Dr Guy Aitchison |
Aitchison G (2019) 'Foucault, democracy and the ambivalence of rights'. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (6) :770-785. |
Assoc Professor Samuel Brazys |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2019) 'Rising Powers and Grassroots Image Management: Confucius Institutes and China in the Media'. Chinese Journal of International Politics 12 (4) :557-584. |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2020) 'China’s message machine'. Journal of Democracy 31 (4) :59-73. |
Brazys S; Elkink JA (2020) '“Aid for Trade” Effectiveness? Micro-level Evidence from Nepal'. European Journal of Development Research  |
Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Aid curse with Chinese characteristics? Chinese development flows and economic reforms'. Public Choice  |
Saltnes JD; Brazys S; Lacey J; Pillai A (2020) 'EU aid for trade: Mitigating global trade injustices?'. Third World Quarterly  |
Song T; Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Which Wheel Gets the Grease? Constituent Agency and Sub-national World Bank Aid Allocation'. Journal of Development Studies  |
Dr Cristina Bucur |
Bucur C (2020) 'Presidents and Cabinet Payoffs in Coalition Governments'. Political Studies Review 18 (1) :30-52. |
Assoc Professor James Cross |
Cross JP; Greene D (2020) 'Talk is not cheap: Policy agendas, information processing, and the unusually proportional nature of European Central Bank communications policy responses'. Governance 33 (2) :425-444. |
Dr Thomas Daubler |
Däubler T (2020) 'National policy for local reasons: how MPs represent party and geographical constituency through initiatives on social security'. Acta Politica 55 (3) :472-491. |
Däubler T; Rudolph L (2020) 'Cue-Taking, Satisficing, or Both? Quasi-experimental Evidence for Ballot Position Effects'. Political Behavior 42 (2) :625-652. |
Dr Stephanie Dornschneider |
Dornschneider S; Todd J (2020) 'Everyday sentiment among unionists and nationalists in a Northern Irish town'. Irish Political Studies  |
Assoc Professor Alexander Dukalskis |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2019) 'Rising Powers and Grassroots Image Management: Confucius Institutes and China in the Media'. Chinese Journal of International Politics 12 (4) :557-584. |
Brazys S; Dukalskis A (2020) 'China’s message machine'. Journal of Democracy 31 (4) :59-73. |
Dukalskis A; Gerschewski J (2020) 'Adapting or Freezing? Ideological Reactions of Communist Regimes to a Post-Communist World'. Government and Opposition 55 (3) :511-522. |
Dukalskis A; Lee J (2020) 'Everyday Nationalism and Authoritarian Rule: A Case Study of North Korea'. Nationalities Papers 48 (6) :1052-1068. |
Assoc Professor Vincent Durac |
Durac V (2019) 'The limits of the sectarian narrative in Yemen'. Global Discourse 9 (4) :655-673. |
Assoc Professor Jos Elkink |
Brazys S; Elkink JA (2020) '“Aid for Trade” Effectiveness? Micro-level Evidence from Nepal'. European Journal of Development Research  |
Elkink JA; Farrell DM; Marien S; Reidy T; Suiter J (2020) 'The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum'. Electoral Studies 65  |
Professor David Farrell |
Elkink JA; Farrell DM; Marien S; Reidy T; Suiter J (2020) 'The death of conservative Ireland? The 2018 abortion referendum'. Electoral Studies 65  |
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Cunningham K; Harris C (2020) 'When Mini-Publics and Maxi-Publics Coincide: Ireland’s National Debate on Abortion'. Representation  |
Farrell DM; Suiter J; Harris C; Cunningham K (2020) 'The Effects of Mixed Membership in a Deliberative Forum: The Irish Constitutional Convention of 2012–2014'. Political Studies 68 (1) :54-73. |
Harris C; Farrell DM; Suiter J; Brennan M (2020) 'Women’s voices in a deliberative assembly: An analysis of gender rates of participation in Ireland’s Convention on the Constitution 2012–2014'. British Journal of Politics and International Relations  |
O’Malley E; Farrell DM; Suiter J (2020) 'Does talking matter? A quasi-experiment assessing the impact of deliberation and information on opinion change'. International Political Science Review 41 (3) :321-334. |
Professor Niamh Hardiman |
Hardiman N; Metinsoy S (2019) 'Power, ideas, and national preferences: Ireland and the FTT'. Journal of European Public Policy 26 (11) :1600-1619. |
Hardiman N; Spanou C; Araújo JF; MacCarthaigh M (2019) 'Tangling with the Troika: ‘domestic ownership’ as political and administrative engagement in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal'. Public Management Review 21 (9) :1265-1286. |
Assoc Professor Iseult Honohan |
Honohan I (2020) 'Just what’s wrong with losing citizenship? Examining revocation of citizenship from a non-domination perspective'. Citizenship Studies 24 (3) :355-370. |
Dr David Horan |
Horan D (2019) 'A new approach to partnerships for SDG transformations'. Sustainability (Switzerland) 11 (18)  |
School of Politics and International Relations and the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy UCD; Horan D (2019) 'Compensation strategies to enact new governance frameworks for SDG transformations'. Public Sector Economics 43 (4) :375-400. |
Walsh PP; Murphy E; Horan D (2020) 'The role of science, technology and innovation in the UN 2030 agenda'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 154  |
Dr Joseph Lacey |
Bright J; Garzia D; Lacey J; Trechsel AH (2020) 'The representative deficit in different European Party Systems: an analysis of the elections to the European Parliament 2009-2014'. Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale. QOE - IJES 83 (1) :45-57. |
Saltnes JD; Brazys S; Lacey J; Pillai A (2020) 'EU aid for trade: Mitigating global trade injustices?'. Third World Quarterly  |
Dr Richard Maher |
Maher R (2020) 'International Relations Theory and the Future of European Integration'. International Studies Review  |
Maher R (2020) 'Political decay or renewal in the European Union?<sup>1</sup>'. Journal of European Integration 42 (2) :281-286. |
Stefano Marcuzzi |
Marcuzzi S (2020) 'From the Adriatic to the Mediterranean: Italy in the Allied Naval Strategy (1915–1918)'. War in History 27 (3) :456-485. |
Dr Stefan Müller |
Bowler S; McElroy G; Müller S (2020) 'Campaigns and the Selection of Policy-Seeking Representatives'. Legislative Studies Quarterly 45 (3) :397-431. |
Müller S (2020) 'Media Coverage of Campaign Promises Throughout the Electoral Cycle'. Political Communication  |
Müller S (2020) 'The Temporal Focus of Campaign Communication'. The Journal of Politics |
Dr Arya Pillai |
Saltnes JD; Brazys S; Lacey J; Pillai A (2020) 'EU aid for trade: Mitigating global trade injustices?'. Third World Quarterly  |
Assoc Professor Aidan Regan |
Fuller GW; Johnston A; Regan A (2020) 'Housing prices and wealth inequality in Western Europe'. West European Politics 43 (2) :297-320. |
Johnston A; Fuller GW; Regan A (2020) 'It takes two to tango: mortgage markets, labor markets and rising household debt in Europe'. Review of International Political Economy  |
Kneafsey L; Regan A (2020) 'The role of the media in shaping attitudes toward corporate tax avoidance in Europe: experimental evidence from Ireland'. Review of International Political Economy  |
Dr Martijn Schoonvelde |
Rauh C; Bes BJ; Schoonvelde M (2020) 'Undermining, defusing or defending European integration? Assessing public communication of European executives in times of EU politicisation'. European Journal of Political Research 59 (2) :397-423. |
Traber D; Schoonvelde M; Schumacher G (2020) 'Errors have been made, others will be blamed: Issue engagement and blame shifting in prime minister speeches during the economic crisis in Europe'. European Journal of Political Research 59 (1) :45-67. |
Dr Andy Storey |
Storey A (2019) 'Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Europe: The Red Herring of Ordoliberalism'. Critical Sociology 45 (44050) :1035-1045. |
Professor Jennifer Todd |
Dornschneider S; Todd J (2020) 'Everyday sentiment among unionists and nationalists in a Northern Irish town'. Irish Political Studies  |
Todd J (2020) 'Unionisms and the challenges of change'. Irish Political Studies  |
Todd J; Walsh D (2020) 'Unionisms in times of change: Brexit, Britain, Northern Ireland and the Balkans'. Irish Political Studies  |
Professor Ben Tonra |
Tonra B (2019) 'Brexit and Security'. European Journal of Legal Studies |
Tonra B (2019) 'What role for the high representative post-2019?'. Global Affairs 5 (43955) :287-293. |
Tonra B (2020) 'Teaching EU foreign policy via problem- based learning'. Journal of Contemporary European Research 16 (1) :13-24. |
Dr Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati |
Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Aid curse with Chinese characteristics? Chinese development flows and economic reforms'. Public Choice  |
Gehring K; Kauffeldt TF; Vadlamannati KC (2019) 'Crime, incentives and political effort: Evidence from India'. European Journal of Political Economy 59 :1-20. |
Juárez NC; Urdal H; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'The significance of age structure, education, and youth unemployment for explaining subnational variation in violent youth crime in Mexico'. Conflict Management and Peace Science :73889422094632-73889422094632. |
Juárez NC; Urdal H; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'The significance of age structure, education, and youth unemployment for explaining subnational variation in violent youth crime in Mexico'. Conflict Management and Peace Science  |
Prakash N; Vadlamannati KC (2019) 'Girls for Sale? Child Sex Ratio and Girl Trafficking in India'. Feminist Economics 25 (4) :267-308. |
Song T; Brazys S; Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Which Wheel Gets the Grease? Constituent Agency and Sub-national World Bank Aid Allocation'. Journal of Development Studies  |
Vadlamannati K; Indra DS (2020) 'Economic Openness, Health Equity and Health Openness – An Empirical Analysis, 1960-2015'. Global Public Health |
Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Can IMF program design resurrect investor sentiment? An empirical investigation'. Business and Politics :339-382. |
Vadlamannati KC (2020) 'Welfare Chauvinism? Refugee Flows and Electoral Support for Populist-Right Parties in Industrial Democracies'. Social Science Quarterly 101 (4) :1600-1626. |
Vadlamannati KC; Janz N; de Soysa I (2020) 'U.S. Multinationals and Human Rights: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Extractive Versus Nonextractive Sectors'. Business and Society  |
Dr Dawn Walsh |
Walsh D (2020) 'Go Big or Go Home: An Appeal to Let Power-Sharing Do More Not Less'. Ethnopolitics 19 (1) :88-91. |
Professor Patrick Paul Walsh |
Walsh PP; Murphy E; Horan D (2020) 'The role of science, technology and innovation in the UN 2030 agenda'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 154  |
Assoc Professor Eva Wegner |
Pellicer M; Wegner E; De Juan A (2020) 'Preferences for the Scope of Protests'. Political Research Quarterly  |
Wegner E; Cavatorta F (2019) 'Revisiting the Islamist–Secular divide: Parties and voters in the Arab world'. International Political Science Review 40 (4) :558-575. |