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UCD Risk Management Framework

UCD Risk Management Framework

The management of risk in a complex organisation like UCD requires implementation of a dynamic Enterprise Level Risk Management Framework. This allows for the collaborative and effective management of risk. 

UCD’s Risk Management Framework is comprised of a suite of policies, processes, guidance tools and templates. The framework has been informed by relevant guides and codes of governance. In particular, the International Standard ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Guidelines. 

Ownership and development of the Risk Management Framework rests with the Risk Management Office.Diagram of a Risk Management framework

Templates, tools, and guidance documents are available to download by all staff on www.ucd.ie/riskmanagement

Contact UCD Risk Management

UCD Risk Management Office, Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: ciara.doherty1@ucd.ie |