Below is the list of research publications for the School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore in the academic year 2022/23.
Dr Richard Huddleson | |
Cruz, S. J. I. D. L. (2023). Love is the Greater Labyrinth. UCLA Center for 17th- And 18th. |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2022). Patrick Graham: Transiguration, Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane (exhibition review). New York: Artforum. |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2023). Review of Reinhard Mucha, Der Mucha,. London: Art Monthly. |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2023). Review of Caragh Thuring, Hastings Contemporary. New York: Artforum. |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2023). Beyond Drawing. In Beyond Drawing (pp. 11-13). Skibbereen: Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre. |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2023). Tribuna. In M. Swords (Ed.), Mark: Swords: Tribuna (pp. 2-4). Dublin: Royal Hibernian Academy. |
Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail, M. (2023). 'Two Uí Bhriain elegies unique to the O'Gara Manuscript'. In A. Ó Fionnagáin, & G. Ó Riain (Eds.), Léann na Sionainne (pp. 123-154). Dublin: Cló Léann na Gaeilge. Retrieved from |
Dr Aoife Whelan | |
Whelan, A. (2023). Irish Independent coverage of Douglas Hyde’s vision for a De-Anglicised Ireland. In L. Mac Mathúna, & M. Nic an Bhaird (Eds.), Douglas Hyde: Irish Ideology and International Impact (pp. 79-97). Dublin: NUI. |
Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail, M. (2022). 'An Irish émigré living in nineteenth-century London'. In Irish Literary Society / Irish Texts Society annual Noel O'Connell Lecture. Retrieved from |
Ní Úrdail, M. (2022). 'Pádraig Ó Laoghaire: "fear foghlamtha géarchúiseach glic stuama teasghrách saothrach"’. In Seminar Series, Department of Modern Irish, Maynooth University. Retrieved from |
Ní Úrdail, M. (2023). 'Leigheas Coise Chéin: an téacs agus a sheachadadh'. In Athchuairt ar Silva Gadelica / Silva Gadelica Revisited. Trinity College Dublin. Retrieved from |
Dr Aoife Whelan | |
Whelan, A. (2023). ‘Language follows trade’: |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Nic Congáil, R., Mac Giolla Léith, C., & Ó Muircheartaigh, P. (Eds.) (2022). ComharTaighde 8. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar. |
Dr Ríona Nic Congáil | |
Nic Congáil, R., Mac Giolla Léith, C., & Ó Muircheartaigh, P. (Eds.) (2022). ComharTaighde 8. Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar. |
Dr Richard Huddleson | |
Huddleson, R. (2022). Caught up between Nets, Hooks, and Rhymes: Translator’s commentary for the Entremès del Pasquedó. The AALITRA Review: A Journal of Literary Translation, 17, 101-116. Retrieved from |
Huddleson, R. (2023). Translating transgender lives: bringing La pell escrita to Belfast. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 31(2), 250-264. doi:10.1080/0907676X.2022.2105154 ![]() |
Huddleson, R. (2023). Brave New Worlds? COVID-19 and Irish-Language Theatre Produced under Lockdown in Northern Ireland. Theatre Research International, 48(1), 67-81. doi:10.1017/S0307883322000414 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Caoimhin Mac Giolla Leith | |
Mac Giolla Leith, C. (2023). Remembering Brian O'Doherty. The Brooklyn Rail. |
Professor Liam Mac Mathúna | |
Uí Chollatáin, R. (2022). A New Gaelic League Idea: The Global Context.. Éigse. A Journal of Irish Studies. Publications 3. Douglas Hyde: Irish ideology and international impact, Éigse Journal of Irish Studies, 3(3), 15-49. |
Professor Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail | |
Ní Úrdail, M. (2023). 'A Émuinn, an agad féin!: dán cointinne agus dán ómóis in éineacht'. Eriu, 72 (2022), 57-78. Retrieved from |
Dr Ríona Nic Congáil | |
Nic Congáil, R. (n.d.). Litríocht Ghaeilge na nÓg, 1900–2022. COMHARTaighde, (8). doi:10.18669/ct.2022.03 ![]() |
Nic Congáil, R. (2022). The Three Stack Sisters: A New Perspective on 20th-Century Irish-Language Women’s Writing. Études irlandaises, (47-2), 71-87. doi:10.4000/etudesirlandaises.13373 ![]() |
Assoc Professor Fangzhe Qiu | |
Stifter, D., Qiu, F., Aquino-López, M. A., Bauer, B., Lash, E., & White, N. (2022). Strategies in tracing linguistic variation in a corpus of Old Irish texts (CorPH). International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 27(4), 529-553. doi:10.1075/ijcl.22018.sti ![]() |
Dr Ríona Nic Congáil | |
Nic Congáil, R. (2022). Youth Engagement in the Irish Language through Theatre and the Performing Arts. Universitat de Girona & Université de Perpignan, Via Domitia et Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. |