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Risk Register Guidance

Risk Register Guidance


UCD's Risk Register templates must be used for the Risk Register process.

Two templates have been created as listed below. Either can be used depending on the format that the user i.e. Risk Owner / School / Business Unit / Project Lead prefers. 

1.(opens in a new window) Original Risk Register Template - includes one tab for all risks. Most users will already be familiar with this format as it follows the Risk Register layout under the previous risk management framework. 

2. (opens in a new window)Bespoke Risk Register Template - new template which includes a summary tab and individual tabs for each risk. We recommend that this template is used when presenting information / reporting to management as the content is easier to review than that which would be presented in the Original Risk Register Template.   

Process / Guidance

We have prepared (opens in a new window)'How to Complete a Risk Register' guidance for all users to assist with completion of the register. The guidance includes step by step instructions for completing each section as well as some useful webinars. 

(opens in a new window)UCD's Risk Appetite Framework should also be referred to when completing the Risk Register.

Contact UCD Risk Management

UCD Risk Management Office, Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: ciara.doherty1@ucd.ie |