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The Secret Lake

The Secret Lake

UCD ResLife

Welcome to The Secret Lake,  a vibrant showcase of creative talent within the UCD community. Our inaugural issue celebrates the diversity and passion of our contributors, from poetry and prose to captivating photography and visual art.

This magazine is a platform born from a desire to connect, inspire, and give voice to the unique perspectives of our artists. With every page, The Secret Lake  invites readers to feel, think, and discover the transformative power of artistic expression.

This is just the beginning of many stories to come.

Submissions are now open for our next edition!

Submissions are now open for our next edition!

Submissions are now open for our next edition!

Please see requirments below for submissions. Closing date for submissions is

Submission Requirements

Prose/Short stories: 4000 words maximum - 3 submissions max.

Poetry: 3 poems maximum

Art: any medium, 4 submissions maximum

Photography: 4 submissions maximum


Art & the Body

 Explore how art interacts with and represents the human body. Feature visual art, photography, dance, theater, and performance pieces that engage with the human form in various ways—both physical and conceptual.

Reimagining Tradition

Focus on how contemporary artists are reinterpreting traditional forms, techniques, and cultural practices. This could include classical art forms, traditional crafts, or regional art movements, viewed through the lens of modern perspectives.

Any further queries can be directed to reslife@ucd.ie

Contact UCD Residences

UCD Village Welcome Desk, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7000 / +353 1 716 1008 | E: residences@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)