Below is the list of research publications for the School of Education in the academic year 2021/2022.
Dr Shane Bergin | |
Bergin, S., & Fahie, D. (2021). Peigí's Adventures in Science. Dublin: UCD. Retrieved from | |
Professor Kathleen Lynch | |
Lynch, K. (2021). Care and Capitalism: Why Affective Equality Matters for Social Justice. Cambridge: Polity Press. | |
Professor Deirdre Raftery | |
Raftery, D. (2021). Teresa Ball and Loreto Education Convents and the Colonial World, 1794-1875. |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Martinez Sainz, G. (2021). Educating for Peace and Human Rights: An introduction, by Maria Hantzopoulos and Monisha Bajaj. London: University College London Press. doi:10.14324/IJDEGL.13.2.08.![]() |
Professor Dympna Devine | |
Devine, D. (2021). Social Habitus in Childhood. In H. Montgomery (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies.. New York: Oxford University Press. | |
Dr Emma Farrell | |
Farrell, E. (2021). Darkness, Wellness and World Views: The University’s Role in Shaping Students’ Experiences of Mental Health and Distress. In Debating Higher Education: Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 133-143). Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5277-6_11![]() |
Professor Kathleen Lynch | |
Lynch, K. (2022). Omsorg,kapitalisme og politikk. In Torgatta Blad No. 1 2022 (pp. 14-17). Norway: Torgatta Blad. | |
Lynch, K. (2022). Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, Resisting, and Re-inventing Academic Cultures. In G. Hook, M. -P. Moreau, & R. Brooks (Eds.), Student Carers in Higher Education (pp. 18 pages). UK: Routledge Research in Higher Education. | |
Lynch, K. (2022). Affective equality in higher education: Resisting the culture of carelessness. In Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, Resisting, and Re-inventing Academic Cultures (pp. 10-27). doi:10.4324/9781003177104-2![]() |
Dr Áine Mahon | |
Mahon, Á. (2022). The Gift of the Interval?: Revisiting the Promises of Higher Education. In Á. Mahon (Ed.), The Promise of the University: Reclaiming Humanity, Humility, and Hope. Dordrecht: Springer. | |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Martinez Sainz, G. (2021). Countering Scepticism and Mistrust Towards Children’s Rights Within Education: Fulflling Article 29 in Mexico Through Teachers’ Training on Human Rights. In Children’s Rights from International Educational Perspectives. Wicked Problems for Children’s Education Rights (pp. 217-230). Switzerland: Springer. |
Assoc Professor Jennifer Symonds | |
Jones, M. H., & Symonds, J. (2022). ARE PEER RELATIONSHIPS IN CLASSROOMS HELPFUL? HURTFUL? HOW?. In Peer Relationships in Classroom Management: Evidence and Interventions for Teaching (pp. 10-24). doi:10.4324/9781003189855-3![]() |
Dr Daniel Capistrano | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Professor Dympna Devine | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2021). Exploring mothers' perspectives of family-school connectivity during the transition from preschool to primary school in Ireland. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Crummy, A., & Devine, D. (2022). I’m Treading Water Here for My Generation:’ gendered and generational perspectives on informal knowledge transmissions in Irish coastal communities. In Sustainability and Development. | |
Dr Mags Liddy | |
Raftery, D., Clarke, M., Ferris, R., Atwal, J., Sloan, S., & Liddy, M. (2022). ‘Passing the baton’: women, education leadership and convent schooling in Pakistan. In American Educational Research Association Vol. Paedagogica Historica. This conference, due to take place in San Francisco, was cancelled due to Covid 19; the article was published in 2022 in Paedagogica Historica.. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Caballero, C. M., Martinez Sainz, G., Senior, J., & Arnaiz Sanchez, P. (2021). The right to active participation in the community: The Lived Experiences of Art.23 of the UNCRC for Children and Adolescents with SEN in Ireland. In ECER. Online. | |
Martinez Sainz, G. (2021). Children Defending Human Rights Online: Enacting their rights to be heard, organise and express their views. Trollhättan, Sweden: University West. | |
Dr Deirdre McGillicuddy | |
McGillicuddy, D. (2021). Primary Education Post-Pandemic: A Call to Empower Teacher Agency for Creativity and Innovation. In Irish National Teachers' Organisation Education Conference. Retrieved from | |
Frazer, K., Kroll, T., Kelleher, C., Fitzpatrick, P., McDonnell, T., McGillicuddy, D., et al. (2021). Patient and Public Involvement: Supporting smoke-free homes collaborations in Ireland – who needs to be at the table?. In Faculty Public Health Medicine, RCPI, Winter Scientific Meeting (pp. 54). Dublin: RCPI. Retrieved from | |
Professor Deirdre Raftery | |
Sloan, S., Liddy, M., Clarke, M., Ferris, R., & Raftery, D. (2021). 'Learning on the job': Women leading schools in developing contexts. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Raftery, D., Clarke, M., Ferris, R., Atwal, J., Sloan, S., & Liddy, M. (2022). ‘Passing the baton’: women, education leadership and convent schooling in Pakistan. In American Educational Research Association Vol. Paedagogica Historica. This conference, due to take place in San Francisco, was cancelled due to Covid 19; the article was published in 2022 in Paedagogica Historica.. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Raftery, D. (2022). Writing the life of mother M. Teresa Ball: Sources and Silences. In HWBRI Annual Conference. University College Dublin. | |
Elena Samonova | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Dr Joyce Senior | |
Caballero, C. M., Martinez Sainz, G., Senior, J., & Arnaiz Sanchez, P. (2021). The right to active participation in the community: The Lived Experiences of Art.23 of the UNCRC for Children and Adolescents with SEN in Ireland. In ECER. Online. | |
Dr Seaneen Sloan | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2021). Exploring mothers' perspectives of family-school connectivity during the transition from preschool to primary school in Ireland. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Sloan, S., Liddy, M., Clarke, M., Ferris, R., & Raftery, D. (2021). 'Learning on the job': Women leading schools in developing contexts. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Professor Ciaran Sugrue | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Assoc Professor Jennifer Symonds | |
Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). The intersection between family, gender and schooling in the experiences of young children in rural Sierra Leone - a mixed methods analysis. In European Conference on Educational Research. | |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2021). Exploring mothers' perspectives of family-school connectivity during the transition from preschool to primary school in Ireland. In European Conference on Educational Research. |
Professor Judith Harford | |
Harford, J., Fleming, B., & Hyland, A. (Eds.) (2022). Special Issue of Irish Educational Studies: Educational Disadvantage. London: Routledge. | |
Dr Áine Mahon | |
Mahon, Á. (Ed.) (2022). The Promise of the University: Reclaiming Humanity, Humility, and Hope. Dordrecht: Springer. |
Professor Deirdre Raftery | |
Raftery, D., McHugh, A., & Gunning, D. (2022). Mother M. Michael Corcoran Photographic Collection. doi:10.7925/drs1.ucdlib_262000![]() |
Raftery, D., & Cosgrave, M. (2022). Carysfort College Registers 1883-1922: Who were the teachers?. doi:10.7925/drs1.ucdlib_271000![]() |
Dr Shane Bergin | |
Prefontaine, B., Mullen, C., Güven, J. J., Rispler, C., Rethman, C., Bergin, S. D., et al. (2021). Informal physics programs as communities of practice: How can programs support university students' identities?. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17(2). doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.020134![]() |
Pillion, K., & Bergin, S. D. (2022). The representation of women in Irish Leaving Certificate Physics textbooks. Physics Education, 57(2). doi:10.1088/1361-6552/ac4145![]() |
Dr Daniel Capistrano | |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Castro, H. C. D. O. D., Capristano, D., & Castillo, S. I. V. (2022). Valores morais e de autoexpressa~o: po´s-materialismo em/na crise?. Revista USP, 1(131), 33-46. doi:10.11606/issn.2316-9036.i131p33-46![]() |
Capistrano, D., & Carvalho da Silva, C. (2022). National Reports and Global Education Policy Diffusion: The case of the Teaching and Learning International Survey. Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada, (40), 112-126. doi:10.5944/reec.40.2022.31442![]() |
Creighton, M., Capistrano, D., Sorokowska, A., & Sorokowski, P. (2022). Physical Spacing and Social Interaction Before the Global Pandemic.. Spatial demography, 10(1), 107-116. doi:10.1007/s40980-021-00100-y![]() |
Creighton, M. J., Capistrano, D., & da Silva Pedroso, M. (2022). Educational Mobility and Attitudes Towards Migration from an International Comparative Perspective. Journal of International Migration and Integration. doi:10.1007/s12134-022-00977-8![]() |
Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Devine, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Smith, A. (2022). Anatomy of an educational change: The safe learning model, Sierra Leone. Journal of Educational Change. doi:10.1007/s10833-022-09461-7![]() |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Villacis, B., Thiel, A., Capistrano, D., & Carvalho da Silva, C. (2022). Statistical Innovation in the Global South. Comparative Sociology, 21(4), 419-446. doi:10.1163/15691330-bja10060![]() |
Professor Dympna Devine | |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Devine, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Smith, A. (2022). Anatomy of an educational change: The safe learning model, Sierra Leone. Journal of Educational Change. doi:10.1007/s10833-022-09461-7![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., & Luttrell, W. (2022). Under the Mango Tree: Photovoice With Primary School Children in Rural Sierra Leone. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21. doi:10.1177/16094069211053106![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2022). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12637![]() |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2022). Family–school connectivity during transition to primary school. Educational Research, 64(3), 277-294. doi:10.1080/00131881.2022.2054451![]() |
D’Urso, G., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., & Devine, D. (2022). Bullies, victims, and meanies: the role of child and classmate social and emotional competencies. Social Psychology of Education, 25(1), 293-312. doi:10.1007/s11218-021-09684-1![]() |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Bolotta, G., & Devine, D. (2022). Contested futures: The ‘humanitarian value’ of childhood in rural Sierra Leone. Current Sociology, 70(4), 557-577. doi:10.1177/0011392120985867![]() |
Chzhen, Y., Symonds, J., Devine, D., Mikolai, J., Harkness, S., Sloan, S., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2022). Learning in a Pandemic: Primary School children’s Emotional Engagement with Remote Schooling during the spring 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland. Child Indicators Research, 15(4), 1517-1538. doi:10.1007/s12187-022-09922-8![]() |
Dr Giulio D'Urso | |
Mangialavori, S., Russo, C., Jimeno, M. V., Ricarte, J. J., D’Urso, G., Barni, D., & Cacioppo, M. (2021). Insecure attachment styles and unbalanced family functioning as risk factors of problematic smartphone use in spanish young adults: A relative weight analysis. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 11(3), 1011-1021. doi:10.3390/ejihpe11030075![]() |
D’Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2021). Teacher Attitudes Towards the Representation of Homosexuality in Film and Television: A New Self-report Questionnaire. Sexuality and Culture, 25(5), 1726-1741. doi:10.1007/s12119-021-09846-5![]() |
D'Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2021). Risk factors for child and adolescent bullying and victimisation in Ireland: a systematic literature review. Educational Review. doi:10.1080/00131911.2021.1987391![]() |
D’Urso, G., Fazzari, E., La Marca, L., & Simonelli, C. (2022). Teachers and Inclusive Practices Against Bullying: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Child and Family Studies. doi:10.1007/s10826-022-02393-z![]() |
D’Urso, G., & Petruccelli, I. (2022). New and Old Forms of Prejudices Among Teachers: An Explorative Study. World Futures, 78(5), 291-301. doi:10.1080/02604027.2021.2012873![]() |
D’Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2022). Developmental Cascades of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Infancy to Middle Childhood: Longitudinal Associations with Bullying and Victimization. Journal of School Violence, 21(3), 294-311. doi:10.1080/15388220.2022.2081856![]() |
Pace, U., D’Urso, G., Zappulla, C., Di Maggio, R., Aznar, M. A., Vilageliu, O. S., & Muscarà, M. (2022). Ethnic Prejudice, Resilience, and Perception of Inclusion of Immigrant Pupils among Italian and Catalan Teachers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(1), 220-227. doi:10.1007/s10826-021-02098-9![]() |
D’Urso, G., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., & Devine, D. (2022). Bullies, victims, and meanies: the role of child and classmate social and emotional competencies. Social Psychology of Education, 25(1), 293-312. doi:10.1007/s11218-021-09684-1![]() |
Petruccelli, I., D’Urso, G., Cataldi, S., De Risio, A., Grilli, S., Abrunhosa Gonçalves, R., et al. (2022). ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES RELATED TO COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL STATES: A STUDY ON SEXUAL OFFENDERS IN ITALY AND PORTUGAL. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 76, 93-110. doi:10.33788/rcis.76.7![]() |
Dr Declan Fahie | |
Nee, C. M., & Fahie, D. (2022). Examining the Challenges Faced by Service Providers and Organisations Working with Children in the Direct Provision System in Ireland. Child Care in Practice. doi:10.1080/13575279.2022.2093329![]() |
Dr Emma Farrell | |
Farrell, E., Hollmann, E., le Roux, C. W., Bustillo, M., Nadglowski, J., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). The lived experience of patients with obesity: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Obesity Reviews, 22(12). doi:10.1111/obr.13334![]() |
Farrell, E., Bustillo, M., le Roux, C. W., Nadglowski, J., Hollmann, E., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). The lived experience of people with obesity: study protocol for a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies. Systematic Reviews, 10(1). doi:10.1186/s13643-021-01706-5![]() |
Farrell, E., & Mahon, Á. (2022). Well-being in the Irish secondary school: Reflections on a curricular approach. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 56(1), 51-54. doi:10.1111/1467-9752.12641![]() |
Ms Rachel Farrell | |
Farrell, R., Cowan, P., Brown, M., Roulston, S., Taggart, S., Donlan, E., & Baldwin, M. (2022). Virtual Reality in Initial Teacher Education (VRITE): a reverse mentoring model of professional learning for learning leaders. Irish Educational Studies, 41(1), 245-256. doi:10.1080/03323315.2021.2021102![]() |
Ms Ruth Ferris | |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica, 1-18. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Dr Conor Galvin | |
Zavyalova, K., & Galvin, C. (2022). Teachers as media creators and prosumers: exploring the reasons & values behind their YouTube pedagogical activity. Irish Educational Studies, 41(1), 187-200. doi:10.1080/03323315.2021.2022523![]() |
Professor Judith Harford | |
Fleming, B., Harford, J., & Hyland, Á. (2022). Reflecting on 100 years of educational policy in Ireland: was equality ever a priority?. Irish Educational Studies, 41(3), 441-455. doi:10.1080/03323315.2022.2085765![]() |
Fenwick, A., Kinsella, B., & Harford, J. (2022). Promoting academic resilience in DEIS schools. Irish Educational Studies, 41(3), 513-530. doi:10.1080/03323315.2022.2094107![]() |
Harford, J., Hyland, Á., & Fleming, B. (2022). Editorial. Irish Educational Studies, 41(3), 421-424. doi:10.1080/03323315.2022.2094650![]() |
O’Donoghue, T., & Harford, J. (2022). Investigating the potential of cultural-historical activity theory for studying specific transitions in the history of education. Paedagogica Historica, 58(2), 180-195. doi:10.1080/00309230.2020.1822886![]() |
Harford, J., & Murphy, K. J. (2022). Leading in the academy: women science professors at university college Dublin in the 1960s. Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2022.2028872![]() |
Harford, J. (2022). The gendering of diaspora: Irish American women teachers and political activism. Gender and Education, 34(1), 112-128. doi:10.1080/09540253.2020.1716954![]() |
Harford, J., & O' Donoghue, T. (2022). Power, Privilege and Sex Education in Irish Secondary Schools, 1922-67: An Overview. Encounters in Theory and History of Education. | |
Assoc Professor William Kinsella | |
Finlay, C., Kinsella, W., & Prendeville, P. (2022). The professional development needs of primary teachers in special classes for children with autism in the republic of Ireland. Professional Development in Education, 48(2), 233-253. doi:10.1080/19415257.2019.1696872![]() |
Fenwick, A., Kinsella, B., & Harford, J. (2022). Promoting academic resilience in DEIS schools. Irish Educational Studies, 41(3), 513-530. doi:10.1080/03323315.2022.2094107![]() |
Prendeville, P., & Kinsella, W. (2022). Ethics, values and Values Based Practice in educational psychology. Cambridge Journal of Education. doi:10.1080/0305764X.2022.2047893![]() |
Dr Mags Liddy | |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Ferris, R., Clarke, M., Raftery, D., Liddy, M., & Sloan, S. (2022). Digital poverty in a country that is digitally powerful: some insights into leadership of girls’ schooling in India under Covid-19 restrictions. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(sup1), 34-51. doi:10.1080/02188791.2022.2031871![]() |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica, 1-18. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Dr Áine Mahon | |
Mahon, Á., & Henry, S. (2022). But who are all these journal articles for? Writing, reading and our unhandsome condition. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(1), 23-35. doi:10.1080/0305764X.2021.1933903![]() |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Bough, A., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2022). Digital learning experiences and spaces: Learning from the past to design better pedagogical and curricular futures. Curriculum Journal. doi:10.1002/curj.184![]() |
Sainz, G. M. (2022). Marieke J. Hopman, Looking at Law through Children’s Eyes. The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 30(1), 265-268. doi:10.1163/15718182-30010010![]() |
Chzhen, Y., Symonds, J., Devine, D., Mikolai, J., Harkness, S., Sloan, S., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2022). Learning in a Pandemic: Primary School children’s Emotional Engagement with Remote Schooling during the spring 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland. Child Indicators Research, 15(4), 1517-1538. doi:10.1007/s12187-022-09922-8![]() |
Dr Deirdre McGillicuddy | |
Sudlow, A. C., Pournaras, D. J., Heneghan, H., Bodnar, Z., le Roux, C. W., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). An Exploration of the Patient Lived Experience of Remission and Relapse of Type 2 Diabetes Following Bariatric Surgery. Obesity Surgery, 31(9), 3919-3925. doi:10.1007/s11695-021-05514-7![]() |
McGillicuddy, D. (2021). “They would make you feel stupid” - Ability grouping, Children's friendships and psychosocial Wellbeing in Irish primary school. Learning and Instruction, 75. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2021.101492![]() |
Grannell, A., le Roux, C. W., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). “You Are Always at War With Yourself” The Perceptions and Beliefs of People With Obesity Regarding Obesity as a Disease. Qualitative Health Research, 31(13), 2470-2485. doi:10.1177/10497323211040767![]() |
Farrell, E., Hollmann, E., le Roux, C. W., Bustillo, M., Nadglowski, J., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). The lived experience of patients with obesity: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis. Obesity Reviews, 22(12). doi:10.1111/obr.13334![]() |
Farrell, E., Bustillo, M., le Roux, C. W., Nadglowski, J., Hollmann, E., & McGillicuddy, D. (2021). The lived experience of people with obesity: study protocol for a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative studies. Systematic Reviews, 10(1). doi:10.1186/s13643-021-01706-5![]() |
McGillicuddy, D. (2021). Reflecting upon primary schooling post-Covid-19 pandemic – A call for increased agency to empower a dynamic and responsive contemporary education system.. Irish Teachers' Journal, 9(1). Retrieved from | |
MacMaoilir, E., & McGillicuddy, D. (2022). “I’m Actually a Female Empowerer”: Student Perspectives on a Critical Pedagogical Approach to Re/Engage At-Risk Females in School. Education and Urban Society. doi:10.1177/00131245221106725![]() |
Dr Gráinne Ní Dhomhnaill | |
Doyle, C. B., & O’Donnell, G. M. (2022). The theory of emerging adulthood: parents’ experience of their child’s transition to college. Higher Education Research and Development, 41(2), 330-345. doi:10.1080/07294360.2020.1857342![]() |
Hannon, L., & O’Donnell, G. M. (2022). Teachers, parents, and family-school partnerships: emotions, experiences, and advocacy. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48(2), 241-255. doi:10.1080/02607476.2021.1989981![]() |
Professor Deirdre Raftery | |
Raftery, D., & Delaney, C. (2022). Teaching vocation or religious vocation: examining the changing identity of Irish teaching sisters c.1940–1970, an oral history approach. Irish Educational Studies. doi:10.1080/03323315.2022.2074074![]() |
Ferris, R., Clarke, M., Raftery, D., Liddy, M., & Sloan, S. (2022). Digital poverty in a country that is digitally powerful: some insights into leadership of girls’ schooling in India under Covid-19 restrictions. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(sup1), 34-51. doi:10.1080/02188791.2022.2031871![]() |
Raftery, D. (2022). New turns in the history of education in Ireland: from policy to practice, from theory to lived reality. History of Education, 51(3), 319-325. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2022.2060331![]() |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Raftery, D. (2022). Developing an agenda for the history of women religious in Ireland, historiography and potentiality. Irish Historical Studies. | |
Raftery, D., & Delaney, C. (2022). Irish Nuns and Education in the Anglophone World, 1800–1900. Feminist Theology, 30(3), 245-261. doi:10.1177/09667350221085167![]() |
Elena Samonova | |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2022). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12637![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., & Luttrell, W. (2022). Under the Mango Tree: Photovoice With Primary School Children in Rural Sierra Leone. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21. doi:10.1177/16094069211053106![]() |
Samonova, E. (2022). Human Rights Through the Eyes of Bonded Labourers in India. Journal of Modern Slavery, 7(2). | |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Dr Seaneen Sloan | |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2022). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12637![]() |
Ferris, R., Clarke, M., Raftery, D., Liddy, M., & Sloan, S. (2022). Digital poverty in a country that is digitally powerful: some insights into leadership of girls’ schooling in India under Covid-19 restrictions. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 42(sup1), 34-51. doi:10.1080/02188791.2022.2031871![]() |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2022). Family–school connectivity during transition to primary school. Educational Research, 64(3), 277-294. doi:10.1080/00131881.2022.2054451![]() |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Devine, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Smith, A. (2022). Anatomy of an educational change: The safe learning model, Sierra Leone. Journal of Educational Change. doi:10.1007/s10833-022-09461-7![]() |
Raftery, D., Atwal, J., Liddy, M., Ferris, R., Sloan, S., & Clarke, M. (2022). “Passing the baton”: legacy and leadership in convent schools in India and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Paedagogica Historica, 1-18. doi:10.1080/00309230.2021.2004175![]() |
D’Urso, G., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., & Devine, D. (2022). Bullies, victims, and meanies: the role of child and classmate social and emotional competencies. Social Psychology of Education, 25(1), 293-312. doi:10.1007/s11218-021-09684-1![]() |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Chzhen, Y., Symonds, J., Devine, D., Mikolai, J., Harkness, S., Sloan, S., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2022). Learning in a Pandemic: Primary School children’s Emotional Engagement with Remote Schooling during the spring 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland. Child Indicators Research, 15(4), 1517-1538. doi:10.1007/s12187-022-09922-8![]() |
Dr Aimee Smith | |
Winter, K., Neeson, L., Sweet, D., Smith, A., Millen, S., & Connolly, P. (2021). Social Innovation and Social Work: A Case Study of the Early Intervention Support Service. The British Journal of Social Work, 51(8), 2872-2891. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcaa125![]() |
Professor Ciaran Sugrue | |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Devine, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Smith, A. (2022). Anatomy of an educational change: The safe learning model, Sierra Leone. Journal of Educational Change. doi:10.1007/s10833-022-09461-7![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2022). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12637![]() |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Assoc Professor Jennifer Symonds | |
D’Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2021). Teacher Attitudes Towards the Representation of Homosexuality in Film and Television: A New Self-report Questionnaire. Sexuality and Culture, 25(5), 1726-1741. doi:10.1007/s12119-021-09846-5![]() |
D'Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2021). Risk factors for child and adolescent bullying and victimisation in Ireland: a systematic literature review. Educational Review. doi:10.1080/00131911.2021.1987391![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2021). ‘An empty bag cannot stand upright’: The nature of schooling costs in Sierra Leone. International Journal of Educational Development, 87. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102500![]() |
Symonds, J. E. (2021). Do smaller class sizes in school matter? Experts say yes. Educational Review, 73(6), 802-804. doi:10.1080/00131911.2021.1917102![]() |
Torsney, B. M., Korstange, R., & Symonds, J. E. (2021). Changing misconceptions of abilities: The impact of a brief mindset refutation text intervention. Psychology in the Schools, 58(12), 2293-2312. doi:10.1002/pits.22592![]() |
Hayes, D., Symonds, J. E., & Harwell, T. A. (2022). Preventing pollution: A scoping review of immersive learning environments and gamified systems for children and young people. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. doi:10.1080/15391523.2022.2107589![]() |
Sugrue, C., Samonova, E., Capistrano, D., Devine, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Smith, A. (2022). Anatomy of an educational change: The safe learning model, Sierra Leone. Journal of Educational Change. doi:10.1007/s10833-022-09461-7![]() |
Jones, M. H., Cooke, T. J., & Symonds, J. (2022). Not Getting What You Want: Aggression, Prosocial Behaviors, and Popularity. Social Psychology, 53(1), 46-50. doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000471![]() |
Symonds, J. E., D’Urso, G., & Schoon, I. (2022). The Long-Term Benefits of Adolescent School Engagement for Adult Educational and Employment Outcomes. Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1037/dev0001458![]() |
Tobin, E., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., & Devine, D. (2022). Family–school connectivity during transition to primary school. Educational Research, 64(3), 277-294. doi:10.1080/00131881.2022.2054451![]() |
D’Urso, G., & Symonds, J. (2022). Developmental Cascades of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Infancy to Middle Childhood: Longitudinal Associations with Bullying and Victimization. Journal of School Violence, 21(3), 294-311. doi:10.1080/15388220.2022.2081856![]() |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2022). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12637![]() |
Flanagan, R. M., & Symonds, J. E. (2022). Children's self-talk in naturalistic classroom settings in middle childhood: A systematic literature review. Educational Research Review, 35. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100432![]() |
D’Urso, G., Symonds, J., Sloan, S., & Devine, D. (2022). Bullies, victims, and meanies: the role of child and classmate social and emotional competencies. Social Psychology of Education, 25(1), 293-312. doi:10.1007/s11218-021-09684-1![]() |
Symonds, J. E., Sloan, S., Kearns, M., Devine, D., Sugrue, C., Suryanaryan, S., et al. (2022). Developing a Social Evolutionary Measure of Child and Adolescent Hedonic and Eudaimonic Wellbeing in Rural Sierra Leone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(4), 1433-1467. doi:10.1007/s10902-021-00456-4![]() |
Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., Samonova, E., Sugrue, C., & Devine, D. (2022). Assessing experiences with violence and peace in primary schools in Sierra Leone. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 14(3), 231-243. doi:10.1108/JACPR-09-2021-0633![]() |
Chzhen, Y., Symonds, J., Devine, D., Mikolai, J., Harkness, S., Sloan, S., & Martinez Sainz, G. (2022). Learning in a Pandemic: Primary School children’s Emotional Engagement with Remote Schooling during the spring 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland. Child Indicators Research, 15(4), 1517-1538. doi:10.1007/s12187-022-09922-8![]() |
Professor Judith Harford | |
Harford, J. (2021). Covid catch-up fund for school pupils is completely inadequate. | |
Harford, J. (2021). Our teacher supply problem isn’t new – It’s been growing for nearly a decade, Irish Times. | |
Harford, J. (2022). Education in Ireland is still shaped by social class despite decades of investment, Irish Times. | |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Martinez Sainz, G. (2021). Addressing online hate speech: how to promote responsible digital citizenship through education? OREALC UNESCO. Retrieved from | |
Dr Deirdre McGillicuddy | |
McGillicuddy, D. (2021). Is teacher creativity the key to transforming Irish education?. Retrieved from |
Professor Deirdre Raftery | |
Raftery, D. (2022). History of Education 51(3). In D. Raftery (Ed.), History of Education (Vol. 51, Iss. 3). Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2022.2060331![]() |
Assoc Professor Jennifer Symonds | |
Maynard, A., & Symonds, J. E. (2022). The Impact of Social Innovation Education on Wellbeing: Qualitative Case Study Findings. doi:10.31219/![]() |
Dr Deirdre McGillicuddy | |
McGillicuddy, D. (2022). Empowering & Transforming Young People’s Lives through the Relational: 20 Years of the School Completion Programme. Royal College of Physicians, Dublin. Retrieved from |
Professor Dympna Devine | |
Sloan, S., Martinez Sainz, G., Devine, D., Symonds, J., Crean, M., Moore, B., et al. (2021). Children's School Lives in Junior Infants. Report 3. Ireland: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. | |
Dr Emma Farrell | |
Sloan, S., Martinez Sainz, G., Devine, D., Symonds, J., Crean, M., Moore, B., et al. (2021). Children's School Lives in Junior Infants. Report 3. Ireland: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. | |
Dr Gabriela Martinez Sainz | |
Sloan, S., Martinez Sainz, G., Devine, D., Symonds, J., Crean, M., Moore, B., et al. (2021). Children's School Lives in Junior Infants. Report 3. Ireland: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. | |
Martinez Sainz, G., & Daminelli, J. (2022). Voice, Rights, Action! Children’s Knowledge about their Rights & Rights Education to Access Justice. Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance. |