Over the next five years we intend to recruit sufficient faculty to reduce our student-faculty ratio to 16:1. This planned growth in faculty numbers provides us with the opportunity to build our capacity in areas of opportunity and need. We will ensure that these additional faculty are excellent in both research and teaching, and we will expect them to contribute to the development of the University’s strategic themes.
Growth in faculty numbers will be achieved through two mechanisms. Firstly, we will retain a budget model which increases expenditure in schools as they grow income, ensuring supply of faculty follows demand of student numbers. Except in exceptional circumstances, additional faculty hired through this mode will be at the early career stage, facilitating our rolling faculty promotion system.
Secondly, we will continue to centrally recruit faculty with three streams: the first focusing on excellent early career academics, the second on those with a proven track record of excellence in international arenas, and the third on those working in areas identified as being of high potential. We plan to continue this initiative through the five years of this strategy.
Applicants in all three streams will be evaluated in the same way, and will include the track record and potential (research and teaching) of the applicant relative to the UCD Development Framework for Faculty and international norms for the level being sought; the student-faculty ratio in the relevant school relative to comparator group norms for the discipline; the alignment of the applicant with our strategic themes; and the contribution the employment of the applicant will make to equality, diversity and inclusion goals simultaneously at school level and university level.
Over the period of this strategy we aim to employ an additional 150 additional academics through the first mechanism and 370 academics through the second mechanism.