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Research Culture

Cultivating a positive research culture at UCD

Research Culture:

[ ˈriː.sɜːtʃ ˈkʌl.tʃə ]  •  Noun

the way that we do our research, including how we relate to others in the research environment, how we value the contributions of those involved, and how we communicate our work.

At UCD, we care about the culture in which our research is generated. We value innovative and creative environments where excellent research is carried out with integrity, acknowledgement and recognition.

The UCD Research Culture initiative was founded to co-create this supportive environment. We recognise that a supportive research culture underpins research excellence -- and that collegiality and collaboration are often undervalued measures of esteem. Our approach toward a positive, supportive and productive research culture is one of collective action from individuals and teams.

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Towards a Positive Research Culture

As signalled in UCD’s Research Strategy, “Shaping the Future”, this project will mobilise a suite of activities to ensure that the way in which we do research fully reflects UCD’s values, thus ensuring all UCD researchers are supported to achieve research excellence with integrity. It will enhance the visibility and recognition for research mentorship, promote and advance the appreciation of the diversity of research cultures, across disciplines, and position UCD as an exemplar of best practice in fostering a culture of integrity, dignity and respect in research.

Contact Us

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: research.culture@ucd.ie