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UCD ResLife 

Welcome to ResLife, your home away from home! Our ResLife program is designed to create a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive community where every student can thrive. Managed by our Reslife team, we strive to ensure that your living experience on campus is not only comfortable but also enriching and memorable.

What We Offer:

Community Building: Our Reslife team are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and community. Through a variety of events, activities, and social gatherings, you’ll have countless opportunities to meet new friends and create lasting connections.

Support and Guidance: Living away from home can be challenging, but you’re never alone at ResLife. Our team can provide support and guidance, offering a friendly ear and practical advice to help you navigate university life.

Personal and Academic Growth: We believe in supporting both your personal and academic development. From study groups and workshops to wellness programs and leadership opportunities, ResLife is here to help you achieve your full potential.

Safe and Inclusive Environment: Your safety and well-being are our top priorities. Our team works tirelessly to maintain a secure and inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued.

Meet Our Team:

Our dedicated support team are the heart of ResLife. They are passionate, approachable, and ready to help you make the most of your campus experience. Whether you need help with a maintenance issue, advice on university resources, or just someone to chat with, we are heppay to help. Generally you'll meet our team at the UCD Village or Blackrock desk and in Blue at all our Reslife events

Get Involved:

There are so many ways to get involved with ResLife! Join our events, participate in our programs, or become a ResLife volunteer to contribute to our vibrant community. Your involvement not only enhances your own experience but also helps build a stronger, more connected campus life for everyone.

Welcome to ResLife – where you belong. Let’s make this year unforgettable together!

Contact UCD Residences

UCD Village Welcome Desk, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 / +353 1 716 1008 | E: residences@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)