Below is the list of research publications for the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics in the academic year 2021/2022.
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Pierse, S., & Dunne, E. M. (2022). Turmoil: Instability and Insecurity in the Eighteenth-Century Francophone Text. Liverpool University Press: Voltaire Foundation, Oxford,. |
Dr Mary Farrelly | |
Farrelly, M. (2022). Review of Following Franco: Spanish Culture and Politics in Transition, Duncan Wheeler, (2020).. Belfast: Taylor & Francis. | |
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Pierse, S. (2021). 'The Atheist's Bible: Diderot and the 'Elements de Physiologie', by Caroline Warman (Book Review). Ingenta Connect. | |
Pierse, S. (2022). Review of Voltaire, Œuvres complètes de Voltaire, 6C: Lettres sur les Anglais (III): Lettre sur M. Locke. Édité par Antony McKenna et Gianluca Mori. Sous la direction de Nicholas Cronk. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/fs/knac071![]() |
Pierse, S. (2022). Voltaire, <i>Œuvres complètes de Voltaire</i>, 6C: <i>Lettres sur les Anglais</i> (III): <i>Lettre sur M. Locke</i>. Édité par Antony McKenna et Gianluca Mori. Sous la direction de Nicholas Cronk (Vol. 76). Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/fs/knac071![]() |
Dr Sabine Strumper-Krobb | |
Strumper-Krobb, S. (2022). The translator’s visibility. Scenes from contemporary Latin American fiction. Milton Park Abingdon: Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/14781700.2022.2032308![]() |
Assoc Professor Paolo Acquaviva | |
Acquaviva, P., & Daniel, M. (2022). Number in grammar: Results and perspectives. In P. Acquaviva, & M. Daniel (Eds.), Number in the world's languages (Vol. 5, pp. 833-910). Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. doi:10.1515/9783110622713![]() |
Acquaviva, P., & Daniel, M. (Eds.) (2022). Number in the World's Languages. In . De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110622713![]() |
Dr Diana Battaglia | |
Battaglia, D. (2022). Otros espacios y otros tiempos. Heterotopías y heterocronías en la serie Mario Conde de Leonardo Padura. In Reescrituras de género negro. Estudios literarios y audiovisuales.. Madrid: Dykinson. Retrieved from | |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy, M. (2022). Généalogies de l’intime : Anne Hébert, Louise Dupré, Hélène Dorion. In F. Alix, E. Lloze, & R. Fonkoua (Eds.), Poésies des francophonies : état des lieux (1960–2020) (pp. 175-198). Paris: Hermann. | |
Assoc Professor Derval Conroy | |
Conroy, D. (2022). Iconographie et mise en scène d'un pouvoir féminin: les quatre livres d'entrée de Marie de Médicis en exil. In L. Frappier (Ed.), Les Jeux de l’échange Entrées solennelles et divertissements du xve au xviie siècle (pp. 189-222). Paris: Garnier. |
Dr Siobhan Donovan | |
Donovan, S., & Euchner, M. (2022). Introduction: Music and / as Politics in the German Context. In Music in German Politics / Politics in German Music (pp. 1-15). Rochester, New York: Camden House. | |
Professor Ursula Fanning | |
Fanning, U. (2021). Matilde Serao's Cautionary Tales: The Case of Fantasia. In G. Capitelli, & O. Santovetti (Eds.), Lettrici italiane tra arte e letteratura:Dall'ottocento al modernismo (pp. 135-144). Rome: Campisano editore. | |
Fanning, U., & Romani, G. (2022). Introduction. In Matilde Serao: International Profile, Reception and Networks (pp. 7-16). Paris: Classiques Garnier. | |
Fanning, U. (2022). 'Re-reading Serao through Anglocentric Eyes'. In Matilde Serao: International Profile, Reception and Networks (pp. 79-94). Paris: Classiques Garnier. | |
Dr Mara Josi | |
Josi, M. (2022). Civil Disobedience: Elsa Morante, the Student Movement, and the Years of Lead. In The Winter of Italy’s Discontent. Oxford: Peter Lang. | |
Dr Stephen Lucek | |
Garnett, V., & Lucek, S. (2021). Perceptual Dialectology between Varieties of Irish English. In Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research (pp. 199-216). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003025078-11![]() |
Lucek, S., Amador-Moreno, C. P., & Kirk, J. (2021). lIntroduction. In Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research (pp. 1-16). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003025078-1![]() |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, B. (2021). Coordination in the Surinamese Creoles: Comparing Nenge(e) and Matawai. In E. O. Aboh, & C. B. Vigouroux (Eds.), Variation Rolls the Dice. A worldwide collage in honour of Salikoko S. Mufwene Contact Language Library 59 (pp. 161-189). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Retrieved from |
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Pierse, S. (2022). Introduction: Turmoil, Instability and Insecurity in Eighteenth-Century Francophone Texts. In Turmoil: Instability and Insecurity in Eighteenth-Century Francophone Texts. Dans la tourmente: instabilité et insécurité au XVIIIe siècle. Liverpool: Voltaire Foundation, Oxford. |
Pierse, S. (2022). Voltaire and the Lisbon Disaster: From Aftershocks to Ataraxy. In Turmoil: Instability and Insecurity in Eighteenth-Century Francophone Texts. Dans la tourmente: instabilité et insécurité au XVIIIe siècle. Oxford; Liverpool: Voltaire Foundation, Oxford. |
Professor Vera Regan | |
Regan, V. (2022). SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC APPROACHES: The Case of L2 French. In The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics (pp. 395-407). doi:10.4324/9781003017325-36![]() |
Regan, V. (2022). Variation, identity and language attitudes Polish migrants in France. In Studies in Language Variation (Vol. 28, pp. 253-277). doi:10.1075/silv.28.10reg![]() |
Regan, V. (2022). Chapter 10. Variation, identity and language attitudes. In Studies in Language Variation (pp. 253-278). John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/silv.28.10reg![]() |
Dr Valeria Taddei | |
Taddei, V. (2022). Tozzi in inglese. Difficoltà editoriali e risorse interpretative delle traduzioni di Con gli occhi chiusi. In A. Benucci, R. Castellana, & I. De Seta (Eds.), Federigo Tozzi fuori dall’Italia. Traduzioni, ricezione, influenze (pp. 25-43). Milan: Prospero editore. Retrieved from |
Dr Diana Battaglia | |
Battaglia, D. (2022). “Otros espacios y otros tiempos. Heterotopías y heterocronías en la serie Mario Conde de Leonardo Padura”. In in process. spain. Retrieved from | |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Braganca, M. (2022). Liberté, égalité, précarité. In The Future of WWII France in Academia. Leicester. | |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, B. (2021). Social Expansion & Social Styling as factors in Language Change in Creoles. In NWAV 49. Austin, Texas USA (virtual). | |
Migge, B. (2022). Sailing towards the future: New & old horizons in Caribbean Linguistics - Key note address. In Biannual meeting of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics. Trinidad (virtual). | |
Assoc Professor Gillian Pye | |
Pye, G. (2021). 'Happiness as emotional experience and narrative process in literary accounts of old age'. In Framing Ageing Webinar 2. Webinar. |
Assoc Professor Paolo Acquaviva | |
Acquaviva, P., & Daniel, M. (Eds.) (2022). Number in the world's languages (Vol. 5). Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. doi:10.1515/9783110622713![]() |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy, M., Gallagher, M., & Smith, D. (Eds.) (2021). Baudelaire's Afterlives: Immortality and its Discontents, Irish Journal of French Studies, Volume 21, 2021. Ireland: Irish Journal of French Studies. | |
Dr Siobhan Donovan | |
Donovan, S., Barkhoff, J., & Earls, C. (Eds.) (2021). Germanistik in Ireland (Jahrbuch der/Yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland, GSAI), vol. 16 2021, “The Right Blend” – Mischung, Überblendung und Identität in interkulturellen Kontexten. Festschrift in Honour of Arnd Witte, guest-edited by Clive Earls, general editors Siobhán Donovan and Jürgen Barkhoff. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre. | |
Donovan, S., & Euchner, M. (Eds.) (2022). Music in German Politics / Politics in German Music Edinburgh German Yearbook Vol, 13. Rochester, New York: Camden House. |
Professor Ursula Fanning | |
Fanning, U., Romani, G., & Mitchell, K. (Eds.) (2022). Matilde Serao: International Profile, Reception and Networks. Paris: Classiques Garnier. doi:10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-12853-3![]() |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Brophy, M., Gallagher, M., & Smith, D. (Eds.) (2021). Baudelaire's Afterlives: Immortality and its Discontents, Irish Journal of French Studies, Volume 21, 2021. Ireland: Irish Journal of French Studies. | |
Dr Stephen Lucek | |
Lucek, S. (Ed.) (2022). Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research: Papers in Honour of Dr Jeffrey L Kallen. Abingdon: Routledge. | |
Assoc Professor Douglas Smith | |
Brophy, M., Gallagher, M., & Smith, D. (Eds.) (2021). Baudelaire's Afterlives: Immortality and its Discontents, Irish Journal of French Studies, Volume 21, 2021. Ireland: Irish Journal of French Studies. |
Assoc Professor Paolo Acquaviva | |
Acquaviva, P. (2021). L'italiano come lingua storica e come I-language. Storie e Linguaggi - A Journal of the Humanities, 7(2), 11-29. | |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Braganca, M. (2022). Représenter Hitler en première de couverture d’un texte de fiction : enjeux et contraintes paratextuelles, historiques et éthiques. Modern and Contemporary France, 30(1), 69-87. doi:10.1080/09639489.2021.2003311![]() |
Professor Michael Brophy | |
Brophy, M. (2021). Review: Amir Biglari and Nathalie Watteyne (eds.), Scènes d’énonciation de la poésie lyrique moderne. Approches critiques, repères historiques, perspectives culturelles. The Irish Journal of French Studies, 21, 159-161. | |
Brophy, M. (2021). 'Au meilleur de soi': Yves Bonnefoy and the Making of Baudelaire. The Irish Journal of French Studies, 21, 35-52. | |
Dr Katherine Calvert | |
Calvert, K. E. (2022). MAKING THE CASE AGAINST PARAGRAPH 218: NARRATIVE AND DISCURSIVE STRATEGIES IN ELSE KIENLE'S FRAUEN: AUS DEM TAGEBUCH EINER ÄRZTIN<sup>?</sup>. German Life and Letters, 75(1), 40-58. doi:10.1111/glal.12327![]() |
Assoc Professor Derval Conroy | |
Conroy, D. (2021). Marie de Gournay’s “Advis à quelques gens d’Église” and the Early Modern Rigorist Debate. Romanic Review, 112(3), 423-436. doi:10.1215/00358118-9377342![]() |
Conroy, D. (2022). Les appropriations d’une machine politique : les traductions de la Gallerie des femmes fortes (1647) de Pierre Le Moyne. Revue Bossuet, 13. | |
Dr Sara Delmedico | |
Delmedico, S. (2021). ‘HE SAW WHAT HE WANTED TO SEE’: REPUTATION, JEALOUSY, AND THE LAW. THE UXORICIDE OF GISELDA ZANOLO. Papers of the British School at Rome, 89, 319-333. doi:10.1017/s0068246221000015![]() |
Delmedico, S., & Di Franco, M. (2021). Fascism and ‘Italians abroad’: National Identity and the Building of the Fascist State. Chronica Mundi, (14), 81-119. | |
Dr Mary Farrelly | |
Farrelly, M. (2022). The Mystical Political: Reclaiming the Spectacle of the Vision in Vicente Aranda’s Libertarias (1996) and Azucena Rodríguez’s Entre rojas (1995). Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 99(4), 327-346. doi:10.3828/BHS.2022.22![]() |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Gallagher, M. (2021). Baudelaire's Creole Gothic : A Postcolonial Afterlife for <i>Les Fleurs du mal</i>. Irish Journal of French Studies, 21(1), 10-34. doi:10.7173/164913321833983033![]() |
Gallagher, M. (2021). No Ulysses He: the Migrancy of Lafcadio Hearn. Culture: Journal of Culture in Tourism, ?rt and Education, University of Patras (Greece), Vol. 3, Dec. 2021, pp. 18-28, 1(3), 18-28. | |
Dr Stephen Lucek | |
Lucek, S. (2021). Standard language ideology in an English-medium Irish secondary school: Conflicting perspectives on the discouragement of nonstandard language. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 5(2), 199-225. doi:10.1558/jld.20487![]() |
Dr Max McGuinness | |
McGuinness, M. (2022). Proust’s Political Emotions. Paragraph, 45(1), 77-95. doi:10.3366/para.2022.0386![]() |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, B. (2021). Language styles, styling and language change in Creole communities. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, 36(2), 395-422. doi:10.1075/jpcl.00080.mig![]() |
Assoc Professor Síofra Pierse | |
Pierse, S. (2021). <b> <i>Œuvres Complètes de Voltaire, vols 29A-29C, Précis du siècle de Louis XV</i> </b> . Edited by Janet Godden and James Hanrahan. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation. 2020. 3 vols. £330 (hb). ISBN 978-0-7294-1228-5.. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 44(3), 319-320. doi:10.1111/1754-0208.12761 ![]() |
Pierse, S. (2021). Caroline Warman, <i>The Atheist's Bible. Diderot and the Éléments de physiologie</i> (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2020,) x + 428 pp., ill.. Irish Journal of French Studies, 21(1), 148-149. doi:10.7173/164913321833983169![]() |
Pierse, S. (2022). Les 'Remarques historiques et critiques' d’Aubry de La Motraye. Revue Voltaire, no.21(2022), 205-221. | |
Dr Tara Plunkett | |
Plunkett, T. (2022). ‘Invitación al coágulo de sangre’: The Aesthetics of Santa objetividad in Dalí’s ‘San Sebastián’ (1927) and García Lorca’s Poemas en prosa (1927–1928). Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 99(2), 239-266. doi:10.1080/14753820.2022.2102787![]() |
Assoc Professor Stephen Schwartz | |
Schwartz, S. A. (2021). Baudelaire's Two Cosmopolitanisms. Irish Journal of French Studies, 21(1), 85-98. doi:10.7173/164913321833983141![]() |
Descombes, V. (2022). The hammer, the mallet, and the nail. European Journal of Philosophy, 30(2), 455-470. doi:10.1111/ejop.12791![]() |
Assoc Professor Douglas Smith | |
Smith, D. (2021). 'La Vérité emphatique du geste dans les grandes circonstances de la vie' : Baudelaire, Barthes and the Hysterical Gesture. Irish Journal of French Studies, 21(1), 99-121. doi:10.7173/164913321833983079![]() |
Smith, D. (2021). Baudelaire's Afterlives : Immortality and its Discontents. Irish Journal of French Studies, 21(1), 1-9. doi:10.7173/164913321833983150![]() |
Smith, D. (2021). The great prehistoric art swindle: André Breton and palaeolithic cave painting. Paragraph, 44(3), 364-378. doi:10.3366/para.2021.0376![]() |
Dr Sabine Strumper-Krobb | |
Strümper-Krobb, S. (2022). The translator’s visibility. Scenes from contemporary Latin American fiction. Translation Studies, 1-4. doi:10.1080/14781700.2022.2032308![]() |
Strumper-Krobb, S. (2022). Focus on the Translator. At the Intersection of the Fictional Turn and Literary Translator Studies. Tranlsation Ireland, 21(1), 21-35. | |
Dr Valeria Taddei | |
Taddei, V. (2021). Knowledge in Paradox: Pirandello's Humour and Bergson. Pirandello Studies, 41, 46-59. |
Dr Manu Braganca | |
Braganca, M. (2022). '1914-1945: One World War?' WWII TV documentary series - ABC Australian TV / Wild bear production. |
Professor Mary Gallagher | |
Chehab, M. (2021). Translation of May Chehab, ‘Preface’ to Volume 14 Mnemosyne o la costruzione del senso, Revue du patrimoine autobiographique (Louvain : Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2021), Special Issue on Auto/Biography: Premonitions, Dreams, Nightmares.. In Mnemosyne; Revue du patrimoine autobiographique (Vol. 14). Presses universitaires de Louvain. |
Professor Bettina Migge | |
Migge, B. (2021). Round Table discussion on Trends in Language Contact Research. Bayreuth, Germany:. Retrieved from | |
Migge, B. (2022). Digital dictionaries for minority languages: benefits & issues. Europäische Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany (virtual). | |
Migge, B. (2022). From linguistic landscaping to place-making: Processes of linguistic appropriation in Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. The Ohio State University, Colubmbus OH (virtual). | |
Dr Sandrine Peraldi | |
Peraldi, S. (2022). Webinar Highlights: Working with Subject Matter Experts. The Digital Learning Institute. Retrieved from | |
Peraldi, S. (2022). Terminological creativity: a corpus-driven approach.. Online. |
Dr Pascale Baker | |
Ashby, D., Banerjea, N., Baker, P., Borisa, D., Browne, K., di Feliciantonio, C., et al. (2022). The Epistemologies of ‘Lockdown’: closets, vulnerability, and citizenship. University of Leicester. doi:10.29311/lwps.202274078![]() |
Ashby, D., Banerjea, N., Baker, P., Borisa, D., Browne, K., di Feliciantonio, C., et al. (2022). Sexual and intimate citizenship in a Time of Pandemic. University of Leicester. doi:10.29311/lwps.202274079![]() |
Dr Michael Wiedorn | |
Glissant, E. (2022). Philosophy of Relation. Liverpool University Press. |