Below is the list of research publications for the UCD School of Psychology in the academic year 2019/20.
Professor Alan Carr | |
Carr A (2019) Positive Psychology and You A Self-Development Guide. : Routledge | |
Assoc Professor Tina Hickey | |
Stenson N; Hickey T (2019) Understanding Irish Spelling: A Handbook for teachers and learners/ Tuiscint ar Litriú na Gaeilge. Dublin: COGG: An Chomhairle un Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta |
Professor Alan Carr | |
Ceja A; Gasbarrini MF (2019) 'Sager, Cliff' In: Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer International Publishing. , pp.2545-2546 ![]() |
Lo JWK (2019) 'Ma, Joyce' In: Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer International Publishing. , pp.1751-1752 ![]() |
Dr Michelle Downes | |
Bathelt J; Downes M; de Haan M (2020) 'Brain Development:Function' In: Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development (Second Edition).UK: ELSEVIER. ![]() |
Professor Eilis Hennessy | |
Dolphin L; Hennessy E (2020) 'Developing Video Vignettes for Use in Youth Mental Health Research: A Case Study' SAGE Publications Ltd. ![]() |
Heary C; Hennessy E (2020) 'Peer Support of Mental Health' Wiley. , pp.1-9 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Christine Linehan | |
Linehan C (2020) 'Living arrangement options for older people with intellectual disability (in press). In Prasher.V., Davidson, P., & Santos, F., Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Ageing Process.' In: Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Aging Process (In Press).Stuttgart: Springer Nature. | |
Linehan C; Berg A (2020) 'Epidemiological aspects of epilepsy (2020). In Wyllies' Treatment of Epilepsy 7th Edition.' In: Wyllie's Treatment of Epilepsy.New York: Wolter Kluwer. | |
Professor Aidan Moran | |
Moran A; O'Shea H (2020) 'Motor imagery practice and skilled performance in sport: From efficacy to mechanisms' In: Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (3rd edition).London: Routledge. , pp.61-76 | |
Dr Flavia Santos | |
Linehan C (2020) 'Living arrangement options for older people with intellectual disability (in press). In Prasher.V., Davidson, P., & Santos, F., Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Ageing Process.' In: Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Aging Process (In Press).Stuttgart: Springer Nature. | |
Dr Laura Taylor | |
Burns S; Blaylock D; Taylor L; McKeown S (2020) 'Sense and Sensitivities: Researching Children and Young People’s Identity and Social Attitudes in a Divided Society' In: Researching peace and conflict: Field experiences and methodological reflections.United States: Springer Peace Psychology series. | |
Glen C; Taylor LK; Dautel JB (2020) 'Promoting Prosocial Behavior Toward Refugees: Exploring the Empathy-Attitude-Action Model in Middle Childhood' In: Peace Psychology Book Series. Springer International Publishing. , pp.71-87 ![]() |
McKeown S; Cavdar D; Taylor LK (2020) 'Youth Identity, Peace and Conflict: Insights from Conflict and Diverse Settings' In: Peace Psychology Book Series. Springer International Publishing. , pp.189-202 ![]() |
Taylor L; Nilsson M; Forero P; Retreop MA (2020) 'Conducting Field Research amid Violence: Experiences from Colombia' In: Researching peace and conflict: Field experiences and methodological reflections.United States: Springer Peace Psychology series. |
Dr Judith Bek | |
Bek J; Arakaki AI; Lawrence A; Sullivan M; Ganapathy G; Poliakoff E (2020) 'Dance and Parkinson's: A review and exploration of the role of cognitive representations of action'. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 109 :16-28.![]() |
Bek J; Poliakoff E; Lander K (2020) 'Measuring emotion recognition by people with Parkinson's disease using eye-tracking with dynamic facial expressions'. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 331 ![]() |
Professor Ciarán Benson | |
Benson C (2020) 'Psychology and world heritage? Reflections on time, memory, and imagination for a heritage context'. International Journal of Cultural Property 27 (2) :259-276.![]() |
Professor Jessica Bramham | |
Cogley C; O’Reilly H; Bramham J; Downes M (2020) 'A Systematic Review of the Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Born Preterm'. Child Psychiatry and Human Development ![]() |
Corboy H; Blanco-Campal A; Bates R; Bramham J; Libon DJ; Greene C (2020) 'The development, validation and normative data study of the English in Ireland adaption of the Philadelphia repeatable Verbal Learning Test (EirPrVLT-12) for use in an older adult population'. Clinical Neuropsychologist ![]() |
Donnchadha S; Bramham J; Greene C (2020) 'Rethinking the association between overweight/obesity and ADHD in children: A longitudinal and psychosocial perspective'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine ![]() |
Grogan K; MacGarry D; Bramham J; Scriven M; Maher C; Fitzgerald A (2020) 'Family-related non-abuse adverse life experiences occurring for adults diagnosed with eating disorders: A systematic review'. Journal of Eating Disorders 8 (1) ![]() |
Kiiski H; Bennett M; Rueda-Delgado LM; Farina FR; Knight R; Boyle R; Roddy D; Grogan K; Bramham J; Kelly C (2020) 'EEG spectral power, but not theta/beta ratio, is a neuromarker for adult ADHD'. European Journal of Neuroscience 51 (10) :2095-2109.![]() |
Kiiski H; Rueda-Delgado LM; Bennett M; Knight R; Rai L; Roddy D; Grogan K; Bramham J; Kelly C; Whelan R (2020) 'Functional EEG connectivity is a neuromarker for adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms'. Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (1) :330-342.![]() |
Lonergan A; Doyle C; Cassidy C; MacSweeney Mahon S; Roche RAP; Boran L; Bramham J (2019) 'A meta-analysis of executive functioning in dyslexia with consideration of the impact of comorbid ADHD'. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 31 (7) :725-749.![]() |
Salomone S; Fleming GR; Bramham J; O’Connell RG; Robertson IH (2020) 'Neuropsychological Deficits in Adult ADHD: Evidence for Differential Attentional Impairments, Deficient Executive Functions, and High Self-Reported Functional Impairments'. Journal of Attention Disorders 24 (10) :1413-1424.![]() |
Professor Alan Carr | |
Burke T; Carr A; Loughnane A; Corr P; Nolan D; Coffey D; O'Hare A; Gillan D; Javadpour M; Pender N (2020) 'Cognitive impairment in angiographically negative subarachnoid haemorrhage: A case-matched prospective study 1-year post-incident'. Cortex 128 :49-60.![]() |
Carr A (2019) 'Couple therapy, family therapy and systemic interventions for adult-focused problems: the current evidence base'. Journal of Family Therapy 41 (4) :492-536.![]() |
Carr A; Cullen K; Keeney C; Canning C; Mooney O; Chinseallaigh E; O’Dowd A (2020) 'Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis'. Journal of Positive Psychology ![]() |
Carr A; Duff H; Craddock F (2020) 'A Systematic Review of Reviews of the Outcome of Severe Neglect in Underresourced Childcare Institutions'. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 21 (3) :484-497.![]() |
McKiernan A; Carr A; O’Keeffe L; Butler E; Quinn C; Guerin S (2020) 'Levels of satisfaction with children’s respite services, parental coping and family functioning'. Health and Social Care in the Community 28 (2) :568-575.![]() |
Ruane A; Carr A; Moffat V (2019) 'A qualitative study of parents’ and facilitators’ experiences of Group Stepping Stones Triple P for parents of children with disabilities'. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 24 (4) :694-711.![]() |
Ruane A; Carr A; Moffat V; Finn T; Murphy A; O’Brien O; Groarke H; O’Dwyer R (2019) 'A randomised controlled trial of the Group Stepping Stones Triple P training programme for parents of children with developmental disabilities'. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 24 (4) :728-753.![]() |
Sheridan G; Carr A (2020) 'Survivors’ lived experiences of posttraumatic growth after institutional childhood abuse: An interpretative phenomenological analysis'. Child Abuse and Neglect 103 ![]() |
Dr Sarah Cooney | |
O'Dowd A; Cooney SM; McGovern DP; Newell FN (2019) 'Do synaesthesia and mental imagery tap into similar cross-modal processes?'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 374 (1787) ![]() |
Dr Paul D'Alton | |
Maddock A; Hevey D; D'Alton P; Kirby B (2019) 'Examining Individual Differences in Wellbeing, Anxiety and Depression in Psoriasis Using a Clinically Modified Buddhist Psychological Model.'. Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings ![]() |
Maddock A; Hevey D; D’Alton P; Kirby B (2019) 'A Randomized Trial of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy with Psoriasis Patients'. Mindfulness 10 (12) :2606-2619.![]() |
Maddock A; Hevey D; D’Alton P; Kirby B (2019) 'Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of MBCT’s Effects for Psoriasis Patients'. Mindfulness 10 (12) :2673-2681.![]() |
Dr Sonya Deschenes | |
Burns RJ; Fillo J; Deschênes SS; Schmitz N (2020) 'Dyadic associations between physical activity and body mass index in couples in which one partner has diabetes: results from the Lifelines cohort study'. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 43 (1) :143-149.![]() |
Deschênes SS; Burns RJ; Schmitz N (2020) 'Anxiety and Depression Symptom Comorbidity and the Risk of Heart Disease: A Prospective Community-Based Cohort Study'. Psychosomatic Medicine 82 (3) :296-304.![]() |
Ferri F; Deschênes SS; Power N; Schmitz N (2020) 'Association between depressive symptoms, metabolic risk factors, and cognitive function: cross-sectional results from a community study in Quebec, Canada'. Aging and Mental Health :1-8.![]() |
Graham EA; Deschênes SS; Khalil MN; Danna S; Filion KB; Schmitz N (2020) 'Measures of depression and risk of type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Journal of Affective Disorders 265 :224-232.![]() |
Khalil M; Power N; Graham E; Deschênes SS; Schmitz N (2020) 'The association between sleep and diabetes outcomes – A systematic review'. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 161 ![]() |
McGihon RE; Burns RJ; Deschênes SS; Schmitz N (2019) 'Longitudinal associations between number of cigarettes per day and depressive symptoms in adult smokers with type 2 diabetes: A path analysis approach'. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 125 ![]() |
Dr Michelle Downes | |
Cogley C; O’Reilly H; Bramham J; Downes M (2020) 'A Systematic Review of the Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Born Preterm'. Child Psychiatry and Human Development ![]() |
Keenan L; Conroy S; O'Sullivan A; Downes M (2019) 'Executive functioning in the classroom: Primary school teachers’ experiences of neuropsychological issues and reports'. Teaching and Teacher Education 86 ![]() |
Keenan L; O’Sullivan A; Downes M (2020) 'Teachers’ experiences and understanding of executive functions in Irish primary school classrooms: Findings from a mixed-methods questionnaire'. Irish Educational Studies :1-14.![]() |
Assoc Professor Amanda Fitzgerald | |
Grogan K; MacGarry D; Bramham J; Scriven M; Maher C; Fitzgerald A (2020) 'Family-related non-abuse adverse life experiences occurring for adults diagnosed with eating disorders: A systematic review'. Journal of Eating Disorders 8 (1) ![]() |
Kling J; Kwakkenbos L; Diedrichs PC; Rumsey N; Frisén A; Brandão MP; Silva AG; Dooley B; Rodgers RF; Fitzgerald A (2019) 'Systematic review of body image measures'. Body Image 30 :170-211.![]() |
O’Connor CEM; Fitzgerald A (2020) 'A Psychometric Evaluation of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents in an Educational Setting'. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 38 (4) :519-528.![]() |
Scully C; McLaughlin J; Fitzgerald A (2020) 'The relationship between adverse childhood experiences, family functioning, and mental health problems among children and adolescents: a systematic review'. Journal of Family Therapy 42 (2) :291-316.![]() |
Dr Maximilian Friehs | |
Friehs MA; Frings C (2019) 'Cathodal tDCS increases stop-signal reaction time'. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 19 (5) :1129-1142.![]() |
Friehs MA; Frings C (2020) 'Evidence Against Combined Effects of Stress and Brain Stimulation on Working Memory'. Open Psychology 2 (1) :40-56.![]() |
Friehs MA; Güldenpenning I; Frings C; Weigelt M (2020) 'Electrify your Game! Anodal tDCS Increases the Resistance to Head Fakes in Basketball'. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 4 (1) :62-70.![]() |
Dr Keith Gaynor | |
Cahill J; Cullen P; Anwer S; Gaynor K; Wilson S (2020) 'The Requirements for New Tools for Use by Pilots and the Aviation Industry to Manage Risks Pertaining to Work-Related Stress (WRS) and Wellbeing, and the Ensuing Impact on Performance and Safety'. Technologies 8 (3) :40-40.![]() |
Cahill J; Cullen P; Gaynor K (2020) 'Interventions to support the management of work-related stress (WRS) and wellbeing/mental health issues for commercial pilots'. Cognition, Technology and Work 22 (3) :517-547.![]() |
Assoc Professor Ciara Greene | |
Corboy H; Blanco-Campal A; Bates R; Bramham J; Libon DJ; Greene C (2020) 'The development, validation and normative data study of the English in Ireland adaption of the Philadelphia repeatable Verbal Learning Test (EirPrVLT-12) for use in an older adult population'. Clinical Neuropsychologist ![]() |
Donnchadha S; Bramham J; Greene C (2020) 'Rethinking the association between overweight/obesity and ADHD in children: A longitudinal and psychosocial perspective'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine ![]() |
Farina FR; Greene CM (2020) 'Examining the effects of memory specificity and perceptual load on susceptibility to misleading information'. Applied Cognitive Psychology 34 (4) :928-938.![]() |
Greene CM; Maloney-Derham R; Mulligan K (2020) 'Effects of perceptual load on eyewitness memory are moderated by individual differences in cognitive ability'. Memory 28 (4) :450-460.![]() |
Greene CM; Suess E; Kelly Y (2020) 'Autistic Traits Do Not Affect Emotional Face Processing in a General Population Sample'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50 (8) :2673-2684.![]() |
Murphy G; Loftus E; Grady RH; Levine LJ; Greene CM (2020) 'Fool me twice: how effective is debriefing in false memory studies?'. Memory 28 (7) :938-949.![]() |
Murphy G; Loftus EF; Grady RH; Levine LJ; Greene CM (2019) 'False Memories for Fake News During Ireland’s Abortion Referendum'. Psychological Science 30 (10) :1449-1459.![]() |
Professor Suzanne Guerin | |
Buckmaster R; McNulty M; Guerin S (2019) 'Family factors associated with self-harm in adults: a systematic review'. Journal of Family Therapy 41 (4) :537-558.![]() |
Dodd A; Guerin S; Delaney S; Dodd P (2019) 'Psychiatrists’, psychologists’ and counselors’ attitudes regarding complicated grief'. Journal of Affective Disorders 256 :358-363.![]() |
Dodd A; Guerin S; Delaney S; Dodd P (2020) 'Complicated grief knowledge, attitudes, skills, and training among mental health professionals: A qualitative exploration'. Death Studies ![]() |
Dodd A; Guerin S; Delaney S; Dodd P (2020) 'Complicated Grief: How is it Conceptualized by Professionals?'. Journal of Loss and Trauma ![]() |
Fox S; O'Connor N; Drennan J; Guerin S; Kernohan WG; Murphy A; Timmons S (2020) 'Components of a community model of dementia palliative care'. Journal of Integrated Care 28 (4) :349-364.![]() |
Guerin S; Tatlow-Golden M (2019) 'How Valid Are Measures of Children’s Self-Concept/ Self-Esteem? Factors and Content Validity in Three Widely Used Scales'. Child Indicators Research 12 (5) :1507-1528.![]() |
Irwin L; O’ Malley G; Guerin S (2020) 'Clinical psychologists’ response to bereavement in adults with intellectual disability'. Bereavement Care 39 (2) :79-87.![]() |
Kiernan G; Courtney E; Ryan K; McQuillan R; Guerin S (2020) 'Parents’ experiences of services for their child with a life-limiting neurodevelopmental disability'. Children's Health Care 49 (2) :134-152.![]() |
McClean K; Guerin S (2019) 'A qualitative analysis of psychologists' views of bereavement among children with intellectual disability in Ireland'. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 47 (4) :247-254.![]() |
McElvaney R; Moore K; O'Reilly K; Turner R; Walsh B; Guerin S (2020) 'Child sexual abuse disclosures: Does age make a difference?'. Child Abuse and Neglect 99 ![]() |
McKiernan A; Carr A; O’Keeffe L; Butler E; Quinn C; Guerin S (2020) 'Levels of satisfaction with children’s respite services, parental coping and family functioning'. Health and Social Care in the Community 28 (2) :568-575.![]() |
Mernagh M; Baird K; Guerin S (2020) 'Subjective changes in mind-body attunement associated with transdiagnostic group–based compassion-focused therapy'. Mindfulness 11 (8) :2016-2026.![]() |
Nicholson E; Doherty E; Somanadhan S; Guerin S; Schreiber J; Bury G; Kroll T; Raley M; McAuliffe E (2020) 'Health inequities in unscheduled healthcare for children with intellectual disabilities in Ireland: a study protocol'. ![]() |
O'Malley G; Irwin L; Guerin S (2020) 'Supporting People with Intellectual Disability Who Have Experienced Abuse: Clinical Psychologists' Perspectives'. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 17 (1) :59-69.![]() |
Dr Nabil Hasshim | |
Bate S; Frowd C; Bennetts R; Hasshim N; Portch E; Murray E; Dudfield G (2019) 'The consistency of superior face recognition skills in police officers'. Applied Cognitive Psychology 33 (5) :828-842.![]() |
Professor Eilis Hennessy | |
Booth A; O’Farrelly C; Hennessy E; Doyle O (2019) '‘Be good, know the rules’: Children’s perspectives on starting school and self-regulation'. Childhood 26 (4) :509-524.![]() |
Moriarty A; Nearchou F; Byrne M; Cullen W; Hennessy E (2020) 'General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: A cross-sectional survey'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry ![]() |
Nearchou F; Davies A; Hennessy E (2019) 'Psychometric evaluation of the Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in young adults with chronic health conditions.'. Irish journal of psychological medicine :1-5.![]() |
Nearchou F; Flinn C; Hennessy E; Niland R (2020) 'Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on mental health outcomes in children and adolescents: A systematic review'. PROSPERO ![]() |
Nearchou F; O'Driscoll C; McKeague L; Heary C; Hennessy E (2020) 'Psychometric properties of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale-Revised in adolescents and young adults'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry ![]() |
Dr Mary Ivers | |
Carty M; O'Riordan N; Ivers M; Higgins MF (2020) 'Patient perspectives of bedside teaching in an obstetrics, Gynaecology and neonatology hospital'. BMC Medical Education 20 (1) ![]() |
Assoc Professor Christine Linehan | |
Higgins C; Rooney K; Waldron B; O'Connell B; Linehan C (2019) 'Attempted suicide leading to acquired brain injury: a scoping review'. Brain Injury | |
Linehan C; Aranten-Bergman T; Beadle-Brown J; Bigby C; Birkbeck G; Bradley V; Brown M; Bredewold F; Chirwa M; Kanova S (2020) 'COVID-19 IDD: A global survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers'. HRB Open Research 3 :39-39.![]() |
Dr Kathy Looney | |
Winders SJ; Murphy O; Looney K; O'Reilly G (2020) 'Self-compassion, trauma, and posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review'. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 27 (3) :300-329.![]() |
Dr Paul Maher | |
Maher PJ; Van Tilburg WAP; Igou ER (2019) 'Lost in Multidimensional Space: Epistemic Motivations Define and Distinguish Negative Affect.'. Personality & social psychology bulletin 45 (9) :1409-1424.![]() |
Professor Louise McHugh | |
Barrett K; O'Connor M; McHugh L (2020) 'Investigating the psychometric properties of the Values Wheel with a clinical cohort: A preliminary validation study'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 :210-218.![]() |
Barrett K; O’Connor M; McHugh L (2019) 'A Systematic Review of Values-Based Psychometric Tools Within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)'. Psychological Record 69 (4) :457-485.![]() |
Cao Z; Bennett M; O'Halloran L; Pragulbickaite G; Flanagan L; McHugh L; Whelan R (2020) 'Aberrant reward prediction errors in young adult at-risk alcohol users'. Addiction Biology ![]() |
Farrell L; McHugh L (2020) 'Exploring the relationship between implicit and explicit gender-STEM bias and behavior among STEM students using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 :142-152.![]() |
Gallego A; McHugh L; Villatte M; Lappalainen R (2020) 'Examining the relationship between public speaking anxiety, distress tolerance and psychological flexibility'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 16 :128-133.![]() |
Moran O; McHugh L (2020) 'Measuring occurrences of self and other discriminations in relation to mental health in adolescent textual responses'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 :253-263.![]() |
O'Connor M; Whelan R; Bricker J; McHugh L (2020) 'Randomized Controlled Trial of a Smartphone Application as an Adjunct to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Smoking Cessation'. Behavior Therapy 51 (1) :162-177.![]() |
Presti G; McHugh L; Gloster A; Karekla M; Hayes SC (2020) 'The dynamics of fear at the time of COVID-19: A contextual behavioral science perspective'. Clinical Neuropsychiatry 17 (2) :65-71.![]() |
Stapleton A; McHugh L (2020) 'Adolescent correlates of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire – Children'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 15 :131-134.![]() |
Stapleton A; O'Connor M; Feerick E; Kerr J; McHugh L (2020) 'Testing the relationship between health values consistent living and health-related behavior'. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 17 :17-22.![]() |
Stapleton A; Ruiz FJ; McHugh L (2020) 'Comparative Investigation of Adolescents’ Generalized Pliance and Psychological Inflexibility across Cultural Contexts'. Psychological Record ![]() |
Assoc Professor Geraldine Moane | |
McMahon J; Tiernan J; Moane G (2020) 'Differences in gay and heterosexual men’s emotional restriction through their femininity: an Irish study'. Journal of Gender Studies 29 (4) :457-469.![]() |
Professor Aidan Moran | |
Moran A; O'Shea H (2020) 'Motor Imagery Practice and Cognitive Processes'. Frontiers in Psychology 11 ![]() |
Toth AJ; McNeill E; Hayes K; Moran AP; Campbell M (2020) 'Does mental practice still enhance performance? A 24 Year follow-up and meta-analytic replication and extension'. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 48 ![]() |
Dr Niki Nearchou | |
Linehan C; Aranten-Bergman T; Beadle-Brown J; Bigby C; Birkbeck G; Bradley V; Brown M; Bredewold F; Chirwa M; Kanova S (2020) 'COVID-19 IDD: A global survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers'. HRB Open Research 3 :39-39.![]() |
Moriarty A; Nearchou F; Byrne M; Cullen W; Hennessy E (2020) 'General practitioners' training and their attitudes towards young people who self-harm: A cross-sectional survey'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry ![]() |
Nearchou F; Davies A; Hennessy E (2019) 'Psychometric evaluation of the Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in young adults with chronic health conditions'. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine :1-5.![]() |
Nearchou F; Davies A; Hennessy E (2019) 'Psychometric evaluation of the Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support in young adults with chronic health conditions.'. Irish journal of psychological medicine :1-5.![]() |
Nearchou F; Flinn C; Hennessy E; Niland R (2020) 'Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on mental health outcomes in children and adolescents: A systematic review'. PROSPERO ![]() |
Nearchou F; O'Driscoll C; McKeague L; Heary C; Hennessy E (2020) 'Psychometric properties of the Peer Mental Health Stigmatization Scale-Revised in adolescents and young adults'. Early Intervention in Psychiatry ![]() |
Assoc Professor Michael O'Connell | |
Strimbu N; O'Connell M (2019) 'The Relationship between Self-Concept and Online Self-Presentation in Adults'. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 22 (12) :804-807.![]() |
Dr Cliódhna O'Connor | |
Darker CD; O'Connell N; Dempster M; Graham CD; O'Connor C; Zgaga L; Nolan A; Tobin K; Brennan N; Nicolson G (2020) 'Study protocol for the COvid-19 Toolbox for All IslaNd (CONTAIN) project: A cross-border analysis in Ireland to disentangle psychological, behavioural, media and governmental responses to COVID-19'. HRB Open Research 3 :48-48.![]() |
Fowler K; O’Connor C (2020) '‘I just rolled up my sleeves’: Mothers’ perspectives on raising girls on the autism spectrum'. Autism ![]() |
Mcnicholas F; Sharma S; Oconnor C; Barrett E (2020) 'Burnout in consultants in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland: a cross-sectional study'. BMJ Open 10 (1) ![]() |
Nolan A; O'Connor C (2019) 'The effect of causal attributions for depression on help-seeking and treatment preferences'. Journal of Affective Disorders 257 :477-485.![]() |
O'Connor C; Downs J; McNicholas F; Cross L; Shetty H (2020) 'Documenting diagnosis in child and adolescent mental healthcare: A content analysis of diagnostic statements in a psychiatric case register'. Children and Youth Services Review 113 ![]() |
O'Connor C; Murphy L (2020) 'Effects of Diagnostic Disclosure and Varying Diagnostic Terminology on Social Attitudes to Personality Disorder: An Experimental Vignette Study'. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment ![]() |
O’Connor C; Downs J; Shetty H; McNicholas F (2020) 'Diagnostic trajectories in child and adolescent mental health services: exploring the prevalence and patterns of diagnostic adjustments in an electronic mental health case register'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (8) :1111-1123.![]() |
O’Connor C; Joffe H (2020) 'Intercoder Reliability in Qualitative Research: Debates and Practical Guidelines'. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19 ![]() |
O’Connor C; McNicholas F (2020) 'Lived Experiences of Diagnostic Shifts in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Contexts: a Qualitative Interview Study with Young People and Parents'. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 48 (8) :979-993.![]() |
O’Connor C; McNicholas F (2020) 'What Differentiates Children with ADHD Symptoms Who Do and Do Not Receive a Formal Diagnosis? Results from a Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study'. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 51 (1) :138-150.![]() |
Professor Gary O'Reilly | |
McCashin D; Coyle D; O'Reilly G (2019) 'Qualitative synthesis of young people’s experiences with technology-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy: Systematic review'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (11) ![]() |
Merriman K; Burke T; O'Reilly G (2020) 'A systematic review of the effectiveness and efficacy of clinician-led psychological interventions for parents of children with ASD'. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 76 ![]() |
Morris S; O’Reilly G; Byrne MK (2020) 'Understanding Our Peers with Pablo: Exploring the Merit of an Autism Spectrum Disorder De-stigmatisation Programme Targeting Peers in Irish Early Education Mainstream Settings'. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ![]() |
Mullen G; Dowling C; Doyle G; O'Reilly G (2019) 'Experiences of compassion focused therapy in eating disorder recovery: A qualitative model.'. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research ![]() |
Mullen G; Dowling C; Doyle J; O'Reilly G (2020) 'Experiences of compassion focused therapy in eating disorder recovery: A qualitative model'. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 20 (2) :248-262.![]() |
Twomey C; O'Reilly G; Bultmann O; Meyer B (2020) 'Effectiveness of a tailored, integrative Internet intervention (deprexis) for depression: Updated meta-analysis.'. PLoS One 15 (1) ![]() |
Winders SJ; Murphy O; Looney K; O'Reilly G (2020) 'Self-compassion, trauma, and posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review'. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 27 (3) :300-329.![]() |
Dr Ela Polek | |
Polek E; Neufeld SAS; Wilkinson P; Goodyer I; St Clair M; Prabhu G; Dolan R; Bullmore ET; Fonagy P; Stochl J (2020) 'How do the prevalence and relative risk of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal thoughts vary across the population distribution of common mental distress (the p factor)? Observational analyses replicated in two independent UK cohorts of young people'. BMJ Open 10 (5) ![]() |
Ms Paula Prendeville | |
Bourke M; Kinsella W; Prendeville P (2020) 'The implementation of an ethical education curriculum in secondary schools in Ireland'. Education Sciences 10 (1) ![]() |
Byrne J; Prendeville P (2020) 'Does a child’s mathematical language improve when they engage in cooperative group work in mathematics?'. Education 3-13 48 (6) :627-641.![]() |
Mary B; William K; Prendeville P (2020) 'Special educational needs in bilingual primary schools in the Republic of Ireland'. Irish Educational Studies 39 (3) :273-295.![]() |
Dr Brendan Rooney | |
Bálint KE; Blessing JN; Rooney B (2020) 'Shot scale matters: The effect of close-up frequency on mental state attribution in film viewers'. Poetics ![]() |
Howlin C; Rooney B (2020) 'Patients choose music with high energy, danceability, and lyrics in analgesic music listening interventions'. Psychology of Music ![]() |
Howlin C; Rooney B (2020) 'The Cognitive Mechanisms in Music Listening Interventions for Pain: A Scoping Review'. Journal of music therapy 57 (2) :127-167.![]() |
Murphy G; Corcoran C; Tatlow-Golden M; Boyland E; Rooney B (2020) 'See, like, share, remember: Adolescents’ responses to unhealthy-, healthy- and non-food advertising in social media'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (7) ![]() |
Dr Flavia Santos | |
A.F P; A N; C T; F.H S (2020) 'Screening of Cognitive Changes in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review'. ![]() |
de Souza Coelho D; de Oliveira Santos BF; da Costa MDS; Silva GS; Cavalheiro S; Santos FH; Chaddad-Neto F (2020) 'Cognitive performance in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformation'. Journal of Neurosurgery 132 (5) :1548-1555.![]() |
Gisbert Cury ME; Berberian A; Sini Scarpato B; Kerr-Gaffney J; Santos FH; Medeiros Claudino A (2020) 'Scrutinizing domains of executive function in binge eating disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis'. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11 ![]() |
Matos P; Santos FH; Albuquerque PB (2020) 'When we must forget: the effect of cognitive load on prospective memory commission errors'. Memory 28 (3) :374-385.![]() |
Ribeiro FS; Santos FH (2020) 'Persistent Effects of Musical Training on Mathematical Skills of Children With Developmental Dyscalculia'. Frontiers in Psychology 10 ![]() |
Rodriguez IA; Nascimento JM; Voigt MF; Santos FH (2019) 'Numeracy musical training for school children with low achievement in mathematics'. Anales de Psicologia 35 (3) :405-416.![]() |
Siqueira GSA; Hagemann PDMS; Coelho DDS; Santos FHD; Bertolucci PHF; Heyn PC (2019) 'Can MoCA and MMSE Be Interchangeable Cognitive Screening Tools? A Systematic Review'. Gerontologist 59 (6) :E743-E763.![]() |
Dr Laura Taylor | |
Davis AN; Carlo G; Taylor LK (2020) 'The interplay of community and family risk and protective factors on adjustment in young adult immigrants'. International Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Luningham JM; Merrilees CE; Taylor LK; Goeke-Morey M; Shirlow P; Wentz B; Cummings EM (2020) 'Relations Among Father's Presence, Family Conflict, and Adolescent Adjustment in Northern Ireland'. Child Development ![]() |
O'Driscoll D; Taylor LK; Dautel JB (2020) 'Essentialist beliefs affect children's outgroup empathy, attitudes and prosocial behaviours in a setting of intergroup conflict'. International Journal of Psychology ![]() |
Shamoa-Nir L; Razpurker-Apfeld I; Dautel JB; Taylor LK (2020) 'Out-group prosocial giving during childhood: The role of in-group preference and out-group attitudes in a divided society'. International Journal of Behavioral Development ![]() |
Štambuk M; Taylor LK; Löw A; Čorkalo Biruški D; Merrilees CE; Ajduković D; Cummings EM (2020) 'Parental competitive victimhood and interethnic discrimination among their children: The mediating role of ethnic socialization and symbolic threat to the in-group'. British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (1) :87-110.![]() |
Taylor L; Bahr C (2020) 'Recognizing the diverse and complex nature of violence in childhood'. Peace and Conflict: journal of peace psychology | |
Taylor LK; Dautel J; Rylander R (2020) 'Symbols and labels: Children's awareness of social categories in a divided society'. Journal of Community Psychology 48 (5) :1512-1526.![]() |
Taylor LK; Glen C (2020) 'From empathy to action: Can enhancing host-society children's empathy promote positive attitudes and prosocial behaviour toward refugees?'. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology 30 (2) :214-226.![]() |
Taylor LK; McKeown S (2019) 'Does violence beget violence? The role of family ethnic socialization and intergroup bias among youth in a setting of protracted intergroup conflict'. International Journal of Behavioral Development 43 (5) :403-408.![]() |
Taylor LK; O'Driscoll D; Dautel JB; McKeown S (2020) 'Empathy to action: Child and adolescent out-group attitudes and prosocial behaviors in a setting of intergroup conflict'. Social Development 29 (2) :461-477.![]() |
Taylor LK; Tong X; Maxwell SE (2020) 'Evaluating Supplemental Samples in Longitudinal Research: Replacement and Refreshment Approaches'. Multivariate Behavioral Research 55 (2) :277-299.![]() |
Dr Joan Tiernan | |
McMahon J; Tiernan J; Moane G (2020) 'Differences in gay and heterosexual men’s emotional restriction through their femininity: an Irish study'. Journal of Gender Studies 29 (4) :457-469.![]() |
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Conference Publications
Professor Alan Carr | |
Carr A; Burke T; Loughnane A; Coffey D; Corr P; Nolan D; Javadpour M; Pender N (2019) Angiographically negative subarachnoid haemorrhage: Cognitive and psychological outcomes 1-year post event. In: European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), The 19th European Congress of Neurosurgery, Convention Centre, Dublin | |
Dr Sonya Deschenes | |
Deschenes S; Kivimaki M; Schmitz N (2020) Adverse childhood experiences and the risk of coronary heart disease in adulthood: examining potential psychobiobehavioural mediators in the Whitehall II Cohort Study In: 17th Annual Psychology Health and Medicine Conference, Cork, Ireland![]() |
Dr Maximilian Friehs | |
Alexandrovsky D; Friehs MA; Birk MV; Yates RK; Mandryk RL (2019) Game Dynamics that Support Snacking, not Feasting In: CHI PLAY '19: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play ![]() |
Professor Eilis Hennessy | |
Hennessy E; Nearchou F; O'Driscoll C; Heary C; McKeague L (2019) Validation of the peer mental health stigmatisation scale In: 9th International Conference Together Against Stigma, Singapore | |
Dr Niki Nearchou | |
Hennessy E; Nearchou F; O'Driscoll C; Heary C; McKeague L (2019) Validation of the peer mental health stigmatisation scale In: 9th International Conference Together Against Stigma, Singapore | |
Dr Cliódhna O'Connor | |
O'Connor C (2019) Doing Diagnosis in Child and Adolescent Mental Healthcare: A Content Analysis of Diagnostic Statements in a Psychiatric Case Register In: Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting | |
Professor Gary O'Reilly | |
Gallagher O; Black E; O'Reilly G (2020) Addressing Serious Violence in the Irish Prison Service: Exploring the Perspectives of Prisoners and Prison Officers through the Power Threat Meaning Framework In: British Psychological Society Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, Solihull, UK., Solihul, UK | |
Gallagher O; Black E; O'Reilly G (2020) Experience of Prison Officers in the National Violence Reduction Unit In: 3rd International Correctional Research Symposium, Porto, Portugal., Porto, Portugal |