Dr Bidroha Basu |
Riondato, E., Pilla, F., Sarkar Basu, A., & Basu, B. (2020). Investigating the effect of trees on urban quality in Dublin by combining air monitoring with i-Tree Eco model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 61.  |
Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Sarkar Basu, A., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65.  |
Gallotti, G., Santo, M. A., Apostolidou, I., Alessandri, J., Armigliato, A., Basu, B., et al. (2021). On the management of nature-based solutions in open-air laboratories: New insights and future perspectives. Resources, 10(4).  |
Basu, B., Sannigrahi, S., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Development of novel classification algorithms for detection of floating plastic debris in coastal waterbodies using multispectral sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing, 13(8).  |
Sannigrahi, S., Kumar, P., Molter, A., Zhang, Q., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Examining the status of improved air quality in world cities due to COVID-19 led temporary reduction in anthropogenic emissions. Environmental Research, 196.  |
Dr Craig Bullock |
Casserly, C. M., Turner, J. N., O’ Sullivan, J. J., Bruen, M., Bullock, C., Atkinson, S., & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2021). Effect of low-head dams on reach-scale suspended sediment dynamics in coarse-bedded streams. Journal of Environmental Management, 277.  |
Rachel, M., Craig, B., & Deirdre, L. (2021). Exploring the rise of expenditure reviews as a tool for more effective biodiversity conservation and the protection of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 47.  |
Cortina-Segarra, J., García-Sánchez, I., Grace, M., Andrés, P., Baker, S., Bullock, C., et al. (2021). Barriers to ecological restoration in Europe: expert perspectives. Restoration Ecology, 29(4).  |
Ms Alice Clancy |
Clancy, A., & Flood, N. (2021). Designing together in Covid Times. Architecture Ireland: The RIAI Journal, (317), 86-89. |
Professor Peter Clinch |
Fu, M., Kelly, J. A., & Clinch, J. P. (2020). Prediction of PM<inf>2.5</inf> daily concentrations for grid points throughout a vast area using remote sensing data and an improved dynamic spatial panel model. Atmospheric Environment, 237.  |
Kelly, J. A., Clinch, J. P., Kelleher, L., & Shahab, S. (2020). Enabling a just transition: A composite indicator for assessing home-heating energy-poverty risk and the impact of environmental policy measures. Energy Policy, 146.  |
Dr Philip Crowe |
McKinley, E., Crowe, P. R., Stori, F., Ballinger, R., Brew, T. C., Blacklaw-Jones, L., et al. (2021). ‘Going digital’ - Lessons for future coastal community engagement and climate change adaptation. Ocean and Coastal Management, 208.  |
Dr Jon Paul Faulkner |
Faulkner, J. P., Murphy, E., & Scott, M. (2020). Developing a holistic ‘vulnerability-resilience’ model for local and regional development. European Planning Studies, 28(12), 2330-2347.  |
Dr Karen Foley |
McKinley, E., Crowe, P. R., Stori, F., Ballinger, R., Brew, T. C., Blacklaw-Jones, L., et al. (2021). ‘Going digital’ - Lessons for future coastal community engagement and climate change adaptation. Ocean and Coastal Management, 208.  |
Wang, J., & Foley, K. (2021). Assessing the performance of urban open space for achieving sustainable and resilient cities: A pilot study of two urban parks in Dublin, Ireland. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 62.  |
Dr Nadia Giuffrida |
Giuffrida, N. (2020) A public participatory GIS and multi criteria decision analysis framework for the evaluation of transport scenarios. Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania, 53(383), MISC6-MISC7.  |
Giuffrida, N., Stojakovic, M., Twrdy, E., & Ignaccolo, M. (2021). The importance of environmental factors in the planning of container terminals: The case study of the port of Augusta. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(5), 1-14.  |
Giuffrida, N., Le Pira, M., Inturri, G., & Ignaccolo, M. (2021). Addressing the public transport ridership/coverage dilemma in small cities: A spatial approach. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(1), 12-21.  |
Inturri, G., Giuffrida, N., Le Pira, M., Fazio, M., & Ignaccolo, M. (2021). Linking public transport user satisfaction with service accessibility for sustainable mobility planning. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(4).  |
Dr Aura Istrate |
Istrate, A. L., & Chen, F. (2021). Liveable streets in Shanghai: Definition, characteristics and design. Progress in Planning.  |
Istrate, A. L., Chen, F., Kadetz, P., Chang, Y., & Williams, A. R. (2021). Developing an analytical framework for liveable streets in Shanghai. Urban Design International, 26(1), 3-20.  |
Dr Luke Kelleher |
Kelly, J. A., Clinch, J. P., Kelleher, L., & Shahab, S. (2020). Enabling a just transition: A composite indicator for assessing home-heating energy-poverty risk and the impact of environmental policy measures. Energy Policy, 146.  |
Kelleher, L., Henchion, M., & O’Neill, E. (2021). Framing the Circular Bioeconomy in Ireland’s Broadsheet Media, 2004–2019. Environmental Communication, 15(5), 678-698.  |
Dr Oliver Kinnane |
Lipczynska, J., West, R. P., Grimes, M., Niall, D., Kinnane, O., & O’Hegarty, R. (2021). Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with thin high performance recycled aggregate concrete wythes with fibre reinforced polymer shear connectors. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 6(3), 187-196.  |
Schilling, S., Dowling, C. A., Shi, J., Ryan, L., Hunt, D. J. L., O’Reilly, E., et al. (2021). The cream of the crop: Biology, breeding, and applications of Cannabis sativa. Annual Plant Reviews Online, 4(2), 471-528.  |
O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., Grimes, M., Newell, J., Clifford, M., & West, R. (2021). Development of thin precast concrete sandwich panels: Challenges and outcomes. Construction and Building Materials, 267.  |
Alayed, E., O'hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2021). Thermal envelope analysis for new code compliance of Saudi Arabian dwellings. Energy and Buildings, 243.  |
Assoc Professor Dieter Kogler |
Kedron, P., F. Kogler, D., & Rocchetta, S. (2020). Mind the gap: Advancing evolutionary approaches to regional development with progressive empirical strategies. Geography Compass, 14(9).  |
Bailey, D., Clark, J., Colombelli, A., Corradini, C., De Propris, L., Derudder, B., et al. (2020). Regions in a time of pandemic. Regional Studies, 54(9), 1163-1174.  |
Rocchetta, S., Ortega-Argilés, R., & Kogler, D. F. (2021). The non-linear effect of technological diversification on regional productivity: implications for growth and Smart Specialisation Strategies. Regional Studies.  |
Liu, J., Grubler, A., Ma, T., & Kogler, D. F. (2021). Identifying the technological knowledge depreciation rate using patent citation data: a case study of the solar photovoltaic industry. Scientometrics, 126(1), 93-115.  |
Pylak, K., & Kogler, D. F. (2021). Successful economic diversification in less developed regions: long-term trends in turbulent times. Regional Studies, 55(3), 465-478.  |
Kang, T., Maliphol, S., Kogler, D. F., & Kim, K. (2021). Regional Knowledge Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Activity, and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Italian NUTS-3 Regions. International Regional Science Review.  |
Ryan, P., Giblin, M., Buciuni, G., & Kogler, D. F. (2021). The role of MNEs in the genesis and growth of a resilient entrepreneurial ecosystem. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33(1-2), 36-53.  |
Correction (2021). Regional Studies, 55(3), eiii.  |
Rocchetta, S., Mina, A., Lee, C., & Kogler, D. F. (2021) Technological knowledge spaces and the resilience of European regions. Journal of Economic Geography.  |
Dr Leonhard Lades |
Lades, L. K., Laffan, K., Daly, M., & Delaney, L. (2020). Daily emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Health Psychology, 25(4), 902-911.  |
Comerford, D. A., & Lades, L. K. (2021). Responsibility utility and the difference between preference and desirance: implications for welfare evaluation. Social Choice and Welfare.  |
Shahab, S., & Lades, L. K. (2021) Sludge and transaction costs. Behavioural Public Policy, 1-22.  |
Lades, L. K., Laffan, K., & Weber, T. O. (2021). Do economic preferences predict pro-environmental behaviour?. Ecological Economics, 183.  |
Lades, L. K., Peter Clinch, J., & Kelly, J. A. (2021). Maybe tomorrow: How burdens and biases impede energy-efficiency investments. Energy Research and Social Science, 78.  |
Assoc Professor Michael Lennon |
Tubridy, D., Scott, M., & Lennon, M. (2021). Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation. Planning Perspectives.  |
Lennon, M. (2021). Planning and the Post-Pandemic City. Planning Theory and Practice.  |
Tubridy, D., & Lennon, M. (2021). Flood risk management, (un)managed retreat and the “relocation fix”: examining shifting responsibilities and compounding risks through two Irish case studies. Local Environment, 26(4), 517-533.  |
Dr Anna Molter |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102418.  |
Agustian, D., Rachmi, C. N., Indraswari, N., Molter, A., Carder, M., Rinawan, F. R., et al. (2020). Feasibility of indonesia family life survey wave 5 (Ifls5) data for air pollution exposure–response study in indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), 1-18.  |
Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Sarkar Basu, A., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Kumar, P., Molter, A., Zhang, Q., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Examining the status of improved air quality in world cities due to COVID-19 led temporary reduction in anthropogenic emissions. Environmental Research, 196.  |
Professor Enda Murphy |
Banerjee, A., Murphy, E., & Walsh, P. P. (2020). Perceptions of multistakeholder partnerships for the sustainable development goals: A case study of Irish non-state actors. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1-15.  |
Faulkner, J. P., Murphy, E., & Scott, M. (2020). Developing a holistic ‘vulnerability-resilience’ model for local and regional development. European Planning Studies, 28(12), 2330-2347.  |
Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Sarkar Basu, A., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65.  |
Dr Richard O'Hegarty |
Lipczynska, J., West, R. P., Grimes, M., Niall, D., Kinnane, O., & O’Hegarty, R. (2021). Composite behaviour of wide sandwich panels with thin high performance recycled aggregate concrete wythes with fibre reinforced polymer shear connectors. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 6(3), 187-196.  |
O'Hegarty, R., Kinnane, O., Grimes, M., Newell, J., Clifford, M., & West, R. (2021). Development of thin precast concrete sandwich panels: Challenges and outcomes. Construction and Building Materials, 267.  |
Alayed, E., O'hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2021). Thermal envelope analysis for new code compliance of Saudi Arabian dwellings. Energy and Buildings, 243.  |
Assoc Professor Eoin O'Neill |
Kelleher, L., Henchion, M., & O’Neill, E. (2021). Framing the Circular Bioeconomy in Ireland’s Broadsheet Media, 2004–2019. Environmental Communication, 15(5), 678-698.  |
Musacchio, A., Andrade, L., O'Neill, E., Re, V., O'Dwyer, J., & Hynds, P. D. (2021). Planning for the health impacts of climate change: Flooding, private groundwater contamination and waterborne infection – A cross-sectional study of risk perception, experience and behaviours in the Republic of Ireland. Environmental Research, 194.  |
Assoc Professor Francesco Pilla |
Gharbia, S. S., Gill, L., Johnston, P., & Pilla, F. (2020). GEO-CWB: Gis-based algorithms for parametrising the responses of catchment dynamic water balance regarding climate and land use changes. Hydrology, 7(3), 1-47.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., et al. (2020). Identification of Conservation Priority Zones Using Spatially Explicit Valued Ecosystem Services: A Case from the Indian Sundarbans. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 16(5), 773-787.  |
Valmassoi, A., Dudhia, J., Di Sabatino, S., & Pilla, F. (2020). Irrigation impact on precipitation during a heatwave event using WRF-ARW: The summer 2015 Po Valley case. Atmospheric Research, 241.  |
Riondato, E., Pilla, F., Sarkar Basu, A., & Basu, B. (2020). Investigating the effect of trees on urban quality in Dublin by combining air monitoring with i-Tree Eco model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 61.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102418.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62.  |
Shah, M. A. R., Renaud, F. G., Anderson, C. C., Wild, A., Domeneghetti, A., Polderman, A., et al. (2020). A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50.  |
Ghahramani, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Road Transport Using Taxi Trips. IEEE Access, 9, 98573-98580.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Zhang, Q., Chakraborti, S., Wang, Y., Basu, B., et al. (2021). Examining the effects of green revolution led agricultural expansion on net ecosystem service values in India using multiple valuation approaches. Journal of Environmental Management, 277.  |
Ghahramani, M., Galle, N. J., Ratti, C., & Pilla, F. (2021). Tales of a city: Sentiment analysis of urban green space in Dublin. Cities.  |
Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Sarkar Basu, A., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65.  |
Kooijman, E. D., McQuaid, S., Rhodes, M. L., Collier, M. J., & Pilla, F. (2021). Innovating with nature: From nature-based solutions to nature-based enterprises. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(3), 1-17.  |
Gallotti, G., Santo, M. A., Apostolidou, I., Alessandri, J., Armigliato, A., Basu, B., et al. (2021). On the management of nature-based solutions in open-air laboratories: New insights and future perspectives. Resources, 10(4).  |
Ghahramani, M., Galle, N. J., Duarte, F., Ratti, C., & Pilla, F. (2021). Leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze citizens’ opinions on urban green space. City and Environment Interactions, 10, 100058.  |
Basu, B., Sannigrahi, S., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Development of novel classification algorithms for detection of floating plastic debris in coastal waterbodies using multispectral sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing, 13(8).  |
Chakraborti, S., Maiti, A., Pramanik, S., Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Banerjee, A., & Das, D. N. (2021). Evaluating the plausible application of advanced machine learnings in exploring determinant factors of present pandemic: A case for continent specific COVID-19 analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 765.  |
Galle, N., Brinton, W., Vos, R., Duarte, F., Collier, M., Ratti, C., & Pilla, F. (2021) Spatial variability of urban forest topsoil properties: towards representative and robust sampling design. Open Research Europe, 1, 45.  |
Maiti, A., Zhang, Q., Sannigrahi, S., Pramanik, S., Chakraborti, S., Cerda, A., & Pilla, F. (2021). Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Kumar, P., Molter, A., Zhang, Q., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Examining the status of improved air quality in world cities due to COVID-19 led temporary reduction in anthropogenic emissions. Environmental Research, 196.  |
Galle, N. J., Halpern, D., Nitoslawski, S., Duarte, F., Ratti, C., & Pilla, F. (2021). Mapping the diversity of street tree inventories across eight cities internationally using open data. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 61.  |
Ghahramani, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze the COVID-19 distribution pattern based on socio-economic determinants. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69.  |
Ghahramani, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Leveraging artificial intelligence to analyze the COVID-19 distribution pattern based on socio-economic determinants. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102848.  |
Kumar, P., Debele, S. E., Sahani, J., Rawat, N., Marti-Cardona, B., Alfieri, S. M., et al. (2021). An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards. Earth-Science Reviews, 217.  |
Galle, N. J., Brinton, W., Vos, R., Basu, B., Duarte, F., Collier, M., et al. (2021). Correlation of WorldView-3 spectral vegetation indices and soil health indicators of individual urban trees with exceptions to topsoil disturbance. City and Environment Interactions, 11.  |
Kumar, P., Debele, S. E., Sahani, J., Rawat, N., Marti-Cardona, B., Alfieri, S. M., et al. (2021). Nature-based solutions efficiency evaluation against natural hazards: Modelling methods, advantages and limitations. Science of the Total Environment, 784.  |
Assoc Professor Declan Redmond |
Gurran, N., & Redmond, D. (2021). Introduction to the special issue: Short-term rentals and the housing market. Critical Housing Analysis, 8(1), 101-106.  |
Dr Paula Russell |
Vinci, I., & Russell, P. (2021). Introduction to the special issue. Urban Research and Practice.  |
Dr Srikanta Sannigrahi |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., et al. (2020). Identification of Conservation Priority Zones Using Spatially Explicit Valued Ecosystem Services: A Case from the Indian Sundarbans. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 16(5), 773-787.  |
Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R. E., Qiu, T., Liu, C., et al. (2020). Divergent socioeconomic-ecological outcomes of China's conversion of cropland to forest program in the subtropical mountainous area and the semi-arid Loess Plateau. Ecosystem Services, 45.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102418.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Molter, A. (2020). Examining the association between socio-demographic composition and COVID-19 fatalities in the European region using spatial regression approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Zhang, Q., Chakraborti, S., Wang, Y., Basu, B., et al. (2021). Examining the effects of green revolution led agricultural expansion on net ecosystem service values in India using multiple valuation approaches. Journal of Environmental Management, 277.  |
Cerdà, A., Novara, A., Dlapa, P., López-Vicente, M., Úbeda, X., Popovic, Z., et al. (2021). Rainfall and water yield in macizo del caroig, eastern iberian peninsula. Event runoff at plot scale during a rare flash flood at the barranco de benacancil. Geographical Research Letters, 47(1), 95-119.  |
Singh, L. K., Sannigrahi, S., Bhupenchandra, I., Das, A., Ghosh, S., Dutta, S., et al. (2021). Assessment of Agricultural Relevance on Groundwater Indicator in a Command Area of Eastern India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing.  |
Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Sarkar Basu, A., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., & Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65.  |
Basu, B., Sannigrahi, S., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Development of novel classification algorithms for detection of floating plastic debris in coastal waterbodies using multispectral sentinel-2 remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing, 13(8).  |
Chakraborti, S., Maiti, A., Pramanik, S., Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Banerjee, A., & Das, D. N. (2021). Evaluating the plausible application of advanced machine learnings in exploring determinant factors of present pandemic: A case for continent specific COVID-19 analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 765.  |
Sannigrahi, S., Kumar, P., Molter, A., Zhang, Q., Basu, B., Basu, A. S., & Pilla, F. (2021). Examining the status of improved air quality in world cities due to COVID-19 led temporary reduction in anthropogenic emissions. Environmental Research, 196.  |
Maiti, A., Zhang, Q., Sannigrahi, S., Pramanik, S., Chakraborti, S., Cerda, A., & Pilla, F. (2021). Exploring spatiotemporal effects of the driving factors on COVID-19 incidences in the contiguous United States. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68.  |
Kumar, P., Debele, S. E., Sahani, J., Rawat, N., Marti-Cardona, B., Alfieri, S. M., et al. (2021). An overview of monitoring methods for assessing the performance of nature-based solutions against natural hazards. Earth-Science Reviews, 217.  |
Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Sannigrahi, S., Li, Q., Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R., et al. (2021). Understanding the effects of china’s agro-environmental policies on rural households’ labor and land allocation with a spatially explicit agent-based model. JASSS, 24(3).  |
Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Wang, J., Sannigrahi, S., Bilsborrow, R., et al. (2021). Role of social networks in building household livelihood resilience under payments for ecosystem services programs in a poor rural community in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 208-225.  |
Kumar, P., Debele, S. E., Sahani, J., Rawat, N., Marti-Cardona, B., Alfieri, S. M., et al. (2021). Nature-based solutions efficiency evaluation against natural hazards: Modelling methods, advantages and limitations. Science of the Total Environment, 784.  |
Mr Emmett Scanlon |
Scanlon, J. (2021). The Galleries are Closed Again. Paper Visual Art, 12(Summer), 49-51. |
Professor Mark Scott |
Faulkner, J. P., Murphy, E., & Scott, M. (2020). Developing a holistic ‘vulnerability-resilience’ model for local and regional development. European Planning Studies, 28(12), 2330-2347.  |
Scott, M. (2021). Planning for Age-Friendly Cities: Edited by Mark Scott. Planning Theory and Practice, 22(3), 457-492.  |
Tubridy, D., Scott, M., & Lennon, M. (2021). Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation. Planning Perspectives.  |
Heaphy, L., & Scott, M. (2021). Path dependence, ‘lock-in’ and rural housing outcomes: insights from Ireland. European Planning Studies.  |
Tubridy, D., Scott, M., & Lennon, M. (2021) Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation. Planning Perspectives, 1-20.  |
Dr Daniel Tubridy |
Tubridy, D. (2021). Co-financing green resilient infrastructures in Copenhagen: integrated or superficial design?. Landscape Research, 46(2), 261-272.  |
Tubridy, D. (2021). The green adaptation-regeneration nexus: innovation or business-as-usual?. European Planning Studies, 29(2), 369-388.  |
Tubridy, D., & Lennon, M. (2021). Flood risk management, (un)managed retreat and the “relocation fix”: examining shifting responsibilities and compounding risks through two Irish case studies. Local Environment, 26(4), 517-533.  |
Tubridy, D., Scott, M., & Lennon, M. (2021). Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation. Planning Perspectives.  |
Tubridy, F., & Lennon, M. (2021). Flood risk management, (un)managed retreat and the “relocation fix”: examining shifting responsibilities and compounding risks through two Irish case studies. Local Environment, 26(4), 517-533.  |
Tubridy, D., Scott, M., & Lennon, M. (2021) Managed retreat in response to flooding: lessons from the past for contemporary climate change adaptation. Planning Perspectives, 1-20.  |