Assoc Professor Karen Anderson |
Anderson KM; Kurzer P (2020) 'The politics of mortgage credit expansion in the small coordinated market economies'. West European Politics 43 (2) :366-389. |
Dr Michael Byrne |
Byrne M (2019) 'The political economy of the ‘residential rent relation’: Antagonism and tenant organising in the Irish rental sector'. Radical Housing Journal 1 (2) |
Byrne M (2020) 'Generation rent and the financialization of housing: a comparative exploration of the growth of the private rental sector in Ireland, the UK and Spain'. Housing Studies 35 (4) :743-765. |
Byrne M (2020) 'Stay home: Reflections on the meaning of home and the Covid-19 pandemic'. Irish Journal of Sociology  |
Byrne M (2020) 'Towards a political economy of the private rental sector'. Critical Housing Analysis 7 (1) :103-113. |
Byrne M; McArdle R (2020) 'Secure occupancy, power and the landlord-tenant relation: a qualitative exploration of the Irish private rental sector'. Housing Studies  |
Byrne M; Norris M (2020) 'Funding resilient and fragile social housing systems in Ireland and Denmark'. Housing Studies |
Professor Jim Campbell |
Campbell J; Ioakimidis V; Maglajlic RA (2019) 'Social work for critical peace: a comparative approach to understanding social work and political conflict'. European Journal of Social Work 22 (6) :1073-1084. |
Ceatha N; Mayock P; Campbell J; Noone C; Browne K (2019) 'The power of recognition: A qualitative study of social connectedness and wellbeing through lgbt sporting, creative and social groups in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (19)  |
Dr Micheal Collins |
Collins ML (2020) 'Private Pensions and the Gender Distribution of Fiscal Welfare'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :500-516. |
Collins ML; Ruane S; Sinfield A (2020) 'Introduction: Taxation and Social Policy'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :431-436. |
Ruane S; Collins ML; Sinfield A (2020) 'The Centrality of Taxation to Social Policy'. Social Policy and Society 19 (3) :437-453. |
Dr Sarah Donnelly |
Ó Coimín D; Prizeman G; Korn B; Donnelly S; Hynes G (2019) 'Dying in acute hospitals: Voices of bereaved relatives'. BMC Palliative Care 18 (1)  |
Anjara SG; Ní Shé É; O'Shea M; O'Donoghue G; Donnelly S; Brennan J; Whitty H; Maloney P; Claffey A; Quinn S (2020) 'Embedding collective leadership to foster collaborative inter-professional working in the care of older people (ECLECTIC): Study protocol.'. HRB open research 3 :8. |
Brennan J; Reilly P; Cuskelly K; Donnelly S (2020) 'Social Work, Mental Health, Older People and Covid19'. International Psychogeriatrics :1-11. |
Davies C; Fattori F; O'Donnell D; Donnelly S; Ní Shé É; O. Shea M; Prihodova L; Gleeson C; Flynn Á; Rock B (2019) 'What are the mechanisms that support healthcare professionals to adopt assisted decision-making practice? A rapid realist review'. BMC Health Services Research 19 (1)  |
Davies C; O'Donnell D; Ní Shé É; Donnelly S; Fattori F; Coimín DÓ; Cooney MT; O’Brien M; O’Shea D; Kyne L (2019) '171 Programme Theory to Guide the Adoption of Assisted Decision Making with Older People in Acute Healthcare: Realist Evaluation'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S (2019) '72 Adult Safeguarding, Abuse of Vulnerable Adults and Mandatory Reporting: A Rapid Realist Review of the Literature'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii17-iii65. |
Donnelly S (2019) 'Mandatory reporting and adult safeguarding: a rapid realist review'. Journal of Adult Protection 21 (5) :241-251. |
Donnelly S; Begley E; O’Brien M (2019) 'How are people with dementia involved in care-planning and decision-making? An Irish social work perspective'. Dementia 18 (44050) :2985-3003. |
Donnelly S; Coimín DÓ; O'Donnell D; Davies C; Shé ÉN; Fattori F; Cooney MT; O'Shea D; Kyne L; O'Shea M (2019) '153 Barriers and Enablers of Assisted Decision-making for Older People in Acute Care Hospitals: A Multi-Stakeholder Inquiry'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Donnelly S; Morton S (2019) 'Creating organisational and practice change through the use of co-operative inquiry groups in healthcare settings'. Action Research 17 (4) :451-468. |
Donnelly S; Raghallaigh MNÍ; Foreman M (2019) 'Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland'. European Journal of Social Work 22 (5) :831-844. |
Kodate N; Donnelly S; Tsujimura M; Suwa S (2019) '49 Health and Social Care Professionals’ Perceptions Regarding Home-Care Robots for Older People in Ireland: A Questionnaire Study'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Ní Shé É; Cassidy J; Davies C; De Brún A; Donnelly S; Dorris E; Dunne N; Egan K; Foley M; Galvin M (2020) 'Minding the gap: Identifying values to enable public and patient involvement at the pre-commencement stage of research projects'. Research Involvement and Engagement 6 (1)  |
Pentaris P; Willis P; Ray M; Deusdad B; Lonbay S; Niemi M; Donnelly S (2020) 'Older People in the Context of COVID-19: A European Perspective'. Journal of Gerontological Social Work  |
Shé ÉNÍ; O’donnell D; Donnelly S; Davies C; Fattori F; Kroll T (2020) '“What Bothers Me Most Is the Disparity between the Choices that People Have or Don’t Have”: A Qualitative Study on the Health Systems Responsiveness to Implementing the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act in Ireland'. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (9)  |
Dr Matthew Donoghue |
Anand P; Jones S; Donoghue M; Teitler J (2020) 'Non-monetary poverty and deprivation: A capability approach'. Journal of European Social Policy :95892872093833-95892872093833. |
Dagdeviren H; Capucha L; Calado A; Donoghue M; Estêvão P (2020) 'Structural Foundations of Social Resilience'. Social Policy and Society 19 (4) :539-552. |
Donoghue M; Edmiston D (2020) 'Gritty citizens? Exploring the logic and limits of resilience in UK social policy during times of socio-material insecurity'. Critical Social Policy 40 (1) :7-29. |
Dr Catherine Elliott O'Dare |
O'Dare CE; Timonen V; Conlon C (2020) 'Doing Intergenerational Friendship: Challenging the Dominance of Age Homophily in Friendship'. Canadian Journal on Aging  |
Professor Bryan Fanning |
DIllon D; Fanning B (2019) 'Developer-led gentrification and legacies of urban policy failure in Post-Riot Tottenham'. Community Development Journal 54 (4) :605-621. |
Fanning B; Kloc-Nowak W; Lesińska M (2020) 'Polish migrant settlement without political integration in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a comparative analysis in the context of Brexit and thin European citizenship'. International Migration  |
Dr Clara Fischer |
Fischer C (2019) 'Abortion and Reproduction in Ireland: Shame, Nation-building and the Affective Politics of Place'. Feminist Review 122 (1) :32-48. |
Dr Ruben Flores |
Brown P; Flores R; Alaszewski A (2020) 'Understanding policy scandals in historical context: A longer-term lens for policy analysis'. Journal of Social Policy 49 (1) :125-143. |
Dr Orla Kelly |
Kelly O (2020) 'The Silver Bullet? Assessing the Role of Education for Sustainability'. Social Forces 99 (1) :178-204. |
Assoc Professor Naonori Kodate |
Anderson J; Ross A; Kodate N (2019) 'Resilience healthcare and CARE model: the case of the UK'. Patient Safety Report: Japanese Coalition for Patient Safety |
Anderson JE; Ross AJ; Lim R; Kodate N; Thompson K; Jensen H; Cooney K (2019) 'Nursing teamwork in the care of older people: A mixed methods study'. Applied Ergonomics 80 :119-129. |
Kodate N (2019) 'Brexit as the final stage of the British Empire - a perspective from Ireland'. The EPI (Economic Policy Institute) Journal |
Kodate N (2020) 'Clinical simulation in patient safety education: The current situation in England'. Patient Safety Report: Japanese Coalition for Patient Safety |
Kodate N; Donnelly S; Tsujimura M; Suwa S (2019) '49 Health and Social Care Professionals’ Perceptions Regarding Home-Care Robots for Older People in Ireland: A Questionnaire Study'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Lynch M; Kodate N (2020) 'Professional practice following regulatory change: An evaluation using principles of “Better Regulation”'. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 16 (2) :208-215. |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Kondo H; Okamoto Y; Ishii Y; Masuyama S (2019) '69 How Useful is an Integrated Assistive Technology System in a Nursing Home? Understanding its Effectiveness on Users and their Perceptions'. Age and Ageing 48 (Supplement_3) :iii1-iii16. |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Masuyama S (2020) 'Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan'. Technology in Society 62  |
Obayashi K; Kodate N; Masuyama S (2020) 'Measuring the impact of age, gender and dementia on communication-robot interventions in residential care homes'. Geriatrics and Gerontology International |
Suwa S; Tsujimura M; Ide H; Kodate N; Ishimaru M; Shimamura A; Yu W (2020) 'Home-care Professionals’ Ethical Perceptions of the Development and Use of Home-care Robots for Older Adults in Japan'. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 36 (14) :1295-1303. |
Dr Joseph Mooney |
Mooney J (2020) 'Incorporating the EU Victims Directive into the assessment of retrospective disclosures of childhood sexual abuse.'. Irish Social Worker Winter 2019 :35-44. |
Dr Marie Moran |
Moran M (2019) '(Un)Troubling Identity Politics: A cultural materialist intervention'. European Journal of Social Theory  |
Moran M (2020) '(Un)troubling identity politics: A cultural materialist intervention'. European Journal of Social Theory 23 (2) :258-277. |
Moran M; McGuigan J (2020) '‘Tory stories’: Arguing for a critical cultural populism, again'. European Journal of Cultural Studies  |
Pötschulat M; Moran M; Jones P (2020) '‘The student experience’ and the remaking of contemporary studenthood: A critical intervention'. Sociological Review  |
Dr Sarah Morton |
Donnelly S; Morton S (2019) 'Creating organisational and practice change through the use of co-operative inquiry groups in healthcare settings'. Action Research 17 (4) :451-468. |
Oak EB; Jülich S; Morton S (2020) '‘Never mind the mechanics, what about the (sexual) ethics?’ Sex, sexuality and social work education in sexual violence prevention'. Social Work Education 39 (5) :617-635. |
Dr Muireann Ní Raghallaigh |
Donnelly S; Raghallaigh MNÍ; Foreman M (2019) 'Reflections on the use of community based participatory research to affect social and political change: examples from research with refugees and older people in Ireland'. European Journal of Social Work 22 (5) :831-844. |
Ní Raghallaigh M; Foreman M (2020) 'Transitioning out of the asylum system in Ireland: Challenges and opportunities'. Social Work & Social Sciences Review 21 (1) :34-51. |
Ní Raghallaigh M; Smith K; Scholtz J (2020) 'Problematizing Parenting: The Regulation of Parenting Practices within Reception Centres for Syrian Refugees in Ireland'. Journal of Refugee Studies  |
Smith K; Ní Raghallaigh M; Scholtz J (2020) '‘I hope like they talk with us like how they talk with Irish’: ‘difference’, discrimination and affective inequality in the lives of young Syrian refugees resettled in Ireland'. Journal of Youth Studies  |
Professor Michelle Norris |
Norris M (2020) 'Commentary on Stephens’ “How Housing Systems Are Changing and Why: A Critique of Kemeny’s Theory of Housing Regimes”'. Housing, Theory and Society  |
Norris M; Byrne M (2020) 'Funding resilient and fragile social housing systems in Ireland and Denmark'. Housing Studies  |
Norris M; Hayden A (2020) 'Funding incentives, disincentives and vulnerabilities in the Irish council housing sector'. Housing Studies  |
Norris M; Quilty A (2020) 'Unreal, unsheltered, unseen, unrecorded: The multiple invisibilities of LGBTQI+ homeless youth'. Critical Social Policy  |
Dr Aideen Quilty |
Norris M; Quilty A (2020) 'Unreal, unsheltered, unseen, unrecorded: The multiple invisibilities of LGBTQI+ homeless youth'. Critical Social Policy  |
Dr Krisna Ruette-Orihuela |
Rivas Brito D; Ruette-Orihuela K (2019) 'The ‘multicultural invisibility’ of Afro-Venezuelans and their alternative legal politics to fight racial discrimination and acquire ethnoracial recognition: the legal case against Cine Citta'. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 14 (3) :253-269. |
Dr Karen Smith |
Kennedy P; Smith K (2019) 'The hope of a better life? Exploring the challenges faced by migrant Roma families in Ireland in relation to children’s education'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (15) :2934-2952. |
Ní Raghallaigh M; Smith K; Scholtz J (2020) 'Problematizing Parenting: The Regulation of Parenting Practices within Reception Centres for Syrian Refugees in Ireland'. Journal of Refugee Studies  |
Smith K; Ní Raghallaigh M; Scholtz J (2020) '‘I hope like they talk with us like how they talk with Irish’: ‘difference’, discrimination and affective inequality in the lives of young Syrian refugees resettled in Ireland'. Journal of Youth Studies  |
Professor Aisling Swaine |
Swaine A (2020) 'Addressing the Gendered Interests of Victims/Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Their Children Through National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security'. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs 7 (2) :145-176. |
Swaine A (2020) 'Gender Planning for Peace and Security: Reorienting National Action Plans'. Irish Yearbook of International Law 13 :39-65. |
Dr Dorota Szelewa |
Lendvai-Bainton N; Szelewa D (2020) 'Governing new authoritarianism: Populism, nationalism and radical welfare reforms in Hungary and Poland'. Social Policy and Administration  |
Szelewa D (2020) 'Recurring ideas: Searching for the roots of right-wing populism in Eastern Europe'. European Journal of Cultural Studies  |
Szelewa D; Polakowski M (2020) 'The “ugly” face of social investment? The politics of childcare in Central and Eastern Europe'. Social Policy and Administration 54 (1) :14-27. |
Ms Judy Walsh |
Walsh J (2019) '‘Primacy of national law over EU law? The application of the Irish Equal Status Act’,'. European Equality Law Review 2019 (2) :35-48. |
Dr Elaine Wilson |
McCartan C; Byrne J; Campbell J; Coogan D; Davidson G; Hayes D; Kirwan G; MacDonald M; McCaughren S; McFadden P (2020) 'Social work students on the island of Ireland: a cross-sectional survey'. Social Work Education  |
Wilson E (2020) 'Social work, cancer survivorship and liminality: meeting the needs of young women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer'. Journal of Social Work Practice 34 (1) :95-111. |
Wilson E; Flanagan N (2019) 'What tools facilitate learning on placement? Findings of a social work student-to-student research study'. Social Work Education |