Below is the list of research publications for the School of Sociology in the academic year 2022/23.
Assoc Professor Mathew Creighton | |
Creighton, M. (2023). Hidden Hate: The Resilience of Xenophobia. New York, USA: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from |
Dr Alexander Kondakov | |
Kondakov, A. S. (2022). Violent Affections: Queer sexuality, techniques of power, and law in Russia. UCL Press. doi:10.14324/111.9781800082939 |
Professor Stephen Mennell | |
Mennell, S. (2023). :<i>Appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950</i> (Vol. 95). University of Chicago Press. doi:10.1086/724602 |
Assoc Professor Kieran Allen | |
Allen, K. (2022). Durkheim, Emile: His Philosophy of Social Science.. In M. Sellers,, & S. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer,. |
Gaudichaud, F. (Ed.) (2023). SINDICALISMO, CONFLICTIVIDAD Y ACCIÓN DIRECTA EN LAS AMÉRICAS Y EUROPA, DE FINES DEL SIGLO XIX A LOS AÑOS 1980. In . Ariadna Ediciones. doi:10.26448/ae9789566095750.61 |
Dr Lea David | |
David, L., & Maleševic, S. (2022). Ideology and Nation-States. In The Routledge Handbook of Ideology and International Relations (pp. 23-39). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003026754-3 |
David, L. (2023). The "duty to remember" and the "right to memory": Memory politics and neoliberal logic. In The Right to Memory: History, Media, Law, and Ethics (pp. 53-75). |
David, L. (2023). Human Rights. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies (pp. 1-9). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-93789-8_43-1 |
Dr Emeka Dumbili | |
Voronkova, A., Richter, I., Henderson, L., Aruta, J. J. B. R., Dumbili, E., Wyles, K. J., & Pahl, S. (2023). Plastic pollution in the Global South: Exploring social, behavioral, and structural factors. In Oceans and Human Health: Opportunities and Impacts (pp. 427-454). doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-95227-9.00011-7 |
Dumbili, E., & Odeigah, O. W. (2023). Prescription Opioids and New Psychoactive Substance Use in Nigeria: A Systematic Review and Policy Implications. In I. Obot (Ed.), Reforming drug policy in Nigeria: Research and practice perspectives. Uyo, Nigeria: Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse. |
Dr Alexander Kondakov | |
Kondakov, A. S., & Novitskaya, A. (2022). The Politics of Gender and Sexuality. In Russian Politics Today (pp. 149-172). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009165921.009 |
Professor Stephen Mennell | |
Hughes, J., & Mennell, S. (2023). Knowledge, science and method: The sociological practice of Norbert Elias. In The Anthem Companion to Norbert Elias (pp. 31-54). |
Law, A., & Mennell, S. (2023). Introduction: The sociological promise of Norbert Elias. In The Anthem Companion to Norbert Elias (pp. 1-15). |
Dr Boroka Bo | |
Bo, B. (2023). Social Network Member Loss, Sociotemporal Disparities, and Physical Pain.. In Canadian Sociological Association Annual Conference. York University, Toronto.. |
Bo, B. (2023). Social Support and Social Networks. In American Sociological Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.. |
Dr Anne Cleary Cleary | |
Cleary, A., Griffith, D. M., Oliffe, J. L., & Rice, S. (Eds.) (n.d.). Men, mental health, and suicide. Frontiers Media SA. doi:10.3389/978-2-83251-496-2 |
Professor Stephen Mennell | |
Mennell, S., Reicher, D., Jitschin, A., Post, A., Alikhani, B., Mennell, B., & Elias, N. (Eds.) (2023). Norbert Elias’s African Processes of Civilisation. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-3784-3 |
Law, A., & Mennell, S. (2023). The anthem companion to norbert elias. |
Dr Marta Eichsteller | |
Eichsteller, M. (2022). How telling one person’s story can represent the voices of many. SAGE Publishing. Retrieved from |
Professor Taha Yasseri | |
Yasseri, T. (2023). 2022 wasn’t the year of Cleopatra – so why was she the most viewed page on Wikipedia?. The Conversation. Retrieved from |
Dr Boroka Bo | |
Bó, B. (2022). Good Time, Bad Time: Socioeconomic Status, Time Scarcity, and Well-Being in Retirement. American Journal of Sociology, 128(2), 323-364. doi:10.1086/720866 |
Bó, B. (2022). Time availability as a mediator between socioeconomic status and health. SSM - Population Health, 19. doi:10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101238 |
Boróka B., B., & Dukhovnov, D. (2022). Tell me who's your neighbour and I'll tell you how much time you've got: The spatiotemporal consequences of residential segregation. Population, Space and Place, 28(7). doi:10.1002/psp.2561 |
Andersson, M. A., Froese, P., & Bó, B. B. (2023). Out of time, out of mind: Multifaceted time perceptions and mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Time and Society. doi:10.1177/0961463X231188786 |
Dr Daniel Capistrano | |
Devine, D., Samonova, E., Bolotta, G., Sugrue, C., Sloan, S., Symonds, J., et al. (2023). Gendering childhood(s) and engagement with schooling in rural Sierra Leone. Compare, 53(1), 19-36. doi:10.1080/03057925.2020.1868976 |
Samonova, E., Devine, D., Smith, A., Sugrue, C., Capistrano, D., Sloan, S., & Symonds, J. (2023). Picturing safety and danger: Children's perspectives in rural Sierra Leone. Children and Society, 37(3), 906-924. doi:10.1111/chso.12637 |
Creighton, M. J., Capistrano, D., & da Silva Pedroso, M. (2023). Educational Mobility and Attitudes Towards Migration from an International Comparative Perspective. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 817-841. doi:10.1007/s12134-022-00977-8 |
Dr Sarah Carol | |
Berens, E. -M., Klinger, J., Carol, S., & Schaeffer, D. (2022). Differences in health literacy domains among migrants and their descendants in Germany. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.988782 |
Berens, E. -M., Klinger, J., Carol, S., & Schaeffer, D. (2022). Health literacy among migrants in Germany – results of the quantitative cross-sectional HLS-MIG study. European Journal of Public Health, 32(Supplement_3). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckac129.723 |
Wiedner, J., Schaeffer, M., & Carol, S. (2022). Ethno-religious neighbourhood infrastructures and the life satisfaction of immigrants and their descendants in Germany. Urban Studies, 59(14), 2985-3004. doi:10.1177/00420980211066412 |
Carol, S., & Hofheinz, L. (2022). A Content Analysis of the Friday Sermons of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs in Germany (DITIB). Politics and Religion, 15(4), 649-672. doi:10.1017/S1755048321000353 |
Counihan, D., Carol, S., & Taylor, L. K. (2022). Children's awareness of ethnic outgroup symbols: Piloting a task in the Republic of Ireland. International Journal of Psychology, 57(6), 685-692. doi:10.1002/ijop.12870 |
Gawron, A., & Carol, S. (2023). Immigrants’ Life Satisfaction in Intermarriages with Natives: A Family Life Course Perspective. International Migration Review, 57(3), 1069-1098. doi:10.1177/01979183221133320 |
Carol, S., & Amro, A. (2023). COVID-19 booster prioritization in the West Bank: a survey experiment among Bedouins, refugees, and the majority group.. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1227559. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1227559 |
Klinger, J., Berens, E. M., Carol, S., & Schaeffer, D. (2023). Health Literacy of People with Former Soviet Union and Turkish Migration Background in Germany. Gesundheitswesen. doi:10.1055/a-2035-9107 |
Carol, S., Kuipers, C., Koesling, P., & Kaspers, M. (2023). Ethnic and Religious Discrimination in the Wedding Venue Business: Evidence from Two Field Experiments in Germany and Austria. Social Problems, 70(1), 104-125. doi:10.1093/socpro/spab032 |
Dr Anne Cleary Cleary | |
Cleary, A. (2022). Emotional constraint, father-son relationships, and men's wellbeing.. Frontiers in sociology, 7, 868005. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2022.868005 |
Cleary, A., Griffith, D. M., Oliffe, J. L., & Rice, S. (2022). Editorial: Men, mental health, and suicide.. Frontiers in sociology, 7, 1123319. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2022.1123319 |
Assoc Professor Mathew Creighton | |
Creighton, M. J., Fahey, É., & McGinnity, F. (2022). Immigration, Identity, and Anonymity: Intentionally Masked Intolerance in Ireland. International Migration Review, 56(3), 881-910. doi:10.1177/01979183211054806 |
Creighton, M. J., Capistrano, D., & da Silva Pedroso, M. (2023). Educational Mobility and Attitudes Towards Migration from an International Comparative Perspective. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24(2), 817-841. doi:10.1007/s12134-022-00977-8 |
Dr Hao Cui | |
Cui, H., & Kertész, J. (2023). “Born in Rome” or “Sleeping Beauty”: Emergence of hashtag popularity on the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 619. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2023.128724 |
Dr Emeka Dumbili | |
Dumbili, E. W. (2022). Doing gender, doing alcohol: The paradox of gendered drinking practices among young Nigerians. Social Science and Medicine, 311. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115349 |
Ezekwe, E. C., & Dumbili, E. W. (2023). Perspectives of community leaders/members on factors hindering alcohol regulation in Nigeria. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. doi:10.1080/09687637.2023.2247540 |
Degge, H. M., Laurenson, M., Dumbili, E. W., Saxby, H., & Hayter, M. (2023). Journey for a cure: Illness narratives of obstetric fistula survivors in North Central Nigeria. Sociology of Health and Illness. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13715 |
Dumbili, E. W., & Odeigah, O. W. (2023). Alcohol industry corporate social responsibility activities in Nigeria: implications for policy. Journal of Substance Use. doi:10.1080/14659891.2023.2254385 |
Ebuenyi, I. D., Dumbili, E. W., Ezekwe, E. C., Tarimo, C. S., & Gilmore, B. (2023). Perceived devaluation, alienation, discrimination, and consequences of methamphetamine (Mkpurummiri) misuse among young people in South-eastern Nigeria: an exploratory study. Journal of Substance Use. doi:10.1080/14659891.2023.2232017 |
Dumbili, E. W. (2023). Decline in youth drinking in high-income settings: Implications for public health in low-income countries. International Journal of Drug Policy, 114. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.103975 |
Nelson, E. -U., Odiegah, O., & Dumbili, E. (2023). Tramadol regulation, illegal markets and consumption practices: exploring frictions of drug control in Nigeria. Drugs, Habits and Social Policy. doi:10.1108/DHS-12-2022-0051 |
Dumbili, E., & Swahn, M. (2023). Understanding Heavy Drinking Practices and Alcohol-Related Harms: The Lived Experience of Nigerian Adolescents and Young Adults. Journal of Drug Issues, 1-17. doi:10.1177/00220426231184151 |
Balenger, A., Umenze, F., Dumbili, E., Sako, B., Obot, I., & Swahn, M. H. (2023). Developing an alcohol harm prevention research agenda in West Africa: A mixed methods approach. Health Promotion International, 38(4). doi:10.1093/heapro/daab208 |
Dr Marta Eichsteller | |
Shepherd, A., & Diwakar, V. (n.d.). Chronic Poverty Report 5 - Pandemic Poverty. doi:10.19088/cc.2023.006 |
Dr Mastoureh Fathi | |
Fathi, M., & Ní Laoire, C. (2023). Urban home: young male migrants constructing home in the city. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(3), 813-831. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2021.1965471 |
Dr Egle Gusciute | |
Cerca, M., Sosa, A., Gusciute, E., & Murphy, F. (2022). Strategic planning of bio-based supply chains: Unlocking bottlenecks and incorporating social sustainability into biorefinery systems. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 34, 219-232. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2022.09.013 |
Professor Andreas Hess | |
Hess, A. (2023). “Last orders, please!”: The disappearance of communicative spaces at universities. Irish Journal of Sociology. doi:10.1177/07916035231184786 |
Dr Alexander Kondakov | |
Kondakov, A. S. (2023). Challenging the logic of progressive timeline, queering LGBT successes and failures in Ireland and Russia. Sexualities, 26(1-2), 105-124. doi:10.1177/13634607211051555 |
Kondakov, A. S. (2023). Violence in Queer Families: Symbolic Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships in Russian Law. Journal of Family Violence. doi:10.1007/s10896-023-00630-7 |
Shtorn, E., & Kondakov, A. S. (2023). Refugee Chronicles: excerpt from the diary with an introduction. Journal of Lesbian Studies. doi:10.1080/10894160.2023.2230108 |
Professor Sinisa Malesevic | |
Maleševic, S. (2022). Resurrecting National Greatness: The Changing Faces of Golden Age in the Balkans. Sociological Forum, 37(S1), 1294-1317. doi:10.1111/socf.12839 |
Maleševic, S. (2023). The moral fog of war and historical sociology. European Journal of Social Theory. doi:10.1177/13684310231165218 |
Maleševic, S. (2023). Grounded Nationalisms in Time and Space: Response to Erin Jenne, Eleanor Knott, and Harris Mylonas. Nationalities Papers, 51(1), 237-241. doi:10.1017/nps.2022.58 |
Maleševic, S. (2023). The Many Faces of Nationalism. Nationalities Papers, 24(4). doi:10.1017/nps.2022.114 |
Professor Stephen Mennell | |
Clement, M., & Mennell, S. (2022). Elias, ultra-realism and double-binds: Violence in the streets and the state. European Journal of Criminology, 19(6), 1367-1385. doi:10.1177/1477370820977889 |
Mennell, S. (2023). Remembering Johan Goudsblom. Historical Social Research, 48(1), 35-44. doi:10.12759/hsr.48.2023.02 |
Mennell, S. (2023). Remembering Johan Goudsblom. Historical Social Research, 48(1), 35-44. doi:10.12759/hsr.48.2023,02 |
Assoc Professor Sara O'Sullivan | |
Moore, C. M., O'Sullivan, S., & Curley, A. E. (2023). Parents' understanding and experiences of blood component transfusion in the neonatal intensive care unit: A qualitative study. Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. doi:10.1111/apa.16952 |
Assoc Professor Iarfhlaith Watson | |
Posocco, L., & Watson, I. (2022). Nationalism and environmentalism: The case of Vauban. Nations and Nationalism, 28(4), 1193-1211. doi:10.1111/nana.12823 |
Posocco, L., & Watson, I. (2022). Reflexive Green Nationalism (RGN): A sociological antidote to the climate crisis?. Frontiers in Sociology, 7. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2022.1021641 |
Posocco, L., Conversi, D., & Watson, I. (2023). Editorial: Beyond the frontiers of political science: is good governance possible in cataclysmic times?. Frontiers in Political Science, 5. doi:10.3389/fpos.2023.1282165 |
Posocco, L., & Watson, I. (2023). Re-imagining the nation-state: An impetus from the pandemic. Frontiers in Sociology, 8. doi:10.3389/fsoc.2023.1086569 |
Professor Christopher Whelan | |
Watson, D., Grotti, R., Whelan, C. T., & Maître, B. (2022). Welfare Regime Variation in the Impact of the Great Recession on Deprivation Levels: A Dynamic Perspective on Polarisation vs Convergence for Social Risk Groups, 2005-2014. Journal of Social Policy, 51(4), 813-833. doi:10.1017/S0047279421000210 |
Professor Taha Yasseri | |
Bianconi, G., Arenas, A., Biamonte, J., Carr, L. D., Kahng, B., Kertesz, J., et al. (2023). Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 4(1). doi:10.1088/2632-072X/ac7f75 |
Straub, V. J., Tsvetkova, M., & Yasseri, T. (2023). The cost of coordination can exceed the benefit of collaboration in performing complex tasks. Collective Intelligence, 2(2), 263391372311569. doi:10.1177/26339137231156912 |
Breu, A., & Yasseri, T. (2023). What drives passion? An empirical examination on the impact of personality trait interactions and job environments on work passion. Current Psychology, 42(17), 14350-14367. doi:10.1007/s12144-022-02717-8 |
Jovic, M., Šubelj, L., Golob, T., Makarovic, M., Yasseri, T., Krsticev, D. B., et al. (2023). Terrorist attacks sharpen the binary perception of "Us" vs. "Them".. Scientific reports, 13(1), 12451. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-39035-3 |
Yasseri, T., & Menczer, F. (2023). Can Crowdsourcing Rescue the Social Marketplace of Ideas?. Communications of the ACM, 66(9), 42-45. doi:10.1145/3578645 |
Dr Marta Eichsteller | |
Eichsteller, M., & Davis, H. (2022). Creative Uses of Biographical Research Methods. Retrieved from |
Dr Alexander Kondakov | |
Kondakov, A. (2023). Ukraine war: how Putin’s anti-LGBTQ+ agenda is an attempt to build support for the invasion. Retrieved from |
Assoc Professor Mathew Creighton | |
Reino, M. F., & Creighton, M. (2022). Who is the majority group? Signaling majority group membership with name-based treatments in multilingual contexts. doi:10.31235/ |
Professor Taha Yasseri | |
Yasseri, T. (n.d.). From Print to Pixels: The Changing Landscape of the Public Sphere in the Digital Age. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4543907 |
Zhu, M., Yasseri, T., & Kertész, J. (2023). Individual differences in knowledge network navigation. doi:10.21203/ |
Yasseri, T. (2023). From Print to Pixels: The Changing Landscape of the Public Sphere in the Digital Age. doi:10.31235/ |