Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Philosophy in the academic year 2019/20
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M; Coliva A (2019) Relativism: New Problems of Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (2020) 'Experts, Disagreement, and Trust' In: Ireland's Yearbook of Education.Dublin, Ireland: Education Matters. , pp.354-358 | |
Baghramian M (2020) 'Foreword' In: Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy.London and New York: Routledge. , pp.xvii-xix | |
Dr Ruth Boeker | |
Boeker R (2020) 'Locke on Being Self to My Self' In: The Self: A History.New York: Oxford University Press. | |
Professor Maeve Cooke | |
Cooke M (2019) 'Disobedience in Civil Regeneration: Ethical Transformations in the Civil Sphere' In: Breaching the Civil Order: Radicalism and the Civil Sphere.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | |
Dr Christopher Cowley | |
Cowley C (2019) 'Jogee, parasitic accessory liability and conditional intention' In: Accessorial Liability after Jogee.London: Hart. | |
Cowley C (2019) 'Regret and self-knowledge' In: The Moral Psychology of Regret.New York: Rowman & Littlefield. | |
Dr Paul Giladi | |
Giladi, P. (2020) 'Being at Home in the World: Domination or Emancipation' In: Hegel and the Frankfurt School: Traditions in Dialogue.New York/London: Routledge. | |
Assoc Professor Timothy Mooney | |
Mooney T (2019) ''Merleau-Ponty on Representation and Action Prefiguration'' In: Philosophy in Ireland: Past Actualities and Present Challenges.Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. , pp.102-116 | |
Mooney T (2020) ''On Eliminativism's Transient Gaze.'' In: Perception and the Inhuman Gaze: Perspectives from Philosophy, Phenomenology and the Sciences.London and New York: Routledge. , pp.61-74 | |
Professor Dermot Moran | |
Moran D (2020) 'Kant on intuition' In: Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature, and Religion., pp.23-60 | |
Professor Brian O'Connor | |
O'Connor B (2019) 'Adornos philosophische Wahrheiten und Wir' In: Das Ärgernis der Philosophie: Metaphysik in Adornos Negativer Dialektik.Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. , pp.175-188 | |
O'Connor B (2020) 'Negative Dialectics and Philosophical Truth' In: Blackwell Companion to Adorno.Oxford / Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell. , pp.519-529 | |
Assoc Professor Katherine O'Donnell | |
O'Donnell K (2020) '“Keith Ridgway”' In: DLB 386: Twenty-First-Century Irish Fiction Writers.Michigan: Gale Publishing. , pp.263-271 | |
Professor James O'Shea | |
O'Shea JR (2019) 'How pragmatist was Sellars? Reflections on an analytic Pragmatism' In: Wilfrid Sellars and Twentieth-Century Philosophy., pp.110-129 | |
Dr Danielle Petherbridge | |
Petherbridge D (2020) 'Exile, Dislocation, and Home-Spaces Irish Narratives' In: PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CONTEMPORARY IRELAND. ROUTLEDGE. , pp.195-212 | |
Petherbridge D (2020) 'Integrity in the Late Novels of Henry James: Lambert Strether from The Ambassadors' In: Portraits of Integrity.London: Bloomsbury. |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M; Marchetti S (Ed.). (2020) Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology before the Great Divide. London and New York: Routledge | |
Dr Ruth Boeker | |
Boeker R (Ed.). (2019) Special Issue: New Perspectives on Agency in Early Modern Philosophy, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 5, 2019. UK: Routledge | |
Dr Christopher Cowley | |
Cowley C (Ed.). (2020) Book Symposium on Irene McMullin's Existential Flourishing International Journal of Philosophical Studies vol. 28 no. 2.. London: Taylor & Francis | |
Cowley C; Krebs B (Ed.). (2020) Special Issue on Recklessness and Negligence The Journal of Philosophy and Criminal Law Vol. 14 no. 1. Switzerland: Springer | |
Dr Paul Giladi | |
Giladi, P. (Ed.). (2020) Hegel and the Frankfurt School: Traditions in Dialogue. New York/London: Routledge | |
Professor James O'Shea | |
O'Shea J (Ed.). (2020) EDITED JOURNAL ISSUES (x 2): 'Book Symposia, Critical Notices, and Reviews,' plus Books Received, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 28, Issues 1 and 2, 2020.. London and New York: Routledge |
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M (2019) '"Trust in Experts: Why and Why Not?"'. Jericho Times Populocracy (Autumn 2019) :21-23. | |
Baghramian M (2020) 'The Politics of Relativism'. The Philosopher :51-58. | |
Dellsén F; Baghramian M (2020) 'Disagreement in science: introduction to the special issue'. Synthese ![]() |
Dr Ruth Boeker | |
Boeker R (2019) 'New Perspectives on Agency in Early Modern Philosophy'. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (5) :625-630.![]() |
Boeker R (2019) 'Shaftesbury on Liberty and Self-Mastery'. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (5) :731-752.![]() |
Boeker R (2020) 'Teaching & Learning Guide for: Shaftesbury on Persons, Personal Identity and Character Development'. Philosophy Compass 15 (8) ![]() |
Mark Bowker | |
Bowker M (2019) 'Ineliminable underdetermination and context-shifting arguments'. Inquiry :1-22.![]() |
Bowker M (2019) 'Saying a bundle: meaning, intention, and underdetermination'. Synthese 196 (10) :4229-4252.![]() |
Assoc Professor Dragos Calma | |
Calma D-G (2020) 'Metaphysics as a Way of Life: Heymericus de Campo on Universals and the “Inner Man”'. Vivarium (58.4) :305-334.![]() |
Professor Maeve Cooke | |
Cooke M (2020) 'Ethics and politics in the Anthropocene'. Philosophy and Social Criticism ![]() |
Dr Christopher Cowley | |
Cowley C (2019) 'Conscientious Objection in social work and healthcare: a comparative philosophical analysis'. British Journal of Social Work | |
Cowley C (2020) 'Divorce, Disorientation, and Remarriage'. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (43924) :531-544.![]() |
Cowley C (2020) 'Introduction to the Symposium on Existential Flourishing'. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (2) :205-312.![]() |
Cowley C (2020) 'Reckless Enabling'. Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (1) :51-67.![]() |
Cowley C (2020) 'Selective Conscientious Objection to Abortion in the Irish Context'. Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 26 (1) | |
Cowley C; Krebs B (2020) 'Special Issue on Recklessness and Negligence'. Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (1) :5-8.![]() |
Dr Michel Croce | |
Croce M (2020) 'Moral exemplars in education: a liberal account'. Ethics and Education 15 (2) :186-199.![]() |
Croce M (2020) 'Moral Understanding, Testimony, and Moral Exemplarity'. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2) :373-389.![]() |
Dr Tim Crowley | |
Crowley T (2020) 'Haack Among the Feminists: Or, Where are the Women?'. Cosmos + Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization: Philosophy, the World, Life and the Law: In Honour of Susan Haack 8 (6+7) :1-17. | |
Crowley TJ (2019) 'On the “Perceptible Bodies” at De Generatione et Corruptione II.1'. Revista Archai (27) :e2703-e2703.![]() |
Dr Robb Dunphy | |
Dunphy R (2020) 'Agrippan Problems'. Logos & Episteme 11 (3) :259-282.![]() |
Dunphy R (2020) 'Hegel and the Problem of Beginning'. Hegel Bulletin :1-24.![]() |
Dr Daniel Esmonde Deasy | |
Deasy D; Tallant J (2020) 'Hazardous Conditions Persist'. Erkenntnis ![]() |
Assoc Professor Katherine O'Donnell | |
O'Donnell K (2019) 'Edmund Burke, Ballyduff, and the Germ of Public Affections'. Mallow Field Club Journal 37 :143-160. | |
O’Donnell K (2019) 'Effeminate Edmund Burke and the masculine voice of Mary Wollstonecraft'. Journal of Gender Studies 28 (7) :789-801.![]() |
Dr Silvia Panizza | |
Fredriksson A; Panizza S (2020) 'Ethical Attention and the Self in Iris Murdoch and Maurice Merleau-Ponty'. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology ![]() |
Panizza S (2020) 'Exploring Ethical Assumptions and Bias in Medical Ethics Teaching in advance'. Teaching Ethics ![]() |
Panizza S (2020) 'If veganism is not a choice: the moral psychology of possibilities in animal ethics'. Animals 10 (1) ![]() |
Panizza S (2020) 'Moral Perception Beyond Supervenience: Iris Murdoch’s Radical Perspective'. Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2) :273-288.![]() |
Dr Danielle Petherbridge | |
Petherbridge D (2019) 'Recognizability, Perception and the Distribution of the Sensible: Rancière, Honneth and Butler'. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (2) :54-75.![]() |
Dr Ashley Shaw | |
Shaw A (2020) 'Desire and Satisfaction'. The Philosophical Quarterly 70 (279) :371-384.![]() |
Shaw A (2020) 'Do affective desires provide reasons for action?'. Ratio ![]() |
Dr Elmar Unnsteinsson | |
Unnsteinsson E (2019) 'Frege's Puzzle is About Identity After All'. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (3) :628-643.![]() |
Dr Tatjana Von Solodkoff | |
von Solodkoff T (2019) 'Routine suicide assistance – reflections on the recent debate in Germany'. Medicine and Law 38 (3) :505-514. |
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Conference Publications
Professor Brian O'Connor | |
O'Connor B (2019) Autonomy and Accountability In: Kant and the Frankfurt School, Cardiff University |
Assoc Professor Katherine O'Donnell | |
O'Donnell K; McGettrick C (2020) Dublin Honours Magdalenes Listening Exercise Report Vol 1: Report on Key Findings. Dublin: Justice for Magdalenes Research |
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Other Publications
Professor Maria Baghramian | |
Baghramian M; Dellsen F (2019) The Formation of a Philosopher: An Interview by Finnur Dellsen. Hugur, Icelandic Journal of Philosophy | |
Baghramian M; Van Dijck J; Duffy B; Garcia-Verdugo R (2020) What drives public trust in science-based policies? Asks PEriTiA. EUROPEAN SCIENCE-MEDIA HUB | |
Professor Rowland Stout | |
Crowther T; Santos Campos A; Guardo A (2019) International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27:4. | |
Rojas D; Smith S (2020) International Journal of Philosophical Studies vol 28:1. | |
Thomas C; Shapshay S (2020) International Journal of Philosophical Studies vol 28:2. |
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Internet Publications
Dr Silvia Panizza | |
Panizza S (2020) Philosopher in Italian coronavirus lockdown on how to think positively about isolation. | |
Dr Elmar Unnsteinsson | |
Unnsteinsson E (2020) Er ranghugmynd merkingarleysa? Geta hugmyndir verið réttar eða rangar?. |
Professor Rowland Stout | |
Stout R (2020) The Role of Empathy in our Moral Life. | |
Stout R (2020) Who gets Priority for treatment?. | |
Stout R (2020) Why you should do what you're told during Covid-19 crisis. | |
Dr Elmar Unnsteinsson | |
Unnsteinsson E (2020) Is it ever right for the State to lie to us?. |