Dr Christine Bonnin |
González A; Bonnin C; O'Mahony E; Nguyen Hong N; Nguyen Thi Minh T (2020) 'Challenges and Prospects of Integrating GIS Education in Development Studies in a Global South Context'. Journal of Geography  |
Professor Kath Browne |
Browne K (2020) 'Isn’t this just about lesbians? Teaching hegemonic geographies of sexualities and genders here and now'. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44 (2) :203-216. |
Browne K (2020) 'Sexualities and queer I: Lesbian geographies'. Progress in Human Geography  |
Browne K; Banerjea N; Bakshi L (2020) 'Survival and liveability in #COVIDtimes: Queer women’s transnational witnessing of COVID-19'. Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2) :128-131. |
Browne K; Lim J; Hall J; McGlynn N (2020) 'Sexual(ities that) progress: Introduction'. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space  |
Browne K; Nash C (2020) 'Heteroactivism'. lambda nordica 25 (1) :72-80. |
Browne K; Nash CJ (2020) 'In Ireland We ‘Love Both’? Heteroactivism in Ireland’s Anti-Repeal Ephemera'. Feminist Review 124 (1) :51-67. |
Ceatha N; Mayock P; Campbell J; Noone C; Browne K (2019) 'The power of recognition: A qualitative study of social connectedness and wellbeing through lgbt sporting, creative and social groups in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (19)  |
Donisi V; Amaddeo F; Zakrzewska K; Farinella F; Davis R; Gios L; Sherriff N; Zeeman L; Mcglynn N; Browne K (2020) 'Training healthcare professionals in LGBTI cultural competencies: Exploratory findings from the Health4LGBTI pilot project'. Patient Education and Counseling 103 (5) :978-987. |
McGlynn N; Browne K; Sherriff N; Zeeman L; Mirandola M; Gios L; Davis R; Donisi V; Farinella F; Rosińska M (2020) 'Healthcare professionals’ assumptions as barriers to LGBTI healthcare'. Culture, Health and Sexuality 22 (8) :954-970. |
Zeeman L; Sherriff N; Browne K; McGlynn N; Mirandola M; Gios L; Davis R; Sanchez-Lambert J; Aujean S; Pinto N (2019) 'A review of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) health and healthcare inequalities'. European Journal of Public Health 29 (5) :974-980. |
Dr Arlene Crampsie |
O'Connor S; Murphy C; Butler J; Crampsie A; Ludlow F; Horvath C; Jobbová E (2020) 'A weather diary from Donegal, Ireland, 1846–1875'. Weather  |
Assoc Professor Federico Ferretti |
Ferretti F (2019) 'Decolonizing the Northeast: Brazilian Subalterns, Non-European Heritages, and Radical Geography in Pernambuco'. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109 (5) :1632-1650. |
Ferretti F (2019) 'The Geographical Tradition on the move: The transnational travels of a classic'. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 44 (3) :447-449. |
Ferretti F (2020) 'Elisée Reclus (1830-1905) géographe du monde'. Mondes Sociaux |
Ferretti F (2020) 'Subaltern connections: Brazilian critical geographers, development and African decolonisation'. Third World Quarterly 41 (5) :822-841. |
Ferretti F; Ince A; White R (2020) 'Malatesta in Brexitland: Toward post-statist geographies of democracy'. Theory in Action 13 (1) :137-160. |
Gutiérrez JA; Ferretti F (2020) 'The nation against the State: The Irish question and Britain-based anarchists in the Age of Empire'. Nations and Nationalism 26 (3) :611-627. |
Dr Colman Gallagher |
Butcher FEG; Balme MR; Conway SJ; Gallagher C; Arnold NS; Storrar RD; Lewis SR; Hagermann A (2020) 'Morphometry of a glacier-linked esker in NW Tempe Terra, Mars, and implications for sediment-discharge dynamics of subglacial drainage'. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 542  |
Gallagher C; Butcher FEG; Balme M; Smith I; Arnold N (2020) 'Landforms indicative of regional warm based glaciation, Phlegra Montes, Mars'. Icarus  |
Soare RJ; Conway SJ; Williams JP; Gallagher C; Keown LEM (2020) 'Possible (closed system) pingo and ice-wedge/thermokarst complexes at the mid latitudes of Utopia Planitia, Mars'. Icarus 342  |
Dr Bradley Garrett |
Garrett B (2020) 'Doomsday preppers and the architecture of dread'. Geoforum  |
Garrett B; Klinke I (2019) 'Opening the bunker: Function, materiality, temporality'. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 37 (6) :1063-1081. |
Garrett B; Melo Zurita MDL; Iveson K (2020) 'Boring cities: The privatisation of subterranea'. City 24 (43862) :276-285. |
Assoc Professor Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo |
Coogan AN; Cleary-Gaffney M; Finnegan M; McMillan G; González A; Espey B (2020) 'Perceptions of light pollution and its impacts: Results of an Irish citizen science survey'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (15) :1-7. |
González A; Bonnin C; O'Mahony E; Nguyen Hong N; Nguyen Thi Minh T (2020) 'Challenges and Prospects of Integrating GIS Education in Development Studies in a Global South Context'. Journal of Geography  |
González A; Kelly C; Rymszewicz A (2020) 'Advancements in web-mapping tools for land use and marine spatial planning'. Transactions in GIS 24 (2) :253-267. |
González A; Therivel R (2020) 'Learning support mechanisms in SEA: a review of the potential to optimize outcomes'. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal  |
González Del Campo A; Gazzola P (2020) 'Untapping the potential of technological advancements in Strategic Environmental Assessment'. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (4) :585-603. |
González Del Campo A; Gazzola P; Onyango V (2020) 'The mutualism of strategic environmental assessment and sustainable development goals'. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 82 :106383-106383. |
Lally A; Gonzalez Del Campo A (2019) 'A comparative appraisal of four proposed GIS-based methodologies to map anthropogenic cumulative effects at a landscape level in Ireland'. Irish Geography 52 :49-73. |
Therivel R; González A (2020) 'Is SEA worth it? Short-term costs v. long-term benefits of strategic environmental assessment'. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 83  |
Dr Tasnuba Jerin |
Ishtiaque A; Masrur A; Rabby YW; Jerin T; Dewan A (2020) 'Remote Sensing-Based Research for Monitoring Progress towards SDG 15 in Bangladesh: A Review'. Remote Sensing 12 (4) :691-691. |
Jerin T (2019) 'Biogeomorphic effects of woody vegetation on bedrock streams'. Progress in Physical Geography 43 (6) :777-800. |
Jerin T; Phillips J (2020) 'Biogeomorphic keystones and equivalents: Examples from a bedrock stream'. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (8) :1877-1894. |
Dr Eva Jobbová |
O'Connor S; Murphy C; Butler J; Crampsie A; Ludlow F; Horvath C; Jobbová E (2020) 'A weather diary from Donegal, Ireland, 1846–1875'. Weather  |
Professor Alun Jones |
Clark J; Jones A (2019) 'Geopolitical teleconnections: Diplomacy, events, and foreign policy'. Political Geography 75  |
Jones A (2020) '“The Interpretation Zone”: European Geopolitics and the Interpretive Body'. Annals of the American Association of Geographers  |
Jones A; Clark J (2020) 'Political Geography and Political Science: Common Territory?'. Geopolitics 25 (2) :472-478. |
Dr Carla Kayanan |
Kayanan C; Pajevic F (2020) 'Bright lights, tech city for the no collar worker. State of Power Report on the Corporation'. Transnational Institute (State of Power 2020 on the Corporation) |
Kayanan CM (2019) 'What's Wrong with Work?, by LynnePettinger. Policy Press, Bristol, 2019, 240 pp., ISBN: 978‐1447340089, £12.99, paperback.'. British Journal of Industrial Relations 57 (4) :949-950. |
Dr Julien Mercille |
Mercille J; Murphy E (2019) 'Market, Non-Market and Anti-Market Processes in Neoliberalism'. Critical Sociology 45 (44050) :1093-1109. |
Mercille J; O'Neill N (2020) 'The growth of private home care providers in Europe: The case of Ireland'. Social Policy and Administration  |
Assoc Professor Gerald Mills |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Ching J; Aliaga D; Mills G; Masson V; See L; Neophytou M; Middel A; Baklanov A; Ren C; Ng E (2019) 'Corrigendum to ‘Pathway using WUDAPT's Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling’ (Urban Climate (2019) 28, (S2212095519300975), (10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100459))'. Urban Climate 30  |
Assoc Professor Niamh Moore Cherry |
Callaghan A; McCombe G; Harrold A; McMeel C; Mills G; Moore-Cherry N; Cullen W (2020) 'The impact of green spaces on mental health in urban settings: a scoping review.'. Journal of mental health (Abingdon, England) :1-15. |
Kitchin R; Moore-Cherry N (2020) 'Fragmented governance, the urban data ecosystem and smart city-regions: the case of Metropolitan Boston'. Regional Studies  |
Moore Cherry N (2019) 'The resurgence of spatial planning in Ireland'. Town and Country Planning -London- Town and Country Planning Association- :467-471. |
Moore-Cherry N; Tomaney J (2019) 'Spatial planning, metropolitan governance and territorial politics in Europe: Dublin as a case of metro-phobia?'. European Urban and Regional Studies 26 (4) :365-381. |
Dr Tobi Morakinyo |
Morakinyo TE; Ouyang W; Lau KKL; Ren C; Ng E (2020) 'Right tree, right place (urban canyon): Tree species selection approach for optimum urban heat mitigation - development and evaluation'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Ouyang W; Morakinyo TE; Ren C; Ng E (2020) 'The cooling efficiency of variable greenery coverage ratios in different urban densities: A study in a subtropical climate'. Building and Environment 174  |
Wai KM; Tan TZ; Morakinyo TE; Chan TC; Lai A (2020) 'Reduced effectiveness of tree planting on micro-climate cooling due to ozone pollution—A modeling study'. Sustainable Cities and Society 52  |
Dr Eoin O'Mahony |
O'Mahony E; Ní Shé É; Bailey J; Mannan H; Mcauliffe E; Ryan J; Cronin J; Cooney MT (2019) 'Using geographic information systems to map older people's emergency department attendance for future health planning'. Emergency Medicine Journal 36 (12) :748-753. |
Dr Jonathan Turner |
Atkinson S; Bruen M; O' Sullivan JJ; Turner JN; Ball B; Carlsson J; Bullock C; Casserly CM; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'An inspection-based assessment of obstacles to salmon, trout, eel and lamprey migration and river channel connectivity in Ireland'. Science of the Total Environment 719  |
Casserly CM; Turner JN; O'Sullivan JJ; Bruen M; Bullock C; Atkinson S; Kelly-Quinn M (2020) 'Impact of low-head dams on bedload transport rates in coarse-bedded streams'. Science of the Total Environment 716  |
Fuller IC; Macklin MG; Toonen WHJ; Turner J; Norton K (2019) 'A 2000 year record of palaeofloods in a volcanically-reset catchment: Whanganui River, New Zealand'. Global and Planetary Change 181  |