Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Law in the academic year 2019/20
Professor Oonagh Breen | |
Breen OB; Smith PA (2019) Law of Charities in Ireland. Dublin: Bloomsbury | |
Assoc Professor Niamh Mary Howlin | |
Howlin N; Coen M; Barry C; Lynch J (2020) Judges and Juries in Ireland: An Empirical Study. Dublin: UCD |
Professor Gavin Barrett | |
Barrett G (2019) 'European Union Integration and the Constitution of Ireland' In: National Constitutions and EU Integration.Oxford: Hart. | |
Barrett G (2019) 'The Role of Courts in the Eurozone' In: Judicial Dialogue.The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing. , pp.127-154 | |
Barrett G (2020) 'Modalidades Y Prácticas Políticas Relacionadas con los Referéndums en Irlanda' In: El Referéndum Y Su Iniciativa en El Derecho Comparado.Spain: Tirant Lo Blanch. | |
Dr Sara Benedí Lahuerta | |
Benedí Lahuerta S (2020) 'Aproximación a la regulación de la incitación al odio religioso en el marco de la Unión Europa' Barcelona: Tirant Lo Blanch. | |
Professor Eoin Carolan | |
Carolan E (2019) 'Natural law and constitutional reasoning' In: Research handbook on Natural Law Theory.Melbourne: Edward Elgar. | |
Carolan E (2020) 'Participatory constitutional change: constitutional referendums' In: Routledge Handbook on Constitutional Change.UK: Routledge. | |
Carolan E (2020) 'Promoting civic discourse: a form of positive free speech under the Constitution of Ireland?' In: Positive Free Speech: Rationales, Methods and Implications.Hart: Bloomsbury Professional. | |
Professor James Devenney | |
Devenney J (2020) 'Judicial Review of B2B Contracts in England and Wales' In: Judicial Review of B2B Contracts.Oxford: Bloomsbury. | |
Assoc Professor Niamh Mary Howlin | |
Howlin N (2019) 'The Irish Courts System and the Court Houses' In: Ireland's Court Houses.Dublin: Irish Architectural Archive. , pp.2-15 | |
Dr Justin Jutte | |
Jütte B (2020) 'Finding the Balance in Copyright Law: Internal and External Control through Fundamental Rights' In: Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights.Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. , pp.461-483 | |
Dr Cliona Kelly | |
Kelly C (2019) 'Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers: Irish Report' In: Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers.Switzerland: Springer Nature. | |
Mr Anthony Kerr | |
Kerr A (2020) 'Atypical Employment Relationships in Ireland' In: Restatement of Labour Law in Europe: Volume II.London: Hart. , pp.425-458 | |
Professor Suzanne Kingston | |
Kingston S (2020) 'Transnational Environmental Governance before the Courts' In: Handbook of Transnational Environmental Law.UK: Elgar. | |
Kingston S; Alblas E (2020) 'Of the People, by the People, for the People? The European Union’s Experience with Private Environmental Regulation and Enforcement' In: Private Regulation in the European Union.Oxford: Hart Publishing. | |
Dr Joe McGrath | |
McGrath J; Healy D (2020) 'Same Differences? Reflections on The Comparative Method in White-Collar Crime Research in Ireland and the US' In: What is ‘European’ about white-collar and corporate crime in Europe?.Bristol: Bristol University Press. | |
Dr Amrei Muller | |
(2020) 'The European Court of Human Rights and the Rise of Authoritarianism in Russia' In: European Populism and Human Rights. Brill | Nijhoff. , pp.215-255 ![]() |
Professor Ian O'Donnell | |
O'Donnell I (2020) 'Solitary confinement' In: Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology.New York: Oxford University Press. | |
Dr Amy Strecker | |
Strecker A (2020) 'Article 13(d)(ii): Respecting Customary Practices' In: The 2003 UNESCO Intangible Heritage Convention: A Commentary.UK: Oxford University Press. , pp.243-256 ![]() |
Strecker A (2020) 'Landscapes as Cultural Heritage' In: Oxford Handbook on International Cultural Heritage Law.UK: Oxford University Press. , pp.272-294 |
Dr Sara Benedí Lahuerta | |
Giegerich T (Ed.). (2020) Has the EU Taken Comprehensive and Coherent Action to Combat Discrimination?. Germany: Springer |
Professor Gavin Barrett | |
Barrett G (2019) 'Einsatz und Durchführung von Referenden in Irland – Eine Analyse'. Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie (2019) 11 :5-61. | |
Dr Sara Benedí Lahuerta | |
Benedi Lahuerta S; Iusmen I (2020) 'EU nationals’ vulnerability in the context of Brexit: the case of Polish nationals'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ![]() |
Professor Oonagh Breen | |
Breen OB (2020) 'Regulating European Philanthropy: Lessons from the Scholarly Legacy of Evelyn Brody'. Nonprofit Policy Forum ![]() |
Professor Eoin Carolan | |
Carolan E (2020) 'Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions'. International Journal of Constitutional Law 18 (2) :659-661.![]() |
Carolan E (2020) 'Constitutional Change Outside the Courts: Citizen Deliberation and Constitutional Narrative(s) in Ireland’s Abortion Referendum'. Federal Law Review ![]() |
Assoc Professor Richard Collins | |
Assoc Professor Kevin Costello | |
Costello K (2020) 'The “Public Element” Test for Amenability to Judicial Review: R. (on the application of Holmcroft Properties Ltd) v KPMG LLP.'. Public Law | |
Assoc Professor Deirdre Healy | |
Griffin D; Healy D (2019) 'The pains of parole for life sentence prisoners in Ireland: Risk, rehabilitation and re-entry'. European Journal of Probation 11 (3) :124-138.![]() |
Hart W; Healy D; Williamson D (2020) '‘From disaster to master’: Exploring the journey beyond desistance in Ireland'. European Journal of Probation 12 (1) :53-71.![]() |
Healy D (2020) 'From Celtic Tiger to Celtic Phoenix: Exploring the Relationship Between Anomie and Crime in Ireland'. Deviant Behavior 41 (1) :70-86.![]() |
Healy D; Dubois F (2020) 'Réimaginer la réinsertion sociale : le désistement assisté en Irlande'. Criminologie 53 (1) :105-105.![]() |
Healy D; Fitzgibbon W (2020) 'Different ways of seeing: Exploring audience reactions to images of probation supervision'. Qualitative Social Work 19 (4) :663-684.![]() |
Healy D; McGrath J (2019) 'Simple Rhetoric and Complex Punitiveness: Federal Criminal Justice Responses to White-Collar Criminality'. Justice Quarterly 36 (7) :1258-1283.![]() |
McGrath J; Healy D (2020) 'Theorizing the drop in white-collar crime prosecutions: An ecological model'. Punishment and Society ![]() |
O’Sullivan R; Hart W; Healy D (2020) 'Transformative Rehabilitation: Exploring Prisoners’ Experiences of the Community Based Health and First Aid Programme in Ireland'. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 26 (1) :63-81.![]() |
Dr Justin Jutte | |
Jütte BJ (2020) 'Digital copyright condensed'. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice ![]() |
Jütte BJ; Priora G (2020) 'Leaking of secret military reports qualifies as reporting of current events'. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15 (9) :681-682.![]() |
Justin Jütte B (2019) 'CJEU permits sampling of phonograms under a de minimis rule and the quotation exception'. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 14 (11) :827-829.![]() |
Priora G; Justin Jütte B (2020) 'No copyright infringement for publication by the press of politician’s controversial essay'. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15 (8) :583-584.![]() |
Quintais JP; Frosio G; Van Gompel S; Hugenholtz PB; Husovec M; Jütte BJ; Senftleben M (2020) 'Safeguarding user freedoms in implementing article 17 of the copyright in the digital single market directive: Recommendations from European academics'. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 10 (3) :277-282. | |
Vandendriessche A; Jütte BJ (2020) 'Responsible information sharing: Converging boundaries between private and public in privacy and copyright law'. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 10 (3) :310-329. | |
Professor Suzanne Kingston | |
Kingston S (2019) 'Competition Law in an Environmental Crisis'. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 10 (9) :517-518.![]() |
Kingston S (2020) 'Greening Competition Law'. Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb | |
Kingston S (2020) 'The Polluter Pays Principle in EU Climate Law: An Effective Tool before the Courts?'. Climate Law 10 (1) :1-27.![]() |
Kingston S (2020) 'When Worlds Collide - The CJEU and International Law'. Irish Journal of European Law 22 | |
Kingston S (2020) '欧盟气候法中的污染者付费原则: 一项有效的诉讼工具?'. Wuhan Environmental Law Review | |
Assoc Professor Mary Catherine Lucey | |
Lucey MC (2020) 'Creating Legal Writing Opportunities in the Digital Era'. European Journal of Legal Education 1 (1) :155-167. | |
Dr Nina Lueck | |
Lueck N (2020) 'Guter Rat zu teuer? Bestandsaufnahme zu studentischer Rechtsberatung und Überlegungen zu Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen in Law Clinics'. Juristische Ausbildung 2020 (7) :703-713. | |
Dr Joe McGrath | |
Healy D; McGrath J (2019) 'Simple Rhetoric and Complex Punitiveness: Federal Criminal Justice Responses to White-Collar Criminality'. Justice Quarterly 36 (7) :1258-1283.![]() |
McGrath J (2019) 'Regulating white-collar crime in Ireland: an analysis using the lens of governmentality'. Crime, Law and Social Change 72 (4) :445-465.![]() |
McGrath J (2020) '‘Walk softly and carry no stick’: Culture, opportunity and irresponsible risk-taking in the Irish banking sector'. European Journal of Criminology 17 (1) :86-105.![]() |
McGrath J (2020) 'The Making of a Mismarker: The Case of the Only Banker Jailed in the U.S. for His Role in the Financial Crash'. University of Chicago Law Review Online | |
McGrath J (2020) 'Why do good people do bad things? The Case of the White-Collar Criminal'. Seattle University Law Review 43 (2) :525-553. | |
McGrath J; Contreras A (2020) 'Law, Technology and Pedagogy: Teaching Coding to Build a Future-Proof Lawyer'. Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology :1-35. | |
McGrath J; Healy D (2020) '“Comparing apples with oranges disguised as apples" (but still producing fruit): The methodological challenges in conducting in conducting white-collar crime research and a way forward'. Irish Jurist | |
McGrath J; Healy D (2020) 'Theorizing the drop in white-collar crime prosecutions: An ecological model'. Punishment and Society ![]() |
Dr Amrei Muller | |
Müller A (2020) 'Can Armed Non-state Actors Exercise Jurisdiction and Thus Become Human Rights Duty-bearers?'. Human Rights Law Review 20 (2) :269-305.![]() |
Professor Ian O'Donnell | |
O’Donnell I (2019) 'The art of imprisonment'. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal 15 (3) :559-560.![]() |
Assoc Professor Liam Thornton | |
Thornton L (2020) 'Clashing Interpretations of EU Rights in Domestic Courts'. European Public Law 26 (2) :243-264. | |
Dr Zizhen Wang | |
(2019) 'Doctoral theses'. British Journal of Sociology of Education 40 (8) :1222-1222.![]() |
Wang Z (2020) 'Bonding and Bridging Social Capital: The Determinants of English Language Fluency and Its Effects on the Labour Market Outcome of International Students in Ireland'. The Economic and Social Review 51 (1) | |
Wang Z (2020) 'The incidence of overeducation among international students upon graduation in Ireland: the effects of social capital and job searching methods'. Irish Educational Studies :1-19.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Professor Oonagh Breen | |
Breen OB (2019) The Legal Space for Philanthropy within Europe: Existing and Emerging Barriers , | |
Dr Mark Coen | |
Coen M (2020) The Work of Some Irresponsible Women": Jurors, Ghosts, and Embracery in the Irish Free State In: Law and History Review, ![]() |
Dr Joe McGrath | |
McGrath J (2019) Financial Crime in Ireland and the US: Exploring Regulatory Paradoxes In: Invited Lecture: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, | |
McGrath J (2019) Law, Technology and Pedagogy: Teaching Coding to Build a Future-Proof Lawyer In: New Realism Conference, University of Minnesota Law School, | |
McGrath J (2020) Changing Bad Banking Culture for Good In: Regulating Bank Culture, | |
McGrath J (2020) Comparing sentencing outcomes for white-collar and street crime” In: Faculty Research Seminar, University College Dublin, | |
Assoc Professor Thomas Mohr | |
Mohr T (2019) Emergency Law in the Irish Free State - Precursors to the Offences Against the State Act In: The Offences Against the State Act at 80, University College Dublin |
Professor Oonagh Breen | |
Hartay E; Fanucci F; McGeeney K (2020) Principles for Statutory Regulation and Self-Regulation of Fundraising. The Hague: ECNL and ICNL | |
Ms Emer Hunt | |
Renda A; Simonelli F; De Groen WP; Iacob N (2020) REFLECTIONS ON THE EU OBJECTIVES IN ADDRESSING AGGRESSIVE TAX PLANNING AND HARMFUL TAX PRACTICES. Brussels: Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (European Commission) | |
Professor Imelda Maher | |
Hughes K; Maher I (2020) Borders: Free Movement and the Common Travel Area in An Independent Scotland in the EU: Issues for Accession. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Center for European Relations |
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Other Publications
Dr Silvia Gagliardi | |
Gagliardi S (2019) The Human Rights of Minority and Indigenous Women. | |
Gagliardi S (2020) Minority Rights, Feminism and International Law Voices of Amazigh Women in Morocco. | |
Dr Joe McGrath | |
McGrath J (2020) The changes still needed to tackle the banks' bad management cultures. Irish Independent | |
Assoc Professor Tj McIntyre | |
McIntyre T (2019) Public services card a flawed fiasco in all its aspects. The Irish Times | |
McIntyre T (2020) Why the GAA has a big problem with WhatsApp. Irish Times | |
Assoc Professor Liam Thornton | |
Thornton L; Ni She E; Ní Shé É; Michael L; O'Rourke M; Ryan F; Shtorn E (2020) Social Distancing and Direct Provision. |
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Internet Publications
Dr Andrew Jackson | |
Jackson A (2020) Closed Season: lay down your trimmers and step away from the hedge. The Green News | |
Assoc Professor Liam Thornton | |
Thornton L (2019) ‘For Just Six Months’: Establishing Direct Provision Accommodation Centres. | |
Thornton L (2019) Direct Provision Allowance 1999-2005: Institutional Foundations. | |
Thornton L (2019) Discourses on Reforming Direct Provision Accommodation Centres. | |
Thornton L (2019) Embedding Direct Provision Allowance in State Practice and Law 2004-2009. | |
Thornton L (2019) Exploring Direct Provision: Why Now?. | |
Thornton L (2019) Launching the Reception Conditions Regulations Decisions Database. | |
Thornton L (2019) Marking International Children’s Day: Direct Provision Allowance and Children. | |
Thornton L (2019) State Responses to Institutionalised Living in Direct Provision. | |
Thornton L (2020) Challenging the Unlawful Exclusion of Asylum Seekers from Pandemic Unemployment Payment. | |
Thornton L (2020) Excluding Asylum Seekers from Pandemic Unemployment Payment. | |
Thornton L (2020) Negotiations for Government and Direct Provision. |
Assoc Professor Liam Thornton | |
Thornton L (2019) Ireland & Direct Provision: Contribution to Panel Discussion on DriveTime, RTÉ Radio, Monday 25 November 2019. | |
Thornton L (2020) The abolition of direct provision cannot come quickly enough, Irish Times, 09 June 2020. |