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Retired Staff Services

Services available to UCD retired staff:

Several benefits accrue to retired staff of the University.  Among these are access to the Library, Sports Centre, permit parking, availability of ucd.ie e-mail address and IT Support. 


Access to many benefits is via UCARD, which is a smartcard.  The card is also useful for identification:  it contains name, payroll number, designation as “retired staff” and a photograph.  It can be used to pay for photocopying and to make electronic payments in the food outlets across campus and in Belfield Centre, and gives automatic access to UCD Sport and the Library.  The card can be obtained at UCARD Central Hub (near the copying machines in Newman Building).  Tel: +353 1 716 8196 Email: (opens in a new window)ucard@ucd.ie


The Library can be accessed with the UCARD.  Pensioned staff are entitled to borrow books on the same basis as before retirement.  Application can be made to receive an ALCID Research Card, which gives admission without borrowing rights to the libraries of DCU, TCD, Maynooth University, RCSI, RIA, UL, NUIGalway, UCC, DIT, Mary Immaculate College, St.Angela’s College, NCAD, DIAS and Ulster University.


Retired staff of the university can continue to attend the Sports Centre at Staff Rates.


UCD e-mail address: The ucd.ie e-mail address may be maintained by those starting retirement. For those who did not retain the address an application may be made to access one now. The procedure is quite simple for those in receipt of a UCD pension.

  1. Call the IT Helpdesk on 01 716 2700 (they cannot give out usernames or passwords via email).
  2. Give them your Personnel Number  (see payslip – the number begins with P).
  3. Having a ucd.ie e-mail address will enable you to access UCD Connect.

Their e-mail address is (opens in a new window)ithelpdesk@ucd.ie

IT Support:

Retired staff continue to receive support from IT Services.  They may be contacted by telephone (01 716 2700) or e-mail (ithelpdesk(opens in a new window)@ucd.ie).  The staff are very helpful with internet and computer problems.  Retired staff can retain use of Sophos as their anti-virus software. IT Services at UCD may occasionally hold classes for retired staff. When this occurs members of the UCD Retired Staff Association will be notified through e-mail.


During peak demand periods parking restrictions at Belfield severely impact on visitors.

Peak demand periods are Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 hours during semester 1 and semester 2 teaching terms. See here for Semester dates.

During peak demand periods cars without permits are restricted to hourly paid parking spaces. 

Outside of peak demand periods all parking areas are free with the exception of:

  • Premium Hourly paid parking spaces
  • UCD Sport & Fitness Car Park 

Car Parking Permit Retired UCD staff, who have a justifiable need to frequently visit the campus, may qualify for a Parking Permit. E-mail (opens in a new window)staffparkingqueries@ucd.ie for more information and how to apply.

The UCD Retired Staff Association makes special parking arrangements for lectures and cultural visits (day outings) during term time.


Adult Education:   UCD Adult Education (http://www.ucd.ie/all/study/ ) run a variety of Access, Open Learning and Lifelong Learning courses.  There is a discount to the Lifelong Learning courses for members of UCD's Retired Staff Association.  Please contact Helen Miller at (opens in a new window)helen.miller@ucd.ie for more information.  

Private Health Insurance: UCD retired staff can avail of the UCD staff Affinity Scheme with Laya Health Care. This offers a 5% discount across all plans. Laya Health Care can be contacted on 021 2022000 or preferably by emailing (opens in a new window)layahealthcare.ie from the retiree’s @ucd.ie email account.

UCD Retired Staff Association

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777