All-Island Research Culture Network
The All-Island Research Culture Network was established in late 2023 by University College Dublin and Queen's University Belfast, both of which have received Wellcome Institutional Funding for Research Culture.
Network Purpose
UCD and QUB recognise that research culture depends not only on institutional factors but also the wider research ecosytem.
Accordingly, the aim of the Network is to expand the impact of the work on Research Culture carried out at both institutions with other Higher Education Institutions and Research Performing Organisations across the island of Ireland.
The diversity of institutions within the network, representing research structures from traditional to technological universities and research institutes, will promote peer learning from multiple perspectives.
Network Members
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute | National Library of Ireland |
All-Island Cancer Research Institute | National Museum of Ireland |
Atlantic Technological University | National Museums NI |
Carlow College | Next Generation Energy Systems |
Central Bank of Ireland | Queen's University Belfast |
Dublin City University | South East Technological University |
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies | Teagasc |
Dundalk Institute of Technology | Technological University Dublin |
Institute of Art, Design and Technology | Technological University of the Shannon |
Marino Institute of Education | Trinity College Dublin |
Mary Immaculate College | University College Cork |
Munster Technological University | University College Dublin |
National College of Art and Design | University of Limerick |
National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training | University of Ulster |
Network Activities
Network meetings
Network meetings will facilitate sharing best practice and current developments in areas that impact Research Culture. Such areas will include Open Research, Research Assessment, Research Integrity, Responsible Use of Research Metrics, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Recognition of Team Contributions, and Wellbeing.
Network meetings, involving designated research culture teams from participating organisations, will be organised four times a year, alternating between hybrid and in-person.
Sharing of Resources and Tools
The Network will provide information, resources and tools for baseline assessment and benchmarking, allowing members to adopt or adapt the survey methodology and materials developed by UCD to their individual requirements. It will also facilitate the sharing of the experience of different interventions, and provide toolkits and case studies.
Annual Conferences
The Network will host two Annual Conferences, one organised by UCD and one by QUB. This action will extend the conversation to include other stakeholders including policy makers, funders, and publishers. We will ensure diversity of speakers and panel members in respect of race, gender and other characteristics.
Network Structure
University College Dublin and Queen's University Belfast will co-lead the All-Island Research Culture Network for the duration of the Wellcome Institutional Funding for Research culture grants, until 2026. Thereafter, it is anticipated that leadership will be passed to other Network members.
A Network Coordination Group oversees the activities of the Network. The Network Coordination Group is currently composed of the following organisations:
Queen's University Belfast |
University College Dublin |
University College Cork |
Technological University of the Shannon |
National Museums NI |
Agri-food and Biosciences Institute |
Get Involved
Become a member
The All-Island Research Culture Network is open to new members with a shared interest in promoting a positive research culture.
If you would like to find out more, or to join the Network, please contact Ruth O'Kelly at (opens in a new window)research.culture@ucd.ie
Meetings and Events
Previous | Upcoming |
The 2024 Advancing Research Culture Conversations in Ireland Conference was held in May 2024. Details are available on our Conference webpage. The 1st quarterly meeting of the All-Island Research Culture Network took place online on 24th September 2024. The 2nd quarterly meeting of the All-Island Research Culture Network took place in Dublin on 16th December 2024. |
The next quarterly meeting of the All-Island Research Culture Network will take place online on 10th March 2025. The next Research Culture Conference will take place on 13th May 2025. |