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HREC Guidelines

Guidelines specifically relating to Human Research:

From time to time the HREC guidelines are updated or revised and the links may be temporarily broken. Please email (opens in a new window)research.ethics@ucd.ie if you are unable to access any HREC document below.

HREC Submissions & Approvals Process

HREC Guideline on Informed Consent

HREC Harm & Risk in Research

HREC Vulnerable Groups in Research

Additional Short Guides:

HREC Information Sheet & Consent Form Examples *  

HREC Information for Participants in UCD Study

HREC Expenses & Incentives Guideline

HREC Guideline - Representing Gender in Research

HREC Guide - Disclosure of Confidentiality

Mental Health Apps & Intervention Studies  and here

Post Approval Guidelines:

Research Ethics Appeals Procedure

HREC Amendment & Extension Requests

Useful Policies & Guidelines from other UCD Sources

UCD GDPR - (opens in a new window)Short Guide to Classifying Personal Data

Research Data Management (UCD IT Services)

Home Visit/Face-to-Face Interviews Safety Guidelines (UCD SIRC Office document)

(opens in a new window)Fake News - Evaluating Information Guide (UCD Library guide)

UCD GDPR and Data Protection Policy

Recruitment of Participants for Research (UCD Research Guide)

*DISCLAIMER: The content provided in the sample sheets and forms are made available for general informational purposes and to provide support to researchers with the research ethics review process. While these samples are intended to provide accessible and useful content, the HREC does not provide any guarantees about accuracy and completeness. If there is a difference between the content in these samples and any updated REC policy or HREC guideline, then the policies and guidelines will take precedence. 

Contact UCD Office of Research Ethics

UCD Research, Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4.
E: research.ethics@ucd.ie