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Your Learning Counts

RPL can play a role in the upskilling objectives of the National Skills Strategy, by ensuring that individuals engage in upskilling at the most appropriate level on the National Framework of Qualifications

In assessing learning accredited at another Higher Education Institute, the following information should be considered:

  • Knowledge of the former institution.
  • The previous academic record/transcript, including the name of the course or programme of study and NQAI level.
  • Syllabus and course description, learning outcomes, number of contact hours, form of assessment(s). Where an application applies to a module(s), this information should be assessed for each module.
  • Time elapsed since prior learning was achieved.
  • Advances in the relevant field(s) of study.
  • Does the learning relate to specific UCD modules?

In assessing applications relating to learning previously accredited at UCD, such applications are normally submitted as part of a transfer application where the modules do not automatically map to the programme a student is transferring into. Alternately, they may relate to UCD pre-modular achievement credits. In such cases, the following information should be considered:

  • The official UCD transcript.
  • Module/Course title, code and credit value.
  • Grade/Mark awarded on completion of the module/course.
  • Time elapsed since prior learning was achieved.
  • Advances in the relevant field(s) of study.
  • Does the learning relate to specific UCD modules in the new programme?

Applicants are advised of a number of approaches to mapping and assessing prior experiential learning in order to demonstrate learning outcomes. They are asked to provide information according to the following areas:

  • Future learning plan and the role of RPL in this.
    • What is your main reason for considering third level education now and how best would RPL contribute to this?
  • Life/work experience, including experience and skills gained through volunteerism/care work.
  • Education details: second level and any subsequent education and training courses undertaken, including work-related training
  • Other achievements, including awards or prizes or publications.

They are further advised that they may also be required to do one or more of the following:

  • Complete a portfolio of evidence,
  • Attend at an interview,
  • Undertake a simulation/practical exercise,
  • Undertake a diagnostic test(s),
  • Complete a piece of work or special assignment,
  • Produce an artefact.

In assessing experiential learning applications, the following questions should be considered:

  • How much experience does the applicant have and in what roles?
  • What is their identified skill set?
  • What evidence is provided? What information is provided through references?
  • What training have they attended and when?
  • What learning outcomes have been met based on their prior learning?
  • How relevant is their experience to the UCD programme of study (including specific modules)?
  • To what extent do their learning outcomes apply to the current UCD programme of study (including specific modules on the current curriculum)?
  • Does the learning relate to specific UCD core/option/elective modules?
  • What period of time has elapsed since the prior learning was achieved?
  • What advances have been made in the relevant field(s) of study?

Applicants should be informed of the RPL outcome/status of their application within four weeks of submission.

The RPL Community of Practice is an informal network of staff who manage RPL requests from the query stage, through assessment and right to the awarding of RPL. 

The purposeofthe RPLcommunity of practice is:

  • To build and share knowledge 
  • To create a common setoftools, templates, and waysofworking
  • To build recognitionofRPL
  • To build networks (a friendly forum ofwhich to ask questions and to share information on training opportunities, conferences, online resources, etc)

The schedule of meetings is every four to six weeks for an hour.    If you are interested in becoming involved please email (opens in a new window)marian.oconnor@ucd.ie

Recognition of Prior Learning

Belfield, Dublin 4
T: +353 1 716 7569