Nutrition and Health

Healthy living and wellbeing throughout the life course are a top priority in our society. UCD researchers work across all aspects of nutrition from molecular to public health, including biomarker research, and lifecourse studies to examine the impact of diet and lifestyle factors on disease risk, precision nutrition and 'Healthy Ageing' intervention strategies.

UCD Institute of Food and Health video series

UCD Institute of Food and Health brings together 60 PIs across multiple disciplines


Largest teaching and research centre for biology in the Republic of Ireland


in Veterinary Medicine - 2022 QS World University Subject Rankings


No.1 choice for Agriculture and Food Science graduate programmes in Ireland

Research Units and Programmes

Strategies for delivery of dietary advice at a personal level

  • The Nutrition, Biomarkers & Health Group

A key issue in nutrition research is the challenge of measuring dietary intake. The Nutrition, Biomarkers & Health Group at UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science specialise in the field of Precision Nutrition. Their research programme aims to identify new biomarkers of dietary intake, this is expected to significantly impact on the nutrition field. They are also leaders in the field of metabotypes in Nutrition research and have recently demonstrated the delivery of personalised advice at a group level.

Addressing societal challenges

  • FOOD-I

One of the greatest challenges of our time is to provide the growing world population with healthy and nutritious food without exacerbating the climate emergency.
The All-Island Food Integrity Initiative (Food-I) is undertaking a core research programme across four central platforms, conducting translational research spanning from food production to public health. Using model foods and ingredients to address specific societal challenges, Food-I is developing innovative techniques to provide end-to-end solutions from soil to society.

November 2022

An innovative food system approach to diversifying protein intake: Protein-I: Shared Island sustainable healthy nutrition

Nutrition Bulletin

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May 2018

Effects of freezing on cell structure of fresh cellular food materials: A review

Trends in Food Science & Technology

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February 2017

The genome of Chenopodium quinoa


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March 2017

Ultra-processed foods in human health: a critical appraisal

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

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