Below is the list of research publications for the School of History in the academic year 2021/2022.
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Cox, C., & Marland, H. (2022). Disorder Contained. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108993586![]() |
Professor Diarmaid Ferriter | |
FERRITER, D. (2021). Between Two Hells The Irish Civil War. | |
Dr Lachlan Fleetwood | |
Fleetwood, L. (2022). Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | |
Dr Mark Jones | |
Jones, M. (2022). 1923 ein deutsches Trauma. | |
Jones, M. (2022). 1923 Ein deutsches Trauma | Basierend auf neu erschlossenem Quellenmaterial aus europäischen Archiven. | |
Jones, M. (2022). 1923 Ein deutsches Trauma | Basierend auf neu erschlossenem Quellenmaterial aus europäischen Archiven. Ullstein Buchverlage. | |
Dr Jennifer Keating | |
Keating, J. (2022). On arid ground: Political ecologies of empire in Russian Central Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. | |
Dr Drew Thomas | |
Thomas, D. B. (2022). The Industry of Evangelism. BRILL. doi:10.1163/9789004462427![]() |
Dr Fionnuala Walsh | |
Walsh, F. (2022). Irish women and the Great War (Paperback). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | |
Professor Sandy Wilkinson | |
Wilkinson, A. S. (2021). Illustration and Ornamentation in the Iberian Book World, 1450-1800. A. S. Wilkinson (Ed.), Leiden: Brill. |
Dr Jennifer Keating | |
Keating, J. (2022). On Russian soil: myth and materiality (Vol. 64). Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/00085006.2022.2027110![]() |
Keating, J. (2022). Keating on Moon, Breyfogle, Bekasova (eds), Place and nature: Essays in Russian environmental history. H-Diplo/H-Russia/H-Environment: H-Net | |
Dr Claas Kirchhelle | |
Kirchhelle, C. (2022). Angela Cassidy, <i>Vermin, Victims and Disease: British Debates over Bovine Tuberculosis and Badgers</i> (Vol. 35). Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/shm/hkaa075![]() |
Dr Alice Mauger | |
Mauger, A. (2021). Leonard Smith, <i>Private Madhouses in England, 1640–1815: Commercialised Care for the Insane</i> (Vol. 34). Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/shm/hkaa103![]() |
Dr Steffen Rimner | |
Rimner, S. (2022). P.E. Caquet, Opium’s Orphans : The 200-Year History of the War on Drugs (London: Reaktion Books, 2022). London: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ia/iiac194![]() |
Dr Fionnuala Walsh | |
Walsh, F. (2021). Book Review: <i>The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish recruitment to the British Armed Forces 1914–1918</i> by Timothy Bowman, William Butler and Michael Wheatley (Vol. 48). SAGE Publications. doi:10.1177/03324893211052455a![]() |
Walsh, F. (2022). Book Review: Love between Enemies: Western Prisoners of War and German Women in World War II, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. |
Dr Benedetta Luciana Sara Carnaghi | |
Alvarez, S. P., Kuchirko, Y., McBeth, M., Tarafdar, M., & Watson, M. (Eds.) (2022). Literacy and Learning in Times of Crisis. In . Peter Lang Verlag. doi:10.3726/b18623![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Byrne, F., & Cox, C. (2022). ‘Straightening Crooked Souls’: Psychology and Children in Custody in 1950s and 1960s Ireland*. In Histories of Punishment and Social Control in Ireland: Perspectives from a Periphery (pp. 37-55). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/978-1-80043-606-020221003![]() |
Professor Diarmaid Ferriter | |
Ferriter, D. (2022). Mary MacSwiney's hunger strike: The Sanctity of Oaths. In Ireland 1922 Independence, Partition, Civil War (pp. 283-291). Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. | |
Ferriter, D. (2022). "The Right to Speak on Behalf of Ireland": Conn Curran and the Nation, 1917-22. In James Joyce Remembered Edition 2022 (pp. 153-169). Dublin: University College Dublin Press. | |
Ferriter, D. (2022). John McGahern and the history of Modern Ireland. In Navigating Historical Crosscurrents in the Irish Atlantic Essays for Catherine B. Shannon (pp. 166-184). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Ferriter, D. (2022). The Political Legacy: An Insider on the Outside. In The Lives of Eoin MacNeill The Pen and the Sword (pp. 275-289). Ciork: Cork University Press. | |
Dr Irial Glynn | |
Glynn, I. (2022). Protecting Australia’s Borders since the 1850s: At the Cutting Edge of Border Control but on the Edge of International Acceptability. In J. Pešalj, A. Steidl, L. Lucassen, & J. Ehmer (Eds.), Borders and Mobility Control in and between Empires and Nation-States (pp. 291-320). Leiden: Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004520844_013![]() |
Assoc Professor Elva Johnston | |
Johnston, E. (2022). "By Blood and by Tradition": Race and Empire in Eoin MacNeill's Interpretation of Early Ireland. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill: The Pen and the Sword (pp. 67-79). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Dr Mark Jones | |
Jones, M. (2022). „Ein Drehbuch für die Revolution. ,Russische Verhältnisse' and die politische Imagination in Deutschland 1918/19". In Mitteilungen. Gemeinsame Kommission für die Erforschung der jüngeren Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen (pp. 185-204). Oldenburg: DE GRUYTER. | |
Dr Jennifer Keating | |
Keating, J. (2022). Environmental perspectives on social unrest and economic collapse in Turkestan, 1916-1919. In A. Heywood, J. Lajus, S. Palmer (eds), Science, Technology, Environment and Medicine in Russia's Great War and Revolution, 1914-1922. Bloomington: Slavica. | |
Professor John McCafferty | |
McCafferty, J. (2022). 'Recycling an Island's Past for a Global Catholicism: Irish Franciscans in the Seventeenth century'. In C. Begadon, & J. E. Kelly (Eds.), British and Irish Religious Orders in Europe, 1560-1800 Conventuals, Mendicants and Monastics in Motion (pp. 60-82). Woodbridge, Suffolk: Catholicisms, C.1450-C.1800. | |
McCafferty, J. (2022). 'Becoming Irish Catholics: Ireland, 1534 - 1690. In R. Scully (Ed.), Brill Companion to Catholicism and Recusancy in Britain & Ireland from Reformation to Emancipation (pp. 228-275). Leiden: Brill. | |
Assoc Professor Charles Ivar McGrath | |
McGrath, C. I. (2021). The Penal Laws: Origins, Purpose, Enforcement and Impact. In Law and Religion in Ireland, 1700-1970 (pp. 13-48). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-74373-4_2![]() |
Professor William Mulligan | |
Mulligan, W., & Jackson, P. (2022). The Great War and the Political Conditions of Internationalism. In Beyond the Great War. Making Peace in a Disordered World, edited by Norman Ingram and Carl Bouchard (pp. 21-47). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. | |
Assoc Professor Conor Mulvagh | |
Mulvagh, C., & Purcell, E. (2022). Introduction: reassessing Eoin MacNeill. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill The Pen and the Sword (pp. 1-18). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Hughes, B. (2022). His Own Words: MacNeill in autobiograhpy and memoir. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill The Pen and the Sword (pp. 258-274). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Mulvagh, C. (2022). Writing Home: understadning the domestic in the life of Eoin MacNeill. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill The Pen and the Sword (pp. 233-257). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
McDowell, M. (2022). Eoin MacNeill: a family perspective. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill The Pen and the Sword (pp. 19-32). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Uí Chollatáin, R. (2022). Eoin Mac Néill: Scríobhaí forásach agus iriseoir fadradharcach i bpróiseas na hAthbheochana. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin Mac Neill. The Pen and the Sword (pp. 113-131). Cork: Cork University Press. NUI Centenary Publication. | |
Johnston, E. (2022). "By Blood and by Tradition": Race and Empire in Eoin MacNeill's Interpretation of Early Ireland. In C. Mulvagh, & E. Purcell (Eds.), Eoin MacNeill: The Pen and the Sword (pp. 67-79). Cork: Cork University Press. | |
Professor Tadhg O' Hannrachain | |
O' Hannrachain, T. (2022). The Religious Orders and the Irish Episcopate. In J. Kelly, & C. Begadon (Eds.), British and Irish Religious Orders in Europe, 1560-1800 (pp. 43-59). London: Boydell and Brewer. | |
Professor Paul Rouse | |
Rouse, P. (2022). Sport and Partition. In Ireland 1922 Independence, Partition, Civil War. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. | |
Hurling, knattleikr and the Global Tradition of Stick-and-Ball Play (2022). In Iceland – Ireland (pp. 175-194). BRILL. doi:10.1163/9789004505339_011![]() |
Dr Drew Thomas | |
Selling Luther: Printing Counterfeits in Reformation Augsburg (2021). In Communities of Print (pp. 17-38). BRILL. doi:10.1163/9789004470439_003![]() |
Dr Fionnuala Walsh | |
Walsh, F. (2021). “‘Bringing about a slip’: Preventing and coping with unwanted pregnancies in nineteenth century Ireland”. In S. Ryan (Ed.), Birth and the Irish: a miscellany (pp. 149-152). Dublin: Wordwell Press. | |
Walsh, F. (2022). "'What has the war got to do with a dance?' the women of the National University of Ireland and the First World War". In E. Purcell, & R. McGreevy (Eds.), National University of Ireland World War I Honour Roll: Centenary Edition and Essays. Dublin: National University of Ireland Publications. | |
Walsh, F. (2022). “The mundane and the traumatic: ordinary life in extraordinary times: The re-opening of Clery’s Department Store, August 1922”. In D. Gannon, & F. McGarry (Eds.), Ireland 1922: Independence, partition, civil war (pp. 217-223). Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. | |
Professor Sandy Wilkinson | |
Wilkinson, A. (2021). From Bibliography to Data Analytics, Convolutional Neural Networks and Image Recognition: The Journey of the Iberian Books Project. In Illustration and Ornamentation in the Iberian Book World, 1450–1800 (pp. 15-40). Leiden: Brill. |
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Cox, C. (2022). 'Nothing that I can say would give any idea of the horrors of solitary confinement': prisoners’ resilience to the separate system in the Victorian prison. In Biennial Conference of the Society for the Social History of Medicine. |
Professor John McCafferty | |
McCafferty, J. (2022). Give Us Our History: the Tasks of the Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1928-2022. In Sligo Field Club. Sligo. | |
McCafferty, J. (2022). Sparkles of divine light: talking to God in Early Modern Ireland. In Tudor & Stuart Ireland, 10th Annual Conference. Royal Irish Academy Dublin. |
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Cox, C., & Brownlow, G. (Eds.) (2021). Irish Economic and Social History. London: SAGE. | |
Assoc Professor Conor Mulvagh | |
Mulvagh, C., & Purcell, E. (Eds.) (2022). Eoin MacNeill: the pen and the sword. Cork: Cork University Press. |
Dr Andrew McDiarmid | |
McDiarmid, A. (2021). Research Methods for Primary Sources Project. Sage. | |
McDiarmid, A. (2022). Isaac Newton and the Scottish Mint. | |
Dr Fionnuala Walsh | |
Walsh, F. (2022). The women and children left behind in the Civil War. Irish Examiner. Retrieved from | |
Walsh, F. (2022). 9 August 1922: The Reopening of Clery’s Department Store. RTE Century Ireland. Retrieved from |
Dr Jenny Bond | |
Bond, J. (2022). Inculcating a Gendered Christian Internationalism: The Student YWCAs of China. Journal of Women's History. | |
Dr Edward Burke | |
Burke, E. (2022). Loyalist Mobilization and Cross-Border Violence in Rural Ulster, 1972-1974. Terrorism and Political Violence, 34(6), 1057-1075. doi:10.1080/09546553.2020.1745777![]() |
Dr Benedetta Luciana Sara Carnaghi | |
Carnaghi, B. (2021). Devenir traîtres professionnels au cœur des réseaux résistants et de l’antifascisme en exil. Une histoire de faiblesse. Cahiers d’Agora : revue en humanité, (6). Retrieved from | |
Carnaghi, B. L. S. (2022). Mussolini’s Four Would-be Assassins: Emergency Politics and the Consolidation of Fascist Power. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 27(1), 1-18. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2021.1950340![]() |
Assoc Professor Catherine Cox | |
Cox, C., & Wall, O. (2022). “It Has Made Me Think”: Engaging the Public with the History of Health in the Modern Irish Prison. Journal of Medical Humanities. doi:10.1007/s10912-022-09761-2![]() |
Assoc Professor Roy Flechner | |
Flechner, R., & Fontaine, J. (2021). The admission of former slaves into churches and monasteries: reaching behind the sources. Early Medieval Europe, 29(4), 586-611. doi:10.1111/emed.12501![]() |
Flechner, R. (2022). Understanding Religious Change in Africa and Europe: Crossing Latitudes. The Christianization of Jukun of Nigeria and Celtic Irish in Early Medieval Europe. By Nathan IrmiyaElawa. Cham: Springer. 2020. xxiii + 183 pp. €88.39. ISBN 978 3 030 42180 9.. Early Medieval Europe, 30(3), 467-469. doi:10.1111/emed.12573![]() |
Dr Lachlan Fleetwood | |
Fleetwood, L. (2021). <i>An Atlas of the Himalayas by a 19th Century Tibetan Lama: A Journey of Discovery</i>. Imago Mundi, 73(2), 261. doi:10.1080/03085694.2021.1960069![]() |
Professor Robert Gerwarth | |
Gerwarth, R. (2021). The Problems of Genocide – A debate on A. Dirk Moses’ book on permanent security and the ‘language of transgression’. Journal of Modern European History, 19(4), 382-383. doi:10.1177/16118944211055027![]() |
Gerwarth, R. (2021). The sky beyond versailles: The paris peace treaties in recent historiography. Journal of Modern History, 93(4), 896-930. doi:10.1086/716966![]() |
Mr Peter Hession | |
Beatty, A., & Hession, P. (2022). 'Irish and World Histories' (Irish-themed special issue). Radical History Review 143 (May 2022). | |
Dr Claas Kirchhelle | |
Glover, R. E., Singer, A. C., Roberts, A. P., & Kirchhelle, C. (2021). NIMble innovation—a networked model for public antibiotic trials. The Lancet Microbe, 2(11), e637-e644. doi:10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00182-8![]() |
Overton, K., Fortané, N., Broom, A., Raymond, S., Gradmann, C., Orubu, E. S. F., et al. (2021). Waves of attention: Patterns and themes of international antimicrobial resistance reports, 1945-2020. BMJ Global Health, 6(11). doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2021-006909![]() |
Kirchhelle, C., & Roberts, A. P. (2022). Embracing the monsters: moving from infection control to microbial management. The Lancet Microbe. doi:10.1016/S2666-5247(22)00225-7![]() |
Glover, R. E., Roberts, A. P., Singer, A. C., & Kirchhelle, C. (2022). Sale of UK's Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre. The BMJ, 376. doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-069999![]() |
Ryan, H., Flammer, P. G., Nicholson, R., Loe, L., Reeves, B., Allison, E., et al. (2022). Reconstructing the history of helminth prevalence in the UK. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 16(4). doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0010312![]() |
Weldon, I., Van Katwyk, S. R., Burci, G. L., De Campos, T. C., Eccleston-Turne, M., Fryer, H. R., et al. (2022). Governing Global Antimicrobial Resistance: 6 Key Lessons from the Paris Climate Agreement. American Journal of Public Health, 112(4), 553-557. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2021.306695![]() |
Saldanha, S., Kirchhelle, C., Webster, E., Vanderslott, S., & Vaz, M. (2022). Between paternalism and illegality: a longitudinal analysis of the role and condition of manual scavengers in India. BMJ Global Health, 7(7). doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-008733![]() |
Thornber, K., & Kirchhelle, C. (2022). Hardwiring antimicrobial resistance mitigation into global policy. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, 4(4). doi:10.1093/jacamr/dlac083![]() |
Kirchhelle, C. (2022). Giants on Clay Feet-COVID-19, infection control and public health laboratory networks in England, the USA and (West-)Germany (1945-2020).. Social history of medicine : the journal of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, 35(3), 703-748. doi:10.1093/shm/hkac019![]() |
Dr Yiannis Kokosalakis | |
Kokosalakis, Y. (2022). Building a Red Navy: Communist Activism and Military Authority in the Baltic Fleet, 1918–1940. Contemporary European History, 31(2), 214-226. doi:10.1017/s0960777321000126![]() |
Dr Daniel Malanski | |
Malanski, D., Kohe, G., & Kondlatsch, R. (2022). Remembering Brazil @Mexico1970: Social Media & Collective Memory Making in Times of COVID-19. International Journal of the History of Sport, 39(6), 609-630. doi:10.1080/09523367.2022.2088735![]() |
Malanski, D., & Peña, E. F. (2022). A Mulatto Brazil – the narrative of the Dionysian character of Brazilian society in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. National Identities. doi:10.1080/14608944.2022.2125941![]() |
Malanski, D. (2022). A reviravolta estética do Brasil: de nação emergente a pária internacional. Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual, 49(57), 198-214. doi:10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2022.188910![]() |
Dr Alice Mauger | |
Mauger, A. (2022). ‘Didactic’ or ‘Obscene’?: Personal Accounts of Alcoholism in Contemporary Irish Writing. Cultural and Social History, 1-16. doi:10.1080/14780038.2021.2016850![]() |
Assoc Professor Charles Ivar McGrath | |
McGrath, C. I. (2022). Anti-Standing Army Ideology, Identity, and Ideas of Union within the British Isles, 1689–1714. The Historical Journal, 1-22. doi:10.1017/s0018246x22000127![]() |
Mr Conor Meleady | |
Meleady, C. (2021). Mahdis, Caliphs, and the Appropriation of Authority in Islam. The Origins of Britain’s “Caliphate Question”. Rivista italiana di storia internazionale, IV(1/2021), 125-148. doi:10.30461/101435![]() |
Professor William Mulligan | |
Levy, J. S., & Mulligan, W. (2022). Systemic effects of economic interdependence and the militarisation of diplomacy: 1914 and beyond. Journal of Strategic Studies. doi:10.1080/01402390.2021.1984896![]() |
Mulligan, W. (2022). Erosions, Ruptures, and the Ending of International Orders: Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine in Historical Perspective. Society, 59(3), 259-267. doi:10.1007/s12115-022-00715-x![]() |
Professor Tadhg O' Hannrachain | |
Ó hAnnracháin, T. (2021). Sacred Journeys in the Counter-Reformation: Long-Distance Pilgrimage in Northwest Europe. By Elizabeth Caroline Tingle. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications, 2020. xiii + 246. $99.99 hardcover.. Church History, 90(4), 957-959. doi:10.1017/s0009640722000385![]() |
Dr Julie Powell | |
Powell, J. M. (2022). Doctoring the Script: Crime Writing, Order and Medical Authority in the Oeuvre of Dr Augustin Cabanès, 1894–1928. Social History of Medicine, 35(3), 867-887. doi:10.1093/shm/hkac009![]() |
Professor Paul Rouse | |
Rouse, P. (2022). Boundaries and the Gaelic Athletic Association: A Note on the Nineteenth Century. Under Crimblin Hill, III(I), 100-114. | |
Professor Martin Thomas | |
Thomas, M. (2022). Smoke and mirrors in Arnhem Land: What expeditions tell us about the materiality of crosscultural encounters. History and Anthropology, 33(1), 143-164. doi:10.1080/02757206.2019.1695201![]() |
Dr Oisín Wall | |
Cox, C., & Wall, O. (2022). “It Has Made Me Think”: Engaging the Public with the History of Health in the Modern Irish Prison. Journal of Medical Humanities. doi:10.1007/s10912-022-09761-2![]() |
Dr Fionnuala Walsh | |
Walsh, F. (2022). The Troublesome Nun. History Ireland, 30(2), 50-51. | |
Walsh, F. (2022). Historiography 1918-Today (Ireland). 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War,. doi:10.15463/ie1418.11604![]() |