UCD School of Geography

School of Geography - Research Publications 2021/2022

Below is the list of research publications for the School of Geography in the academic year 2021/2022.


Dr Annalisa Christie
Group, T. F. (2021). Archaeological Investigations of the Maldives in the Medieval Islamic Period Ibn Battuta's Island. Routledge.  

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Book Review

Dr Carol Ballantine
Ballantine, C. (2022). Challenging orthodoxies in gender, violence, and international relations (Vol. 25). Amsterdam University Press. doi:10.5117/tvgn2022.2.007.ballAvailable Online  

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Dr Annalisa Christie
Haour, A., Christie, A., Jaufar, S., & Vigoureux, D. (2021). Kinolhas: The trenches and stratigraphy. In A. Haour, & A. Christie (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations of the Maldives in the Medieval Islamic Period Ibn Battuta's Island (pp. 29-53). Oxford and New York: Routledge.  
Christie, A., & Jaufar, S. (2021). The archaeology the Maldives in the medieval period: A comparative study. In A. Haour, & A. Christie (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations of the Maldives in the Medieval Islamic Period Ibn Battuta's Island (pp. 143-154). Oxford and New York: Routledge.  
Christie, A. (2021). Approaching the Heritage and Archaeology of Kinolhas. In A. Haour, & A. Christie (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations of the Maldives in the Medieval Islamic Period Ibn Battuta's Island (pp. 18-28). Oxford and New York: Routledge.  
Christie, A. (2021). The fauna. In A. Haour, & A. Christie (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations of the Maldives in the Medieval Islamic Period Ibn Battuta's Island (pp. 114-122). Oxford and New York: Routledge.  
Dr Brad Garrett
Dekeyser, T., & Garrett, B. (2021). Illegal ethnographies. In Research Ethics in Human Geography (pp. 153-167). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429507366-9Available Online  
Garrett, B., & Dekeyser, T. (2021). Illegal ethnographies: Research ethics beyond the law. In S. Henn, J. Miggelbrink, & K. Hörschelmann (Eds.), Research Ethics in Human Geography. London: Routledge.  
Dr Carla Kayanan
Kayanan, C. M., Moore-Cherry, N., & Clavin, A. (2021). Cities Under Lockdown: Public Health, Urban Vulnerabilities, and Neighborhood Planning in Dublin. In Volume 2: Housing and Home (pp. 189-198). Policy Press. doi:10.1332/policypress/9781529218961.003.0017Available Online  
Kayanan, C. M., Moore-Cherry, N., & Clavin, A. (2022). Narratives, Inequalities and Civic Participation: A Case for ‘More-Than-Technological’ Approaches to Smart City Development. In Equality in the City: Imaginaries of the Smart Future (pp. 170-194). Intellect Books. doi:10.1386/9781789384642_8Available Online  
Assoc Professor Gerald Mills
Mills, G., Ching, J., & Bechtel, B. (2021). Characterising Urban Morphology for Urban Climate Modelling. In Urban Climate Science for Planning Healthy Cities (pp. 339-354). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-87598-5_15Available Online  
Professor Niamh Moore Cherry
Kayanan, C. M., Moore-Cherry, N., & Clavin, A. (2021). Cities Under Lockdown: Public Health, Urban Vulnerabilities, and Neighborhood Planning in Dublin. In Volume 2: Housing and Home (pp. 189-198). Policy Press. doi:10.1332/policypress/9781529218961.003.0017Available Online  
Kayanan, C. M., Moore-Cherry, N., & Clavin, A. (2022). Narratives, Inequalities and Civic Participation: A Case for ‘More-Than-Technological’ Approaches to Smart City Development. In Equality in the City: Imaginaries of the Smart Future (pp. 170-194). Intellect Books. doi:10.1386/9781789384642_8Available Online  
Dr Tobi Morakinyo
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Characteristics of Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Environments. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 1-9). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_1Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Human Thermal Comfort in Sub-tropical Urban Environments. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 13-33). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_2Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Dynamic Response of Pedestrian Thermal Comfort. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 35-50). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_3Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Environmental Perception and Outdoor Thermal Comfort in High-Density Cities. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 51-65). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_4Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Effects of Urban Geometry on Mean Radiant Temperature. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 69-83). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_5Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Urban Greening Strategies for Enhancing Outdoor Thermal Comfort. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 85-100). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_6Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Effect of Tree Species on Outdoor Thermal Comfort. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 101-123). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_7Available Online  
Lau, K. K. L., Tan, Z., Morakinyo, T. E., & Ren, C. (2022). Urban Climatic Map: Thermal Comfort as the Synergising Indicator. In SpringerBriefs in Architectural Design and Technology (pp. 127-140). doi:10.1007/978-981-16-5245-5_8Available Online  

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Internet publication

Dr Arlene Crampsie
Crampsie, A. (2021). Uncovering the truth behind the infamous Mayo curse - myth, memory and the media. RTÉ Brainstorm. Retrieved from https://www.rte.ie/  

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Journal article

Dr Jeremy Auerbach
Auerbach, J. D., Fitzhugh, E. C., & Zavisca, E. (2021). Impacts of Small Changes in Thoroughfare Connectivity on the Potential for Student Walking. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(4). doi:10.1061/(asce)up.1943-5444.0000743Available Online  
Muñoz, S., Walsh, E. A., Cooper, J. A., & Auerbach, J. (2022). Community-Engaged Regenerative Mapping in an Age of Displacement and COVID-19. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(3), 847-858. doi:10.1080/24694452.2021.1978838Available Online  
Auerbach, J., & Kim, H. (2022). Measuring Robustness and Coverage of Transportation Networks with Multiple Routes and Hubs. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 112(6), 1741-1760. doi:10.1080/24694452.2021.2000357Available Online  
Auerbach, J., Muñoz, S., Affiah, U., Barrera de la Torre, G., Börner, S., Cho, H., et al. (2022). Displacement of the Scholar? Participatory Action Research Under COVID-19. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6. doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.762065Available Online  
Clark, J., Muñoz, S., & Auerbach, J. (2022). When top-down infrastructures fail: spaces and practices of care and community under COVID-19. Social & Cultural Geography, 1-21. doi:10.1080/14649365.2022.2115119Available Online  
Dr Carol Ballantine
Ballantine, C., Scriver, S., & Le Goff, D. (2022). Emerging feminist research: courage and determination. Dearcadh: Graduate Journal of Gender, Globalisation and Rights, 3, 1-7.  
Ballantine, C. (2022). The Reaffirmation of Self? Narrative Inquiry for Researching Violence Against Women and Stigma. Violence Against Women, 28(9), 2231-2253. doi:10.1177/10778012211024269Available Online  
Dr Christine Bonnin
McCarthy, J., Meredith, D., & Bonnin, C. (2021). Actor motivations to engage with collaborative agri-environmental policy: An assemblage based exploration. Journal of Rural Studies, 87, 88-98. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.08.025Available Online  
McCarthy, J., Meredith, D., & Bonnin, C. (2022). ‘You have to keep it going’: Relational values and social sustainability in upland agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis. doi:10.1111/soru.12402Available Online  
Assoc Professor Joseph Brady
Evers, J., Sridhar, K., Liegey, J., Brady, J., Jahns, H., & Lowery, M. (2022). Stimulation-induced changes at the electrode-tissue interface and their influence on deep brain stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering, 19(4). doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ac7ad6Available Online  
Professor Kath Browne
Browne, K., Brown, G., & Nash, C. J. (2021). Geography and sexuality II: Homonormativity and heteroactivism. Progress in Human Geography, 45(5), 1320-1328. doi:10.1177/03091325211016087Available Online  
Browne, K. (2021). The Geographies Closest in: Intimate Geographies and/of COVID19. Irish Geography, 53(2), 151-156.  
Browne, K., & Nash, C. J. (2022). COVID19 geographies: activities and activisms of those opposed to or concerned about changes to sexual and gendered legislation and cultures. Social and Cultural Geography. doi:10.1080/14649365.2022.2110932Available Online  
Lalor, K., & Browne, K. (2022). Introduction – Here versus There: Beyond comparison in queer and sexuality politics. Sexualities. doi:10.1177/13634607221101106Available Online  
Dr Arlene Crampsie
O'Connor, S., Murphy, C., Butler, J., Crampsie, A., Ludlow, F., Horvath, C., & Jobbová, E. (2021). A weather diary from Donegal, Ireland, 1846–1875. Weather, 76(12), 385-391. doi:10.1002/wea.3818Available Online  
Stoffel, M., Corona, C., Ludlow, F., Sigl, M., Huhtamaa, H., Garnier, E., et al. (2022). Climatic, weather, and socio-economic conditions corresponding to the mid-17th-century eruption cluster. Climate of the Past, 18(5), 1083-1108. doi:10.5194/cp-18-1083-2022Available Online  
Professor Jacky Croke
Mariotti, A., Croke, J., Bartley, R., Kelley, S. E., Ward, J., Fülöp, R. H., et al. (2021). Pre-development denudation rates for the Great Barrier Reef catchments derived using <sup>10</sup>Be. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112731Available Online  
Croke, J., Vítkovský, J., Hughes, K., Campbell, M., Amirnezhad-Mozhdehi, S., Parnell, A., et al. (2021). A palaeoclimate proxy database for water security planning in Queensland Australia. Scientific Data, 8(1). doi:10.1038/s41597-021-01074-8Available Online  
Assoc Professor Federico Ferretti
Ferretti, F. (2021). Other radical geographies: Tropicality and decolonisation in 20th-century French geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46(3), 540-554. doi:10.1111/tran.12438Available Online  
Ferretti, F. (2022). Parrhesia and female leadership: radical women in Brazilian geography against dictatorship and academic conservatism. Gender, Place and Culture, 29(4), 524-546. doi:10.1080/0966369X.2021.1873747Available Online  
Dr Colman Gallagher
Arnold, N. S., Butcher, F. E. G., Conway, S. J., Gallagher, C., & Balme, M. R. (2022). Surface topographic impact of subglacial water beneath the south polar ice cap of Mars. Nature Astronomy. doi:10.1038/s41550-022-01782-0Available Online  
Dr Brad Garrett
Garrett, B. (2021). Doomsday preppers and the architecture of dread. Geoforum, 127, 401-411. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.03.014Available Online  
Garrett, B. (2022). An Ethnography of Urban Exploration: Unpacking Heterotopic Social Space. The AAG Review of Books, 10(1), 6-7. doi:10.1080/2325548x.2022.1999730Available Online  
Assoc Professor Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo
González, A., & Therivel, R. (2022). Raising the game in environmental assessment: Insights from tiering practice. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 92. doi:10.1016/j.eiar.2021.106695Available Online  
Malepe, K. V., González, A., & Retief, F. P. (2022). Evaluating the quality of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs) for tourism developments in protected areas: The Kruger to Canyons Biosphere case study. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 40(5), 384-398. doi:10.1080/14615517.2022.2091055Available Online  
González, A. (2022). Strategic environmental assessment monitoring: the enduring forgotten sibling. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 40(2), 168-176. doi:10.1080/14615517.2022.2031552Available Online  
González, A., & Connell, P. (2022). Developing a renewable energy planning decision-support tool: Stakeholder input guiding strategic decisions. Applied Energy, 312. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118782Available Online  
Carvalho, C., Del Campo, A. G., & de Carvalho Cabral, D. (2022). Scales of inequality: The role of spatial extent in environmental justice analysis. Landscape and Urban Planning, 221, 104369. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2022.104369Available Online  
Dr Eva Jobbová
O'Connor, S., Murphy, C., Butler, J., Crampsie, A., Ludlow, F., Horvath, C., & Jobbová, E. (2021). A weather diary from Donegal, Ireland, 1846–1875. Weather, 76(12), 385-391. doi:10.1002/wea.3818Available Online  
Professor Alun Jones
Jones, A. (2022). “Emotionscapes of geopolitics”: Interpreting in the United Nations Security Council. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(1), 47-62. doi:10.1111/tran.12452Available Online  
Jones, A. (2022). Babelic organisations and the interpreters of geopolitical knowledge production. Political Geography, 95. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102582Available Online  
Dr Carla Kayanan
Kayanan, C. M. (2022). A critique of innovation districts: Entrepreneurial living and the burden of shouldering urban development. Environment and Planning A, 54(1), 50-66. doi:10.1177/0308518X211049445Available Online  
Moore-Cherry, N., Kayanan, C. M., Tomaney, J., & Pike, A. (2022). Governing the Metropolis: An International Review of Metropolitanisation, Metropolitan Governance and the Relationship with Sustainable Land Management. Land, 11(5). doi:10.3390/land11050761Available Online  
Dr Julien Mercille
Sturm, T., Mercille, J., Albrecht, T., Cole, J., Dodds, K., & Longhurst, A. (2021). Interventions in critical health geopolitics: Borders, rights, and conspiracies in the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Geography, 91. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102445Available Online  
Mercille, J., & O'Neill, N. (2022). Institutional Business Power: The Case of Ireland's Private Home Care Providers. Journal of Social Policy. doi:10.1017/S0047279422000277Available Online  
Mercille, J., Edwards, J., & O’neill, N. (2022). Home care professionals’ views on working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Ireland. International Journal of Care and Caring, 6(1-2), 85-102. doi:10.1332/239788221X16345464319417Available Online  
Mercille, J., Turner, B., & Lucey, D. S. (2022). Ireland's takeover of private hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 17(2), 232-237. doi:10.1017/S1744133121000189Available Online  
Assoc Professor Gerald Mills
Buckley, N., Mills, G., Reinhart, C., & Berzolla, Z. M. (2021). Using urban building energy modelling (UBEM) to support the new European Union's Green Deal: Case study of Dublin Ireland. Energy and Buildings, 247. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111115Available Online  
Ishola, K. A., Mills, G., Fealy, R. M., & Fealy, R. (2022). A model framework to investigate the role of anomalous land surface processes in the amplification of summer drought across Ireland during 2018. International Journal of Climatology. doi:10.1002/joc.7785Available Online  
Patel, P., Jamshidi, S., Nadimpalli, R., Aliaga, D. G., Mills, G., Chen, F., et al. (2022). Modeling Large-Scale Heatwave by Incorporating Enhanced Urban Representation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(2). doi:10.1029/2021JD035316Available Online  
Mills, G., Stewart, I. D., & Niyogi, D. (2022). The origins of modern urban climate science: reflections on ‘A numerical model of the urban heat island’. Progress in Physical Geography, 46(4), 649-656. doi:10.1177/03091333221107212Available Online  
Demuzere, M., Kittner, J., Martilli, A., Mills, G., Moede, C., Stewart, I. D., et al. (2022). A global map of local climate zones to support earth system modelling and urban-scale environmental science. Earth System Science Data, 14(8), 3835-3873. doi:10.5194/essd-14-3835-2022Available Online  
Professor Niamh Moore Cherry
Moore Cherry, N., & Philip, L. (2021). Public space by and for whom?. Architecture Ireland, 319, 13-16.  
Seery, C., Andres, A., Moore-Cherry, N., & O’Sullivan, S. (2021). Students as Partners in Peer Mentoring: Expectations, Experiences and Emotions. Innovative Higher Education, 46(6), 663-681. doi:10.1007/s10755-021-09556-8Available Online  
Moore-Cherry, N. (2022). Pathways to a more policy-engaged geography. Space and Polity. doi:10.1080/13562576.2022.2090137Available Online  
Ferm, J., Freire Trigo, S., & Moore-Cherry, N. (2022). Documenting the ‘soft spaces’ of London planning: Opportunity Areas as institutional fix in a growth-oriented city. Regional Studies, 56(3), 394-405. doi:10.1080/00343404.2021.1902976Available Online  
Hall, T., & Moore-Cherry, N. (2022). Negotiating applied and critical perspectives within the geography curriculum. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. doi:10.1080/03098265.2022.2119475Available Online  
Moore-Cherry, N., Kayanan, C. M., Tomaney, J., & Pike, A. (2022). Governing the Metropolis: An International Review of Metropolitanisation, Metropolitan Governance and the Relationship with Sustainable Land Management. Land, 11(5). doi:10.3390/land11050761Available Online  
Zhang, Z., & Moore-Cherry, N. (2022). Urban Redevelopment, Displacement, and Governmentality in Nanjing’s Historic Inner-City. Antipode, 54(3), 979-999. doi:10.1111/anti.12801Available Online  
Dr Tobi Morakinyo
Adegun, O. B., Ikudayisi, A. E., Morakinyo, T. E., & Olusoga, O. O. (2021). Urban green infrastructure in Nigeria: A review. Scientific African, 14. doi:10.1016/j.sciaf.2021.e01044Available Online  
Ren, C., Wang, K., Shi, Y., Kwok, Y. T., Morakinyo, T. E., Lee, T. C., & Li, Y. (2021). Investigating the urban heat and cool island effects during extreme heat events in high-density cities: A case study of Hong Kong from 2000 to 2018. International Journal of Climatology, 41(15), 6736-6754. doi:10.1002/joc.7222Available Online  
Ouyang, W., Sinsel, T., Simon, H., Morakinyo, T. E., Liu, H., & Ng, E. (2022). Evaluating the thermal-radiative performance of ENVI-met model for green infrastructure typologies: Experience from a subtropical climate. Building and Environment, 207. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108427Available Online  
Tan, Z., Wang, A., Morakinyo, T. E., Yung, E. H. K., & Chan, E. H. W. (2022). Assessing the mitigation performance of building setback from street and the combination with roadside tree planting. Building and Environment, 212. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.108814Available Online  
Professor Rosana Pinheiro-Machado
Pinheiro-Machado, R., & Scalco, L. M. (2022). The right to shine: Poverty, consumption and (de) politicization in neoliberal Brazil. Journal of Consumer Culture. doi:10.1177/14695405221086066Available Online  
Dr Jonathan Turner
Casserly, C. M., Turner, J. N., O’ Sullivan, J. J., Bruen, M., Magee, D., Coiléir, S. O., & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2021). Coarse sediment dynamics and low-head dams: Monitoring instantaneous bedload transport using a stationary RFID antenna. Journal of Environmental Management, 300. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113671Available Online  

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Assoc Professor Gerald Mills
Kittner, J., Demuzere, M., Mills, G., Moede, C., Niyogi, D., van Vliet, J., & Bechtel, B. (2022). A global Local Climate Zone map: revealing intra-urban heterogeneity.. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6213Available Online  
Li, Z., Mill, G., Demuzere, M., & Bechtel, B. (2022). Evaluating urban risks in Europe using publicly available continental-scale data. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6365Available Online  
Obe, B., Morakinyo, T. E., & Mills, G. (2022). Modelling the Urbanization Effect on Urban Energy Fluxes over a Tropical Humid City, Lagos, Nigeria using SUEWS &amp;#160;. doi:10.5194/ems2022-147Available Online  
Sati, A. P., Li, Z., Obe, B., Demuzere, M., Fealy, R., Ishola, K., & Mills, G. (2022). Application and evaluation of the WRF-chem modelling infrastructure over Ireland to support greenhouse gas mitigation policies. doi:10.5194/ems2022-25Available Online  
Perrels, A., & Millls, G. (2022). Identifying and enhancing socioeconomic value of Integrated Urban Services. doi:10.5194/ems2022-673Available Online  
Demuzere, M., Kittner, J., Martilli, A., Mills, G., Moede, C., Stewart, I. D., et al. (2022). A global map of Local Climate Zones to support earth system modelling and urban scale environmental science. doi:10.5194/ems2022-83Available Online  
Dr Tobi Morakinyo
Obe, B., Morakinyo, T. E., & Mills, G. (2022). Modelling the Urbanization Effect on Urban Energy Fluxes over a Tropical Humid City, Lagos, Nigeria using SUEWS &amp;#160;. doi:10.5194/ems2022-147Available Online  

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Assoc Professor Gerald Mills
Demuzere, M., Kittner, J., Martilli, A., Mills, G., Moede, C., Stewart, I. D., et al. (2022). A global map of Local Climate Zones to support earth system modelling and urban scale environmental science. doi:10.5194/essd-2022-92Available Online  

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Professor Kath Browne
Noone, C., Hoey, J., Costa, E., Keogh, B., Buggy, C., & Browne, K. (2022). Across the Spectrum - Attitudes towards Minoritised Genders and Sexualities in Ireland. Dublin: Irish National LGBT Federation. Retrieved from https://www.nxf.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/NXF-Across-the-Spectrum.pdf  
Ashby, D., Banerjea, N., Baker, P., Borisa, D., Browne, K., di Feliciantonio, C., et al. (2022). Sexual and intimate citizenship in a Time of Pandemic. University of Leicester. doi:10.29311/lwps.202274079Available Online  
Ashby, D., Banerjea, N., Baker, P., Borisa, D., Browne, K., di Feliciantonio, C., et al. (2022). The Epistemologies of ‘Lockdown’: closets, vulnerability, and citizenship. University of Leicester. doi:10.29311/lwps.202274078Available Online  
Assoc Professor Ainhoa Gonzalez Del Campo
Gonzalez Del Campo, A. (2021). Tiering of Environmental Assessment - The Influence of Strategic Environmental Assessment on Project-level Environmental Impact Assessment.. Ireland: Environmental Protection Agency.  
Gonzalez Del Campo, A., & Therivel, R. (2021). Guidance on Strategic Environmental Assessment - Environmental Impact Assessment Tiering. Ireland: Environmental Protection Agency.  

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