Dr Elisabeth Becker-Topkara |
Becker E (2020) 'The Ethical Substance of Salvation'. European Journal of Sociology 61 (1) :129-158. |
Dr Sarah Carol |
Carol S; Eich D; Keller M; Steiner F; Storz K (2019) 'Who can ride along? Discrimination in a German carpooling market'. Population, Space and Place 25 (8)  |
Carol S; Hank K (2020) 'Natives’ and Immigrants’ Gender Preferences for Children in Germany'. European Journal of Population 36 (2) :235-246. |
Carol S; Peez F; Wagner M (2019) 'Delinquency among majority and minority youths in Cologne, Mannheim and Brussels: the role of religion'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (17) :3603-3629. |
Professor Patrick Clancy |
O'Sullivan S; Clancy P (2020) 'Gender parity in higher education enrolments: trends and paradoxes'. Irish Educational Studies 39 (3) :337-354. |
Dr Anne Cleary Cleary |
Arensman E; Larkin C; McCarthy J; Leitao S; Corcoran P; Williamson E; McAuliffe C; Perry IJ; Griffin E; Cassidy EM (2019) 'Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland: Optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study'. BMC Psychiatry 19 (1)  |
Assoc Professor Mathew Creighton |
Creighton MJ (2019) 'Editorial'. Irish Journal of Sociology 27 (3) :225-226. |
Creighton MJ; Jamal AA (2020) 'An overstated welcome: Brexit and intentionally masked anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies :1-21. |
Creighton MJ; Strabac Z (2020) 'Party affiliation and support for Muslim newcomers: masked opposition in the Norwegian context'. European Societies 22 (4) :480-502. |
O’Sullivan S; Creighton MJ (2020) 'Editorial'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (1) :3-4. |
Dr Lea David |
David L (2019) 'Historical narratives as foundations for ethnicized identities: “facing the past” encounters in the Western Balkans and in Israel/Palestine'. East European Politics 35 (4) :415-432. |
David L (2019) 'Human rights, micro-solidarity and moral action: ‘Face-to-face’ encounters in the Israeli/Palestinian context'. Thesis Eleven 154 (1) :66-79. |
David L (2020) 'Human Rights as an Ideology? Obstacles and Benefits'. Critical Sociology 46 (1) :37-50. |
David L (2020) 'Moral Remembrance and New Inequalities'. Global Perspectives 1 (1)  |
David L (2020) 'The Emergence of the ‘Dealing With the Past’ Agenda: Sociological Thoughts on its Negative Impact on the Ground'. Modern Languages Open 1  |
David L (2020) 'We are at war: The rise of expert knowledge'. Irish Journal of Sociology  |
Dr Marta Eichsteller |
Eichsteller M (2019) 'There is more than one way–a study of mixed analytical methods in biographical narrative research'. Contemporary Social Science 14 (43924) :447-462. |
Mr Thomas Feliciani |
Feliciani T; Luo J; Ma L; Lucas P; Squazzoni F; Marušić A; Shankar K (2019) 'A scoping review of simulation models of peer review'. Scientometrics 121 (1) :555-594. |
Feliciani T; Moorthy R; Lucas P; Shankar K (2020) 'Grade language heterogeneity in simulation models of peer review'. JASSS 23 (3) :1. |
Assoc Professor Thomas Grund |
O’Sullivan S; Grund T (2020) 'Editors’ introduction'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (2) :115. |
Tatum TG; Grund TU (2020) 'Accusation and confession discrepancies in bullying: Dual-perspective networks and individual-level attributes'. Social Networks 60 :61-70. |
Dr Egle Gusciute |
Gusciute E (2020) 'Leaving the most vulnerable behind: Reflection on the Covid-19 pandemic and Direct Provision in Ireland'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (2) :237-241. |
Gusciute E; Mühlau P; Layte R (2020) 'Discrimination in the rental housing market: a field experiment in Ireland'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies  |
Professor Andreas Hess |
Ashenden S; Hess A (2020) 'Thick and thin–or political? Avishai Margalit and Judith N. Shklar on betrayal'. Global Intellectual History  |
Hess A (2020) 'The liquefaction of memory: An intellectual history and critique of Zygmunt Bauman's diffusionist social theory'. Global Intellectual History  |
Hess A; McGrath CI (2020) 'Swift’s moral economy: a proposal for a modest paradigm change'. History of European Ideas  |
Dr Ingrid Holme |
Hendrickx G; De Roeck V; Russet F; Dieleman G; Franic T; Maras A; McNicholas F; Paul M; Santosh P; Schulze U (2020) 'Transition as a topic in psychiatry training throughout Europe: trainees’ perspectives'. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29 (1) :41-49. |
Joel-Edgar S; Holme I; Aramo-Immonen H (2020) 'The questioning lens as research tool: the social shaping of network visualisation boundaries in the case of the UK junior doctors’ contract dispute'. Information Communication and Society 23 (1) :20-37. |
McNicholas F; Rooney L; Holme I (2019) 'PC/DC: Police contact with distressed children'. Irish Medical Journal 112 (8) |
Rance S; Westlake D; Brant H; Holme I; Endacott R; Pinkney J; Byng R (2020) 'Admission Decision-Making in Hospital Emergency Departments: The Role of the Accompanying Person'. Global Qualitative Nursing Research 7  |
Dr Alexander Kondakov |
Gradskova Y; Kondakov A; Shevtsova M (2020) 'Post-socialist Revolutions of Intimacy: An Introduction'. Sexuality and Culture 24 (2) :359-370. |
Dr Sean L'Estrange |
L’Estrange S (2020) 'Testing Times: Viral surveillance and social control in post-lockdown societies'. Irish Journal of Sociology  |
Assoc Professor Steven Loyal |
Loyal S (2019) 'Bourdieu and Collins on the reproduction of elites'. Thesis Eleven 154 (1) :80-96. |
Loyal S; Quilley S (2020) 'State Formation, Habitus, and National Character: Elias, Bourdieu, Polanyi, and Gellner and the Case of Asylum Seekers in Ireland'. Historical Social Research 45 (1) :226-261. |
Malešević S; Loyal S (2019) 'Introduction to special issue: The sociology of Randall Collins'. Thesis Eleven 154 (1) :3-10. |
Dr Pablo Lucas |
Feliciani T; Luo J; Ma L; Lucas P; Squazzoni F; Marušić A; Shankar K (2019) 'A scoping review of simulation models of peer review'. Scientometrics 121 (1) :555-594. |
Feliciani T; Moorthy R; Lucas P; Shankar K (2020) 'Grade language heterogeneity in simulation models of peer review'. JASSS 23 (3) :1. |
Professor Sinisa Malesevic |
Malesevic S (2019) 'Does Religion Cause War?'. Sociology Review 29 (1) :28-31. |
Malešević S (2019) 'Grounding nationalism: Randall Collins and the sociology of nationhood'. Thesis Eleven 154 (1) :108-123. |
Malesevic S (2019) 'Religion and Violent Conflicts.'. Sociology Review |
Malešević S (2019) 'The social dynamics of grounded-ness: Response to Fox, Riga and Ryan'. Irish Journal of Sociology 27 (3) :315-319. |
Malešević S (2020) 'Durkheim and national identity in Ireland. Applying the sociology of knowledge and religion'. National Identities :1-3. |
Malešević S (2020) 'Nationalism, inequality and England’s political predicament'. Ethnic and Racial Studies 43 (3) :579-581. |
Malešević S (2020) 'Nationalisms and the Orthodox worlds'. Nations and Nationalism 26 (3) :544-552. |
Malešević S; Loyal S (2019) 'Introduction to special issue: The sociology of Randall Collins'. Thesis Eleven 154 (1) :3-10. |
Professor Stephen Mennell |
Heinich N (2020) '‘What we are related to’'. CAMBIO : Rivista sulle Trasformazioni Sociali  |
Mennell S (2019) 'Keith Thomas, In Pursuit of Civility: Manners and Civilization in Early Modern England.'. Irish Journal of Sociology 27 (3) :320-322. |
Mennell S (2020) 'Power, Individualism, and Collective Self Perception in the USA'. HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH-HISTORISCHE SOZIALFORSCHUNG 45 (1) :309-329. |
Mr Shane O'Donnell |
Browne S; Kechadi MT; O'Donnell S; Dow M; Tully L; Doyle G; O'Malley G (2020) 'Mobile health apps in pediatric obesity treatment: Process outcomes from a feasibility study of a multicomponent intervention'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 (7)  |
Doyle G; Browne S; Kechadi T; O'Donnell S; Tully L; O'Malley G (2020) 'Using mHealth apps with children in treatment for obesity: Process outcomes from a feasibility study,'. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU) (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(7):e16925) (7)  |
O'Donnell S; Lewis D; Fernández MM; Wäldchen M; Cleal B; Skinner T; Raile K; Tappe A; Ubben T; Willaing I (2019) 'Evidence on user-led innovation in diabetes technology (The OPEN project): Protocol for a mixed methods study'. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21 (11)  |
Quigley E; O’Donnell S; Doyle G (2020) 'Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Collecting Patient-Level Health Care Costs'.  |
Assoc Professor Sara O'Sullivan |
Clancy P; O’Sullivan S (2020) 'Gender parity in higher education enrolments: trends and paradoxes'. Irish Educational Studies 39 (3) :337-354. |
O'Sullivan S; Clancy P (2020) 'Gender parity in higher education enrolments: trends and paradoxes'. Irish Educational Studies 39 (3) :337-354. |
O’Sullivan S; Creighton MJ (2020) 'Editorial'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (1) :3-4. |
O’Sullivan S; Grund T (2020) 'Editors’ introduction'. Irish Journal of Sociology 28 (2) :115. |
Professor Robert Van Krieken |
van Krieken R (2019) 'Law and Civilization: Norbert Elias as a Regulation Theorist'. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 15 (1) :267-288. |
Professor Christopher Whelan |
Whelan CT; Watson D; Maître B (2019) 'From income poverty to multidimensional quality of life'. Economic and Social Review 50 (4) :683-705. |
Assoc Professor Taha Yasseri |
Blex C; Yasseri T (2020) 'Positive algorithmic bias cannot stop fragmentation in homophilic networks'. Journal of Mathematical Sociology  |
Ternovski J; Yasseri T (2020) 'Social complex contagion in music listenership: A natural experiment with 1.3 million participants'. Social Networks 61 :144-152. |
Vidgen B; Yasseri T (2020) 'Detecting weak and strong Islamophobic hate speech on social media'. Journal of Information Technology and Politics 17 (1) :66-78. |