Dr Juan Arismendi-Zambrano |
Broda, S. A., & Zambrano, J. A. (2021). On quadratic forms in multivariate generalized hyperbolic random vectors. Biometrika, 108(2), 413-424.  |
Dr Julia Backmann |
Backmann, J., Kanitz, R., Tian, A. W., Hoffmann, P., & Hoegl, M. (2020). Cultural gap bridging in multinational teams. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(8), 1283-1311.  |
Kanitz, R., Huy, Q. N., Backmann, J., & Hoegl, M. (2021). No Change Is an Island: How Interferences Between Change Initiatives Evoke Inconsistencies That Undermine Implementation. Academy of Management Journal. |
Huy, Q. N., Kanitz, R., Backmann, J., & Hoegl, M. (2021). How to Reduce the Risk of Colliding Change Initiatives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Online). |
Dr Aparajita Banerjee |
Lacchia, A. R., Schuitema, G., & Banerjee, A. (2020). “Following the Science”: In Search of Evidence-Based Policy for Indoor Air Pollution from Radon in Ireland. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-20.  |
Banerjee, A., Murphy, E., & Walsh, P. P. (2020). Perceptions of multistakeholder partnerships for the sustainable development goals: A case study of Irish non-state actors. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-15.  |
Professor Donald Bergh |
Bergh, D. D., & Oswald, F. L. (2020). Fostering Robust, Reliable, and Replicable Research at the Journal of Management. Journal of Management, 46(7), 1302-1306.  |
Bergh, D. D., Peruffo, E., Chiu, W. T., Connelly, B., & Hitt, M. A. (2020). Market response to divestiture announcements: A screening theory perspective. Strategic Organization, 18(4), 547-572.  |
Professor Don Bredin |
Bredin, D., Potì, V., & Salvador, E. (2021). Food Prices, Ethics and Forms of Speculation. Journal of Business Ethics.  |
Bredin, D., Fountas, S., & Savva, C. (2021). Is British output growth related to its uncertainty? Evidence using eight centuries of data. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 68(3), 345-364.  |
Bredin, D., O'Sullivan, C., & Spencer, S. (2021). Forecasting WTI crude oil futures returns: Does the term structure help?. Energy Economics, 100.  |
Professor Niamh Brennan |
Flynn, M. A., & Brennan, N. M. (2020). Mapping clinical governance to practitioner roles and responsibilities. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 35(9), 18-33.  |
Flynn, M. A., & Brennan, N. M. (2021). Grounded accountability in life-and-death high-consequence healthcare settings. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 35(9), 228-244.  |
Power, S. B., & Brennan, N. M. (2021). Accounting as a dehumanizing force in colonial rhetoric: Quantifying native peoples in annual reports. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.  |
Brennan, N. M. (2021). Connecting earnings management to the real World:What happens in the black box of the boardroom?. British Accounting Review.  |
Dunne, N. J., Brennan, N. M., & Kirwan, C. E. (2021). Impression management and Big Four auditors: Scrutiny at a public inquiry. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 88, 101170.  |
Power, S. B., & Brennan, N. M. (2021). Corporate reporting to the Crown: A longitudinal case from colonial Africa. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34(4), 946-982. |
Brennan, N. M., & Martyn, P. (2021). Introduction to special issue on innovations in research methods in accounting and governance. Accounting Finance and Governance Review, 27(1), 1-7.  |
Brennan, N. M., & Cullen, M. M. (2021). Grounded theory: Description, divergences and application. Accounting, Finance & Governance Review, 27(1), 1-13.  |
Professor Cathal Brugha |
Gouveia, L., McGarraghy, S., & Brugha, C. M. S. (2021). Introduction to Special Issue. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3), 807.  |
Dr Julie Byrne |
Assereto, M., & Byrne, J. (2020). The implications of policy uncertainty on solar photovoltaic investment. Energies, 13(23).  |
Assereto, M., & Byrne, J. (2021). No real option for solar in Ireland: A real option valuation of utility scale solar investment in Ireland. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 143.  |
Yue, X., & Byrne, J. (2021). Linking the determinants of air passenger flows and aviation related carbon emissions: A european study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(14).  |
Assoc Professor Paula Carroll |
Carroll, P., Chesser, M., & Lyons, P. (2020). Air Source Heat Pumps field studies: A systematic literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 134.  |
Juan, A. A., Keenan, P., Martí, R., McGarraghy, S., Panadero, J., Carroll, P., & Oliva, D. (2021). A review of the role of heuristics in stochastic optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics. Annals of Operations Research.  |
Chesser, M., O'Reilly, P., Lyons, P., & Carroll, P. (2021). The impact of extreme weather on peak electricity demand from homes heated by air source heat pumps. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 16(8), 707-718.  |
Mr Roberto Chavez |
Chavez, R., Yu, W., Sadiq Jajja, M. S., Lecuna, A., & Fynes, B. (2020). Can entrepreneurial orientation improve sustainable development through leveraging internal lean practices?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(6), 2211-2225.  |
Yu, W., Chavez, R., Jacobs, M., & Wong, C. Y. (2020). Innovativeness and lean practices for triple bottom line: testing of fit-as-mediation versus fit-as-moderation models. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(10), 1623-1647.  |
Dr Rashedur Chowdhury |
Chowdhury, R. (2021). Critical essay: (In)sensitive violence, development, and the smell of the soil: Strategic decision-making of what?. Human Relations, 74(1), 131-152.  |
Chowdhury, R., Kourula, A., & Siltaoja, M. (2021). Power of Paradox: Grassroots Organizations’ Legitimacy Strategies Over Time. Business and Society, 60(2), 420-453.  |
Chowdhury, R. (2021). From Black Pain to Rhodes Must Fall: A Rejectionist Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 170(2), 287-311.  |
Assoc Professor Marius Claudy |
Claudy, M., Doyle, G., Marriott, L., Campbell, N., & O’Malley, G. (2021). Are Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes Effective? Reviewing the Evidence Through a Marketing Systems Lens. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 40(3), 403-418.  |
Campbell, N., Browne, S., Claudy, M., Mialon, M., Hercberg, S., Goiana-da-Silva, F., & Finucane, F. (2021). The Gift of Data: Industry-Led Food Reformulation and the Obesity Crisis in Europe. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 40(3), 389-402.  |
Casidy, R., Claudy, M., Heidenreich, S., & Camurdan, E. (2021). The role of brand in overcoming consumer resistance to autonomous vehicles. Psychology and Marketing, 38(7), 1101-1121.  |
Assoc Professor Thomas Conlon |
Potì, V., Levich, R., & Conlon, T. (2020). Predictability and pricing efficiency in forward and spot, developed and emerging currency markets. Journal of International Money and Finance, 107.  |
Conlon, T., Corbet, S., & McGee, R. J. (2020). Are cryptocurrencies a safe haven for equity markets? An international perspective from the COVID-19 pandemic.. Research in international business and finance, 54, 101248.  |
Dr Alessio Cozzolino |
Cozzolino, A., & Verona, G. (2021). Responding to Complementary-Asset Discontinuities: A Multilevel Adaptation Framework of Resources, Demand, and Ecosystems. Organization Science. |
Cozzolino, A., Corbo, L., & Aversa, P. (2021). Digital platform-based ecosystems: The evolution of collaboration and competition between incumbent producers and entrant platforms. Journal of Business Research, 126, 385-400.  |
Dr Mel Devine |
Spodniak, P., Bertsch, V., & Devine, M. (2021). The profitability of energy storage in european electricity markets. Energy Journal, 42(1).  |
Dr Linda Dowling-Hetherington |
Lafferty, A., Phillips, D., Dowling-Hetherington, L., Fahy, M., Moloney, B., Duffy, C., et al. (2021). Colliding worlds: Family carers’ experiences of balancing work and care in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and Social Care in the Community.  |
Professor Gerardine Doyle |
O’Donnell, S., Doyle, G., O’Malley, G., Browne, S., O’Connor, J., Mars, M., & Kechadi, M. T. M. (2020). Establishing consensus on key public health indicators for the monitoring and evaluating childhood obesity interventions: a Delphi panel study. BMC Public Health, 20(1).  |
Chapman, C. S., Kern, A., Laguecir, A., Doyle, G., Angelé-Halgand, N., Hansen, A., et al. (2021). Managing quality of cost information in clinical costing: evidence across seven countries. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management.  |
Schinckus, L., Van den Broucke, S., van der Zanden, G., Levin-Zamir, D., Mueller, G., Riemenschneider, H., et al. (2021). To adapt or not to adapt: The association between implementation fidelity and the effectiveness of diabetes self-management education. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8).  |
Diou, C., Sarafis, I., Papapanagiotou, V., Alagialoglou, L., Lekka, I., Filos, D., et al. (2021). BigO: A public health decision support system for measuring obesogenic behaviors of children in relation to their local environment. Appetite, 157, 104924.  |
Filos, D., Lekka, I., Kilintzis, V., Stefanopoulos, L., Karavidopoulou, Y., Maramis, C., et al. (2021). Exploring associations between children's obesogenic behaviors and the local environment using big data: Development and evaluation of the obesity prevention dashboard. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(7).  |
Claudy, M., Doyle, G., Marriott, L., Campbell, N., & O’Malley, G. (2021). Are Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes Effective? Reviewing the Evidence Through a Marketing Systems Lens. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 40(3), 403-418.  |
Dr Paul J. Dylan-Ennis |
Wingreen, S. C., Kavanagh, D., John Ennis, P., & Miscione, G. (2020). Sources of Cryptocurrency Value Systems: The Case of Bitcoin. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24(4), 474-496.  |
Ennis, P. J. (2021). The vitalist disjuncture between process organization studies and accelerationism. Journal of Organizational Change Management.  |
Professor Roland Erne |
Jordan, J., Maccarrone, V., & Erne, R. (2021). Towards a Socialization of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU Labour Policy Interventions in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Romania (2009–2019). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(1), 191-213.  |
Föhrer, B., Erne, R., & Finlay, G. (2021). Transnational Competence: A Transformative Tool? A Comparison of German and Irish Political Trade Union Education Programs. Labor Studies Journal, 46(2), 182-212.  |
Stan, S., & Erne, R. (2021). Time for a paradigm change? Incorporating transnational processes into the analysis of the emerging European health-care system. Transfer, 27(3), 289-302.  |
Dr Annunziata Esposito Amideo |
Esposito Amideo, A., Scaparra, M. P., Sforza, A., & Sterle, C. (2021). An integrated user-system approach for shelter location and evacuation routing. Networks, 78(1), 46-68.  |
Dr Majella Fahy |
Lafferty, A., Phillips, D., Dowling-Hetherington, L., Fahy, M., Moloney, B., Duffy, C., et al. (2021). Colliding worlds: Family carers’ experiences of balancing work and care in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and Social Care in the Community.  |
Dr Bianca Föhrer |
Föhrer, B., Erne, R., & Finlay, G. (2021). Transnational Competence: A Transformative Tool? A Comparison of German and Irish Political Trade Union Education Programs. Labor Studies Journal, 46(2), 182-212.  |
Professor Brian Fynes |
Chavez, R., Yu, W., Sadiq Jajja, M. S., Lecuna, A., & Fynes, B. (2020). Can entrepreneurial orientation improve sustainable development through leveraging internal lean practices?. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(6), 2211-2225.  |
Pagell, M., Parkinson, M., Veltri, A., Gray, J., Wiengarten, F., Louis, M., & Fynes, B. (2020). The tension between worker safety and organization survival. Management Science, 66(10), 4863-4878.  |
Onofrei, G., Nguyen, H. M., Zhang, M., & Fynes, B. (2020). Building supply chain relational capital: The impact of supplier and customer leveraging on innovation performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(8), 3422-3434.  |
Onofrei, G., Fynes, B., Nguyen, H., & Azadnia, A. H. (2021). Quality and lean practices synergies: A swift even flow perspective. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 38(1), 98-115.  |
Dr Kevin (Yong Kyu) Gam |
Choi, S., Gam, Y. K., Park, J., & Shin, H. (2020). Bank partnership and liquidity crisis. Journal of Banking and Finance, 120.  |
Choi, D., Gam, Y. K., & Shin, H. (2020). Corporate fraud under pyramidal ownership structure: Evidence from a regulatory reform. Emerging Markets Review, 45, 100726.  |
Choi, D., Choi, S., Gam, Y. K., & Shin, H. (2021). R&D investment decisions in business groups: Evidence from a natural experiment. Corporate Governance: An International Review.  |
Gam, Y. K., Gupta, P., Im, J., & Shin, H. (2021). Evasive shareholder meetings and corporate fraud. Journal of Corporate Finance, 66, 101807.  |
Professor Susi Geiger |
Geiger, S., & Kjellberg, H. (2021). Market mash ups: The process of combinatorial market innovation. Journal of Business Research, 124, 445-457.  |
Mountford, N., & Geiger, S. (2021). Markets and institutional fields: foundational concepts and a research agenda. AMS Review.  |
Geiger, S., & Gross, N. (2021). A Tidal Wave of Inevitable Data? Assetization in the Consumer Genomics Testing Industry. Business and Society, 60(3), 614-649.  |
Assoc Professor Ciaran Heavey |
Simsek, Z., Fox, B., & Heavey, C. (2021). Systematicity in Organizational Research Literature Reviews: A Framework and Assessment. Organizational Research Methods.  |
Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., & Fox, B. C. (2021). A managerial interfaces perspective for competitive action research. Long Range Planning.  |
Professor Andreas Hoepner |
Hoepner, A. G. F., & Schopohl, L. (2020). State Pension Funds and Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Beneficiaries’ Political Values Influence Funds’ Investment Decisions?. Journal of Business Ethics, 165(3), 489-516.  |
Hoepner, A. G. F., Majoch, A. A. A., & Zhou, X. Y. (2021). Does an Asset Owner’s Institutional Setting Influence Its Decision to Sign the Principles for Responsible Investment?. Journal of Business Ethics, 168(2), 389-414.  |
Harjoto, M. A., Hoepner, A. G. F., & Li, Q. (2021). Corporate social irresponsibility and portfolio performance: A cross-national study. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 70.  |
Alexandridis, G., Hoepner, A. G. F., Huang, Z., & Oikonomou, I. (2021). Corporate social responsibility culture and international M&As. British Accounting Review.  |
Hoepner, A. G. F., McMillan, D., Vivian, A., & Wese Simen, C. (2021). Significance, relevance and explainability in the machine learning age: an econometrics and financial data science perspective. European Journal of Finance, 27(1-2), 1-7.  |
Pistor, M., Hoepner, A. G. F., Lin, Y., Jung, S., Bassetti, C. L., Chan, A., et al. (2021). Immunotherapies and COVID-19 mortality: A multidisciplinary open data analysis based on FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.  |
Cojoianu, T. F., Ascui, F., Clark, G. L., Hoepner, A. G. F., & Wójcik, D. (2021). Does the fossil fuel divestment movement impact new oil and gas fundraising?. Journal of Economic Geography, 21(1), 141-164.  |
Hoepner, A. G. F., & Rogelj, J. (2021). Emissions estimations should embed a precautionary principle. Nature Climate Change, 11(8), 638-640.  |
Dr Yousef Husein Eiadat |
Eiadat, Y. H., & Fernández-Castro, A. M. (2021). Do formal and informal institutions matter for firm-level strategic environmental actions? A multi-level perspective from Jordan. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.  |
Dr Hakan Karaosman |
Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A., & Morales-Alonso, G. (2020). Behind the runway: Extending sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains. Journal of Business Research, 117, 652-663.  |
Karaosman, H., Marshall, D., & Brun, A. (2020). Does the Devil Wear Prada: Supply Chain Sustainability Lessons from Luxury Fashion. European Business Review (Bingley), (Nov-Dec), 103-108. |
Professor Donncha Kavanagh |
Wingreen, S. C., Kavanagh, D., John Ennis, P., & Miscione, G. (2020). Sources of Cryptocurrency Value Systems: The Case of Bitcoin. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24(4), 474-496.  |
Kavanagh, D., & Cusack, M. (2021). From performativity to normativity: the Gaelic Athletic Association as a case in point. Culture and Organization, 27(2), 98-114.  |
Kavanagh, D., Lightfoot, G., & Lilley, S. (2021). Are we living in a time of particularly rapid social change? And how might we know?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169.  |
Professor Anne Keegan |
Brandl, J., Keegan, A., & Kozica, A. (2021). When less is more: HRM implementation, legitimacy and decoupling. Human Resource Management Journal.  |
Meijerink, J., Keegan, A., & Bondarouk, T. (2021). Having their cake and eating it too? Online labor platforms and human resource management as a case of institutional complexity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(19), 4016-4052.  |
Meijerink, J., Boons, M., Keegan, A., & Marler, J. (2021). Algorithmic human resource management: Synthesizing developments and cross-disciplinary insights on digital HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(12), 2545-2562.  |
Kuhn, K. M., Meijerink, J., & Keegan, A. (2021). Human resource management and the gig economy: Challenges and opportunities at the intersection between organizational hr decision-makers and digital labor platforms. Unknown Journal, 39, 1-46.  |
Pradies, C., Aust, I., Bednarek, R., Brandl, J., Carmine, S., Cheal, J., et al. (2021). The Lived Experience of Paradox: How Individuals Navigate Tensions during the Pandemic Crisis. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(2), 154-167.  |
Assoc Professor Peter Keenan |
Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H., McArdle, G., Matthews, S. A., & Keenan, P. (2021). Gap analysis in decision support systems for real-estate in the era of the digital earth. International Journal of Digital Earth, 14(1), 121-138.  |
Juan, A. A., Keenan, P., Martí, R., McGarraghy, S., Panadero, J., Carroll, P., & Oliva, D. (2021). A review of the role of heuristics in stochastic optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics. Annals of Operations Research.  |
Dr Yanan Lin |
Pistor, M., Hoepner, A. G. F., Lin, Y., Jung, S., Bassetti, C. L., Chan, A., et al. (2021). Immunotherapies and COVID-19 mortality: A multidisciplinary open data analysis based on FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.  |
Dr Sha Liu |
Han, J., Huang, Y., Liu, S., & Towey, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence for anti-money laundering: a review and extension. Digital Finance, 2(3-4), 211-239.  |
Mr Vincenzo Maccarrone |
Jordan, J., Maccarrone, V., & Erne, R. (2021). Towards a Socialization of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU Labour Policy Interventions in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Romania (2009–2019). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(1), 191-213.  |
Professor Donna Marshall |
Karaosman, H., Marshall, D., & Brun, A. (2020). Does the Devil Wear Prada: Supply Chain Sustainability Lessons from Luxury Fashion. European Business Review (Bingley), (Nov-Dec), 103-108. |
Kelly, S., Marshall, D., Walker, H., & Israilidis, J. (2021). Supplier satisfaction with public sector competitive tendering processes. Journal of Public Procurement, 21(2), 183-205.  |
McGrath, P., McCarthy, L., Marshall, D., & Rehme, J. (2021). Tools and Technologies of Transparency in Sustainable Global Supply Chains. California Management Review.  |
Dr Sean McGarraghy |
Juan, A. A., Keenan, P., Martí, R., McGarraghy, S., Panadero, J., Carroll, P., & Oliva, D. (2021). A review of the role of heuristics in stochastic optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics. Annals of Operations Research.  |
Gouveia, L., McGarraghy, S., & Brugha, C. M. S. (2021). Introduction to Special Issue. European Journal of Operational Research, 291(3), 807.  |
Dr Richard McGee |
Conlon, T., Corbet, S., & McGee, R. J. (2020). Are cryptocurrencies a safe haven for equity markets? An international perspective from the COVID-19 pandemic. Research in International Business and Finance, 54.  |
Conlon, T., Corbet, S., & McGee, R. J. (2020). Are cryptocurrencies a safe haven for equity markets? An international perspective from the COVID-19 pandemic.. Research in international business and finance, 54, 101248.  |
McGee, R. J., & Olmo, J. (2021). The size premium as a lottery. European Journal of Finance, 27(1-2), 158-177.  |
Assoc Professor Paul McGrath |
McGrath, P., McCarthy, L., Marshall, D., & Rehme, J. (2021). Tools and Technologies of Transparency in Sustainable Global Supply Chains. California Management Review.  |
Professor Colm McLaughlin |
Wright, C. F., & McLaughlin, C. (2021). Trade Union Legitimacy and Legitimation Politics in Australia and New Zealand. Industrial Relations, 60(3), 338-369.  |
Dr Gianluca Miscione |
Wingreen, S. C., Kavanagh, D., John Ennis, P., & Miscione, G. (2020). Sources of Cryptocurrency Value Systems: The Case of Bitcoin. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24(4), 474-496.  |
Professor Cal Muckley |
Chen, J., Gong, D., & Muckley, C. (2020). Stock market illiquidity, bargaining power and the cost of borrowing. Journal of Empirical Finance, 58, 181-206.  |
Ahmed, M., Ansar, K., Muckley, C. B., Khan, A., Anjum, A., & Talha, M. (2021). A semantic rule based digital fraud detection. PeerJ Computer Science, 7, 1-21.  |
Dr Penelope Muzanenhamo |
Muzanenhamo, P., & Chowdhury, R. (2021). Epistemic injustice and hegemonic ordeal in management and organization studies: Advancing Black scholarship. Human Relations.  |
Dr Miguel Nicolau |
Hu, T., Nicolau, M., & Sekanina, L. (2020). Special issue on highlights of genetic programming 2019 events. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 21(3), 283-285.  |
Nicolau, M. (2021). Highlights of genetic programming 2020 events. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.  |
Nicolau, M., & Agapitos, A. (2021). Choosing function sets with better generalisation performance for symbolic regression models. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 22(1), 73-100.  |
Dr Jamie O'Neill |
O’Neill, J. J., Bondy, K., & Hang, H. (2021) Effectiveness of value congruent disclosures and firm credibility in mitigating legitimacy threats. Accounting Forum, 1-29.  |
Professor Michael O'Neill |
Connor, M., Beato, M., & O'Neill, M. (2021). Adaptive Athlete Training Plan Generation: An intelligent control systems approach. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.  |
Connor, M., Faganan, D., Watters, B., McCaffery, F., & O'Neill, M. (2021). Optimizing Team Sport Training with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 20(1), 92-105.  |
Pawlak, T. P., & O'Neill, M. (2021). Grammatical evolution for constraint synthesis for mixed-integer linear programming. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 64.  |
Mrs Kathy O'Reilly |
Yang, L., Houghton, J., & O'Reilly, K. (2020). Silver-lining of COVID-19: A Virtual Community of Practice for Faculty Development. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. |
Dr Conall O'Sullivan |
O'Sullivan, C., & Papavassiliou, V. G. (2021). A high-frequency analysis of return and volatility spillovers in the European sovereign bond market. European Journal of Finance.  |
Bredin, D., O'Sullivan, C., & Spencer, S. (2021). Forecasting WTI crude oil futures returns: Does the term structure help?. Energy Economics, 100.  |
Dr Alessia Paccagnini |
Paccagnini, A. (2021) Editorial for Special Issue “New Frontiers in Forecasting the Business Cycle and Financial Markets”. Forecasting, 3(3), 498-500.  |
Professor Mark Pagell |
Meqdadi, O., Johnsen, T. E., & Pagell, M. (2020). Relationship configurations for procuring from social enterprises. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 40(6), 819-845.  |
Pagell, M., Parkinson, M., Veltri, A., Gray, J., Wiengarten, F., Louis, M., & Fynes, B. (2020). The tension between worker safety and organization survival. Management Science, 66(10), 4863-4878.  |
Wiengarten, F., Pagell, M., Durach, C. F., & Humphreys, P. (2021). Exploring the performance implications of precarious work. Journal of Operations Management.  |
Pagell, M. (2021). Replication without repeating ourselves: Addressing the replication crisis in operations and supply chain management research. Journal of Operations Management, 67(1), 105-115.  |
Flynn, B., Cantor, D., Pagell, M., Dooley, K. J., & Azadegan, A. (2021). From the Editors: Introduction to Managing Supply Chains Beyond Covid-19 - Preparing for the Next Global Mega-Disruption. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(1), 3-6.  |
Miller, J., Davis-Sramek, B., Fugate, B. S., Pagell, M., & Flynn, B. B. (2021). Editorial Commentary: Addressing Confusion in the Diffusion of Archival Data Research. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(3), 130-146.  |
Dr Valentina Paolucci |
Trif, A., Paolucci, V., Kahancová, M., & Koukiadaki, A. (2021). Power resources and successful trade union actions that address precarity in adverse contexts: The case of Central and Eastern Europe. Human Relations.  |
Dr Vassilios Papavassiliou |
Kinateder, H., & Papavassiliou, V. G. (2021). Calendar effects in Bitcoin returns and volatility. Finance Research Letters, 38.  |
O'Sullivan, C., & Papavassiliou, V. G. (2021). A high-frequency analysis of return and volatility spillovers in the European sovereign bond market. European Journal of Finance.  |
Shahbaz, M., Papavassiliou, V., Lahiani, A., & Roubaud, D. (2021). Are we moving towards decarbonisation of the global economy? Lessons from the distant past to the present. International Journal of Finance and Economics.  |
Papavassiliou, V., & Kinateder, H. (2021). Information shares and market quality before and during the European sovereign debt crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 72.  |
Dr Mary Parkinson |
Pagell, M., Parkinson, M., Veltri, A., Gray, J., Wiengarten, F., Louis, M., & Fynes, B. (2020). The tension between worker safety and organization survival. Management Science, 66(10), 4863-4878.  |
Assoc Professor Dorota Piaskowska |
Piaskowska, D., Trojanowski, G., Tharyan, R., & Ray, S. (2021). Experience Teaches Slowly: Non-linear Effects of Top Management Teams’ International Experience on Post-acquisition Performance. British Journal of Management.  |
Piaskowska, D., Tippmann, E., & Monaghan, S. (2021). Scale-up modes: Profiling activity configurations in scaling strategies. Long Range Planning.  |
Professor Valerio Poti |
Potì, V., Levich, R., & Conlon, T. (2020). Predictability and pricing efficiency in forward and spot, developed and emerging currency markets. Journal of International Money and Finance, 107.  |
Bredin, D., Potì, V., & Salvador, E. (2021). Food Prices, Ethics and Forms of Speculation. Journal of Business Ethics.  |
Jalan, A., Matkovskyy, R., & Potì, V. (2021). Shall the winning last? A study of recent bubbles and persistence. Finance Research Letters.  |
Arvanitis, S., Post, T., Potì, V., & Karabati, S. (2021). Nonparametric tests for Optimal Predictive Ability. International Journal of Forecasting, 37(2), 881-898.  |
Professor Ronan Powell |
Almaqoushi, W., & Powell, R. (2021). Audit committee quality indices, reporting quality and firm value. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48(1-2), 185-229.  |
Hsu, P. H., Huang, P., Humphery-Jenner, M., & Powell, R. (2021). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions for innovation. Journal of International Money and Finance, 112.  |
Dr Sean Power |
Power, S. B., & Brennan, N. M. (2021). Accounting as a dehumanizing force in colonial rhetoric: Quantifying native peoples in annual reports. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.  |
Power, S. B., & Brennan, N. M. (2021). Corporate reporting to the Crown: A longitudinal case from colonial Africa. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34(4), 946-982. |
Professor Andy Prothero |
Gurrieri, L., Previte, J., & Prothero, A. (2020). Hidden in Plain Sight: Building Visibility for Critical Gender Perspectives Exploring Markets, Marketing and Society. Journal of Macromarketing, 40(4), 437-444.  |
Prothero, A., & Tadajewski, M. (2021). #MeToo and beyond: inequality and injustice in marketing practice and academia. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(1-2), 1-20.  |
Prothero, A., & McDonagh, P. (2021). ‘It’s hard to be what you can’t see’ - gender representation in marketing’s academic journals. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(1-2), 28-39.  |
Dobscha, S., Coleman, C., Drenten, J., Ferguson, S., Finkelstein-Young, S., Gurrieri, L., et al. (2021). Connecting DEI to explicit and implicit gendered workplace discrimination, harassment, and assault: a commentary on 2019 Marketing Climate Survey. Marketing Letters.  |
Prothero, A., & McDonagh, P. (2021). Ambiguity of Purpose and the Politics of Failure: Sustainability as Macromarketing’s Compelling Political Calling. Journal of Macromarketing, 41(1), 166-171.  |
Prothero, A., & McDonagh, P. (2021). Is sustainable marketing based on virtue ethics the answer to addressing socio-ecological challenges facing humankind?. AMS Review, 11(1-2), 134-139.  |
Professor Bill Roche |
Roche, W. K. (2021). The genesis of private dispute resolution in Irish industrial relations. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(1), 82-106.  |
Dr Julie Schiro |
Schiro, J. L., Shan, L. C., Tatlow-Golden, M., Li, C., & Wall, P. (2020). #Healthy: smart digital food safety and nutrition communication strategies-a critical commentary.. NPJ science of food, 4(1), 14.  |
Shan, L. C., Schiro, J. L., Zhong, K., & Wall, P. (2020). What makes smartphone games successful in food information communication?. npj Science of Food, 4(1).  |
Schiro, J. L., Shan, L. C., Tatlow-Golden, M., Li, C., & Wall, P. (2020). #Healthy: smart digital food safety and nutrition communication strategies—a critical commentary. npj Science of Food, 4(1).  |
Assoc Professor Geertje Schuitema |
Lacchia, A., Schuitema, G., & McAuliffe, F. (2020) The human side of geoscientists: comparing geoscientists' and non-geoscientists' cognitive and affective responses to geology. Geoscience Communication, 3(2), 291-302.  |
Lacchia, A. R., Schuitema, G., & Banerjee, A. (2020). “Following the Science”: In Search of Evidence-Based Policy for Indoor Air Pollution from Radon in Ireland. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-20.  |
Cucuzzella, M., Bouman, T., Kosaraju, K., Schuitema, G., Lemmen, N. H., Johnson Zawadzki, S., et al. (2021). Distributed control of DC grids: integrating prosumers motives. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1.  |
Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Sovacool, B. K., Bonaiuto, M., Diekmann, A., Filippini, M., et al. (2021). A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.  |
Dr Enrico Secchi |
Damali, U., Secchi, E., Tax, S. S., & McCutcheon, D. (2021). Customer participation risk management: conceptual model and managerial assessment tool. Journal of Service Management.  |
Dr Sabina Stan |
Stan, S., & Erne, R. (2021). Time for a paradigm change? Incorporating transnational processes into the analysis of the emerging European health-care system. Transfer, 27(3), 289-302.  |
Dr Virginia Stewart |
Snyder, D. G., Stewart, V. R., & Shea, C. T. (2021). Hello again: Managing talent with boomerang employees. Human Resource Management, 60(2), 295-312.  |
Dr Heletje Van Staden |
van Staden, H. E., & Boute, R. N. (2021). The effect of multi-sensor data on condition-based maintenance policies. European Journal of Operational Research, 290(2), 585-600.  |
Dr Yajun Xiao |
Xiao, Y., & Lei, S. (2020). Dynamic Asset Pricing with Interactions between Short-Sale and Borrowing Constraints. The Review of Asset Pricing Studies. |