UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy

School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy - Research Publications 2022/23

Below is the list of research publications for the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy in the academic year 2022/23.


Mr William Dimond

Dimond, W., & Donaghy, M. (2023). Liberties Housing Reimagined [Artefact]. Royan Hibernian Academy Dublin.


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Assoc Professor Michael Lennon

Lennon, M. (2023). Meaning making in planning: Theorising 'Policy entitlement' in the emergence of green infrastructure planning in Ireland. doi:10.4324/9781003413608

Available Online

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Book Review

Dr Yunpeng Zhang

Zhang, Y. (2023). Cities of dragons and elephants: urbanization and urban development in China and India (Vol. 64). Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/15387216.2021.1939751

Available Online

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Ms Alice Clancy

Clancy, A. (2022). Notes from the online world. In Rethinking the Crit: New Pedagogies in Design Education (pp. 203-216). doi:10.4324/9781003289432-19

Available Online

Clancy, A., Dunn, M., Flynn, P., Delport, H., Cleary, J., Dondea, L., et al. (2022). In Conversation With. In P. Flynn, M. O'Connor, M. Price, & M. Dunn (Eds.), Rethinking the Crit: New Pedagogies in Design Education (pp. 8 pages). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003289432

Available Online

Clancy, A. (2022). Notes from the Online World. In P. Flynn, M. Price, M. O'Connor, & M. Dunn (Eds.), Rethinking the Crit: New Pedagogies in Design Education (pp. 14 pages). London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003289432

Available Online

Clancy, A. (2023). Visual Prologue. In L. Lokko, E. Scanlon, L. Lord, S. de Villiers, & F. Swart (Eds.), The Laboratory of the Future. Venice: La Biennale di Venezia.


LOKKO. (2023). Biennale Architettura 2023 The Laboratory of The Future. In Unknown Book (pp. 0 pages).

Mr William Dimond

Dimond, W., & Donaghy, M. (2023). Urban Horticulture. In Housing Unlocked - Making it Happen (pp. 26-30). Dublin: The Housing Agency - IAF.


Dimond, W., & Donaghy, M. (2023). Housing Unlocked -Urban Horticulture. In N. Sweeney (Ed.), Housing Unlocked - Making It Happen (pp. 28-31). Dublin: The Housing Agency.

Mr Marcus Donaghy

Dimond, W., & Donaghy, M. (2023). Urban Horticulture. In Housing Unlocked - Making it Happen (pp. 26-30). Dublin: The Housing Agency - IAF.

Dr Linda Fox-Rogers

Murphy, E., & Fox-Rogers, L. (2023). Marxian understandings of power. In Handbook on Planning and Power (pp. 12-25). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109768.00008

Available Online
Dr Aura Istrate

McKeown, A., Lennon, M., White, R., Garska, J., Istrate, A., Russell, P., & Hochstrasser, T. (2023). Serious Games for Empowering Teenagers: A STEAM Approach to Climate Change Reflection and Communication. In University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research (pp. 1-24). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25960-9_51-1

Available Online
Assoc Professor Michael Lennon

Lennon, M., Scott, M., & Douglas, O. (2022). Green Space Attributes for Enhancing Health and Wellbeing. In A. Peric, A. A. Alraouf, & J. Cilliers (Eds.), Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-being. The Hague, The Netherlands: ISOCARP. Retrieved from https://isocarp.org/publications/isocarp-review/


McKeown, A., Lennon, M., White, R., Garska, J., Istrate, A., Russell, P., & Hochstrasser, T. (2023). Serious Games for Empowering Teenagers: A STEAM Approach to Climate Change Reflection and Communication. In University Initiatives on Climate Change Education and Research (pp. 1-24). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25960-9_51-1

Available Online
Assoc Professor Samantha Martin

Martin, S., & Farah, L. M. (2023). Confluence. In Mobs and Microbes Global Perspectives on Market Halls, Civic Order and Public Health. Leuven: Leuven University Press.


Martin, S. (2023). At the Water’s Edge. In Ancient Methone, 2003-2013 Excavations by Matthaios Bessios, Athena Athanassiadou, and Konstantinos Noulas. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.

Professor Enda Murphy

Murphy, E., & Murphy, E. (2022). Data Partnerships for the SDGs: The Potential of Federated Information Systems. In Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 71-84). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07461-5_6

Available Online

Murphy, E., Banerjee, A., & Walsh, P. P. (2022). The Future of Partnerships for the SDGs. In Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 119-124). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07461-5_10

Available Online

Banerjee, A., Murphy, E., & Walsh, P. P. (2022). National Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals: Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in Ireland. In Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 85-94). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07461-5_7

Available Online

González, A., Guinness, S. M., Murphy, E., Kelleher, G., & Hagin-Meade, L. (2022). Partnering Locally to Monitor Changes Toward the Achievement of the SDGs. In Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 107-118). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07461-5_9

Available Online

Walsh, P. P., Banerjee, A., & Murphy, E. (2022). The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In Sustainable Development Goals Series (pp. 1-12). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07461-5_1

Available Online

Murphy, E., & Fox-Rogers, L. (2023). Marxian understandings of power. In Handbook on Planning and Power (pp. 12-25). Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781839109768.00008

Available Online
Ms Orla Murphy

Murphy, O., & Delaney, M. (2023). Learning from Castleblayney: conversation and action in a small Irish town. In A. Martire, J. Clossick, & B. Hausleitner (Eds.), Everyday Streets Inclusive approaches to understanding and designing streets. London: UCL Press.

Professor Finola O'Kane

McGrath, C. I. (2023). Imperial Barrack-Building in Eighteenth-Century Ireland and Jamaica. In F. O'Kane, & C. O'Neill (Eds.), Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean: Interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 240-255). Manchester: Manchester University Press.


O'Kane, F. (2023). 'Comparing Imperial Design Strategies; The Franco-Irish Plantations of Saint-Domingue (Haiti)'. In F. O'Kane, & C. O'Neill (Eds.), Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean; Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 156-178). Manchester: Manchester University Press.


O'Kane, F. (2023). 'Designed in Parallel or in Translation? The linked Jamaican and Irish landscapes of the Browne family, Marquises of Sligo'. In F. O'Kane, & C. O'Neill (Eds.), Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean; Interdisciplinary Perspectives 1620-1830 (pp. 182-381). Manchester: Manchester University Press.


O'Kane, F. (2023). Views of Victory; The Landscapes of the Battle of the Boyne. In S. Whiteman (Ed.), The Rhetorics of Landscape; Articulating Authority in the Early Modern World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Professor Francesco Pilla

Calleo, Y., Di Zio, S., & Pilla, F. (n.d.). A Natural Language Processing approach to measure expertise in the Delphi-based scenarios. In Proceedings e report (pp. 163-168). Firenze University Press and Genova University Press. doi:10.36253/979-12-215-0106-3.29

Available Online
Professor Mark Scott

Lennon, M., Scott, M., & Douglas, O. (2022). Green Space Attributes for Enhancing Health and Wellbeing. In A. Peric, A. A. Alraouf, & J. Cilliers (Eds.), Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-being. The Hague, The Netherlands: ISOCARP. Retrieved from https://isocarp.org/publications/isocarp-review/


Scott, M. (2023). Spatial planning and rural quality of life. In Rural Quality of Life (pp. 118-133). doi:10.7765/9781526161642.00017

Available Online
Anna Skoura

Martire, A., Hausleitner, B., & Clossick, J. (Eds.) (2023). Everyday Streets. In . UCL Press. doi:10.14324/111.9781800084407

Available Online
Dr Yunpeng Zhang

Zhang, Y., & Zhang, W. (2022). Regenerating Shanghai through urban spatial design?. In The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Volume I (pp. 155-170). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003112464-13

Available Online

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Conference Paper

Dr Linda Fox-Rogers

Fox-Rogers, L., & Ellis, G. (2022). Stakeholder opinion of planning: A longitudinal analysis from Northern Ireland. In UK Planning Conference. University of Manchester.


Ellis, G., Fox-Rogers, L., Sartorio, F., Pafi, M., & Morgan, S. (2023). Trust and institutional design - A comparative analysis from the island of Ireland. In Association of the European Schools of Planning (AESOP). University of Lodz, Poland.


Fox-Rogers, L., Ellis, G., Sartorio, F., & Morgan, S. (2023). Perceptions matter: A temporal analysis of stakeholder opinion of Northern Ireland’s planning system. In Association of the European Schools of Planning. University of Lodz, Poland.

Assoc Professor Samantha Martin

Martin, S. (2023). The Tradition of Architectural Sustainability: A Case Study from Samburu, Kenya. In American Institute of Archaeology/Society of Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr Anna Molter

Giuffrida, N., Molter, A., Pilla, F., Walsh, C., & Carroll, P. (2022). A simplified index to improve active mobility infrastructure based on digital survey: the case of Dublin. In Transport Research Arena.

Professor Finola O'Kane

O'Kane, F. (2023). 'Sharp gradients of landscape history in Connacht, Conamara and Tim Robinson's work'. In Re-mapping Landscapes Symposium. Kylemore Abbey, Co. Galway.


O'Kane, F. (2023). A Very Short History of Irish Urban Design. In UCD Urban Design Symposium.


O'Kane, F. (2023). Sharp gradients of landscape design in eighteenth-century Saint-Domingue (Haiti). In Society of Architectural Historians 76th Annual International Conference.


O'Kane, F. (2023). How not to design a transatlantic port; the examples of Darien, Georgia and Westport, Co. Mayo. In Ports Past and Present, closing symposium. UCC.


O'Kane, F. (2023). Marshalling classicism in Ireland's interests: two landscapes of significance from 1690 and 1916. In Graeco-Roman Influences in Irish Visual and Material Culture. University of Aarhus, Denmark.


O'Kane, F. (2023). Plantation Islands: Comparing the landscapes of eighteenth-century Haiti, Jamaica and Ireland. In Catholic Colonialism in the North Atlantic. St Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.

Professor Eoin O'Neill

Mooney, S., O’Neill, E., & Hynds, P. (2023). Top-down and bottom-up management of private groundwater contamination risk: A comparative scoping review of similarities, drivers and challenges in two developed regions. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17513

Available Online
Professor Francesco Pilla

Giuffrida, N., Molter, A., Pilla, F., Walsh, C., & Carroll, P. (2022). A simplified index to improve active mobility infrastructure based on digital survey: the case of Dublin. In Transport Research Arena.


Giuffrida, N., Pilla, F., & Carroll, P. (2023). The social sustainability of cycling: Assessing equity in the accessibility of bike-sharing services. In Journal of Transport Geography Vol. 106. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103490

Available Online

Calleo, Y., Giuffrida, N., & Pilla, F. (2023). The future of transport and stakeholders' engagement: a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature. In Transportation Research Procedia Vol. 69 (pp. 639-646). doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.02.218

Available Online

Ren, Z., Mills, G., & Pilla, F. (2023). Urban meteorological forcing data for building energy simulations at a neighbourhood scale. In EGU General Assembly 2023. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15145

Available Online

Vasudevan, M., Pilla, F., & McNabola, A. (2023). Enhancing Ventilation in Street Canyons Using Adjustable Roof-Level Wind Flow Deflectors. In SSRN 4545545. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4545545

Available Online
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton

Walsh, S. J., & Shotton, E. (2023). Integrating Design For Adaptability, Disassembly & Reuse Into Architectural Design Practice: The Practical Redesign Of A Case Study Timber Framed Dwelling. In World Conference on Timber Engineering. Oslo.


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Edited Book

Assoc Professor Samantha Martin

Martin, S., & Farah, L. M. (Eds.) (2023). Mobs and Microbes: Global Perspectives on Market Halls, Civic Order and Public Health. Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Professor Finola O'Kane

O'Kane, F., & O'Neill, C. (2023). Ireland, Slavery and the Caribbean; Interdisciplinary Perspectives. F. O'Kane, & C. O'Neill (Eds.), Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Dr Ana Peric Momcilovic

Peric, A., Alraouf, A., & Cilliers, J. (Eds.) (2022). Review of World Planning Practice (Volume 18): Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-being. The Hague: ISOCARP.


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Internet publication

Dr Leonhard Lades

Lades, L., Johnson, J., & O'Connor, R. (2022). “Sludge” in Irish Policymaking. Retrieved from https://publicpolicy.ie/governance/sludge-in-irish-policymaking/


Lades, L., & Nova, F. (2022). Nudges and Other Behavioural Public Policy Instruments to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Behaviour. Retrieved from https://publicpolicy.ie/

Professor Brendan Williams

Knaap, G., Nedovic-Budic, Z., Brendan, W., Finio, N., Lung-Amam, W., & Knaap, E. (2022). Equitable Cities Initiative Case Studies https://www.lincolninst.edu .. Lincoln Instute of Land Policy,Cambridge, Mass. USA..


Knaap, G., Nedovic-Budic, Z., Finio, N., Lung Amam, W., & Knaap, E. (2022). Equitable Cities Initiative Case Studies https://www.lincolninst.edu. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Mass. USA..


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Journal article

Dr Finbarr Brereton

Kabiso, A. F., O’Neill, E., Brereton, F., & Abeje, W. (2022). Rapid Urbanization in Ethiopia: Lakes as Drivers and Its Implication for the Management of Common Pool Resources. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(19). doi:10.3390/su141912788

Available Online
Dr Craig Bullock

Penk, M. R., Bruen, M., Feld, C. K., Piggott, J. J., Christie, M., Bullock, C., & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2022). Using weighted expert judgement and nonlinear data analysis to improve Bayesian belief network models for riverine ecosystem services. Science of the Total Environment, 851. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158065

Available Online

Somlai, C., Bullock, C., & Gallagher, J. (2023). Plastic packaging waste in Europe: Addressing methodological challenges in recording and reporting. Waste Management and Research, 41(6), 1134-1143. doi:10.1177/0734242X221142192

Available Online
Dr Joyce Chen

Chen, J., Ward, T. J., Ho, S. S. H., & Ho, K. F. (2022). Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Personal PM<inf>2.5</inf>-Bound Phthalates Exposure for Adults in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20). doi:10.3390/ijerph192013425

Available Online

Chen, J., Jahn, H. J., Sun, H. Z., Ning, Z., Lu, W., Ho, K. F., & Ward, T. J. (2022). Validity of using ambient concentrations as surrogate exposures at the individual level for fine particle and black carbon: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental Pollution, 312. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120030

Available Online
Professor Peter Clinch

Guo, Y., Kelly, J. A., & Clinch, J. P. (2022). Variability in total cost of vehicle ownership across vehicle and user profiles. Communications in Transportation Research, 2. doi:10.1016/j.commtr.2022.100071

Available Online
Dr Chiara Ferrante

Ferrante, C., & Pontarollo, N. (2022). The Populist Outbreak and the Role of Institutional Quality in European Regions. Scienze Regionali, 21(3), 337-366. doi:10.14650/105120

Available Online
Dr Aura Istrate

Istrate, A. L. (2023). Street Vitality: What Predicts Pedestrian Flows and Stationary Activities on Predominantly Residential Chinese Streets, at the Mesoscale?. Journal of Planning Education and Research. doi:10.1177/0739456X231184607

Available Online

Istrate, A. L., Popartan, L. A., Auerbach, J., Gaspari, J., & Tavangar, M. R. (2023). Collaborative research for transitioning to Climate-Neutral Cities – contouring a prospective framework for integrated planning. Planning Theory. doi:10.1177/14730952231183303

Available Online

Istrate, A. L. (2023). Unpacking human activities and the social attributes shaping street vitality in a Chinese context–a microscale analysis. Journal of Urbanism. doi:10.1080/17549175.2023.2253437

Available Online

Rudincová, K. Ž., Ženka, J., Bosák, V., Slach, O., Istrate, A., & Novácek, A. (2023). Perception and preferred reuse of vegetated vacant lots along main streets in a shrinking city. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 85. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127956

Available Online
Dr Luke Kelleher

Kelly, J. A., Kelleher, L., Guo, Y., Deegan, C., Larsen, B., Shukla, S., & Collins, A. (2022). Assessing preference and potential for working from anywhere: A spatial index for Ireland. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 15. doi:10.1016/j.indic.2022.100190

Available Online

Kelly, J. A., Kelleher, L., Guo, Y., Deegan, C., & Patil, A. (2023). Transport poverty risk – A composite spatial index to support policy design and investment targeting as part of a just climate transition. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 18. doi:10.1016/j.indic.2023.100254

Available Online
Assoc Professor Oliver Kinnane

Alayed, E., Bensaid, D., O'Hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2022). Thermal mass impact on energy consumption for buildings in hot climates: A novel finite element modelling study comparing building constructions for arid climates in Saudi Arabia. Energy and Buildings, 271. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112324

Available Online

O'Hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2022). Whole life carbon quantification of the built environment: Case study Ireland. Building and Environment, 226. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109730

Available Online

Attia, S., Benzidane, C., Rahif, R., Amaripadath, D., Hamdy, M., Holzer, P., et al. (2023). Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 292. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113170

Available Online
Assoc Professor Dieter F. Kogler

Shin, H., Kogler, D. F., & Kim, K. (2023). The relevance of scientific knowledge externalities for technological change and resulting inventions across European metropolitan areas. Review of Regional Research. doi:10.1007/s10037-023-00190-9

Available Online

Cabras, I., Kogler, D. F., Davies, R. B., & Higgins, D. (2023). Beer, brewing, and regional studies. Regional Studies, 57(10), 1905-1908. doi:10.1080/00343404.2023.2216066

Available Online

Kogler, D. F., Whittle, A., Kim, K., & Lengyel, B. (2023). Understanding Regional Branching: Knowledge Diversification via Inventor and Firm Collaboration Networks. Economic Geography. doi:10.1080/00130095.2023.2242551

Available Online

Kim, K., Nonnis, A., Özaygen, A., & Kogler, D. F. (2023). Green-tech firm creation in Germany: the role of regional knowledge. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 19(1), 97-120. doi:10.1007/s11365-022-00808-3

Available Online

Kogler, D. F., Davies, R. B., Lee, C., & Kim, K. (2023). Regional knowledge spaces: the interplay of entry-relatedness and entry-potential for technological change and growth. Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(2), 645-668. doi:10.1007/s10961-022-09924-2

Available Online
Dr Sruthi Krishnan V

Krishnan V, S., & Mohammed Firoz, C. (2023). Assessment of regional environmental quality using cluster analysis. Environmental Development, 45. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2023.100832

Available Online
Dr Leonhard Lades

Lades, L., Zawojska, E., Johnston, R., Hanley, N., Delaney, L., & Czajkowski, M. (2023). Anomalies or Expected Behaviors? Understanding Stated Preferences and Welfare Implications in Light of Contemporary Behavioral Economics. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.


Laffan, K., Lades, L. K., & Delaney, L. (2023). Paths that lead astray: Examining the situational predictors of intention-behaviour gaps in meat consumption. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2023.102045

Available Online

Samahita, M., & Lades, L. (2023). Compliance spending aversion: An unintended consequence of charity regulation. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 6(1).

Assoc Professor Michael Lennon

Harrahill, K., Macken-Walsh, Á., O’Neill, E., & Lennon, M. (2022). An Analysis of Irish Dairy Farmers’ Participation in the Bioeconomy: Exploring Power and Knowledge Dynamics in a Multi-actor EIP-AGRI Operational Group. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(19). doi:10.3390/su141912098

Available Online

Lennon, M. (2023). Planning and the Post-Pandemic City. Planning Theory and Practice, 24(1), 140-143. doi:10.1080/14649357.2021.1960733

Available Online

Lennon, M., & Tubridy, F. (2023). ‘Time’ as a focus for planning research: exploring temporalities of coastal change. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 25(3), 301-313. doi:10.1080/1523908X.2022.2122420

Available Online

Walsh, C., Lennon, M., Scott, M., & Tubridy, F. (2023). Spatial imaginaries in flood risk management: insights from a managed retreat initiative in upper Bavaria. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 66(13), 2668-2690. doi:10.1080/09640568.2022.2082927

Available Online

González, A., Therivel, R., Lara, A., & Lennon, M. (2023). Empowering the public in environmental assessment: Advances or enduring challenges?. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 101. doi:10.1016/j.eiar.2023.107142

Available Online
Dr Ammar Malik

Malik, A., Lhachemi, H., & Shorten, R. (2023). A cyber-physical system to design 3D models using mixed reality technologies and deep learning for additive manufacturing. PLoS ONE, 18(7 July). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0289207

Available Online
Dr Sarbast Moslem

Moslem, S. (2023). A Novel Parsimonious Best Worst Method for Evaluating Travel Mode Choice. IEEE Access, 11, 16768-16773. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3242120

Available Online

Hussain, A., Ullah, K., Khan, M. N., Senapati, T., & Moselm, S. (2023). Complex T-Spherical Fuzzy Frank Aggregation Operators With Application in the Assessment of Soil Fertility. IEEE Access, 11, 103132-103145. doi:10.1109/access.2023.3313181

Available Online

Khan, M. S. A., Jan, S. U., Jan, R., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). Complex interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision support system with application to COVID-19 healthcare facilities. Complex and Intelligent Systems. doi:10.1007/s40747-023-01090-8

Available Online

Rawat, S. S., Komal., Liu, P., Stevic, Z., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). A novel group decision-making approach based on partitioned Hamy mean operators in q-rung orthopair fuzzy context. Complex and Intelligent Systems. doi:10.1007/s40747-023-01201-5

Available Online

Ortega, J., & Moslem, S. (2023). Decision support system for evaluating park &amp; ride system using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 11(1). doi:10.1080/21650020.2023.2194362

Available Online

Khan, M. S. A., Anjum, F., Ullah, I., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). Priority Degrees and Distance Measures of Complex Hesitant Fuzzy Sets With Application to Multi-Criteria Decision Making. IEEE Access, 11, 13647-13666. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3232371

Available Online

Moslem, S., Saraji, M. K., Mardani, A., Alkharabsheh, A., Duleba, S., & Esztergar-Kiss, D. (2023). A Systematic Review of Analytic Hierarchy Process Applications to Solve Transportation Problems: From 2003 to 2022. IEEE Access, 11, 11973-11990. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3234298

Available Online

Jabeen, K., Khan, Q., Ullah, K., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). An Approach to MADM based on Aczel-Alsina Power Bonferroni Aggregation Operators for q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets. IEEE Access. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3270267

Available Online

Ortega, J., Moslem, S., & Esztergar-Kiss, D. (2023). An Integrated Approach of the AHP and Spherical Fuzzy Sets for Analyzing a Park-and-Ride Facility Location Problem Example by Heterogeneous Experts. IEEE Access, 11, 55316-55325. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3281865

Available Online

Haq, I. U., Shaheen, T., Toor, H., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). Incomplete Dominance-Based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough Sets and Their Application in Estimation of Inflation Rates in the Least Developed Countries. IEEE Access, 11, 66614-66625. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3290963

Available Online

Azam, M., Khan, M. S. A., Yang, S., Jan, S. U., Senapati, T., Moslem, S., & Mashwani, W. K. (2023). Novel Dual Partitioned Maclaurin Symmetric Mean Operators for the Selection of Computer Network Security System With Complex Intuitionistic Fuzzy Setting. IEEE Access, 11, 85050-85066. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3294229

Available Online

Hussain, A., Ullah, K., Tehreem., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). A Robust Decision-Making Approach for Supplier Selection Using Complex Picture Fuzzy Information Involving Prioritization of Attributes. IEEE Access, 11, 91807-91830. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3308030

Available Online

Hussain, A., Ullah, K., Mubasher, M., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). Interval-Valued Pythagorean Fuzzy Information Aggregation Based on Aczel-Alsina Operations and Their Application in Multiple Attribute Decision Making. IEEE Access, 11, 34575-34594. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3244612

Available Online

Çelikbilek, Y., Moslem, S., & Duleba, S. (2023). A combined grey multi criteria decision making model to evaluate public transportation systems. Evolving Systems, 14(1), 1-15. doi:10.1007/s12530-021-09414-0

Available Online

Çelikbilek, Y., & Moslem, S. (2023). A grey multi criteria decision making application for analyzing the essential reasons of recurrent lane change. OPSEARCH, 60(2), 916-941. doi:10.1007/s12597-023-00640-5

Available Online

Moslem, S., Stevic, Ž., Tanackov, I., & Pilla, F. (2023). Sustainable development solutions of public transportation:An integrated IMF SWARA and Fuzzy Bonferroni operator. Sustainable Cities and Society, 93. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2023.104530

Available Online

Haq, I. U., Shaheen, T., Ali, W., Toor, H., Senapati, T., Pilla, F., & Moslem, S. (2023). Novel Fermatean Fuzzy Aczel–Alsina Model for Investment Strategy Selection. Mathematics, 11(14). doi:10.3390/math11143211

Available Online

Hussain, A., Ullah, K., Senapati, T., & Moslem, S. (2023). Complex spherical fuzzy Aczel Alsina aggregation operators and their application in assessment of electric cars. Heliyon, 9(7). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18100

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Professor Enda Murphy

González, A., Mc Guinness, S., Murphy, E., Kelliher, G., & Hagin-Meade, L. (n.d.). Priorities, Scale and Insights: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Involvement in SDG Implementation and Monitoring. Sustainability, 15(6), 4971. doi:10.3390/su15064971

Available Online

Faulkner, J. P., Murphy, E., Rice, H. J., Kennedy, J., & Bourke, E. (2023). Assessing rail-based environmental noise exposure using CNOSSOS-EU. Applied Acoustics, 207. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2023.109322

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Murphy, E., Walsh, P. P., & Murphy, E. (2023). Nation-based peer assessment of Europe's Sustainable Development Goal performance. PLoS ONE, 18(6 June). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0287771

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Professor Zorica Nedovic-Budic

Williams, B., & Nedovic-Budic, Z. (2023). Transitions of spatial planning in Ireland: moving from a localised to a strategic national and regional approach. Planning Practice and Research, 38(5), 639-658. doi:10.1080/02697459.2020.1829843

Available Online
Richard O'Hegarty

Alayed, E., Bensaid, D., O'Hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2022). Thermal mass impact on energy consumption for buildings in hot climates: A novel finite element modelling study comparing building constructions for arid climates in Saudi Arabia. Energy and Buildings, 271. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112324

Available Online

O'Hegarty, R., & Kinnane, O. (2022). Whole life carbon quantification of the built environment: Case study Ireland. Building and Environment, 226. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109730

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Professor Eoin O'Neill

Kabiso, A. F., O’Neill, E., Brereton, F., & Abeje, W. (2022). Rapid Urbanization in Ethiopia: Lakes as Drivers and Its Implication for the Management of Common Pool Resources. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(19). doi:10.3390/su141912788

Available Online

Harrahill, K., Macken-Walsh, Á., O’Neill, E., & Lennon, M. (2022). An Analysis of Irish Dairy Farmers’ Participation in the Bioeconomy: Exploring Power and Knowledge Dynamics in a Multi-actor EIP-AGRI Operational Group. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(19). doi:10.3390/su141912098

Available Online

Harrahill, K., Macken-Walsh, Á., & O'Neill, E. (2023). Prospects for the bioeconomy in achieving a Just Transition: perspectives from Irish beef farmers on future pathways. Journal of Rural Studies, 100. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103020

Available Online

Harrahill, K., Macken-Walsh, Á., & O'Neill, E. (2023). Identifying primary producers' positioning in the Irish bioeconomy using Social Network Analysis. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 5, 100042. doi:10.1016/j.clcb.2023.100042

Available Online
Dr Arthur Parkinson

Scott, M., Parkinson, A., Redmond, D., & Waldron, R. (2023). Placing Heritage in Entrepreneurial Urbanism: Planning, Conservation and Crisis in Ireland. Planning Practice and Research, 38(3), 340-357. doi:10.1080/02697459.2018.1430292

Available Online
Ms Anne Pender

Pender, A. (2023). From partial to integrated perspectives: How understanding worldviews can expand our capacity for transformative climate governance. Earth System Governance, 16. doi:10.1016/j.esg.2023.100174

Available Online
Dr Ana Peric Momcilovic

Peric, A., & Maruna, M. (2022). Post-socialist discourse of urban megaproject development: From City on the Water to Belgrade Waterfront. Cities, 130. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2022.103876

Available Online

Peric, A., & D’hondt, F. (2022). Squandering the territorial capital in the Balkans? Urban megaprojects between global trends and local incentives. Urban Design International, 27(4), 288-306. doi:10.1057/s41289-020-00146-2

Available Online

Zekovic, S., & Peric, A. (2023). Regional Industrial Policy in the Western Balkans: Neither Specialization nor Spatialization?. Eastern European Economics. doi:10.1080/00128775.2023.2178936

Available Online

Zekovic, S., Peric, A., & Hadžic, M. (2023). The financialization of “the urban” in the post-socialist Serbia: Evidence from the Belgrade Waterfront megaproject. Journal of Urban Affairs. doi:10.1080/07352166.2023.2239962

Available Online

Živanovic, Z., Tošic, B., Berisha, E., & Peric, A. (2023). An attempt to locate the Russian spatial planning system within the European planning families. Land Use Policy, 127, 106591. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2023.106591

Available Online

Blagojevic, M., & Peric, A. (2023). The Diffusion of Participatory Planning Ideas and Practices: The Case of Socialist Yugoslavia, 1961-1982. Journal of Urban History, 49(4), 797-820. doi:10.1177/00961442211044501

Available Online

Peric, A., Jiang, Y., Menz, S., & Ricci, L. (2023). Green Cities: Utopia or Reality? Evidence from Zurich, Switzerland. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(15). doi:10.3390/su151512079

Available Online
Professor Francesco Pilla

Giuffrida, N., Pilla, F., & Carroll, P. (2023). The social sustainability of cycling: Assessing equity in the accessibility of bike-sharing services. Journal of Transport Geography, 106. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2022.103490

Available Online

Luo, Z., Tian, J., Zeng, J., & Pilla, F. (2023). Resilient landscape pattern for reducing coastal flood susceptibility. Science of the Total Environment, 856. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159087

Available Online

De Cecco, M., Luchetti, A., Butaslac, I., Pilla, F., Guandalini, G. M. A., Bonavita, J., et al. (2023). Sharing Augmented Reality between a Patient and a Clinician for Assessment and Rehabilitation in Daily Living Activities †. Information (Switzerland), 14(4). doi:10.3390/info14040204

Available Online

Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Mickovski, S. B., Anderson, C. C., Debele, S., Emmanuel, R., Kumar, P., et al. (2023). A nature-based solution selection framework: Criteria and processes for addressing hydro-meteorological hazards at open-air laboratories across Europe. Journal of Environmental Management, 331. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117183

Available Online

Calleo, Y., & Pilla, F. (2023). Delphi-based future scenarios: A bibliometric analysis of climate change case studies. Futures, 149. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2023.103143

Available Online

Moslem, S., Stevic, Ž., Tanackov, I., & Pilla, F. (2023). Sustainable development solutions of public transportation:An integrated IMF SWARA and Fuzzy Bonferroni operator. Sustainable Cities and Society, 93. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2023.104530

Available Online

Haq, I. U., Shaheen, T., Ali, W., Toor, H., Senapati, T., Pilla, F., & Moslem, S. (2023). Novel Fermatean Fuzzy Aczel–Alsina Model for Investment Strategy Selection. Mathematics, 11(14). doi:10.3390/math11143211

Available Online

Moslem, S., Solieman, H., Oubahman, L., Duleba, S., Senapati, T., & Pilla, F. (2023). Assessing Public Transport Supply Quality: A Comparative Analysis of Analytical Network Process and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics, 1(1), 124-138. doi:10.31181/jscda11202311

Available Online
Hamidreza Rabiei Dastjerdi

Mohammadi, S., Saber, M., Amini, S., Mostafavi, M. A., McArdle, G., & Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H. (2022). Environmental Conditions in Middle Eastern Megacities: A Comparative Spatiotemporal Analysis Using Remote Sensing Time Series. Remote Sensing, 14(22). doi:10.3390/rs14225834

Available Online

Khosravi Kazazi, A., Amiri, F., Rahmani, Y., Samouei, R., & Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H. (2022). A New Hybrid Model for Mapping Spatial Accessibility to Healthcare Services Using Machine Learning Methods. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(21). doi:10.3390/su142114106

Available Online

Lovic Obradovic, S., Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H., & Matovic, S. (n.d.). Identifying spatiotemporal variability of traffic accident mortality. Evidence from the City of Belgrade, Serbia. Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development, 4(2), 78-93. doi:10.47246/cejgsd.2022.4.2.5

Available Online

Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H. (2023). One Thousand and One Cities: Socio-Spatial Patterns and Challenges over a Half-Century of Urbanization in Iran. Middle East Critique. doi:10.1080/19436149.2023.2256144

Available Online

Namvari, A., Hosseinali, F., Sharifi, A., & Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H. (2023). DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT INDICATORS IN IDENTIFYING INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS USING THE MEMBERSHIP FUNCTION. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 48(4/W2-2022), 71-78. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W2-2022-79-2023

Available Online

Rabiei-Dastjerdi, H., Mohammadi, S., Samouei, R., Kazemi, M., Matthews, S., McArdle, G., et al. (2023). MEASURING SPATIAL ACCESSIBILITY TO HEALTHCARE FACILITIES IN ISFAHAN METROPOLITAN AREA IN IRAN. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10(4/W1-2022), 623-630. doi:10.5194/isprs-annals-X-4-W1-2022-623-2023

Available Online

Libório, M. P., Diniz, A. M. A., Rabiei-Dastjerd, H., Martinuci, O. D. S., Martins, C. A. P. D. S., & Ekel, P. I. (2023). A Decision Framework for Identifying Methods to Construct Stable Composite Indicators That Capture the Concept of Multidimensional Social Phenomena: The Case of Social Exclusion. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(7). doi:10.3390/su15076171

Available Online
Assoc Professor Declan Redmond

Scott, M., Parkinson, A., Redmond, D., & Waldron, R. (2023). Placing Heritage in Entrepreneurial Urbanism: Planning, Conservation and Crisis in Ireland. Planning Practice and Research, 38(3), 340-357. doi:10.1080/02697459.2018.1430292

Available Online
Dr Liana Ricci

Ricci, L., & Mangenot, M. (2023). Does Climate Finance Support Institutional Adaptive Capacity in Caribbean Small Island and Developing States? An Analysis of the Green Climate Fund Readiness Grants. Climate, 11(7). doi:10.3390/cli11070144

Available Online

Peric, A., Jiang, Y., Menz, S., & Ricci, L. (2023). Green Cities: Utopia or Reality? Evidence from Zurich, Switzerland. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(15). doi:10.3390/su151512079

Available Online
Dr Srikanta Sannigrahi

Qi, Y., Zhang, T., Cao, J., Jin, C., Chen, T., Su, Y., et al. (2022). Heterogeneity Impacts of Farmers’ Participation in Payment for Ecosystem Services Based on the Collective Action Framework. Land, 11(11). doi:10.3390/land11112007

Available Online

Gonzalez-Ollauri, A., Mickovski, S. B., Anderson, C. C., Debele, S., Emmanuel, R., Kumar, P., et al. (2023). A nature-based solution selection framework: Criteria and processes for addressing hydro-meteorological hazards at open-air laboratories across Europe. Journal of Environmental Management, 331. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117183

Available Online
Professor Mark Scott

Gkartzios, M., Gallent, N., & Scott, M. (2022). A capitals framework for rural areas: ‘Place-planning’ the global countryside. Habitat International, 127. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102625

Available Online

Scott, M., Parkinson, A., Redmond, D., & Waldron, R. (2023). Placing Heritage in Entrepreneurial Urbanism: Planning, Conservation and Crisis in Ireland. Planning Practice and Research, 38(3), 340-357. doi:10.1080/02697459.2018.1430292

Available Online
Assoc Professor Elizabeth Shotton

Shotton, E., & Prizeman, O. (2022). Harbourview: An Irish-Welsh networking initiative. Journal of European Landscapes, 3(3), 31-35. doi:10.5117/jel.2022.3.87827

Available Online
Anna Skoura

Skoura, A., & Madden, A. (2023). Assessing the social values of historic shopping arcades: building biographies. Buildings and Cities, 4(1), 690-707. doi:10.5334/bc.335

Available Online
Dr Italo Sousa de Sena

Sousa de Sena, Í., & Stachon, Z. (n.d.). Learning geographic concepts through Minecraft. Abstracts of the ICA, 5, 1-2. doi:10.5194/ica-abs-5-26-2022

Available Online

de Sena, Í. S., & Stachon, Z. (2023). Designing Learning Activities in Minecraft for Formal Education in Geography. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 18(4), 32-49. doi:10.3991/ijet.v18i04.36307

Available Online

Poplin, A., de Andrade, B., & de Sena, Í. (2023). Let’s discuss our city! Engaging youth in the co-creation of living environments with digital serious geogames and gamified storytelling. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 50(4), 1087-1103. doi:10.1177/23998083221133828

Available Online
Dr Pavlos Tafidis

Tafidis, P., & Pirdavani, A. (2023). Application of surrogate safety measures in higher levels of automated vehicles simulation studies: A review of the state of the practice. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(3), 279-286. doi:10.1080/15389588.2023.2176711

Available Online
Dr Reza Tavangar

Istrate, A. L., Popartan, L. A., Auerbach, J., Gaspari, J., & Tavangar, M. R. (2023). Collaborative research for transitioning to Climate-Neutral Cities – contouring a prospective framework for integrated planning. Planning Theory. doi:10.1177/14730952231183303

Available Online
Dr Caterina Villani

Wu, X., Siu, K. W. M., Bühring, J., & Villani, C. (2022). The Relationship between Creative Self-Efficacy, Achievement Motivation, and Job Burnout among Designers in China’s e-Market. Social Sciences, 11(11). doi:10.3390/socsci11110509

Available Online

Talamini, G., Villani, C., Shane, D. G., Rossini, F., & Yiu, M. H. L. (2023). Of other waterfront spaces: mixed methods to discern heterotopias. Landscape Research, 48(3), 375-395. doi:10.1080/01426397.2022.2147492

Available Online
Professor Brendan Williams

Ustaoglu, E., & Williams, B. (2023). Institutional Settings and Effects on Agricultural Land Conversion: A Global and Spatial Analysis of European Regions. Land, 12(1). doi:10.3390/land12010047

Available Online

Williams, B., & Nedovic-Budic, Z. (2023). Transitions of spatial planning in Ireland: moving from a localised to a strategic national and regional approach. Planning Practice and Research, 38(5), 639-658. doi:10.1080/02697459.2020.1829843

Available Online
Dr Yunpeng Zhang

Liu, C., Song, W., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Is China Making the Rent Gap Theory Untrue? Lessons from Nanjing. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. doi:10.1111/tesg.12578

Available Online

Shao, Z., Zhang, Y., & Li, Y. (2023). Greening China’s urban growth machine: The micro-politics of growth and environment protection in Wuxi, China. Journal of Urban Affairs. doi:10.1080/07352166.2023.2208756

Available Online

Zhang, Y. (2023). Rentier capitalism and its discontents: power, morality and resistance in Central Asia. Housing Studies, 38(1), 176-177. doi:10.1080/02673037.2022.2145667

Available Online

Zhang, Y. (2023). Speculatie op de Chinese Woningmarkt. Agora - Magazine voor sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken, 2023(1), 22-24.


Yang, R., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Fictitious commodification of land to solve rural crises?: Lessons from an experiment in rural Chengdu, China. Geoforum, 143. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103769

Available Online

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Professor Francesco Pilla

Ren, Z., Mills, G., & Pilla, F. (2023). Urban meteorological forcing data for building energy simulations at a neighbourhood scale. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-15145

Available Online
Dr Liana Ricci

Gunaratna, K. L., Marques, E. C. L., Liu, Y., Angela, F., Angela, D., Tammaru, T., et al. (2022). IAP Statement on Implications of Urbanization in Low- and- Middle- Income Countries. (pp. 8 pages). The InterAcademy Partnership. Retrieved from https://www.interacademies.org/

Professor Brendan Williams

Williams, B., Larsen, L., Knaap, G., & Nedova-Budic, Z. (2022). Clarifying the Connections Between Urban Planning, Land Use Policy, and Health Disparities. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy ,Cambridge,Mass. USA..


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Assoc Professor Dieter F. Kogler

Bagayev, I., Lochard, J., & Kogler, D. F. (2023). Does Environmental Regulation Drive Specialisation in Green Innovation?. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4388747

Available Online
Dr Ana Peric Momcilovic

Peric, A., Jiang, Y., Menz, S., & Ricci, L. (2023). Green Cities: Utopia or Reality? Evidence from Zurich, Switzerland. doi:10.20944/preprints202306.0455.v1

Available Online
Dr Liana Ricci

Ricci, L., & Mangenot, M. (2023). Does Climate Finance Support Institutional Adaptive Capacity in Caribbean Small Island and Developing States? An Analysis of the Green Climate Fund Readiness Grants. doi:10.20944/preprints202305.0478.v1

Available Online

Peric, A., Jiang, Y., Menz, S., & Ricci, L. (2023). Green Cities: Utopia or Reality? Evidence from Zurich, Switzerland. doi:10.20944/preprints202306.0455.v1

Available Online

Budoni, A., & Ricci, L. (2023). The role of Light Rail Systems in the urban regionalisation processes and in defining the bioregional vision of the Pontine Plain in Italy. doi:10.31219/osf.io/vrd7s

Available Online

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Dr Leonhard Lades

Lades, L. (2023). "Anomalies or Expected Behaviors? Understanding Stated Preferences and Welfare Implications in Light of Contemporary Behavioral Economics" at the IAREP/SABE Conference in Nice, France..


Lades, L. (2023). "Goals and Tools Discussion" at the Symposium on the Future of Behavioural Public Policy in London.


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Dr Finbarr Brereton

Brennan, C., Brereton, F., Dobbs, M., Gravey, V., Gould, H., Hough, A., & Whitten, L. (2023). Linking the Irish Environment: Interim Report. Ireland: Environmental Justice Network Ireland. Retrieved from https://ien.ie/linking-the-irish-environment/

Dr Craig Bullock

Kelly-Quinn, M., Bruen, M., Turner, J., O'Sullivan, J., Carlsson, J., Bullock, C., et al. (2022). Assessment of the Extent and Impact of Barriers on Freshwater Hydromorphology and Connectivity in Ireland (Reconnect) (421). Wexford, Ireland: Environmental Protection Agency.


Kelly-Quinn, M., Bruen, M., Bullock, C., Christie, M., Feld, C., Kenter, J., et al. (2022). ESDecide: From Ecosystem Services Framework to Application for Integrated Freshwater Resources Management (424). Wexford Ireland: Environmnetal Portection Agency.

Elgar Kamjou

Crowe, T., Allcock, P. L., Breen, D. P., Conway, A., Doyle, T., Domonique, G., et al. (2023). Ecological sensitivity analysis of the western Irish Sea to inform future designation of Marine Protected Areas. Online: The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Mr Alan Mee

Mee, A., Sánchez Mora, M., Giglio, F., Burón García, J., Proky´šek, M., Hroudova, T., et al. (2023). D6.5: Report on community participation and playground results. Brussels: European Commission.

Professor Mark Scott

Scott, M., & Faulkner, J. P. (2023). Socio-economic Dimensions of Land Use - Synthesis Report (9). https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/f272c-land-use-review-phase-1/: Government of Ireland.


Scott, M., & Faulkner, J. P. (2023). Socio-economic Dimensions of Land Use (8). https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/f272c-land-use-review-phase-1/: Government of Ireland.


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