KG; Cummins E (2020) 'Ranking hazards pertaining to human health concerns from land application of anaerobic digestate'. Science of the Total Environment 710  |
Sullivan DJ; Azlin-Hasim S; Cruz-Romero M; Cummins E; Kerry JP; Morris MA (2020) 'Antimicrobial effect of benzoic and sorbic acid salts and nano-solubilisates against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas fluorescens and chicken microbiota biofilms'. Food Control 107  |
Tesson V; Federighi M; Cummins E; Mota JDO; Guillou S; Boué G (2020) 'A systematic review of beef meat quantitative microbial risk assessment models'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (3)  |
Dr Tom Curran |
Herron J; Curran TP; Moloney AP; O'Brien D (2019) 'Whole farm modelling the effect of grass silage harvest date and nitrogen fertiliser rate on nitrous oxide emissions from grass-based suckler to beef farming systems'. Agricultural Systems 175 :66-78. |
Professor Fiona Doohan |
Brennan CJ; Benbow HR; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2019) 'A review of the known unknowns in the early stages of septoria tritici blotch disease of wheat'. Plant Pathology 68 (8) :1427-1438. |
Brennan CJ; Zhou B; Benbow HR; Ajaz S; Karki SJ; Hehir JG; O’Driscoll A; Feechan A; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2020) 'Taxonomically Restricted Wheat Genes Interact With Small Secreted Fungal Proteins and Enhance Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Isidro-Sánchez J; D'Arcy Cusack K; Verheecke-Vaessen C; Kahla A; Bekele W; Doohan F; Magan N; Medina A (2020) 'Genome-wide association mapping of Fusarium langsethiae infection and mycotoxin accumulation in oat (Avena sativa L.)'. Plant Genome 13 (2)  |
Mascia T; Labarile R; Doohan F; Gallitelli D (2019) 'Tobacco mosaic virus infection triggers an RNAi-based response in Phytophthora infestans'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Perochon A; Kahla A; Vranić M; Jia J; Malla KB; Craze M; Wallington E; Doohan FM (2019) 'A wheat NAC interacts with an orphan protein and enhances resistance to Fusarium head blight disease'. Plant Biotechnology Journal 17 (10) :1892-1904. |
Perochon A; Váry Z; Malla KB; Halford NG; Paul MJ; Doohan FM (2019) 'The wheat SnRK1α family and its contribution to Fusarium toxin tolerance'. Plant Science 288  |
Rahman A; Doohan F; Mullins E (2020) 'Quantification of in planta Zymoseptoria tritici progression through different infection phases and related association with components of aggressiveness'. Phytopathology 110 (6) :1208-1215. |
Zhou B; Benbow HR; Brennan CJ; Arunachalam C; Karki SJ; Mullins E; Feechan A; Burke JI; Doohan FM (2020) 'Wheat Encodes Small, Secreted Proteins That Contribute to Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch'. Frontiers in Genetics 11  |
Zuniga-Soto E; Fitzpatrick DA; Doohan FM; Mullins E (2019) 'Insights into the transcriptomic response of the plant engineering bacterium Ensifer adhaerens OV14 during transformation'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Professor Séamus Fanning |
Anes J; Nguyen SV; Eshwar AK; McCabe E; Macori G; Hurley D; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Molecular characterisation of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli of bovine origin'. Veterinary Microbiology 242  |
do Vale AP; Anes J; Fanning S; Leonard F; Farrell D (2019) 'Draft genome sequences of three novel Acinetobacter isolates from an Irish commercial pig farm'. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (39)  |
Dong Y; Li Y; Zhang D; Nguyen S; Maheshwari N; Hu Y; Cao Y; Li F; Fanning S (2020) 'Epidemiological and genetic characterization of Clostridium butyricum cultured from neonatal cases of necrotizing enterocolitis in China'. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 41 (8) :900-907. |
Du P; Liu D; Song H; Zhang P; Li R; Fu Y; Liu X; Jia J; Li X; Fanning S (2020) 'Novel IS26-mediated hybrid plasmid harbouring tet(X4) in Escherichia coli'. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 21 :162-168. |
Ferone M; Gowen A; Fanning S; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Microbial detection and identification methods: Bench top assays to omics approaches'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Hurley D; Hoffmann M; Muruvanda T; Allard MW; Brown EW; Martins M; Fanning S (2020) 'Atypical salmonella enterica serovars in murine and human macrophage infection models'. Infection and Immunity 88 (4)  |
Jang H; Gopinath GR; Eshwar A; Srikumar S; Nguyen S; Gangiredla J; Patel IR; Finkelstein SB; Negrete F; Woo JH (2020) 'The secretion of toxins and other exoproteins of cronobacter: Role in virulence, adaption, and persistence'. Microorganisms 8 (2)  |
Jazeela K; Chakraborty A; Rai P; Kumar BK; Srikumar S; van Nguyen S; Hurley D; Fanning S; Karunasagar I; Deekshit VK (2020) 'Draft genome sequences of Salmonella Oslo isolated from seafood and its laboratory generated auxotrophic mutant.'. Journal of genomics 8 :7-10. |
Li X-P; Wang S-F; Hou P-B; Liu J; Du P; Bai L; Fanning S; Zhang H-N; Chen Y-Z; Zhang Y-K (2020) 'Nosocomial cross-infection of hypervirulent Listeria monocytogenes sequence type 87 in China.'. Annals of translational medicine 8 (9) :603. |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2019) 'A quantitative real time PCR assay to detect and enumerate Escherichia coli O157 and O26 serogroups in sheep recto-anal swabs'. Journal of Microbiological Methods 165  |
Macori G; McCarthy SC; Burgess CM; Fanning S; Duffy G (2020) 'Investigation of the causes of shigatoxigenic escherichia coli pcr positive and culture negative samples'. Microorganisms 8 (4)  |
Negrete F; Jang H; Gangiredla J; Woo JH; Lee YY; Patel IR; Chase HR; Finkelstein S; Wang CZ; Srikumar S (2019) 'Genome-wide survey of efflux pump-coding genes associated with Cronobacter survival, osmotic adaptation, and persistence'. Current Opinion in Food Science 30 :32-42. |
Nguyen S; Greig D; Hurley D; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2019) 'Yersinia canariae sp. nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'.  |
Nguyen SV; Greig DR; Hurley D; Donoghue O; Cao Y; McCabe E; Mitchell M; Schaffer K; Jenkins C; Fanning S (2020) 'Yersinia canariae sp. Nov., isolated from a human yersiniosis case'. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4) :2382-2387. |
Van Nguyen S; Muthappa DM; Eshwar AK; Buckley JF; Murphy BP; Stephan R; Lehner A; Fanning S (2020) 'Comparative genomic insights into yersinia hibernica – a commonly misidentified yersinia enterocolitica-like organism'. Microbial Genomics 6 (9) :1-10. |
Wang J; Wang X; Li N; Jiang T; Zhang H; Fanning S; Li F (2020) 'Epidemiology of Norovirus among outpatients presenting with acute diarrhea in Dalian, China'. Biosafety and Health 2 (2) :60-63. |
Wang W; Xu J; Fanning S; Zhao L; Li M; Li F (2019) 'Occurrence of CTX-M-123-producing Salmonella Indiana in chicken carcasses: A new challenge for the poultry industry and food safety'. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74 (12) :3637-3639. |
Wang W; Zhao L; Hu Y; Dottorini T; Fanning S; Fanning S; Fanning S; Xu J; Li F (2020) 'Epidemiological study on prevalence, serovar diversity, multidrug resistance, and CTX-M-type extended-spectrum β-lactamases of salmonella spp. From patients with diarrhea, food of animal origin, and pets in Several Provinces of China'. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64 (7)  |
Dr Angela Feechan |
Brennan CJ; Zhou B; Benbow HR; Ajaz S; Karki SJ; Hehir JG; O’Driscoll A; Feechan A; Mullins E; Doohan FM (2020) 'Taxonomically Restricted Wheat Genes Interact With Small Secreted Fungal Proteins and Enhance Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch Disease'. Frontiers in Plant Science 11  |
Brian M; Smith L; Feechan A; Grogan H (2020) 'Spot the difference on laurel leaves'. Teagasc Research 15 (2) |
Reilly A; Karki SJ; Twamley A; Tiley AMM; Kildea S; Feechan A (2020) 'Isolate specific responses of the non-host grass Brachypodium distachyon to the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, compared to wheat.'. Phytopathology  |
Twamley T; Gaffney M; Feechan A (2019) 'A Microbial Fermentation Mixture Primes for Resistance Against Powdery Mildew in Wheat'. Frontiers in Plant Science 10  |
Zhou B; Benbow HR; Brennan CJ; Arunachalam C; Karki SJ; Mullins E; Feechan A; Burke JI; Doohan FM (2020) 'Wheat Encodes Small, Secreted Proteins That Contribute to Resistance to Septoria Tritici Blotch'. Frontiers in Genetics 11  |
Dr Marco Garcia-Vaquero |
Garcia-Vaquero M; Ummat V; Tiwari B; Rajauria G (2020) 'Exploring ultrasound, microwave and ultrasound-microwave assisted extraction technologies to increase the extraction of bioactive compounds and antioxidants from brown macroalgae'. Marine Drugs 18 (3)  |
Hildebrand G; Poojary MM; O’Donnell C; Lund MN; Garcia-Vaquero M; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Ultrasound-assisted processing of Chlorella vulgaris for enhanced protein extraction'. Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (3) :1709-1718. |
Lafarga T; Acién-Fernández FG; Garcia-Vaquero M (2020) 'Bioactive peptides and carbohydrates from seaweed for food applications: Natural occurrence, isolation, purification, and identification'. Algal Research 48  |
Ummat V; Garcia-Vaquero M; Tiwari B; O'Donnell C (2019) 'The value of seaweed'. Tresearch 14 (3) :28-28. |
Ummat V; Tiwari BK; Jaiswal AK; Condon K; Garcia-Vaquero M; O'Doherty J; O'Donnell C; Rajauria G (2020) 'Optimisation of ultrasound frequency, extraction time and solvent for the recovery of polyphenols, phlorotannins and associated antioxidant activity from brown seaweeds'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Assoc Professor Eileen Gibney |
Ainscough KM; Kennelly MA; Lindsay KL; O’Brien EC; O’Sullivan EJ; Mehegan J; Gibney ER; McAuliffe FM (2020) 'An observational analysis of meal patterns in overweight and obese pregnancy: exploring meal pattern behaviours and the association with maternal and fetal health measures'. Irish Journal of Medical Science 189 (2) :585-594. |
Bardon LA; Streicher M; Corish CA; Clarke M; Power LC; Kenny RA; O’Connor DM; Laird E; O’Connor EM; Visser M (2020) 'Predictors of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults from the Irish longitudinal study on ageing Cohort — A manuel study'. Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 75 (2) :249-256. |
de Roos B; Aura AM; Bronze M; Cassidy A; Conesa MTG; Gibney ER; Greyling A; Kaput J; Kerem Z; Knežević N (2019) 'Targeting the delivery of dietary plant bioactives to those who would benefit most: from science to practical applications'. European Journal of Nutrition 58 :65-73. |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Gibney ER (2020) 'Personalised nutrition - phenotypic and genetic variation in response to dietary intervention'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (2) :236-245. |
Gibney ER; Milenkovic D; Combet E; Ruskovska T; Greyling A; González-Sarrías A; de Roos B; Tomás-Barberán F; Morand C; Rodriguez-Mateos A (2019) 'Factors influencing the cardiometabolic response to (poly)phenols and phytosterols: a review of the COST Action POSITIVe activities'. European Journal of Nutrition 58 :37-47. |
Livingstone KM; Celis-Morales C; Navas-Carretero S; San-Cristobal R; Forster H; Woolhead C; O'donovan CB; Moschonis G; Manios Y; Traczyk I (2020) 'Characteristics of participants who benefit most from personalised nutrition: findings from the pan-European Food4Me randomised controlled trial'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (12) :1396-1405. |
Morand C; De Roos B; Garcia-Conesa MT; Gibney ER; Landberg R; Manach C; Milenkovic D; Rodriguez-Mateos A; Van De Wiele T; Tomas-Barberan F (2020) 'Why interindividual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives matters for future personalised nutrition'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (2) :225-235. |
Ruskovska T; Massaro M; Carluccio MA; Arola-Arnal A; Muguerza B; Vanden Berghe W; Declerck K; Bravo FI; Calabriso N; Combet E (2020) 'Systematic bioinformatic analysis of nutrigenomic data of flavanols in cell models of cardiometabolic disease'. Food and Function 11 (6) :5040-5064. |
Walker C; Gibney ER; Mathers JC; Hellweg S (2019) 'Comparing environmental and personal health impacts of individual food choices'. Science of the Total Environment 685 :609-620. |
Professor Aoife Gowen |
Falkovskaya A; Gowen A (2020) 'Literature review: spectral imaging applied to poultry products'. Poultry Science 99 (7) :3709-3722. |
Ferone M; Gowen A; Fanning S; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Microbial detection and identification methods: Bench top assays to omics approaches'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Gillespie GD; Gowen AA; Finnan JM; Carroll JP; Farrelly DJ; McDonnell KP (2019) 'The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of gaseous and particulate emissions from agricultural feedstock pellets'. Energy and Fuels 33 (9) :8794-8803. |
Herrero-Langreo A; Gorretta N; Tisseyre B; Gowen A; Xu JL; Chaix G; Roger JM (2019) 'Using spatial information for evaluating the quality of prediction maps from hyperspectral images: A geostatistical approach'. Analytica Chimica Acta 1077 :116-128. |
Laefer DF; Zahiri Z; Gowen A (2020) 'Using Short-wave Infrared Range Spectrometry Data to Determine Brick Characteristics'. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 14 (1) :38-50. |
Manaloto E; Gowen AA; Lesniak A; He Z; Casey A; Cullen PJ; Curtin JF (2020) 'Cold atmospheric plasma induces silver nanoparticle uptake, oxidative dissolution and enhanced cytotoxicity in glioblastoma multiforme cells'. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 689  |
Mukherjee S; Martinez-Gonzalez JA; Gowen AA (2020) 'Erratum: Feasibility of attenuated total reflection-fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) chemical imaging and partial least squares regression (PLSR) to predict protein adhesion on polymeric surfaces (Analyst (2019) 144 (1535-1545) DOI: 10.1039/C8AN01768A)'. Analyst 145 (11) :4051. |
Ruane RA; Doherty KAJ; Dorrepaal R; Twomey B; Gowen A; Flanagan J; de Faoite D; Stanton KT (2019) 'Hyperspectral imaging with unsupervised pattern recognition: A novel surface characterization technique for thermal control coatings'. Materials Letters 254 :273-277. |
Xu JL; Gowen AA (2020) 'Spatial-spectral analysis method using texture features combined with PCA for information extraction in hyperspectral images'. Journal of Chemometrics 34 (2)  |
Xu JL; Lesniak A; Gowen AA (2020) 'Predictive Modeling of the in Vitro Responses of Preosteoblastic MC3T3-E1 Cells on Polymeric Surfaces Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy'. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12 (21) :24466-24478. |
Xu JL; Thomas KV; Luo Z; Gowen AA (2019) 'FTIR and Raman imaging for microplastics analysis: State of the art, challenges and prospects'. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 119  |
Dr Ronald Halim |
Halim R; Hill DRA; Hanssen E; Webley PA; Martin GJO (2019) 'Thermally coupled dark-anoxia incubation: A platform technology to induce auto-fermentation and thus cell-wall thinning in both nitrogen-replete and nitrogen-deplete Nannochloropsis slurries'. Bioresource Technology 290  |
Dr Niamh Harbourne |
Bayraktar MK; Harbourne NB; Fagan CC (2019) 'Impact of heat treatment and acid gelation on polyphenol enriched milk samples'. LWT 113  |
Lau T; Harbourne N; Oruña-Concha MJ (2020) 'Optimization of enzyme-assisted extraction of ferulic acid from sweet corn cob by response surface methodology'. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (4) :1479-1485. |
Dr Mirjam Heinen |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Mc Donnell SJ; Corish CA (2020) 'Low energy availability in athletes 2020: An updated narrative review of prevalence, risk, within-day energy balance, knowledge, and impact on sports performance'. Nutrients 12 (3)  |
Logue DM; Madigan SM; Melin A; McDonnell SJ; Delahunt E; Heinen M; Corish CA (2020) 'Self-reported reproductive health of athletic and recreationally active males in Ireland: potential health effects interfering with performance'. European Journal of Sport Science  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Williams J; Buoncristiano M; Nardone P; Rito AI; Spinelli A; Hejgaard T; Kierkegaard L; Nurk E; Kunešová M; Milanović SM (2020) 'A snapshot of european children’s eating habits: Results from the fourth round of the who european childhood obesity surveillance initiative (cosi)'. Nutrients 12 (8) :1-14. |
Professor Nick Holden |
Chen W; Oldfield TL; Patsios SI; Holden NM (2020) 'Hybrid life cycle assessment of agro-industrial wastewater valorisation'. Water Research 170  |
Dunne KS; Holden NM; O'Rourke SM; Fenelon A; Daly K (2020) 'Prediction of phosphorus sorption indices and isotherm parameters in agricultural soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy'. Geoderma 358  |
Emmet-Booth JP; Holden NM; Fenton O; Bondi G; Forristal PD (2020) 'Exploring the sensitivity of visual soil evaluation to traffic-induced soil compaction'. Geoderma Regional 20  |
Hamidi Nehrani S; Askari MS; Saadat S; Delavar MA; Taheri M; Holden NM (2020) 'Quantification of soil quality under semi-arid agriculture in the northwest of Iran'. Ecological Indicators 108  |
Paterson KC; Holden NM (2019) 'Assessment of policy conflict using systems thinking: A case study of carbon footprint reduction on Irish dairy farms'. Environmental Science and Policy 101 :38-45. |
Rasti S; Bleakley CJ; Silvestre GCM; Holden NM; Langton D; O’Hare GMP (2020) 'Crop growth stage estimation prior to canopy closure using deep learning algorithms'. Neural Computing and Applications  |
Yan MJ; Holden NM (2019) 'Water use efficiency of Irish dairy processing'. Journal of Dairy Science 102 (10) :9525-9535. |
Dr Jean-Christophe Jacquier |
Barroso Da Silva FL; Carloni P; Cheung D; Cottone G; Donnini S; Foegeding EA; Gulzar M; Jacquier JC; Lobaskin V; Mackernan D (2020) 'Understanding and Controlling Food Protein Structure and Function in Foods: Perspectives from Experiments and Computer Simulations'. Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 11 :365-387. |
Papoutsis K; Grasso S; Menon A; Brunton NP; Lyng JG; Jacquier JC; Bhuyan DJ (2020) 'Recovery of ergosterol and vitamin D2 from mushroom waste - Potential valorization by food and pharmaceutical industries'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 99 :351-366. |
Professor Cecily Kelleher |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Briody J; Doyle O; Kelleher C (2020) 'The effect of local unemployment on health: A longitudinal study of Irish mothers 2001-2011'. Economics and Human Biology 37  |
Cleary E; Kelleher CC; Lane A; Malone KM (2020) 'Limiting psychotropic medication prescription on discharge from psychiatric inpatient care: A possible suicide intervention?'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 37 (1) :43-47. |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2020) 'Associations between maternal healthy lifestyle score and offspring birth outcomes and childhood obesity: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Quirke B; Heinen M; Fitzpatrick P; McKey S; Malone KM; Kelleher C (2020) 'Experience of discrimination and engagement with mental health and other services by Travellers in Ireland: Findings from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study (AITHS)'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  |
Dr Alan Kelly |
Heslin J; Kenny DA; Kelly AK; McGee M (2020) 'Age at puberty and pregnancy rate in beef heifer genotypes with contrasting nutritional intake from 8 to 13 months of age'. Animal Reproduction Science 212  |
Lynch R; Kelly AK; Kenny DA; Crosson P (2020) 'Development and evaluation of a dynamic simulation model of reproductive performance in pasture based suckler beef systems'. Agricultural Systems 182  |
Smith PE; Waters SM; Kenny DA; Boland TM; Heffernan J; Kelly AK (2020) 'Replacing Barley and Soybean Meal With By-products, in a Pasture Based Diet, Alters Daily Methane Output and the Rumen Microbial Community in vitro Using the Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC)'. Frontiers in Microbiology 11  |
Taylor RF; McGee M; Kelly AK; Crosson P (2020) 'Bioeconomic and greenhouse gas emissions modelling of the factors influencing technical efficiency of temperate grassland-based suckler calf-to-beef production systems'. Agricultural Systems 183  |
Assoc Professor Bridget Lynch |
McCarthy KM; McAloon CG; Lynch MB; Pierce KM; Mulligan FJ (2020) 'Herb species inclusion in grazing swards for dairy cows—A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (2) :1416-1430. |
Rafferty DM; Fahey AG; Grace C; Donaldson G; Whelan SJ; Lynch MB; Pierce KM; Mulligan FJ (2019) 'Feeding a marine-based rumen buffer increases milk production and decreases time of low reticulo-rumen pH in grazing dairy cows offered perennial ryegrass-based pasture'. Animal Feed Science and Technology 256  |
Professor James Lyng |
Apel C; Lyng JG; Papoutsis K; Harrison SM; Brunton NP (2020) 'Screening the effect of different extraction methods (ultrasound-assisted extraction and solid–liquid extraction) on the recovery of glycoalkaloids from potato peels: Optimisation of the extraction conditions using chemometric tools'. Food and Bioproducts Processing 119 :277-286. |
Clemente I; Condón-Abanto S; Pedrós-Garrido S; Whyte P; Lyng JG (2020) 'Efficacy of pulsed electric fields and antimicrobial compounds used alone and in combination for the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni in liquids and raw chicken'. Food Control 107  |
Frontuto D; Carullo D; Harrison SM; Brunton NP; Ferrari G; Lyng JG; Pataro G (2019) 'Optimization of Pulsed Electric Fields-Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Potato Peels Using Response Surface Methodology'. Food and Bioprocess Technology 12 (10) :1708-1720. |
Papoutsis K; Grasso S; Menon A; Brunton NP; Lyng JG; Jacquier JC; Bhuyan DJ (2020) 'Recovery of ergosterol and vitamin D2 from mushroom waste - Potential valorization by food and pharmaceutical industries'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 99 :351-366. |
Pedrós-Garrido S; Clemente I; Calanche JB; Condón-Abanto S; Beltrán JA; Lyng JG; Brunton N; Bolton D; Whyte P (2020) 'Antimicrobial activity of natural compounds against listeria spp. and their effects on sensory attributes in salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Food Control 107  |
Ricciardi EF; Pedros-Garrido S; Papoutsis K; Lyng JG; Conte A; Del Nobile MA (2020) 'Novel technologies for preserving ricotta cheese: Effects of ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet–visible light'. Foods 9 (5)  |
Xiaokang W; Brunton NP; Lyng JG; Harrison SM; Carpes ST; Papoutsis K (2020) 'Volatile and non-volatile compounds of shiitake mushrooms treated with pulsed light after twenty-four hour storage at different conditions'. Food Bioscience 36  |
Professor Kevin McDonnell |
Gillespie GD; Gowen AA; Finnan JM; Carroll JP; Farrelly DJ; McDonnell KP (2019) 'The use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of gaseous and particulate emissions from agricultural feedstock pellets'. Energy and Fuels 33 (9) :8794-8803. |
McDonnell K; Molnár L; Harty M; Murphy F (2020) 'Feasibility study of carbon dioxide plume geothermal systems in Germany−utilising carbon dioxide for energy'. Energies 13 (10)  |
Virupaksha V; Harty M; McDonnell K (2019) 'Microgeneration of electricity using a solar photovoltaic system in Ireland'. Energies 12 (23)  |
Dr Fiona McGillicuddy |
Bruen R; Curley S; Kajani S; Lynch G; O'Reilly ME; Dillon ET; Fitzsimons S; Mthunzi L; Mcgillicuddy FC; Belton O (2019) 'Different monocyte phenotypes result in proresolving macrophages in conjugated linoleic acid-induced attenuated progression and regression of atherosclerosis'. FASEB Journal 33 (10) :11006-11020. |
Curley S; Gall J; Byrne R; Yvan-Charvet L; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Metabolic Inflammation in Obesity—At the Crossroads between Fatty Acid and Cholesterol Metabolism'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Dr Breige McNulty |
D'Angelo S; Gormley IC; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2019) 'Combining biomarker and food intake data: Calibration equations for citrus intake'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 110 (4) :977-983. |
Hone M; Nugent AP; Walton J; McNulty BA; Egan B (2020) 'Habitual protein intake, protein distribution patterns and dietary sources in Irish adults with stratification by sex and age'. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 33 (4) :465-476. |
McCourt A; McNulty BA; Walton J; O'Sullivan A (2020) 'Corrigendum to ‘Efficacy and safety of food fortification to improve Vitamin D intakes of older adults’ [Nutrition 75-76 (2020)] (Nutrition (2020) 75–76, (S0899900720300502), (10.1016/j.nut.2020.110767))'. Nutrition 75-76  |
McCourt A; McNulty BA; Walton J; O'Sullivan A (2020) 'Efficacy and safety of food fortification to improve vitamin D intakes of older adults'. Nutrition 75-76  |
McNamara AE; Collins C; Harsha PSCS; González-Peña D; Gibbons H; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'Metabolomic-Based Approach to Identify Biomarkers of Apple Intake'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (11)  |
McNulty H; Rollins M; Cassidy T; Caffrey A; Marshall B; Dornan J; McLaughlin M; McNulty BA; Ward M; Strain JJ (2019) 'Effect of continued folic acid supplementation beyond the first trimester of pregnancy on cognitive performance in the child: A follow-up study from a randomized controlled trial (FASSTT Offspring Trial)'. BMC Medicine 17 (1)  |
Morrissey E; Giltinan M; Kehoe L; Nugent AP; McNulty BA; Flynn A; Walton J (2020) 'Sodium and potassium intakes and their ratio in adults (18–90 y): Findings from the Irish national adult nutrition survey'. Nutrients 12 (4)  |
Shaw M; Nugent AP; McNulty BA; Walton J; McHugh M; Kane A; Moore Heslin A; Morrissey E; Mullan K; Woodside JV (2019) 'What is the availability of iodised salt in supermarkets on the Island of Ireland?'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (12) :1636-1638. |
Taddei C; Zhou B; Bixby H; Carrillo-Larco RM; Danaei G; Jackson RT; Farzadfar F; Sophiea MK; Di Cesare M; Iurilli MLC (2020) 'Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol'. Nature 582 (7810) :73-77. |
Yin X; Gibbons H; Rundle M; Frost G; McNulty BA; Nugent AP; Walton J; Flynn A; Brennan L (2020) 'The Relationship between Fish Intake and Urinary Trimethylamine-N-Oxide'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (3)  |
Dr Kieran Meade |
Boylan M; O’Brien MB; Beynon C; Meade KG (2020) '1,25(OH)D vitamin D promotes NOS2 expression in response to bacterial and viral PAMPs in primary bovine salivary gland fibroblasts'. Veterinary Research Communications 44 (2) :83-88. |
Kelly P; Barry-Reidy A; Brewer A; Meade KG; O’Farrelly C (2020) 'Improved filtration method to isolate pure populations of primary bovine endometrial epithelial and stromal cells for immunological studies'. Veterinary Research Communications 44 (1) :29-39. |
Mallikarjunappa S; Schenkel FS; Brito LF; Bissonnette N; Miglior F; Chesnais J; Lohuis M; Meade KG; Karrow NA (2020) 'Association of genetic polymorphisms related to Johne's disease with estimated breeding values of Holstein sires for milk ELISA test scores'. BMC Veterinary Research 16 (1)  |
O'Brien MB; McLoughlin RM; Meade KG (2020) 'Application of the TruCulture® whole blood stimulation system for immune response profiling in cattle'. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 221  |
Ryan NJ; Meade KG; Williams EJ; O'Farrelly C; Grant J; Evans ACO; Beltman ME (2020) 'Purulent vaginal discharge diagnosed in pasture-based Holstein-Friesian cows at 21 days postpartum is influenced by previous lactation milk yield and results in diminished fertility'. Journal of Dairy Science 103 (1) :666-675. |
Professor Frank Monahan |
Del Bianco S; Natalello A; Luciano G; Valenti B; Monahan F; Gkarane V; Rapisarda T; Carpino S; Piasentier E (2020) 'Influence of dietary cardoon meal on volatile compounds and flavour in lamb meat'. Meat Science 163  |
Gkarane V; Allen P; Brunton NP; Gravador RS; Claffey NA; Harrison SM; Diskin MG; Fahey AG; Farmer LJ; Moloney AP (2020) 'Volatile and sensory analysis to discriminate meat from lambs fed different concentrate-based diets'. Animal Production Science 60 (13) :1654-1667. |
Grasso S; Harrison SM; Monahan FJ; Brunton NP (2019) 'A validated method for cholesterol determination in Turkey meat products using relative response factors'. Foods 8 (12)  |
Gravador RS; Brunton NP; Fahey AG; Gkarane V; Claffey NA; Moloney AP; Diskin MG; Farmer LJ; Allen P; Casey C (2020) 'Effects of dietary fat sources on the intramuscular and subcutaneous adipose tissue fatty acid composition, and consumer acceptability of lamb'. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (5) :2176-2184. |
Moran L; Wilson SS; O'Sullivan MG; McGee M; O'Riordan EG; Monahan FJ; Kerry JP; Moloney AP (2020) 'Quality of three muscles from suckler bulls finished on concentrates and slaughtered at 16 months of age or slaughtered at 19 months of age from two production systems'. Animal  |
Siphambili S; Moloney AP; O'riordan EG; Mcgee M; Monahan FJ (2020) 'The effects of graded levels of concentrate supplementation on colour and lipid stability of beef from pasture finished late-maturing bulls'. Animal 14 (3) :656-666. |
Dr Fionnuala Murphy |
Harney P; Gartland D; Murphy F (2020) 'Determining the optimum low-temperature district heating network design for a secondary network supplying a low-energy-use apartment block in Ireland'. Energy 192  |
McDonnell K; Molnár L; Harty M; Murphy F (2020) 'Feasibility study of carbon dioxide plume geothermal systems in Germany−utilising carbon dioxide for energy'. Energies 13 (10)  |
Dr Celine Murrin |
Bel-Serrat S; Heinen MM; Mehegan J; O’Brien S; Eldin N; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC (2019) 'Predictors of weight status in school-aged children: a prospective cohort study'. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 73 (9) :1299-1306. |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Dominguez Castro P; Reynolds CM; Kennelly S; Clyne B; Bury G; Hanlon D; Murrin C; McCullagh L; Finnigan K; Clarke S (2020) 'General practitioners’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community: A qualitative study'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 36 :116-127. |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Intergenerational associations of dietary inflammatory index with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 and 9: Results from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Pediatric Obesity 15 (3)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2169-2179. |
Sinclair D; Savage E; O’ Brien M; O’Reilly A; Mullaney C; Killeen M; O’Reilly O; Field CA; Fitzpatrick P; Murrin C (2020) 'Developing a national undergraduate standardized curriculum for future healthcare professionals on “Making Every Contact Count” for chronic disease prevention in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Interprofessional Care 34 (4) :561-565. |
Professor John O'Doherty |
Mukhopadhya A; O’Doherty JV; Sweeney T (2019) 'A combination of yeast beta-glucan and milk hydrolysate is a suitable alternative to zinc oxide in the race to alleviate post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
O' Meara FM; Gardiner GE; O' Doherty JV; Clarke D; Cummins W; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Effect of wet/dry, fresh liquid, fermented whole diet liquid, and fermented cereal liquid feeding on feed microbial quality and growth in grow-finisher pigs'. Journal of animal science 98 (6)  |
O'Meara FM; Gardiner GE; O'Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Effect of water-to-feed ratio on feed disappearance, growth rate, feed efficiency, and carcass traits in growing-finishing pigs.'. Translational animal science 4 (2) :txaa042. |
O'Meara FM; Gardiner GE; O'Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'The effect of feed form and delivery method on feed microbiology and growth performance in grow-finisher pigs'. Journal of animal science 98 (3)  |
O’ Meara FM; Gardiner GE; O’ Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Effect of dietary inclusion of benzoic acid (VevoVitall®) on the microbial quality of liquid feed and the growth and carcass quality of grow-finisher pigs'. Livestock Science 237  |
O’Meara FM; Gardiner GE; Clarke D; Cummins W; O’Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Microbiological assessment of liquid feed for finisher pigs on commercial pig units'. Journal of Applied Microbiology  |
Rattigan R; O'Doherty JV; Vigors S; Ryan MT; Sebastiano RS; Callanan JJ; Thornton K; Rajauria G; Margassery LM; Dobson ADW (2020) 'The effects of the marine-derived polysaccharides laminarin and chitosan on aspects of colonic health in pigs challenged with dextran sodium sulphate'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Rattigan R; Sweeney T; Maher S; Thornton K; Rajauria G; O'Doherty JV (2020) 'Laminarin-rich extract improves growth performance, small intestinal morphology, gene expression of nutrient transporters and the large intestinal microbial composition of piglets during the critical post-weaning period'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (3) :255-263. |
Rooney HB; O Driscoll K; Silacci P; Bee G; O Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Effect of dietary L-carnitine supplementation to sows during gestation and/or lactation on sow productivity, muscle maturation and lifetime growth in progeny from large litters'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (1) :43-56. |
Rooney HB; O'Driscoll K; O'Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2019) 'Effect of l-carnitine supplementation and sugar beet pulp inclusion in gilt gestation diets on gilt live weight, lactation feed intake, and offspring growth from birth to slaughter'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (10) :4208-4218. |
Rooney HB; O'Driscoll K; O'Doherty JV; Lawlor PG (2020) 'Effect of increasing dietary energy density during late gestation and lactation on sow performance, piglet vitality, and lifetime growth of offspring'. Journal of Animal Science 98 (1)  |
Ummat V; Tiwari BK; Jaiswal AK; Condon K; Garcia-Vaquero M; O'Doherty J; O'Donnell C; Rajauria G (2020) 'Optimisation of ultrasound frequency, extraction time and solvent for the recovery of polyphenols, phlorotannins and associated antioxidant activity from brown seaweeds'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Vigors S; O' Doherty JV; Sweeney T (2020) 'Colonic microbiome profiles for improved feed efficiency can be identified despite major effects of farm of origin and contemporary group in pigs'. Animal  |
Vigors S; O'Doherty JV; Rattigan R; McDonnell MJ; Rajauria G; Sweeney T (2020) 'Effect of a laminarin rich macroalgal extract on the caecal and colonic microbiota in the post-weaned pig'. Marine Drugs 18 (3)  |
Vigors S; O’ Doherty JV; Ryan M; Sweeney T (2019) 'Analysis of the basal colonic innate immune response of pigs divergent in feed efficiency and following an ex vivo lipopolysaccharide challenge'. Physiological Genomics 51 (9) :443-448. |
Professor Colm O'Donnell |
Achata E; Oliveira M; Esquerre C; Tiwari B; O'Donnell C (2020) 'Visible and NIR hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics for prediction of microbial quality of beef Longissimus dorsi m. under simulated normal and abuse storage conditions'. LWT: Food Science and Technology  |
Achata EM; Oliveira M; Esquerre CA; Tiwari BK; O'Donnell CP (2020) 'Visible and NIR hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics for prediction of microbial quality of beef Longissimus dorsi muscle under simulated normal and abuse storage conditions'. LWT 128  |
Charoux CMG; Free L; Hinds LM; Vijayaraghavan RK; Daniels S; O'Donnell CP; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Effect of non-thermal plasma technology on microbial inactivation and total phenolic content of a model liquid food system and black pepper grains'. LWT 118  |
Charoux CMG; O'Donnell CP; Tiwari BK (2019) 'Effect of airborne ultrasonic technology on microbial inactivation and quality of dried food ingredients'. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 56 :313-317. |
Charoux CMG; Patange A; Lamba S; O’Donnell CP; Tiwari BK; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Applications of nonthermal plasma technology on safety and quality of dried food ingredients'. Journal of Applied Microbiology  |
Hildebrand G; Poojary MM; O’Donnell C; Lund MN; Garcia-Vaquero M; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Ultrasound-assisted processing of Chlorella vulgaris for enhanced protein extraction'. Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (3) :1709-1718. |
Hinds LM; Charoux CMG; Akhter M; O'Donnell CP; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Effectiveness of a novel UV light emitting diode based technology for the microbial inactivation of Bacillus subtilis in model food systems'. Food Control 114  |
Markiewicz-Keszycka M; Zhao M; Cama-Moncunill X; El Arnaout T; Becker D; O'Donnell C; Cullen PJ; Sullivan C; Casado-Gavalda MP (2019) 'Rapid analysis of magnesium in infant formula powder using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy'. International Dairy Journal 97 :57-64. |
Ojha KS; Aznar R; O'Donnell C; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Ultrasound technology for the extraction of biologically active molecules from plant, animal and marine sources'. TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 122  |
Panikuttira B; Payne FA; O'Shea N; Tobin JT; O'Callaghan DJ; O'Donnell CP (2020) 'Investigation of an in-line prototype fluorescence and infrared backscatter sensor to monitor rennet-induced coagulation of skim milk at different protein concentrations'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 55 (1) :175-182. |
Priyadarshini A; Rajauria G; O'Donnell CP; Tiwari BK (2019) 'Emerging food processing technologies and factors impacting their industrial adoption'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59 (19) :3082-3101. |
Pu YY; O'Donnell C; Tobin JT; O'Shea N (2020) 'Review of near-infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology for real-time product monitoring in dairy processing'. International Dairy Journal 103  |
Ummat V; Garcia-Vaquero M; Tiwari B; O'Donnell C (2019) 'The value of seaweed'. Tresearch 14 (3) :28-28. |
Ummat V; Tiwari BK; Jaiswal AK; Condon K; Garcia-Vaquero M; O'Doherty J; O'Donnell C; Rajauria G (2020) 'Optimisation of ultrasound frequency, extraction time and solvent for the recovery of polyphenols, phlorotannins and associated antioxidant activity from brown seaweeds'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Zhao M; Markiewicz-Keszycka M; Beattie RJ; Casado-Gavalda MP; Cama-Moncunill X; O'Donnell CP; Cullen PJ; Sullivan C (2020) 'Quantification of calcium in infant formula using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics including data fusion'. Food Chemistry 320  |
Professor Dolores O'Riordan |
McGuinness L; Kiernan C; McCrickerd K; Forde C; O'Riordan D; Feeney E (2020) 'How do Front-Of-Pack nutrition and health labels affect expected liking, and portion selection of cheddar cheeses?'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE3)  |
Regan E; O'Neill GJ; Hutchings SC; O'Riordan D (2019) 'Exploring how age influences sensory perception, thirst and hunger during the consumption of oral nutritional supplements using the check-all-that-apply methodology'. Food Quality and Preference 78  |
Dr Sharon O'Rourke |
Dunne KS; Holden NM; O'Rourke SM; Fenelon A; Daly K (2020) 'Prediction of phosphorus sorption indices and isotherm parameters in agricultural soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy'. Geoderma 358  |
Minasny B; Berglund Ö; Connolly J; Hedley C; de Vries F; Gimona A; Kempen B; Kidd D; Lilja H; Malone B (2019) 'Digital mapping of peatlands – A critical review'. Earth-Science Reviews 196  |
Dr Aifric O'Sullivan |
Crowe M; O’Sullivan M; Cassetti O; O’Sullivan A (2020) 'Estimation and consumption pattern of free sugar intake in 3-year-old Irish preschool children'. European Journal of Nutrition 59 (5) :2065-2074. |
McCourt A; McNulty BA; Walton J; O'Sullivan A (2020) 'Corrigendum to ‘Efficacy and safety of food fortification to improve Vitamin D intakes of older adults’ [Nutrition 75-76 (2020)] (Nutrition (2020) 75–76, (S0899900720300502), (10.1016/j.nut.2020.110767))'. Nutrition 75-76  |
McCourt A; McNulty BA; Walton J; O'Sullivan A (2020) 'Efficacy and safety of food fortification to improve vitamin D intakes of older adults'. Nutrition 75-76  |
O’Sullivan A (2020) 'Metabolic cross-talk between diet and health'. Nature Food 1 (7) :398-399. |
Dr Catherine Phillips |
Aubert AM; Forhan A; de Lauzon-Guillain B; Chen LW; Polanska K; Hanke W; Jankowska A; Mensink-Bout SM; Duijts L; Suderman M (2019) 'Deriving the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) score in women from seven pregnancy cohorts from the European alphabet consortium'. Nutrients 11 (11)  |
Chen L-W; Aubert A; Bernard JY; Cooper C; Duijts L; Geraghty AA; Harvey NC; Hebert JR; Heude B; Kelleher CC (2020) 'Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts (ALPHABET consortium)'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Chen LW; Lyons B; Navarro P; Shivappa N; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Hébert JR; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality are associated with offspring asthma risk over 10-year follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111 (2) :440-447. |
Navarro P; Mehegan J; Murrin C; Kelleher C; Phillips C (2020) 'Associations between maternal healthy lifestyle score and offspring birth outcomes and childhood obesity: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Intergenerational associations of dietary inflammatory index with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 and 9: Results from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study'. Pediatric Obesity 15 (3)  |
Navarro P; Shivappa N; Hébert JR; Mehegan J; Murrin CM; Kelleher CC; Phillips CM (2020) 'Predictors of the dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with childhood weight status: A longitudinal analysis in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study'. Clinical Nutrition 39 (7) :2169-2179. |
Zhong X; Harrington JM; Millar SR; Perry IJ; O’toole PW; Phillips CM (2020) 'Gut microbiota associations with metabolic health and obesity status in older adults'. Nutrients 12 (8) :1-17. |
Dr Clare Reynolds |
Bridge-Comer PE; Plows JF; Ramzan F; Patel R; Ganapathy TP; Stanley JL; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM (2020) 'Interleukin 1 Receptor 1 Knockout and Maternal High Fat Diet Exposure Induces Sex-Specific Effects on Adipose Tissue Adipogenic and Inflammatory Gene Expression in Adult Mouse Offspring'. Frontiers in Physiology 11  |
Galante L; Lagström H; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM; Rautava S; Milan AM; Cameron-Smith D; Pundir S (2020) 'Sexually dimorphic associations between maternal factors and human milk hormonal concentrations'. Nutrients 12 (1)  |
Galante L; Reynolds CM; Milan AM; Alexander T; Bloomfield FH; Cameron-Smith D; Pundir S; Vickers MH; Harding J; Meyer M (2020) 'Preterm human milk: associations between perinatal factors and hormone concentrations throughout lactation'. Pediatric Research  |
Galante L; Vickers MH; Milan AM; Reynolds CM; Alexander T; Bloomfield FH; Pundir S (2019) 'Feasibility of Standardized Human Milk Collection in Neonatal Care Units'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Li F; Liu K; Gray C; Harris P; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Guan J (2020) 'Cyclic glycine-proline normalizes systolic blood pressure in high-fat diet-induced obese male rats'. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 30 (2) :339-346. |
Li M; Reynolds CM; Gray C; Patel R; Sloboda DM; Vickers MH (2020) 'Long-term effects of a maternal high-fat: High-fructose diet on offspring growth and metabolism and impact of maternal taurine supplementation'. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 11 (4) :419-426. |
Plows JF; Morton-Jones J; Bridge-Comer PE; Ponnampalam A; Stanley JL; Vickers MH; Reynolds CM (2020) 'Consumption of the Artificial Sweetener Acesulfame Potassium throughout Pregnancy Induces Glucose Intolerance and Adipose Tissue Dysfunction in Mice'. Journal of Nutrition 150 (7) :1773-1781. |
Plows JF; Ramos Nieves JM; Budin F; Mace K; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Silva-Zolezzi I; Baker PN; Stanley JL (2020) 'The effects of myo-inositol and probiotic supplementation in a high-fat-fed preclinical model of glucose intolerance in pregnancy'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (5) :516-528. |
Plows JF; Reynolds CM; Vickers MH; Baker PN; Stanley JL (2019) 'Nutritional Supplementation for the Prevention and/or Treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus'. Current Diabetes Reports 19 (9)  |
Professor Helen Roche |
Alligier M; Barrès R; Blaak EE; Boirie Y; Bouwman J; Brunault P; Campbell K; Clément K; Farooqi IS; Farpour-Lambert NJ (2020) 'OBEDIS Core Variables Project: European Expert Guidelines on a Minimal Core Set of Variables to Include in Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trials of Obesity Interventions'. Obesity Facts 13 (1) :1-28. |
Collins CB; Roche HM (2020) 'Personalized Nutrition for Inflammatory Bowel Disease'. Crohn's & Colitis 360 2 (3)  |
De Marco Castro E; Calder PC; Roche HM (2020) 'β-1,3/1,6-Glucans and Immunity: State of the Art and Future Directions'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Fitzpatrick SF; King AD; O’Donnell C; Roche HM; Ryan S (2020) 'Mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia-mediated macrophage activation – potential therapeutic targets for obstructive sleep apnoea'. Journal of Sleep Research  |
Gleeson LE; Roche HM; Sheedy FJ (2020) 'Running Title: Obesity, COVID-19 and Innate Immunometabolism'. British Journal of Nutrition  |
Hansen AMB; Wium C; Lee S; Tierney AC; McCarthy D; Roche HM; Drevon CA; Birkeland KI; Gulseth HL (2020) 'Substantial inter-individual variations in insulin secretion and sensitivity across the glucometabolic spectrum'. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 80 (4) :282-290. |
Lynch GM; Murphy CH; Castro EDM; Roche HM (2020) 'Inflammation and Metabolism-The Role of Adiposity in Sarcopenic Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  |
Maruvada P; Lampe JW; Wishart DS; Barupal D; Chester DN; Dodd D; Djoumbou-Feunang Y; Dorrestein PC; Dragsted LO; Draper J (2020) 'Perspective: Dietary Biomarkers of Intake and Exposure - Exploration with Omics Approaches'. Advances in Nutrition 11 (2) :200-215. |
Matualatupauw JC; O'Grada C; Hughes MF; Roche HM; Afman LA; Bouwman J (2019) 'Integrated Analys of High-Fat Challenge-Induced Changes in Blood Cell Whole-Genome Gene Expression'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (20)  |
Mitchelson KAJ; de Marco Castro E; Hueston CM; Lynch GM; Keogh EA; Tran TTT; Vlckova K; Roche HM; O'Toole PW (2020) 'Baker's yeast (1→3)-β-D-glucan Influences Insulin Sensitivity in Mice with Humanized Obese Diabetic Microbiome in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Murphy AM; Smith CE; Murphy LM; Follis JL; Tanaka T; Richardson K; Noordam R; Lemaitre RN; Kähönen M; Dupuis J (2019) 'Potential Interplay between Dietary Saturated Fats and Genetic Variants of the NLRP3 Inflammasome to Modulate Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Risk: Insights from a Meta-Analysis of 19 005 Individuals'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 63 (22)  |
O'Reilly ME; Lenighan YM; Dillon E; Kajani S; Curley S; Bruen R; Byrne R; Heslin AM; Moloney AP; Roche HM (2020) 'Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Alpha Linolenic Acid Improve Cholesterol Homeostasis in Obesity by Modulating Distinct Hepatic Protein Pathways'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 64 (7)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; McGillicuddy FC; O'Toole PW; Roche HM (2020) 'Microbiome transfer between IL-1RI-/- and wild-type mice during high or low-fat feeding alters metabolic tissue functionality but not glucose homeostasis.'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)  |
Ralston JC; Mitchelson KAJ; Lynch GM; Tran TTT; Wang H; Strain CR; Lenighan YM; Kennedy EB; Stanton C; McGillicuddy FC (2020) 'Microbiome Transfer Partly Overrides Lack of IL-1RI Signaling to Alter Hepatic but not Adipose Tissue Phenotype and Lipid Handling following a High-Fat Diet Challenge'. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research  |
Ralston JC; Nguyen-Tu MS; Lyons CL; Cooke AA; Murphy AM; Falvey A; Finucane OM; McGillicuddy FC; Rutter GA; Roche HM (2020) 'Dietary substitution of SFA with MUFA within high-fat diets attenuates hyperinsulinaemia and pancreatic islet dysfunction'. British Journal of Nutrition 124 (3) :247-255. |
Dr Amalia Scannell |
Charoux CMG; Patange A; Lamba S; O’Donnell CP; Tiwari BK; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Applications of nonthermal plasma technology on safety and quality of dried food ingredients'. Journal of Applied Microbiology  |
Crofton E; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Snacking on brewer's spent grains: A consumer-orientated approach to developing sustainable snack food options.'. British Food Journal |
Crofton EC; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Snack foods from brewing waste: consumer-led approach to developing sustainable snack options'. British Food Journal 122 (12) :3899-3916. |
Ferone M; Gowen A; Fanning S; Scannell AGM (2020) 'Microbial detection and identification methods: Bench top assays to omics approaches'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2019) 'Processing and retail strategies to minimize Campylobacter contamination in retail chicken'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (12)  |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2020) 'On farm interventions to minimise Campylobacter spp. contamination in chicken'. British Poultry Science  |
Dr Helen Sheridan |
Bracken CJ; Lanigan GJ; Richards KG; Müller C; Tracy SR; Grant J; Krol DJ; Sheridan H; Lynch MB; Grace C (2020) 'Sward composition and soil moisture conditions affect nitrous oxide emissions and soil nitrogen dynamics following urea-nitrogen application'. Science of the Total Environment 722  |
Cullen P; Ryan M; O'Donoghue C; Hynes S; hUallacháin D; Sheridan H (2020) 'Impact of farmer self-@identity and attitudes on participation in agri-environment schemes'. Land Use Policy 95  |
Larkin J; Sheridan H; Finn JA; Denniston H; Ó hUallacháin D (2019) 'Semi-natural habitats and Ecological Focus Areas on cereal, beef and dairy farms in Ireland'. Land Use Policy 88  |
Moloney T; Sheridan H; Grant J; O’Riordan EG; O’Kiely P (2020) 'Yield of binary- and multi-species swards relative to single-species swards in intensive silage systems'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 59 (1) :12-26. |
Professor Da-Wen Sun |
Ajani CK; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2020) 'Recent advances in multiscale CFD modelling of cooling processes and systems for the agrifood industry'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Alabi KP; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2020) 'Transport phenomena and their effect on microstructure of frozen fruits and vegetables'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 101 :63-72. |
Ali M; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of dielectric barrier discharge cold plasma treatments on degradation of anilazine fungicide and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) juice'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology  |
Cheng W; Sørensen KM; Engelsen SB; Sun DW; Pu H (2019) 'Lipid oxidation degree of pork meat during frozen storage investigated by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging: Effect of ice crystal growth and distribution'. Journal of Food Engineering 263 :311-319. |
Cheng W; Sørensen KM; Mongi RJ; Ndabikunze BK; Chove BE; Sun DW; Engelsen SB (2019) 'A comparative study of mango solar drying methods by visible and near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA)'. LWT 112  |
Ekezie FGC; Sun DW; Cheng JH (2019) 'Altering the IgE binding capacity of king prawn (Litopenaeus Vannamei) tropomyosin through conformational changes induced by cold argon-plasma jet'. Food Chemistry 300  |
Esua OJ; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Functionalization of water as a nonthermal approach for ensuring safety and quality of meat and seafood products'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Gao T; Tian Y; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2020) 'Modelling, responses and applications of time-temperature indicators (TTIs) in monitoring fresh food quality'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 99 :311-322. |
Han YX; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2019) 'Changes in activity, structure and morphology of horseradish peroxidase induced by cold plasma'. Food Chemistry 301  |
Han Z; Dai LX; Yu XC; Sun DW; Cheng JH (2020) 'Gas Cooking Technology of Crucian Carp Nutrition Soup'. Modern Food Science and Technology 36 (6)  |
Han Z; Shi R; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of novel physical processing techniques on the multi-structures of starch'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 97 :126-135. |
Hu B; Sun DW; Pu H; Wei Q (2019) 'Recent advances in detecting and regulating ethylene concentrations for shelf-life extension and maturity control of fruit: A review'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 91 :66-82. |
Huang L; Sun DW; Pu H; Wei Q (2019) 'Development of Nanozymes for Food Quality and Safety Detection: Principles and Recent Applications'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 18 (5) :1496-1513. |
Hussain A; Pu H; Sun DW (2020) 'Cysteamine modified core-shell nanoparticles for rapid assessment of oxamyl and thiacloprid pesticides in milk using SERS'. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 14 (4) :2021-2029. |
Hussain A; Pu H; Sun DW (2020) 'SERS detection of sodium thiocyanate and benzoic acid preservatives in liquid milk using cysteamine functionalized core-shelled nanoparticles'. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 229  |
Hussain A; Sun DW; Pu H (2020) 'Bimetallic core shelled nanoparticles (Au@AgNPs) for rapid detection of thiram and dicyandiamide contaminants in liquid milk using SERS'. Food Chemistry 317  |
Hussain N; Pu H; Hussain A; Sun DW (2020) 'Rapid detection of ziram residues in apple and pear fruits by SERS based on octanethiol functionalized bimetallic core-shell nanoparticles'. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 236  |
Hussain N; Sun DW; Pu H (2019) 'Classical and emerging non-destructive technologies for safety and quality evaluation of cereals: A review of recent applications'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 91 :598-608. |
Jayan H; Pu H; Sun DW (2020) 'Recent development in rapid detection techniques for microorganism activities in food matrices using bio-recognition: A review'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 95 :233-246. |
Jiang YH; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of plasma chemistry on the interfacial performance of protein and polysaccharide in emulsion'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 98 :129-139. |
Lei T; Lin XH; Sun DW (2019) 'Rapid classification of commercial Cheddar cheeses from different brands using PLSDA, LDA and SPA–LDA models built by hyperspectral data'. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 13 (4) :3119-3129. |
Lei T; Sun DW (2020) 'A novel NIR spectral calibration method: Sparse coefficients wavelength selection and regression (SCWR)'. Analytica Chimica Acta 1110 :169-180. |
Li D; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2020) 'Visualization of the: In situ distribution of contents and hydrogen bonding states of cellular level water in apple tissues by confocal Raman microscopy'. Analyst 145 (3) :897-907. |
Lin X; Xu JL; Sun DW (2020) 'Comparison of moisture uniformity between microwave-vacuum and hot-air dried ginger slices using hyperspectral information combined with semivariogram'. Drying Technology  |
Ma J; Sun DW (2020) 'Prediction of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of various processed pork meats using improved hyperspectral imaging technique'. Food Chemistry 321  |
Ma J; Sun DW; Nicolai B; Pu H; Verboven P; Wei Q; Liu Z (2019) 'Comparison of spectral properties of three hyperspectral imaging (HSI) sensors in evaluating main chemical compositions of cured pork'. Journal of Food Engineering 261 :100-108. |
Mahato S; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2019) 'Glass transitions as affected by food compositions and by conventional and novel freezing technologies: A review'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 94 :1-11. |
Obajemihi OI; Olaoye JO; Ojediran JO; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Model development and optimization of process conditions for color properties of tomato in a hot-air convective dryer using box–behnken design'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation  |
Pan Y; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2019) 'Cold Plasma-Mediated Treatments for Shelf Life Extension of Fresh Produce: A Review of Recent Research Developments'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 18 (5) :1312-1326. |
Pan Y; Zhang Y; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Inactivation of Listeria Monocytogenes at various growth temperatures by ultrasound pretreatment and cold plasma'. LWT 118  |
Pan YW; Cheng JH; Sun DW (2020) 'Inhibition of fruit softening by cold plasma treatments: affecting factors and applications'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Pu H; Xu Y; Sun DW; Wei Q; Li X (2020) 'Optical nanosensors for biofilm detection in the food industry: principles, applications and challenges'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Qu JH; Horta S; Delport F; Sillen M; Geukens N; Sun DW; Vanhoorelbeke K; Declerck P; Lammertyn J; Spasic D (2020) 'Expanding a Portfolio of (FO-) SPR Surface Chemistries with the Co(III)-NTA Oriented Immobilization of His6-Tagged Bioreceptors for Applications in Complex Matrices'. ACS sensors 5 (4) :960-969. |
Su WH; Bakalis S; Sun DW (2020) 'Chemometric determination of time series moisture in both potato and sweet potato tubers during hot air and microwave drying using near/mid-infrared (NIR/MIR) hyperspectral techniques'. Drying Technology 38 (43987) :806-823. |
Su WH; Sun DW (2019) 'Mid-infrared (MIR) Spectroscopy for Quality Analysis of Liquid Foods'. Food Engineering Reviews 11 (3) :142-158. |
Tahir HE; Xiaobo Z; Jianbo X; Mahunu GK; Jiyong S; Xu JL; Sun DW (2019) 'Recent Progress in Rapid Analyses of Vitamins, Phenolic, and Volatile Compounds in Foods Using Vibrational Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics: a Review'. Food Analytical Methods 12 (10) :2361-2382. |
Tian Y; Li D; Luo W; Zhu Z; Li W; Qian Z; Li G; Sun DW (2020) 'Rapid freezing using atomized liquid nitrogen spray followed by frozen storage below glass transition temperature for Cordyceps sinensis preservation: Quality attributes and storage stability'. LWT 123  |
Tian Y; Zhu Z; Sun DW (2020) 'Naturally sourced biosubstances for regulating freezing points in food researches: Fundamentals, current applications and future trends'. Trends in Food Science and Technology 95 :131-140. |
Wang K; Sun DW; Pu H; Wei Q (2020) 'A rapid dual-channel readout approach for sensing carbendazim with 4-aminobenzenethiol-functionalized core-shell Au@Ag nanoparticles'. Analyst 145 (5) :1801-1809. |
Wang K; Sun DW; Pu H; Wei Q (2020) 'Two-dimensional Au@Ag nanodot array for sensing dual-fungicides in fruit juices with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique'. Food Chemistry 310  |
Wei Q; Liu T; Pu H; Sun DW (2020) 'Development of a fluorescent microwave-assisted synthesized carbon dots/Cu2+ probe for rapid detection of tea polyphenols'. Journal of Food Process Engineering 43 (7)  |
Wen L; Álvarez C; Zhang Z; Poojary MM; Lund MN; Sun DW; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Optimisation and characterisation of protein extraction from coffee silverskin assisted by ultrasound or microwave techniques'. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery  |
Wen L; Zhang Z; Rai D; Sun DW; Tiwari BK (2019) 'Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of bioactive compounds from coffee silverskin: Impact on phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and morphological characteristics'. Journal of Food Process Engineering 42 (6)  |
Wen L; Zhang Z; Sun DW; Sivagnanam SP; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Combination of emerging technologies for the extraction of bioactive compounds'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 60 (11) :1826-1841. |
Wen L; Zhang Z; Zhao M; Senthamaraikannan R; Padamati RB; Sun DW; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Green extraction of soluble dietary fibre from coffee silverskin: impact of ultrasound/microwave-assisted extraction'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 55 (5) :2242-2250. |
Yaseen T; Pu H; Sun DW (2019) 'Effects of Ions on Core-Shell Bimetallic Au@Ag NPs for Rapid Detection of Phosalone Residues in Peach by SERS'. Food Analytical Methods 12 (9) :2094-2105. |
Zhang W; Ma J; Sun DW (2020) 'Raman spectroscopic techniques for detecting structure and quality of frozen foods: principles and applications'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Zhao YM; Ojha S; Burgess CM; Sun DW; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Inactivation efficacy of plasma-activated water: influence of plasma treatment time, exposure time and bacterial species'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology  |
Zhao YM; Ojha S; Burgess CM; Sun DW; Tiwari BK (2020) 'Influence of various fish constituents on inactivation efficacy of plasma-activated water'. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 55 (6) :2630-2641. |
Zhao YM; Patange A; Sun DW; Tiwari B (2020) 'Plasma-activated water: Physicochemical properties, microbial inactivation mechanisms, factors influencing antimicrobial effectiveness, and applications in the food industry'. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety  |
Zhou X; Pu H; Sun DW (2020) 'DNA functionalized metal and metal oxide nanoparticles: principles and recent advances in food safety detection'. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  |
Zhu Z; Li Y; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of initial temperatures on vacuum film cooling and vacuum spray cooling on apple juice and milk'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 44 (7)  |
Zhu Z; Luo W; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of liquid nitrogen quick freezing on polyphenol oxidase and peroxide activities, cell water states and epidermal microstructure of wolfberry'. LWT 120  |
Zhu Z; Zhang P; Sun DW (2020) 'Effects of multi-frequency ultrasound on freezing rates and quality attributes of potatoes'. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 60  |
Professor Torres Sweeney |
Cafferky J; Sweeney T; Allen P; Sahar A; Downey G; Cromie AR; Hamill RM (2020) 'Investigating the use of visible and near infrared spectroscopy to predict sensory and texture attributes of beef M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum'. Meat Science 159  |
Mukhopadhya A; O’Doherty JV; Sweeney T (2019) 'A combination of yeast beta-glucan and milk hydrolysate is a suitable alternative to zinc oxide in the race to alleviate post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets'. Scientific Reports 9 (1)  |
Rattigan R; O'Doherty JV; Vigors S; Ryan MT; Sebastiano RS; Callanan JJ; Thornton K; Rajauria G; Margassery LM; Dobson ADW (2020) 'The effects of the marine-derived polysaccharides laminarin and chitosan on aspects of colonic health in pigs challenged with dextran sodium sulphate'. Marine Drugs 18 (5)  |
Rattigan R; Sweeney T; Maher S; Thornton K; Rajauria G; O'Doherty JV (2020) 'Laminarin-rich extract improves growth performance, small intestinal morphology, gene expression of nutrient transporters and the large intestinal microbial composition of piglets during the critical post-weaning period'. British Journal of Nutrition 123 (3) :255-263. |
Vigors S; O'Doherty JV; Rattigan R; McDonnell MJ; Rajauria G; Sweeney T (2020) 'Effect of a laminarin rich macroalgal extract on the caecal and colonic microbiota in the post-weaned pig'. Marine Drugs 18 (3)  |
Vigors S; O’ Doherty J; McDonnell M; Rattigan R; Sweeney T (2019) '369 An investigation into the influence of the seaweed extract laminarin on post-weaning pig performance and the intestinal microbiome'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :132-132. |
Vigors S; Sweeney T (2019) 'PSXIII-29 Farm of origin has a major influence on the colonic microbiome but alterations due to selection for feed efficiency are also evident'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :475-475. |
Vigors S; Sweeney T (2019) 'PSXIII-30 Analysis of gene expression profiles in liver and muscle tissue of pigs divergent in feed efficiency'. Journal of Animal Science 97 (Supplement_3) :475-475. |
Dr Saoirse Tracy |
Bracken CJ; Lanigan GJ; Richards KG; Müller C; Tracy SR; Grant J; Krol DJ; Sheridan H; Lynch MB; Grace C (2020) 'Sward composition and soil moisture conditions affect nitrous oxide emissions and soil nitrogen dynamics following urea-nitrogen application'. Science of the Total Environment 722  |
Harding MJ; Brady S; O'Connor H; Lopez-Rodriguez R; Edwards MD; Tracy S; Dowling D; Gibson G; Girard KP; Ferguson S (2020) '3D printing of PEEK reactors for flow chemistry and continuous chemical processing'. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering 5 (4) :728-735. |
Tracy SR; Nagel KA; Postma JA; Fassbender H; Wasson A; Watt M (2020) 'Crop Improvement from Phenotyping Roots: Highlights Reveal Expanding Opportunities'. Trends in Plant Science 25 (1) :105-118. |
Wasson AP; Nagel KA; Tracy S; Watt M (2020) 'Beyond Digging: Noninvasive Root and Rhizosphere Phenotyping'. Trends in Plant Science 25 (1) :119-120. |
Professor Patrick Wall |
Byrne AW; McEvoy D; Collins AB; Hunt K; Casey M; Barber A; Butler F; Griffin J; Lane EA; McAloon C (2020) 'Inferred duration of infectious period of SARS-CoV-2: rapid scoping review and analysis of available evidence for asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 cases'. BMJ open 10 (8) :e039856. |
Chen S; Shan LC; Tao W; Lu T; Regan Á; Han H; Guo L; Deng T; Wall P (2020) 'A survey of Chinese consumers' knowledge, beliefs and behavioural intentions regarding salt intake and salt reduction'. Public Health Nutrition 23 (8) :1450-1459. |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2019) 'Processing and retail strategies to minimize Campylobacter contamination in retail chicken'. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 43 (12)  |
Lu T; Marmion M; Ferone M; Wall P; Scannell AGM (2020) 'On farm interventions to minimise Campylobacter spp. contamination in chicken'. British Poultry Science  |
McAloon C; Collins Á; Hunt K; Barber A; Byrne AW; Butler F; Casey M; Griffin J; Lane E; McEvoy D (2020) 'Incubation period of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research'. BMJ Open 10 (8)  |
Dr Martina Wallace |
Gantner ML; Eade K; Wallace M; Handzlik MK; Fallon R; Trombley J; Bonelli R; Giles S; Harkins-Perry S; Heeren TFC (2019) 'Serine and lipid metabolism in macular disease and peripheral neuropathy'. New England Journal of Medicine 381 (15) :1422-1433. |
Lee YM; Wallace M; Gengatharan J; Furst A; Bode L; Metallo C; Ayres J (2020) 'Microbiota control of maternal behavior regulates early postnatal growth of offspring'.  |
Muthusamy T; Cordes T; Handzlik MK; You L; Lim EW; Gengatharan J; Pinto AFM; Badur MG; Kolar MJ; Wallace M (2020) 'Serine restriction alters sphingolipid diversity to constrain tumour growth'. Nature  |
Vaughan ME; Wallace M; Handzlik MK; Chan AB; Metallo CM; Lamia KA (2020) 'Cryptochromes Suppress HIF1α in Muscles'. iScience 23 (7)  |
Wallace M; Metallo CM (2020) 'Tracing insights into de novo lipogenesis in liver and adipose tissues'. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology  |
Professor Paul Whyte |
Clemente I; Condón-Abanto S; Pedrós-Garrido S; Whyte P; Lyng JG (2020) 'Efficacy of pulsed electric fields and antimicrobial compounds used alone and in combination for the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni in liquids and raw chicken'. Food Control 107  |
Esteves E; Whyte P; Gupta TB; Bolton DJ (2020) 'An investigation into the ecological niches and seasonal nature of Clostridium estertheticum and Clostridium gasigenes in the Irish beef farm environment'. Letters in Applied Microbiology  |
Fogarty C; Smyth C; Whyte P; Brunton N; Bolton D (2019) 'Sensory and ATP derivative-based indicators for assessing the freshness of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 58 (1) :71-80. |
Greene G; Koolman L; Whyte P; Lynch H; Coffey A; Lucey B; Egan J; O’Connor L; Bolton D (2020) 'An in vitro investigation of the survival and/or growth of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler digestate from different feed types'. Letters in Applied Microbiology  |
Lynch CT; Lynch H; Burke S; Hawkins K; Buttimer C; Mc Carthy C; Egan J; Whyte P; Bolton D; Coffey A (2020) 'Antimicrobial resistance determinants circulating among thermophilic campylobacter isolates recovered from broilers in Ireland over a one-year period'. Antibiotics 9 (6) :1-20. |
Lynch CT; Lynch H; Egan J; Whyte P; Bolton D; Coffey A; Lucey B (2020) 'Antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter isolates recovered from broilers in the Republic of Ireland in 2017 and 2018: an update'. British Poultry Science  |
Nag R; Auer A; Markey BK; Whyte P; Nolan S; O'Flaherty V; Russell L; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards K (2019) 'Anaerobic digestion of agricultural manure and biomass – Critical indicators of risk and knowledge gaps'. Science of the Total Environment 690 :460-479. |
Nag R; Whyte P; Markey BK; O'Flaherty V; Bolton D; Fenton O; Richards KG; Cummins E (2020) 'Ranking hazards pertaining to human health concerns from land application of anaerobic digestate'. Science of the Total Environment 710  |
Pedrós-Garrido S; Clemente I; Calanche JB; Condón-Abanto S; Beltrán JA; Lyng JG; Brunton N; Bolton D; Whyte P (2020) 'Antimicrobial activity of natural compounds against listeria spp. and their effects on sensory attributes in salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua)'. Food Control 107  |
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